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t o ry t s and

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Mas wship A

1st edition published on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Masterclass in Clinical Oncology

The European School of Oncology is extremely pleased to present the first directory of selected winners of its clini-
cal fellowship scheme and participants of the 10 editions of the Masterclass in Clinical Oncology.

Started formally in the year 2000, the ESO fellowship fund is aimed at supporting the different phases of a future
cancer doctor’s career: travel and participation grants are made available to medical students to participate in the
annual ad hoc course, to young oncologists to take part in the annual clinical masterclass and to more senior clini-
cians to attend the updating educational conference in Lugano.

In addition to this support scheme, fellowships are available for intense specific training of senior clinicians willing
to expand their knowledge on specific cancer issues. These fellowships are intitled to the memory of oncologists
who contributed enormously to the growth of the School and who are passed away.

To honour the memory of some of the pioneers and leaders of European Oncology, the 2012 Clinical Fellowhips
are named as follows:

• Breast cancer surgery: Guidubaldo Querci Della Rovere

• Clinical trials: Henry Tagnon
• Leukaemia: Carl Schmidt
• Lymphoma: Santiago Pavlovsky
• Gynaecological oncology: Nina Einhorn
• Oncology nursing: Susan Hubbard
• Paediatric oncology: Tom Voute
• Radiotherapy: Lucien Josef Vanuytsel
• Surgical oncology: Bruno Salvadori

The general ESO Fellowship fund is supported by private donations and it is uniquely dedicated to clinical educa-
tion in cancer medicine. As specifically requested by the donors these fellowships cannot be granted to basic

The ESO Clinical Masterclass Fellowship fund is supported by the annual contribution of the ESO industrial Sustain-
ing Members (see back-cover) who have in such a way often made an incredible difference in the professional life
of these young doctors who are now definitely expected to be among tomorrow’s opinion leaders in oncology.

Alberto Costa, M.D.


This directory only includes the data on those colleagues who have given ESO the permission to make them public. Consequently, it
does not represent the full number of Masterclass participants and fellowships assigned by the European School of Oncology.

Masterclass Faculty

ESO wishes to express its gratitude to all the faculty members who have contributed to the success of the Master-
class and whose commitment has been invaluable.

Matti Aapro, Switzerland Emilio Esteban, Spain

Jérôme Alexandre, France Jan Fagerberg, Switzerland
Malcolm R. Alison, United Kingdom Corinne Faivre-Finn, United Kingdom
Carmen Ara, Spain Lesley Fallowfield, United Kingdom
Wendy Atkin, United Kingdom Giuseppe Favalli, Italy
Riccardo A. Audisio, United Kingdom Martin F. Fey, Switzerland
Mariano Barbacid, Spain Thomas Fischer, Germany
Louise Bayne, United Kingdom Karim Fizazi, France
Regina Beets-Tan, The Netherlands Sophie Fossa, Norway
Jacques Bernier, Switzerland Jan Foubert, Belgium
Fiona Blackhall, United Kingdom Jesme Fox, United Kingdom
Sussanne E. Börjeson, Sweden Carl Johan Fürst, Sweden
Peter Bösze, Hungary Wolfgang Gatzemeier, Italy
Sergio Bracarda, Italy Michele Ghielmini, Switzerland
Stephen Brincat, Malta John A. Glaspy, USA
Gina Brown, United Kingdom Agnes Glaus, Switzerland
Paul Bunn, USA Joseph Gligorov, France
Jaume Capdevila, Spain Robert Glynne-Jones, United Kingdom
Fatima Cardoso, Portugal Aron Goldhirsch, Italy
Desmond N. Carney, Ireland Richard Gralla, USA
Paolo Giovanni Casali, Italy Stefano Greggi, Italy
Franco Cavalli, Switzerland Keith Griffiths, United Kingdom
Andrés Cervantes, Spain Axel-R. Hanauske, Germany
Jan Willem W. Coebergh, The Netherlands Peter Harper, United Kingdom
Alfred Cohen, USA William Heald, United Kingdom
Elena Colajori, Italy Alan Horwich, United Kingdom
Nicoletta Colombo, Italy Andrew Hoy, United Kingdom
Ramon Colomer, Spain Tom Hudson, Ireland
Pier Franco Conte, Italy Luca Incrocci, The Netherlands
Finbarr E. Cotter, United Kingdom Alex Jadad, Canada
Daan J.A. Crommelin, The Netherlands Gerhard Jakse, Germany
Siobhan Crowther, United Kingdom Nicholas James, United Kingdom
Michael Cullen, United Kingdom Jacek Jassem, Poland
Walter Curati Alasonatti, United Kingdom Barbara Jereczek, Italy
Giuseppe Curigliano, Italy Christopher Johansen, Denmark
David C. Dale, USA Ian Judson, United Kingdom
Gwen Darien, USA Sara Junius, Belgium
Elisabeth Davies, United Kingdom Nikolay Katev, Bulgaria
Johann S. de Bono, United Kingdom Nora Kearney, United Kingdom
Louis J. Denis, Belgium Daniel Kelly, United Kingdom
Santiago Dexeus, Spain Jan Klozar, Czech Republic
Ingo Diel, Germany Kurt Krejcy, Austria
Andreas Dietz, Germany Stella Kyriakides, Cyprus
Benjamin Djulbegovic, USA Eric Lartigau, France
Alexander M.M. Eggermont, France William Lees, United Kingdom
Wolfgang Eiermann, Germany Jean Louis Lefèbvre, France
Timothy Eisen, United Kingdom Justin Lindemann, United Kingdom
Mustafa Erman, Turkey Bernard Lobel, France


Louis A. Loizou, Cyprus Rossitza K. Ruseva, Bulgaria

Jane Maher, United Kingdom Emiel J. Th. Rutgers, The Netherlands
Paul Manley, Switzerland Giorgio Scagliotti, Italy
Anita Margulies, Switzerland Christof Scheid, Germany
Silvia Marsoni, Italy Dirk Schrijvers, Belgium
Alex Matter, Switzerland David Sebag-Montefiore, United Kingdom
Giovanni Mazzarol, Italy Joe Selby, USA
J. Gordon McVie, Italy Elzbieta Senkus-Konefka, Poland
Joelle Michel, Switzerland Hans Jorg Senn, Switzerland
Kurt Miller, Germany Cristiana Sessa, Switzerland
Françoise Mornex, France Thomas Seufferlein, Germany
Monica Morrow, USA Lena Sharp, Sweden
Gerd Nagel, Switzerland John Smyth, United Kingdom
Donald Newling, United Kingdom Rolf A. Stahel, Switzerland
Bernard Nordlinger, France Jutta Steinseifer, Switzerland
John.M Northover, United Kingdom Michael C.G. Stevens, United Kingdom
Larry Norton, USA Florian Strasser, Switzerland
Geoffrey Nuttall, United Kingdom Tullio Sulser, Switzerland
Stephen J. O’Connor, Belgium Antonella Surbone, Italy
Kjell Öberg, Sweden Christer Svedman, Switzerland
Cristina Marinela Oprean, Romania Irving Taylor, United Kingdom
Roberto Orecchia, Italy Patrick Therasse, Belgium
Doreen Pace, Malta Riccardo Valdagni, Italy
Anwar Padhani, United Kingdom Eric Van Cutsem, Belgium
Olivia Pagani, Switzerland Elsken Van der Wall, The Netherlands
Francesca Palandri, Italy Paul Van Houtte, Belgium
Demetris Papamichael, Cyprus Hendrik Van Poppel, Belgium
Ugo Pastorino, Italy Paul Van Schil, Belgium
Jean-Jacques Patard, France Nico Van Zandwijk, The Netherlands
Poulam Patel, United Kingdom Peter Vaupel, Germany
Julietta Patnick, United Kingdom Jan B. Vermorken, Belgium
Nicholas Pavlidis, Greece Umberto Veronesi, Italy
Sergio Pecorelli, Italy Giuseppe Viale, Italy
Emma Pennery, United Kingdom Petra Viehweg, Germany
Christine Phillips, United Kingdom Gunter Von Minckwitz, Germany
Herbert Michael Pinedo, The Netherlands Andrew Wardley, United Kingdom
Razvan Popescu, Switzerland Walter Weder, Switzerland
Graeme John Poston, United Kingdom Robin Weiss, United Kingdom
Thomas Powles, United Kingdom Mary Wells, United Kingdom
Cornelis J.A. Punt, The Netherlands Jeremy Whelan, United Kingdom
Kathy Redmond, Switzerland Hans Wildiers, Belgium
Nick Reed, United Kingdom Raimund Winter, Austria
Alison Richardson, United Kingdom Manfred Wirth, Germany
Alessandro Riva, France Johannes M. Wolff, Germany
Patrik Rogalla, Germany Lynn Faulds Wood, United Kingdom
Philppe Rougier, France Marc Zerbib, France
Lewis Rowett, Switzerland Horst Zincke, USA
Carolyn Runowicz, USA Emanuele Zucca, Switzerland

Where those most eager to learn meet
those most willing to teach *
As the ESO–ESMO Masterclass celebrated its 10th anniversary in April,
Peter McIntyre spoke to students and teachers to hear about how this week-long
learning marathon is helping build an army of brilliant young oncologists, many of
whom will be the leaders of tomorrow.

The European School of Oncology edge to the treatment of patients class in Clinical Oncology for young
(ESO) was famously founded on a that is at the heart of ESO initiatives, oncologists has come to be seen as
misdiagnosis and its unique selling exemplified in its motto ‘Learning to a key event bringing together those
point is to prevent tragedies based care’. most eager to learn and those most
on ignorance and lack of education. It does this by enlisting the best ex- willing to teach.
The legacy on which the School was perts from around Europe to present The annual Masterclass is a week of
launched in 1982 was bequeathed the evidence for first-line therapies intensive learning and interaction for
by an Italian businessman who was and subsequent treatments, asking 60 of the brightest and best: 30- to
treated for a year for arthritis before and answering “what if” questions 40-year-olds on the cusp of deciding
discovering that his pain came from on the way. The emphasis is on multi- their ultimate oncology specialism.
bone metastases originat- The course is dedicated to
ing from undiagnosed pros- medical and clinical oncolo-
tate cancer. gists and the focus is on
The whole premise of the the big killers: lung, breast,
school is that mistakes like prostate, colorectal and gy-
this would not happen if doc- naecological cancers.
tors were better educated Alberto Costa, Director of
about cancer and if special- ESO, says that these Mas-
ists were up to date with and terclasses take the school
applied the latest research back to its roots. “When
and best clinical practice. we started ESO, courses
What if…? Students bring difficult case studies for discussion
The Milan group who cre- with international experts such as lung cancer specialist were like this – one week
ated ESO was evangelical and Masterclass Co-Chair Rolf Stahel, pictured here residential courses. But
about improving doctors’ then people had no money
knowledge and understanding disciplinary ways of working and the and people were too busy, and the
about latest treatments and diag- importance of becoming a true spe- hospitals would not let them go for a
nostic tools. cialist so that all patients are in the week. So the courses were cut back
ESO education is about incorporat- hands of doctors who know the evi- to one or two days.
ing research that updates state of dence and how to apply it. “Now we have 60 students for a
the art best practice, while retain- In the variety of ESO courses – Inside week. This is exactly what people
ing tried and tested treatments that Track, Insight conferences, a course of this age need. They are now at
work. It is the application of knowl- for medical students – the Master- the age when they have to choose

*Peter McIntyre, Cancerworld journalist. This article has been written for publication in Cancerworld issue 44


what speciality they will follow but

options are still open to them. You There is something magical about his ability
cannot come here through paying
to pop up with a slide containing the most
a registration fee. You have to write
a motivation about why you want relevant research results during discussion
to come and you have to prepare a
case study and then you may be ac- tough choices at the end. With 15 to these are not cases but people. So
cepted.” 20 young oncologists in each group one case study involves a mother of
there are echoes of the hit TV series two children diagnosed with color-
LEARNING FROM DIFFICULT House, in which bright young doc- ectal cancer in 2008. She has been
CASES tors outdo each other in diagnoses treated for aggressive disease and
What is now the ESO–ESMO Mas- and suggested treatment. liver metastases with cytoreductive
terclass in Clinical Oncology cele- The faculty member for one group surgery and hyperthermic intraperi-
brated its 10th anniversary in April is Nicholas Pavlidis, professor at the toneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). By
2011 at the Wolfsberg Centre, by Department of Medical Oncology in March 2011, after many rounds of
Lake Constance, in Switzerland. The Ioannina, Greece, and joint chair of treatment, there is no obvious sign
venue (it belongs to UBS investment the Masterclass. He’s far too nice to of disease. Should they be adopting
bankers) exudes a sense of calm or- be “Dr House”, but there is some- invasive diagnostic tests? Pavlidis
der. The Masterclass is a ferment of
bubbling activity.
The daily routine is rigorous: break-
fast by 8.00am, first presentation
at 8.30am, and (with breaks) pres-
entations through till 4.30pm. Then
the day begins again, as the partici-
pants split into groups and present
and discuss case studies from their
own hospitals. By the time they
close, it has been 11 hours of in-
tense concentration.
The presentations read like a Who’s
Who of European oncology: Aron
Goldhirsch on breast cancer, Jan
Vermorken on gynaecological can-
Now where are we? Wolfgang Gatzemeier, one of the Masterclass coordinators
cers, Jacques Bernier on head and checks the packed timetable with Chatrina Melcher, Masterclass organiser
neck cancers, Eric van Cutsem on
colorectal cancer, Rolf Stahel on thing magical about his ability to asks what the outcome will be if the
lung cancer. pop up with a slide containing the cancer has returned and all agree
For the case study discussions, no- most relevant research results dur- that they will have run out of op-
body brings a straightforward case. ing discussion. tions. Gently, he suggests that the
The history is revealed step by step, And (unIike the malignant Dr House) additional tests will bring distress to
usually with recurrence or complica- Pavlidis always brings the students the patient without benefit.
tions following treatment and some back to the human perspective – Another case concerns a young

woman who presented with adeno-
carcinoma, and was initially treated
apparently successfully. But after More than 50% of them are now professors in
recurrence and further treatment universities inside or outside Europe
hepatic metastases were found. De-
spite hepatic metastasectomy, it is
clear that the cancer has not been sors in universities inside or outside at the Esslingen Hospital in Germa-
cured. Pavlidis points out that she Europe,” he says. He is sure this ny, specialising in cancer and hae-
is still alive six years after her initial pattern will be repeated with the matology. “My consultant took part
diagnosis, and for much of that time current Masterclass series. in this Masterclass several years
has been able to live a normal life. “We offer real education by distin- ago and recommended it warmly,”
Is this a treatment that has failed, guished experts from Europe. What he said. “He is certainly right about
as the young doctor may feel, or one makes the difference is that not this. It updates you on the facts and
that has given this young woman only do you teach the big killers but on standard diagnosis and treat-
years of good-quality life, critical you also have these people sitting ment. It is hard work, but it is defi-
years with her young children? in these kind of groups presenting nitely worth it.”
Andreia Costa, a medical oncology
fellow at the Hospital de São João,
Portugal, takes her final medical
oncology exams in 2012. “This is
a fantastic revision for me and it
is very important for my training.
It is very intensive, but we do get
some breaks between sessions. I
particularly value the discussion of
the cases in small groups and over
Davit Zohrabyan, a medical oncolo-
gist at the Yerevan State Medical
University Hospital in Armenia, sees
the course as a lifeline to knowl-
edge that is not easily available in
A marathon. Students listen to presentations from international experts between his home country. He saved up the
8.30 am and 4.30 pm, before splitting up for group sessions questions he could not answer at
home so he could ask the experts
Pavlidis has been described as the their own clinical cases. We analyse here. “Armenia is a small country
‘father’ of the Masterclass. Almost and criticise and give directions.” and it is not rich and it does not have
30 years ago, in 1982, as a young big research programmes. It is very
Fellow at the Royal Marsden Hospi- UP FOR THE CHALLENGE important for me and for my country
tal in the UK, he attended the first The participants are clearly up for that I get acquainted with the new
ESO course in Milan. “If you look at the challenge. Jochen Bauer quali- methods and practice. I want to be
who were participants then, more fied as a doctor seven years ago informed with all the important new
than 50% of them are now profes- and now works in internal medicine scientific knowledge. I want to work


oncology coming and lecturing, but

also interacting with them.”
It is very important for me and for my country Should the course ease up a lit-
that I get acquainted with the new methods tle? Can anyone concentrate for 11
and practice hours a day? The other coordinator,
Wolfgang Gatzemeier, believes that
the benefit is worth the pain. “At the
together with science.” because of the experience of both beginning, I say you are here for a
Inevitably, after 10 years, the pupils good and bad quality teaching that marathon. I did it for 10 years and
start to become teachers. Elżbieta I have had myself. There are certain I survived and you will survive as
Senkus-Konefka was one of 53 stu- countries and big institutions that well. I know it is not easy to follow
dents on the very first Masterclass have superb training programmes, presentations for such a long time,
held in Montecantini, Italy, in 2002. but many trainees do things by trial but they also have time to reflect
Now a specialist in radiotherapy and error and they are not really and talk to each other.” He points
and medical oncology in Gdansk, guided in their learning.” out that the students do not have to
Poland, she has returned for the Popescu is active with the Euro- remember everything as they get a
past two years to lecture on treat- pean Society for Medical Oncol- book of presentations and access
ment for metastatic breast cancer. ogy (ESMO) and in his work on the to the slides online.
“My career is an example of some- ESMO awards committee he saw
one who graduates from these many CVs of young doctors from THE LATEST DATA – IN CONTEXT
courses and then becomes an ex- eastern Europe who needed sup- Gatzemeier, a breast surgeon, be-
pert. When I applied I was just start- port. “Certain countries, not exclu- lieves that the Masterclasses have
ing on medical oncology. I wrote that sively in central and eastern Europe, added value over the large scientific
this was at a very important point have teaching that is mandatory for conferences. “The big conferences
for me because I had just switched them to attend, but it does not take like ASCO and ESMO present the
to a second specialty. Ten years ago them forward – they don’t learn. hot data that just came out that
hardly anyone from Eastern Europe These young people are the future moment. Here we present the com-
went to international conferences of oncology in Europe. What ESO is prehensive picture, where the latest
or was considered an expert. I was doing, and I am delighted it is now data are integrated, but the back-
one of the few to do so.” doing it in partnership with ESMO, ground is also prepared.
Although the course was also inten-
sive in her day, she does remember
then that some of the presentations
But many trainees do things by trial and error
were by the pool rather than the lec-
ture hall. But as she looks around at
and they are not really guided in their learning
her audience she is sure that there
are others, like her, for whom this is
making a real difference. has been to set up a very, very good “When you go to the major confer-
Razvan Popescu, medical oncolo- course. One of the main drivers ences and congresses you can get
gist at the Hirslanden Clinic in for me to continue to participate is lost in all that they have to offer.
Aarau, Switzerland, is one of two the live interaction which develops Here in this more relaxed ambience,
scientific coordinators. “One of the between the faculty and students. people are taught by top faculty in a
reasons why I became involved is They get the crème of European very intensive way. The most impor-

tant information is presented and struggling with systemic issues and with many of the same objectives.
everybody has an opportunity to the culture.” The Dubrovnik Mas- “This is a Masterclass and the idea
gain as much as possible from what terclass emphasised the improve- is that we are training future leaders,
is offered here. ments in the quality of medicine so this is very much about clinical
“We ask people at the end if it is too that flow from interdisciplinarity and experience and about looking at key
much and yes, some complain that discussing a case together. skills and developing practice. We
it is too compressed, but they also have looked at putting in place the
always ask us to do something more A MASTERCLASS IN CANCER advanced assessment skills that in
as well! From our follow-up, we see NURSING many countries aren’t systematic or
that for many participants this was The Masterclass in Switzerland was taught. It is not just about the latest
a crucial point in their career, so not only about doctors: 22 nurses breast cancer treatment it is about
that they may have the opportunity
to become head of a department.”
ESO is not resting on its laurels. In
May 2011 it held a Balkan Mas-
terclass in Clinical Oncology in
Dubrovnik, Croatia, co-chaired by
Popescu, who is originally from Ro-
mania, and by Semir Bešlija from
the Institute of Oncology in Sarajevo,
Bosnia. Like the full Masterclass,
this was a residential course paid
for by sponsors, although slightly
shorter, at three days. The Balkans
course was also open to surgeons
who are not covered by the main
Popescu explained that the aim was It’s for nurses too. Twenty-two cancer nurses attended a nursing Masterclass
to devise a course that was particu- held in parallel; this group is discussing issues in patient communication
larly relevant to the clinical environ-
ment in the region. “Some people also attended from 15 countries. It how you would as a nurse manage
come and hear things that they was the tenth Masterclass for doc- targeted therapies and manage the
won’t ever be able to put into prac- tors, and the fourth for nurses. Fund- side effects and look more specifi-
tice, like monoclonals and targeted ing is in place for the nursing course cally at the quality of life issues and
small agents that cost a fortune. to take place alongside the medical enhancing care.”
“There are people from the region course for the next two years. Some The pedagogical methods used by
who are exceptionally bright and presentations are shared with med- the nurses are very different, based
sometimes manage to come to ics, but the nurses also break out around group work and group dis-
Western institutions and do su- to look at the advanced practice of cussion. In a communication seg-
perbly well. It is painful that if they nursing cancer patients. ment they discuss how to respond
want to return to their own region Sara Faithfull, President of the Eu- when a patient inevitably asks:
they find they are not only struggling ropean Oncology Nursing Society “How long have I got?” or when a
with financial issues, they are also (EONS), chaired the nursing course relative says: “Don’t tell them what


they have got.”

Nurse training and practice differ AN EXCELLENT REPORT CARD
across Europe, and EONS has been
working to improve online training
Students rate the Masterclass highly for useful and relevant
opportunities for nurses, many of
whom get less than three days a
A review of doctors attending the first nine Masterclasses shows
year away from the ward for train-
that almost 60% were aged 30–34 years old, and 37% were aged
ing. But as with the doctors, there is
35–45. Participants were evenly divided, males and females.
little that can beat the face-to-face
The vast majority of participants (72%) were medical oncologists,
with 6% radiation oncologists and 6% clinical oncologists. Some
Sandrine Decosterd, from the Ge-
had not yet finally decided on their areas of specialisation. Two
neva University Hospitals feels that
thirds (67%) came from European Union countries, 25% from non-
this personal sharing of experience
EU countries of Europe and 8% from outside Europe – mainly the
and motivation is most valuable.
Middle East and Latin America.
“This course also gives you a lot of
Feedback by students is very positive. Over the first nine years the
knowledge in a short time – both
overall median score for the quality of education was of 3.54 out
scientific knowledge and nursing
of 4. Information was rated as useful and relevant (median 3.64)
and well balanced with good evidence (3.59), with adequate time
Margreet Pieters, an advanced
for discussion and questions (3.51).
nurse consultant at the University
Masterclasses have been held in Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Bul-
Medical Center in Groningen, the
garia and Portugal, but the Wolfsberg Centre, at Ermatingen, Swit-
Netherlands, says: “The Master-
zerland received almost perfect scores for facilities, management
class enables you to interact with
and organisation and it is clear that ESO hopes it will be able to
colleagues around Europe. For me
the role of the cancer nurse is that
we see the whole patient – not only Source: N Pavlidis et al. (2010). The Masterclass of the European School of
Oncology: The ‘key educational event’ of the school. Eur J Cancer 46:2159–
the illness. Quality of life is very im- 2165
Elana Laska teaches palliative care
nursing in Albania, where there are Masterclass using case studies have been through the course, “a
few oncology nurses. As an advo- online afterwards to see how it has little army of brilliant young oncolo-
cate to improve the role and skills changed nurses’ practice. gists all over Europe.”
of nurses, she was keen to share Alberto Costa feels that the Mas- The average age of those attending
her knowledge when she got home. terclass concept is much stronger the course seems to be dropping
“Every time I go for training I pre- when it includes doctors and nurs- and the majority are under 35. It
pare a report. I hold meetings with es and he praises the sponsors for will not be many years before the
the team and give them my expe- putting money into education, with- students attending the Masterclass
riences. I write notes every night out wanting to put their names all will not even have been born when
about what I have seen and all the over everything. ESO began. For now, it can be said
things I am thinking about how we Cutting the cake to mark the tenth that they have grown up together
can do something differently.” anniversary of the medical Mas- and that together they undoubtedly
EONS is planning to get academic terclass, he pointed out that there make a difference to the practice of
accreditation for the next nurse are now more than 500 people who oncology.

Nicholas Pavlidis, MD, PhD
Co-Chairman of the Masterclass in Clinical Oncology
Professor of Medical Oncology
Medical School, University of Ioannina,
451 10 Ioannina, Greece
Wolfgang Gatzemeier, MD
ESO-Masterclass Scientific Coordinator
Chatrina Melcher
ESO- Masterclass Organiser

The mission main European cancer societies (Masterclass in Radi-

Since its inauguration in 1982, The European School of ation Oncology with ESTRO, Masterclass in Paediatric
Oncology (ESO) has been promoting cancer education Oncology with SIOP-E, Masterclass in Oncology Nurs-
in Europe and abroad. The original idea of the school is ing with EONS, Masterclass in Surgical Oncology with
to fight against cancer in optimising training and updat- ESSO.
ing competence of physicians and health care workers Since 2008 the MCO is a joint venture with the Euro-
dealing with cancer patients in providing them with a pean Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)
comprehensive understanding of oncology. ESO’s mis- The Masterclass is part of ESO’s Sharing Progress in
sion is reflected in its motto “Learning to Care”, which Cancer Care programme.
stresses the concept of studying and learning and also The focus of this review is the Masterclass in Clinical
of caring for the patient in a global sense. By improving Oncology (MCO).
the skills of all health professionals dealing with can- Since 2002 ten editions of took place in various Euro-
cer patients, ESO’s mission is to shorten the length of pean cities. Two in Limassol (Cyprus), 2 in St. Julians
time needed to transfer knowledge from advanced re- (Malta), 2 in Ermatingen (Switzerland) , and one in
search centres to daily practice, combining advanced Montecantini (Italy), Tennerife (Spain), Sofia (Bulgaria)
technology with humanism in care. and Sintra (Portugal) (see Table 1).
Among the various activities of ESO) the Masterclass
is considered as the “key educational event” of the The Programme
School. The ESO-ESMO Masterclass in Clinical Oncology is a
The concept of the Masterclass was conceived in 2001 unique educational event designed for medical and
and the first Masterclass in Clinical Oncology was held clinical oncologists who wish to improve their skills or
in 2002. those who are preparing for the national board exami-
Since then, the Masterclass design was expanded to nation. The programme exposes participants to a full
further disciplines and held in collaboration with the spectrum of issues in clinical oncology and practice


Table 1. The History of ESO Masterclass of the MCO. Around 60 participants are selected
Year City/Country No Participants EU origin
annually by an ESO Committee. ESO offers free
2002 Montecantini / Italy 53 57 % registration and accommodation to selected par-
2003 Tennerife / Spain 44 68 % ticipants.
2004 Limassol / Cyprus 54 53 % During the past 10 MCO (2002-2011) 546 par-
2005 Limassol / Cyprus 60 57 % ticipants have been selected. Almost 70% were
2006 St. Julians / Malta 54 72 % below age 35 and 55% were females. Seventy-
2007 St. Julians / Malta 52 61 % five percent were medical oncologists, 11% clini-
2008 Sofia / Bulgaria 50 83 % cal oncologists, 4% radiotherapists and 10% were
2009 Sintra / Portugal 54 68 % surgeons, pathologists or radiologists. The major-
2010 Ermatingen / Switzerland 64 85.5 % ity of participants, (67.5%) were originated from
2011 Ermatingen / Switzerland 61 72% countries of the European Union, 22% from non-
European Union countries and 10.5% were non-
oriented training. Europeans (Asia, Africa or South America).
The MCO is an interactive, multidisciplinary full-immer-
sion, 5-days residential course with compulsory par- The Faculty
ticipation throughout the programme. An international faculty of more than 30 European dis-
The MCO offers: tinguished academic experts including mainly medical
• plenary lectures on the most common cancers re- oncologists (41%), radiation (14%) oncologists and sur-
garding state-of –the -art clinical evaluation and gical oncologists (17.5%) are involved. Other scientists
treatments with reference to clinical guidelines i.e. pathologists, radiologists, psychologists, molecular
which are concluded in take home messages. biologists, etc are also contributing. Most faculty mem-
• tumor board sessions with case discussion after bers are well known experts from prominent European
the clinical sessions Universities or Cancer Centres.
• spotlight sessions facilitate a compact update on At the end of most days three members of the facul-
various topics (i.e. supportive care, hematological ty discuss in a very interactive way for 1 ½ h clinical
malignancies, palliative care, etc) cases submitted and presented by the participants in
• case presentations delivered by the participants small groups of 20 students.
and discussion with the chairmen and the faculty
within small groups. The Questionnaire
All participants and faculty reside at the course facili- A questionnaire including the evaluation of the course
tating informal discussions and communication. in general, content, organization and speakers is dis-
tributed to all participants. In addition, it is requested
The Participants to provide helpful suggestions concerning the pro-
Admission to the MCO is by competitive application gramme. They are asked to score each question con-
and attendance is limited to 60 participants and the cerning the topics and faculty members based on a
criteria for admission are: (a) age of 30-40 years, (b) at grading scale from 1 to 4 (1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good,
least 2-3 years experience in oncology, (c) involvement 4=excellent).
in scientific or research activities, (d) fluency in Eng- All characteristics (overall rating, achievement of the
lish, (e) submission of an application form, (d) letter of set goals, usefulness of information, evidence-based
motivation and (e) supporting letter from the head of teaching, interaction) were rated from 3.51 to 3.68,
the department, (f) curriculum vitae and (h) submis- whereas facilities and organization of the course from
sion of a clinical case relating to one of the subjects 3.61 to 3.71. In addition, the rating by teaching topic

were also highly rated (3.21-3.52). The most highly Mediating oncological knowledge and principles in this
scored topics were gastrointestinal cancer and hema- way these intensive five days of full immersion in mod-
tological malignancies (3.52), followed by lung cancer ern oncology create a collective spirit of teaching and
(3.46) as well as breast and genito-urological cancers learning to improving clinical skills and patient care.
(3.42). Also, clinical case presentations were highly The follow-up of MCO alumni clearly demonstrated,
rated by the participants (3.48) (see Table 2). that for many participants this event was a crucial
point in their career.
The challenge
MCO attendees are taught by top faculty presenting Reference
the comprehensive picture, where the latest data are 1. Pavlidis N., Gatzemeier W., Popescu R., Stahel R.,
integrated, but the background is also prepared. Pinedo H., Cavalli F., Costa A. The masterclass of the
The most important information is delivered and eve- European School of Oncology : the “key educational
rybody has an opportunity to gain as much as possible event” of the school. Eur J Cancer 46(12): 2159-65,
from what is offered. 2010.

Table 2. The Questionnaire analysis by

546 participants
Evaluation Scoring (1 – 4)
1. Overall rating 3.54
2. Achievement of the goals 3.68
3. Usefulness of information 3.64
4. Evidence – based teaching 3.59
5. Interaction (among faculty and participants) 3.51
6. Course facilities 3.61
7. Course organization 3.71
8. Teaching per topic:
breast cancer 3.42
lung cancer 3.46
genito-urological cancer 3.42
gynaecological cancer 3.40
gastro-intestinal cancer 3.52
head – neck cancer 3.34
haematological malignancies 3.52
supportive / palliative care 3.21
clinical case presentation 3.48

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Index by Name

A Costovici Catalin Nicolae 23 H

Abreu Rodrigues Tânia 18 Curca Razvan Ovidiu 23 Hagg Juliane 28
Acquadro Francesco 18 Curioni-Fontecedro Alessandra 23 Haringhuizen Annebeth 28
Ajithkumar Thankamma 18 Custodio Sandra 23 Helbling Daniel 28
Albarracin Flavio 18 Czegle Ibolya 23 Herlestam-Calero Teresa 28
Altintas Sevilay 18 Hetnal Marcin 28
Andreola Giovanna 18 D Hitre Erika 28
Angelescu Simona Cristina 18 Dambrosio Mario 23 Hook Jane 28
Aslam Shahzeena 18 Danwata Falalu Dahiru 23 Horgan Anne 28
Assad Daniele Xavier 18 Darby Angela J. 23 Hutchings Martin 28
Atanackovic Djordje 18 Dasgupta Sonali 24 Hutka Malgorzata Margaret 29
Audisio Riccardo A. 19 Daskalova Iskra 24
de Azambuja Evandro 24 I
B Debaere Debbie 24 Iliev Yanislav 29
Badakhshi Harun 19 De Castro Gilberto 24 Ioannidis Georgios 29
Badea Doina-Mariana 19 Dedic Plavetic Natalija 24
Badulescu Adriana 19 Dediu Mircea 24 J
Balakireva Julia 19 Dellapasqua Silvia 24 Jacobs Volker R. 29
Ballova Veronika 19 Delmonte Angelo 24 Janciauskiene Rasa 29
Barra Williams 19 Denys Hannelore 24
Bassani Luis Guillermo 19 Dienstmann Rodrigo 25 K
Bauer Jochen 19 Dimoudis Stefanos 25 Kakabadze Nana 29
Bechter Oliver 19 Doherty Mark 25 Kalachand Roshni 29
Becker Cornelia 20 Dubogray Svetlana 25 Kalmakhelidze Lasha 29
Belle Sebastian 20 Dursun Polat 25 Kamposioras Konstantinos 29
Bendardaf Riyad Ahmad Othman 20 Dzagnidze Giorgi 25 Kanagavel Dheepak 29
Berardi Rossana 20 Karamouzis Michalis 30
Beuselinck Benoit 20 E Karina Maria 30
Bhosle Jaishree 20 Eckert Robert 25 Kehagioglou Pinelopi 30
Bianchini Diletta 20 Elbahaie Alaaeldeen 25 Khan Khurum Hayat 30
Bittner Nora 20 Elhaj Ahmed 25 Khoo Vincent 30
Bobilev Dmitri 20 Elsayed Ahmed Musaad Abd El-Fattah 25 Kichenadasse Ganessan 30
Brito Goncalves Margarida 20 Engin Hüseyin 26 Klinghammer Konrad 30
Buehler Beat 21 Er Ozlem 26 Kocsis Judit 30
Buter Jan 21 Komorowski Andrzej 30
Bystricky Branislav 21 F Krikelis Dimitrios 30
Fedorenko Denis A. 26 Krstajic Sandra 31
C Fedyanin Mikhail 26 Kuznecovs Sergejs 31
Carneiro Ana 21 Fernandez-Ortega Maria Paz 26
Carruthers Ross 21 Ferreira Castro Ana 26 L
Castillo Cecilia 21 Filipovic Aleksandra 26 Lahaye Tanja 31
Cecere Fabiana Letizia 21 Langmar Zoltan 31
Celebic Aleksandar 21 G Locatelli Marzia 31
Cergnul Massimiliano 21 Gales Laurentia Nicoleta 26 Lonchay Christophe 31
Cesas Alvydas 21 Gallerani Elisa 26 Lopez Jimenez Antonio 31
Chapet Olivier 22 Gandini Chiara 26 Lorenzen Sylvie 31
Charlambous Haris 22 Geissler Michael 27 Lorizzo Katia 31
Chau Ian 22 Generali Daniele 27 Loupakis Fotios 31
Chester John 22 Gerina-berzina Aija 27 Lypas Georgios 32
Chubenko Viacheslav 22 Ghebriou Djamel 27
Claus Dorothea 22 Gick Ute 27 M
Colichi Camelia-Aneta 22 Golfinopoulos Vassilios 27 Machado Manuela 32
Collinson Fiona 22 Gounaris Ioannis 27 MacLeod Nicholas 32
Cornely Oliver A. 22 Goyle Sandeep 27 Madi Ayman 32
Cortot Alexis 22 Graña-Suarez Begoña 27 Magni Elena 32
Cossu Rocca Maria 23 Gvamichava Rema 27 Mahmood Rana Irfan 32
Costa Andreia 23 Gyökeres Tibor 28 Mariano Monica 32


Mazeron Renaud 32 Reckova Maria 37 V

Mebis Jeroen 32 Reding Daniel 37 Vaccaro Vanja 42
Median Mircea Dragos 32 Reid Alison 37 Valentini Miriam 42
Mego Michal 33 Rentinck Marjolein E.M. 38 Vanderbeeken Marie-Catherine 43
Meisel Alexander 33 Rentschler Jochen 38 Vanderkam Sabine S.R.G. 43
Metaraku Donika 33 Rodrigues Ana 38 Van Fraeyenhove Frank 43
Mikropoulos Christos 33 Romagnani Elena 38 Van Halteren Henk 43
Milovic Marijana 33 Rottey Sylvie 38 Van Leeuwen Willemien 43
Minutilli Ettore 33 Van Mieghem Elke 43
Moccia Alden 33 S Verhulst Ludwig 43
Mohamed Sandy 33 Sadawia Faeiz 38 Veri Attilio 43
Mohd Sharial Mohd S.N. 33 Said Janabel 38 Vieira Claudia 43
Moiseenko Fedor 33 Saridaki-Zoras Zaharenia 38 Vigneri Paolo 43
Molteni Luisa 34 Scatchard Katherine 38 Vihinen Pia 44
Monul Victoria 34 Scheusan Roxana Ioana 38 Virik Kiran 44
Moore Sally 34 Scholz Christian 39 Vitali Milena 44
Mountzios Giannis 34 Senkus-Konefka Elzbieta 39 Vlad Stefanel 44
Mukesh Mukesh 34 Shah Carl-Henrik 39 Voegeli Michèle 44
Murphy Adrian 34 Shakhnovich Elena 39 Von Rohr Lukas 44
Shash Emad 39
N Sirpa Leppä 39 W
Naik Jay 34 Skytta Tanja 39 Walenkamp Annemiek 44
Narang Mohit 34 Smyth Eyabeth 39 Wilmink Hanneke 44
Nicolaidi Adamantia 34 Snegovoy Anton 39 Winkler Jelena 44
Nikolic Vladimir 34 Soplepmann Jaan 39 Wöhrer Stefan 44
Nuver Janine 35 Sorarù Mariella 40 Wyrwicz Lucjan 45
Nyczak Zbigniew 35 Sosnovskikh Irina 40 Wysocki Wojciech 45
Sousa Berta 40
O Sousa Nuno 40 Y
Oblak Irena 35 Stefanovski Petar 40 Yap Timothy 45
O’Cearbhaill Roisin 35 Stein Ulrich 40 Yildirim Yesim 45
O’Flaherty John 35 Stemmer Salomon 40
Öhrling Katarina 35 Stintzing Sebastian 40 Z
Omlin Aurelius 35 Stoyianni Aikaterini 40 Zaiss Matthias 45
Onida Francesco 35 Strojnik Ksenija 40 Zgajnar Janez 45
Orphanos George 35 Sukor Sumainizah 41 Zohrabyan Davit 45
Osmanagic Mirza 35 Sümbül Ahmet Taner 41 Zubairi Ishtiaq 45
Ospina-Serrano Aylen Vanessa 36 Zweifel Martin 45
O’Sullivan Coyne Geraldine 36 T
Özyilkan Özgür 36 Tarkkanen Maija 41
Teixeira Alexandra 41
P Teo Min Yuen 41
Papamichael Demetris 36 Teulé Alexandre 41
Papaxoinis Georgios 36 Thanopoulou Eirini 41
Pasic Anes 36 Todorovic Mirjana 41
Patrikidou Anna 36 Todorovic Vladimir 41
Pederiva Stefanie 36 Trifonova Irina 41
Perez-Fidalgo José Alejandro 36 Tryakin Alexey 42
Personeni Nicola 36 Tryfonidis Konstantinos 42
Pozzessere Daniele 37 Tzovaras Alexandros 42
Preining Jutta 37
Prestwich Robin 37 U
Prewett Sarah 37 Udrea Adrian 42
Pusina Sadat 37 Ujmajuridze Zaza 42
Unk Mojca 42
R Unsal Diclehan 42
Rack Brigitte 37 Urbanska Edyta 42
Raposo Filipe Pedro Miguel 37

Index by Country

Argentina Egypt Hungary

Albarracin Flavio 18 Elbahaie Alaaeldeen 25 Bittner Nora 20
Elsayed Ahmed Musaad Abd El-Fattah 25 Czegle Ibolya 23
Armenia Mohamed Sandy 33 Gyökeres Tibor 28
Zohrabyan Davit 45 Shash Emad 39 Hitre Erika 28
Kocsis Judit 30
Australia Estonia Langmar Zoltan 31
Kichenadasse Ganessan 30 Soplepmann Jaan 39
Austria Finland Goyle Sandeep 27
Bechter Oliver 19 Sirpa Leppä 39
Preining Jutta 37 Skytta Tanja 39 Ireland
Wöhrer Stefan 44 Tarkkanen Maija 41 Doherty Mark 25
Vihinen Pia 44 Kalachand Roshni 29
Belgium Mohd Sharial Mohd S.N. 33
Altintas Sevilay 18 France Murphy Adrian 34
Beuselinck Benoit 20 Chapet Olivier 22 O’Flaherty John 35
de Azambuja Evandro 24 Colichi Camelia-Aneta 22 O’Sullivan Coyne Geraldine 36
Debaere Debbie 24 Cortot Alexis 22 Sukor Sumainizah 41
Denys Hannelore 24 Ghebriou Djamel 27 Teo Min Yuen 41
Lonchay Christophe 31 Mazeron Renaud 32 Zubairi Ishtiaq 45
Mebis Jeroen 32 Patrikidou Anna 36
Rottey Sylvie 38 Israel
Vanderbeeken Marie-Catherine 43 Georgia Bobilev Dmitri 20
Vanderkam Sabine S.R.G. 43 Dzagnidze Giorgi 25 Stemmer Salomon 40
Van Fraeyenhove Frank 43 Gvamichava Rema 27
Van Mieghem Elke 43 Kakabadze Nana 29 Italy
Verhulst Ludwig 43 Kalmakhelidze Lasha 29 Andreola Giovanna 18
Bassani Luis Guillermo 19
Bosnia and Herzegovina Germany Berardi Rossana 20
Osmanagic Mirza 35 Atanackovic Djordje 18 Cecere Fabiana Letizia 21
Pasic Anes 36 Badakhshi Harun 19 Cergnul Massimiliano 21
Pusina Sadat 37 Bauer Jochen 19 Cossu Rocca Maria 23
Becker Cornelia 20 Dambrosio Mario 23
Brazil Belle Sebastian 20 Dellapasqua Silvia 24
Assad Daniele Xavier 18 Claus Dorothea 22 Delmonte Angelo 24
Barra Williams 19 Cornely Oliver A. 22 Gandini Chiara 26
De Castro Gilberto 24 Eckert Robert 25 Generali Daniele 27
Geissler Michael 27 Locatelli Marzia 31
Hagg Juliane 28 Lorizzo Katia 31
Jacobs Volker R. 29 Loupakis Fotios 31
Daskalova Iskra 24
Klinghammer Konrad 30 Magni Elena 32
Iliev Yanislav 29
Lahaye Tanja 31 Minutilli Ettore 33
Trifonova Irina 41
Lorenzen Sylvie 31 Molteni Luisa 34
Rack Brigitte 37 Onida Francesco 35
Canada Personeni Nicola 36
Scholz Christian 39
Horgan Anne 28
Stein Ulrich 40 Pozzessere Daniele 37
Virik Kiran 44
Stintzing Sebastian 40 Romagnani Elena 38
Zaiss Matthias 45 Sorarù Mariella 40
Colombia Sosnovskikh Irina 40
Ospina-Serrano Aylen Vanessa 36 Vaccaro Vanja 42
Dimoudis Stefanos 25 Valentini Miriam 42
Croatia Golfinopoulos Vassilios 27 Veri Attilio 43
Dedic Plavetic Natalija 24 Vigneri Paolo 43
Kamposioras Konstantinos 29
Karamouzis Michalis 30 Vitali Milena 44
Cyprus Krikelis Dimitrios 30
Charlambous Haris 22 Mountzios Giannis 34 Latvia
Ioannidis Georgios 29 Nicolaidi Adamantia 34 Gerina-berzina Aija 27
Orphanos George 35 Papaxoinis Georgios 36 Kuznecovs Sergejs 31
Papamichael Demetris 36 Saridaki-Zoras Zaharenia 38
Stoyianni Aikaterini 40 Libya
Denmark Tryfonidis Konstantinos 42 Bendardaf Riyad Ahmad Othman 20
Hutchings Martin 28 Tzovaras Alexandros 42 Sadawia Faeiz 38
Ujmajuridze Zaza 42
Urbanska Edyta 42


Lithuania Saudi Arabia Turkey

Cesas Alvydas 21 Mahmood Rana Irfan 32 Dursun Polat 25
Janciauskiene Rasa 29 Engin Hüseyin 26
Serbia Er Ozlem 26
Macedonia Krstajic Sandra 31 Özyilkan Özgür 36
Stefanovski Petar 40 Milovic Marijana 33 Sümbül Ahmet Taner 41
Nikolic Vladimir 34 Unsal Diclehan 42
Malta Todorovic Mirjana 41 Yildirim Yesim 45
Metaraku Donika 33
Slovak Republic United Kingdom
Moldova Ballova Veronika 19 Ajithkumar Thankamma 18
Monul Victoria 34 Mego Michal 33 Aslam Shahzeena 18
Reckova Maria 37 Audisio Riccardo A. 19
Bhosle Jaishree 20
Slovenia Bianchini Diletta 20
Celebic Aleksandar 21
Oblak Irena 35 Bystricky Branislav 21
Todorovic Vladimir 41
Strojnik Ksenija 40 Carruthers Ross 21
Unk Mojca 42 Chau Ian 22
Poland Chester John 22
Hetnal Marcin 28 Zgajnar Janez 45
Collinson Fiona 22
Nyczak Zbigniew 35 Danwata Falalu Dahiru 23
Senkus-Konefka Elzbieta 39 Spain
Darby Angela J. 23
Wyrwicz Lucjan 45 Acquadro Francesco 18
Dasgupta Sonali 24
Wysocki Wojciech 45 Dienstmann Rodrigo 25
Filipovic Aleksandra 26
Fernandez-Ortega Maria Paz 26
Gounaris Ioannis 27
Portugal Graña-Suarez Begoña 27
Hook Jane 28
Brito Goncalves Margarida 20 Komorowski Andrzej 30
Hutka Malgorzata Margaret 29
Costa Andreia 23 Lopez Jimenez Antonio 31
Karina Maria 30
Custodio Sandra 23 Perez-Fidalgo José Alejandro 36
Kehagioglou Pinelopi 30
Ferreira Castro Ana 26 Teulé Alexandre 41
Khan Khurum Hayat 30
Machado Manuela 32 Khoo Vincent 30
Mariano Monica 32 Sudan MacLeod Nicholas 32
Raposo Filipe Pedro Miguel 37 Elhaj Ahmed 25 Madi Ayman 32
Rodrigues Ana 38 Mikropoulos Christos 33
Sousa Berta 40 Sweden Moore Sally 34
Sousa Nuno 40 Carneiro Ana 21 Mukesh Mukesh 34
Teixeira Alexandra 41 Herlestam-Calero Teresa 28 Naik Jay 34
Vieira Claudia 43 Öhrling Katarina 35 Omlin Aurelius 35
Shah Carl-Henrik 39 Prestwich Robin 37
Romania Prewett Sarah 37
Angelescu Simona Cristina 18 Switzerland Reid Alison 37
Badea Doina-Mariana 19 Buehler Beat 21 Said Janabel 38
Badulescu Adriana 19 Curioni-Fontecedro Alessandra 23 Scatchard Katherine 38
Costovici Catalin Nicolae 23 Gallerani Elisa 26 Thanopoulou Eirini 41
Curca Razvan Ovidiu 23 Gick Ute 27 Yap Timothy 45
Dediu Mircea 24 Helbling Daniel 28 Zweifel Martin 45
Gales Laurentia Nicoleta 26 Meisel Alexander 33
Median Mircea Dragos 32 Moccia Alden 33 Uruguay
Scheusan Roxana Ioana 38 Pederiva Stefanie 36 Castillo Cecilia 21
Udrea Adrian 42 Reding Daniel 37
Vlad Stefanel 44 Rentschler Jochen 38 USA
Voegeli Michèle 44 Lypas Georgios 32
Russia Von Rohr Lukas 44 Narang Mohit 34
Balakireva Julia 19 Winkler Jelena 44 O’Cearbhaill Roisin 35
Chubenko Viacheslav 22 Smyth Eyabeth 39
Dubogray Svetlana 25 The Netherlands
Fedorenko Denis A. 26 Buter Jan 21
Fedyanin Mikhail 26 Haringhuizen Annebeth 28
Kanagavel Dheepak 29 Nuver Janine 35
Moiseenko Fedor 33 Rentinck Marjolein E.M. 38
Shakhnovich Elena 39 Van Halteren Henk 43
Snegovoy Anton 39 Van Leeuwen Willemien 43
Tryakin Alexey 42 Walenkamp Annemiek 44
Wilmink Hanneke 44


Abreu Rodrigues Tânia Andreola Giovanna

Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2003
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, gynaecological and genito-urinary cancers Area of Interest: Bone marrow transplantation
Position: Assistant of Medical Oncology Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Hospital da Luz Hospital: European Institute of Oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Hematology
Address: Av Lusiada 100 Address: Via Ripamonti 435
1500 650, Lisbon, Portugal 20141, Milano MI, Italy
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Acquadro Francesco Angelescu Simona Cristina

Fellowship 2006 Masterclass 2006
Specialty: Cytogenetics oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Gene traslocation events Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal and ovarian cancers
Position: Researcher Position: Senior Physician
Hospital: Spanish National Cancer Institute Hospital: Targoviste Hospital County
Department: Dept. of Cytogenetics Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Calle De Melchor Fernandez Almagro 3 Address: 78 Tudor Vladimirescu Str.
28029, Madrid, Spain 0200, Targoviste, Romania
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Ajithkumar Thankamma Aslam Shahzeena

Masterclass 2002 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Clinical oncology Specialty: Radiation oncology, clinical oncology
Area of Interest: Lung and brain cancers Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal and prostate cancers
Position: Consultant Clinical Oncologist Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Norfolk and Norwich university Hospital Hospital: Addenbrookes Hospital
Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Colney Lane Address: Hills road
NR47UY, Norwich, United Kingdom CB1 0QQ, Cambridge, United Kingdom
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Albarracin Flavio Assad Daniele Xavier

Fellowship 2006 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Haemato-oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Bone marrow transplantation Area of Interest: Breast and lung cancers
Position: Assistant Professor Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Mendoza Central Hospital Hospital: Acadmic Hospital of the University of Brasilia
Department: Dept. of Hematology Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology
Address: Alem And Salta Address: SGAN Qd 605 norte - L2 Norte
5500, Mendoza, Argentina 70840-901, Brasilia, Brazil
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Altintas Sevilay Atanackovic Djordje

Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, gynaecological and genito-urinary cancers Area of Interest: Colorectal, pancreatic, lung cancers and multiple
Position: Medical Assistant myeloma
Hospital: Antwerp University Hospital Position: Attending Physician
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Hospital: University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Address: Wilrijkstraat 10 Department: Dept. of Oncology, Hematology and Stem Cell
2650, Edegem, Belgium Transplantation
email: [email protected] Address: Martinistr. 52
20246, Hamburg, Germany
email: [email protected]


Audisio Riccardo A. Ballova Veronika

Masterclass 2002 Masterclass 2006
Specialty: Surgical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Lymphopriliferative diseases
Position: Consultant Hospital: Oncology Institute NOU
Hospital: St Helens Hospital - University of Liverpool Department: Dept. of Oncology
Department: Dept. of Surgery Address: Klenova 1
Address: Marshalls Cross Road 833 10, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
WA9 3DA, St Helens, United Kingdom email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Badakhshi Harun Barra Williams

Masterclass 2007 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Radiation oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Lung, brain and breast cancers Area of Interest: Breast and colorectal cancers
Position: Consultant (attending) physician Position: Resident
Hospital: University Hospital and Medical School,Charité Hospital: HSM Diagnosis
Cancer Centre Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Radiation Oncology Address: TV Chaco, 1502, 2th Floor
Address: Charité-Platz 1 66085-080, Belem, Brazil
10117, Berlin, Germany email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Badea Doina-Mariana Bassani Luis Guillermo

Masterclass 2004 Fellowship 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Gynaecology
Area of Interest: Breast and gynaecological cancers Area of Interest: Breast Cancer
Position: Medical Assistant Hospital: MultiMedica Holding S.p.A
Hospital: Clinical County Emergency Hospital Ilfov Department: Dept. of Senology
Department: Dept. of Oncology Address: Viale Piemonte 7
Address: Blvd Basarabia nr. 49-51 21053, Castellanza VA, Italy
Bucharest, Romania email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Badulescu Adriana Bauer Jochen

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Surgical oncology Specialty: Internal medicine
Area of Interest: Breast and colorectal cancers Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer
Position: Head of Surgical Department Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Faculty of Medicine, University Titu Maiorescu Hospital: Klinikum Esslingen
Bucharest Department: Dept. of Oncology, Gastroenterology
Department: Dept. of Surgery Address: Hirschlandstr. 97
Address: Erou Iancu Nicolae, 154 I, 73730, Esslingen, Germany
077190, Voluntari Ilfov, Romania email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Balakireva Julia Bechter Oliver

Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Haemato-oncology Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal cancer and sarcoma
Position: Clinical Research Associate Position: Professor
Hospital: ICON Clinical Research Moscow Hospital: Innsbruck Medical School
Department: Dept. of Clinical Research Department: Dept. of Internal Medicine
Address: Smolnaya str., bld. 24D Address: Anichstrasse 35
125445, Moscow, Russia 6020, Innsbruck, Austria
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Becker Cornelia Bhosle Jaishree
Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Gynaecological cancers Area of Interest: Lung cancer and DNA repair
Position: Consultant Position: Specialist Registrar
Hospital: University of Leipzig Hospital: The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Department: Dept. of Hematology, Oncology and Hemostasis Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Johannisallee 32A Address: Downs Road
04103, Leipzig, Germany SM25PT, London, United Kingdom
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Belle Sebastian Bianchini Diletta

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Internal medicine Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Gastroenterology, endoscopy Area of Interest: Prostate and gastrointestinal cancers
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Specialist Registrar
Hospital: Klinikum Mannheim der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Hospital: Royal Marsden Hospital
Heidelberg Department: Prostate / Drug Development Unit
Department: Dept. of Endoscopy Address: Downs Road
Address: Theodor-Kulzer-Ufer 1-3 SM7 1AS, Sutton, United Kingdom
68167, Mannheim, Germany email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Bendardaf Riyad Ahmad Othman Bittner Nora

Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Pulmonology, medical oncology, clinical
Area of Interest: Colorectal and breast cancers pharmacology
Position: Associate Professor Area of Interest: Breast and lung cancers
Hospital: Libyan International Medical University Position: Head Physician
Department: Faculty of Medicine Hospital: National Institute of Oncology
Address: Elqayrawan Street Department: Dept. of Chemotherapy III
Elfwyehat, Benghazi, Libya Address: 1022 Budapest, Rath György u- 7-9
email: [email protected] 1022, Budapest, Hungary
email: [email protected]

Berardi Rossana Bobilev Dmitri

Masterclass 2002 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology and radiation oncology
Area of Interest: Research (gastrointestinal and lung cancers) Area of Interest: Drug development and clinical research
Position: Lecturer and Consultant Position: Medical Director
Hospital: Univ. Politecnica delle Marche - Ospedali Riuniti di Hospital: Asuuta Medical Center
Ancona Department: Dept. of Radiation Oncology
Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology Address: Ha Barzel 20
Address: Via Conca 69710, Tel Aviv, Israel
60020, Ancona AN, Italy email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Beuselinck Benoit Brito Goncalves Margarida

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Renal cell carcinoma, breast cancer, bone Area of Interest: Breast and colorectal cancers, melanoma
metastases and angiogenesis Position: Consultant
Hospital: Universitary Hospitals Leuven – Leuven Cancer Hospital: Portuguese Institute of Oncology
Institute Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Address: Rua Agostinho Lourenço No. 12 3º andar
Address: Hereestraat 49 1000-011, Lisboa, Portugal
3000, Leuven, Belgium email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]


Buehler Beat Castillo Cecilia

Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Position: Senior Physician Area of Interest: Breast cancer
Hospital: Spital Schwitz Position: Medical Assistant
Department: Dept. of Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology Hospital: Hospital de Clinicas
Address: Waldeggstrasse 10 Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology
6430, Schwytz, Switzerland Address: Benito Blanco 837/101
email: [email protected] 11300, Montevideo, Uruguay
email: [email protected]

Buter Jan Cecere Fabiana Letizia

Masterclass 2004 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Head and neck and brain cancers Area of Interest: Lung and genito-urinary cancers
Hospital: Vrije University Medical Center Position: Medical Assistant
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology, Room 3 A 15 Hospital: AOU Careggi
Address: De Boelelaan 1117 Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
1081 HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Address: Largo Brambilla 3
email: [email protected] 50134, Florence FI, Italy
email: [email protected]

Bystricky Branislav Celebic Aleksandar

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Clinical oncology
Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal cancers and lymphoma Area of Interest: Breast, thyroid and skin cancers, digestive
Position: Senior Clinial Reseach Fellow oncology
Hospital: Royal Marsden Hospital Position: Co-ordinator of Surgery and Oncology
Department: Dept. of GI and Lymphoma Hospital: Clinical Center of Montenegro,
Address: Downs Road Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology
SM2 5PT, Sutton, United Kingdom Address: Ljubljanska bb
email: [email protected] 20000, Podgorica, Montenegro
email: [email protected]

Carneiro Ana Cergnul Massimiliano

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2006
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Soft tissue sarcomas Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer and lymphoma
Position: Resident Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Lund University Hospital Hospital: Clinica Santa Maria - Multimedica
Department: Dept. of Oncology Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Barngatan 2B Address: Viale Piemonte 70
221 85, Lund, Sweden 21053, Castellanza VA, Italy
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Carruthers Ross Cesas Alvydas

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Radiation oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Lung and head and neck cancers Area of Interest: Breast and colorectal cancers
Position: Specialist Registrar Position: Head of Medical Oncology department
Hospital: Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre Hospital: Klaipeda University Hospital
Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology Department: Dept. of Chemotherapy, Oncology Division
Address: 1053 Great Western Road Address: Liepojos 41
G12 0YN, Glasgow, United Kingdom LT-92288, Klaipeda, Lithuania
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Chapet Olivier Claus Dorothea
Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2003
Specialty: Radiation oncology Specialty: Medical oncology and palliative care
Area of Interest: Breast and cervical cancers Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal and lung cancers
Position: Professor in Radiation Oncolgy Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud Hospital: St. Joseph Hospital
Department: Dept. of Radiation Oncology Department: Dept. of Internal Medicine
Address: 165 Chemin Grand Revoyet Address: Beethoven Strasse 20
69310, Pierre Benite, France 65189, Wiesbaden, Germany
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Charlambous Haris Colichi Camelia-Aneta

Masterclass 2003 Masterclass 2006
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Prostate cancer Area of Interest: Breast, lung and colorectal cancers
Position: Consultant Clinical Oncologist Position: Specialist Registrar
Hospital: Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre Hospital: Beaujon Hospital
Department: Dept. of Oncology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: 32 Acropoleos Avenue Address: 100 bld du Gen Leclerc
2006, Nicosia - Cyprus, Cyprus 92110, Clichy, France
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Chau Ian Collinson Fiona

Masterclass 2003 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal cancer and lymphoma Area of Interest: Urological cancers and clinical trials
Position: Consultant Medical Oncologist Position: Clinical Lecturer
Hospital: Royal Marsden Hospital Hospital: St. James’s Institute of Oncology
Department: Dept. of Medicine Department: Dept. of Medicine
Address: Downs Road Address: Level 4, Bexley Wing, Beckett Street
SM2 5PT, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom LS9 7TF, Leeds, United Kingdom
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Chester John Cornely Oliver A.

Masterclass 2002 Masterclass 2003
Specialty: Medical oncology Area of Interest: Fungal infections
Area of Interest: Bladder cancer, head and neck cancers Position: Professor and Senior Physician
Position: Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Hospital: Uniklinik Köln
Hospital: St. James’ University Hospital Department: Dept. of Hematology, Oncology and Infectious
Department: Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine Diseases
Address: Beckett Street Address: Kerpener Str. 62
LS9 7TF, Leeds YK, United Kingdom 50937, Koln, Germany
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Chubenko Viacheslav Cortot Alexis

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer and metronomic chemotherapy Area of Interest: Lung cancer
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: FGU N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology Hospital: Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Lille
Department: Dept. of Myelotransplantation and Biotherapy Department: Dept. of Thoracic oncology
Address: Leningradskaya str. 68 Address: Hôpital Calmette
197758, St. Petersburg, Russia FR- 59037, Lille, France
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]


Cossu Rocca Maria Custodio Sandra

Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Head and neck cancers Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal, lung and urological cancers
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Resident
Hospital: European Insititute of Oncology Hospital: Centro Hospitalar de Entre o Douro e Vouga
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: 435, Ripamonti Road Address: Rua Dr. Candido de Pinho
20141, Milan MI, Italy 4520-211, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Costa Andreia Czegle Ibolya

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Digestive oncology Area of Interest: Breast cancer
Position: Fellow Position: Clinical Fellow
Hospital: Hospital de Sao Joao Hospital: Semmelweis University
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: 3rd Dept. of Internal Medicine, Oncology Center
Address: Alameda Professor Hernâni Monteiro Address: Kutvolgyi ut. 4.
4200-319, Porto, Portugal 1125, Budapest, Hungary
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Costovici Catalin Nicolae Dambrosio Mario

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2005 and 2008
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Genito-urinary cancers Area of Interest: Breast, lung and colorectal cancers
Position: Head of Department Position: Vice-Director
Hospital: Medical Center for Diagnosis and Treatment Hospital: IRCCS Multimedica
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Str. Washington, 8-10, Sector 1 Address: Via Milanese, 300
11794, Bucurest, Romania 20099, Sesto S. Giovanni MI, Italy
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Curca Razvan Ovidiu Danwata Falalu Dahiru

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Clinical oncology
Area of Interest: Community oncology Area of Interest: Colorectal, breast and genito-urinary cancers
Position: Head of Oncology Department Position: Associate Specialist
Hospital: County Hospital Alba Hospital: Royal Preston Hospital
Department: Dept. of Oncology Department: Rosemere Cancer Centre
Address: Bd. Revolutiei 23 Address: Sharoe Green Lane, North Fulwood
510077, Alba Iulia, Romania PR2 9LY, Preston, United Kingdom
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Curioni-Fontecedro Alessandra Darby Angela J.

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Lung cancer, haematological malignancies Area of Interest: Thoracic and gynaecological cancers
Position: Assistant Physician Position: Consultant Medical Oncologist
Hospital: University Hospital Zurich Hospital: York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Department: Dept. of Internal Medicine Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Raemistrasse 100 Address: Wigginton Road
8091, Zurich, Switzerland YO31 8HE, York, United Kingdom
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Dasgupta Sonali Dedic Plavetic Natalija
Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal, genito-urinary and Area of Interest: Breast cancer, angiogenesis and proliferation
gynaecolocical cancers factors
Position: Registrar Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Singleton Hospital Swansea Wales UK Hospital: University Hospital Centre Zagreb
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: Skety lane Address: Kispaticeva 12
Swansea, United Kingdom 1000, Zagreb, Croatia
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Daskalova Iskra Dediu Mircea

Fellowship 2007 Masterclass 2006
Specialty: Surgical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Lung cancer
Position: Consultant Position: Chief of Medical Onclogy Department
Hospital: Bulgarian Cancer Institute Hospital: Institute of Oncology Bucharest
Address: 1, Dr G.M. Dimitrov Str. Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
1172, Sofia, Bulgaria Address: Sos Fundeni 252
email: [email protected] 022328, Bucharest, Romania
email: [email protected]

de Azambuja Evandro Dellapasqua Silvia

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Breast cancer
Position: Medical Director of the Breast Office Position: Senior Assistant
Hospital: Jules Bordet Institute Hospital: European Institute of Oncology
Department: Breast Data Center Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: Boulevard de Waterloo, 125 Address: Via Ripamonti 435
1000, Brussels, Belgium 20141, Milano MI, Italy
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

De Castro Gilberto Delmonte Angelo

Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2008
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Head and neck and lung cancers, supportive care Area of Interest: New drug development
and quality of life Position: Medical Assistant
Position: Attending Physcian Hospital: Istituto Europeo di Oncologia
Hospital: Istituto do Cancer de Sao Paolo Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Address: Via Ripamonti 435
Address: Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 251, 5th Floor - Cerequeira Cesar 20141, Milano MI, Italy
01246-000, Sao Paulo SP, Brazil email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Debaere Debbie Denys Hannelore

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Breast and gynaecological cancers
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Assistant Professor
Hospital: Jan Yperman Hospitals Ieper Hospital: University Hospital Gent
Department: Dept. of General Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology (4B2)
Address: Briekestraat 12 Address: De Pintelaan 185
8900, Ieper, Belgium B-9000, Gent, Belgium
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]


Dienstmann Rodrigo Dzagnidze Giorgi

Masterclass 2011 Fellowship 2006
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Surgical oncology
Area of Interest: Drug development Area of Interest: Breast and gynaecological cancers
Position: Fellow Position: Scientific Director
Hospital: Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology Hospital: National Cancer Centre
Department: Molecular Therapeutic Research Unit Department: Dept. of Mammology
Address: Passeig Vall d’Hebron 119-129 Address: Lisi Lake, 1
8035, Barcelona, Spain 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Dimoudis Stefanos Eckert Robert

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2002
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Haematology and medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast and lung cancers Area of Interest: Lymphoma, breast, colorectal and lung cancers
Position: Registrar Position: Partner in Oncology Group Practice
Hospital: Aristotele University, General Hospital Hospital: Gemeinschaftspraxis Dr. Kamp und Dr. Eckert
Papageorgiou Department: Onkologische Schwerpunktpraxis
Department: Dept. of Oncology Address: Weberstrasse 16
Address: Papakyriazi 15 D 73240, Wendlingen, Germany
54645, Thessaloniki, Greece email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Doherty Mark Elbahaie Alaaeldeen

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2008
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Clinical oncology
Position: Registrar Area of Interest: Colorectal, breast and lung cancers
Hospital: Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Position: Consultant and Clinical Lecturer
Department: Dept. of Oncology Hospital: Suez Canal University Hospital
Address: Eccles St, Dublin 7. Department: Dept. of Oncology Research
n/a, Dublin 9, Ireland Address: Cercular Street
email: [email protected] Ismaiellia, Egypt
email: [email protected]

Dubogray Svetlana Elhaj Ahmed

Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2002
Specialty: Clinical oncology Specialty: Radiation oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Lymphoma, breast cancer and childhood
Position: Medical Assistant malignancies
Hospital: Main Military Hospital Position: Associate Professor
Department: Dept. of Oncology Hospital: Institute of Nuclear Medicine Molecular Biology
Address: Gospitalnei val 3 and Oncology
Moscow, Russia Department: Dept. of Oncology
email: [email protected] Address: University of Gezira
Wadmadani, PO box 20,, Sudan
email: [email protected]

Dursun Polat Elsayed Ahmed Musaad Abd El-Fattah

Fellowship 2006 Fellowship 2009
Specialty: Gynaecological oncology Specialty: Otolaringology and head & neck surgery
Area of Interest: Gynaecological cancers Area of Interest: Head and neck cancers
Position: Associated Professor Position: Lecturer
Hospital: Baskent University School of Medicine Hospital: Mansoura University
Department: Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Kubilai Sk, 36 Address: Elgomhoria Street
06100, Maltepe Ankara, Turkey 35516, Mansoura, Egypt
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Engin Hüseyin Ferreira Castro Ana
Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Genito-urinary cancers, soft tissue and bone Area of Interest: Head and neck cancer, Sarcomas and lung cancer
sarcomas, malignant melanoma and brain Position: Resident
tumours Hospital: Portuguese Institute of Oncology Francisco Gentil
Position: Head of Department Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Hospital: Karaelmas University Address: R. Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology 4200-072, Porto, Portugal
Address: Karaelmas University Dept. Of Medical Oncology email: [email protected]
67600, Zonguldak, Turkey
email: [email protected]

Er Ozlem Filipovic Aleksandra

Masterclass 2002 Masterclass 2003
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Breast, prostate and colon cancers
Position: Head of Department Position: Clinical Research Fellow
Hospital: Acibadem University Medical Faculty Hospital: Imperial College London
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Oncology, Hammersmith Hospital Campus
Address: Buyukdere cad no 40 Maslak Address: Cyclotron Building, Du Cane Rode
34457, Istambul, Turkey W12 0NN, London, United Kingdom
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Fedorenko Denis A. Gales Laurentia Nicoleta

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal, ovarian, head and neck, lung
Position: Medical Assistant cancers and malignant melanoma
Hospital: National Medical Surgical Center Position: Medical Assistant
Department: Dept. of Hematology Hospital: Oncological Institute Bucharest
Address: 70 Nizhnyaya Pervomaiskaya str. Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
194044, Moscow, Russia Address: Soc Fundeni 252
email: [email protected] 72428, Bucharest, Romania
email: [email protected]

Fedyanin Mikhail Gallerani Elisa

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2003
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Clinical research
Area of Interest: Germ cell tumours, Colorectal and kidney cancers Area of Interest: Drug development
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Senior Registrar
Hospital: Blokhin’s Russian Cancer Research Centre Hospital: Oncological Institute Bucharest
Department: Dept. of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: Kashirskoye Shosse 24 Address: Via Ospedale
115409, Moscow, Russia 6500, Bellinzona, Switzerland
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Fernandez-Ortega Maria Paz Gandini Chiara

Masterclass 2003 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Cancer nurse Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer Area of Interest: Breast cancer
Position: Research Co-ordinator Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Institut Català Oncologia Ico - Hospital Duran Y Hospital: Istituto Clinico Humanitas
Reinals Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Nursing Research Address: Via Manzoni 56
Address: Avda Gran Via S/n Km: 2,7 20089, Rozzano MI, Italy
08907, 203 L’Hospitalet - Barcelona, Spain email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]


Geissler Michael Golfinopoulos Vassilios

Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology and haematology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal and lung cancers, lymphomas and Hospital: Ioannina University Hospital
leukaemia Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Position: Head of Department Address: Ioannina University Hospital
Hospital: Academic Teaching Hospital Esslingen 455 00, Ioannina, Greece
Department: Dept. of Oncology, Hematology, Gastroenterology email: [email protected]
and Infectious Diseases
Address: Hirschlandstr. 97
73730, Esslingen a. N., Germany
email: [email protected]

Generali Daniele Gounaris Ioannis

Masterclass 2002 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Breast and ovarian cancer
Position: Senior Medical Oncologist and Head of the Position: Academic Clinical Fellow
Molecular Oncology Laboratory Hospital: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation
Hospital: Istituti Ospitalieri di Cremona Trust
Department: Centre for Molecular Medicine, Mammary Department: Dept. of Oncology
Pathology Unit Address: Box 193, Addenbrookes Hospital, Hills Road
Address: Viale Concordia 1 CB2 0QQ, Cambridge, United Kingdom
26100, Cremona CR, Italy email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Gerina-Berzina Aija Goyle Sandeep

Masterclass 2004 Masterclass 2006
Hospital: Paul Stradins University Hospital Specialty: Medical oncology
Department: Dept. of Radiation and Chemotherapy Centre Area of Interest: Solid tumours
Address: Pilsonu Str. 13 Position: Consultant
LV-1002, Riga, Latvia Hospital: Kokilaben Hospital and Medical Research Centre
email: [email protected] Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: 4 Bunglows, Andheri West
400053, Mumbai, India
email: [email protected]

Ghebriou Djamel Graña-Suarez Begoña

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2003
Specialty: Geriatric oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Geriatric oncology Area of Interest: Hereditary cancers
Position: Medical Assistant Hospital: Hospital Arquitecto Marcide
Hospital: Centre Hospitalier d’Argenteuil Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Address: Catabois S/n
Address: 69 R. du Lieutenant-Colonel Prudhon 15405, Ferrol, Spain
95100, Argenteuil, France email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Gick Ute Gvamichava Rema

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, lung, colon cancers and multiple myeloma Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer
Hospital: Medizinische Klinik Position: Director of the Cancer Prevention Center
Department: Oncology Centre Thun Hospital: A.R. Gvamichava National Cancer Centre
Address: Krankenhausstrasse 12 Department: Directorate of the Cancer Prevention Center
3600, Thun, Switzerland Address: 1700, Lisi Lake - 7th Floor
email: [email protected] 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia
email: [email protected]

Gyökeres Tibor Hetnal Marcin
Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Gastroenterology, internal medicine, clinical Specialty: Radiation oncology
pharmacology Area of Interest: Breast, lung and prostate cancers
Area of Interest: Endoscopy Position: Assistant Professor
Position: President Elect of Endoscopy Section of Hungarian Hospital: Maria Skodowska-Curie Memorial Institute of
Association of Gastroenterology Oncology
Hospital: State Health Centre Budapest Department: Dept. of Radiation Oncology
Department: Dept. of Gastroenterology Address: Ul. Garncarska 11
Address: Podmaniczky Str. 111 31-115, Krakow, Poland
1062, Budapest, Hungary email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Hagg Juliane Hitre Erika

Masterclass 2004 Masterclass 2003
Specialty: Radiation oncology and palliative care Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Lung and brain cancers Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal, breast and head and neck
Position: Consultant cancers
Hospital: Stralentherapie Sud Biberach Position: Deputy Head of Department
Address: Ziegelhaussstrasse 56 Hospital: National Institute of Oncology
88400, Biberach, Germany Department: Dept. of Oncology, Chemotherapy “B”
email: [email protected] Address: Ráth Gy. 7-9
H-1122, Budapest, Hungary
email: [email protected]

Haringhuizen Annebeth Hook Jane

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, gynaecological and colorectal cancers Position: Clinical Research Fellow
Position: Medical Oncologist in training Hospital: Medical Research Cancer
Hospital: Netherlands Cancer Centre/ Antoni van Department: Cancer Clinical Trials Unit
Leeuwenhoek Hospital Address: 222 Euston Road
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology NW1 2DA, London, United Kingdom
Address: Plesmanlaan 121 email: [email protected]
1006 BE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
email: [email protected]

Helbling Daniel Horgan Anne

Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2003
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Colorectal and gastrointestinal cancers Area of Interest: Hepatobiliary and gastrointestinal cancers,
Position: Partner geriatric oncology
Hospital: Onkozentrum Zürich Position: Fellow
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Hospital: Princess Margaret Hospital
Address: Seestrasse 259 Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
8038, Zürich, Switzerland Address: 610 University Avenue
email: [email protected] M5G 3M9, Toronto, Canada
email: [email protected]

Herlestam-Calero Teresa Hutchings Martin

Masterclass 2003 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology and radiation oncology Specialty: Clinical oncology
Area of Interest: Lung, head and neck and esofageal cancers Area of Interest: Lymphoma
Position: Specialist Registrar Position: Specialist registrar
Hospital: Karolinska Hospital Hospital: Copenhagen University Hospital
Department: Dept. of Oncology Department: Dept. of Oncology and Haematology
Address: Radiumhemmet Address: 9 Blegdamsvej
11776, Stockholm, Sweden 2100, Copenhagen, Denmark
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]


Hutka Malgorzata Margaret Kakabadze Nana

Masterclass 2006, 2008, 2011 and fellowship 2009 Masterclass 2002
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Onco-haematology
Area of Interest: Colorectal, breast and ovarian cancers Area of Interest: Haemato-oncology
Position: Senior Clinical Research Fellow Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: The Royal Marsden Hospital Hospital: Children’s Central Hospital
Department: Dept. of Medicine Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Downs Road Address: Ljubliana str 2/6
SM2 5 PT, London, United Kingdom 380059, Tbilisi, Georgia
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Iliev Yanislav Kalachand Roshni

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Colorectal and lung cancers Area of Interest: Gynaecological and genito-urinary cancers
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Specialist Registrar
Hospital: MHAT Dr Tota Venkova Hospital: Beaumont Hospital
Department: Dept. of Chemotherapy Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: 1 Dr Iliev Detskia Str. Address: -
5300, Gabrovo, Bulgaria 9, Dublin, Ireland
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Ioannidis Georgios Kalmakhelidze Lasha

Masterclass 2005 and fellowship 2006 Fellowship 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Surgical oncology
Area of Interest: Lung and colorectal cancers Area of Interest: Colorectal and hepato-pancreatic billiary cancers
Hospital: Nicosia General Hospital Position: General Surgeon
Department: Dept. of Oncology Hospital: K. Eristavi National Center
Address: 213, Nicosia-Limassol Old Avenue, Strovolos Department: Dept. of Oncology
2029, Nicosia, Cyprus Address: 5, K. Chachava Str
email: [email protected] 0159, Tbilisi, Georgia
email: [email protected]

Jacobs Volker R. Kamposioras Konstantinos

Masterclass 2003 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Obstetrics and gynaecology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer, endoscopy, adult stem cells, Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer, sarcoma and cancer prevention
economy, quality assurance, clinic management Hospital: Ioannina University Hospital
Position: Chief Medical Clinic Manager Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology
Hospital: Klinikum d.Universität Köln email: [email protected]
Department: Frauenklinik (OB/GYN)
Address: Kerpener Str. 34
50931, Köln, Germany
email: [email protected]

Janciauskiene Rasa Kanagavel Dheepak

Masterclass 2004 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Colorectal, breast and kidney cancers Area of Interest: Gastric, breast and colorectal cancers
Position: Chief of Onclogy Department Position: Clinical Research Physician
Hospital: Kaunas Medical University Hospital Hospital: N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center
Department: Dept. of Oncology Department: Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology & Chemotherapy
Address: Eiveniu 2 Address: Kashirskoe Shosse, 24
50009, Kaunas, Lithuania 115478, Moscow, Russia
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Karamouzis Michalis Kichenadasse Ganessan
Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Aerodigestive carcinomas, breast cancer Area of Interest: Brain cancer, genito-urinary and gynaecological
Hospital: School of Medicine University of Athens cancers
Department: Dept. of Biological Chemistry Hospital: Flinders Medical Centre
Address: 36 Moreos Glifada Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
16561, Athens, Greece Address: Bedford Park
email: [email protected] 5042, Adelaide, Australia
email: [email protected]

Karina Maria Klinghammer Konrad

Masterclass 2004 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Hospital: Charite Hospital
Area of Interest: Cancer of unknown primary and breast cancer Department: Dept. of Oncology
Position: Trainee Address: Hindenburgdamm 30
Hospital: University Hospital Birmingham, Queen Elizabeth 12203, Berlin, Germany
Hospital email: [email protected]
Department: Cancer Centre, Dept. of Medical Oncology
email: [email protected]

Kehagioglou Pinelopi Kocsis Judit

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2004 and 2008
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Position: Consultant Clinical Oncologist Area of Interest: Breast, ovarian and gastrointestinal cancers
Hospital: Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, UK, DD1 9SY. Position: Head of Oncology Department, Assistant Professor
Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology Hospital: Semmelweis University
Address: DD1 9SY Department: 3rd Dept. of Internal Medicine, Oncology Division
DD1 9SY, Dundee, United Kingdom Address: Kutvölgyi ut 4
email: [email protected] 1125, Budapest, Hungary
email: [email protected]

Khan Khurum Hayat Komorowski Andrzej

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Surgical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, gynaecological and lung cancers Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal and thyroid cancers, melanoma
Hospital: Northern Ireland Cancer Centre Position: Consultant
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Hospital: Hospital Virgen Del Camino
Address: Belfast City Hospital, Lisburn Road Department: General Surgery Service
BT27 4EQ, Belfast, United Kingdom Address: Carretera de Chipiona s/n
email: [email protected] 11540, San Lucar de Barrameda- Cadiz, Spain
email: [email protected]

Khoo Vincent Krikelis Dimitrios

Masterclass 2003 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Clinical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Genito-urinary, gastrointestinal cancers, multi- Area of Interest: Clinical trials design, translational research,
modality imaging and technical radiotherapy sarcoma and lung cancer
Position: Consultant and Head of Department Position: Fellow
Hospital: Royal Marsden Hospital Hospital: University Hospital of Ioannina
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Fulham Road Address: Panepistimiako Nosokomio Dourouti Ioanninon
SW3 6JJ, London, United Kingdom 45500, Ioannina, Greece
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]


Krstajic Sandra Lonchay Christophe

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal and lung cancers Hospital: GHdC
Position: Deputy Medical Director Department: Dept. of Oncology
Hospital: IRVA Clinic Address: Grand Rue 3
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology BE-6000, Charleroi, Belgium
Address: Beogradskog Bataljona 115 email: [email protected]
11000, Belgrade, Serbia
email: [email protected]

Kuznecovs Sergejs Lopez Jimenez Antonio

Masterclass 2002, 2005 and 2008 Masterclass 2006
Specialty: Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Clinical laboratory, toxicology and epidemiology Area of Interest: Lung, head and neck, urological cancers and
Hospital: Preventive Medicine Institute sarcoma
Department: Dept. of Supportive Care Position: Medical Assistant
Address: Kraslavas iela 7-1 Hospital: Hospital Clinico Universitario San Juan
1003, Riga, Latvia Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
email: [email protected] Address: Ctra. Nnal. 332 Alicante-Valencia, s/n. Apto de
Correos, 41
03550, San Juan, Alicante, Spain
email: [email protected]

Lahaye Tanja Lorenzen Sylvie

Masterclass 2002 Masterclass 2006
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Haemato-oncology
Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal, breast and bronchial cancers Area of Interest: Gastric, esophageal, colorectal and pancreatic
Hospital: III. Med. Klinik, Universitätsklinikum Mannheim cancers
Department: University of Heidelberg Position: Consultant
Address: Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3 Hospital: University Hospital Heidelberg
68167, Mannheim, Germany Department: Dept. of National Centre of tumor disease
email: [email protected] Address: Im Neuenheimer Feld 350
69121, Heidelberg, Germany
email: [email protected]

Langmar Zoltan Lorizzo Katia

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2008
Specialty: Obstetrics and gynaecology, medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Gynaecologic cancers Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal and neuronedocrine cancers
Position: Assistant Professor Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Semmelweis University Hospital: Istituto Europeo di Oncologia
Department: 2nd Dept. of Gynecology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: Üllöi ut 78/A Address: Via Ripamonti, 435
1082, Budapest, Hungary 20141, Milano MI, Italy
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Locatelli Marzia Loupakis Fotios

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2008
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Istituto Europeo di Oncologia Hospital: Azienda Ospedaliero-universitaria Pisana
Department: Dept. of Oncology Department: Oncology University Unit 2
Address: Via Ripamonti 435 Address: Via Roma, 67
20141, Milano MI, Italy 56126, Pisa PI, Italy
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Lypas Georgios Mahmood Rana Irfan
Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Clinical oncology
Area of Interest: Cancer genetics Position: Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow Hospital: King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre
Hospital: Dana Farber Cancer Institute MBC
Department: Medical Oncology, Cancer Genetics and Prevention Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology
Address: 44 Binney Street SM 233 Address: 64, PO Box 3354
02115, Boston, USA 11211, Riyadh 11211 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
email: [email protected] Saudi Arabia
email: [email protected]

Machado Manuela Mariano Monica

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2011
Hospital: Portuguese Institute of Oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Area of Interest: Solid tumours, digestive and breast cancers,
Address: Rua Dr. Antonio Bernardino de Almeida sarcomas
4200-072, Porto, Portugal Position: Resident
email: [email protected] Hospital: Portuguese Institute of Oncology Francisco Gentil
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: Avenida Bissaya Barreto 98
3000-075, Coimbra, Portugal
email: [email protected]

MacLeod Nicholas Mazeron Renaud

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Clinical oncology Specialty: Radiation oncology, brachytherapy
Area of Interest: Urological, breast and colorectal cancers Area of Interest: Cervical, endometrial and prostate cancers
Position: Specialist Registrar Position: Assistant Professor
Hospital: Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre Hospital: Institut de Cancérologie Gustave Roussy
Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology Department: Dept. of Radiation Oncology
Address: 1053 Great Western Road Address: 114 rue Edouard Vaillant
G12 0YN, Glasgow, United Kingdom 94805, Villejuif, France
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Madi Ayman Mebis Jeroen

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2003
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Position: Trainee Area of Interest: Breast and urological cancers
Hospital: Freeman Hospital Position: Medical Assistant
Department: Northern Centre for Cancer Care Hospital: Virga Jesseziekenhuis
Address: High Heaton Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
NE7 7DN, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom Address: Stadsomvaart 11
email: [email protected] 3500, Hasselt, Belgium
email: [email protected]

Magni Elena Median Mircea Dragos

Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal cancers Area of Interest: Breast cancer
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: European Institute of Oncology Hospital: Filantropia Clinical Hospital
Department: Dept. of Medicine, Medical Care Unit Department: Dept. of Gynecological Oncology
Address: Via Ripamonti 345 Address: 11-13 I.Mihalache Av., Sect.1
20141, 20141 MI, Italy 11171, Bucharest, Romania
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]


Mego Michal Minutilli Ettore

Masterclass 2005 Fellowship 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Dermato-oncology
Area of Interest: Genito-urinary and breast cancers Area of Interest: Melanoma
Position: Head of Translational Research Unit Position: Researcher
Hospital: National Cancer Institute Hospital: Catholic University
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Surgical Science
Address: Klenova 1 Address: Via Torrevecchia 839
833 10, Bratislava, Slovak Republic 00168, ROME, Italy
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Meisel Alexander Moccia Alden

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Haematological malignancies and breast cancer Area of Interest: Lymphoma and myeloma
Position: Resident Position: Attending physician
Hospital: University Hospital Zurich Hospital: Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept.of Medical Oncology
Address: Rämistrasse 100 Address: Ospedale Regionale di Lugano (Ospedale Italiano)
8091, Zurich, Switzerland Via Capel
email: [email protected] 6962, Viganello, Switzerland
email: [email protected]

Metaraku Donika Mohamed Sandy

Masterclass 2002 and 2006 Fellowship 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Radiation oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal, lung and genito-urinary cancers Area of Interest: Gynaecological cancers, brachytherapy
Position: Medical Officer Position: Assistant Lecturer
Hospital: Sir Paul Boffa Hospital Hospital: National Cancer Institute
Department: Dept. of Oncology and Radiotherapy Department: Dept. of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine
Address: Harper Lane Address: Kars El-Aini St.Fom El-Khalig
VLT14, Floriana, Malta 11796, Cairo, Egypt
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Mikropoulos Christos Mohd Sharial Mohd S.N.

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Clinical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, lung and colorectal cancers Area of Interest: Breast and colorectal cancers
Position: Specialist Registrar Position: Registrar
Hospital: Kent Oncology Center, Madistone Hospital Hospital: Mercy University Hospital
Department: Dept. of Oncology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: - Address: Grenville Place
SM2 5PT, Madistone, United Kingdom Cork, Ireland
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Milovic Marijana Moiseenko Fedor

Masterclass 2007 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Lung and gastrointestinal cancers
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia Hospital: N.N.Petrov Research Institute of Oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Biotherapy and Bone Marrow
Address: Pasterova 14 Transplantation
Belgrade, Serbia Address: Pesochniy-2, Leningradskaya str., 68
email: [email protected] Saint-Petersburg, Russia
email: [email protected]

Molteni Luisa Murphy Adrian
Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast and gastrointestinal cancers Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer
Position: Assistant of Department Director Position: Research Fellow
Hospital: MultiMedica Hospital: St. Vincent’s University Hospital
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: Viale Piemonte 70 Address: Elm Park
21053, Castellanza MI, Italy 3, Dublin, Ireland
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Monul Victoria Naik Jay

Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast and colorectal cancers, supportive and Area of Interest: Breast cancer
palliative care Position: Acting Consultant in Medical Oncology
Position: Clinical Oncologist Hospital: St. James’s Institute of Oncology
Hospital: Institute of Oncology of Moldava Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Chemotherapy Address: Level 4, Bexley Wing, Beckett Street
Address: 30 Testemitsanu, MD LS9 7TF, Leeds, United Kingdom
MD 2038, Chisinau, Moldova email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Moore Sally Narang Mohit

Masterclass 2002 Masterclass 2002
Specialty: Nursing care in oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Lung cancer and mesothelioma Area of Interest: Myelodysplastic syndromes, breast cancer and
Position: Nursing Research Fellow multiple myeloma
Hospital: Royal Marsden Nhs Foundation Trust Position: Medical Assistant
Department: Lung Unit Hospital: Alliance Hematology Oncology - Westminster
Address: Downs Road Address: 555 South Center Street
SM2 5PT, Sutton, United Kingdom MD 21157, Westminster, USA
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Mountzios Giannis Nicolaidi Adamantia

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Genito-urinary cancers Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal and gyneacological cancers
Position: Consultant Medical Oncology Hospital: Oncology Hospital “Georgios Gennimatas” - 6th
Hospital: University Hospital Alexandra IKA
Department: Dept. of Oncology and Translational Research Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Katsimpiri 4A, Xolargos Address: Asopiou 4
115 61, Athens, Greece 11174, Athens, Greece
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Mukesh Mukesh Nikolic Vladimir

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Clinical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Position: Specialist Registrar Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer
Hospital: Addenbrookes Hospital NHS Trust Position: Clinical Oncologist on Dept. of Solid Tumors
Department: Dept. of Oncology Hospital: Institute for Oncology and Radiology
Address: Box 193, Oncology Centre, Addenbrookes Hospital Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
CB2 9QQ, Cambridge, United Kingdom Address: Pasterova 14
email: [email protected] 11000, Belgrade, Serbia
email: [email protected]


Nuver Janine Öhrling Katarina

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Urogenital cancers, late effects of treatment Area of Interest: Colorectal and neuroendocrine tumours
Position: Medical Oncologist in training Position: Consultant
Hospital: University Medical Center Groningen Hospital: The Karolinska Institute
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Oncology at Radiumhemmet
Address: Hanzeplein 1 Address: Karolinska University Hospital
9700 RB, Groningen, The Netherlands 171 76, Stockholm, Sweden
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Nyczak Zbigniew Omlin Aurelius

Masterclass 2003 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal and lung cancers Area of Interest: Drug development and prostate cancer
Position: Assistent in Oncology Unit Position: Clinical Fellow
Hospital: CM HCP Hospital: Royal Marsden Hospital
Department: Dept. of Chemotherapy Department: Drug Development Unit
Address: 28 Czerwca 1956 r Address: Downs Road
61-866, Poznan, Poland SM2 5PT, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

O’Flaherty John Onida Francesco

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Haematology and medical oncology
Area of Interest: Lung cancer, circulating tumour cells and Area of Interest: Leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma
biomarkers Position: Assistant Professor
Position: Research Fellow Hospital: Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore
Hospital: Institute of Molecular Medicine, St. James’s Policlinico - U
Hospital Department: Dept. of Hematology 1 - CTMO
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Address: Via F. Sforza 22
Address: James’s Street 20122, Milano MI, Italy
8, Dublin, Ireland email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Oblak Irena Orphanos George

Masterclass 2003 Masterclass 2006
Specialty: Radiation oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal cancers Area of Interest: Breast and colorectal cancers
Position: Specialist Registrar Position: Consultant
Hospital: Institute of Oncology Hospital: Ygia Polyclinic
Department: Dept of Radiotherapy Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Zaloska 2 Address: 21, Nafpliou Str., P.O. Box 56174
1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3025, Limassol, Cyprus
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

O’Cearbhaill Roisin Osmanagic Mirza

Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Gynaecological oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Ovarian cancer Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal and genito-urinary cancers
Position: Assistant Attending Position: Resident
Hospital: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre Hospital: Clinic of Oncology, Clinical Center University of
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Sarajevo
Address: 1275 York ave Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
NY 10065, New York, USA Address: Bolnicka 25
email: [email protected] 71000, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
email: [email protected]

Ospina-Serrano Aylen Vanessa Pasic Anes
Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2006
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast and gastrointestinal cancers Area of Interest: Colorectal, ovarian and gastrointestinal stromal
Position: Medical Assistant tumours
Hospital: Hospital San Ignacio, Universidad Pontificia Position: Medical Assistant
Javeriana Hospital: Institute of Oncology
Department: Dept. of Oncology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: Cra 7 # 40-62 Address: Bolnicka 25
1, Bogota, Colombia 71000, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

O’Sullivan Coyne Geraldine Patrikidou Anna

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Position: Specialist Registrar Area of Interest: Head and neck, genito-urinary cancers and
Hospital: Adelaide and Meth Hospital Dublin (AMNCH) sarcoma
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Position: Specialist Registrar
Address: Tallaght 24 Hospital: Institut Gustave Roussy
Dublin, Ireland Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
email: [email protected] Address: 39 rue Camille Desmoulins
94805, Villejuif, France
email: [email protected]

Özyilkan Özgür Pederiva Stefanie

Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2003
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer and palliative care Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal cancers
Position: Chief Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Baskent University Faculty of Medicine Adana Hospital: Kantonsspital Baden
Hospital Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Address: Standort Brugg, Fröhlichstrasse 7
Address: Kisla Yerleshesi - Yuregir 5200, Baden, Switzerland
TR 01120, Adana, Turkey email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Papamichael Demetris Perez-Fidalgo José Alejandro

Masterclass 2003 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal and gynaecological cancers Area of Interest: Breast, ovarian and colorectal cancers, sarcoma
Position: Director Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre Hospital: University Hospital
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: 32 Acropoleos Avenue, Strovolos Address: Avda. Blaso Ibanez 17
2006, Nicosia, Cyprus 46010, Valencia, Spain
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Papaxoinis Georgios Personeni Nicola

Masterclass 2007 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast and gynaecological cancers Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal and breast cancers, translational
Position: Clinical fellow research
Hospital: Hippokration Hospital Position: Senior Assistant
Department: 2nd Dept. of Internal Medicine Propeudetic Hospital: Istituto Clinico Humanitas
Address: 1, Strati Tsirka, Ano Illissia Department: Dept. of Oncology
15771, Athens, Greece Address: via Manzoni 56
email: [email protected] 20089, Rozzano MI, Italy
email: [email protected]


Pozzessere Daniele Rack Brigitte

Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Gynaecology
Area of Interest: Lung cancer Area of Interest: Breast and gynaecological cancers
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Head of Gynecological Oncology
Hospital: “Sandro Pitigliani” Prato Hospital Hospital: Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: I. Frauenklinik
Address: Piazza Ospedale 2 Address: Maistrasse 11
59100, Prato PR, Italy 80337, Munich, Germany
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Preining Jutta Raposo Filipe Pedro Miguel

Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast and colorectal cancers, lymphoma and Area of Interest: Colorectal, gastrointestinal, genito-urinary cancers
leukemia and advanced cancer care
Position: Specialist for Internal Medicine, Hematology and Position: Medical Assistant
Oncology Hospital: Pulido Valente’s Hospital and St. Mary Hospital
Hospital: General Hospital Linz Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Hematooncology Address: Linhas de Torres Grove 117
Address: Krankenhausstr. 9 1769-001, Lisbon, Portugal
4020, Linz, Austria email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Prestwich Robin Reckova Maria

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Clinical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Head and neck and lung cancers Area of Interest: Solid tumours, genito-urinary cancers
Position: Specialist Registrar Position: Consultant
Hospital: St James’s University Hospital Hospital: Poko Poprad Hospital
Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Clinical Oncology Registrar’s Room, Level 4 Bexley Address: Mnohelova 2
Wing, St 05801, Poprad, Slovak Republic
LS9 7TF, Leeds, United Kingdom email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Prewett Sarah Reding Daniel

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Clinical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Position: Specialist Registrar Area of Interest: Lung and colorectal cancers
Hospital: Addenbrooke’s Hospital Position: Resident
Department: Dept. of Oncology Hospital: University Hospital Zurich
Address: Hills Road Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
CB2 0QQ, Cambridge, United Kingdom Address: Raemistrasse 100
email: [email protected] 8091, Zurich, Switzerland
email: [email protected]

Pusina Sadat Reid Alison

Fellowship 2007 and 2010 Masterclass 2006
Specialty: Surgical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal and thyroid cancers Position: Specialist Registrar
Position: Specialist of General Surgery Hospital: Royal Marsden Hospital
Hospital: Clinical Center University of Sarayevo Department: Drug Development Unit
Department: Dept. of Oncological and Glandular Surgery Address: D Block, Sycamore House
Address: Bolnicka, 25 SM2 5PT, Sutton, United Kingdom
71000, Sarayevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina email: [email protected]

Rentinck Marjolein E.M. Sadawia Faeiz
Masterclass 2004 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal cancer and malignant lymphoma Area of Interest: Solid tumours
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Consultant Physician and Lecturer
Hospital: Tergooi hospitals hilversum Hospital: Jamaheriya Hospital -
Department: Dept. of Internal Medicine Department: Med. Dept., Medical Oncology and Chemotherapy
Address: Van Riebeeckweg 212 Unit
1213 XZ, Hilversum, The Netherlands email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Rentschler Jochen Said Janabel

Masterclass 2007 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Clinical oncology
Area of Interest: Lymphoma and central nervous system cancer Area of Interest: Colorectal and head and neck cancers
Position: Senior Physician Position: Clinical Oncology Trainee
Hospital: University Hospital Basel Hospital: NHS Tayside
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology
Address: Petersgraben 4 Address: 22 st. Martin Avenue, Dundee DD3 ORN, Scotland
4031, Basel, Switzerland UK
email: [email protected] DD3 ORN, Dundee, United Kingdom
email: [email protected]

Rodrigues Ana Saridaki-Zoras Zaharenia

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast and lung cancers, molecular biology Area of Interest: Colorectal and gastrointestinal cancers
Position: Resident Position: Researcher in the Laboratory of Tumor Biology
Hospital: Portuguese Institute of Oncology Francisco Gentl Hospital: University Hospital of Heraklion
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: Rua Dr. Bernardino de Almeida Address: Voutes
4200-072, Porto, Portugal 71110, Heraklion, Greece
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Romagnani Elena Scatchard Katherine

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2008
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer Area of Interest: Breast and gynaecological cancers, melanoma
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Consultant
Hospital: Nuovo Ospedale Civicle di Sassuolo Hospital: Royal Devon and Exter Hospital
Department: Dept. of Oncology Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Via Ruini 2 Address: Barrack Road
41049, Sassuolo MO, Italy EX2 5DW, Exter, United Kingdom
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Rottey Sylvie Scheusan Roxana Ioana

Masterclass 2003 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Head and neck, genitourinary cancers and Area of Interest: Breast, lung and head and neck cancers
research Position: Medical Assistant
Position: Medical Assistant Hospital: City Hospital Timisoara
Hospital: U.Z. Gent Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Address: 26 Mihai Viteazu Road
Address: De Pintelaan 185 254002, Timisoara, Romania
B-9000, Gent, Belgium email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]


Scholz Christian Sirpa Leppä

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2003
Specialty: Medical oncology and haematology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: lymphoma, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, Area of Interest: Lymphoma
lung and colorectal cancers Position: Chief Physician and Senior Consultant
Position: Senior Physician Hospital: Helsinki University Central Hospital
Hospital: Charite-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Department: Dept. of Oncology
Virchow-Klinikum Address: P.O.Box 180
Department: Dept. of Hematology and Oncology 00029, Helsinki FI, Finland
Address: Augustenburger Platz 1 email: [email protected]
13353, Berlin, Germany
email: [email protected]

Senkus-Konefka Elzbieta Skytta Tanja

Masterclass 2002 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology and radiation oncology Specialty: Clinical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast and prostate cancers Area of Interest: Radiotherapy
Position: Assistant Professor Position: Specialist in Oncology, Clinical Teacher
Hospital: Medical University of Gdansk Hospital: Tampere University Hospital
Department: Dept. of Oncology and Radiotherapy Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Ul. Debinki 7 Address: PL2000
80211, Gdansk, Poland 33521, Tampere, Finland
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Shah Carl-Henrik Smyth Eyabeth

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Clinical oncology Hospital: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Area of Interest: Lung and urothelial cancers Department: Dept. of Oncology
Position: Registrar Address: 1275 York Avenue
Hospital: Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska 10065, New York, USA
Institute email: [email protected]
Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Radiumhemmet
171-76, Stockholm, Sweden
email: [email protected]

Shakhnovich Elena Snegovoy Anton

Masterclass 2007 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology and radiation oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal and prostate cancers, palliative Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal, breast, lung, kidney, ovarian
care and hematology cancers and supportive care
Hospital: State Scientific Center of Coloproctology Position: Senior Research Associate
Department: Dept. of Chemotherapy Hospital: N.N. Blockhin Russian Cancer Research Center -
Address: St. Dubninskaya 28-2-89 RAMS
127591, Moscow, Russia Department: Dept. of Out-patients Chemotherapy
email: [email protected] Address: Kashirskoye Shosse 24
115478, Moscow, Russia
email: [email protected]

Shash Emad Soplepmann Jaan

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Surgical oncology
Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal, breast, genito-urinary cancers, Area of Interest: Abdominal surgery, melanoma
lung cancer and mesothelioma Position: Medical Assistant
Position: Associate Lecturer Hospital: Tartu University Hospital
Hospital: National Cancer Institute Cairo University Department: Dept. of Surgical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Address: Vallikraavi 10
Address: Form El Kahalig Square Kasr Al Aini St 51005, Tartu, Estonia
11796, Cairo, Egypt email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Sorarù Mariella Stein Ulrich
Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2002
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Genito-urinary cancers and haematology Position: Medical Assistant
Position: Day Hospital, Director Hospital: Onkologische Schwerpunktpraxis
Hospital: Ospedale P. Cosma Address: Pinnebergerstr. 25
Department: Dept. of Oncology 22457, Hamburg, Germany
Address: Via Cosma 1 email: [email protected]
35012, Camposampiero PD, Italy
email: [email protected]

Sosnovskikh Irina Stemmer Salomon

Fellowship 2009 Masterclass 2002
Specialty: Surgical oncology, radiology Specialty: Medical oncology and radiation oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Breast, pancreatic and hepatocellular cancers,
Position: Resident education, translational and clinical research
Hospital: European Institute of Oncology Position: Deputy Head Institute of Oncology, Head Research
Department: Dept. of Radiology Unit, Head of Residency Program
Address: Via Ripamonti 435 Hospital: Davidoff Center, Rabin Medical Center
20141, Milan, Italy Department: Dept. of Oncology and Radiotherapy
email: [email protected] Address: Beilinson
49100, Petach Tikva PT, Israel
email: [email protected]

Sousa Berta Stintzing Sebastian

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast and gynaecological cancers Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer
Position: Clinical and Reserach Fellow Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Portugues Institute of Oncology - Francisco Gentil Hospital: University of Munich - Hospital Grosshadern
Department: Dept. of Medicine, Medical Oncology Unit Department: Medical Dept. III - Haematology and Oncology
Address: Rua Dr. Antonio Bernardino de Almeida Address: Marchioninistr. 15
4200-072, Porto, Portugal 81377, Munich, Germany
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Sousa Nuno Stoyianni Aikaterini

Masterclass 2007 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal and urological cancers Area of Interest: Breast, gastric and colorectal cancers and cancer
Position: Attending Physician of unknown primary
Hospital: Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto Position: Clinical Research Fellow, PhD student
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Hospital: Ioannina University Hospital
Address: Rua António Bernardino de Almeida Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
4200-072, Porto, Portugal Address: St. Niarchou avenue
email: [email protected] 45500, Ioannina, Greece
email: [email protected]

Stefanovski Petar Strojnik Ksenija

Masterclass 2003 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Solid tumours Area of Interest: Breast and genito-urinary cancers, supportive care
Position: Head of Department Hospital: Institute of Oncology
Hospital: Clinical Hospital Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Oncology and Palliative Treatment Address: Zaloska 2
Address: Partizanska Bb 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia
7000, Bitola, Macedonia email: [email protected],
email: [email protected]


Sukor Sumainizah Teulé Alexandre

Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Hereditary cancers, colorectal cancer and
Position: Clinical Research Fellow neuroendocrine tumours
Hospital: St. Vincent’s Hospital Position: Specialist
Address: Elm Park Hospital: Catalan Institute of Oncology
4, Dublin, Ireland Department: Dept. of Hereditary Cancers
email: [email protected] Address: Gran Via Hospitalet 199-203
08907, Hospitalet del Llobregat (Barcelona), Spain
email: [email protected]

Thanopoulou Eirini
Sümbül Ahmet Taner Masterclass 2010
Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology
Specialty: Medical oncology Area of Interest: Sarcoma, lung and breast cancers
Area of Interest: Breast, lung, gastrointestinal, genito-urinary Position: Clinical Research Fellow
cancers and lymphomas Hospital: Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Position: Senior Fellow in Medical Oncology Department: Sarcoma Unit
Hospital: Baskent University Faculty of Medicine Address: 44 Fawe park Road
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology SW15 2EA, London, United Kingdom
Address: Bahcelievler, Ankara email: [email protected]
06490, Adana, Turkey
email: [email protected]
Todorovic Mirjana
Tarkkanen Maija Masterclass 2011
Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology
Specialty: Medical oncology Area of Interest: Breast cancer and haemato-oncology
Area of Interest: Soft tissue sarcomas and tumours, Position: Medical Assistant
neuroendocrine tumours, hereditary breast Hospital: Clinical Centre Nis
and ovarian cancers, other hereditary cancer Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology
syndromes Address: Bul dr Zorana Djindjica
Position: Acting Head of Inpatient Care 18000, Nis, Serbia
Hospital: Helsinki University Central Hospital email: [email protected]
Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: P.O. Box 180
00029, Helsinki, Finland
email: [email protected]
Todorovic Vladimir
Teixeira Alexandra Masterclass 2004
Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Internal medicine and clinical oncology
Specialty: Medical oncology Area of Interest: Solid tumours
Area of Interest: Breast, gastric, colorectal and ovarian cancers Position: Director of Oncology Clinic
Position: Resident Hospital: Clinical Center of Montenegro
Hospital: Instituto Portugues de Oncologia Francisco Gentil Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Address: Naselje Krusevac bb
Address: Rua Dr. Antonio Bernardino de Alemida 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro
4200-072, Porto, Portugal email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Trifonova Irina
Teo Min Yuen Masterclass 2008
Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology
Specialty: Medical oncology Area of Interest: Breast cancer
Area of Interest: Genito-urinary, neuro-oncology and gastrointestinal Position: Medical Assistant
cancers Hospital: National centre of Oncology
Position: Registrar Department: Chemotherapy Clinic
Hospital: Cork University Hospital Address: Plovdivsko pole 6
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria
Address: Wilton email: [email protected]
1, Cork, Ireland
email: [email protected]

Tryakin Alexey Unk Mojca
Masterclass 2004 and 2008 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Germ cell tumours and colorectal cancer Area of Interest: Lung cancer
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Fellow
Hospital: Blokhin`s Russian Cancer Research Center Hospital: University Clinic of Pulmonary and Allergic
Department: Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology and Chemotherapy Diseases
Address: Kashirskoye Sh., 24 Address: Golnik 36
115548, Moscow, Russia 4204, Golnik, Slovenia
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Tryfonidis Konstantinos Unsal Diclehan

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Radiation oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Colorectal, gynaecological and breast cancers
Position: Resident Position: Associate Professor
Hospital: University Hospital of Crete Hospital: Gazi University Faculty of Medicine
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Radiation Oncology
Address: - Address: Platin Sokak 16/4 Cankaya
71110, Heraklion, Greece 06540, Ankara, Turkey
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Tzovaras Alexandros Urbanska Edyta

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology and research
Area of Interest: Breast and urological cancers Area of Interest: Lung cancer, mesotheliom, neuroendocrine
Position: Medical Assistant tumours
Hospital: St. Savvas Hospital Position: Consultant
Department: 1st Dept. of Medical Oncology Hospital: National University Hospital in Copenhagen
Address: Alexandras Avenue 171 Department: Dept. of Oncology
115 22, Athens, Greece Address: Blegdamsvej 9, 9073
email: [email protected] 2100, Copenhagen, Denmark
email: [email protected]

Udrea Adrian Vaccaro Vanja

Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal, gynaecological cancers and Area of Interest: Pancreatic, gastrointestinal and lung cancers
sarcoma Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Position: Medical Assistant Hospital: Regina Elena Cancer Center
Hospital: Institutul Oncologic Cluj Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Chemotherapy Address: Via Elio Chianesi
Address: Str Republicii 34-36 00144, Roma, Italy
400015, Cluj, Romania email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Ujmajuridze Zaza Valentini Miriam

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Position: Clinical Oncologist Area of Interest: Breast cancer
Hospital: Rigshospitalet, University Hospital Position: Unit Head
Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology Hospital: Consorzio Mario Negri Sud
Address: Blegdamsvej 9 Department: Unit of Clinical Research Management and
2100, Copenhagen, Denmark Monitoring - Dip. D
email: [email protected] Address: Via Nazionale, 8/a
66030, Santa Maria Imbaro CH, Italy
email: [email protected]


Van Fraeyenhove Frank Vanderkam Sabine S.R.G.

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Radiation oncology
Area of Interest: Colorectal and brain tumours Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal and breast cancers
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: ZNA Middelheim Hospital: ZNA Middelheim
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Radiation Oncology
Address: lindendreef 1 Address: Lindendreef 1
2020, Antwerp, Belgium 2020, Antwerp, Belgium
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Van Halteren Henk Verhulst Ludwig

Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2002
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty:
Position: Consultant Hospital: Yan Yperman Ziekenhuis Ieper
Hospital: Gelderse Vallei Hospital Department: Dept. of Gynaekologie
Department: Dept. of Internal Medicine Address: Ryselstraat
Address: Willy Brandtlaan 10 8900, Ieper, Belgium
6716RP, Ede, The Netherlands email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Van Leeuwen Willemien Veri Attilio

Masterclass 2003 Masterclass 2002
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal and gyneacological cancers Area of Interest: Lung cancer, colorectal and urological cancers
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: BovenIJ Hospital Hospital: Ospedale San Filippo Neri
Department: Dept. of Oncology Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Koningin Emmalaan 31 Address: Via G. Martinotti, 20
1191 EK, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, The 00135, Roma RM, Italy
Netherlands email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Van Mieghem Elke Vieira Claudia

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2011
Hospital: Universitary Hospital of Leuven Specialty: Medical oncology
Department: Dept. of General Oncology Area of Interest: Breast, gynaecological, gastrointestinal and lung
Address: Herestraat 49 cancers
3000, Leuven, Belgium Position: Resident
email: [email protected] Hospital: Portuguese Institute of Oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: Rue Dr. Antonio Bernardino de Almeida
4200-072, Porto, Portugal
email: [email protected]

Vanderbeeken Marie-Catherine Vigneri Paolo

Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2008
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical and experimental oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer Area of Interest: Breast, prostate cancers and chronic myelogenous
Position: Medical Assistant leukaemia
Hospital: Institut Jules Bordet Position: Assistant Professor in Experimental Oncology
Department: Dept. of Oncology Hospital: Università di Catania
Address: 1, rue Héger-Bordet Department: Dept. of Biomedical Sciences
1000, Brussels, Belgium Address: Via Androne, 83
email: [email protected] 95124, Catania CT, Italy
email: [email protected]

Vihinen Pia Von Rohr Lukas
Masterclass 2002 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology and haematology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Melanoma and breast cancer Area of Interest: Breast, gynaecological and lung cancers
Hospital: Turku University Central Hospital Position: Senior Fellow
Department: Dept. of Oncology and Radiotherapy Hospital: Kantonsspital Aarau AG
Address: P.O. Box 52 Department: Centre for Oncology, Haematology and
FIN 20521, Turku, Finland Transfusional Medicine
email: [email protected] Address: Tellstrasse
CH-5000, Aarau, Switzerland
email: [email protected]

Virik Kiran Walenkamp Annemiek

Masterclass 2002 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Colorectal, upper gastrointestinal and lung cancers Area of Interest: Neuro-oncology
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Qe Ii Health Sciences Centre / Dalhousie Hospital: UMC University Medical Centre Groningen
University Department: Dept. of Medical oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Address: P.O. box 30001
Address: 1278 Tower Road 9700 RB, Groningen, The Netherlands
B3H 2Y9, Halifax, Canada email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Vitali Milena Wilmink Hanneke

Masterclass 2004 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Lung and colorectal cancers Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal and upper gastro-intestinal
Hospital: Fond. IRCCS Istituto dei Tumori tumours
Department: Dept. of Oncology Position: Medical Assistant
Address: Via G. Venezian 1 Hospital: Acadmic Medical Centre
20133, Milano MI, Italy Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
email: [email protected] Address: Meibergdreef 9
1105 AZ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
email: [email protected]

Vlad Stefanel Winkler Jelena

Masterclass 2004 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Radiation oncology and palliative care Specialty: Radiation oncology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer and brachytherapy Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal and gynaecological cancers,
Position: Medical Assistant brachytherapy
Hospital: Central Clinical Emergency Military Hospital Position: Senior Physician and Consultant
Department: Dept. of Radiotherapy Hospital: University Hospital Basel
Address: 88 M. Vulcanescu Street, Sect. 1 Department: Institute for Radio-Oncology
Bucharest, Romania Address: Petersgraben 4
email: [email protected] 4031, Basel, Switzerland
email: [email protected]

Voegeli Michèle Wöhrer Stefan

Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Internal medicine and medical oncology Specialty: Stem cell transplantation
Area of Interest: Lymphoma and breast cancer Area of Interest: Haematologic malignancies
Position: Senior Registrar Position: Attending Physician
Hospital: Medizinische Universitätsklinik, Onkologie Hospital: University Hospital of Vienna
Department: Kantonsspital Department: Dept. of Internal Medicine 1
Address: Rheinstrasse 26 Address: Währingerstraße
4410, Liestal, Switzerland 1090, wien, Austria
email: [email protected]. email: [email protected]


Wyrwicz Lucjan Zgajnar Janez

Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2002
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Surgical oncology
Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal cancers Area of Interest: Breast cancer
Position: Head of Laboratory Position: Medical Director
Hospital: Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center Hospital: Institute of Oncology Ljubljana
Department: Dept. GI Cancer and Laboratory of Bionformatics Department: Dept. of Surgery
and Systems Biology Address: Zaloska Cesta 2
Address: Roentgena 5 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia
02-781, Warsow, Poland email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Wysocki Wojciech Zohrabyan Davit

Masterclass 2004 and fellowship 2006 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Surgical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast and colorectal cancers, melanoma and soft Area of Interest: Breast, gynaecological, urological, colorectal, lung
tissue sarcoma and gastrointestinal cancers
Position: Assistant Professor Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Institute Of Hospital: Yerevan State Medical University, “Muratsan”
Oncology University Hosp
Department: Dept. of Surgical Oncology Department: Dept. of Oncology, Chemotherapy Clinic
Address: Ul. Garncarska 11 Address: Muratsan 114
31-115, Kraków, Poland 0075, Yerevan, Armenia
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Yap Timothy Zubairi Ishtiaq

Masterclass 2007 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Cancer research Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Drug development Area of Interest: Lung, colorectal and breast cancers
Hospital: Royal Marsden Hospital Position: Oncology Registrar
Department: Drug Development Unit Hospital: Midlands Regional Hospital Tullamore
Address: Sycamore House, Downs Road, Sutton Department: Dept. of Oncology
SM2 5PT, Surrey, United Kingdom Address: Midlands Regional Hospital Tullamore Arden Road
email: [email protected] Tullamore Co Offaly, Ireland
email: [email protected]

Yildirim Yesim Zweifel Martin

Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, lung and colorectal cancers Area of Interest: Gynaecological and testicular cancers,
Position: Specialist translational research
Hospital: Acibadem University Medical Oncology Dept Hospital: Mount Vernon Cancer Centre
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Acibadem Kozyatagi Hastanesi tibbi onkoloij Address: HA6 2RN
bolumu inonu cad HA6 2RN, Northwood, United Kingdom
34770, Istambul, Turkey email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Zaiss Matthias
Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology and haematology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer and lymphoma
Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Onkologische Schwerpunktpraxis
Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Breisacher Str. 117
79106, Freiburg, Germany
email: [email protected]




European School of Oncology European School of Oncology
Via del Bollo, 4 ESO Bellinzona Office
20123 Milan - Italy Ospedale Regionale Bellinzona e Valli
Tel.: +39 02 8546451 6500 Bellinzona - Switzerland
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Sharing Progress in Cancer Care (SPCC) is a pioneering partnership between

the European School of Oncology (ESO) and some of the world's leading pharma-
ceutical companies. SPCC grants are used to fund the School's magazine Cancer
World and its Masterclass in Clinical Oncology. In addition, ESO collaborates with
its SPCC partners on a number of innovative projects aimed at improving
knowledge and addressing problems in the provision of cancer services.

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