Avicenna's Canon of Medicine and Modern Urology: Part I: Bladder and Its Diseases
Avicenna's Canon of Medicine and Modern Urology: Part I: Bladder and Its Diseases
Avicenna's Canon of Medicine and Modern Urology: Part I: Bladder and Its Diseases
are reviewed; Avicenna discusses collection Table of Contents of Canon of Medicine Under the Subject of
of urinary specimens first, and then tells us
about the methods of examination and several Table of the Contents on Urine
General Remarks about Urine
characteristics of urine such as color, turbidity,
The Examination of the Urine
consistency, odor, sediments, volume, and finally, The Significance of the Color of Urine
presence of foam. Then, he describes urine color The Degrees of Yellowness
in healthy and sick individuals along with the The Degrees of Redness
respective etiologies (Table).(5,6) The Degrees of Greenness
The Degrees of Blackness
Comparison of the Canon with the contemporary Whiteness
literature does not mean that its context can The Compound Colors of Urine
be revived. The 2002 edition of the Campbell’s Like Raw Meat Washings (Blood Stained)
Oleaginous Oily
Urology was abolished by the new edition in
Purple (Black)
2007, and more than half of its contents became Ruddy Color Mixed With a Tinge of Blackness
out of date. Thus, we cannot expect a place for The Sings Afforded By the Density, Quality, Clearness or
the Canon’s theories and contents in the modern Turbidity of the Urine
medicine with its overwhelming fast pace. Transparent (Limpid) Urine
Opaque (Thick) Urine
However, a comparative study of this treasure
Clearness and Turbidity
can shed light on the history of medicine to see The States to Note
that how foundation of the new medical science Good Signs
was made in the Renaissance by the influence of The Signs Derived From the Odor of the Urine
the theories of Avicenna and other scientists of Fetid Odor
the Islamic renaissance age. A German scientist Sweetsh Odor
Putrid Odor
in the 16th century, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa The Indications Afforded By the Foam on Urine
von Nettesheim believed that Avicenna had The Indications Derived From the Diverse Kinds of Sediment
the same authority in medicine as Hyppocrates Structure
and Galenus. He went even further by saying Natural Sediments
that medical practice without Avicenna’s books Abnormal Sediments
Flaky or Squamous Sediments
endangers public health.(7) At that time, medicine
Fleshy Sediment
and other sciences were at their zenith in the Fatty Sediment
Middle East and the oriental references were Mutoid Sediment
translated to European languages. This made the Ichorous Sediment
basis of new experimental science that had a more Hair-Like Sediment
or less same methodology and dynamic thinking. Sandy or Gritty Sediment (Gravel)
Cinerital Sediment
On the other hand, in the way knowledge Hirudiniform
progresses, questions, tentative solutions, The Quantity of Sediment
The Quality of Sediment, Color Odor
conjectures, and refutations play their own role.
Black Color
Karl Popper believes that “these conjectures Red Color
are controlled by criticism, ie, by attempted Yellow Color
refutations which include severely critical tests.(8)” Green Color
He quotes from Sir John Eccles, the Australian White Color
great neuroscientist (1903 to 1997) who was the
The Constitution, Coherence and Consistency of Particles
owner of multiple theories in neuroscience wrote: Position
“I can now rejoice even in the falsification of a The Occupied Sedimentation
cherished theory, because even this is a scientific The Form
success.(8)” In reality, science is the result of these The Signs Relative to the Daily Quantity of Urine
theories and their refutations. A trace of these A Description of Normal Healthy Urine
The Variations According to Age
attempts in the history of medicine can be found
The Urine of Animals and Differences From Human Urine
by studying books such as the Canon. This is Fluids Resembling Urine and How to Distinguish Them
interesting to see what they knew centuries ago, and some parts of the 1st book contain subjects
what they did not, and what were their approach related to urine, urinary tract, and urological
to explain the dark side of the human body. Such diseases. I compared these sections to the current
points are can also be investigated in our today urological findings. Selected topics from the
text books by our successors. Avicenna’s Canon Canon are presented and a brief discussion
which belongs to 10 centuries ago has its value follows each subject. A translation from the
in history of medicine, so as the Campbell’s Arabic version and comparison with the Persian
and Harrison’s text books would have in future translation was done to present an accurate text.
centuries despite refutations of their multiple
I did not enter the domain of traditional and
herbal medicine such as the four cardinal
humours (blood, phlegm, choler, and
MATERIALS AND METHODS melancholy), temperaments, and herbal therapy
This study is the comparison of modern urology which have been extensively discussed in
to the urological chapters of Avicenna’s Canon of Avicenna’s books and his contemporaries. These
Medicine. I used the Canon in its original language subjects were beyond the aim of this paper, and
(Arabic),(9) along with its Persian and English I was only engaged to the items that the current
translations (Figure 1).(6,10) Part 19 of the 3rd book modern medicine obviously and clearly proceeds
with them. Although I tried not to deviate from
mere scientific discussion, there is, undoubtedly,
the probability of error and mistake due to the
difficult nature of such historical studies. This
article can be an opening to comprehensive
studies on better exploring our ancestors’ works.
It should be noted that this paper is a revised
version of an article by the author in Persian
which was published in the Iranian Journal of
Urology in 1995.(11)
secretary tissue, and there are some connective Discussion 1. Two ureters laterally descend
and muscular tissue too. The prostate, prostatic from the kidneys towards the bladder, and then,
urethra, and bladder neck are innervated by the the urine produced in the kidneys pours into
autonomic nervous system. the bladder, being ready to be expelled during
urination through the urethra. Anatomically,
Discussion 2. According to Avicenna’s following
the ureteral pathway in the bladder wall is very
description of the external urethral sphincter, we
interesting. The ureters first pass through the
understand that the fleshy and sensitive material
ureteral hiatus, and then, the seromusculer layers
is the prostate gland which is adjacent to the
of the bladder (external and middle layers). After
bladder-related muscles.
reaching the suburothelium, they traverse about
The bladder has 2 layers: the internal and external 1 cm in the submucosa. Ureteral submucosal
layers. The internal layer is undercoat of the bladder pathway and its opening to the bladder are
and its power and firmness is twice as much as the important in prevention of urinary reflux from
external layer, because the internal layer has to be the bladder to the ureters and kidneys known as
in touch with the astringent urine.(9,10) antireflux mechanism. When the bladder becomes
full of urine intravesical pressure increases.
Discussion 1. The bladder has 3 layers: the first
This pressure increase shifts to the submucosal
layer is the urothelium, which is in contact with
pathway of the ureters and causes closure of the
the urine. This layer, because of tight junctions
submucosal ureters. Any abnormalities in this
between its adjacent apical cells, is impermeable
mechanism cause vesicouretreal reflux.
to water. The middle layer is muscular and the
external layer is adventitia. Discussion 2. Antireflux mechanism of
ureterovesical junction that Avicenna accurately
Discussion 2. The second and third layers of
discusses in the Canon is one of the most
bladder have been discussed as one layer by
important and interesting items in bladder
Avicenna in the Canon. At that time, there was
physiology and pothophysiology, and a large
no progression in the facilities for histological
chapter in urological textbooks is about its
examination methods.
abnormalities. Ten centuries ago, Avicenna who
The god on high, because of his grace and wisdom, was not armored with microscope or voiding
has decided that the removable liquid (urine) cystourethrograply, pointed to the antireflux
pours into the bladder and then be expelled out. mechanism. Astonishingly, he was the first
For this purpose, 2 water-transporting tubes or to become familiar with this mechanism with
ureters [halebain in Arabic] descend from the anatomic details.
kidneys to the bladder. When the ureters reach
The god on high his power, has made a gullet-
the bladder, the bladder opens its two layers and
like organ [angha in Arabic] to eliminate the
includes the ureters in it. First, these tubes pass
removable liquids (urine) through the penile
the hiatus of the first layer, and then, they pass
urethra. Thus, this organ that is similar to water
between the two layers at the necessary distance.
pipe [tanbousheh in Persian] is continuous from
Then, they perforate the lining undercoat layer
the bladder to the penile urethra toward out
and reach the depth and the cavity of the bladder.
and it has multiple curvatures. The philosophy
Removable and useless liquid (urine) pours into of creation of these curvatures is that the liquid
the bladder until the bladder become full. The material would not be expelled out suddenly and
internal layer adheres to the external layer and totally. These curvatures in the male’s urethra
these two layers are in contact together as if they are more than those in the female’s. There are
are united originally and there is no pore and 3 curvatures in males and only 1 in females,
passage between them. Because of this unity and because the female’s bladder is very near to the
adherence, the retained urine in the bladder uterus.(9,10)
has no retrograde pathway to the ureters or
Discussion 1. Male urethra has 5 parts: prostatic
antergrade pathway to the urethra.(9,10)
urethra, membranous urethra, bulbar urethra,
penile urethra, and glandular urethra. There Book III, Part 19, Treatise 1, Chapter 2
are 35-degree curvatures between the beginning The second chapter of part 19, book III is on the
and the end of the prostatic urethra and the diseases of the urinary bladder. In this chapter,
anterior concavity between the membranous and classification of bladder disorders is stated as
bulbar parts of the urethra, and also the anterior below(9,10):
concavity between the bulbar and penile urethra.
Male urethra is long and meandering, and its (1) diseases due to bladder inflammation;
length is 25 cm. Female urethra is only 4 cm (2) diseases due to bladder outlet obstruction,
and has only 1 angle in the bladder neck that is which includes bladder calculi;
very important in competency against urinary
incontinence during crying sneezing, coughing, (3) diseases due to bladder volume
and laughing. abnormalities, in which the bladder is
smaller or larger than normal;
Discussion 2. This should be taken into
consideration that Avicenna describes the urethral (4) local diseases, such as lumpy lesions and
anatomy carefully and according to the modern descent of the bladder;
urologic descriptions. (5) disorders due to ulceration or rupture of
There is a gullet-like organ which is encircled at the bladder, bladder splitting, etc;
its origin in the proximal part by a muscle, the (6) bladder disorders which are due to nervous
function of which is to compress and obstruct the system disorders; and
urethra, so that urine is not expelled out without
the human being’s willing. When human being (7) disorders due to temperamental changes.
intends to urinate, this guarding and obstructing In Avicenna’s opinion, bladder disorders usually
muscle becomes loose. This gate-keeping muscle happen in cold weather, in wind-blowing seasons,
is helped by abdominal muscles. This work is in northern areas, and in cold seasons of the
done very regularly unless this gate keeper and year. For the 6th item of the above, he explains
water distributor muscle [mirab in Persian] or its “occasionally there is headache and vertigo along
helper muscles are traumatized.(9,10) with bladder disorders, and sometime delirium
Discussion 1. Around the proximal urethra or liver disease develop in bladder diseases.
(membranous urethra), 1.5 cm from its beginning, Often, dropsy or thirstiness [estesgha in Arabic] is
there is a striated muscle (voluntary sphincter) associated with some bladder disorders.(9,10)”
that is voluntarily, which is innervated by the Discussion 1. Current bladder disease
pudendal nerves. In the filling phase of the classification is almost similar to the Canon’s
bladder function, when the human being does classification(4):
not intend to urinate, there is a guarding reflex
that causes compression of this sphincter against (1) bladder inflammatory disorders (cystitis)
urinary incontinence. Sphincteric compression that include specific infections (eg,
increases when the bladder volume increases tuberculosis), nonspecific cystitis (bacterial
by urinary filling. Vice versa, this sphincter and viral), interstitial cystitis (including
relaxes under the human being’s control during Hunner’s ulcer), and acute urethral
voiding, so that urine is expelled out. This striated syndrome;
sphincter is supported by the pelvic floor muscles. (2) bladder neck and infravesical obstructions
An impaired striated sphincter or pelvic floor that affect the bladder (including bladder
muscle can lead to urinary incontinence. calculi);
Discussion 2. Avicenna’s accurately description (3) congenital bladder disorders, including
of the voluntary striated sphincter of the urethra congenital megacystis, congenital bladder
accords with modern urologic findings. hypoplasia, and epispadias-extrophy
(4) bladder tumors, bladder diverticulum, that sometimes can be attributed to childhood
pelvic floor laxity (including cystocele); malnutrition. Probably, phosphate deficiency
in children’s diet is related to bladder calculus
(5) bladder trauma; and
formation. The most common causes of bladder
(6) neurogenic bladder due to central and calculi in children are metabolic disorders.
peripheral nervous system diseases,
Discussion 2. It should be noted that the
neurological symptoms such as delirium
epidemiology of bladder calculi Avicenna
in urosepsis, metastases of bladder tumor
describes accurately accords to the findings
to the brain (rare); and neurological
of modern urology. However, at the time
impairment of the bladder due to systemic
of Avicenna, there were no radiological or
disorders such as diabetes mellitus.
ultrasonographic sources; thus, as he has stated,
Discussion 2. Please pay attention to the they could diagnose bladder calculi after their
similarities of these two classifications! Avicenna passage. In addition, a large percentage of bladder
has knowledge on most disorders of the bladder calculi are radiolucent (uric acid) and even
except that there is no place in modern medicine today, they do not expose themselves in plain
for the 7th item he mentions in his article radiography, and we need ultrasonography or
(temperamental changes). Even he points out to cystoscopy for definite diagnosis.(15)
bladder tumors in item 4 as “lumpy lesions” and
Discussion 3. We read in one of the urology text
in item 5 as “bladder ulcers.”
books that “a solitary bladder stone is the rule
but there are numerous stones in 25% of patients”
Book III, Part 19, Treatise 1, Chapter 5 which accords to the Canon.(15)
Chapter 3 (on what “warms up” the bladder) and
chapter 4 (on what “cools off” the bladder) are The urine of the patient with bladder calculus is
about bladder temperamental alterations which totally whitish or grayish.(9,10)
are beyond the scope of this comparative study. Discussion . Sometimes phosphaturia is seen
Chapter 5 is on urinary bladder calculi. Below are in patients with bladder calculi, especially in
some extracts of this chapter: those with alkaline urine. In this situation, the
Bladder calculi are larger and harder than appearance of urine is turbid, and small granules
kidney calculi. Their color is yellow to black, in urine and some crystals are seen in the urinary
and occasionally, grayish to whitish. Sometimes sediment. Occasionally, bladder calculi are
there are multiple smaller pieces in the bladder. associated with severe urinary tract infection,
Bladder calculi are usually diagnosed after passage especially in obstructive uropathy in which
through the urethra. These calculi usually occur in sometimes urine is completely purulent and
thin persons, while kidney calculi mostly develop white.
in obese people. Children, adolescents, and young A bladder calculus causes pain that is not more
people usually have bladder rather than kidney severe than the pain due to kidney calculi, because
calculi.(9,10) bladder calculi are located in a hollow organ.
Discussion 1. The epidemiology of bladder But, if a bladder calculus obstructs the outflow of
calculi stated in the Canon is approximately urine, its discomfort will be greater and its pain
similar to recent findings in modern urology.(14) will be more severe than the pain due to kidney
In summary, in underdeveloped and developing calculi. Also, if the bladder calculus passes through
countries and in poor and malnourished patients, the urethra, its pain is severe. Bladder calculi are
bladder calculi are more prevalent, and in more likely than kidney calculi to become coarse,
developed countries and wealthy people, the because bladder calculi are formed in a hollow
prevalence of bladder calculi decreases, while space and it is more possible that the coarsening
the prevalence of kidney calculi increases. substance contact it. A bladder calculus is usually
Bladder calculi are more prevalent in children larger than a kidney calculus because its space
is larger. Sometimes, there are 2 or more calculi
in the bladder or the calculi can scratch each the bladder neck or urethra, it causes urinary
other and as a result, multiple small fragments retention and its pain is more severe. Bladder
appear in urine. Sometimes there is bran-like calculi in long-term can cause obstruction,
dross associated with sandy substances. In this urinary tract infection, bladder mucosal irritation,
condition, bladder undercoat might be scratched squamous metaplasia of the urothelium, and even
and desquamated because of the calculus. bladder cancer, especially in association with
chronic irritation and infection.
Discussion 1. Very large bladder calculi have been
described for example, a giant bladder calculus Discussion 2. Direct or indirect indication of
reported in a 37-year-old woman and 2 large calculi almost all complications of bladder calculi is an
in a 26-year-old man were reported.(16,17) Also, we amazing point in the Canon.
removed a 7-cm calculus (about 700 g) from the
In the presence of bladder calculi, there is pain
bladder of a 56-year-old man with benign prostatic
in the penile urethra in sympathy with the pain
hyperplasia (Figure 3; unpublished). The “bran-like
in the vesical area (suprapubic), and also itching
dross” explained by Avicenna can be the matrix
and pain is present in the penile urethra, penile
calculi that must be differentiated macroscopically
base, and suprapubic area. The patient, especially
from purulent material due to secondary infection,
the child, who has a bladder calculus, may play
and also must be differentiated from desquamated
with his penis. Itching and pain at the penile
material in bladder cancers associated with chronic
urethra due to bladder calculus is continuous
infection and bladder calculi due to irritation of
and it diffuses repeatedly and refers to the anal
bladder mucosa. Cloudy sandy urine produced by
area. The anus may protrude outside, urine may
children in endemic areas indicates the early stages
be obstructed, and difficult urination may be a
of calculus formation. Girls are able to pass most
symptom. The patient has straining in urination
of the debris through their urethra, but boys may
in which the urine can pass through the obstructed
retain these potential nidi. You notice that the
urethra. The patient may have urinary retention
similarities between debris in modern text books
and may pass urine with difficulty. In most cases
and bran-like dross in the Canon.
of bladder calculus, there is bloody urine because
Pain and discomfort caused by bladder calculi are of scratching the vesical undercoat, especially if
less severe than renal colic or severe pain due to the calculus is large and coarse.
kidney or urethral calculi. If the calculus obstructs
Discussion. Because of common innervations of
the bladder, scrotum, penis, and especially glans
penis (S2-S3), bladder calculi causes suprapubic
pain which is referred to the penile urethra,
scrotum, and penile base. Bladder calculi,
especially in children, are one of the causes of
priapism.(18) Hematuria, overflow incontinence,
and frequency are the symptoms of bladder
calculi. Anal diseases such as hemorrhoid and
anal prolapse can induce lower urinary tract
symptoms. Also, benign prostatic hyperplasia
that is sometimes associated with bladder calculus
can induce or aggravate the symptoms of anal
disorders because of straining in urination. It is
notable how the Avicenna’s description of the
symptoms of bladder calculi is compatible with
modern urology’s description.
Figure 3. A 7-cm calculus (about 700 g) from the bladder of a Sometimes, urinary retention occurs. In this
56-year-old man with benign prostatic hyperplasia (operated by condition, if the patient lies down in supine
the author; unpublished).
position with both buttocks elevated and shook, familiar method for every urologist.
the calculus can move away from the obstructed
Discussion 3. Digital rectal examination with
pathway and urine finds its route out. In
mild pressure together with insertion of metallic
this position, if the pressure is applied to the
bougies or catheter with good urethral lubrication
suprapubic area, the patient can urinate and this
can be used for bypassing or retrograde pushup of
is the true evidence of bladder calculus.
urethral calculi to relieve urinary retention before
In the treatment of urinary retention, there is the definite treatment. Interestingly, Avicenna has
a method other than elevation of the buttocks. pointed to all of these methods.
In this method, the patient takes the knee-chest
Discussion 4. Grating sign due to contact of the
position and squeezes his or her whole body or by
head of metallic bougies with the calculus is a
entering the finger into the rectum, the calculus
famous sign in urology which has been described
can be moved away from the urinary pathway.
by Avicenna centuries ago.
You can test these methods and succeed.
Discussion 5. we can diagnose the type of the
In difficult cases, there is no other method
calculus by urinary examination or examination
than inserting a catheter [gasathir in Arabic]
of the stony substances passed through the
into the penile urethra. You must not insert
it forcefully. You can move the calculus away
from the urethral lumen by this method. If the Discussion 6. Avicenna’s direct pointing to
calculus obstructs the urinary lumen, the catheter inversion therapy, Crede maneuver, manipulation
can reach it and you can feel the contact of the of calculi by catheterization and retrograde
catheter to a solid thing. This contact is a reason pushing up, grating sign, and determination of
itself for the presence of the calculus. The head the calculus composition by urinary examination
of the catheter can move it away and can open 1000 years age is really amazing.
the pathway for urinary flow. Sometimes, the
calculus substance can be extracted by the catheter CONCLUSION
and you can recognize the original composition Scientific methodology of Avicenna’s Canon
of the calculus by its examination. Small calculi of Medicine and its comparison with modern
obstruct the urinary system more than larger urologic articles indicate that Avicenna’s method
ones because small calculi can access the urethral in diagnosis and treatment of patients is really
lumen, but the larger ones only obstruct the experimental and away from superstitious beliefs
bladder neck and can be easily deviated away of his time. There is no place for nonscientific,
from lumen. ignorant, or foolish methods in Avicenna’s
Discussion 1. After extracorporeal shock wave approach to the diseases.
lithotripsy of the lower caliceal calculi, there is
a method named inversion therapy, in which the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
head of the patient is downward and buttocks I would like to express my gratitude to the great
elevated; thus, the fragmented calculi can pass professor Nasser Simforoosh and professor Abbas
through the ureter. This method is very similar Basiri whose guides and helps opened the closed
to the abovementioned method in the Canon for doors for me in this difficult way of exploring
bladder calculi. Of course, Avicenna stated that historical views of medicine. I also would like to
this method is for the relief of urinary retention thank Dr Hossein Hamati and Mr Mohammad
caused by bladder calculi. Hossein Safakhah for providing me with the
Discussion 2. Putting pressure on the suprapubic references in this field.
area as stated by Avicenna is indeed the Crede
maneuver that can be used for the relief of urinary REFERENCES
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