Authors Title / Topic Publication Year Research Questions / Goals Summary of Findings

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A summary of discoveries from the systematic literature review

Authors Title / Topic Publication Research Summary of Findings

Year Questions / Goals
Rudie 12 Discontinued 2016 The goal was to The basic finding through this article
Obias Products From get people know was that we got to know about the
Coca-Cola and Pepsi about the similar products as roar, and the reason
discontinued behind why they were discontinued or
products of failed. For example, one failed because
cocacola and pepsi it was expensive to be produced, one
and the reasons because it had bitter taste, some due to
why they failed. poor sales and one because it was
available in pack of three flavor and if
someone was craving for one flavor, he
had to buy all three.
Aaron M. Mountain Dew® or 2009 The research The finding was that the depression was
Luebbe, Mountain Don’t?: question was that directly proportional to the amount of
MA A Pilot Investigation is there a relation caffeine intake which means it was
Debora J. of Caffeine Use between directly proportional to the intake of
Bell, PhD Parameters and depression and soda drinks containing caffeine. It had
Relations to anxiety symptoms more effect on 5 th grade users as
Depression in 5th and 10th- compared to 10 th grade users.
and Anxiety Grade Students
Symptoms in 5thand and the
10th-Grade Students consumption of
soda drinks which
contain caffeine
Mary Beth 17 Commercial 2016 The goal was to My finding was not only about the
Quirk Failures From analyze some of reasons behind the commercial failure
Brands With the biggest but also the major reasons behind the
Spectacularly Bad commercial failures failures of coke 2 and crystal pepsi.
Ideas of history Crystal pepsi came out with a very bad
taste according to the customers, and
they said that there was a citrus hint in
it. And also the change in the coke’s
secret formula was a big disaster.
Not known History & Marketing 2019 The goal was to One of the finding was that the mountain
Strategies of analyze a brief dew uses customized strategies
Mountain Dew history of dew and according to different geographical
then its marketing areas and it is one reason behind its
strategies and the marketing success. The second reason
reasons behind its is that its price is highly competitive. The
success third reason is that, as the world loves
sports, it is associated with several
mega sports events which creates a
huge pool of customers who enjoy
watching the advertisements by the
brand. Also the use of well-known and
highly demanded celebrities like Hiritik
Roshan makes a huge hype amongst
the consumers.
Christophe Why Coca-Cola’s 2020 The goal was to The finding was that the customers
r Klein ‘New Coke’ Flopped analyze why coca sometimes don’t like a change
cola’s product , especially if they are obsessed with a
new coke flopped product in its present taste or way. Their
lesson was “don’t mess with the classic”
and if it isn’t broken, then don’t fix it.

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