Critique 2
Critique 2
Critique 2
A research critique reflects a penetrating analysis of a study in which judicious and constructive
comments have been made about a piece of work”- by leininger 1968.
Critiquing research is essential for developing and refining nursing knowledge and improves
skills of individual. However, the word critique is often linked with the word criticize, which is
frequently viewed as negative. In arts and sciences, critique takes on another meaning. It is
associated with critical thinking and appraisal and requires carefully develop skills. This is also
referred as ‘intellectual critique. An intellectual critique is directed not at the person who created
but at the product of creation.
The research critique provides an appraisal of complete research that helps the investigator to
evaluate the favorable and less favorable aspects of the study. The research critique can facilitate
the scientific potential of the research. Conducting a research critique requires a background in
critical analysis and skills in logical reasoning to examine the reliability and integrity of a study.
1 The problem is clearly Yes. The researcher has The investigator has
identified. identified the problem clearly identified
which is one of the but not defined his
important steps to study problem properly in
the incidence rate of the study. Clear
needle stick injury. background and
need of the study
1. To assess the incidence rate of needle stick injury among the nurses working in
selected hospitals of metropolitan city.
2. To find the association between incidence rate of needle stick injury and selected
demographic variables.
Are they
1. appropriate & adequate to Yes Setting in objective also as
it is in problem statement.
10 Are all the sources that Yes. References are not written It has to as per A
are cited in the study as per APA pattern be after each re
found on the reference
4 Generalizations are warranted by the No. The sample selected was repre
results. population but still the study findin
as sample size 50 is too small to gener
5 A distinct is made between statistical Yes. The researcher has 5 demographic variab
4- Critique indicates that overall, the study satisfies the basic requirements of scientific research.
3- Critique indicates that overall, the study satisfies the basic requirements of scientific research,
with the following explanations: (state the exceptions)
2- Critique indicates that overall, the study does not satisfy the basic requirements of scientific
research, with the following explanations: (state the exceptions)
1 - Critique indicates that overall, the study does not satisfy the basic requirements of scientific
The rating for scientific merit of the report according to the scale is 3. The overall study
satisfies the basic requirements of scientific research except for grammatical mistakes &text
arrangement and citation error in bibliography.
The study which has been conducted by the researcher is good and well reported. It can be
studied in different setting by keeping in mind the limitations and the changes which can be made
in this study. Different research design can be used in the study such as cross-sectional, the same
study with more samples.The research critique provides an appraisal of completed research that
helps the investigator evaluate the favorable and less favorable aspects of the study.
TITLE OF THE What is the title of Title of the study Has to explain in detail about the
STUDY the study is based on intervention for prevent malnutri
“Prevalence of current scenario
severe acute based on need of
malnutrition the lay children
factors among
children aged 6
months-5 years in What does the title Good choice of
rural population lead you to topic by
of northern India: explore the article/ researcher to do
A population – eye catching cross sectional
based survey” study title so
good eye
Is the title is based Yes
on the current
Is the title precise Took efforts for No it is not precise, the different
yet doing research not explained in topic like diet pl
comprehensive? on various
aspects of
Does the article Yes this article
cover the topic covers the topic
comprehensively, comprehensively
partially or is it