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Low Level Design

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EAI-Low Level Design Document

Version No.:


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Abbreviation Description

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Table Of Contents

1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Identification ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Glossary of Terms .................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Referenced Documents ........................................................................................................... 5
2 Design Overview ............................................................................................................................... 5
3 Design Description ........................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Business Process workflow ...................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Business Process Modeling and Management (as applicable) ............................................... 6
3.3 Interface Design ....................................................................................................................... 6
3.3.1 Business Logic ........................................................................................................... 6
3.3.2 Variables..................................................................................................................... 7
3.3.3 Transformation Rules ................................................................................................. 7
3.3.4 Transformer Classes (as applicable) ......................................................................... 7
3.4 Message / Event Design (as applicable) .................................................................................. 7
3.4.1 Event/ Message Flow Diagram (as applicable) .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.4.2 Event / Message Structure (as applicable) ................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.4.3 Transactional Event / Messages (as applicable)........ Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.5 Error / Exceptional Handling .................................................................................................... 9
3.6 Activity / Class Diagrams (as applicable) ............................................................................... 10
3.7 Data Mapping Information ...................................................................................................... 11
4 Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 11
4.1 Adapter / Connector Configuration......................................................................................... 11
4.1.1 Adapter / Connector Name...................................................................................... 11
4.1.2 Adapter / Connector Details (as applicable)............................................................. 11
4.2 Application Configuration(as applicable) ................................................................................ 12
4.3 EAI Tool Configuration(as applicable).................................................................................... 12
4.4 Third Party Tool Configuration(as applicable) ........................................................................ 12
5 Customization ................................................................................................................................. 12
5.1 Application (as applicable) ..................................................................................................... 12
5.2 EAI Tool .................................................................................................................................. 12
6 Assumptions ................................................................................................................................... 12
7 Dependencies ................................................................................................................................. 12
8 Cross Reference with SRD / HLD .................................................................................................. 13

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9 Annexures ....................................................................................................................................... 13

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1 Introduction
1.1 Identification

Project Name

Document Name

Document Version No.

1.2 Glossary of Terms

1.3 Referenced Documents

2 Design Overview
The Business Process workflow used in our system can be broken down into three tiers:-

1) The Client Tier with the HTML and the messages that are interchanged
2) The middle tier which comprises of service mix and the Server with the business logic
3) The Back end tier with the database.

Client tier Middle Tier Data Management Tier

Web layer

HTML Hibernate

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3 Design Description

3.1 Business Process workflow

Our scenario and workflow design call for our workflow to interface with the following
hypothetical and actual components and applications:

The WorkFlow client used by the HCS, and Government Employee, and the normal user
accessing through the web interface.

The Hibernate component that provides database access and update and change of data.

Server-side components, such as servlets, in the front-end Web application with which the
customer interacts

A back-end reporting application

An e-mail client to which a confirmation message may be sent

A message passing architecture implemented using service-mix

3.2 Business Process Modeling and Management (as applicable)

3.3 Interface Design

3.3.1 Business Logic

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3.3.2 Variables

3.3.3 Transformation Rules

3.3.4 Transformer Classes (as applicable)

3.4 Message / Event Design (as applicable)

To interact, in an asynchronous fashion, with other types of server-side components such as
servlets or back-end applications, the Integration workflow shares data via XML documents that
are published to queues and received from queues.

Thus, to communicate with many of the external and even internal components in our
workflows, we will need to compose and send XML messages to either a Worklist client user, or
an external or internal topic or queue. XML elements and attributes correspond to workflow
variables for which values are provided at run time. We use outgoing XML documents in the
sample workflows for the following purposes:

To substitute for the XML document which would be sent by a front-end Web application to
trigger the new-individual registration application

To request the government to provide the result of the search performed

search_person: Gov HCS
– input: Query
– output: set of person_Data
Business Logic:
Search on the database to get the personal data. Receive the search
parameter, send the search result.
Used By:
Government Clerk

The diagram above demonstrates how to represent in the UML a service that exposes a
set of interfaces. By separating the notion of a service which is an actual software entity
that exists at some identified end point from the interfaces which are a specification of
some set of behavior we gain the flexibility to reuse common interfaces across a

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number of services. In this way an interface can be defined as a stand-alone entity,
versioned and managed independently from any service that implements it (in UML
terms the service realizes the interface).

The diagram above demonstrates how the abstract “Message” structure is used, that
the “Journal Content Request” message is a specialization that includes an element
from the Journal Content Domain.
As an example, given SOAP 1.2 and a simple UMLXML serialization we could expect
to see the following request message in XML. Also note that the constraint {signed} in
the model results in the generation of an XML

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2002/12/soap-envelope">
<m:SearchRequest xmlns:m="http://dit.unitn.it/schema/jrnlcnt">
<m:Person id>. . .</m: Person id >
<sig:Signature xmlns:sig="http://www.w3.org/2000/02/xmldsig#">

 Deploy WSDL
<deployment xmlns="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/"
<service name="Searchperson" provider="java:RPC">
<parameter name="className" value="server.Searchperson.getdata"/>
<parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>

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 Publish service

deploy.bat,Axis_Lib is the path of axis.jar :

set Axis_Lib=D:\workspace\test\WEB-INF\lib
set Java_Cmd=java -Djava.ext.dirs=%Axis_Lib%
set Axis_Servlet=http://localhost:8080/test/servlet/AxisServlet
%Java_Cmd% org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient -l%Axis_Servlet% deploy.wsdd

it is important to separate out the structures that define a message passed in orout of a
service action and the domain content that is used as the content of the message. The
following diagram demonstrates this separation.

This allows us to separate information about the “instance” of a message from the
content in the message, so for example the same content might be sent to two different
end points but have different associated message-level information included. This
separation also allows the definition of properties that are to be consumed by the HCS-
Gov-System aware end-point but not necessarily by the end-user of consumer of the
content. This separation also allows us to adhere to a common layered approach to the
architecture that clearly defines the content relevant to each layer in a simple model as
shown below.

3.5 Error / Exceptional Handling

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3.6 Activity / Class Diagrams (as applicable)
3.6.1 Class Diagram for HCS side

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3.6.2 Class Diagram for Government side

3.7 Data Mapping Information

4 Configuration

4.1 Adapter / Connector Configuration

4.1.1 Adapter / Connector Name

4.1.2 Adapter / Connector Details (as applicable)

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4.2 Application Configuration(as applicable)

4.3 EAI Tool Configuration(as applicable)

4.4 Third Party Tool Configuration(as applicable)

5 Customization

5.1 Application (as applicable)

Serial no Interface Available out-of- Application module to % customization

identified the-box in be used required

5.2 EAI Tool

Serial No Interface Available Out-of- Connector / Adaptor % Customization

Identified the-box in EAI to be Used Required

6 Assumptions

7 Dependencies

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8 Cross Reference with SRD / HLD

9 Annexures

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