Unknown Armies Skill and Combat Reference: Beginning of The Round A +10%, +20%, or +30% Bonus To

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Unknown Armies MULTIPLE ATTACKS (Firearms or HTH): Divide skill

Skill and Combat Reference rank (after all shifts) among the numbe r of attacks or shots
you want to make, up to three. You cannot use a focus shift if
attacking multiple targets, but you can add it to your total
SKILL CHECKS: before division if you are attacking the same target.
Die Rolls: Percentile rolls; if digits are added together, a zero
counts as ‘10’.Critical Success: A roll of 01. DODGING: Declare a dodge as your only action when it’s
Critical Failure (Fumble): A roll of 00. your turn in a round. When someone attacks you thereafter:
Matched Successes: The result is more dramatic, for good or 1. Make a Dodge skill check with a minimum
bad depending on if the roll succeeded or failed. difficulty equal to your foe’s attack roll. If you
Minor: Relaxed scene only, gives automatic success for any succeed, you take no damage.
skill of 15%+. If no skill, roll Stat – 30% for a marginal 2. If you fail but your opponent’s roll is less than
success. your Dodge skill rating, the attack does half
Significant: In uncertain but not risky situations you succeed damage (rounded up).
strongly if you roll under your skill. You succeed weakly if
you roll over your skill but under the related stat. If no skill, High Dodge : If your Dodge ranking is 85%+, you may
roll Stat – 30% for a marginal success. attack or perform another attack while dodging if the GM
Major: In tense situations where time is important or you thinks it is plausible. If your attack skill is also 85% or
are at risk, roll under your skill level. If no skill, roll your higher, you can attack, dodge, and perform a simple action in
stat; you only succeed on match successes /critical success. a round.
Shifted Roll: Any shift to a skill roll (+10%, etc.) is applied
to the skill number, not the result. Dodging Blasts: Purely magical blasts cannot be dodged.
Hunch: A skill roll made ahead of time by a player, to be Blasts via a physical medium may be dodged.
used on their character’s next skill roll.
FIREARM DAMAGE: is equal to the attack roll, up to the
COMBAT maximum damage of the gun.
In a combat round (3 seconds): attack, dodge, cast spell, Critical hits do the gun’s maximum damage, even if that is
simple action (declare this round while acting, perform next higher than your skill roll.
round). Fumbles cause the gun to jam (if semi or full auto) or misfire
Initiative: Roll against Speed. If you succeed, you go before (any other gun). Use an action and make a Firearms skill
those who have failed their Speed roll, and any other with a check to clear a jam. Misfires use ammo.
successful roll lower than yours. Failed rolls go after
successful rolls, higher rolls first. CALLED SHOTS: Make attack rolls more difficult.
Default Initiative : You may forego rolling and act as if you Leg Minimum roll of 30
had rolled successfully at the same level as your Initiative
Arm Minimum roll of 40
Hand/Foot Minimum roll of 40, inflicts hand-to-hand
Improving Initiative: Spend a round and either reroll your
damage, and target drops any item carried.
Speed, or take your Initiative skill as a default roll.
Head Minimum roll of 50, but take +10% shift to
your skill (does more damage).
Drawing a weapon: takes up your action for the round.
SUPPRESSIVE FIRE: You must fire at least 4 shots per
round of suppressive fire. If more than one person lays down
Shifts to Attack Rolls: For drama!
suppressive fire, the effects are cumulative. Suppressive fire
You are blind -30% begins on your action, but carries over into other rounds if
It’s 10 degrees out; you’re naked -20% you declare it at start of the round.
You’ve been set on fire -20% Make a single roll for all the shots you fire this round. On a
Fighting on a think plank over a 40’ pit -20% roll of 01 or a match you hit someone, and can roll one die
Fighting in water waist deep -10% for damage, which the GM assigns.
Drugged and having a bad trip -10% 4-10 shots fired -10% shift to all people in field of fire
Smash thru plate glass, then shoot while falling -10% 11-20 shots fired -20% shift to all people in field of fire
Feet manacled toge ther -10% 21+ shots fired -30% shift to all people in field of fire
In free fall -10%
Typical fast -paced, pants wetting combat 0 FULL AUTO WEAPONS: Choose 3 shot burst, or hold the
Distance shot at non-dodging target +10% trigger down.
Reach weapon / victim at right distance +10% A 3 shot burst gives you a +10% Firearms shift.
Opponent barefoot on broken glass +10% Blazing away gives you a +40% Firearms shift, but you need
Foe scareable + sees you gruesomely kill +10% a minimum roll of 20. It also costs 10 shots, and
Opponent has on big heavy off-balance +10% automatically qualifies as suppressive fire.
backpack Either way, ignore maximum damage. Your damage is what
Opponent’s feet chained tight to floor +20% you roll.
Opponent just ran a marathon +20%
Foe is laughing over best friend’s corpse +20% SPECIAL AMMO : All types but AP increase maximum
Foe in leg irons and handcuffs +30% weapon damage by 10.

FOCUS SHIFTS: Concentrate on single foe and declare at BULLETPROOF VESTS: Firearm hits are resolved as
beginning of the round a +10%, +20%, or +30% bonus to martial arts damage with no weapon shifts.
your attack skill. Anyone who attacks you, including the Armor Piercing (AP) hits are resolved as normal, but round
target, gets the same bonus to attack you. down the damage to the nearest multiple of 10.
HAND-TO -HAND DAMAGE: is equal to the sum of the CAR CHASES
attack roll. Weapons add damage as follows: GM determines lengths between cars (2-3 if chase began
If big (requires 2 hands to wield) +3 tight, up to 8 if prey has a good head start). If a car ever gets
If heavy (can crack bones) +3 10 or more lengths ahead, it is out of the chase and cannot be
If penetrating (cuts skin and flesh) +3 seen by pursuers.
Each round: make a Significant Driv e roll.
Critical hits: choose to kill your foe or KO them. Beat Speed but get under their Drive skill= maintain position.
Fumbles: Take 20 points of damage + weapon bonus. Roll under Drive=gain a length on prey/ from pursuit.
Matched Successes: Firearm damage + weapon bonus if Failure=car drops back one length.
using a weapon of +6 or higher. Matched success or crit=advance two lengths.
Matched Failures: Take weapon bonus in damage. Matched failure or fumble=drop back 2 lengths.
Knife Attacks: Always do a minimum of 1 point of damage, Haz ards: Obstacle, traffic, sharp curve, etc.
even if the attack is a miss. Make a second Drive roll (Major or Significant per GM call).
If your HTH skill is your Obsession: CHERRIES! If you fail, lose a length and may suffer other consequences.
Disarming Attacks: Minimum roll of 30. Success means the Risks: Describe evasion/advance. Cannot use same one twice
weapon is in your hand or on the floor, your choice. in same chase. If GM accepts, make a Major Drive roll.
Disarming penetrating weapons: Take 3 points of damage, Success=gain length. Failure=lose length. Matches: double.
unless the roll is a matched success. Insane Risks: Extremely dangerous maneuver. Otherwise
Throwing People: Make a successful attack with a minimum as Risk, except: Roll half Drive skill + shifts. Success=
roll of 30. Inflict normal damage + the Knock Down cherry. advance 5 lengths. Failure: Wreck car + Injury.
Sucker Attacks: Describe your fake move, then roll an attack. Ramming: Must be at 0 lengths. Target makes a Major Drive
If successful, your attack does no damage but a follow-up roll. Success=distance remains the same. Fail: drop back 1
attack vs. the same target on the next round only rolls one length, 2 lengths on a matched failure. You may ram the
die, and is considered a match. same round you close the gap to 0. One ram per round.
Roadblocking: Must be at 0 lengths. Advance 1 length
Sample Cherries: ahead of other car and stop. Other cars chooses: Collision or
Big Hurt Firearms damage on matched success. drive off road (GM decides effects).
Blind No damage; target cannot see for next 4 Passengers: Magick used as normal. Firearms vs. humans at
rounds. 0 lengths used as normal. Farther than 0 length=-10% shift.
Dazed Normal damage, and –10% shift for 4 Firing on car, make normal Firearms roll:
rounds. Critical Success Hit driver
Gimme Normal damage + free grab/throw Matched Success You hit a passenger
weapon. 20 or lower Cosmetic damage only
Knock Down Target down, and goes last in round. 21 or higher No damage; driver must make a hazard
Kung Fu Grip Foe grabbed. See below. roll.
Monkey Dodge Redirect foe’s attack to nearby target.
More Hurt Roll and add another die of damage. Jumping between cars: Make a General Athletics check
with a –20% shift. Failure: suffer damage as per Car Wreck.
New Damage Roll two dice and use that for damage.
Second Helping Use attack skill to immediately make
another attack. GENERIC STATS
Turning Tide Foe gains no benefit from matches.
Body: 50 General Athletics 30%, Rough You Up 30%
Kung Fu Grip: Grabbed foe cannot attack or dodge. To get Speed: 50 Drive 15%, Dodge 20%, Handgun 30%,
free, foe must make a successful HTH skill roll equal or
Initiative 25%
better than your skill. While held:
Mind: 40 General Education 15%, Notice 30%
1. Attacks by others gain a +10% shift. Soul: 40 Charm 15%, Lie 20%, Intimidate 30%
2. Unarmed: inflict automatic 5 points of damage. Madness Meter Gauges: All Hard 1/Failed 0
3. Armed: inflict automatic 8 points of damage.
May carry: Club (+3 damage), Baseball bat (+6 damage),
4. Disarm: make a HTH roll; if successful use the
9mm semi-auto handgun (Max:50, 17 shots) or better.
Gimme cherry but do no damage.
5. While holding someone, you cannot attack or
Body: 50 General Athletics 35%, Restrain Suspect 45%
Speed: 50 Drive 20%, Dodge 20%, Handgun 40%,
EXOTIC DAMAGE Initiative 35%
Pointblanking: Roll – success=death; failure=inflict damage.
Mind: 40 General Ed. 20%, Notice 40%, Authority 20%
Deliberate attempt to kill someone is a Violence-7 check.
Soul: 40 Charm 20%, Lie 20%, Good Cop/Bad Cop 40%
Drowning: You can hold breath for up to Body in seconds.
Madness Meter:Most Hard 1/Failed 0 (Violence H4/F0)
Each successful swim or athletics roll restarts clock. Usually carries: Nightstick (+3 damage), bulletproof vest,
Strangling: For a windpipe choke, use drowning rules. For a
9mm semi-auto handgun (Max:50, 17 shots)
blood-to-brain choke, make an attack roll (Minimum roll 20);
if maintained for 3 more rounds and foe passes out. Two
more rounds and target dies; make a Violence-7 check. Body: 50 General Athletics 25%, Subdue Suspect 45%
To escape a choke, make a Struggle or Dodge roll.
Speed: 50 Drive 20%, Dodge 15%, Handgun 40%,
Car Wrecks: Roll 1 die for each 10 mph of speed. GM
Initiative 25%
assembles a roll for each victim from these dice based on Mind: 60 General Ed. 20%, Notice 45%, Authority 25%
situation. If head on collision, combine speeds to get dice
Soul: 40 Charm 20%, Lie 20%, Interrogate Suspect 50%
total. Make a Mind roll to remember seatbelt if not declared.
Madness Meter:Most Hard 1/Failed 0 (Violence H4/F0)
Falling: Roll 1 die/10’ If careful/controlled, drop highest die.
Often carries: 9mm semi-auto handgun (Max:50, 17 shots)

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