Internal Control of Accounts Receivable Management and Return On Assets of Multi Purpose Based Cooperatives in Las Pinas City. October 2018

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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta

Las Piñas Campus



An Accounting Technology Research

Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Business Administration and Accountancy
University of Perpetual Help System DALTA, Las Piñas City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology

Bacones, Ainee Natashia A.

De Vera, Ma. Trixcy S.
Dejayco, Kim Zsofia L.
Novila, Shaniah S.

October 2018

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta ii
Las Piñas Campus


This undergraduate thesis entitled “INTERNAL CONTROL OF

PIÑAS CITY” prepared and submitted by Bacones, Ainee Natashia
A., De Vera, Ma. Trixcy S., Dejayco, Kim Zsofia L., and Novila,
Shaniah S. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for Final
Oral Examination.

Antonio V. Maico Jr., CPA Amir T. Auditor, CPA, MSA

Thesis Adviser Thesis Instructor


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ______

Ryan Jay J. Carasco, CPA Amir T. Auditor, CPA, MSA

Panel Member Panel Member

Annelen B. Marcos, CPA, MBA

Chair Panel

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the degree of Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology.

Leticia C. Gamad, MBA, MAED, CFMP, DBA

OIC Dean, College of Business Administration and

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

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Las Piñas Campus


TheResearchers wishes to express their deepest

appreciation to the following people who contributed to the

completion of this humble work. Indeed, we would not have

made it this far without their support; they are:

To Mr. Antonio V. Maico, CPA, our adviser, who

motivated us to further expand our knowledge and providing us

guidance and understanding throughout the process and

assisted us with patience.

To Mr. Amir T. Auditor, CPA, MSA,our Accounting

Technology Research professor, who gave us the golden

opportunity to do this research which helped us came to know

about so many new things in the field of accounting and


To our respondents, the employees of the Selected

Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in Las Piñas, for their willingness

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to participate in the study, and steadiness in answering the

survey questionnaire amidst their busy schedule.

To our families and friends, for their encouragements,

unending patience and support to pursue this research.

And most of all to the Almighty GOD, for always guiding

our path and giving us these persons to guide and support us.

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Name of Institution : University of Perpetual Help

System DALTA

Address : Alabang-Zapote Road, Las Piñas


Title : Internal Control of Accounts

Receivable Management and
Return on Assets of Multi-
Purpose Based Cooperatives in
Las Piñas City

Authors : Bacones, Ainee Natashia A.

De Vera, Ma. Trixcy S.
Dejayco, Kim Zsofia L.
Novila, Shaniah S.

Degree : Bachelor of Science in Accounting


Major : Accounting Technology

Date Completed : October 2018

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

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Las Piñas Campus

This study assessed the internal control of accounts

receivable management and return on assets of multipurpose

based cooperatives in Las Piñas City. It answered the questions

about the demographics, the extent of accounts receivable

management practiced, and the return on asset levels of the

multipurpose cooperatives. It utilized the descriptive-qualitative

research methods to answer the research questionnaire. The

respondents of the study are nine multipurpose cooperatives in

Las Piñas City. It will also review the practices done by the said

cooperatives to have an effective accounts receivable

management and ascertain if the return on assets ratio is a

relevant measure of business performance. Furthermore, this

study contributes to the business industry as it will give apparent

ideas and suggestions that local cooperatives may consider in

their efforts to be able to function and operate successfully their


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The researchers used a receivables questionnaire from a

previous study which was re-modeled and re-written for the

study’s specific qualifications. Quota-Sampling technique was

used in selecting the respondents for the study. Quota sampling

method is a non-probability sampling in which the researchers

will gather a representative data from a group. To achieve

research objective, the researchers acquired information from

85% of the total number of multi-purpose cooperatives in Las

Piñas City. Nine cooperatives among 11 registered multi-

purpose cooperatives in Las Piñas City as of 2017, would be

appropriate. They were chosen due to the proximity and time of

the researchers. For the statistical treatment of the data

frequency count, percentage, and mean utilizing the Statistical

Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) were employed.

Account receivables represent large investment in asset

and involve significant volume of transactions and decisions that

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is why this are one of the most important part of working capital.

However, there are considerable differences in the level of

receivables in firms around the world. Internal control of

accounts receivable’s main purpose in the business is to ensure

that all receipts are recorded appropriately and that customers

pay without delay and in accordance with agreed terms of

business. Policy and procedures and segregation of duties are

very important procedures for internal control as it helps to

reduce the risk of assets loss and to secure that everything is

perfect and precise.

Multi-Purpose Cooperatives has a huge number of tasks

to remove and its control for the different purpose for which it

has been set up. The works of multi-purpose cooperatives

includes arranging credit, improved seeds, agricultural

implements, fertilizers, sanitation, health for its members.

Cooperatives offer high standard of goods and services, invest

in regional communities, also their profit only stays within the

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community, the networks they’re created has strengthen the

community, workers in the cooperative delegate jobs for the

community members and lastly purchasing cooperatives helps

local businesses.

The researchers discuss the extent of accounts

receivable management practice in terms of credit of

application, timely invoicing, early pay discounts, debt collection

and return on assets ratio. In order to carry out receipt, they

should have credit application that gather all needed

information. New clients’ needs to yield a list of credit references

and contact them to confirm that the latent client is responsible.

Advanced payment from customers is a valuable practice in

timely invoicing. The significance of forwarding customer’s

invoice in a timely manner is essential to perpetuate a

successful business. Late payments can have an intense impact

in the small business’s cash flow. The best practice to persuade

members to pay early is sales discount. It can cultivate the cash

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flow of an enterprise. It is very important to always notify the

customers and clients that the discount is recognize only on the

agreed date. Having a plan of action when it comes to intending

to collect a debt from customers who are neglectful is important.

To settle the debt collection, it is better to communicate

personally to the customer. Lastly, the Return on Assets (ROA)

ratio shows the relationship between earnings and asset base of

the company.

The findings revealed that majority of the respondents are

engaged for 11 to 15 years in the industry. Also, majority of

them cater for credit cooperative and more than half of the total

population have 1 to 9 employees. Moreover, most of the

cooperatives conduct internal control audit on its accounts

receivable management system ‘almost always’. Lastly, majority

of the cooperatives’ organizational profitability is at average

level. The findings also noted that The respondents assessed

that the internal control of accounts receivable management

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have a high level rating. There is a strict management

implementation of internal control of accounts receivable to

encourage its members to pay early for discounts, to maintain

detailed accounts receivable record in credit application, to have

adequate procedures when it comes to debt collections and to

have timely invoicing and that the respondents assessed that

they are highly profitable when it comes to their assets.

The researchers recommend conducting an objective

internal audit as well as an internal control audit program to help

track and document the changes and eliminate risks. Also, the

cooperative should offer discounts for early settlements to

increase cashflow that can benefit the firm, to produce income

and improve return on assets, businesses should improve their

services to be able to increase revenue and reduce expenses,

to be able to improve and mature an organization’s business

practices, internal control audit should be conducted objectively

and properly designed.Internal control audit program will help

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the company track and document any changes that have been

made to the environment and ensure the mitigation of any found

risks.The company should offer easy application to their

cooperative, ensure the safety of the member deposits, and

assist in financing the credit needs of the membership.

Because, proper management of those mentioned above will

greatly influence their organizational performance. In order to

maintain a healthy cash flow, the company should take positive

action when accounts receivable ages past its due date. The

billings should be controlled and be properly accounted for

because having too many delinquent accounts can bring the

business to a standstill. It is also vitally important to periodically

check and manage receivables to be able to adapt to constantly

changing market conditions. Moreover, relaxing payment

requirements will strongly impact company’s cash flow and

bottom line.One of the reasons why business owns asset is to

produce income.

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Introduction 1
Background of the Study 3
Theoretical Framework 6
Conceptual Framework 9
Statement of the Problem 12

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Objectives of the Study 13

Hypotheses 13
Significance of the Study 14
Scope and Limitation 16
Definition of Terms 18
Review of Related Literature 20

Research Design 39
Respondents and Locale of the Study 40
Sampling and Sampling Technique 40
Data Gathering Instruments 41
Data Gathering Procedures 41
Data Analysis 42



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Summary of Findings 82
Conclusion 102
Recommendation 104
References 109

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Table Pages
1 Years Engaged in the Cooperative Industry 45

2 Types of Multi- Purpose Cooperative 46

3 Number of Employees 48

4 Frequency of Internal Audit 49

5 Current Return on Asset Ratio 50

6 Extent of Accounts Receivable Management 52

Practiced by Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in Las
Piñas City with regard to Credit Application

7 Extent of Accounts Receivable Management 56

Practiced by Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in Las
Piñas City with regard to Early Pay Discounts

8 Extent of Accounts Receivable Management 59

Practice by Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in Las
Piñas City with regard to Debt Collection

9 Extent of Accounts Receivable Management 63

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Practiced by Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in Las

Pinas City with regard to Timely Invoicing

10 Effects of Credit Application on Return on Assets 68


11 Effects of Early Pay Discounts on Return on 72

Assets Ratio

12 Effects of Debt Collection on Return on Assets 74


13 Effects of Timely Invoicing on Return on Assets 78


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Figure Page
1 Conceptual Framework 10
“Accounts Receivable Management Practices”

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A Letter of Acceptance for Adviser xxi

B Letter of Acceptance for Evaluator xxii

C Letter to Respondents xxv

D Survey Questionnaire xxvi

E Statistical Findings xxxv

F Curriculum Vitae xl

G Certificate of Statistician xliv

H Certificate of Turnitin xlv

I Certificate of Grammarian xlvi

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Chapter 1



According to Fareed Siddiqui (2016), accounts receivable is

very important to an organization because it increases their

cash flow, leads to a good financial result and flexibility of the

company’s entity. Siddiqui also mentioned that all dues may be

collected on time and regularly if they review the accounts

receivable and they need to make sure the constancy of the

payments and made a follow up action. Also, the return on asset

ratio tells if the company is profitable through their assets.

Internal control consists of the plan an organization has

and all coordinated procedures and measures adopted within an

organization to ensure that its assets are safe, check the

correctness and if the accounting data is well-founded, promote

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operational efficiency and encourage adherence to prescribed

managerial policies (Fernandez, 2017).

According to Dorota (2013), an important element of the

accounts receivable management in an enterprise is the control

and collection of receivables. Dorota (2013) added that these

should be of constant interest to the management of every

enterprise and should be continuously monitored. It should be

noted that an important tool for controlling and monitoring

receivables is grouping them according to the time and their

emergence because it facilitates the control. Lui (2013), on the

other hand, stated that return on assets may not be a perfect

measure, but it is the most effective, broadly available financial

measure to assess company performance. He also mentioned

that it captures the fundamentals of business performance in a

holistic way, looking at both income statement performance and

the assets required to run a business.

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While a useful place to start, researchers at present lack

information concerning the implementations of cooperatives in

order for their business to grow. This paper will review the

practices done by Multi – Purpose Based Cooperatives in Las

Piñas City to have an effective accounts receivable

management and ascertain if the return on assets ratio is a

relevant measure of business performance. Furthermore, this

study contributes to the business industry as it will give apparent

ideas and suggestions that local cooperatives may consider in

their efforts to be able to function and operate successfully their


Background of the Study

According to Masuku (2016), cooperation is recognized

as the best possible alternative method of organizing business.

Providing members with services like savings, loans, trainings,

and buying and selling goods are the reasons why cooperative

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exists. Moreover, he added that members earn income through

the cooperatives, and also their purchasing power increases.

And in order for cooperative to survive and achieve its goals, it

must have a good internal control of accounts receivable

management and return on assets percentage. Because,

according to Jason Fernando (2016), accounts receivables may

be able to make more sales when dealing with regular and

reliable customers and may also reduce transaction costs.

Therefore, accounts receivable management is critical to a

firm’s growth and survival especially to multi – purpose


According to Gallo (2016), return on assets tell what

percentage of every peso invested in the business was returned

as a profit. He added that ROA simply shows how effective a

company is at using assets like cash, facilities, machinery,

equipment, vehicles, inventory, etc. to generate profit.

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Furthermore, according to Daly (2017), ensuring that customers

pay their invoices is incorporated by accounts receivable

management. It helps prevent overdue payment or non-

payment. Daly (2017) stated, it is therefore a quick and effective

way to strengthen the company’s financial or liquidity position.

The researchers have chosen the topic because of its

significance and relation to their program Bachelor of Science in

Accounting Technology. The topic is quite interesting for them

as it is related to their subjects, Management Accounting.

Researchers would like to understand the internal control of

accounts receivable management and return on assets more

explicitly. Gaining understanding about this matter would greatly

contribute to their knowledge and intelligence which will be of

great help as the researchers will soonbe entering a new

environment as they graduate, the corporate world. Therefore,

the study aims to know the internal control of accounts

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receivable management and return on assets of multi-purpose

in Las Piñas City.

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on Justin Johnson (2018), The

Best Practices for Accounts Receivables Management.

Accounts receivable is commonly one of an organization's

biggest and most unmistakable resources on the monetary

record. Overseeing such an expansive resource is a movement

of principal significance, as poor receivables the executives may

thwart income and cause the organization to acquire awful

obligation cost. Organizations ought to consider following a lot

of best practices while dealing with their receivables.

Credit Application

Organizations ought to require new clients to complete a

credit application before expanding credit. The credit application

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should gather the important data to play out an acknowledge

check, for example, the client's assessment recognizable proof

number or standardized savings number and the lawful name

and invented names utilized - DBA name - by the organization.

Require new clients to present a rundown of credit references

and get in touch with them to guarantee that the potential

customer is trustworthy.

Timely Invoicing

Timely invoicing is a fundamental practice to create to

facilitate installment from clients. Numerous clients usually pay

their invoices late as a major aspect of their accounting policy;

however, timely invoicing can nudge them to pay their invoices

faster. Since deferred installments from clients can profoundly

affect a small business' income, the significance of sending

client's their receipt in a convenient way is essential to keep up

an effective business.

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Early Pay Discount

Sales discounts to empower early installment are a best

practice that can improve the income of a business. The rebate

offered ought to be sufficient to give a motivation to the client to

pay the receipt inside the predefined time span, however little

enough to stay away from overall revenue disintegration. It is

fundamental to educate clients that the markdown won't be

regarded if installment is gotten after the discount date recorded

on the receipt, as this mitigates possibly harming showdowns

sometime in the not too distant future.

Debt Collection

It is essential to have an arrangement of activity when

endeavoring to gather an obligation from clients who are

delinquent. Endeavor to contact the client before making any

move, as this is the cheapest and quickest approach to

determine the obligation. However, it might be important to seek

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after different strategies, including mediation, arbitration and

referring the obligation to an external debt collection agency.

Mediation and arbitration are lawfully adequate ways that bring

the vendor and purchaser together to arrange a settlement.

Mediation enables the two gatherings to decide an answer;

mediation accommodates a goals controlled by a court

designated authority. Use debt collection agencies if all else

fails, as they can be costly and are not required to acknowledge

each case referred to them.

Conceptual Framework

In this section, the researchers will discuss the extent of

accounts receivable management practice in terms of credit

application, timely invoicing, early pay discounts, debt collection,

and return on assets ratio.

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“Accounts Receivable Management Practices”

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Accounts Receivable Practices

 Credit Application
Effective and Efficient
 Timely Invoicing
Accounts Receivable
 Early Pay Discount

 Debt Collection Management

Organization’s effectiveness and efficiency depends on

how they carry out their credit application, timely invoicing, early

pay discount and debt collection.In order to execute receipt,

they should have credit application that gather all needed

information. New clients’ needs to yield a list of credit references

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and contact them to confirm that the latent client is responsible.

Advanced payment from customers is a valuable practice in

timely invoicing. The significance of forwarding customer’s

invoice in a timely manner is essential to perpetuate a

successful business. Late payments can have an intense impact

in the small business’s cash flow. The best practice to persuade

members to pay early is sales discount. It can cultivate the cash

flow of an enterprise. It is very important to always notify the

customers and clients that the discount is recognize only on the

agreed date. Having a plan of action when it comes to intending

to collect a debt from customers who are neglectful is important.

To settle the debt collection, it is better to communicate

personally to the customer. The Return on Assets (ROA) ratio

shows the relationship between earnings and asset base of the


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Statement of the Problem

This research study focused on Internal Control of Accounts

Receivable Management and Return on Assets of Multi-

Purpose Based Cooperatives in Las Piñas City.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents with regard to the

following :

1.1 Years engage in the Cooperative Industry

1.2 Types of Multi-Purpose Cooperatives;

1.3 Average Number of Employees;

1.4 Status of their internal control auditing;

1.5 Status of their Organizational Profitability

2. To what extent does accounts receivable management

being practice by multi-purpose cooperatives in terms of;

2.1 Credit application

2.2 Timely invoicing

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2.3 Early pay discounts

2.4 Debt collection

3 Do timely collection and proper management of

receivables greatly affect the return on assets of the Multi-

Purpose Cooperatives as shown by the level of agreement

perceived by the respondents?

Objectives of the Study

There are two main objectives of conducting this study.

First is to determine the extent on how multipurpose

cooperatives practice accounts receivable management in their

cooperative. Second is to verify if the timely collection and

proper management greatly affect the return on assets of the



The researchers tested the following hypotheses at 0.01

level of significance.

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Ho1 The cooperatives does not practice accounts receivable


Ho2 Timely collection and proper management does not affect

the return on assets of cooperatives.

Significance of the study

The study focused on explaining the Internal control

Accounts Receivable Management and Return on Assets of

Multi-Purpose Based Cooperative in Las Piñas City. Vital result

of this study could be highly significant and beneficial

specifically to the following:

Cooperatives. This paper may be able to distinguish the

impotence in the initiated receivable management procedures

and policy of the cooperatives, if they will recognize this paper, it

may give them a knowledge on how to improve their company’s

accounts receivable management practices.

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Employees. This study is important to employees because

internal control is critical to communicate documentations with

the company’s external auditors and within the organization. By

following internal controls documentation, employees may get a

better understanding of the company processes and practices,

which helps to establish the company’s practices.

Members of the Cooperative. This study may be able to

vigilantly apprise the way of ownership of the members and their

cooperation so that they will understand and become an active

member in an organization. This will give them knowledge on

how to own and invest in a cooperative.

Government/ Cooperative Development Authority. This

paper is important to Cooperative Development Authority to

make sure that the internal control of cooperatives adopt system

and procedures that will deal to safety of organization’s assets,

check if their accounting data is precise and well-founded,

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promote organized operation and motivate conformity to

advocate managerial rules.

School. This paper is significant to the school as it may be able

to add to their collection of research papers which they may

possibly present to others in the future.

Faculty Member. This study may provide information about

internal controls to interested faculty members.

Future researchers. Succeeding researchers and scholars that

will be conducting the same research in the future, this paper

may furnish them literature review.

Proponents/Researchers. This paper may improve

researchers’ understanding when it comes to analyzing, data

gathering and reporting.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused on the Internal Control of Accounts

Receivable Management and Return on Assets of Multi –

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Purpose Based Cooperatives in Las Piñas City. Convenience

Quota-Sampling technique was used in choosing the

respondents for the study. Quota sampling method is a non-

probability sampling in which the researcher will gather a

representative data from a group. Among 20,792 cooperatives

registered in the Philippines, about 2,000 are located in Metro

Manila, and 25 cooperatives are situated in Las Piñas City. The

researchers decided to focus on Multi – Purpose Based

Cooperatives which is 54% of the total number of cooperatives

in Las Piñas City. The interview was done based on the

availability of times, finances, etc. of the multi- purpose based-


The researchers considered working on this study to

ascertain how the cooperative companies manage their

accounts receivables to achieve their goals and objectives.

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Definition of Terms

The researchers made an effort to provide a common

understanding that are used in the research study to avoid the

loss of value through misconceived of the words.

Accounts Receivable. It is a money owed to a company by its

debtors. Operationally, it is the independent variable. It is

something used as pledge for repayment of a gain of


Cooperative. It is a business that is owned and control by and

for the benefit of its members. Operationally, in this study, multi-

purpose basedcooperatives in Metro Manila are the main


Internal Control. It is a business practice to ensure that the

organization achieved their objectives in effectiveness and

efficient manner, precise financial reports and obeying with the

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laws and regulations. Operationally, in this study, internal

control of cooperatives in the main focus.

Management. Theoretically, it is the practice on how to deal

and control things and people.

Operationally, management pertains to managing of accounts

receivable of multi-purpose-basedcooperatives in Metro Manila.

Return on Asset. It indicates how profitable a company is in

terms of its total assets. Operationally, return on asset is

computed by dividing net income over average total asset or by

multiplying net profit margin and total asset turnover.

SPSS. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) is a

software package used in statistical analysis of data.

Operationally, SPSS was used to make a statistics and tables of

the research.

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Review of Related Literature

This review of related literature manifests the accounts

receivable management practices and its effect on the

cooperatives’ return on assets. It includes accounts receivables,

internal control of accounts receivable, internal control definition

and its elements, return on assets, cooperatives, and

cooperatives in the Philippines.

Accounts Receivables

Accounts receivable refers to the balance of money due to

the goods or services used or delivered but not yet paid by the

customers. It measures the unpaid claims a firm has over its

customers at a given time, usually comes in the form of

operating line of credit and is mainly due within a relatively short

time period (up to one year).

Accounts receivables represent large investment in asset

and involve significant volume of transactions and decisions that

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is why this are one of the most important part of working capital.

However, there are considerable differences in the level of

receivables in firms around the world.

Accounts receivable management is a crucial field of

corporate finance because of its effects on a firm’s profitability

and risk, and consequently on the firm's value. Yet, the main

body of the literature of accounts receivables focuses on

studying the relation with firm’s profitability at the developed

capital markets and during the non-crisis period (Denčić-

Mihajlov, 2013).

Internal Control of Accounts Receivable

According to Ishaku Umar (2018), the purpose of internal

control of accounts receivable is to assure that all the receipt

are recorded appropriately and that customers pay without

delay and in accordance with the agreed terms of business.

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In order to reduce the risk of asset loss and help secure

that plan information is perfect and precise, well-founded

financial statements, and that the plan follows the laws and

regulation, accountant and bookkeepers need a system for the

internal control methods for accounts receivable.

Here are the list of accounts receivable procedures for

internal control:

Policy and procedures

To make sure that all staff and employees understand the

process of accounts receivable, the company should explain

and give the proper policies and procedures such as lending

and collection policies.

Segregate the duties of the employees and staff

According to Shelby Williams (2012), a main concept of

internal controls in a organization is the segregation of the

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duties among the staff and employees. It can help to avoid error

and fraud within the organization.

It can be considered as the supreme policies and

procedures that enclose accounts receivable. It is very hard to

apply for the small business that’s why they are doing their best

to divide the duties to their employees to avoid any kind of

misappropriation (Freedman, 2018).

They should have different people who deal with the

specific jobs. They should segregate the task among the

employees to avoid bias and theft in an organization.

Internal Control Definition and its Elements


According to Osmond Vitez (2017), to ensure that they

meet their objectives and goals in the market, internal control is

used because it has better standards and proper rules.

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Internalcontrol is all of the policies and procedures management

uses to achieve the following goals. Profitability is also achieved

from controlling their costs and limit their expenses.

They used goals such as protect the assets of the

organization- A reliable internal controls protect assets at all

cost, secure financial information- Internal control make sure

that the organization has precise, convenient and absolute

information, ensure compliance, the organization is secured by

internal control with the federal, state and regional laws that

affect the organizations' operation, encourage the organization

to have efficient and effective operations - Managers and staff

has an environment that maximize the effectiveness and

efficiency of their work because of internal control, and meeting

organization's goals and objectives - Internal controls can

monitor the achievement of the company's goals and objectives.

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Las Piñas Campus


Accounting Control

Accounting control is the manner in which processes are

configured to manage risk within an organization. The targets of

internal control are to safeguarding the loss of assets, entrench

that financial statements’ result are free from errors, making

sure that objectives are met in an effective and efficient manner,

and to ensure that laws and regulations are followed.

The system of accounting control may contain dozens or

hundreds of separate control activities that are intended to work

within the specific characteristics of a business. Thus, the

accounting controls for a manufacturer are different from those

of a distributor and retailer, even though all three firms may

operate within the same.

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Las Piñas Campus

Management control

Management control is the actions of individuals or

groups within an organization are constrained to perform certain

actions while avoiding other actions in an effort to achieve

organizational goals.

Return on Assets

According to Lan (2012), Return on assets is computed

by dividing the total assets to net income. It assessed how

productive a company is. If the company has a high return on

assets ratio then it means that they generating profit through

their assets.

According to Wilkinson (2013), Return on assets is used

by the company to generate revenue and considered as the

most important benchmark of the asset’s greatness in an

organization. If the company has low return on asset ratio, then

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it means that they required to have above-average level assets

and vice versa. If that’s the case, a company needs to earn

more money to continuously generating revenue. It is more

functional for shareowner to analyze the company’s solvency

and productivity to use the resources. Also, return on assets is

very important for the persons who run the business for them to

be able to measure the performance of the staff and employees

if they are doing well in achieving the business goals or market



A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons

united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and

cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and

democratically controlled enterprise.

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Las Piñas Campus

Multi-purpose Cooperatives

According to KoangKoangKuch (2013), It has a huge

number of tasks to remove. As the name specify, its control for

the different purpose for which it has been set up. It can work

for arranging credit, improved seeds, agricultural implements,

fertilizers, sanitation, health etc. for its members. Normally it

discharges the following functions

Roles of Cooperatives

The cooperative offer high standard goods and services.

It also invests in regional communities, the profit of the

cooperative stay within community, it creates a network that

strengthen the community, the purchasing cooperatives helps

local businesses, and the workers cooperative delegate job for

the community members.

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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 29
Las Piñas Campus

Cooperatives in the Philippines

According to Jamaldin (2013), Cooperatives in the

Philippines has seven principles:

First principle is anchored on voluntarism. Members are

not restricted by social, political or religious discrimination. They

joined voluntarily and that is how they become members of the

cooperative. Anyone who meets the set of qualifications which

is in accordance to their law can become a member, but only if

they are willing to shoulder the responsibilities.

Second aids democracy. Managers and officers are

elected. They are appointed in a manner agreed on by

members. Regardless of the amounts of members' shares, each

is entitled to one vote.

Third is the limitation of share capital interest. Interest on

a member share capital is limited so that those persons,

especially who have money can’t take advantage the equity in

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Las Piñas Campus

the coop. It prevents the domination of the coop’s affairs by

wealthy members at the expense of poorer members and the

organization as whole.

Fourth is the demonstration of the third principle which

revolves on the sharing all location of cooperatives surplus or

savings. It requires distribution of surplus equally so that all

members can gain based on their performance and not at the

expense of another

Fourth encompasses on the sharing all location of

cooperatives surplus or savings, the demonstration of the third

principle. Equal distribution of surplus is required in this

principle. This will enable all members to benefit based on their

performance and not at the expense of another.

Fifth aids for the education, trainings, and techniques of

the cooperation. Its beneficiaries are the cooperatives members,

officers and employees.

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Las Piñas Campus

Sixth establishes on the promotion of cooperation. It is

done between cooperatives at local, national and international


Seventh devotes for the community. Through policies

endorsed by the cooperative members, the cooperative works

for its sustainable development.

Cooperative’s primary objective is to provide goods and

services to its members. It enables them to attain increased

income and savings, investments, productivity and purchasing

power and promote among them equitable distribution of net

surplus through maximum utilization of economies of scale,

cost-sharing and risk-sharing without however, conducting the

affairs of the cooperative for charitable purposes.

The cooperatives are financed through

Like commercial concerns, cooperatives are financed in a

variety of ways. They may get their operating funds from

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Las Piñas Campus

membership fees, common or preferred stocks, bonds, by

borrowing from banks, or from other sources. Many

cooperatives also finance themselves to a considerable extent

from members’ savings kept in the business in the form of


Financed from its members

The cooperatives' operations help by members financed

through membership fees that was payable per year, services

fees, capital of the members, individual membership fees,

postponed payment to members.

Share capital of the members of cooperatives is entitled

as individual member's fidelity in the business. It also

considered as member's financial stake and it will only withdraw

when that particular member leaves the business.

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Las Piñas Campus

Financed from cooperative surplus

The funds that are created through the use of

cooperatives' surplus is one of the most important sources of

their capital. Since the rules stated that it will only be distributed

when the business is liquidated, it is considered as the long-

term source of funds. The cooperatives don’t need to pay

interest to use these funds.

This funds from preserve surplus is also called

"institutional capital" which represent the wealth owned by the


Financed from outsiders

Cooperatives also use the external sources of funds to

run their business. These sources of fundsinclude the

donations, government agencies, banks and suppliers. External

source of funds may allocate as a grant, as a short term and

long-term loan and as a trade credit by the supplier.

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Las Piñas Campus


Cooperatives has several common types, and each type

has a role in the business. Without one of them, the rest will not

function. Leader must instill the team/members a sense of

commitment to goals which ultimately support the success of

the business. If leader don’t have a point on the horizon for the

people to see, it becomes harder for the people to commit to it

as goal. Providing a vision in a team is a key factor because it

adds focus and commitment. Pearl Jamaldin (2013), stated that

every cooperative aims to provide its members with goods and

services. It will then enable its members to attain increased

income and savings. It will also help them obtain productivity

and investments for their business.

According to Fareed Siddiqui (2016), accounts receivable

is very important to an organization because it increases their

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Las Piñas Campus

cash flow, leads to a good financial result and flexibility of the

company’s entity.

One of the indicators in measuring the accounts

receivable practices of a business is their internal control.

Effective internal control is beneficial in all cooperatives.

Implementing this begins with assessment of risk in the essence

of maybe someone commit fraud or theft or even misstate

financial performance. According to Ishaku Umar (2018, the

purpose of internal control of accounts receivable is to assure

that all the receipt are recorded appropriately and that

customers pay without delay and in accordance with the agreed

terms of business. System of internal control can address that

kind of risk. It is also a process or system that helps to assure

reliability, compliance, security, or efficiency. Accounts

receivables are one of the most important part of working

capital. Receivables often represent large investment in asset

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Las Piñas Campus

and involve significant volume of transactions and decisions.

Thus, internal control of accounts receivable purpose is to

ensure that sales invoices are properly recorded and that

customers pay promptly in accordance with the agreed terms of


Another indicator that measures the accounts receivable

management is the return on asset ratio. Wilkinson (2013), said

that return on assets is used by the company to generate

revenue and considered as the most important benchmark of

the assets greatness in an organization. If the company has low

return on asset ratio, then it means that they required to have

above-average level assets and vice versa. If that’s the case, a

company needs to earn more money to continuously generating


A cooperative membership is a cooperative ownership.

This economic model offers many advantages that owners and

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Las Piñas Campus

directors, staff and management, should all understand. The

advantages include the ability to serve members, build equity,

and share in the common wealth.

This study can help a lot of people understand the

process of money handling in cooperatives in general for future

investments. They will be given knowledge about the benefits

they will get and risk they will invest when they enter into a

cooperative business.

Gap Analysis

After careful consideration and understanding of the

materials presented, the researchers determined that

cooperatives in the Philippines are purely voluntary and being a

member or part of the cooperative needs trust. The researchers

will study more about their allocation of funds as well as its

return on asset as it goes hand in hand in creating a better and

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Las Piñas Campus

successful organization. Also, being that cooperatives build a

social network through cities, the researchers would like to know

more about its benefits in communities and how they help small

businesses in accruing their capital.

To create a better environment for these cooperatives,

they should invest in training their trusted employees and

member to enhance the workmanship of the cooperative. Being

a voluntary membership, cooperatives can conduct programs

that can encourage non-members in joining. They can give

scholarships to their members in studying management and

accountancy to help them handle their profit as well as training

existing employees to improve the cooperatives system. The

researchers would like to study more on how the cooperatives

can expand by adding technology and social media into the

process to spread the idea in joining a cooperative and to help

them analyze future investments in small businesses.

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Las Piñas Campus

Chapter 2



This chapter explains the method that were used to

conduct the research in the collection of data and a plan of how

the study was conducted. It presents research design,

respondents and locale of the study, sampling and sampling

technique, data gathering instruments, data gathering

procedures, and data analysis

Research Design

The study used the descriptive and quantitative research

method for the profile variables to be determined. The status

influences the internal control of accounts receivable

management of the respondents and the return on asset status

of their multi-purpose cooperative. Also, the researchers used

the comparative research method to determine if there are

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Las Piñas Campus

significant difference exist in the influence of the internal control

of accounts receivable management when tally accordingly.

Respondents and Locale of the Study

The chosen respondents for this study are the accounting

staffs, managers and regular employees of multi-purpose

cooperatives in Las Piñas City. The locale of this study will

apply Quota sampling method for the researchers in selecting

these branches.

Sampling and Sampling Technique

Quota-Sampling technique was used in selecting the

respondents for the study. Quota sampling method is a non-

probability sampling in which the researchers will gather a

representative datafrom a group. To achieve research objective,

the researchersacquired information from 85% of the total

number of multi-purpose cooperatives in Las Piñas City. Nine

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Las Piñas Campus

cooperatives among 11 registered multi-purpose cooperatives in

Las Pinas City as of 2017, would be appropriate. They were

chosen due to the proximity and time of the researchers.

Data Gathering Instruments

Researchers used a survey questionnaire to retrieve data

for the study. Half (50%) of the draft of the survey questionnaire

was adapted from previous studies, while the other half was

constructed by the researchers themselves. A reliability test of

the result was conducted using SPSS.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers adapted a questionnaire that is suitable

for the study. A receivables questionnaire from a previous study

was re-modeled and re-written for the study’s specific

qualifications. The researchers will seek permission from the

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Las Piñas Campus

administration of the multi-purpose basedcooperatives for their

cooperation and understanding on this study.

The survey was distributed by the researchers together

with the company administrators. The answered survey

questionnaire was retrieved immediately after being answered

by the respondents. The researchers, then, tallied and validated

the results. The result was made in a tabular form and treated

statistically for the researchers to interpret.

Data Analysis

All data gathered will be treated confidentially, rest

assured that the information coming from the respondents will

not be publicized and for academic purpose only. Responses

that identified the assessment of the research study will be

collected, scored and tallied using descriptive and independent

t- test, which requires that both samples to be independently

collected, and tests the null hypothesis that both samples are

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from the same population and therefore do not differ in their

mean samples.

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Chapter 3



This chapter discusses findings from the questionnaires

conducted by the students of University of Perpetual Help

System DALTA – Las Piñas City. The purpose of this study is to

identify the internal control of accounts receivable management

and return on assets of multi-purpose based cooperatives in Las

Piñas City.

Industry Profile of the Respondents

Tables 1 to 5 shows the frequency and percentage

distribution of the industry profile of the respondents with regard

to years engaged in the cooperative industry, types of multi-

purpose cooperative, number of employees, frequency of

internal control audit, and current return on asset ratio.

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Las Piñas Campus

Table 1
Industry profile of the respondents in terms of Years
Engaged in the Cooperative Industry
Industry Profile Frequency Percentage
1. Less than 5 years 1 11.1
2. 11-15 years 5 55.6
3. 21-30 years 2 22.2
4. 30 years and above 1 11.1g
Total 9 100.0

1.1 Years engaged in the cooperative industry

Table 1 presents the years that the cooperative is engaged

in the industry. It can be noted that 1 or 11.1% of the

respondents has been engaged for “less than 5 years” and “30

years and above”, and 5 or 55.6% of the respondents has been

engaged for “11-15 years”.

The data revealed that majority of the respondents has been

engaged in the cooperative industry for 11-15 years.

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This finding is somehow related to an article by Nembhard

(2014) which states that about 10% of cooperatives fail after the

first year of operation. After 5 years, 90% of cooperatives are

still in business. This is often because of the many people

involved in starting a cooperative and the high level of

community support for cooperatives

Table 2
Industry profile of the respondents in term of Types of
Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Industry Profile Frequency Percentage
Types of Cooperative
1. Workers 1 11.1
2. Credit 5 55.6
3. Service 1 11.1
4. Transport 1 11.1
5. Marketing 1 11.1
Total 9 100.0

1.2 Types of Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Table 2 presents the types of multi-purpose cooperatives

the respondents cater for. It can be noted that 1 or 11.1% of the

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cooperatives cater Workers’ cooperative, Service cooperative,

Transport cooperative, and Marketing cooperative, while it can

be noted that 5 or 55.6% of the cooperatives are credit


The data revealed that majority of the cooperatives are

credit cooperatives.

This finding is similar to an article by Bitonio (2011) which

states that credit cooperatives generate a common pool of funds

in order to provide financial assistance and other related

financial services to its members for productive and provident

purposes that is why most cooperatives are credit cooperatives.

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Las Piñas Campus

Table 3
Industry profile of the respondents in terms of Number of
Industry Profile Frequency Percentage
Number of Employees
1. 1-9 employees 7 77.8
2. 100-199 employees 1 11.1
3. Volunteers 1 11.1
Total 9 100.0

1.3 Number of Employees

Table 3 presents the average number of employees in

the cooperative. It can be noted that 1 or 11.1% of the

cooperatives has 100-199 employees and volunteers, and 7 or

77.8% of the cooperatives has 1-9 employees.

The data revealed that majority of the cooperative has 1-

9 employees.

This finding is accurate because the multipurpose

cooperatives the researchers interviewed are not big

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organizations, and so they do not need too many employees to

operate efficiently.

Table 4
Industry profile of the respondents in terms of Frequency
of Internal Control audit
Industry Profile Frequency Percentage
Frequency of Internal
Control Audit
1. Always 7 77.8
2. Sometimes 1 11.1
3. Once in a while 1 11.1
Total 9 100.0

1.4 Frequency of Internal Control Audit

Table 4 presents the frequency of internal control audit

on its accounts receivable management system. It can be noted

that 1 or 11.1% of the cooperatives “sometimes” and “once in a

while”, and 7 or 77.8% of the cooperatives “always” audit their

accounts receivable.

The data revealed that majority of the cooperative always

conduct an internal control audit on their account receivables.

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Las Piñas Campus

This finding is similar to a study by Hirsch (2016) where

he said that internal control audit is important because failure of

the internal audit function to detect a significant deficiency in

internal controls is a significant shortcoming in the internal audit

function’s work performance. That is why most the respondents

have high frequency of internal control audit.

Table 5
Industry profile of the respondents in terms of Current
Return on Asset Ratio
Industry Profile Frequency Percentage
Current Return on Asset
1. Average 6 66.7
2. Increasing 3 33.3
Total 9 100.0

1.5 Current Return on Asset Ratio

Table 5 presents the current status of the cooperatives’ return

on assets. It can be noted that 3 or 33.3% of the cooperatives

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has “average” current return on asset ratio, and 6 or 66.7% has

an “increasing” ratio.

The data revealed that majority of the cooperatives’

current return on asset ratio is increasing.

This finding is related to an article by Mcclure (2018)

which states that Return on Assets is a pure measure of the

efficiency of a company in generating returns from its

assets without being affected by management financing

decisions. Moreover, a high ROA is a tell-tale sign of solid

financial and operational performance.

Extent of Accounts Receivable Management practiced by

Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in Las Piñas City.

Tables 6 to 11 shows the results of accounts receivable

management of the multi-purpose cooperatives in Las Piñas

City with regard to credit application, timely invoicing, early pay

discounts, and debt collection.

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Las Piñas Campus

Extent of Accounts Receivable Management Practiced by
Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in terms of Credit Application
Indicators of Credit Application Mean Adjectival
1. It is very easy to apply credit in 3.60 Moderately
the cooperative Practiced
2. Application fees are recorded 4.44 Moderately
periodically. Practiced
3. We provide a breakdown to 4.11 Moderately
where the membership and Practiced
application fees go.
4. We have a segregated 4.44 Moderately
responsibility in maintaining a Practiced
detailed accounts receivable
records in credit application.
5. The credit and collection write 4.60 Highly
off policies and procedures are Practiced
current and in writing.
6. The policies and procedures 4.67 Highly
are clearly stated and Practiced
systematically communicated.
7. The policies and procedures 4.89 Highly
support internal control. Practiced
Composite Mean 4.39 Moderately
Legend: (4.50 – 5.00) – Highly Practiced; (3.50 – 4.49) – Moderately
Practiced; (2.50 – 3.49) – Practiced; (1.50– 2.49) – Poorly Practiced; and
(1.00 – 1.49) – Never Practiced.

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Las Piñas Campus

2.1 Credit Application

Table 6 shows the assessment of the cooperatives on

accounts receivable management with regard to credit

application. The respondents assessed that internal control of

accounts receivable management influenced the organizational

performance in terms of credit application to a “Moderately

Practiced” which obtained a composite mean of 4.39.

The individual indicators of credit application of the

internal control of accounts receivable management on the

decision making were assessed as follows: the indicator “It is

very easy to apply credit in the cooperative” obtained a mean of

3.60 and interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”; the indicator

“Application fees are recorded periodically.” obtained a mean of

4.44 and interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”; the indicator

“We provide a breakdown to where the membership and

application fees go.” obtained a mean of 4.11 and interpreted as

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Las Piñas Campus

“Moderately Practiced”; the indicator “We have a segregated

responsibility in maintaining a detailed accounts receivable

records in credit application.” obtained a mean of 4.44 and

interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”; the indicator “The credit

and collection write off policies and procedures are current and

in writing.” obtained a mean of 4.60 and interpreted as “Highly

Practiced”; the indicator “The policies and procedures are

clearly stated and systematically communicated.” obtained a

mean of 4.67 and interpreted as “Highly Practiced”; the indicator

“The policies and procedures support internal control.” obtained

a mean of 4.89 and interpreted as “Highly Practiced”.

The indicator “The policies and procedures support

internal control.” obtain the highest mean value while the

indicator “It is very easy to apply credit in the cooperative”

obtained the lowest mean value.

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Las Piñas Campus

It can be noted that regarding to the credit application of

internal control of accounts receivable management, there are

still minor difficulties when it comes to the management of the

credit application.

This finding is similar to the result of the study by Xiang

(2017) which they discussed that credit application still needs

improvement for the company’s betterment because before the

study, credit application is discouraged.

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Extent of Accounts Receivable Management Practiced by
Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in terms of Early Pay
Indicators of Early Pay Mean Adjectival
Discount Interpretation
1. The cooperative encourage 4.0 Moderately
its members to pay early to Practiced
avail discount.
2. It is beneficial for accounts 4.67 Highly
to be paid earlier then later. Practiced
3. The early pay discounts are 4.11 Moderately
recorded periodically. Practiced
Composite Mean 4.26 Moderately
Legend: (4.50 – 5.00) – Highly Practiced; (3.50 – 4.49) – Moderately
Practiced; (2.50 – 3.49) – Practiced; (1.50– 2.49) – Poorly Practiced; and
(1.00 – 1.49) – Never Practiced.

2.2 Early Pay discounts

Table 7 shows the assessment of the cooperatives on

accounts receivable management with regard to early pay

discounts. The respondents assessed that the internal control of

accounts receivable management influenced the organizational

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performance in terms of early pay discounts to a “Moderately

Practiced” which obtained a composite mean of 4.26.

The individual indicators of early pay discounts of the

internal control of accounts receivable management on the

decision making were assessed as follows: the indicator “The

cooperative encourage its members to pay early to avail

discount.” obtained a mean of 4.0 and interpreted as

“Moderately Practiced”; the indicator “It is beneficial for accounts

to be paid earlier than later.” obtained a mean of 4.67 and

interpreted as “Highly Practiced”; the indicator “The early pay

discounts are recorded periodically.” obtained a mean of 4.11

and interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”

The indicator “It is beneficial for accounts to be paid

earlier then later.” obtain the highest mean value while the

indicator “The cooperative encourage its members to pay early

to avail discount” obtained the lowest mean value.

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It can be noted that regarding to the early pay discount of

internal control of accounts receivable management, there are

still minor difficulties when it comes to the management of the

early pay discounts.

This finding is similar to the result of the study by Shelton

(2017) which stated that early pay discounts is seldom practiced

by their employees. Therefore, in the cooperatives, early pay

discounts is not necessary needed.

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Extent of Accounts Receivable Management Practiced by
Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in terms of Debt Collection
Indicators of Debt Collection Mean Adjectival
1. The billings are controlled and 4.89 Highly
properly accounted. Practiced
2. Disputed accounts receivables 4.33 Moderately
handled by persons other than Practiced
those receiving the collections
are all recorded.
3. Aged accounts receivable 3.78 Moderately
balances are periodically Practiced
reviewed by supervisory
4. Adequate procedures exist for 3.89 Moderately
follow up collection of delinquent Practiced
5. Procedures exist to ensure that 4.11 Moderately
the interest and penalties are Practiced
properly charged on delinquent
6. There are controls in ensuring 4.22 Moderately
that individuals with delinquent Practiced
accounts are precluded from
receiving additional credit.
Composite Mean 4.20 Moderately
Legend: (4.50 – 5.00) – Highly Practiced; (3.50 – 4.49) – Moderately
Practiced; (2.50 – 3.49) – Practiced; (1.50– 2.49) – Poorly Practiced; and
(1.00 – 1.49) – Never Practiced.

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2.3 Debt Collection

Table 8 shows the assessment of the cooperatives on

accounts receivable management with regard to debt collection.

The respondents assessed that the internal control of accounts

receivable management influenced the organizational

performance in terms of debt collection to a “Moderately

Practiced” which obtained a composite mean of 4.20.

The individual indicators of early pay discounts of the

internal control of accounts receivable management on the

decision making were assessed as follows: the indicator “The

billings are controlled and properly accounted.” obtained a mean

of 4.89 and interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”; the indicator

“Disputed accounts receivables handled by persons other than

those receiving the collections are all recorded.” obtained a

mean of 4.33 and interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”; the

indicator “Aged accounts receivable balances are periodically

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reviewed by supervisory personnel.” obtained a mean of 3.78

and interpreted as “Moderately Practiced” ; the indicator

“Adequate procedures exist for follow up collection of delinquent

accounts.” obtained a mean of 3.89 and interpreted as

“Moderately Practiced”; the indicator “Procedures exist to

ensure that the interest and penalties are properly charged on

delinquent accounts.” obtained a mean of 4.11 and interpreted

as “Moderately Practiced”; the indicator “There are controls in

ensuring that individuals with delinquent accounts are precluded

from receiving additional credit.” obtained a mean of 4.22 and

interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”.

The indicator “The billings are controlled and properly

accounted.” obtain the highest mean value while the indicator

“Aged accounts receivable balances are periodically reviewed

by supervisory personnel.” obtained the lowest mean value.

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Las Piñas Campus

Therefore, it can be noted that regarding the

improvement of organizational performance cause by managing

accounts receivable to the debt collection, there are still minor

difficulties when it comes to the management of the debt


This finding is similar to the result of the study of ACM

(2015) which they discussed that having customers who delay

payments has become the common scenario in their company.

Unpaid dues or bad debt lead to restricted cash flows

hampering the growth of the business. Therefore, debt

collection plays a vital role in settling differences between the

cooperative and its members. It acts as solution provider at both


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Las Piñas Campus

Extent of Accounts Receivable Management Practiced by
Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in terms of Timely Invoicing
Indicators of Timely Invoicing Mean Adjectival
1. The responsibilities for 4.44 Moderately
maintaining detailed accounts Practiced
receivable records are
segregated from collections
disbursement and general
ledger posting functions.
2. All valid receivables are 4.44 Moderately
promptly recorded. Practiced
3. The total of departmental 3.56 Moderately
accounts receivable Practice
outstanding reconciles
4. Delinquent accounts that are 3.78 Moderately
reviewed and considered for Practice
charge off on a timely basis.
Composite Mean 4.06 Moderately
Legend: (4.50 – 5.00) – Highly Practiced; (3.50 – 4.49) – Moderately
Practiced; (2.50 – 3.49) – Practiced; (1.50– 2.49) – Poorly Practiced; and
(1.00 – 1.49) – Never Practiced.

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Las Piñas Campus

2.4 Timely Invoicing

Table 9 shows the assessment of the cooperatives on

accounts receivable management with regard to timely

invoicing. The respondents assessed that the internal control of

accounts receivable management influenced the organizational

performance in terms of timely invoicing to a “Moderately

Practiced” which obtained a composite mean of 4.06.

The individual indicators of early pay discounts of the

internal control of accounts receivable management on the

decision making were assessed as follows: the indicator “The

responsibilities for maintaining detailed accounts receivable

records are segregated from collections, disbursement and

general ledger posting function .” obtained a mean of 4.44 and

interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”; the indicator “All valid

receivable are promptly recorded.” obtained a mean of 4.44 and

interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”; the indicator “The total of

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Las Piñas Campus

departmental accounts receivable outstanding reconciles

periodically” obtained a mean of 3.56 and interpreted as

“Moderately Practiced” ; the indicator “Delinquent accounts that

are reviewed considered for charge off on a timely basis”

obtained a mean of 3.78 and interpreted as “Moderately


The indicator “The responsibilities for maintaining

detailed accounts receivable records are segregated from

collections, disbursement and general ledger posting function .”

and “ All valid receivable are promptly recorded.” obtain the

highest mean value while the indicator “The total of

departmental accounts receivable outstanding reconciles

periodically” obtained the lowest mean value.

Therefore, it can be noted that regarding the

improvement of organizational performance cause by managing

accounts receivable to the timely invoicing, there are still minor

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Las Piñas Campus

difficulties when it comes to the management of the timely


This finding is similar to the result of the study by Bryk

(2017) which they discussed that properly managing invoices is

another way to improved cash flow. Therefore, it is relevant to

be practiced by cooperatives to ensure that their bills are

generated and completed in a timely manner.

Effect of Accounts Receivable Management Practices to

Return on Assets of the Multi-Purpose Cooperatives

Tables 10 to 13 shows the effect of accounts receivable

management practices on return to asset ratio of the multi-

purpose cooperatives in Las Piñas City.

This finding is similar to the result by Hill (2018) which they

discussed that return on assets is relevant to cooperatives

because it measures how effectively an organization is utilizing

its assets to generate a profit. He added that internal control

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Las Piñas Campus

practices help reduce assets based, improved productivity,

lower costs, increase sales revenue and improved receivable.

Therefore, performing these practices regularly can help

improve return on assets.

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Las Piñas Campus

Effect of Accounts Receivable Management Practices to
Return on Assets of the Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in
terms of Credit Application
Mean Adjectival
Indicators of Credit Application Interpretation

1. The breakdown to where the 4.56 Major Effect

membership and application fees go
helps to properly manage net
2. Segregating responsibilities in 4.56 Major Effect
maintaining a detailed accounts
receivable records in credit
application helps appropriately
handle accounts receivables.
3. Making credit and collection write 3.33 Neutral
off policies and procedures current
and in writing aids the timely
recording of receivables.
Composite Mean 4.15 Moderate
Legend: (4.50 – 5.00) – Major Effect (3.50 – 4.49) – Moderate Effect; (2.50
– 3.49) – Neutral; (1.50– 2.49) – Minor Effect; and (1.00 – 1.49) – No Effect.

3.1 Effect of Credit Application to Return on Assets Ratio

Table 10 shows the assessment of the cooperatives on

accounts receivable management with regard to return on

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assets. The respondents assessed that the internal control of

accounts receivable management practice in terms of credit

application affect the organizational performance in terms of

return on assets to a “Moderate Affect” which obtained a

composite mean of 4.15.

The individual indicators of return on assets of the

internal control of accounts receivable management on the

decision making were assessed as follows: the indicator “The

breakdown to where the membership and application fees go

helps to properly manage net income” obtained a mean of

4.56 and interpreted as “Major Affect”; the indicator

“Segregating responsibilities is maintaining a detailed accounts

receivable records in credit application helps appropriately

handle accounts receivables. ” obtained a mean of 4.56 and

interpreted as “Major Affect”; the indic ator “Making

credit and collection write off policies and procedures

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Las Piñas Campus

current and in writing aids the timely recording of

receivables.” obtained a mean of 3.33 and interpreted

as “Neutral”.

The indicator “The breakdown to where the membership

and application fees go helps to properly manage net income”

and “Segregating responsibilities is maintaining a detailed

accounts receivable records in credit application helps

appropriately handle accounts receivables ”obtain the highest

mean value while the indicator “Making credit and collection

write off policies and procedures current and in writing

aids the timely recording of receivables.” obtained the

lowest mean value.

Therefore, it can be noted that regarding the

effect of credit application can moderately af fect the

return on assets ratio.

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Las Piñas Campus

This finding is similar to the result by Hill (2018) which

they discussed that return on assets is relevant to cooperatives

because it measures how effectively an organization is utilizing

its assets to generate a profit. He added that internal control

practices help reduce assets based, improved productivity,

lower costs, increase sales revenue and improved receivable.

Therefore, performing these practices regularly can help

improve return on assets.

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Las Piñas Campus

Effect of Accounts Receivable Management Practices to
Return on Assets of the Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in
terms of Early Pay Discounts
Indicator of Early Pay Composite Adjectival
Discount Mean Interpretation
1. Early pay discounts that 4.56 Major Effect
are recorded periodically
improves Return on
Composite Mean 4.56 Major Effect
Legend: (4.50 – 5.00) – Major Effect (3.50 – 4.49) – Moderate Effect; (2.50 –
3.49) – Neutral; (1.50– 2.49) – Minor Effect; and (1.00 – 1.49) – No Effect.

3.2 Effect of Early Pay Discounts in Return on Asset Ratio

Table 11 shows the assessment of the cooperatives on

accounts receivable management with regard to return on

assets. The respondents assessed that the internal control of

accounts receivable management practice in terms of early pay

discount affect the organizational performance in terms of return

on assets to a “Moderate Effect” which obtained a composite

mean of 4.56.

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Las Piñas Campus

The indicator “Early pay discounts that are recorded

periodically improves return on assets” obtained a mean of

4.56 and interpreted as “Major Effect”.

The indicator “Early pay discounts that are recorded

periodically improves return on assets” obtained the highest

as well as the lowest mean.

Therefore, it can be noted that regarding the

effect of early pay discount, it can surely affect the

return on assets ratio.

This finding is similar to the result by Hill (2018) which

they discussed that return on assets is relevant to cooperatives

because it measures how effectively an organization is utilizing

its assets to generate a profit. He added that internal control

practices help reduce assets based, improved productivity,

lower costs, increase sales revenue and improved receivable.

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Las Piñas Campus

Therefore, performing these practices regularly can help

improve return on assets.

Effect of Accounts Receivable Management Practices to
Return on Assets of the Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in
terms of Debt Collection
Indicator of Debt Collection Mean Adjectival
1. Having adequate procedures 3.56 Moderate
for follow-up and collection of Effect
delinquent accounts
increases Return on Asset.
2. Having billings controlled and 4.67 Major Effect
properly accounted for helps
accurately track receivables.
3. Having controls in ensuring 3.78 Moderate
that individuals with Effect
delinquent accounts are
precluded from receiving
additional credit improves the
Return on Asset.
Composite Mean 4.00 Moderate
Legend: (4.50 – 5.00) – Major Effect (3.50 – 4.49) – Moderate Effect; (2.50 –
3.49) – Neutral; (1.50– 2.49) – Minor Effect; and (1.00 – 1.49) – No Effect.

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3.3 Effect of Debt Collection in Return on Assets Ratio

Table 12 shows the assessment of the cooperatives on

accounts receivable management with regard to return on

assets. The respondents assessed that the internal control of

accounts receivable management practice in terms of debt

collection affect the organizational performance in terms of

return on assets to a “Moderate Effect” which obtained a

composite mean of 4.00.

The individual indicators of return on assets of the

internal control of accounts receivable management on the

decision making were assessed as follows: the indicator

“Having billings controlled and properly accounted for helps

accurately track receivables” obtained a mean of 4.67 and

interpreted as “Major Effect”; the indicator ”Having adequate

procedures for follow-up and collection of delinquent accounts

increases Return on Asset.” obtained a mean of 3.56 and

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Las Piñas Campus

interpreted as “Moderately Effect”; and the indicator

“Having controls in ensuring that individuals with delinquent

accounts are precluded from receiving additional credit

improves the” obtained a mean of 3.78 and interpreted as

“Moderately Effect”.

The indicator “Having billings controlled and properly

accounted for helps accurately track receivables” obtained the

highest mean while the indicator ”Having adequate

procedures for follow-up and collection of delinquent accounts

increases Return on Asset.” obtained a mean the lowest


Therefore, it can be noted that regardi ng the

effect of debt collection can moderately affect the return

on assets ratio.

This finding is similar to the result by Hill (2018) which

they discussed that return on assets is relevant to cooperatives

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Las Piñas Campus

because it measures how effectively an organization is utilizing

its assets to generate a profit. He added that internal control

practices help reduce assets based, improved productivity,

lower costs, increase sales revenue and improved receivable.

Therefore, performing these practices regularly can help

improve return on assets.

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Las Piñas Campus

Effect of Accounts Receivable Management Practices to
Return on Assets of the Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in
terms of Timely Invoicing
Indicators of Timely Invoicing Mean Adjectival
1. Promptly recording all valid 4.67 Major Effect
receivables regulates the
management of accounts
2. Reviewing and considering 3.67 Moderate Effect
delinquent accounts for
charge-off on a timely basis
helps properly track
3. Segregating responsibilities 4.33 Moderate Effect
for maintaining detailed
accounts receivable records
are segregated from
collections, disbursement,
and general ledger posting
functions helps Accounts
Receivables be properly
Composite Mean 4.22 Moderate Effect

Legend: (4.50 – 5.00) – Major Effect (3.50 – 4.49) – Moderate Effect; (2.50 –
3.49) – Neutral; (1.50– 2.49) – Minor Effect; and (1.00 – 1.49) – No Effect.

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3.4 Effect of Timely Invoicing in Return on Assets Ratio

Table 13 shows the assessment of the cooperatives on

accounts receivable management with regard to return on

assets. The respondents assessed that the internal control of

accounts receivable management practice in terms of affect the

timely invoicing organizational performance in terms of return on

assets to a “Moderate Effect” which obtained a composite mean

of 4.22.

The individual indicators of return on assets of the

internal control of accounts receivable management on the

decision making were assessed as follows: the indicator

“Promptly recording all valid receivables regulates the

management of accounts receivable” obtained a mean of

4.67 and interpreted as “Major Effect ”; the indicator

“Reviewing and considering delinquent accounts for charge-off

on a timely basis helps properly track receivables” obtained a

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Las Piñas Campus

mean of 3.67 and interpreted as “Moderate Effect”; the

indicator “Segregating responsibilities for maintaining detailed

accounts receivable records are segregated from collections,

disbursement, and general ledger posting functions helps

Accounts Receivables be properly managed.” obtained a

mean of 4.33 and interpreted as “Moderate Effect”

The indicator “Promptly recording all valid receivables

regulates the management of accounts receivable” obtain the

highest mean value while the indicator “Reviewing and

considering delinquent accounts for charge-off on a timely basis

helps properly track receivables” obtained the lowest mean


Therefore, it can be noted that regarding the

effect of timely invoicing can moderately affect the

return on assets ratio.

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Las Piñas Campus

This finding is similar to the result by Hill (2018) which

they discussed that return on assets is relevant to cooperatives

because it measures how effectively an organization is utilizing

its assets to generate a profit. He added that internal control

practices help reduce assets based, improved productivity,

lower costs, increase sales revenue and improved receivable.

Therefore, performing these practices regularly can help

improve return on assets.

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Las Piñas Campus

Chapter 4


This chapter contains with the summary of findings, the

conclusions derived from the findings and recommendations for

further studies. The main objective of the study was to show

how does the Multi-purpose based cooperatives in Las Pinas

City practice their internal control of accounts receivable

management in their organization.

Specifically, the study aimed at determining the profile

of the respondents in terms of years engaged in their business,

types of multi-purpose cooperatives they are currently operating,

number of employees they have, frequency of internal control

audit and current return on asset ratio. At the same time, the

study aimed to determine the extent of accounts receivable

management practiced by the multi-purpose cooperatives in Las

Pinas City in terms of credit application, debt collection, early

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pay discount and timely invoicing. Lastly, the researchers want

to ascertain the effect of accounts receivable management

practices to return on asset ratio in terms of credit application,

early pay discount, debt collection and timely invoicing.

Based on the results and findings, the following are the

findings of the study:

1.Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Years Engaged

1.1.1 1 or 11.1 % of the respondents is engaged in the

industry for “less than 5 years”.

1.1.2 1 or 11.1 % of the respondents is engaged in the

industry for “30 years above”.

1.1.3 5 or 55.6 % of the respondents is engaged in the

industry for “11 to 15 years”.

1.1.4 This implies that majority of the respondents are

engaged in the industry for 11 to 15 years.

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Las Piñas Campus

1.1.5 This result is similar to the study of Nembhard

(2014) which states that about 10% of cooperatives

fail after the first year of operation. After 5 years,

90% of cooperatives are still in business. This is

often because of the many people involved in

starting a cooperative and the high level of

community support for cooperatives.

1.2 Types of Multi – Purpose Cooperative

1.2.1 1 or 11.1 % of the respondents caters for a

“workers’ cooperative”.

1.2.2 1 or 11.1 % of the respondents caters for a

“service cooperative”.

1.2.3 1 or 11.1 % of the respondents caters for a

“transport cooperative”.

1.2.4 1 or 11.1 % of the respondents caters for a

“marketing cooperative”.

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Las Piñas Campus

1.2.5 5 or 55.6 % of the respondents caters for a “credit


1.2.6 This implies that the majority of the respondents

caters for a credit cooperative.

1.2.7 This result is similar to the study of Bitonio (2011)

which states that credit cooperatives generate a

common pool of funds in order to provide

financial assistance and other related financial

services to its members for productive and

provident purposes that is why most cooperatives

are credit cooperatives.

1.3 Number of Employees

1.3.1 1 or 11.1 % of the respondents has “100 – 199


1.3.2 1 or 11.1 % of the respondents has “volunteers”.

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Las Piñas Campus

1.3.3 7 or 77.8 % of the respondents has “1 – 9


1.3.4 This implies that majority of the respondents has

1 to 9 employees.

1.3.5 This result is similar to the study of Reyes

(2014), because the multipurpose cooperatives

the researchers interviewed are not big

organizations, and so they do not need too many

employees to operate efficiently.

1.4 Internal Control Audit

1.4.1 1 or 11.1 % of the respondents conducts internal

control audit on accounts receivable management

system “sometimes”.

1.4.2 1 or 11.1 % of the respondents conducts internal

control audit on accounts receivable management

system “once in a while”

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1.4.3 7 or 77.8 % of the respondents conducts internal

control audit on accounts receivable management

system “almost always”.

1.4.4 This implies that the majority of the respondents

conducts internal control audit on accounts

receivable management system “almost always”.

1.4.5 This result is similar to the study of Hirsch (2016)

where he said that internal control audit is

important because failure of the internal audit

function to detect a significant deficiency in internal

controls is a significant shortcoming in the internal

audit function’s work performance. That is why

most the respondents have high frequency of

internal control audit.

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1.5 Current Organizational Profitability

1.5.1 3 or 33.3 % of the respondents’ organizational

profitability is “increasing”.

1.5.2 6 or 66.7 % of the respondents’ organizational

profitability is “average”.

1.5.3 This implies that majority of the respondents’

organizational profitability is “average”.

1.5.4 This result is similar to the study ofMcclure (2018),

which states that Return on Assets is a pure

measure of the efficiency of a company in

generating returns from its assets without being

affected by management financing decisions.

Moreover, a high ROA is a tell-tale sign of solid

financial and operational performance.

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Las Piñas Campus

2. Internal Control of Accounts Receivable Practices

2.1 Credit Application

2.1.1 The respondents assessed that internal control

of accounts receivable management influenced

the organizational performance in terms of credit

application to a “Moderately Practiced” which

obtained a composite mean of 4.39.

2.1.2 The indicator “It is very easy to apply credit

in the cooperative” obtained a mean of

3.60 and interpreted as “Moderately


2.1.3 The indicator “Application fees are recorded

periodically.” obtained a mean of 4.44 and

interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”.

2.1.4 The indicator “We provide a breakdown to

where the membership and application fees go.”

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Las Piñas Campus

obtained a mean of 4.11 and interpreted as

“Moderately Practiced”.

2.1.5 The indicator “We have a segregated

responsibility in maintaining a detailed accounts

receivable records in credit application.” obtained a

mean of 4.44 and interpreted as “Moderately


2.1.6 The indicator “The credit and collection write off

policies and procedures are current and in writing.”

obtained a mean of 4.60 and interprete d as

“Highly Practiced”.

2.1.7 The indicator “The policies and procedures are

clearly stated and systematically communicated.”

obtained a mean of 4.67 and interpreted as

“Highly Practiced”.

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Las Piñas Campus

2.1.8 The indicator “The policies and procedures support

internal control.” obtained a mean of 4.89 and

interpreted as “Highly Practiced”.

2.1.9 This implies that majority of the respondents

practiced “The policies and procedures support

internal control” in terms credit application.

2.1.10 This result is similar to the studyof Xiang (2017)

which they discussed that credit application still

needs improvement for the company’s betterment

because before the study, credit application is


2.2 Early Pay Discounts

2.2.1. The respondents assessed that the internal control

of accounts receivable management influenced the

organizational performance in terms of early pay

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discounts to a “Moderately Practiced” which

obtained a composite mean of 4.26.

2.2.2. The indicator “The cooperative encourage its

members to pay early to avail discount.” obtained

a mean of 4.0 and interpreted as “ Moderately


2.2.3. The indicator “It is beneficial for accounts to be paid

earlier then later.” obtained a mean of 4.67 and

interpreted as “Highly Practiced”.

2.2.4. The indicator “The early pay discounts are

recorded periodically.” obtained a mean of 4.11

and interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”.

2.2.5 This implies that majority of the respondents

practiced “It is beneficial for accounts to be paid

earlier then later” in terms of early pay


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2.2.6 This result is similar to the study of Shelton

(2017) which stated that early pay discounts

is seldom practiced by their employees.

Therefore, in the cooperatives, early pay

discounts is not necessary needed.

2.3 Debt Collection

2.3.1. The respondents assessed that the internal control

of accounts receivable management influenced

the organizational performance in terms of debt

collection to a “Moderately Practiced” which

obtained a composite mean of 4.20.

2.3.2 The indicator “The billings are controlled and

properly accounted.” obtained a mean of 4.89

and interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”.

2.3.3 The indicator “Disputed accounts receivables

handled by persons other than those receiving the

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Las Piñas Campus

collections are all recorded.” obtained a mean

of 4.33 and interpreted as “Moderately


2.3.4 The indicator “Aged accounts receivable

balances are periodically reviewed by supervisory

personnel.” obtained a mean of 3.78 and

interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”.

2.3.5 The indicator “Adequate procedures exist for follow

up collection of delinquent accounts.” obtained a

mean of 3.89 and interpreted as “Moderately


2.3.6 The indicator “Procedures exist to ensure that the

interest and penalties are properly charged on

delinquent accounts.” obtained a mean of 4.11

and interpreted as “Moderately Practiced ”.

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Las Piñas Campus

2.3.7 The indicator “There are controls in ensuring that

individuals with delinquent accounts are

precluded from receiving additional credit.”

obtained a mean of 4.22 and interpreted as

“Moderately Practiced”.

2.3.8 This implies that majority of the

respondents practiced “The billings are

controlled and properly accounted” in terms of

debt collection.

2.3.9 This result is similar to the study of ACM

(2015) which they discussed that having

customers who delay payments has

become the common scenario in their

company. Unpaid dues or bad debt lead to

restricted cash flows hampering the growth

of the business. Therefore, debt collection

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Las Piñas Campus

plays a vital role in settling differences

between the cooperative and its members.

It acts as solution provider at both ends.

2.4 Timely Invoicing

2.4.1 The respondents assessed that the internal control

of accounts receivable management influenced

the organizational performance in terms of timely

invoicing to a “Moderately Practiced” which

obtained a composite mean of 4.06.

2.4.2 The indicator “The responsibilities for maintaining

detailed accounts receivable records are

segregated from collections, disbursement and

general ledger posting function .” obtained a

mean of 4.44 and interpreted as “Moderately


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Las Piñas Campus

2.4.3 The indicator “All valid receivable are promptly

recorded.” obtained a mean of 4.44 and

interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”.

2.4.4 The indicator “The total of departmental

accounts receivable outstanding reconciles

periodically” obtained a mean of 3.56 and

interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”.

2.4.4 The indicator “Delinquent accounts that are

reviewed considered for charge off on a timely

basis” obtained a mean of 3.78 and

interpreted as “Moderately Practiced”.

2.4.5 This implies that majority of the respondents

practiced “The responsibilities for maintaining

detailed accounts receivable records are

segregated from collections, disbursement and

general ledger posting function” and “All valid

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receivable are promptly recorded” in terms of

timely invoicing.

3. Return on Assets

3.1 The respondents assessed that the internal control of

accounts receivable management influenced the

organizational performance in terms of return on assets

to a “Moderate Effect” which obtained a composite mean

of 4.15.

3.2 The indicator “The breakdown to where the membership

and application fees go helps to properly manage net

income” obtained a mean of 4.56 and interpreted

as “Major Effect”

3.3 The indicator “Segregating responsibilities is maintaining

a detailed accounts receivable records in credit

application helps appropriately handle accounts

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Las Piñas Campus

receivables. ” obtained a mean of 4.56 and

interpreted as “Major Effect”

3.4 The indicator “Making credit and collection write

off policies and procedures current and in writing

aids the timely recording of r eceivables.”

obtained a mean of 3.33 and interpreted as


3.5 The indicator “Early pay discounts that are recorded

periodically improves return on assets.” obtained a

mean of 4.56 and interpreted as “Major Effect”

3.6 The indicator “Having adequate procedures for

follow up and collection of delinquent accounts

increases return on assets.” obtained a mean of

3.56 and interpreted as “Moderate Effect”

3.7 The indicator “Having billings controlled and

properly accounted for helps accurately track

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Las Piñas Campus

receivable.” obtained a mean of 4.67 and

interpreted as “Major Effect”

3.8 The indicator “Having controls in ensuring that

individuals with delinquent accounts are

precluded from receiving additional credit

improves the return on assets” obtained a mean

of 3.78 and interpreted as “Moderate Effect”

3.9 The indicator “Promptly recording all valid

receivables regulates the management of

accounts receivable.” obtained a mean of 4.67

and interpreted as “Major Effect”

4.0 The indicator “Reviewing and considering

delinquent accounts for charge off on a timely

basis helps track receivables.” obtained a mean

of 3.67 and interpreted as “Moderate Effect”

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 101
Las Piñas Campus

4.1 The indicator “Segregating responsibilities for

maintaining detailed accounts receivable records

are segregated from collections, disbursement,

and general ledger posting functions helps

accounts receivables be properly managed.”

obtained a mean of 4.33 and interpreted as

“Moderate Effect”.

4.2 This implies that majority of the respondents

answered that “Having billings controlled and

properly accounted for helps accurately track

receivable” and “Promptly recording all valid

receivables regulates the management of

accounts receivable” in terms of return om asset


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Las Piñas Campus


Based on the findings of the study, the researchers came

up with the following conclusions:

1. Majority of the respondents are engaged for 11 to 15

years in the industry. Also, majority of them cater for

credit cooperative and more than half of the total

population have 1 to 9 employees. Moreover, most of

the cooperatives conduct internal control audit on its

accounts receivable management system ‘almost

always’. Lastly, majority of the cooperatives’

organizational profitability is at average level.

2. The respondents assessed that the internal control of

accounts receivable management have a high level

rating. There is a strict management implementation of

internal control of accounts receivable to encourage its

members to pay early for discounts, to maintain detailed

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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 103
Las Piñas Campus

accounts receivable record in credit application, to have

adequate procedures when it comes to debt collections

and to have timely invoicing.

3. The respondents assessed that theyare highly profitable

when it comes to their assets.

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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 104
Las Piñas Campus


Based on the findings and conclusions, the researchers

recommend the following:

1. To be able to improve and mature an organization’s

business practices, internal control audit should be

conducted objectively and properly designed.

2. Internal control audit program will help the company

track and document any changes that have been

made to the environment and ensure the mitigation of

any found risks.

3. The company should offer easy application to their

cooperative, ensure the safety of the member

deposits, and assist in financing the credit needs of the

membership. Because, proper management of those

mentioned above will greatly influence their

organizational performance.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 105
Las Piñas Campus

4. To be able to minimize risk of fraud, error, and loss,

the company should consistently record applications

fees and provide a breakdown to where the

membership and application fees go.

5. To be able to draw more members, the cooperative

must offer early pay discounts. Aside from it

encourages prompt payment, giving discounts also

helps build a strong relationship with its members.

Furthermore, giving customers a great value for a

good quality service can certainly improve their loyalty

to the cooperative.

6. The cooperative should offer discounts to its members

for early settlement because it will assist in increasing

cash flow which is beneficial to the firm itself.

7. In order to maintain a healthy cash flow, the company

should take positive action when accounts receivable

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 106
Las Piñas Campus

ages past its due date. The billings should be

controlled and be properly accounted for because

having too many delinquent accounts can bring the

business to a standstill.

8. It is also vitally important to periodically check and

manage receivables to be able to adapt to constantly

changing market conditions. Moreover, relaxing

payment requirements will strongly impact company’s

cash flow and bottom line.

9. To be able to ensure that a business is paid in a timely

and organized manner, it is important to pay attention

to cash flow and not allow too much time between

invoices. Don’t forget to send out invoices at the time

these have been set; sending a bill long after the work

was done disrupts the cash flow and may cause

accounting issues for the customers.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 107
Las Piñas Campus

10. A cooperative should also define its accepted payment

methods and set up invoices to include a “payment

due by” date. In addition to letting the customers know

that they are expected to payment within a period of

time, it is helpful to include an actual date on the

invoice. Moreover, to ensure timely payment, the firm

can either charge a late fee, or even more effective,

offer a discount for early payment.

11. In order to have a basic building block of sustainable

risk management and internal controls for a business,

the company should have a segregation of duties.

12. One of the reasons why business owns asset is to

produce income. To be able to improve return on

assets of a business, it can reduce asset costs,

increase revenues, and reduce expenses.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 108
Las Piñas Campus

13. To be able to achieve sustainable, inclusive growth in

the city, i.e. economic growth from which the poor also

benefit, the government should encourage investment

and trade activities.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 109
Las Piñas Campus


Authority of Consumers and Markets. (Nov, 2015). A Study into

the Commercial Practices of Debt Collection Agencies.

Retrieved from:


Bryk, Adam. (2017). Strategies for Optimizing your Accounts

Payable. Retrieved from:



Daly. (2017). Six Ways to Reduce Sales Outstanding. Retrieved



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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 110
Las Piñas Campus

Denčić-Mihajlov, K. (2013). Impact of Accounts Receivable

Management on the Profitability during the Financial

Crisis: Evidence from Serbia. Retrieved from:




Dilipkumar, Patel. (Aug, 2014). An Empirical Study of

Profitability Analysis in Cooperative

Societies in KapradaTaluka. Retrieved from:

Dorota. (2013). The Accounts Receivable Management in

Commercial Enterprises of the

Installation and Heating Industry. Retrieved from:

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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 111
Las Piñas Campus



Fernandez, Janirose. (Nov, 2017) Internal Control for

Cooperatives. Retrieved from:


Freedman, John. (2012). Policies & Procedures for Accounts

Receivable. Retrieved from:


Gallo. (2016). A Refresher on Return on Assets and Return on

Equity. Retrieved from:


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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 112
Las Piñas Campus

Hill, Brian. (2018). How Can a Company Increase Its Return on

Total Assets? Retrieved from:




Jamaldin, P. (2013). Basic Principles of a Cooperative.

Retrieved from: coop/basic-principles-of-a-


Johnson, J. (2018). The Best Practices for Accounts Receivable

Management. Retrieved from:


Juneja, P. (2018). Return on Assets (ROA) – Meaning, Formula,

Assumptions and Interpretation. Retrieved

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 113
Las Piñas Campus


on- assets.htm







Lan, Joe. (2012). 16 Financial Ratios for analyzing a Company’s

Strength and Weaknesses. Retrieved from:


Lui, Michael. (2013). Success of Struggle: ROA as a True

Measure of Business Performance.

Retrieved from:

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 114
Las Piñas Campus



Masuku. (2016). Performance of Multi – Purpose Cooperatives

in the Shiselweni Region ofSwaziland. Retrieved from:


Siddiqui, Fareed. (Aug, 2016). Accounts Receivable – Need and

Importance OF Accounts Receivable. Retrieved from:



Shelton, Crystalynn. (Sept. 2017). Understanding Early

Payment Discount on Invoices. Retrieved from:

Umar, Ishaku. (Feb, 2018). Internal Control Procedures for

Accounts Receivable. Retrieved from:

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta 115
Las Piñas Campus


Vitez, Osmond (Sept, 2017). Describe the Importance of

Internal Control in

Business. Retrieved from:



William, Shelby (March, 2012). Segregation of Duties: Accounts

Receivable and Sales.

Retrieved from:

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Xiang, Meifang (2018). Privatization, Credit Application, and

Credit Constraints in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Retrieved from:

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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta xx
Las Piñas Campus


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“Appendix A”
Letter of Acceptance for Adviser

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“Appendix B”
Letter of Acceptance for Evaluator

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Las Piñas Campus

“Appendix C”
Letter to Respondents

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Las Piñas Campus

“Appendix D”
Survey Questionnaire



Part I


Below are the indicating variables that will measure the

industry profile of the cooperative – respondents in relation to the
assessment of Internal Control of Accounts Receivable Management
and Return on Assets of Multi – Purpose Based Cooperatives in Las
Piñas City. Please put a check mark (✓) on the space provided that
corresponds to your answer. Please do not leave any questions

Cooperative Organizational Name (Optional):

Location (Specify the Barangay):
Position Held in the Cooperative:

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Las Piñas Campus

Years engaged in the Cooperative Industry:

___ less than 5 years ___ 16 – 20 years
___ 6 – 10 years ___ 21 – 30 years
___ 11 – 15 years ___ 31 years and above

What types of Multi-purpose Cooperative do you caters for?

___ Producers’ Cooperative ___Retail or Purchasing Cooperative
___Workers’ cooperative ___Housing Cooperative
___Consumers’ Cooperative ___ Complex cases and Multi – Stakeholder Cooperative
___ Credit or Financial Cooperative ___Service Cooperative
___Others, please specify: ________________________

Average Number of Employees including yourself:

___ 1 – 9 employees ___ 10 – 99 employees ___100 – 199 employees

Does the cooperative conduct internal control audit on its account receivable management
___ Almost Always ___ Sometimes
___Every Once in a While ___Rarely ___ Never

Our current Organizational Profitability is:

___ Decreasing ___ Below Expected Level
___ Average Level ___ Increasing ___ High Level

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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta xxviii
Las Piñas Campus

Part II

Assessment Instrument

The following instrument may reflect your opinion / perception

on Internal Control of Accounts Receivable Management and Return
on Assets of Multi – Purpose Based Cooperatives in Las Piñas City
which will serve as basis for improvement of organizational
performance in relation to the different determining factors used.
Kindly check your answer in the space provided with the following
options needed. Please answer them completely and be assured that
your answer will be treated confidentially.

Highly Practiced - 4.50 – 5.00

Moderately Practiced - 3.50 – 4.49
Practiced - 2.50 – 3.49
Poorly Practiced - 1.50 – 2.49
Never Practiced - 1.00 – 1.49

Indicators of Credit Application
5 4 3 2 1
1. It is very easy to apply credit in the

2. Application fees are recorded periodically.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta xxix
Las Piñas Campus

3. We provide a breakdown to where the

membership and application fees go.
4. We have a segregated responsibility in
maintaining a detailed accounts receivable
records in credit application.
5. The credit and collection write off policies
and procedures are current and in writing.

6. The policies and procedures are clearly

stated and systematically communicated.
7. The policies and procedures support
internal control.

Indicators of Early Pay Discounts
5 4 3 2 1

1. The cooperative encourage its members

to pay early to avail the discount.
2. It is beneficial for accounts to be paid
earlier than later.
3. The early pay discounts are recorded

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

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Las Piñas Campus

Indicators of Debt Collection
5 4 3 2 1
1. The billings are controlled and properly
2. Disputed accounts receivables handled
by person(s) other than those receiving the
collections are all recorded.
3. Aged accounts receivable balances are
periodically reviewed by supervisory
4. Adequate procedures exist for follow-up
and collection of delinquent accounts.
5. Procedures exist to ensure that interest
and penalties are properly charged on
delinquent accounts.
6. There are controls in ensuring that
individuals with delinquent accounts are
precluded from receiving additional credit.

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Las Piñas Campus

Indicators of Timely Invoicing
5 4 3 2 1
1. The responsibilities for maintaining
detailed accounts receivable records are
segregated from collections, disbursement,
and general ledger posting functions.
2. All valid receivables are promptly
3. The total of departmental accounts
receivable outstanding are reconciled
4. Delinquent accounts that are reviewed
and considered for charge-off on a timely

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Major Effect - 4.50 – 5.00

Moderate Effect - 3.50 – 4.49
Neutral - 2.50 – 3.49
Minor Effect - 1.50 – 2.49
No Effect - 1.00 – 1.49

Effect of Credit Application on Return RATING

on Assets 5 4 3 2 1
1. The breakdown to where the
membership and application fees go
helps to properly manage net income.
2. Segregating responsibilities in
maintaining a detailed accounts
receivable records in credit application
helps appropriately handle accounts
3. Making credit and collection write off
policies and procedures current and in
writing aids the timely recording of

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Las Piñas Campus

Effect of Early Pay Discount on Return RATING

on Assets 5 4 3 2 1
1. Early pay discounts that are recorded
periodically improves Return on Asset.

Effect of Debt Collection on Return on RATING

Assets 5 4 3 2 1
1. Having adequate procedures for follow-
up and collection of delinquent accounts
increases Return on Asset.
2. Having billings controlled and properly
accounted for helps accurately track
3. Having controls in ensuring that
individuals with delinquent accounts are
precluded from receiving additional credit
improves the Return on Asset.

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Las Piñas Campus

Effect of Timely Invoicing on Return on RATING

Assets 5 4 3 2 1
1. Promptly recording all valid receivables
regulates the management of accounts
2. Reviewing and considering delinquent
accounts for charge – off on a timely
basis helps properly track receivables.
3. Segregating responsibilities for
maintaining detailed accounts receivable
records are segregated from collections,
disbursement, and general ledger posting
functions helps Accounts Receivables be
properly managed.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta xxxv
Las Piñas Campus

“Appendix E”
Statistical Findings

Type of
Purpos Number Organiz
Years e of Internal ational
Engage Cooper Employ Control Profitabi
d ative ees Audit lity
N Valid 9 9 9 9 9
Missing 0 0 0 0 0

Frequency Table

Years Engaged
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Less 1 11.1 11.1 11.1
than 5
11-15 5 55.6 55.6 66.7
21-30 2 22.2 22.2 88.9
30 above 1 11.1 11.1 100.0
Total 9 100.0 100.0

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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta xxxvi
Las Piñas Campus

Type of Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid workers 1 11.1 11.1 11.1
credit 5 55.6 55.6 66.7
service 1 11.1 11.1 77.8
transport 1 11.1 11.1 88.9
marketin 1 11.1 11.1 100.0
Total 9 100.0 100.0

Number of Employees
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1 - 9 7 77.8 77.8 77.8
100 -199 1 11.1 11.1 88.9
volunteer 1 11.1 11.1 100.0
Total 9 100.0 100.0

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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta xxxvii
Las Piñas Campus

Internal Control Audit

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Almost 7 77.8 77.8 77.8
sometimes 1 11.1 11.1 88.9
Once in a 1 11.1 11.1 100.0
Total 9 100.0 100.0

Current Organizational Profitability

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Average 6 66.7 66.7 66.7
Increasin 3 33.3 33.3 100.0
Total 9 100.0 100.0

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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta xxxvii
Las Piñas Campus i

Descriptive Statistics
Minimu Maximu Std.
N m m Mean Deviation
A1 9 1.00 5.00 3.5556 1.58990
A2 9 1.00 5.00 4.4444 1.33333
A3 9 1.00 5.00 4.1111 1.53659
A4 9 3.00 5.00 4.4444 .72648
A5 9 4.00 5.00 4.5556 .52705
A6 9 4.00 5.00 4.6667 .50000
A7 9 4.00 5.00 4.8889 .33333
B1 9 1.00 5.00 4.0000 1.22474
B2 9 3.00 5.00 4.6667 .70711
B3 9 1.00 5.00 4.1111 1.36423
C1 9 4.00 5.00 4.8889 .33333
C2 9 4.00 5.00 4.3333 .50000
C3 9 1.00 5.00 3.7778 1.71594
C4 9 2.00 5.00 3.8889 1.16667
C5 9 2.00 5.00 4.1111 .92796
C6 9 2.00 5.00 4.2222 .97183
D1 9 3.00 5.00 4.4444 .72648
D2 9 2.00 5.00 4.4444 1.01379
D3 9 2.00 5.00 3.5556 1.13039
D4 9 2.00 5.00 3.7778 .97183

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Las Piñas Campus

Valid N 9

Descriptive Statistics
Minimu Maximu Std.
N m m Mean Deviation
E1 9 3.00 5.00 4.5556 .72648
E2 9 3.00 5.00 4.5556 .72648
E3 9 2.00 5.00 3.3333 1.11803
E4 9 4.00 5.00 4.5556 .52705
E5 9 2.00 5.00 3.5556 1.23603
E6 9 4.00 5.00 4.6667 .50000
E7 9 3.00 5.00 3.7778 .83333
E8 9 4.00 5.00 4.6667 .50000
E9 9 2.00 5.00 3.6667 1.22474
E10 9 3.00 5.00 4.3333 .70711
Valid N 9

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Las Piñas Campus

Bacones, Ainee Natashia A.

18 Juliana Drive Casimiro Village
Pamplona III
Las Piñas City
(+63) 995 468 1193

 Tertiary Education:University of Perpetual Help System

1740 Alabang-Zapote Rd. Almanza Uno Las Piñas City
Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology

 Secondary Education: Guildford Park Secondary School

Surrey, BC Canada


Job Specific
 Basic Computer Skills
 Knowledge on Microsoft (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)
 Costumer Service
 Process Money
 Organization Skills
Transferable Employability Skills
 Responsible and Considerate
 Precise and Analytical
 Adaptable and Self-Sufficient

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta xli
Las Piñas Campus

De Vera, Ma. Trixcy S.

118 Cittadella Avenue, Cittadella Executive
Village Las Piñas City
(+63) 9194688007

 University of Perpetual Help System DALTA

1740 Alabang – Zapote Road, Almanza Uno, Las Piñas City
Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology

 CAA National High School Annex

CAA Road, corner Balikatan, BF International Village, Las
Piñas City


 Problem solving skill

 Responsible and punctual
 Communication and interpersonal skill
 Leadership skill
 Good listener and communicator
 Creativity and technical skills

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta xlii
Las Piñas Campus

Dejayco, Kim Zsofia L.

T.S. Cruz Subdivision Almanza II,
Las Piñas City
(+63) 9052414540

 University of Perpetual Help System DALTA

1740 Alabang – Zapoter Road, Almanza Uno, Las Piñas City
Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology

 San Roque Catholic School

Mendiola St., Alabang, Muntinlupa City


 Problem Solving skills

 Flexible and can easily adapt in a new environment
 Oral and written communication skills
 Able to work in a team
 Able to speak English and Filipino fluently
 Responsible and resilient as a leader or as a member
 Excellent time management skills

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta xliii
Las Piñas Campus

Novila, Shaniah S.
Blk 6 Lot 11 Atis St. Golden Acres Subd.
Talon Uno, Las Piñas
(+63) 9271673145

 University of Perpetual Help System DALTA

1740 Alabang – Zapoter Road, Almanza Uno, Las Piñas City
Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology

 Golden Acres National High School

Golden Acres Subd. Talon Uno Las Piñas City


 Flexible and can easily adapt in a new environment

 Knowledge in Microsoft word/
 Responsible as a leader or as a member
 Excellent time management skills
 Friendly and outgoing person

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“Appendix G”
Certificate of Statistician

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“Appendix H”
Certificate of Turnitin

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“Appendix I”
Certificate of Grammarian

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

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