FIA International Sporting Code

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Published on 15.01.

Immediate Application


CONTENTS competition or the participation of a competitor, save where the

FIA concludes that this is necessary for the safe, fair or orderly
CHAPTER I : General Principles
conduct of motor sport.
CHAPTER II : Nomenclature and definitions
CHAPTER III : Competitions-General Conditions 3. National control of motor sport
CHAPTER IV : Competitions-Organisational details Each National Club or Federation belonging to the FIA, shall be
CHAPTER V : Courses-Roads and Tracks presumed to acquiesce in and be bound by this Code. Subject to
CHAPTER VI : Starts and Heats such acquiescence and restraint, one single Club or one single
Federation per country, hereafter called ASN, shall be recognised
CHAPTER VII : Records-General Conditions
by the FIA as sole international sporting power for the
CHAPTER VIII : Competitors and Drivers enforcement of the present Code and control of motor sport
CHAPTER IX : Vehicles throughout the territories placed under the authority of its own
CHAPTER X : Officials
CHAPTER XI : Penalties
4. Exercise of the sporting power in the territories
CHAPTER XII : Protests
Non-autonomous territories of a State are subject to the
sporting power exercised by the ASN representing the said State
CHAPTER XIV : Enforcement of the code at the FIA.
CHAPTER XV : Stabilisation of the FIA's decisions
CHAPTER XVI : Commercial question linked to motor sport 5. Delegation of sporting power

CHAPTER XVII Rules on competition numbers and Each ASN shall have the right to delegate the whole or part of
advertising on cars the powers conferred by this Code to another, or several other
Clubs of its country, but only after obtaining the prior approval of
Please note that the texts of the 1998 Concorde Agreement the FIA.
contain certain modifications to the International Sporting Code
which are applicable solely to the FIA Formula One World 6. Withdrawal of delegation
Championship. Since these modifications cannot be included in
the following texts, it is specified that it is the 1998 Concorde An ASN may withdraw the delegation of its powers provided it
Agreement which is the authentic text should there be differences notifies the FIA of such withdrawal.
between it and the present Code.
7. National competition rules
CHAPTER I Each ASN may draw up its own national competition rules
which will compulsorily be sent to the FIA.

1. International regulations of motor sport
The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile, hereafter termed
the FIA, shall be the sole international sporting authority entitled
to make and enforce regulations for the encouragement and 8. The following nomenclature, definitions and abbreviations
control of automobile competitions and records, and to organise shall be adopted in this Code, in the appendices thereto, in all
FIA International Championships and shall be the final national rules and their appendices, in all Supplementary
international court of appeal for the settlement of disputes arising Regulations and for general use.
therefrom; it being acknowledged that the Fédération
Internationale Motocycliste shall exercise the same powers 9. FIA :
insofar as vehicles with one, two and three wheels are concerned. Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile.
For matters relating to Karting, the FIA may on an annual basis
delegate its international sporting power to any recognised body, 10. ASN :
the role of which is to supervise international Karting activities of a
A national automobile club or other national body recognised by
sporting nature in strict accordance with this Code and the FIA
the FIA as sole holder of sporting power in a country.

11. CS :
2. International Sporting Code
The competitions committee of an ASN.
So that the above powers may be exercised in a fair and
equitable manner the FIA has drawn up the present "International
12. Deleted.
Sporting Code" (the Code). The purpose of this Code and its
appendices is to encourage and facilitate international motor
sport. It will never be enforced so as to prevent or impede a

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

13. Land Vehicle, Automobile, Special Vehicle, Ground Trophy, international Challenge or international Series not
Effect Vehicle recognised by the FIA can be entered on the International
Sporting Calendar.
Land Vehicle :
For any event, national or international, open to the FIA
Vehicle propelled by its own means in constant contact with the
formulae and categories or groups such as defined in the
ground either directly by mechanical means or indirectly by
present Code and its Appendices, all the automobiles
ground effect, and the motive power and steering system of which
participating in this event must comply in all respects with
are constantly and entirely controlled by a driver on board the
the FIA technical regulations, and the official clarifications
and interpretations of these regulations provided by the FIA.
Automobile : An ASN may not modify these FIA technical regulations
without specific written permission from the FIA.
A land vehicle propelled by its own means, running on at least
four wheels not aligned, which must always be in contact with the b) 1. Circuit race :
ground; the steering must be ensured by at least two of the
An event held on a closed circuit between two or more
wheels, and the propulsion by at least two of the wheels.
vehicles, running at the same time on the same course, in
Special Vehicles : which speed or the distance covered in a given time is the
determining factor.
Vehicles on at least four wheels which are propelled otherwise
than through their wheels. b) 2. Drag race

Ground Effect Vehicle : An acceleration contest between two vehicles racing

from a standing start over a straight, precisely measured
Vehicle whose bearing on the ground is maintained by means course in which the first vehicle to cross the finish line
of a pressurised air cushion. (without penalty) achieves the better performance.

14. Cylinder capacity b) 3. Hill Climb :

Volume generated in cylinder (or cylinders) by the upward or An event in which each vehicle takes the start
downward movement of the pistons. This volume is expressed in individually to cover the same course ending with a finish
cubic centimetres and for all calculations relating to cylinder line situated at a higher altitude than the start line. The time
capacity the symbol Pi will be regarded as equivalent to 3.1416. taken to cover the distance between the start and finish
lines is the determining factor for establishing the
15. Classification classifications.

Grouping of vehicles according to their engine cylinder capacity 17. International Event
or by any other means of distinction (See Appendices B and J).
An event which procures a standard level of
16. Competition, event, race international safety according to the prescriptions decreed by
the FIA in the present Code and its appendices. In order to
a) A competition is an event in which an automobile takes claim international status, an event must at least satisfy all of
part and which has a competitive nature or is given a the following conditions:
competitive nature by the publication of results.
- for international circuit events, the circuit concerned
Competitions are "international" or "national". Moreover they must hold a homologation licence issued by the FIA, of an
may be "restricted" or "closed". appropriate grade for the competition vehicles eligible to take
A national or international championship is considered as a
competition. - for international rallies, all the provisions of article 21
hereinafter must be applied;
b) Event :
- the competitors and drivers admitted to take part must
Is a single event with its own results. It may comprise
hold an appropriate FIA international licence in the sense of
(a) heat(s) and a final, free practice and qualifying practice
article 109;
sessions or be divided in some similar manner, but must be
completed by the end of the meeting. - the event must be listed on the International Sporting
Calendar. Entry on the International Sporting Calendar is at
An event is considered to have begun as from the time
the discretion of the FIA and must be applied for by the ASN
scheduled for the beginning of administrative checking
of the country in which the event will take place. The FIA will
and/or scrutineering and shall include practice and the
state reasons for refusing any such entry.
competition itself. It shall end upon the expiry of one or
other of the following time limits, whichever is the later : Only international events may form part of an
international Championship (including International Cup,
− time limit for protests or appeals or the end of any
Challenge and Trophy) or of an international Series
approved by the FIA in the sense of article 24.
− end of administrative checking and post-event
An international event, when it counts towards an
scrutineering carried out in accordance with the present
international Championship, Cup, Trophy, Challenge or
Series which bears the name of the FIA, is placed under the
No event which is or purports to be part of an sporting supervision of the FIA, without prejudice to a
international Championship, international Cup, international

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

delegation by the FIA of the exercise of the sporting power to 19. Restricted Event
an ASN.
A national or international event such as described in
For all other international events, the ASNs are articles 17 and 18 may be called "restricted" when the
responsible for the application in their country of the competitors or drivers who take part in the event have to
international regulations established by the present Code. comply with particular conditions not provided in Articles 17
and 18 above, for instance, events by invitation come under
18. National Event restricted events.

Any event not satisfying one or more of the conditions In certain exceptional circumstances, the FIA may grant
enumerated in article 17 above is called a national event. authorisation for restricted international events, which on
account of their specificity may be organised as a
A national event is placed under the sole sporting dispensation to Appendix O of the present Code, to be
supervision of an ASN, which exercises its power of entered by an ASN on the International Sporting Calendar.
regulation and organisation while respecting the general
conditions of application of the present Code (see articles 3
and 53).
20. Closed Event
A national event is open only to competitors and drivers
holding a licence issued by the ASN of the country in which A national event such as defined in article 18 may be
that event takes place. called "closed" when it is confined solely to members of a
Club who themselves hold licences (competitor or driver)
A national event cannot count towards an international
issued by the ASN of the country concerned. Such an event
championship or series, nor can it be taken into account for
must be authorised by the ASN which may, in exceptional
the drawing up of a general classification after several
circumstances, grant its agreement to several clubs
international events.
promoting it.
A national event may, at the discretion of the
authorising ASN, accept the participation of licence-holders
from other ASNs. If the said event forms part of a national
21. Rallies and Cross-Country Rallies
championship or series, competitors who are foreign licence-
holders will not be eligible to score points in the classification a) Rally of the first category (sporting event):
of the said championship or series.
Road event with an imposed average speed, which is
Any national event must be listed on the national Calendar of run entirely or partly on roads open to normal traffic. A
the sanctioning ASN. "rally" consists either of a single itinerary which must be
followed by all cars, or of several itineraries converging on a
Notwithstanding the fifth paragraph above, professional
same rallying-point fixed beforehand and followed or not by
competitors or drivers holding a licence issued by any EU
a common itinerary.
country, or by a comparable country designated as such by
the FIA, shall be entitled to take part and score points in The route may include one or several special stages,
national events taking place in EU or comparable countries i.e. events organised on roads closed to normal traffic, and
on the same basis as nationals of those countries. which together determine the general classification of the
rally. The itineraries which are not used for special stages
Within that context, a professional competitor or driver
are called road sections. Speed must never constitute a
is one who declares to the relevant authorities the money he
factor determining the classification on these road sections.
receives by way of salary or sponsorship for competing in
motor sport and provides proof of such declaration in a form Rallies of the first category must be listed on the
acceptable to the ASN which issued his licence, or who International Sporting Calendar in the section "Regularity
otherwise satisfies the FIA of his professional status, Events". Rallies of the first category may admit FIA "Grand
including by reference to benefits enjoyed but not required to Prix graded drivers". However, if a rally includes special
be declared to the relevant authorities. stages on permanent or semi-permanent circuits for more
than 10% of the total mileage of the rally, the participation of
Further, the ASN that is sanctioning the event accepting
Grand Prix graded drivers is subject to the entry of the
the participation of licence-holders from other ASNs must
event on the speed events Calendar as a "Full International
observe the obligation to provide the FIA and the
Event". The simultaneous entry on the rallies Calendar may
competitors and drivers with at least the following, to appear
be maintained if the organisers so desire.
on all official documents (in particular the entry form):
Events partly using roads open to normal traffic, but
- unequivocal information on whether the circuit forms the
including special stages on permanent or semi-permanent
subject of a currently valid international homologation by the
circuits for more than 20% of the total mileage of the rally,
FIA or a national homologation issued by the relevant ASN,
cannot be entered in the Regularity Events section of the
matching the categories of competition vehicles eligible to
International Sporting Calendar, and must be considered,
take part in the event;
for all questions of procedure, as speed events.
- information on the categories of automobiles authorised
Cars authorised in international rallies of the first
to take part in that event according to the homologation of
the circuit;
− The power of all cars is restricted to approximately 300
- information on the grade of driver’s licence required for
hp in all international rallies. The FIA shall, at all times
taking part in the event.

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

and under all circumstances, take all the measures Only cross-country vehicles (Groups T) as defined by
necessary for the enforcement of this power restriction. the FIA technical regulations may be admitted, to the
exclusion of any other vehicle.
Only the following may participate in international
rallies: A baja cross-country rally is a cross-country rally which
must be run over one day (maximum distance : 800 km) or
− Touring cars (Group A) unless there is an indication to
two days (maximum distance : 1200 km).
the contrary on the homologation form excluding certain
evolutions. d) Marathon Cross-Country Rallies

− Production cars (Group N). All marathon cross-country rallies must be entered on
the International Sporting Calendar. Only one marathon
Unless there is an indication to the contrary on the
cross-country rally per continent may be organised each
homologation form excluding certain evolutions, Group A
year, unless a special waiver is granted by the FIA.
and N cars are permitted, during a further period of four
years following the expiry of their homologation, to The total course must be at least 10,000 km and the
participate in international rallies other than those of the distance of the legs is free. The total duration may not
World Rally Championship on the following conditions : exceed 31 days, including scrutineering and prologue.

− the FIA homologation papers are produced at Only cross-country vehicles (Groups T) as defined by
administrative checking and at scrutineering. the FIA technical regulations may be admitted, to the
exclusion of any other vehicle.
− the cars are in conformity with the technical regulations
(Appendix J) valid at the date of the expiry of their
homologation and are in a sound condition to
participate, at the discretion of the scrutineers. a) Meeting or Competition

The size of turbo restrictors used on these cars and the An assembly of competitors and officials including
minimum weight must be those currently valid. either one or more competitions or several record attempts.

b) Rally (second category, Touring Assembly) b) Parade

Events organised with the sole aim of assembling A parade is a display of a group of cars at a moderate
participants at a point determined beforehand. speed. The following conditions must be observed:

To distinguish these from first category rallies, second − an official car will lead the parade and another will close
category rallies must bear as a subtitle the words 'Touring it;
− these 2 official cars will be driven by experienced
The itinerary(ies) of a second category rally may be drivers under the control of the clerk of the course;
compulsory, but only with simple passage controls and
without any average speed being enforced on participants − overtaking is strictly forbidden;
during the run. − timing is forbidden;
One or several additional events, except speed events, − cars must not bear any racing numbers, except for cars
can be included in the programme of a 2nd category rally, that are historically associated with a particular racing
but these additional events may only take place at the point number. Other means of identification of the cars may
of arrival. These 2nd category rallies must not be allotted be used by the organisers (letters or numbers on side
any prize money. windows, etc.), but such identifications must be
A second category rally is exempt from entry on the removed when the car leaves the location of the event;
International Sporting Calendar even if the participants − the parade(s) must be stated in the supplementary
therein are of different nationalities, but it cannot be regulations and the cars taking part must be mentioned
organised in a country without the agreement of the ASN in the official programme of the event.
who must approve the regulations. The regulations must be
drawn up in the same spirit as those for competitions (see c) Demonstration
Chapter IV). A demonstration is a display of a car's performance.
If the route(s) of a second category rally run(s) through The following conditions must be observed:
the territory of one ASN only, the participants in the said − demonstrations of more than 5 cars are controlled at all
rally are not obliged to have licences. times by a safety car, driven ahead of the field by an
In the opposite case, the rally must conform to the experienced driver under the control of the clerk of the
prescriptions of Article 81 (International courses) and the course;
participants therein must possess the necessary licences − all the marshals must be present at their posts;
(see Articles 108 to 117).
− drivers must wear appropriate safety clothing (FIA
c) Cross-Country Rallies and Baja Cross-Country approved clothing and helmets are strongly
Rallies. recommended). Organisers may specify minimum
The length of each selective section must be no more clothing standards;
than 500 km and the total length of the event must be at − the cars must pass scrutineering on safety grounds;
least 800 km. The itinerary may cross the territory of several
ASNs with the agreement of the ASNs concerned.

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

− a precise entry list must be published after the organiser of a Championship has the same rights and duties
scrutineering; as the organiser of an event.

− no passengers are allowed; b) Cup, Trophy, Challenge and Series

− overtaking is strictly forbidden unless under the A Cup, Trophy, Challenge or Series may comprise several
instructions of marshals showing blue flags; events, governed by the same regulations, or a single event. Only
international events defined in article 17 above may form an
− timing is forbidden;
International Cup, Trophy, Challenge or Series.
− the demonstration(s) must be stated in the
No international series may be organised unless the ASN
supplementary regulations and the cars taking part
proposing the series has first obtained the written approval of the
must be mentioned in the official programme of the
FIA, which will centre around the following points in particular:
- approval of the sporting and technical regulations of the
− cars must not bear any racing numbers, except for cars
series, particularly with regard to safety;
that are historically associated with a particular racing
number. - approval of the calendar of the series;

Other means of identification of the cars may be used - prior authorisation from all ASNs (with the proposed dates
by the organisers (letters or numbers on side windows, thereof) on the territory of which one or more of the events
etc.), but such identifications must be removed when the counting towards the series is or are organised;
car leaves the location of the event.
- verification that the homologation of the circuits is appropriate
Parades and demonstrations cannot be organised to the categories of vehicles admitted and respect of all the FIA
without authorisation from the ASN of the organising regulations on safety and medical assistance;
- verification that the title of the series is consistent with its
geographic scope and with its technical and sporting criteria.
23. Test
In addition, the FIA may, at its discretion, authorise a closed-to-
An authorised competition in which each competitor may
club national championship with more than one round outside the
select his own time for carrying it out within a period determined
territory of that club’s parent ASN.
by the regulations.

24. Championship, Cup, Trophy, Challenge and Series

c) Championships, Cups, Trophies, Challenges or Series which
The FIA international Championships, international Cups,
bear the FIA name may only be organised by the FIA or by
international Trophies and international Challenges are the
another body with written consent of the FIA and may only bear a
property of the FIA.
title that includes the word “World” (or any word with a similar
a) Championship meaning to or derived from “World” in any language) if their
supplementary regulations comply at least with the requirements
of d) below and with the additional requirement that they involve
A championship may be a series of events or a single event. the participation, on average over the entire season, of a least
There are national championships and international four automobile makes.
championships. Only international events defined in article 17 d) Other Cups, Trophies, Challenges or Series may not include
above may form an International Championship. Only the FIA may in their title the word “World” (which, in this section should be read
authorise an international championship. Only the appropriate to include any word with a similar meaning to or derived from
ASNs may authorise a national championship. “World” in any language) without the authorisation of the FIA. As a
National championships may only be organised by the ASN or general rule, the FIA shall grant this authorisation provided that
by another body with written consent from such ASN. the following requirements are met and that the FIA believes that
it is in the interests of the sport to do so. The FIA may withdraw its
A maximum of one event of a national championship may be authorisation in the event of failure to comply with these
run outside its national territory, subject to the following requirements.
i) The Cup, Trophy, Challenge or Series calendar must
- that it is run in a country having a common border (provided include events taking place on at least three continents during the
that, in the case of a maritime border, the FIA deems the same season;
additional country to have the appropriate geographical
relationship) with the country which is organising the national ii) where the Cup, Trophy, Challenge or Series consists
championship; of only one event, the heats, events or other series, which serve
to qualify competitors to take part in that single event, must take
- that the technical and sporting regulations of the national place on at least three continents and must be events validly
championship have received the approval of the FIA; registered on the International Calendar;
- that the course on which the event is run has been iii) the organiser must accept and acknowledge that, in
homologated and approved by the FIA, and that all the FIA addition to any rights or powers described in the Code or
regulations on safety and medical assistance are respected. elsewhere, the FIA retains the right to carry out inspections at any
International championships may only be organised by the FIA, event of the Cup, Trophy, Challenge or Series which uses or has
or by another body with written consent of the FIA. In this case, applied to use the title “World” in order to verify that the principles
of the Code and of the applicable regulations are fully respected.
The organiser will facilitate such inspections by granting the FIA

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

access to the whole of the circuit and to all relevant 34. Local record
documentation for this purpose;
A record established on a permanent or temporary track
iv) the organiser of the relevant Cup, Trophy, Challenge approved by the ASN whatever the nationality of the competitor.
or Series must designate, for each event, at least one steward of
the meeting, from a list published and regularly updated by the 35. National record
FIA, who will officiate as chairman of the panel of stewards and
who will report any serious breach of the Code or other irregularity A record established or broken in conformity with the rules
noted during the event to the FIA, to the proposing ASN as well established by an ASN on its territory or on the territory of another
as to the ASN of the territory where the event is run. ASN with the prior authorisation of the latter. A national record is
said to be a class record if it is the best result obtained in one of
The FIA may exceptionally grant a waiver for a series which can the classes into which the types of cars eligible for the attempt are
show long-established use of the term “World”. subdivided, or an absolute record if it is the best result, not taking
the classes into account.
25. Organising committee
36. International record
A body comprising at least 3 persons approved by the National
Club holder of the sporting power (see Articles 3, 4 and By International record is meant the best performance
5) invested by the promoters (see Article 55) of a sporting accomplished in a determined class or group (see Article 199).
competition with all necessary powers for the organisation of a There are international records for automobiles, special vehicles
sporting competition and the enforcement of Supplementary and ground effect vehicles (see Article 199).
Regulations (see Article 27).
37. World record
26. Organising permit
A record recognised by the FIA as the best performance
A document authorising the organisation of a sporting achieved by an automobile irrespective of category, of class, of
competition, issued by the ASN holder of the sporting power (see group, or any other means of subdivision.
Articles 3, 4 and 5).
38. Holder of record
27. Supplementary Regulations
If the record is one established in the course of an individual
Compulsory official document issued by the promoters of a attempt, the holder is the competitor to whom permission to make
sporting competition (see Article 55) with the object of laying the attempt was granted and who made a formal application for
down the details of a competition. such permission.

If the record is one established in the course of a meeting the

28. Programme
holder is the competitor (see Article 44) in whose name the
Compulsory official document prepared by the organising vehicle with which the performance was achieved was entered.
committee of a sporting competition (see Article 25) giving all
information for acquainting the public with the details of the 39. Start
The start is the moment when the order to start is given to a
competitor or to several competitors starting together (see
29. Course
Articles 89 to 96 which give starting regulations).
The route to be followed by competitors.
40. Control line
30. Circuit
Is a line, at the crossing of which a vehicle is timed.
A closed course, including the inherent installations, beginning
and ending at the same point, built or adapted specifically for 41. Starting line
automobile racing. A circuit may be temporary, semi-permanent or
permanent, depending on the character of its installations and its Is the first control line, with or without timing (see Article 90).
availability for competitions.
31. Speedway a) Finishing line
A permanent circuit, with not more than 4 corners, all of which Is the final control line, with or without timing.
turn in the same direction.

b) Parc fermé

32. Mile and Kilometre This is the place to which the competitor is obliged to
bring his car(s) as foreseen by the Supplementary
For all conversions of imperial to metric measurements, and Regulations.
vice versa, the mile shall be taken as 1.609344 kilometres.
Inside the parc fermé, only the officials assigned to
surveillance may enter. No operation, checking, tuning or
33. Record
repair is allowed unless authorised by the same officials.
A best result obtained in particular conditions prescribed by the
regulations (see hereafter Appendix D, regulations for records).

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

The parc fermé is compulsory in those competitions in A parent ASN is the ASN of the country of which the
which scrutineering is provided for. licence-holder is a national. In the case of a professional
competitor or driver as defined by article 18 of the present
The Supplementary Regulations of the competition shall
Code, a parent ASN may also be the ASN of the E.U.
specify the place where the parc(s) fermé(s) will be set up.
country of which the licence-holder is a bonafide permanent
The parc fermé must be in close proximity to the resident.
finishing line/starting line, if such is provided for. At the end
An FIA international licence issued by an ASN is valid for
of the special stage covered, the area between the finishing
international events appropriate to the level of such licence
line and the parc fermé entrance shall be placed under the
provided that they are entered on the International Sporting
parc fermé regulations.
Calendar. No licence-holder may participate in an
The parc fermé shall be of adequate dimensions and international event if it is not entered on the International
well closed off to ensure that no unauthorised persons may Sporting Calendar.
gain access while cars are in the enclosure.
The FIA licence must be renewed annually from the 1st of
The surveillance shall be carried out by officials January of each year.
appointed by the organisers.
Each ASN shall issue licences in compliance with the FIA
These officials are responsible for the operation of the regulations.
parc fermé and only they are authorised to give orders to
The licence can be issued under a pseudonym, but no one
the competitors.
may make use of two pseudonyms.
The control areas of rallies will be considered as a parc
A charge may be made for the issue or the renewal of a
fermé. No repairs or assistance may take place within the
control area.
An ASN can issue a licence to a foreigner belonging to a
43. Handicap country not yet represented on the FIA with the FIA's prior
agreement. A list of licences issued under these conditions
A method laid down in the Supplementary Regulations of a shall be kept at the Secretariat of the FIA.
competition with the object of equalising as far as possible the
chances of the competitors. Each Club or Association must, at the time of its admission
to the FIA, undertake to recognise and keep a register of
44. Competitor licences thus issued.

Any person or body accepted for any competition whatsoever, The International Super Licence is drawn up and issued by
and necessarily holding a competitor's licence issued by their the FIA to those candidates who are already holders of a
parent ASN (see Articles 108, 110). national licence and who apply for it. It is compulsory for
certain FIA International Championships under the
45. Driver conditions specified by each set of regulations. To this
effect the candidates for an FIA Super Licence must
Person driving an automobile in any competition whatsoever complete and sign the relevant application form. It must be
and necessarily holding an FIA driver's licence issued by their renewed every year. The FIA reserves the right to refuse
parent ASN (see Articles 108, 110). the issuing of a Super Licence and shall give reasons for
any such refusal. The Super Licence document remains the
46. Passenger property of the FIA which will deliver it to each holder. The
suspension or withdrawal of a licence resulting from a
A person, other than the driver, conveyed on an automobile and
sanction excludes its holder from the FIA Championships
weighing with personal equipment not less than 60 kg.
for the duration of such suspension or withdrawal.

47. Licence b) National licences issued by an E.U. ASN or ASN of a

comparable country by decision of the FIA, to professional
a) A licence is a certificate of registration issued to any
competitors or drivers, as defined by article 18 of the
person or body (drivers, entrants, manufacturers, teams,
present Code, will allow their holders to take part in national
race officials, organisers, circuits etc...) wishing to
events taking place in E.U. countries (or comparable
participate or taking part, in any capacity whatsoever, in
country by decision of the FIA) without the need for special
competitions or record attempts governed by the present
authorisation. Such national competition licences will
Code. The licence-holder is deemed to be acquainted with
feature an E.U. flag.
the texts of the present Code, and must comply with its
provisions. The principle that will apply in all cases is that Each E.U. ASN or ASN of a comparable country by
any applicant who qualifies for a licence within the terms of decision of the FIA will ensure that insurance arrangements
the present Code and the applicable sporting and technical take these regulations into account.
rules shall be entitled to such a licence.
Such a professional competitor or driver will be subject to
No one may take part in a sporting event, set or break a the jurisdiction of the ASN of the country where he is
record, if he does not possess an FIA licence issued by his competing, and to that of the ASN which issued his licence.
parent ASN, or an FIA licence issued by an ASN other than
Any decision to suspend such a licence will be published in
his parent ASN with the consent of his parent ASN (see
the FIA Official Motor Sport Bulletin.
Article 110).

48. Licence-holders' register

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Immediate Application

The list held by an ASN of those persons to whom this ASN has For all sporting competitions official documents must be drawn
issued either a competitor's or a driver's licence. up, among which must always figure the Supplementary
Regulations (see Article 27) and a programme (see Article 28). If
49. Licence number any condition contained in these official documents is contrary to
the present Code, it shall be null and void.
The numbers allotted annually by an ASN to the competitors or
to drivers entered on its register.
57. Statement to be made on all documents concerning
a competition
50. Exclusion
All Supplementary Regulations, programmes, and entry forms
Exclusion forbids the person concerned to take part in any relating to any competition shall clearly bear the following
particular competition, or in several sporting competitions of a statement : "Held under the present Code and under the National
same meeting. Competition Rules of ... (name of ASN concerned or of its
authorised representative)". In those countries where no national
51. Suspension competition rules are published, the statement shall be reduced
A person or body shall be said to be suspended when they have to : "Held under the present Code".
for a certain period been forbidden to take part in any competition
either within the territory of the ASN which has pronounced the 58. Acquaintance with and submission to the
sentence of suspension or in that of any country acknowledging regulations
the authority of the FIA (see Articles 170 and 182). Every person, or group of persons, organising a competition or
taking part therein :
52. Disqualification
1) Shall be deemed to be acquainted with the statutes and
A person or body shall be said to be disqualified when they regulations of the FIA, this Code and the national
have been definitively forbidden to take part in any competition regulations.
whatsoever except as regards cases provided for under
Articles 170 and 182. 2) Shall undertake to submit themselves without reserve to
the above and to the decisions of the sporting authority and
to the consequences resulting therefrom.
In case of non-compliance with these provisions, any person or
group which organises a competition or takes part therein, will
have the licence which has been issued to them withdrawn, and
any manufacturer shall be excluded from the FIA Championships
53. General application of the Code on a temporary or permanent basis. The FIA will state reasons for
its decisions. If a car is found not comply with the technical
All competitions and all attempts at national, international and
regulations, it shall be no defence to claim that no performance
world records promoted in a country represented on the FIA are
advantage was obtained.
governed by the present Code.

Closed competitions and attempts at local records are, 59. Unauthorised competitions
however, governed by the national competition rules. In those
Any proposed competition not organised in conformity with this
countries where no national competition rules are published, the
Code or with the rules of the appropriate ASN shall be prohibited
present Code shall be enforced.
by that ASN.

54. Competition promoted in a country not represented If such a competition is included in a meeting for which a permit
on the FIA has been granted, the permit shall be null and void. The
provisions of Article 58 are applicable to any licence-holder taking
A competition shall not be promoted in a country not
part in such competitions.
represented on the FIA unless a special permit has been granted
by the FIA for such a competition.
60. Postponement or cancellation of a competition

A meeting or a competition forming part of a meeting shall not

be postponed or cancelled unless provision for doing so has been
made in the supplementary regulations, or unless the stewards
have decided to postpone them for reasons of force majeure or
55. Promotion of competitions safety (see Article 141).

In every country a sporting competition may be organised : In case of cancellation or postponement for more than 24 hours,
entry fees shall be returned.
a) by the national automobile club holder of the sporting
power (see Articles 3, 4 and 5);
b) by an automobile club, or exceptionally by another
qualified sporting group provided this club or association
holds the necessary permit (see Article 61).

56. Official documents 61. Necessary organising permit

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Immediate Application

No competition shall be held in any country affiliated to the FIA c) A statement that the meeting is to be held under the
without an organising permit (see Article 26) issued by the present Code and under national rules if they exist;
competent sporting authority, i.e. by the ASN holding the sporting
d) Composition of the organising committee (see
power (see Articles 3, 4 and 5).
Article 25) and address of that committee;

62. Application for an organising permit e) Place and date of the meeting;

Every application for an organising permit shall be sent to the f) A full description of the proposed competition (length
competent sporting authority (see Article 61) at least one month and direction of the course, classes and categories of
prior to the date of the proposed meeting, with the following vehicles admitted, fuel, restriction in the number of
information : competitors, if such limitation exists, etc.);

1) The names and qualifications of the persons proposed g) All useful information concerning entries (address
to form the organising committee (see Article 25) and the where they are to be sent, dates and hours of opening and
address of this committee; closing, amount of fee, if such exists (see Articles 70 and
2) A draft of the Supplementary Regulations (see
Articles 27 and 65) applicable to each competition of the h) All relevant information concerning insurance;
i) The dates, times and nature of starts, with indication of
In the case of the competent sporting authority having fixed a handicaps, if any;
fee beforehand for the issue of an organising permit, application
j) Reminder of clauses of the present Code, especially as
must be accompanied by that fee, which will be reimbursed if the
regards compulsory licences (see Articles 44, 45 and 108),
permit is not granted.
signals (see Appendix H), protection against fire (see
Article 128);
63. Issue of organising permit
k) Manner in which arrivals will be checked, and in which
In every country, the competent sporting authority shall issue, if
classification shall be established;
deemed advisable, the organising permits on special forms (see
Article 61) but an ordinary letter approving the Supplementary l) A detailed list of prizes assigned to each sporting
Regulations (see Articles 27 and 65) may take the place of the competition;
organising permit. The principle that will apply in all cases is that
m) A reminder of the clauses of the present Code
any organiser who makes an application for an organising permit
concerning protests (see Articles 172, 173, 174);
shall be entitled to have that permit granted if he meets the
criteria set out in this Code and the applicable sporting and n) The names of the stewards of the meeting and of the
technical rules. clerk of the course.

64. Respect of laws and regulations 66. Amendments to Supplementary Regulations

A competition may be held either on a road or on a circuit, or on No amendments shall be made to the Supplementary
both, but no permit shall be granted by the competent sporting Regulations after the beginning of the period for receiving entries,
authority (see Article 61) unless the organising committee (see unless unanimous agreement is given by all competitors already
Article 25) undertakes to obtain the relevant permission from the entered, or by decision of the stewards of the meeting for reasons
competent local authorities. of force majeure or safety (see Article 141).

Note 1 : Competitions taking place on public roads open to

normal traffic must conform to the Road Traffic Regulations of the 67. Main information to be included in the programme
country in which they take place. Penalties for violations of this a) A statement that the meeting is to be held under the
regulation will be left to the discretion of the stewards. present Code and under the national rules if such exist;
Note 2 : Competitions organised on a speedway, shall be b) Place and date of the meeting;
subject to all the rules of the present Code, but may also be
subject to supplementary regulations governing the driving of c) A short description and the time table of the proposed
racing cars on speedways and specially established for that competitions;
purpose. d) Names of competitors and drivers with the numbers
Publication of the regulations : allocated for their cars (if pseudonyms are used, they must
appear between inverted commas).
The regulations of the various FIA Championship events should
reach the FIA Secretariat at least one month prior to the closing e) The handicap, if any.
date for entries, except as regards rallies for which the time limit is f) A detailed list of prizes assigned to each competition.
two months.
g) The names of the stewards of the meeting and of the
65. Main information to be included in Supplementary clerk of the course.
68. Entries
a) Nomination of the organiser(s) (see Article 55);
An entry is a contract between a competitor and the organising
b) The name, nature and definition of the proposed committee (see Article 25). It can be signed by both parties or
competition(s) (see Articles 17 to 21); result from an exchange of correspondence. It compels the
competitor to take part in the competition in which they have

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

accepted to run, except in case of duly established force majeure. 72. Entry made by facsimile
It binds the organising committee to fulfil, towards the competitor,
Entries may be made by facsimile or by any other electronic
all the particular conditions of the entry, with the only reservation
means of communication provided it is dispatched before the time
that the competitor has made every effort to take part faithfully in
limit fixed for the closing of entries and that it is confirmed by a
the competition concerned.
letter mailed at the same time accompanied, if need be, by the
entry fee.
69. Respect of entries
The time of sending shown on the electronic communication (e.g.
Any contention between a competitor and the organising facsimile, email, etc) will be used as conclusive evidence.
committee regarding an entry shall be judged by the sporting
authority (see Article 25), having approved the organising 73. Entry containing a false statement
committee, without prejudice to the right of appeal in the case of a
Any entry which contains a false statement shall be considered
foreign competitor. If the judgment cannot be pronounced before
null and void and the entrant may be judged guilty of improper
the date of the competition concerned, any competitor who,
conduct and moreover the entry fee may be forfeited.
having been entered, or any driver who, having accepted to take
part in that competition, does not run, then they will be
immediately suspended internationally (temporary withdrawal of 74. Refusal of entry
their licence), unless they pay a deposit, the amount of which In the case of an entry for an international competition being
shall be fixed in each country by the competent sporting authority. refused by the organising committee, the latter must notify the
The payment of the deposit does not imply that a competitor or a applicant of such refusal within 8 days of receipt of the entry and
driver may substitute one competition for another (see not less than 5 days before the competition stating the grounds
Article 124). for such a refusal. As regards other competitions, the national
regulations may provide other terms as far as the notification of a
70. Receipt of entries refusal is concerned.

Once the competent sporting authority has issued a permit for a

meeting the organisers may receive entries. Final entries shall be 75. Conditional entries
made in writing on the proper form supplied by the organising Supplementary Regulations may provide that entries shall be
committee which shall provide for a statement of the name and accepted under certain well specified conditions as for instance in
address of the entrant and of the drivers nominated, if necessary, the case of a limitation in the number of starters, when a vacancy
together with licence numbers of the entrant and drivers. occurs among the other competitors entered. A conditional entry
The Supplementary Regulations may, however, provide for an must be notified to the interested party by letter or telegram sent
additional period of time for the nomination of drivers. off at the latest on the day following the closing of entries, but the
competitor entered conditionally is not subject to the conditions of
If an entry fee is provided for in the Supplementary Regulations Article 124.
(see Article 65g), any entry not accompanied by this fee shall be
null and void. 76. Publishing of entries
Competitors and drivers who wish to take part in an The organisers shall not enter on the programme or publish as
international competition organised abroad can only do so with entered the name of any competitor or driver in respect of whom
the approval of their own ASN. they have not received a duly authorised entry form or
This authorisation shall be given by the ASN concerned in such nomination. Competitors entered conditionally (see
form as they might deem convenient, by stamping the entry form, Article 75) shall be designated as such when entries are
issuing the competitor and/or driver a special permit for a specific published.
event, or a more general permit (for one or several countries, for a
given period or for the whole period of validity of the licence 77. Acceptances
concerned). Unless it has already been provided for in the Supplementary
Should an organiser accept the entry of a foreign competitor Regulations, should the number of entries received exceed the
and/or driver who has no authorisation from the ASN which maximum number of competitors laid down in the Supplementary
issued them with their licence or licences, that organiser would be Regulations, those to be accepted shall be selected either
committing an infringement which, when known to the FIA, would according to the order of receipt of their entries, or by means of a
entail such fine as the FIA may deem to impose. ballot, or by another means determined by the ASN competitions
Authorisations granted by ASNs to take part in events abroad :

It should be noted that authorisations may only be given by 78. Nomination of reserves
ASNs to their licence-holders for declared races entered on the Should any competitor be eliminated in accordance with
FIA International Sporting Calendar. Article 77, they may be accepted as a reserve provided that the
prior agreement of the organising committee has been obtained.
71. Closing of entries

Dates and times for the closing of entries must be mentioned in 79. Entry of an automobile
Supplementary Regulations (see Article 65g). As regards One and the same automobile shall not be entered more than
international competitions, closing of entries must take place at once in the same competition.
least 7 days prior to the date fixed for the meeting. For other In exceptional circumstances, an ASN may, on its territory, depart
competitions, the time limit may be reduced to 3 days, but never from this rule by authorising two entries of the same car in the
less. same event, so long as it is driven only once by the same driver.

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

80. Official list of competitors A licence granted by an ASN shall state the length of the course
or circuit and whether it is approved for attempts at national
The organising committee must send to the ASN, and make
records. It will also contain any rules specific to the course or
available to each competitor, the official list of competitors taking
circuit, which competitors are expected to know and are required
part in the competition at least 48 hours before the beginning of
to obey.
the meeting.

87. Conditions to be fulfilled for both permanent and

CHAPTER V temporary courses and circuits

The conditions to be fulfilled in the case of both permanent and

COURSES – AND CIRCUITS temporary courses and cicuits are as periodically laid down by the
81. International courses
88. Display of a circuit licence
When the course of a competition traverses the territory of
several countries, the organisers of this competition must first A circuit licence, so long as it is in force, shall be displayed in a
obtain through their own ASN the consent of each ASN of the prominent position at the circuit.
countries traversed.

The ASN of the countries through which the course of the event CHAPTER VI
runs will retain the sporting control over the whole of the course
within the limits of their territory, it being understood however that STARTS AND HEATS
the final approval of the results of the event will be granted by the
ASN to whom the organisers are answerable (see Article 55).
89. Start :

82. Approval of courses a) The start is the moment when the order to start is given
to a competitor or to several competitors starting together. If
The selection of any course shall be approved by the ASN and
timing is employed, this will commence at the start.
with the request for such approval a detailed itinerary giving the
exact distances to be covered shall be submitted. There are two sorts of starts :

1) The rolling start;

83. Measurement of distances
2) The standing start.
For competitions other than record attempts, distances up to 5
kilometres shall be measured along the centreline of the course b) A competitor shall be deemed to have started at the
by a qualified surveyor. Distances over 5 kilometres shall be moment when the order to start is given. Under no
determined by the official road markings or by means of an official circumstances whatsoever shall this signal be repeated
map to a scale not less than 1 :250,000. (see also Article 93).

c) For all competitions other than record attempts, the

84. International licence for a circuit or course
Supplementary Regulations shall define the nature of the
Application must be made by an ASN, to the FIA, for an start (see Articles 91 and 92).
international licence for a permanent or temporary circuit or
course, if a race or a record attempt is envisaged.

The FIA may license a circuit for automobile races or a course 90. Starting line :
for record attempts.
a) In all record attempts and in competitions with a rolling
The FIA, after consulting with the competent national sporting start, the starting line is the one which, when crossed, starts
authority (see Articles 3, 4 and 5), may refuse to grant or may the timing of the vehicle(s).
withdraw a licence but shall state reasons for any such withdrawal
or refusal. b) In competitions with a standing start, the starting line is
the line in relation to which the position of each vehicle (and
if necessary of each driver) is fixed, prior to the start.

Supplementary Regulations (see Article 27) shall define the

85. National licence for a circuit or course relative positions of all vehicles and the method by which these
positions are determined.
An ASN may similarly grant a national licence for a circuit or
course on the conditions laid down in the last paragraph of Article
91. Rolling start
A rolling start occurs when the vehicle is moving at the moment
86. Information to be given on course or circuit licences when the timing begins.

A licence granted by the FIA shall state the length of the course Unless otherwise stipulated in the Supplementary Regulations,
or circuit and, in the case of a race circuit, a grade indicating the competitors are led away from the starting grid by an official car,
categories of racing cars for which the licence is valid (see maintaining their grid order. When the official car leaves the track,
Article6, Appendix O). If appropriate, it shall indicate whether the the field continues in order behind the leading car until the starting
course or circuit is approved for attempts at international or world signal is given, at which point, the race is considered to have
records. started.

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

92. Standing start 96. Heats

A standing start occurs when the vehicle is stationary at the A competition may be started in heats, the composition of which
moment when the order to start is given. must be determined by the organising committee and be
published in the programme. The composition of these heats may
a) For a record attempt with a standing start, the vehicle
be modified if required, but only by the stewards.
must be stationary with that part which operates the timing
not more than 10 cm behind the starting line. The engine of
97. Dead Heats
the vehicle shall be running before the start.
In the case of a dead heat the competitors shall either share the
b) For all other competitions with a standing start, the
prize allotted to their place in the classification, and the following
Supplementary Regulations shall stipulate whether, before
available prize or prizes, or, if all the competitors agree, the
the starting signal is given, the engine shall be running or
stewards may authorise a further competition restricted to the
competitors concerned, and impose conditions therefor, but in no
c) For vehicles starting singly or in line abreast : case whatsoever shall the first competition be re-run (see
Article 178).
If timing is done by automatic timing machines, the vehicle
or vehicles shall be placed before the start as defined
above for record attempts with a standing start; CHAPTER VII

If timing is done by means of a watch or with a timing

apparatus not triggered automatically, the vehicle or RECORDS - GENERAL CONDITIONS
vehicles shall be placed before the start with that part of the
front wheels touching the ground placed on the starting line. 98. Jurisdiction
d) For vehicles starting from a grid formation: An ASN shall adjudicate upon all claims to records made within
Whatever the starting positions relative to the starting line its territory.
laid down by the Supplementary Regulations,, the timing The FIA shall adjudicate upon all claims to international or world
shall begin when the signal to start is given. From then on, if records, which claims shall be submitted to it by the appropriate
the race is on a closed circuit, as from the end of the first ASN.
lap each vehicle, will be timed as it crosses the timing line,
unless the Supplementary Regulations dictate otherwise.
99. Vehicles eligible to establish records
e) After final publication of the starting grid, the places of
Each one of the international records may be established only
any non-starters shall be left empty, the other competitors
by a land vehicle in compliance with Article 13 (see Article 199).
retaining their published positions on the grid.

100. Records recognised

93. Starter
In any international speed event, the starter shall be the clerk of The only records recognised shall be local records (see
the course or the race director unless either appoints another Article 34), national records (see Article 35), international class
official to carry out this function.
records (see Article 36), world records (see Article 37) and the
outright world land speed record.
94. Penalty for false start
One same record may be recognised in several of the above-
A false start occurs when, before the appropriate signal is mentioned categories.
given, a competitor under the starter's orders moves forward from
the prescribed position. No distinction is made between records on the circuits and
records on the road.
In the case of a grouped start, any driver who makes a false
start shall be penalised by the addition of one minute to the time
101. Automobile records restricted to their own class
taken by them to complete the course of the race. This penalty
shall be immediately notified to their pit. An automobile having established or broken a record in its own
class may thereby break the world record, but cannot beat the
In the case of a single start without automatic timing, any
same record in any superior class.
competitor having made a false start shall be penalised by one
second added to the time taken by them to complete the
102. Periods and distances recognised
prescribed course.
Only such periods and distances for national records, for
If laid down in the Supplementary Regulations, the stewards of
international class records and for world records as are laid down
the meeting shall have the power to increase the above-
in Appendix D shall be recognised.
mentioned penalties, and/or apply other penalties (e.g. stop/go,
drive through, etc),but only within the limits previously fixed in the An ASN is permitted to recognise any kind of local record.
Supplementary Regulations.
No competition against the clock under the name of 'Kilometre
Speed Trial' or 'Mile Speed Trial' or any similar appellation shall
95. Start line judges
be authorised unless all the conditions laid down in these
One or several judges may be appointed by the organising Regulations for attempts at records over these distances are fully
committee of a race to supervise the starts. Start line judges shall observed.
immediately indicate to the clerk of the course any false starts
which may have occurred. 103. Records established during a race

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

No record made during a race shall be recognised. either 'Competitor's licence' or 'Driver's licence' may be issued by
the ASN (see Article 113).
104. Attempts at records
Two different kinds of FIA international licences have been
Conditions under which record attempts shall be made are established i.e. :
mentioned in detail in Appendix D.
− competitor's licence;

105. Conditions for the recognition of international or − driver's licence.

world records
Each ASN is authorised to issue these licences as specified
An international record or a world record cannot be recognised under Article 110. An ASN may also issue national licences, the
unless the attempt has taken place in a country represented on model of which may be chosen by that ASN. It may use for that
the FIA, or by way of exception, in a country not represented but purpose the FIA licences by adding an inscription which will
with the special permit mentioned in Article 54. restrict the validity to its country only, or to a specific category of
sporting event.
The performance must represent, in comparison with the old
record, an improvement of at least 1 per cent of the average
110. Right of issuing licences
speed expressed in miles per hour or kilometres per hour.
In no case may an international record or a world record be Each ASN shall be entitled to issue licences
recognised unless the attempt has taken place on a course
approved by the FIA. 1) to its nationals;

2) to the nationals of other countries represented on the

106. Registration of records
FIA, in compliance with the following statutory conditions :
Each ASN shall keep a register of all records established or
a) that their parent ASN gives its prior agreement to the
broken within its territory and shall on request issue certificates of
issuing which may only take place once a year and in
national or local records for which a fee will be payable to the
special cases;
b) that they can produce for their parent ASN (the country
The FIA will keep a register of international records in each
of their passport) a permanent proof of residence in the
class and a register of world records and will on request issue
other country;
certificates of those records for which a fee will be payable to the
FIA. c) that their parent ASN has recovered the licence
originally issued.
The amount of fees payable to the ASN or to the FIA will be
fixed each year by the FIA. No person authorised by their parent ASN to apply for a licence
from some other ASN shall hold a licence from their parent ASN
107. Publication of records valid for the current year.

Pending the formal recognition of a claim to a record, the result Exceptionally bona fide students at an ASN recognised
of an attempt may not be advertised (see Article 131) unless the competition driving school may take part in up to two national
following words are added, in easily readable characters "Subject events organised by that school on the strict condition that they
to confirmation". Disregard of this rule shall automatically entail have the agreement of both their parent ASN and the host ASN.
the non-recognition of a claim to a record without prejudice to any In such cases their original licence must be lodged with the host
further penalty that may be inflicted by the competitions ASN who will then issue a suitable licence for the event. This
committee of the appropriate ASN. licence will be exchanged for their original licence at the
conclusion of the event(s).

If for very special reasons however, a licence-holder wishes to

change the nationality of his licence during the current year, he
would only be able to do so after having obtained his parent
CHAPTER VIII ASN's consent and once his old licence has been taken back by
his parent ASN.
COMPETITORS AND DRIVERS An ASN may also grant a licence to a foreigner belonging to a
country not yet represented on the FIA but only on condition that
the FIA is immediately informed of the intention to do so, in which
108. Registration of competitors and drivers
case the FIA will at once state if there is any reason why such a
Any person wishing to qualify as a competitor or as a driver, as licence should not be granted. An ASN shall advise the FIA of any
defined in Articles 44 and 45, shall make a formal application for a refusal on its part to comply with a request of this nature.
licence to the ASN of the country of which they are a citizen (see
111. A person having a licence of a different ASN from that of his
Article 47).
parent ASN will be able to take part with this licence in national
If the driver enters the car, then they are also the competitor events taking place on the territory of his parent ASN, according
and must hold the two corresponding licences (see Article 109). to the conditions set by the parent ASN.

109. Issuing of licences 112. Nationality of a competitor or driver

Certificates of registration drawn up in accordance with a model As far as the application of this Code is concerned, every
approved by the FIA, bearing the name of the ASN and termed competitor or driver who has obtained their licence from an ASN
takes the nationality of that ASN for the period of validity of that

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

licence. All drivers, irrespective of the nationality of their licence, The licence-holder, for so long as they are registered under a
participating in any FIA World Championship event, shall retain pseudonym, shall not take part in any competition under any other
the nationality of their passport in all official documents, meetings, name.
information bulletins and prize-giving ceremonies.
An alteration of a pseudonym shall necessitate the same
procedure being followed as for the original name.
113. Refusal of licence
A person registered under a pseudonym shall not revert to the
An ASN or the FIA may refuse to issue a licence to an applicant
use of their own name until they have obtained a new licence
who does not meet the national or international criteria applicable
under their own name from the ASN.
to the licence applied for. The reasons for any such refusal shall
be stated.
121. Change of driver

114. Period during which a licence is valid In a competition other than an attempt at a record, a change of
driver shall be permitted only if the Supplementary Regulations
Licences shall expire on the 31st of December each year.
make provision to that effect (see Article 27). After publication of
the programme, such change shall require the approval of one of
115. Fee chargeable for a licence the stewards of the meeting (see Article 141).
A fee may be charged by an ASN for the issuing of a licence,
and that fee shall be fixed each year by the ASN with the approval 122. Identification numbers
of the FIA.
During a competition each vehicle shall carry prominently
displayed, one or more numbers or marks in conformity with the
116. Validity of licence Supplementary Regulations (see Article 27).
A competitor's or driver's licence issued by an ASN shall be
valid in all countries represented on the FIA and shall entitle the 123. Joint responsibility of competitor and driver
holder to enter or drive in all competitions organised under the
The entrant (see Articles 68 and 69) shall be responsible for all
control of the ASN which issued the licence, and also in all
acts or omissions on the part of their driver, mechanic, or
competitions appearing on the International Sporting Calendar,
passengers, but each of these shall be equally responsible for
subject to the conditions mentioned in Articles 70 and 74
any breach of this Code or of the national rules of the ASN
concerning the approval of the ASN.
Moreover, for restricted competitions, the licence-holder must
observe the special conditions contained in the Supplementary 124. Unauthorised substitution of one competition for
Regulations. another

Any competitor having entered themselves or any driver having

undertaken to drive in any international or national competition
who does not take part in that competition and takes part in
117. Production of licence another competition on the same day at some other place shall be
A competitor or a driver at a meeting shall produce their licence, suspended (temporary withdrawal of licence) as from the
signed by the holder, on the request of a duly authorised official of beginning of the latter competition, for such time as the ASN
that meeting. concerned may deem fit.

If the two competitions take place in different countries, the two

118. Withdrawal of licence ASNs concerned shall agree as to the penalty to be imposed and
Any person who shall enter for, drive in, officiate at, or in any should the ASNs fail to agree, the matter shall be referred to the
manner whatsoever take part in a prohibited competition will be FIA whose decision thereon will be final.
suspended by the ASN which has issued them with their licence.
125. Entries in international events
Provided that the prohibited competition has been or is to be
held outside the jurisdiction of such ASN, the two ASNs Competitors are reminded that only those events appearing on
concerned shall agree as to the duration of the penalty and the International Sporting Calendar published in the FIA Year
should they fail to so agree the matter shall be referred to the FIA Book or in FIA Bulletins are officially recognised.
for a reasoned decision. Any competitor participating in a non-officially recognised event
will be subject to the sanctions provided for in the present Code.
119. Medical surveillance

Every driver participating in full or simple international events CHAPTER IX

must be able to show on request a medical certificate of aptitude
in accordance with the requirements of Chapter II of Appendix "L"
to the Code.

120. Pseudonym 126. Classification of vehicles

If a licence is requested under a pseudonym, special application For all competitions other than record attempts, vehicles will be
shall be made to the ASN concerned. classified on the one hand by categories of vehicle (racing cars,
sports cars, grand touring and touring cars) and on the other hand
In such cases a licence will be issued in the assumed name if
according to the engine cylinder capacity (see Appendix B,
Article 199 and Appendix J, Article 251).

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

For record attempts, a distinction is made between cars with If the arbitration committee judges in favour of the
electric ignition, cars with compression ignition, turbine propelled penalty being made to apply internationally, its decision will
cars (see Appendix B, Article 199, the classification by engine at once be communicated by the FIA to all ASNs, who must
cylinder capacity of vehicles making an attempt at a record). bar the make of automobile from all competitions held under
their jurisdiction during the period of the penalty.
127. Dangerous construction
The judgment of the arbitration committee may be
The stewards of the meeting may exclude a vehicle whose appealed against by the make penalised before the FIA
construction is deemed to be dangerous (see Articles 141 and through the ASN of the country to which the make belongs
145). under the conditions laid down in Article 180 and
subsequent Articles.
128. Protection against fire If the ASN of the country to which the make belongs is
In all vehicles which take part in competitions, there must be the ASN which has requested that the penalty which it has
some form of protection between the engine and the driver's seat, imposed be made international, that ASN cannot refuse to
suitable and sufficient, in the event of fire, for preventing the forward the appeal to the FIA.
passage of flames.

129. Suspension or disqualification of automobiles : 130. Advertising on cars

a) Suspension or disqualification of a particular Advertising on cars is free. The ASNs must specify the special
automobile : conditions applicable to the events organised under their control.
An ASN or the FIA may suspend, exclude or disqualify The Supplementary Regulations of an event must mention these
from one or more competitions a particular automobile as a special conditions as well as any legal or administrative
result of a breach of this Code or of the national competition regulations in force in the country of the event.
rules by the entrant or the driver or the manufacturer or their
authorised representative. 131. False advertising

An ASN may suspend or disqualify a particular Any competitor or firm advertising the results of a competition or
automobile as a result of a breach of this Code or of the record attempt shall state the exact conditions of the performance
National Competition Rules by the entrant or the driver or referred to, the nature of the competition or record, the category,
the manufacturer or his accredited representative. class, etc. of the vehicle and the position or the result obtained.

The suspension, if international, or the disqualification Any omission or addition calculated to raise doubts in the public
must be reported by the ASN to the FIA who will notify all mind may entail the infliction of a penalty on the person
other ASNs. These other ASNs must bar the vehicle in responsible for publishing the advertising.
question from all competitions governed by them during the
No advertising regarding the winning of a FIA Championship,
period of the sentence.
FIA Cup, FIA Trophy or FIA Challenge may be made before the
If the sentence of an ASN is declared against a vehicle termination of the last event of this Championship, Cup, Trophy or
belonging to another ASN, such sentence is subject to Challenge unless it includes the words : "subject to the official
appeal to the FIA whose judgment shall be final. publication of the results by the FIA".

b) Suspension or disqualification of an automobile This rule also applies to a victory in an event of a FIA
make : Championship, FIA Cup, FIA Trophy or FIA Challenge.

An ASN may suspend a make of vehicle within its own The FIA logo specific to the Championship, Cup, Trophy or
territory for breach of this Code or of the national Challenge concerned must be included in this advertising.
competition rules by the manufacturer or by their authorised
Any breach of this rule may entail a penalty imposed by the FIA
on any competitor, automobile manufacturer, driver, ASN or
If the ASN wishes this penalty to apply internationally or company responsible for publishing the advertising.
if it desires to disqualify the make in question, it must apply
Any protest or dispute as to the name to be given to a vehicle
to the President of the FIA who will nominate an arbitration
containing parts supplied by different makers will be submitted to
committee to decide upon the claim for suspension or
a jury appointed by the ASN, if these makers are all established in
the country of the ASN, or by the FIA if they belong to different
The arbitration committee will consist of two members countries. In the latter case the jury will include a representative of
of the FIA who will name a third member by mutual each country concerned and as many members not belonging to
agreement. the countries concerned as there are representatives of those
If these two members of the FIA cannot agree to the
third member, such third member will be also nominated by
the President of the FIA. CHAPTER X

The arbitration committee will immediately report its

findings to the FIA.

Should the arbitration committee decide against the

ASN which requested that the penalty be international, that 132. List of officials
ASN may appeal to the International Court of Appeal.

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

The term 'official' comprises the following persons, who may The other officials shall be nominated by the organisers, subject
have assistants : to the approval of the ASN concerned.

− the stewards of the meeting;

136. Qualifications required
− the clerk of the course;
The timekeepers, scrutineers, assistant scrutineers and
− the race director; handicappers shall be selected from among those persons
qualified for these tasks and included on their ASN's annual lists
− the secretary of the meeting;
to this effect. They must have no connection with any trade or
− timekeepers; industry which benefits in a direct or indirect way from the results
of the competition.
− scrutineers;

− assistant scrutineers; 137. Plurality of duties

− pit observers; At a meeting one and the same person may, if so nominated by
the organisers, undertake several of the duties referred to in
− track or road marshals; Article 136 provided they are qualified for each of the said duties.
− flag marshals;
138. Demarcation of duties
− finish line judges;
An official shall not, at any meeting, perform any duties other
− judges of fact; than those for which they were appointed.
− handicappers; They shall not be eligible to compete in any competition at any
meeting at which they are acting as an official.
− starters.
139. Remuneration of officials
133. Right of supervision
Save for FIA Championships, the stewards of the meeting shall
Apart from the officials referred to in Article 132, each ASN may act in an honorary capacity. Other officials may be remunerated
confer on the members of its competitions committee the right to for their services in accordance with a scale drawn up by each
supervise personally any of its own nationals in any competition ASN.
held in any country whatsoever and governed by these
Regulations, as well as the right to uphold, if needed, their
interests vis-à-vis the organisers of competitions.

134. Structural organisation of the officials

140. Duties of the stewards of the meeting
a) Necessary officials
As a general rule the stewards of the meeting will not be in any
At a meeting there shall be at least three stewards of the way responsible for its organisation and shall not have any
meeting and a clerk of the course and in the case of competitions executive duties in connection therewith.
decided wholly or partly by time, one or more timekeepers.
It follows, therefore, that in the carrying out of their duties, they
The stewards officiate as a body under the authority of a do not incur any responsibility except to the National Sporting
chairman expressly designated in the Supplementary Authority under whose regulations they are acting.
Regulations. The chairman of the panel of the stewards of the
As an exception to this, applicable only when a meeting is
meeting is, in particular, responsible for planning the meetings
promoted directly by an ASN, the stewards of such a meeting may
and ensuring that arrangements are respected. They are also
combine their duties with those of the organisers.
responsible for establishing agendas and drawing up the minutes
of meetings. The stewards of the meeting shall sign and send to the ASN a
closing report as soon as practicable after the close of the
In the event of a split ballot, the chairman shall have the casting
meeting. This report will include the results of each competition
together with particulars of all protests lodged and exclusions they
The clerk of the course shall remain in close contact with the may have made with their recommendations as to any decisions
chairman of the panel throughout the meeting in order to ensure which may have to be taken for a suspension or a disqualification.
the smooth running of the event. In a meeting comprising several competitions, there may be
different stewards of the meeting for each competition.
b) Race director

A race director may be designated for the entire duration of 141. Authority of the stewards of the meeting
each Championship, Cup, Trophy or Challenge.
The stewards of the meeting shall have supreme authority for
If so, his duties and responsibilities will be set out in the relevant the enforcement of the present Code, of national and
sporting regulations. Supplementary Regulations and of programmes. They shall settle
any claim which might arise during a meeting, subject to the right
135. Nomination of officials of appeal provided in the present Code (see Chapter XIII).

A least one of the stewards of the meeting shall be nominated − They shall decide what penalty to enforce in the event
by the ASN promoting it or granting a permit therefore. of a breach of the regulations.

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

− In exceptional circumstances, they may amend the − ensure that all officials are at their posts and report the
Supplementary Regulations (see Article 66). absence of any of them to the stewards of the meeting;

− In the event of heats, they may alter the composition or − ensure that all officials are provided with the necessary
the number of heats (see Article 96). information to enable them to carry out their duties;

− In the event of dead heats, they may authorise a new − control competitors and their automobiles and prevent
start (see Article 97). any excluded, suspended or disqualified competitor or
driver from taking part in a competition for which they
− They may authorise a change of drivers (see
are not eligible;
Article 121).
− ensure that each automobile, and if necessary, each
− They may accept or refuse any correction proposed by
competitor, carries the proper identification numbers in
a judge of fact (see Article 149g).
accordance with those in the programme;
− They may inflict penalties or fines (see Article 154).
− ensure that each automobile is driven by the proper
− They may pronounce exclusions (see Article 158). driver and marshal the automobiles in such categories
and classes as are required.
− They may amend the classification (see Article 168).
− bring the automobiles up to the starting line in the right
− They may prohibit from competing any driver or any order and if necessary give the start;
vehicle which they consider to be dangerous or which is
reported to them by the clerk of the course as being − convey to the stewards of the meeting any proposal to
dangerous (see Article 127). modify the programme or regarding the improper
conduct of, breach of rule by, or protest on the part of a
− They may exclude from any one competition or for the competitor;
duration of the meeting any entrant or driver whom they
consider as, or who is reported to them by the clerk of − receive these protests and transmit them immediately to
the course or by the organising committee as being the stewards, who shall take the necessary action
ineligible to take part, or whom they consider as being thereon;
guilty of improper conduct or unfair practice.
− collect the reports of the timekeepers, scrutineers,
− Furthermore, they may order the removal from the assistant scrutineers, track or road marshals, together
course and its precincts of any entrant or driver who with such other official information as may be necessary
refuses to obey the order of a responsible official. for the determination of the results;

− They may postpone a competition in the event of force − prepare, or ask the secretary of the meeting to prepare
majeure or for serious safety reasons. the data for the closing report referred to in Article 140
regarding the competition(s) for which they were
− They may modify the programme as to the position of responsible for the stewards' consideration and
the starting and finishing lines, or in any other manner, approval.
if requested to do so by the clerk of the course or the
organiser in the interests of competitor and public
143. Duties of the secretary of the meeting
The secretary of the meeting shall be responsible for the
− In the event of the absence of one or several of the
organisation of the meeting, and all announcements required in
stewards of the meeting, they may appoint one, or, if
connection therewith.
necessary, several substitutes, especially when the
presence of three stewards is indispensable. They shall ensure that the various officials are familiar with their
duties and provided with the necessary equipment. If necessary,
− They may take the decision to stop a race.
they shall second the clerk of the course in the preparation of the
− In addition, for those Championships, Cups, Trophies closing report for each competition (see Article 142 in fine).
and Challenges in which a race director officiates,
matters may be submitted to them by the race director 144. Duties of timekeepers
so that they may impose the sanctions listed above.
The principal duties of timekeepers shall be :

142. Duties of the clerk of the course − at the beginning of the meeting, to report to the clerk of
the course, who will give them the necessary
The clerk of the course may also be the secretary of the
meeting and may have various assistants.
− to start the competition, whenever instructed to do so by
In the case of a meeting comprising several competitions there
the clerk of the course;
may be a different clerk of the course for each competition.
− to use for timing only such apparatus as is approved by
The clerk of the course is responsible for conducting the
the ASN, or, if for the purpose of records it is necessary
meeting in accordance with the official programme.
to take times accurate to within 1/100th of a second,
In particular they shall : approved by the FIA;

− generally keep order, in conjunction with such military − to declare the time taken by each competitor to
and police authorities as have undertaken to police a complete the course;
meeting and who are more immediately responsible for
public safety;

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

− to prepare and sign according to their individual 148. Duties of road observers and flag marshals
responsibility their reports and to send them,
The track or road marshals shall occupy, along the course,
accompanied by all necessary documents, to the clerk
posts assigned to them by the stewards of the meeting or the
of the course in the case of a meeting, or to the ASN in
organising committee. As soon as a meeting begins, each track or
the case of an attempt at a record or a test;
road marshal is under the orders of the clerk of the course to
− to send, on request, their original time sheets either to whom they shall immediately report by any means at their
the stewards of the meeting or to the ASN; disposal (telephone, signals, courier etc.) all incidents or
accidents which might occur along the section for which they are
− not to communicate any times or results except to the
stewards of the meeting and the clerk of the course
except when otherwise instructed by the officials. Flag marshals are specifically entrusted with flag signalling (see
Appendix H). They may also be track or road marshals.
145. Duties of scrutineers
At the end of each competition, all track or road marshals must
Scrutineers are entrusted with all checking relating to the give the clerk of the course a written report on the incidents or
mechanical components of automobiles. They shall : accidents recorded by them.

− carry out these checks either before the meeting if During competitions, and unless otherwise instructed by the
requested by the ASN or the organising committee or clerk of the course, track or road marshals shall, as far as
during the meeting if requested by the clerk of the possible, inform the central bureau of information concerning the
course; order in which competitors have passed their post. This shall be
effected lap by lap in the case of a closed circuit.
− use such checking instruments as may be specified or
approved by the ASN;
149. Duties of judges
− not communicate any official information to any person
a) Start line judges (see Article 95).
except to the ASN, the organising committee, the
stewards of the meeting and the clerk of the course; b) Finish line judges

− prepare and sign, under their own responsibility, their In a competition where a decision has to be given as to
reports, and hand them to the authority among those the order in which competitors cross a finish line, a finish
mentioned above who instructed them to draw them up. line judge shall be nominated to give such a decision.

c) Judges of fact
146. Duties of assistant scrutineers
In a competition where a decision has to be given
Assistant scrutineers are entrusted with the checking of the
whether or not a competitor has touched or crossed a given
weight of automobiles, dimensions of their bodywork and its
line, or upon any other fact of the same type which has
accessories, and also of all documents relating to competitors and
been laid down in the Supplementary Regulations for the
drivers (licences, driver's licences, insurance, etc).
competition, one or several judges of fact shall be
The duties of assistant scrutineers may be entrusted to the
scrutineers. Assistant scrutineers shall : nominated to be responsible for one or several of these
− exercise their functions either before the meeting if
requested by the ASN or by the organising committee, The judges of fact on these points must be named and
or during the meeting if requested by the clerk of the their names displayed on the official notice board.
course; d) Assistant judges
− use such checking instruments as may be specified or Each of the above judges may have an assistant judge
approved by the ASN; appointed to assist them, or in the case of absolute
− not communicate any official information to any person necessity to replace them, but in the event of disagreement
except to the ASN, the organising committee, the the final decision shall be given by the judges of fact
stewards of the meeting and the clerk of the course; themselves.

− prepare and sign, under their own responsibility, their

reports and hand them to the authority among those e) Video or electronic systems
mentioned above who instructed them to draw them up.
The stewards may use any video or electronic systems
147. Duties of pit observers to assist them in reaching a decision. The stewards may
overrule judges of fact.
Pit observers shall control all replenishment of vehicles during a
competition and enforce the relevant prescriptions in the f) Protests
Supplementary Regulations. No protest against the decisions of a finish line judge or
They are under the orders of the clerk of the course to whom of a judge of fact shall be admitted concerning a question
they must immediately report any infringement committed by a which they have been officially appointed to decide.
competitor or by a driver. The decisions of these judges are final, but they shall
At the end of each competition, they must give their report to not in themselves constitute the official classification
the clerk of the course, either verbally or in writing, in accordance because they have taken no account of the conditions
with instructions received. under which the competitors have completed the course.

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

g) Mistakes classification of the event, in any place other than that resulting
from the application of the penalty, unless they have won their
If any judge considers that they have made a mistake
appeal before the appeal courts and their rights have then been
they may correct it, subject to this correction being accepted
by the stewards of the meeting.
Penalties of driving through or stopping in pit lanes together
h) Facts to be judged
with certain penalties specified in FIA Championship regulations
The Supplementary Regulations for the competition where this is expressly stated, are not susceptible to appeal.
must indicate which facts are to be judged by the judges of
In matters relating to the fight against doping, the sanctions
fact (see c) above).
mentioned in the anti-doping regulations set out in Appendix A to
i) Reports this Code fall within the competence of the Anti-Doping
Committee – FIA Medical Commission and may be appealed only
At the close of the meeting each judge shall send to the before the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
clerk of the course a report of their declarations.
As well as this and independently of the prescriptions of the
150. Duties of handicappers following Articles, the FIA may, upon the proposal and report of
the FIA observer or the joint report of the two international
The handicappers shall, after entries have closed, prepare the stewards of the meeting designated by the FIA, directly inflict a
handicaps in accordance with the requirements of the penalty which will take the place of any penalty which the
Supplementary Regulations. They shall state if any handicap in a stewards of the meeting may have pronounced on any one of the
competition is to be increased as a result of a performance above-mentioned parties. In this case, the ASN concerned cannot
achieved in a previous competition. refuse to appeal to the International Court of Appeal on behalf of
the party concerned.
CHAPTER XI Also, the stewards in the FIA Championships may decide the
following penalties applicable to the competitors or to the drivers :
PENALTIES suspension for one or more events, fine, withdrawal of
Championship points. Points should not be deducted separately
from drivers and competitors, save in exceptional circumstances.
151. Breach of rules
These penalties may, where applicable, be cumulated or applied
Any of the following offences in addition to any offences with suspension of sentence.
specifically referred to previously, shall be deemed to be a breach
of these rules : 153. Scale of penalties

a) All bribery or attempt, directly or indirectly, to bribe any Penalties may be inflicted as follows in order of increasing
person having official duties in relation to a competition or severity :
being employed in any manner in connection with a
− reprimand (blame);
competition and the acceptance of, or offer to accept, any
bribe by such an official or employee. − fines;

b) Any action having as its object the entry or participation − time penalty;
in a competition of an automobile known to be ineligible
− exclusion;
− suspension;
c) Any fraudulent conduct or any act prejudicial to the
interests of any competition or to the interests of motor − disqualification.
sport generally.
Time penalty means a penalty expressed in minutes and/or
152. Penalties
Any one of the above penalties can only be inflicted after an
Any breach of this Code or the Appendices thereto, of the
enquiry has been held and, in case of one of the last three, the
national rules or their appendices, or of any Supplementary
concerned party must be summoned to give them the opportunity
Regulations committed by any organiser, official, competitor,
of presenting their defence.
driver, or other person or organisation may be penalised or fined.
For the FIA Formula One World Championship and the FIA
Penalties or fines may be inflicted by the stewards of the
World Rally Championship, a penalty consisting of the withdrawal
meeting and ASNs as indicated in the following articles.
of points over the whole of the Championship may be imposed.
The decision of the stewards becomes immediately binding
notwithstanding an appeal if it concerns questions of safety or of 154. Fines
irregularity of entry by a competitor entering an event or when, in
the course of the same event, a further breach is committed A fine may be inflicted on any competitor, and also on any
justifying the exclusion of the same competitor. driver, assistant or passenger, who does not comply with the
requirements of any Regulations or with any instruction of the
Nevertheless, as a safeguard, if a competitor appeals, officials of the meeting (see Article 132).
excluding the cases cited above, the penalty will be suspended, in
particular to determine the application of any handicap rule having The infliction of a fine may be ordered by an ASN or by the
an influence on participation in a later event, without however the stewards of the meeting. However when these fines are inflicted
competitor and the driver being able to take part in the prize- by the stewards they may not exceed a certain sum which will be
giving or the podium ceremony, nor can they appear in the official set each year by the FIA. Furthermore they will have to be

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

inflicted in accordance with a collective decision of all the Any entrant or driver who is suspended internationally
stewards and not by only one of them. shall hand back their licence to their ASN which shall not
return it to them until the period of international suspension
155. Maximum fine given by the stewards of the has expired.
meeting :
In both the above cases, any delay in handing back the
Until further notice, published here or in the Official Bulletin, the licence shall be added to the term of suspension.
maximum fine that shall be inflicted is 50,000 US dollars.
161. Effects of suspension
156. Liability to pay fines
A sentence of suspension pronounced by an ASN shall apply
An entrant shall be responsible for the payment of any fine only within the territory of that ASN.
inflicted on their drivers, assistants, passengers, etc.
If, however, the ASN wishes the sentence of suspension to be
recognised internationally, it shall notify its wish without delay to
157. Time limit for payment of fines the Secretariat of the FIA and the latter will inform all other ASNs.
Fines shall be paid within 48 hours of their notification. The sentence of suspension shall be noted by each ASN
immediately, and the consequent restriction will thereby come into
Any delay in making payment may entail suspension during the force.
period a fine remains unpaid.

The proceeds from fines will be used for the promotion and the 162. Disqualification
organisation of Championship events. This same text will be A sentence of disqualification shall entail the permanent loss for
applied for national fines. the person disqualified of any right to take part in any capacity
Fines inflicted during an FIA Championship event must be paid whatsoever in any competition, except in cases provided for
to the FIA. under Articles 170 and 183.

A sentence of disqualification can be pronounced only by an

158. Exclusion ASN, and will be reserved for offences of exceptional gravity. It
A sentence of exclusion may be pronounced by the stewards of shall render null and void any previous entry made by the person
the meeting under the conditions provided for in Article 141. The disqualified and shall entail the forfeiture of entry fees.
person so sentenced shall thereby be excluded from taking part in
one or more competitions at a meeting. In all cases, exclusion 163. Effects of disqualification
shall entail the loss of the entry fee which shall accrue to the A sentence of disqualification shall always be international in
organisers. nature.

159. Suspension It shall be notified to all the ASNs, and be registered by them
according to the conditions of international suspension laid down
Save as provided in Article 152 and in the Rules of the in Article 161.
International Court of Appeal, a sentence of suspension may be
pronounced only by an ASN, and shall be reserved for grave 164. Notifications of penalties to International Sporting
offences. Federations
A sentence of suspension, for as long as it remains in force, A suspension, when applicable internationally, and a
shall entail the loss of any right to take part in any capacity disqualification will be communicated to those International
whatsoever in any competition held within the territory of the ASN Federations designated by the FIA which have agreed to apply,
which has pronounced such sentence or within the territories of on a reciprocal basis, the penalties inflicted by the FIA.
any country in which the authority of the FIA is recognised,
according to whether such suspension is national or international Any suspension or disqualification made known to the FIA by
(see Article 161) (except cases provided for in Articles 170 and these Federations will be enforced to the same extent by the FIA.
165. Statement of reasons for suspension or
Suspension shall also render null and void any previous entry
made for any competition which may take place during the term of
such suspension and shall also entail the forfeiture of the fee In notifying sentences of suspension or disqualification to the
payable for any such entry. person upon whom sentence is passed and to the Secretariat of
the FIA, it shall be necessary for an ASN to give its reasons for
160. Withdrawal of licence : inflicting such penalty.

a) National suspension
166. Suspension or disqualification of an automobile
Any entrant or driver who is suspended nationally shall
A sentence of suspension or disqualification may be
hand back their licence to their ASN which will clearly mark
pronounced on either a particular automobile or on a make of
thereon by means of a heavy stamp the words "Not valid
automobile under the conditions prescribed in Article 129.
for... (name of country)".

At the expiry of the period of national suspension, the 167. Loss of awards
marked licence will be exchanged for a clean licence.
Any competitor excluded, suspended or disqualified during a
b) International suspension competition will lose the right to obtain any of the awards
assigned to the said competition.

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

168. Amendment to the classification and awards b) Protests against a handicap or make up of a heat must
be lodged at the latest one hour before the start of the
In such cases as are provided for in Article 167, the stewards of
the meeting shall declare the resulting amendment in the placings
and awards, and they shall decide whether the next competitor c) A protest against a decision of a scrutineer or weighing
should be moved up in the classification. official shall be lodged by the competitor in question
immediately after such decision has been made.
169. Publication of penalties
d) Protests against any error or irregularity occurring
The FIA, or any ASN concerned shall have the right to publish during a competition, referring to the non-compliance of
or to have published a declaration stating that it has penalised vehicles with the regulations and concerning the
any person, automobile, or make of automobile. classification established at the end of the event shall,
except in circumstances which the stewards of the meeting
Without prejudice to any right to appeal any decision persons consider as physically impossible, be made within thirty
referred to in such declaration shall have no right of legal action minutes of the official publication of the results.
against the FIA, or the ASN, or against any person publishing the
said declaration. Competitors shall be advised in advance of the place and
time of such a publication either by the Supplementary
Regulations or one of their appendices or by the
programme. Should it be impossible for the organisers to
publish the official results as stated, they shall issue, at the
time and place fixed, accurate details concerning the
measures they intend to take regarding the classification.
170. Remission of sentence
e) The stewards of the meeting shall treat all protests
An ASN shall have the right to remit the unexpired period of a
referred to above as urgent and the Race Director shall be
sentence of suspension or to lift a disqualification under the
conditions which it may determine.
In the case of a split vote amongst the stewards of the
meeting, the chairman of the stewards shall have the
casting vote.

175. Hearing

The hearing of the protester and of all parties concerned by the

171. Right to protest
protest shall take place as soon as possible after the protest has
The right to protest lies only with a competitor; nevertheless, an been lodged. The concerned parties shall be summoned to
official acting in his official capacity may even in the absence of a appear at the hearing, and may be accompanied by witnesses.
protest take such official action as the case warrants. The stewards of the meeting must ensure that the summons has
been personally received by all persons concerned.
A competitor wishing to protest against more than one fellow
competitor must lodge as many protests as there are competitors In the absence of any concerned party or of their witnesses,
involved in the action concerned. judgment may be made by default.

If judgment cannot be given immediately after the hearing of the

172. Lodging of protest parties concerned, they must be advised of the place and time at
Every protest shall be in writing and accompanied by a fee, the which the decision will be given.
amount of which shall be set annually by the ASN (or by the FIA
for its Championships, Cups, Trophies or Challenges). This fee 176. Inadmissible protest
may only be returned if the protest is upheld.
Protests against decisions made by the finish line judges and
judges of fact in the exercise of their duties, as laid down in
173. To whom addressed Article 149, will not be admitted.
Protests arising out of a competition shall be addressed to the A single protest against more than one competitor will not be
clerk of the course or their assistant if such exists. accepted.
In the absence of the clerk of the course or of their assistant such
protests should be addressed to any of the stewards of the
meeting. 177. Publication of the awards and prize-giving

The prize-giving shall not begin until at least half an hour has
174. Protest time limit :
elapsed after the official publication of the results.
a) A protest against the entry of a competitor or driver, or
A prize won by a competitor against whom a protest has been
against the length of the course must be lodged, at the
lodged must be withheld until a decision has been reached on the
latest, two hours after the closing time for the official
subject of the protest.
scrutineering of the vehicles.
Moreover in the event of any protest being lodged whose
Should scrutineering take place in another country than that
outcome might modify the classification of the competition, the
of the organiser any official from the ASN of this other
organisers shall only publish a provisional classification and shall
country is entitled to accept the protest and forward it as
withhold all prizes until final decision concerning the protest
soon as possible to the stewards of the meeting, together
with their justified opinion if they deem it necessary.

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

(including appeals as laid down in Chapter XIII) has been countries shall be that of the ASN that requested the registration
reached. of the event on the international calendar.

However when a protest may affect only part of the Appeals may be submitted to the International Court of Appeal
classification, such part as is not affected by the protest may be in accordance with the rules on competence and procedure set
published definitively, and the corresponding prizes distributed. out in the Rules of the ICA, appended to the present Code.

In accordance with Article 152, appeals against the decisions of

178. Judgment
the Anti-Doping Committee – FIA Medical Commission may be
All parties concerned shall be bound by the decision reached, filed only with the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
subject to the conditions of appeal laid down in this Code but
neither the stewards of the meeting nor the ASN shall have the 181. National Court of Appeal
right to order that a competition be re-run (see Article 97).
Each ASN shall nominate, or have nominated by its
competitions committee, a certain number of persons who may or
179. Protest without foundation
may not be members of the ASN concerned, who will constitute
If the protest is rejected or if it is withdrawn after being brought, the national court of appeal.
no part of the protest fee shall be returned.
No members of this court of appeal may sit on a case if they
If judged partially founded, the fee may be returned in part, and have been involved in any way as competitors, drivers or officials
in its entirety if the protest is upheld. in the competition under consideration, or if they have participated
in any earlier decision concerning or have been involved, directly
Moreover, if it is proved that the author of the protest has acted or indirectly, in the matter under consideration.
in bad faith, the ASN may inflict upon them one of the penalties
laid down in this Code.

179b). Right of review

182. National Appeal procedure
If, in events forming part of a FIA Championship, a new element
Competitors whatever their nationality shall have the right to
is discovered, whether or not the stewards of the meeting have
appeal against a sentence or other decision pronounced on them
already given a ruling, these stewards of the meeting or, failing
by the stewards of the meeting before the ASN of the country in
this, those designated by the FIA, must meet on a date agreed
which that decision has been given. They must however, under
amongst themselves, summoning the party or parties concerned
pain of forfeiture of their right to appeal, notify the stewards of the
to hear any relevant explanations and to judge in the light of the
meeting in writing within one hour of the publication of the
facts and elements brought before them.
decision of their intention to appeal.
The right of appeal against this new decision is confined to the
The right to bring an appeal to an ASN expires two days after
party or parties concerned in accordance with the final paragraph
the date of the notification of the decision of the stewards of the
of Article 180 and the following Articles of this Code.
event on condition that the intention of appealing has been
Should the first decision already have been the subject of an notified in writing to the stewards of the event within one hour of
appeal before the National Court of Appeal or before the the decision (see previous paragraph). This appeal may be
International Court of Appeal, or successively before both of these brought by fax or by any other electronic means of communication
courts, the case shall be lawfully submitted to them for the with confirmation of receipt. Confirmation by a letter of the same
possible revision of their previous decision. date is required. The ASN must give its decision within a
maximum of 30 days.
The period during which an appeal in review may be brought
expires on 30 November of the current year. All parties concerned shall be given adequate notice of the
hearing of any appeal. They shall be entitled to call witnesses, but
their failure to attend the hearing shall not interrupt the course of
CHAPTER XIII the proceedings.

APPEALS 183. Form of national appeal

Every notice of appeal shall be in writing and signed by the

180. Jurisdiction appellant or by their authorised agent.
Each ASN through its national court of appeal, as defined in An appeal fee, the amount of which is specified annually by the
Article 181, constitutes for its own licence-holders the final court ASN, becomes due from the moment the appellant notifies the
of judgment empowered to settle any dispute which may have stewards of the intention of appealing, as specified in Article 182,
arisen between its own licence-holders on its own territory in and remains payable even if the appellant does not follow up the
connection with national motor sport. declared intention to appeal.
For any dispute involving either a foreign licence-holder or one This fee must be paid within two days counting from the
of the persons mentioned in the first paragraph of Article 152, of moment the stewards are notified of the intention to appeal. If not,
foreign nationality, the National Court of Appeal constitutes a the appellant’s licence will automatically be suspended until
court whose decisions may be appealed against before the payment has been made.
International Court of Appeal.
If the appeal is rejected or if it is withdrawn after being brought,
The competent sporting tribunal for an appeal formulated within no part of the protest fee shall be returned.
the framework of an event that is run over the territory of several

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

If judged partially founded, the fee may be returned in part, and down in Chapter XIII, provided that these interpretations do not
in its entirety if the protest is upheld. contradict an interpretation or clarification already given by the
Moreover, if it is proved that the author of the appeal has acted
in bad faith, the ASN may inflict upon them one of the penalties
193. Executive authority of an ASN
laid down in this Code.
Each ASN holder of the sporting power (see Articles 5 and
184. Deleted 10) shall appoint a competitions committee and shall delegate to
this committee functions and powers conferred on the ASN by this
185. Deleted Code.

Nevertheless, an ASN holder of the sporting power may reserve

186. Deleted the right to approve certain decisions of its competitions
committee concerning the drawing up of an annual national
187. Deleted calendar of sporting events.

188. Deleted 194. Alterations to this Code

189. Judgment The FIA reserves the right to alter this Code at any time and
periodically to revise the Appendices thereto.
The national court of appeal may decide that the penalty or
other decision appealed against should be waived, and, if 195. Notices
necessary the penalty mitigated or increased, but it shall not be
empowered to order any competition to be re-run. Judgements of Any communications required under this Code to be made by
the Court of Appeal shall be reasoned. an ASN to the FIA, shall be addressed to the headquarters of the
FIA or to such other address as may be duly notified from time to

190. Return of appeals fees. Costs 196. Date of operation

In giving a decision on the appeals brought before them, the This Code came into force and was operative as from
National Courts of Appeal shall decide, according to the decision, January 1st 1980.
to award the costs which shall be calculated by the secretariats to
the level of the expenses occasioned by the preparation of the 197. International interpretation of the Code
case and the meeting of the courts. The costs shall be constituted The present Code has been drafted in French and English. It
by these expenses alone, to the exclusion of the expenses or may be published in other languages. In the event of a dispute
defence fees incurred by the parties. concerning its interpretation by the FIA or by the International
Court of Appeal, the French text alone shall be considered as the
191. Publication of judgment official text.
The FIA, or any ASN, shall have the right to publish or have
published the outcome of an appeal and to state the names of all CHAPTER XV
the parties involved.

Without prejudice to any right of appeal the persons referred to STABILISATION OF THE FIA'S DECISIONS
in such notices shall have no right of action against the FIA or the 198. Publication of the calendar of the FIA
ASN concerned or against any person publishing the said notice. Championships:
The list of the FIA Championships and the events comprising
191bis them is published each year no later than 15 November.
Any event withdrawn from the calendar once it has been
For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in the Code shall prevent published will lose its international status for the year in question.
any party from pursuing any right of action which it may have
199. Amendments to regulations:
before any Court or Tribunal, subject always to any obligations it
may have accepted elsewhere first to pursue other remedies or The FIA may make such changes as it deems necessary to
alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. the regulations. Such changes will be published and will
come into effect in accordance with the following provisions.


Changes that the FIA makes to the regulations for safety

reasons may come into effect without notice or delay.

b) Technical design of the vehicle

192. National interpretation of rules
(i) Changes to technical regulations or to
Each ASN holder of the sporting power (see Articles 5 and
Appendix J, adopted by the FIA, will be published
10) shall be empowered to decide any matter raised within its no later than 30 June each year and come into
territory and concerning the interpretation of this Code or its effect no earlier than 1 January of the year
national rules subject to the conditions of international appeal laid following their publication, unless the FIA

Published on 15.01.2010
Immediate Application

considers that the changes in question are likely to 207. On each vehicle, the competition numbers shall be
have a substantial impact on the technical design affixed in the following locations:
of the vehicle and/or the balance of performance
between the cars, in which case they will come a) On the front doors or level with the cockpit on both sides
into effect no earlier than 1 January of the second
of the car.
year following their publication.
b) On the nose or bonnet of the car, legible from the front.
(ii) Changes concerning Formula One come into
For single-seaters and all historical cars :
effect in accordance with the regulations specific
to that category. a) The minimum height of the figures shall be 23 cm with a
stroke of 4 cm wide.
c) Sporting rules and other regulations
b) The white background shall be at least 45 cm wide and
Changes to sporting rules and to all regulations other than
33 cm high.
those referred to in b) above are published at least 20 days
prior to the opening date for entry applications for the For all other cars :
championship concerned, but never later than 30 November
each year. Such changes cannot come into effect before a) The minimum height of the figures shall be 28 cm with a
1 January of the year following their publication, unless the
stroke of 5 cm wide.
FIA considers that the changes in question are likely to have
a substantial impact on the technical design of the vehicle b) The white background shall be at least 50 cm wide and
and/or the balance of performance between the cars, in
38 cm high.
which case they will come into effect no earlier than
1 January of the second year following their publication. At no point may the distance between the edge of the figures
and the edge of the background be less than 5 cm.
d) Shorter notice periods than those mentioned in b) and
c) may be applied, provided that the unanimous agreement 208. On both front wings an illustration of the national flag(s) of
of all competitors properly entered for the championship or
the driver(s) as well as the name(s) of the latter shall be
series concerned is obtained.
displayed. Minimum height of both flag(s) and name(s) shall be
200. For the requirements of this Chapter XV, publication of 4 cm.
the documents referred to in articles 198 and 199 becomes official
and effective as soon as they are posted on the Internet site 209. Above or below the white background, an area 12 cm in and/or published in the Official Bulletin. height and equal in width to the background shall be left at the
disposal of the organisers, who may use it for advertising
201. Deleted
purposes. On cars on which such an area is not available (some
single-seaters for example), the competitor shall keep free of any
CHAPTER XVI advertising an equivalent surface in the immediate vicinity of the
white background.
COMMERCIAL QUESTION LINKED TO AUTOMOBILE SPORT Except when the ASN decides to the contrary, advertising on
the remaining parts of the bodywork is free.
202. Without previous written agreement from the FIA, no
organiser or group of organisers whose event(s) is(are) part of an 210. Neither the competition number nor the advertising must
FIA Championship, Trophy or Cup may indicate or induce the protrude beyond the bodywork.
belief that the said Championship, Trophy or Cup is subsidised or 211. Windscreen and windows shall bear no advertising, with the
financially supported, either directly or indirectly, by a commercial exception of a maximum 10 cm high strip on the upper part of the
company or organisation. windscreen, and, provided that this does not interfere with the
203. The right to associate the name of a commercial company, visibility of the driver, an 8 cm high strip on the rear window.
organisation or brand with an FIA Championship, Trophy or Cup N.B. Points 209, 210 and 211 do not apply to historical cars.
is, therefore, exclusively reserved for the FIA. 212. Advertising on historical cars will be confined to a maximum
of one space of 50 x 14 cm along the top and one along the
204. Deleted bottom of three of the competition numbers (there being a
maximum of 4 numbers per car). Should there be no room to
insert the allowed advertising above and below the racing
number, it may be placed adjacent to, but touching, the number
background. One of the 2 spaces attached to each competition
number may be reserved for the advertising of the organiser. The
competitors may not therefore refuse this advertising. The
entrant/driver's name may appear once on each side, max.
205. The figures of the competition numbers shall be black on a dimensions 10 x 40 cm per side. One bona fide club badge may
white rectangular background. For light coloured cars, there will appear on each side, max. dimensions 10 x 10 cm. Advertising
be a black line 5 cm wide all around the white rectangular liveries may be retained if original to that particular chassis
background. number.

206. The figures shall be of the classic type as shown below :



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