L2 Ict - UNIT 1: The Online World Revision Template: Subject Notes Revision Done
L2 Ict - UNIT 1: The Online World Revision Template: Subject Notes Revision Done
L2 Ict - UNIT 1: The Online World Revision Template: Subject Notes Revision Done
Revision Template
Real time information A news service as bbc news teaches you about what
goes around in the world. It's more handy as you do not
have to buy a newspaper.
Traffic reports are really if the person is just about to hit
the road on their motorbike or by car.
Weather is always good to have on your phone because it
gives you updates of what the weather is each hour and
weather you need to bring your coat or sun glasses. Train
Timetable are very handy as the train could be delayed
and this will tell when you should set of from home.
Have anews online saves people from getting the news
from other people
Internet banking is where you can manage your account
online and take money out. It's not a safe option but it's
alright if you want to be lazy. Retail sales such as primark
website and online shopping where you can buy
anything. Publishing online could mean publishing There
is also online auction sites such as ebay where you can
bid for your own product and see who
gets the better bid. There is also sites such as shpock
where you can buy and bid things. Retail Sales come
under any known shops
Government websites Tax return , people whom are on benefits and they also
look at deaths marriages and births. They look at owning
and renting a council premises. They also visas and
other and they sort out immigration things.
Download services There are lots music downloads such as itunes where
you can buy your own music.There are also amazon
prime where you can buy your own music. An upgrade is
where something new has been developed such as your
iphone may need to be updated with new software which
will be better than the last upgrade. Like for example
your laptop may ask if you want to upgrade to a new
windows server which may be a faster and better.
Version control
It means that a software needs to be updated such as a
phone update which might be better and might have new
things to do with the software. For example work will be
Levels of access You can decide whether you want to change your
document from read only or whether you can edit. Like
you could give permission for your teacher to edit your
work because you want to get feedback but for example if
you did not want your teacher to edit your document then
you could. For example if you did some work and you
have levels of access of who and where to share your
Online communities
It is an example of a group page where they can post
everything about the topic of the group page. A group
page on facebook that has members and aonly members
are added that into that certain type of yopic.
Virtual world
Virtual world is online networking that allows you to
communicate electronically without even moving your
mouth . There also can post some of their life stories
online where anybody can see it.
Social networking
Example of this are Facebook and twitter where you can
add friends and chat with them You can even put a post
and your friends might even comment on and they can
even like it if they wanted to. You can even send them
emojis to tell them how you are feeling.
Cloud computing
This is where you can save your documents online
without saving your documents
on your local computer drive. Examples of this are
google drive
Ubiquitous computing
They are types of ubiquitous computing such as RFID.
This is where it receives and transmits. Examples of this
are clocking in cards when you clock into a room. Then
there is pvd scanners where you scan the barcode and
see if there any stock left. Another example of this are
fridges that monitor supplies where a fridge scans the
foods barcode and it will tell you how many days you
had it for and when it's due out of date. There also was
pet colors, where the dog would get electrocuted if it
went over certain miles. Another example is that
There is the isp where you can get the internet from and
is your internet service provider. The point of presence
means that when you you request the certain webpage it
has to request that information to the internt provider
which then goes to the web address itself and then it has
tell it to show the web page on your computer screen.
This known point of presence where data is is requested
from the your internet search engine which then gets
Router are where it directs tarffic over the internet it
bascially it can server up to lots of devices so it can
access the internet.
Network backbone It is a big cable which is a long fibre cable that runs
from your internet modem to the isp (the internet service
Internet connection types There a wireless connection that connects you to the
internet such as wifi which directly lets you connect you
to the internet There are dial up connection when you
have to get your connection through the telephone line
which is more slower and it takes along time to download
files like up to 10-15 minutes at the top. There si
broadband which is more faster than the others but it it
wired and you have to have a stationary computer to do
that. It is less secure than wired . for example people may
be able to get onto the internet if you give the password
to someone or the files may become lost and you may
have to send them . The dial up gives a much poorer
reception and is more likely to go much slower.
There is also bandwidth where the internet connection
is measured in bits and its measure to if its a fast
bandwidth aor a much slower bandwidth .
Components of the URL At the beginning of url there is the hypertensive whuich
gives it a specific task to do. There vis the world wide
web where it it shows www. Which says to go on to thto
wen full of websites.
Html is made up of tags. They have a message between
the open brackets. An example would be <html>
And <body>. These are commands saying it i.Html is a
programme which helps you build a website and was
back in the day but now w have other websites that help
us create websites such as wix and other website
builders. Html is hwere is teqnique that is used to
create websites and it as programming language to do
this . <A> this syands for a hyperlink, < Title> This tands
for the title of the document.
Search engines
Basically when someone enters words in the search
engine it goes and search for it on the internet through
its indexes and brings up results which is done in
seconds. There are always sponsored links on the top of
the results page these are daverts and they are pay per
Advantages of email It's cheap to use because it does not cost anything . All
you have to be is connected to to the internet and have a
You can also attach files and pictures to your email. For
example if you were a teacher and wanted to send some
resources for revision. Then this would easy as you have
to open up a file and place it onto the email. For example
a advantage of electronic email is that you can send
someone a blind copy
Disadvantages of email
Lots of spam can come from unknown companies. You
have to have to know the person's email address to send
an email . otherwise it wont send and it might get sent to
the wrong person
Email protocols
There are protocols such as po3 where the email is
received. People can wasted time and resources by
sending rubbish emails while in work . There si the
simple mail protocol where it pick up the email and sends
it off . There is the protocol Dns which stands for
dynamic name system which checks from the name so it
knows where it is sending it.
Differences between POP & When the Email has gone to the pop3 server it does
IMAP not save it on the server but it goes directllty to the email
adress where then it can only be read once. On the other
hand you have the imap where it can directly be limked
to all you email accounts on different device where the
email will be kept secure and be kept on thier server for
however long. An example of thsi is your gmail account
where it saves the eamil on thier server and on all their
custoers devices
Transmission modes Fibre Optic - glass- instead of sending electric signal it sends
light - in binary- at speed of light in pulses- at the other end is
a receiver. The fibre optic is as thin as a hair. The cables
under the floor need to be careful as they are not coated in
metal, break easily.
Wireless - no wires.
Infrared - energy in the region of the electromagnetic radiation
spectrum. Can be seen, Out of the visible spectrum. Is shorter
than those of radio waves.
Infrared frequencies higher than those of microwaves.
Eg: car locking remotes, TV remote handset
Meshing of 2 words - coder and decoder - encoded and
compressed for storage streams of data.
For videos you
Compress- send- decompress at other end.
See diagram on google slides
Changes it from one format into another format so that it
can be used!
Methods of transmission
/cabling/wireless etc SEE ABOVE NOTES
Packet switching
Is a method of breaking data files in small packets or chunks
in order to send them across a network.
Works by broken up into small files and given an IP address
as to where to go, and to know who has sent it. They also
know how many packets have been sent. Puts back together
and ends the file.
A microwave link - in a communication system uses a beam
of radio waves in the microwave frequency in two fixed
Advantage : no cables required (between 2 buildings)
Multiple channels
Wide bandwidth
Multiple receivers eg:
Multipole channels on one satellite
There is also the hdd which stands for hard disc drive.
How this works is that a blade goes round each line on
the dick and it goes round each line in seconds and it
finds some area to place
It is a organised collection of structured data . there a
are used for producing reports as well as storing
information. Information can be easy to manage
A database can store and handle vast amounts of data.
Database structure – files, In database it has fields such as a name and student id si
fields, records a feil . a telephone number or your address can be a
recognised as a field. A contact list for a member is a
record this is where one personal contact detail are kept.
Finally a file is for all the records for the members are
kept in one file. All the members will be in this file.
Online databases
Malicious damage to data Trojan horses where the programme system on the
system for a long time. They are deceiving as it looks
good but have an external piece of data that can then
cause issues for PC. Identity theft , where somebody
steals your data and pretends its you and they get your
details and use them. A virus is where you open a
programme and you slightly ctrach a virus that starts to
slow down your computer straight away. Phishing is
where a person in a an email asks for people bank
details that supposed of come from the bank but the
banks do not send information in an Email.
Preventative technologies Pay this is more secure payment and it's from another
company. Setting up passwords and other things on
computers. There are physical barriers such as ccvtv
and camera and barriers and and things to stop people
going in to certain places.
A firewall is what protects you from your computer to the
internet. Its protects any authorised users from entering
your pc and your system. It is a software on your pc that
collects and stops them from entering. It also depends on
how the user has the settings on the firewall.
Disaster recovery
Is where you have somwhetre to backup your sytem/files
and thsi scan be a another firm that the compnay has
decided to join with.
Business continuity Havinga system where yoh can backup your sytem
somwhereles ,just in case that can get hacked and
someone accidenbtally detlets a a docemunt then its
good to backup your sytem in another building otherwise
the business will fail. You can do overnight back up
anfd if a plane crashes or something happens then it
will back up to ibm where it stores all youir dta and files.
Benefits and dangers of social People can make fake profiles and it my not be them.
networking Lots of peoples data can be stolen.
Its really good for keeping in touch and its it good way to
see people over the internet where you udse face time .
Other benefits is that its accessible on the your phone
or tablet .
Online monitoring of
movements & communication