Before The Flood Documentry Review

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Review of documentary Before the flood
The documentary Before the flood stars Leonardo Di Caprio. As the name suggests before the
flood, Leonardo Di Caprio emphasizes on the issue of Global Warming which is getting severe
day by day and we are all at risk of sinking in flood within 40-50 years.
Global Warming is the increase in temperature around the globe due to emission of harmful
gasses such as methane, Carbon di-oxide, Carbon mono-oxide and CFCs etc. These gasses when
added into the atmosphere in vast amounts pose a huge threat to the natural occurring
phenomenon. Global Warming is causing massive damages including melting of polar ice caps
and layers of ice in the artic, it is causing sea levels to rise, increasing chances of floods and is
the reason for wild forest fires. Other effects of global warming include depletion of ozone layer,
droughts or massive rainfalls.
In the documentary Before the flood Leo Di Caprio meets renowned personalities including
Barack Obama, Ban Ki Moon, Elon Musk, Pope Francis, and many others to talk about the issue
of global warming in search of its solution. Di Caprio also visits Arctic, Florida, China, India,
Indonesia and other countries which are either at stake of huge impacts of global warming or for
guidance about the solution. US alone is the major contributor of global warming as it burns
millions of tons of coal adding Carbon Di Oxide to the atmosphere.
This accumulation of harmful gasses and global warming started many years ago, it got worse
with increasing industrialization in past few centuries. But it was unknown to mankind for a long
time. Scientists started speaking up about the greenhouse effect and global warming in the early
19th century. The reason why there have not been any steps taken for solving the issue is because
corporate lobbyists and politicians who own coal fuel industries and are involved in money
making practices which are harming the society don’t want to lose their profits.
For a long time, the debate went on that everyone can make a difference by lessening the
activities which are causing greenhouse effect including less use of automobiles, more
plantation, etc. but the problem is complexed. There is now a crucial need to shut down
industries throwing loads of carbon di oxide in the atmosphere and make policies to keep the
other factories in check as well.


Causes of Global Warming

Leo Di Caprio travels around the world to identify human practices which are causing global
warming. The Carbon emissions from automobiles, building machines, forest fires, cows
farming, coal industries and other factories all contribute to global warming. The US and China
are majorly involved in practices which cause global warming.
When it comes to policy making, nothing seems working. The politicians do not want to hear
about it and lobbyists would not let that happen. Profits above nature and lives is chosen by
business magnates and politicians. As a result, the whole world is at stake of a chaos which will
sooner become irreparable.
Forest fires in Indonesia, Australia and around the world cause massive changes to the
atmosphere. The forest woods are like bombshells of carbon di oxide they have been inhaling for
years and when they burn in wild manners, they can disturb the natural balance heavily.
Palm Oil farming is being done on land by burning a large number of forest area along with the
species living there. This palm oil is used in products of well-known brands which maximize
their profits by using a raw material that is produced by causing havoc to nature.

Effects of Global Warming:

The global warming is making layers and layers of ice melt in the arctic. Over a span of 5 years
hundreds of cubic meters of ice has melted. It is anticipated that within 40-50 years there will be
no ice left in the arctic. The arctic serves as a cold reservoir for the northern hemisphere. If the
ice in arctic melts, it can cause serious problems for countries in the hemisphere.
Landlocked countries are at a great risk of drought and civil war because of the rising
temperatures, they will be running out of fresh water and natural agricultural land sooner.
Overheating will affect the warmer countries of Africa and others in the region. Over the next
decades they are expected to become even more dry.
The global warming is causing the sea levels to rise, which is why Florida is facing flooding of
roads and rise in water level pushes water into the streets and areas near the coast. The President
of Florida however has been quite ignorant to pay attention to the issue.
In India, Vegetable fields are destroyed because of increased rainfalls. Estimated, a field in India
received the same amount of rain it received in a year within 5 hours that destroyed the field.
Methane produced by the cows has also been a contributor of global warming. More demand for
meat every year is increasing livestock farming. As people consume more meat, more methane is
added to the atmosphere.

As a side effect of these harmful emissions China is also suffering from Air pollution. People
suffer from lungs diseases and other ailments and allergies. Industries in China are close to the
residential areas which is why people suffer the consequences.
Role of Politicians and Lobbyists
For years and years Lobbyists and Politicians manipulated the people and denied the fact that global
warming is real and increasing at a deadly rate. For a very long time they have ignored the scientific
evidence. Call for tens of years of research and still they are not giving any heed to the cruciality of the
matters under discussion. It is now the time to understand that talking and mere talking of these
politicians are not the solution to the problem. The profits from coal industry go to most of the
members of the congress, which is the major reason why they have been against these bills that deal
with the problem.

Meetings with Renowned Personalities

Leonardo Di Caprio meets Elon Musk at Tesla Giga factory in Nevada to discuss about climate
change. Elon Musk communicated his plans for cars equipped with solar rechargeable batteries
that can be charged directly with sunlight using solar panels anywhere. Elon Musk stated the
importance of sustainable and renewable energy. He told Di Caprio that if the world shifts to
solar produced electricity, they can make the world a better place. All the world needs is 100
giga factories around the world that can produce cars which run on sustainable energy.
Di Caprio meets Barack Obama at the White House to discuss about Paris Agreement. Barack
expressed that Paris Agreement was a historic agreement not because it explained where the
world needs to be but it explains what steps countries should take to finally start dealing with this
problem in a stern way. Obama described his happiness about finally turning to new technologies
and industries so they can stop global warming before it becomes catastrophic. Obama was
petrified about the fact that a huge population lives near the ocean and if they start moving
towards the land that would create competition between the populations over scarce resource and
then it would just not be an environmental issue but would change into a national security issue.
The issue requires immediate attention and action. The power and electricity sourcing methods
need to be shifted from coal and gas burning to power generation from natural resources such as
sunlight in solar systems and wind energy should be used to run wind mills, even hydro-electric
power projects and geothermal energy are great alternatives. This energy is not only free and
cheaper to produce but is unperishable and renewable. Investing in wind and solar energy plants
mean having energy sources forever. Germany and Sweden have now becoming fossil free
nations and have set an example for others.
Even in India, where 30% households do not have access to electricity, people could make use of
coal which is very cheap as India is the 3rd largest reservoir of coal but that is not happening
because they understand this can have serious consequences. If China and India can invest in
solar energy projects why can’t United States.

The energy or electricity an average US citizen consumes every day is more than any other
country’s average person’s daily use. Despite the fact that the energy produced in United States
comes from coal, their consumption keeps on increasing as the electricity and industry fuel is
Carbon Tax can also be used as a measure to lower the use of carbon emitting fuels in industry
and production. Businesses will automatically invest in other renewable and non-harmful energy
sources when they would have to pay huge taxes for using Carbon emitting fuel. Resources are
scarce and decreasing quickly. It has now become a National security issue because depleting
glaciers and fresh water bodies or land will affect almost everyone. Populations may have to
fight over the scarce resources in the future.
The human kind is at stake now with such rapid changes in environment. The matter of global
warming demands urgency and consideration. From melting polar ice caps, choking population
of Beijing, incinerated forests of Indonesia and washed away fields of India and flooded streets
of Miami all deserve justice. The changing climatic conditions all over the world are a serious
threat to all populations including humans.
It is no one other than the politicians who can bring the real change now and today before it is
too late.
In 2016, Paris Agreement between the United Nation Countries was signed declaring framework
convention on climate change, ways to deal with green-house emissions and adaption to the
environment. Leonardo Di Caprio delivered a heart-warming speech about consequences and
effects of global warming also emphasizing the need of correct measures to be taken as soon as
possible at the United Nations. This Climate Change Agreement has been the biggest Climate
change agreement signed so far. The agreement is expected to help make situation better for us
and the future generations.

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