Daily News Simplified - DNS: SL. NO. Topics The Hindu Page No
Daily News Simplified - DNS: SL. NO. Topics The Hindu Page No
Daily News Simplified - DNS: SL. NO. Topics The Hindu Page No
12 05 20
1 Nepal summons Indian Envoy over border row 08
Territorial sovereignty
• Sovereignty in regard to a territory is known as territorial sovereignty. Territorial Sovereignty is
the right of a State to exercise over its own territory, to the exclusion of any other States, the
functions of a State. It has a positive and a negative aspect. The first aspect relates to the
exclusivity of the right of the State with regard to its own territory, while the second aspect refers
to the obligation to protect the rights of other States.
• A State exercises its territorial sovereignty within its boundary.
• Boundary is an imaginary line that delineates the territorial limit of a State.
Dated: 12-May-2020 DNS Notes
Title 2. Legal but not appropriate (Page No. 07); Trade Unions may knock at ILO’s door (Page no. 08);
Equal freedom and forced Labour (Page no. 06)
Syllabus GS paper III: Indian Economy
Theme Labour Reforms in India
Highlights Context:
• Various states governments have brought in various changes in the labour laws to deal with
post covid situation.
• Labour comes under Concurrent list
Finally all this lead to the reduction in the Global Competitiveness: The Labour intensive industries in
India such as Textile and Leather have remained mainly informal in nature due to labour policies. The
Economic survey 2017-18 has highlighted that in response to increase in the labour costs in China, the
textile and leather industries from smaller economies such as Bangladesh and Vietnam have got
immensely benefitted. This has been possible due to flexible and pro employment labour policies in such
The changes:
• States: HP, Rajasthan, MP, Uttarakhand and UP have brought in changes up to varying levels.
o For example
▪ Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan and Punjab have extended the maximum daily
hours of work in a factory from eight/nine to 12, and allowed up to 72 hours a
week in overtime.
▪ The provision of paying overtime wages at twice the normal rate would apply
for working beyond these limits.
▪ Uttarakhand has increased the daily limit to 11 hours with overtime limited to
18 hours a week. Haryana has allowed work for 12 hours a day, and up to 60
hours a week, with overtime pay. Madhya Pradesh has made similar changes.
The question is, was there sufficient consultation before all these changes were made?
The Constitution also permits Central and State governments to make laws through the issuance of an
ordinance when the legislature is not in session. Such a law needs to be ratified by the legislature within
six weeks of the beginning of the next session. M.P. and U.P. are using this procedure.
While the changes made are lawful, we need to see whether it is appropriate to make such far-reaching
provisions without scrutiny by the legislature. Usually, any change in an Act follows a rigorous process of
public consultation, scrutiny by committees of Parliament, and debates in the House before being
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approved. The changes described here have not gone through such a process. However, most of these
have a three-month time limit, and any extension would need to be approved by the legislature.
Interestingly, Parliament is consolidating 29 existing laws into four codes dealing with wages,
occupational safety and health, industrial relations and social security. The first of these has been
enacted, the Standing Committee on Labour has submitted the report on the next two, and is examining
the last. The Code on Occupational Safety and Health does not specify the maximum hours of work but
empowers the government to do so. The Standing Committee report states that the government agreed
to incorporate a provision of maximum eight hours per day with overtime permitted for certain types of
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continuity also gives legislative life to certain Bills (in case of dissolution of Lok Sabha) which is
pending in the Rajya Sabha and has not been passed by the Lok Sabha.
• A Chamber not Concerned with Government Formation - The Government of the day is
collectively responsible to the House of People, the directly elected House. Rajya Sabha being an
indirectly elected House, has no role in the making or unmaking of the Government. Since the
Governments are not formed, nor do they fall on the basis of the numerical strength of the Rajya
Sabha. Hence, this Chamber is relatively free from the compulsions of competitive party politics.
• As an Effective Smaller Chamber - Rajya Sabha is comparatively a smaller Chamber than the Lok
Sabha as its maximum strength is 250 as compared to Lok Sabha’s 550 seats. Being a smaller
House, it affords opportunities for close camaraderie and greater consensus-building among the
Members. Spirit of accommodation and adjustment among the Members, across party lines,
contribute to the effectiveness of this House. It also helps in better time management of the
House, besides discussions on wide ranging issues.
• As a Chamber Securing Executive Accountability - Rajya Sabha, as a constituent part of
Parliament, has been securing executive accountability through its various committees. At
present, there are 24 Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees in the Parliament,
out of which eight are functioning under the direction and control of the Chairman, Rajya Sabha.
The constructive criticism and considered recommendations made by such Committees have
been found to be useful by the Ministries and Departments to tone up their functioning and to
formulate realistic budgets, plans and programmes for the welfare of the people.
• As a Chamber of Ventilating Public Grievances – It’s Members, being the representatives of
states, articulate the concerns of respective states and their people. It has, through well
established procedural devices such as Questions, Calling Attention, Special Mentions, Short
Duration Discussion, Half-an-Hour Discussion, Motions, Resolutions, etc., raised issues of public
importance, focused attention on matters affecting policies of the Government and provided a
forum for ventilation of public grievances. Through these devices, it has managed not only to
elicit information but also put pressure on the Government to reorient its policies for serving
larger public interests.
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Dated: 12-May-2020 DNS Notes
Title 4. Mandis linked to e-platform see 65% increase (The Hindu Pg. No 15)
Syllabus Prelims – Indian Economy
Theme About E-NAM
Highlights Context:
• The lockdown imposed due to COVID-19 has made it difficult for the farmers and traders to carry
out physical trading of agricultural commodities.
• Hence, farmers and traders have now shifted to electronic trading through the E-NAM Portal.
Post lockdown, the number of agriculture Mandis connected to E-NAM portal has increased by
65% to reach 965 throughout India.