1. The document defines political science and its key fields including political theory, public law, international relations, government, comparative government, and public administration.
2. It then defines the essential elements of a state: people, territory, government, and sovereignty. Sovereignty refers to the supreme legal authority of a state over its territory and people.
3. The characteristics of sovereignty are described as absolute, comprehensive, and permanent. However, sovereignty is not completely absolute as states enter into treaties that limit some sovereign powers.
1. The document defines political science and its key fields including political theory, public law, international relations, government, comparative government, and public administration.
2. It then defines the essential elements of a state: people, territory, government, and sovereignty. Sovereignty refers to the supreme legal authority of a state over its territory and people.
3. The characteristics of sovereignty are described as absolute, comprehensive, and permanent. However, sovereignty is not completely absolute as states enter into treaties that limit some sovereign powers.
1. The document defines political science and its key fields including political theory, public law, international relations, government, comparative government, and public administration.
2. It then defines the essential elements of a state: people, territory, government, and sovereignty. Sovereignty refers to the supreme legal authority of a state over its territory and people.
3. The characteristics of sovereignty are described as absolute, comprehensive, and permanent. However, sovereignty is not completely absolute as states enter into treaties that limit some sovereign powers.
1. The document defines political science and its key fields including political theory, public law, international relations, government, comparative government, and public administration.
2. It then defines the essential elements of a state: people, territory, government, and sovereignty. Sovereignty refers to the supreme legal authority of a state over its territory and people.
3. The characteristics of sovereignty are described as absolute, comprehensive, and permanent. However, sovereignty is not completely absolute as states enter into treaties that limit some sovereign powers.
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2 Constitutional Law: is the body of law which
defines the relationship of different entities What is Political Science? within a state, namely, the executive, - It is the study of state, government and the legislature, and the judiciary. politics 2.3 Administrative Law: is the body of law that - The art and Science of Governance. governs the activities of administrative What is politics? agencies of government. Government agency action can include rulemaking, From the historical point of view the term adjudication, or the enforcement of a politics came from the Greek word polis or City- specific regulatory agenda. state 3. International Relations, International Law, Fields of Political Science: and International Organization: The focus in this field of political science involves inquires 1. Political Theory into foreign policy of nation-states in their 2. Public Law mutual relationships on the different forces. 3. International Relations, International Law, and International Organization 4. Government: it is a distinct branch of study, 4. Government dealing with the government set-up of a state 5. Comparative Government on both national and local levels. It covers the 6. Public administration state constitution, laws, citizenship, structures 7. Political Dynamics of various levels of government, the election 8. Government and Business process, the judicial system, political parties, 9. Legislature and legislation and interest groups, foreign affairs, etc.
1. Political Theory: Is a branch of political 5. Comparative Government: this study uses
science which deals with the study of state descriptive analytical or sociological method in through a systematic body of principles relating seeking the similarities and differences among to the origin, form, behavior, and purposes of states as regards their executive, legislative and the state, and upon which its political system judiciary bodies, their constitution, laws, operates. Political theory is all about political administrative organizations, foreign policies, though from great political thinker or political parties and process, economic, social philosopher about political phenomena. and political functions, and their cultures and traditions. 2. Public Law: It refers to the constitutional and legal principles/rules governing sovereign 6. Public administration: it bring forth a states, governments and individual in their fountain of knowledge on the techniques and relationship with one another. method of managing and administering government in the phases of administrative 2.1 International Law: the body of generally organization, personnel administration, accepted principles that governs and regulates financial of fiscal administration, and the the international relationship and conduct of management of good public relations. nation-state. 7. Political Dynamics: it refers to the study of Sovereignty: The supreme and final legal political science which is concerned with the authority of the state to enforce its will on its interplay of different societal forces that member. influence political decision and action. - Internal Sovereignty: the ability or 8. Government and Business: it is the field that power of the state to enforce its will on gives emphasis to governmental exercise of the people within its territorial corporate, or business function, as well as its jurisdiction. regulatory function affecting the national - External sovereignty: Independence of economy. the state of a state from control by other state. 9. Legislature and legislation: as a branch of political science it brings political limelight the Characteristic of Sovereignty: vital role of the legislature is to make law. Number game. 1. Absolute: The exercise by the state of its sovereign powers is absolute in a sense that the state is not subject to restriction by any other power. However, in reality, we cannot say that CHAPTER II the sovereign power of the state is What is a State? absolute especially when the state has treaty agreements with other states. State is a community of persons more or less Treaties are the chief basis of numerous, permanently occupying a fix and international law, and if a nation-state definite portion of territory, having a is a signatory to a treaty, let us say, a government of its own rendering habitual and defence treaty or a military agreement, free from external control. then it has to surrender some sovereign rights that infringe upon certain Essential elements of the State: provision of the treaty. A perfect 1. People example for this would be the 2. Territory Philippines although it declared its 3. Government independence from Spain on June 12, 4. Sovereignty 1898 it became again a colony for another Foreign Power which is the People: Living human being inhabitants of the United States, when the latter granted state the Philippines political independence on July 4, 1946, it did not have an Territory: A fix portion of the Earth wherein the absolute independence during the people of the state resides. ensuing years for it remained a vassal of Government: An Agency through which the will United States economic imperialism. of the state is formulated and carried out 2. Comprehensive: The sovereignty of a Nation-State is comprehensive for its supreme legal authority to extend to all manifestation of how it is exercised. It is the citizens, aliens, associations or important to understand about the organization within its boundaries. indivisibility of sovereignty is that such There is an exemption to this supreme authority or supreme will is characteristic of sovereignty. Rules of the monopoly of the state. The exercise international relations, however, of authority may be delegated to provided several exemptions to this various organ of the government. characteristic. Under the mutual This concept may be best applied to a respect or international courtesy, federal system like the United States. diplomatic immunity is extended to Between the latter and Hawaii, a foreign ambassadors, ministers component part, which is sovereign? In together with their respective families this case, there can be no two supreme during the period of their assignment in powers in a state; only the United the host nation-state. Under the States is sovereign: It is only the locus principle of ex-territoriality, diplomatic or central source. immunity means that diplomatic However, Hawaii can be independent representative and their families are from the federal government when it exempted from local jurisdiction of the exercises governmental powers on local state. matters but the exercise of such power should conform to the political system 3. Permanent: Sovereign is perpetual in of the United States. Moreover such the sense that as long as the state exercise of power by Hawaii as a exists, sovereignty also exist. This is “STATE” is not an exercise of because sovereignty is an inherent sovereignty. If it ever exercises a attribute of the state. Rulers may be sovereign power for a certain purpose ousted through elections, or they may that power is only delegated by and is be overthrown from power through derived from the supreme authority of revolutions. Government may be the United States. changed from one form to another. But as long as the state exists, sovereignty is Type of State Sovereign: always present as one of its elements. 1. Legal Sovereign: is defined as the supreme authority of the state 4. Indivisible: Sovereignty is indivisible expressed by the law and the power as “to divide sovereignty is to constitution. As per John Austin in destroy it” in fact, the exercise of his lectures on Jurisprudence sovereignty may be distributed but not describes law as a supreme sovereignty itself. Thus the power of command enforce by the ruler upon the government are apportion to his people who in turn render Legislative, Executive and Judiciary and/ habitual loyalty and obedience to or distributed into Central and local the rule and the latter calls that as government. However these are not Positive Law evidence of division of sovereignty, but Whichever authority has the power to the revolutionary government as de make the law or amend the facto.. constitution, that authority exercise legal or constituent sovereignty. In the 5. De jure Sovereignty: The theory of Philippines it is the Congress, de facto sovereignty is that the Constitutional Convention and the supreme legal authority of the state people which exercise legal authority to is based on the supremacy of the change the constitution. law this means that sovereignty is formally expressed by the 2. Political Sovereignty: The supreme constitution and by the laws will of the state expressed by the enacted conformably with its electorate. Political Sovereignty is provision. In reference with the also called electoral sovereignty in revolutionary government as the sense that this supreme explained above, it was at its authority if the state is exercised by inception illegal for lack of the electorate in the choice if public constitutional basis. But it acquired officers at least during election. de jure Status when it gained wide acceptance from the people and 3. Popular Sovereignty: Popular recognition from the community of Sovereignty is supreme authority of nations. the state which resides in the people. This authority possess Theories of State Origin: coercive power to control government through which they 1. Divine Right Theory: The Idea that the allow themselves to be governed. It ruler was God’s appointed agent on was said that sovereignty resides in Earth legitimated the king’s rule, and the people and all government that no matter how absolute his power authority emanates from them. (i.e. were, such power could never be Martial Law/People Power) question or assailed by anyone. To challenge the ruler was to challenge 4. De Facto Sovereignty: Power was God’s authority. vested on a person or a group of 2. Force Theory: in this theory state came persons who have succeeded in a to existence out of conquest, force or legitimate sovereign. From a legal coercion. One good example of this stand point, the revolutionary theory is the Philippines. government that was established 3. Natural Theory: Under this Theory the after the installation to the state is just like a living organism which presidency of Corazon Cojuangco- is natural because it has the capacity to Aquino was not sanctioned by the grow, develop and attain fully civilized constitution for the power that it life. exercise was not found in the constitution or in the laws, hence, 4. Patriarchal Theory: the state started peace and order provide them with through the process of evolution from essential services. Maintain natural family it gradually form a Clan and later rights; surrender their rights to govern on the clan expanded and for a tribe them. Democracy. According to Locke, and tribe grew bigger and for a nation all humans have natural rights to and lastly the nation form a State. life, liberty and property. These rights predate the formation of 5. Instinctive Theory: in this theory the governments, so governments must state was created because of the uphold them if they wish to remain natural inclination of men toward legitimate in the eyes of their political association. A social being by nature, man associated himself with subjects. Subjects, in turn, consent other men for self-preservation and to government power only when security. their rights are being protected. Subjects withdraw consent when 6. Economic Theory: associated with their rights are violated. other men in order to provide Government, according to Locke’s themselves with their various need theory, is based on a social contract through exchange of goods and services between rulers and their subjects. If and led a societal existence. kings, generals, prime ministers fail to uphold their side of the social 7. Social Contract Theory: individuals have consented or explicitly surrender some contract by violating the natural of their freedoms and submit to the rights of their subjects, those authority of the ruler. subjects are immediately freed from their duty to obey government a. Social Contract by Thomas Hobbes: The decisions. This means that subjects Stronger animal despoiled the weaker have the right and duty to rebel one. Man’s desire for Self Preservation, against rulers when the latter fail to order and peace could be attained only uphold their responsibilities. if they surrender their natural rights c. Social Contract by Jean Jacques and submitted their will to the absolute Rousseau: He believed that the only monarchy, the Great Leviathan or the free government was a direct “Mortal god” in return. This great democracy in which the citizens actually Leviathan would preserve the peace participated in a town meeting to and give his people the security they perform functions of the government. need. Pick or Select who will protect All citizens, have equal right to them. participate in the making of laws and in b. Social Contract by John Locke: men the decision-making process. Under the were rational beings and could make theory of general will, Rousseau use of natural law for their own Good. belittled the importance of government But they need the state to maintain because it did not exercise sovereignty may be king, queen, emperor, empress, which rightfully belongs to the people tzar or tsarina, or any royal title of a as a corporate body. Government is monarch ruling the state. merely agent with delegated powers a. Absolute Monarchy: The monarch which could be withdrawn or altered as exercises the absolute powers and the general will of the people dictates. wields executive, legislative and judicial powers. b. Limited Monarchy: Also known as State versus Nation Enlightened Monarchy, the monarch is willing to part with some of his powers A state is a political concept, legal fiction. It is and delegates them to some perpetual existence as long as its four essential government agencies. Example elements (People, Territory, Government, and Legislative power is exercise by the Sovereignty) are intact. Compare to Nation it is Legislative body, the judicial power by an ethnic concept, a sociological collectivity of the court and the executive power by individuals who possess in common certain non- the king himself. He rules in accordance political characteristics such as common racial with the law, especially the origins, common language, common religion, constitution. common historical experience, a common 2. Dictatorship: A form of government cultural and social tradition or common beliefs came from the military or civilian class. or creed. During the time of stress or emergency in the past, the people sometimes Even if some of the essential elements of a vested tremendous emergency powers nation may not be present, like absence of in military commander, to be common racial origins, religion, common withdrawn after the emergency culture or those of a state, like absence of vanished. But the ambition of the sovereignty or lack of territory, provided the dictator with many pretensions would spirit of nationalism is strong among the people insist that emergency still exist. Usually they still constitute as a nation although they do the dictator proclaims himself as the not form a state. champion and protector of the poor people. CHAPTER III
According to Plato government by one, few or a. Totalitarianism: it is when the dictator
the many may be good or bad, each form of controls everything – all the means of government has its counterpart in the bad. communication, homes, schools and Mobocracy churches, the nation’s economy and even the people’s lives, their minds and Government by one Person souls. The leader dictator favors ultra- 1. Monarchy: A form of government nationalism. where the ruler is a monarch who comes from a royal family. His royal title Totalitarianism Characteristic: society and their social status, wealth and political power are inherited. a. Built on Ideological Function: The government utilizes ideology to 4. Oligarchy: also a government of wealthy few captivate the people’s belief in and but do not come from nobility like the Loyalty to the leader dictator. aristocrats. The wealthy few in the government b. Totalitarian Leader wields absolute believes that the most important requisites to power: In the totalitarian regime there claim power are Wealth, Good Social Position is a hierarchy of the elites led by the and Education. leader dictator who is closely identified with his followers. He cultivates the Oligarchs are the enemy of the poor. That is loyalty and obedience of the people to why the poor have reason to rebel against an oligarch government that tries to entrench itself maintain the power. c. Totalitarian Dictatorship uses to power. They are in the government to Terrorism: To control people they use control it for their own personal benefits as terrorism, coercion or intimidation I they use the government to build economic usually accompanied by brutality and empires for themselves and their family. violence Oligarchy and aristocracy are also authoritarian d. Totalitarian control the nation’s (enforcing strict obedience to authority economy: Every business enterprise is especially in the government at the expense of regulated coordinated and directly by personal freedom), just as monarchy and the existing regime. Decision pertaining dictatorship are. Since there are no elections in to economic policies are made or a which the citizen participates. In fact majority of group of elite persons in the the people does not participate in policy making dictatorship or more probably the and have no chosen representatives. This is dictator himself, usually for political more plutocracies (Rule by the rich) these end. authoritarian government does not allow e. Totalitarian dictatorship is against non- people to organize political parties and interest conformists: this are those people who groups. are or do not merge themselves to the system in addition no one can question Government by the Many the policy of the dictatorship. Hitler 4. Democracy: from the Greek word Demos eliminated the intellectual those are means people, and Kratia or kratos, Rule lawyers, doctors, even generals who In other words, democracy means “People goes against him. Rule” Government by the Few A democratic government must be a living and 3. Aristocracy: is defined from the Greek working instrumentality to institutionalized etymology, aristo which means best and kratia democracy ideals in order to make them more or Kratos, rule. “rule of the best" Aristocracy is a effective and more meaningful wherein a government of the “best” member of the government composed of public officers so community. They belong to the elite in the chosen or selected by the people must act responsively in accordance with the will of the elect into public office able and people wherefore a responsive society prevails qualified officials who govern in which people follow government as it does its responsibly. best for them. A democratic government is The relationship between elected identified by two essential features: leaders and the citizenry is called Polyarchy (the control of the political a. Majority Rule: the citizen has mandated leaders by their followers through the to choose the men and women who electoral process). The fear that their have the authority to govern and make supporters will vote for their rivals in public policies. the next election enables these leaders b. Minority Rights: minority citizens to perceive the will and aspiration of openly attempt to in majority support the people and thus try their best to for leaders and policies without loss of fulfil them. individual rights just as these rights are 3. Political Parties: they are the driving enjoyed by the majority. forces of democracy. Without political “Follow the interest of the majority; protect the parties the government can be despotic interest of the minority” or Tyrannical in rule as there will be no opposition to counter the action of Means in making democracy work: administration. (i.e. Liberal Party, PDP- Laban) do not be confused with Political 1. The Citizens: the citizen plays a vital Parties as their main goal is to represent part in making democracy work. A the marginalized sector of the society militant and responsible citizenry is (i.e. ACT-CIS, Construction worker needed to prevent government from Solidarity CWS, ACT Teachers Party-list). committing abuses short of tyranny. 4. Interest and Pressured Group: Interest Moreover, such citizenry can effectively and pressured group are effective act as a lever to maintain the balance means of mobilizing the government to between power and authority of the function in accordance with the government leaders. principle that the government exist for Citizen should exercise their liberty and the greatest happiness for the greatest freedoms within the bounds of the number of people in the society. (i.e. constitution and law, just as the ANAKBAYAN, GABRIELA, ANAKPAWIS, government should exercise its KMU) authority within its limits. 2. Suffrage and Electoral Process: suffrage Weaknesses of democracy: we can classify is a right conferred by the law upon a the weakness of democracy through qualified group of citizens to choose oligarchies because political authority is their public officials and to participate exercise by few elite groups whose wealth in the determination of proposed and influence are their insurance to power. policies whenever these policies are submitted to them for approval. The citizens therefore must use this right to Defence of Democracy: it allows the citizen to immediate action on important matter participate in electoral process in which they of local concern. choose the candidate that will uplift their 2. National officials are responsible for general interest for a better government as the determining policies to regulate the power of democracy resides in the peoples conduct of local affairs. They may not vote. be able to formulate effective policies that are suitable to a certain locality The Institutional types of Government because they lack adequate knowledge 1. Unitary Government: Concentrates its of the local condition prevailing in a governmental power in one organ, the central particular area. or national government to which the 3. Restrains local initiative and interest in constituent or local government owe their managing the affairs of the local existence and from which they derive their government. Local officials shall power and functions. The unitary system has administer local affairs only within the been found to have a strong foundation and a limits of certain powers delegated to more effective political authority of the them by the national government. Even sovereign ruler over the people, to attain with they want to undertake a project for faster facility the desirable goals and objectives the urgent needs of their community of the state. they cannot do so unless approved by the central government. Advantage: 4. Hastens the creation of a large centralized bureaucracy (Complex with 1. Simple structure multilayered system and process). Thus, 2. No duplication of public or government in a centralized bureaucracy there is office much red tape in the solution of 3. Unified law, public policy, and people’s problem. administration of government 5. Not suitable for large country why? 4. There is no conflict of jurisdiction Local problems require appropriate between the national and local measures for the solution of these government units problems. 5. Easy to pinpoint responsibility for any misdeed or anomaly committed by government officials. 2. Federal Government: Government powers Disadvantages: are divided between the central government and its local Government unit as specified in the 1. Over Centralized administrative control constitution of the state. over local affairs overburden the central government with numerous local Advantage problems. Local government initiative in public affairs will have very limited 1. Each government is independent in its authority and cannot take an sphere of jurisdiction within scope of authority. 2. Provides uniformity when it is needed time as mandated under the constitution. in terms of federal laws, policies and Appoints member of his cabinet. administration, and allows wide diversity of local policies to be Essential element of presidential system is the separation of power of the executive, legislative determined and promulgate by local officers or respective localities. and judiciary branch which is made more 3. Enhance people’s interest in the local effective by check and balances of the three government; they are more cooperative branches. in maintaining peace and order, Parliamentary System: under this form or promotion of health and sanitation. government the power of executive belongs to 4. Relieves the national government time the prime minister and his cabinets. They are consuming effort in solving local the leaders of the majority party in the problems. parliament and they can remain in the office as 5. Provides great opportunity for local long as they have confidence and support of the government to experiment on new parliamentary majority. legislative and administrative method of solving peoples problem Prime minister and his cabinet can be removed by means of parliamentary censure on the Disadvantage minister. 1. The structure and organization of the Sources: political machinery is complex 2. Duplication of office and personnel, and 1. Fundamentals of Political Science. F.G. maintaining the operation of the Ayson, D. Aligada-Reyes government system would cause heavy 2. Introduction to Political Science: a financial burden to the government. simplified textbook in Political Science. J. 3. Overlapping of function may occur in Donato many areas of government activity, 3. Philippine Government. R. Holmes whenever governmental problems arise on the boundary line of authority as prescribe by the constitution. Both federal and local governments may be hesitant to act on these problem may cause delay in solving problem 4. Lack of uniform legislation on many matters makes the problems of administration more difficult.
Presidential and Parliamentary Governments
Presidential System: The presidential power is
exercised by a single president elected by popular vote. Hold office for a specific period of