Ktu Students: Principles of Management Planning
Ktu Students: Principles of Management Planning
Ktu Students: Principles of Management Planning
Module III
Nature & Importance of Planning
Planning is actually selecting missions and objectives as well as the actions to achieve them which requires
decision making. A manager’s most essential task is to see that each and every employee understands the
group’s mission and objectives and the methods for attaining them. If a group effort is to be effective, people
must know what they are expected to accomplish. And this is the function of planning. Planning bridges the
gap from where we are to where we want to go.
Types of Plans
1. Missions or Purposes:
It identifies the basic purpose or function or tasks of an enterprise or agency or any part of it. E.g.
Business - Production and distribution of products and services. State Highway Dept. – Design,
Building and operation of a system of state highways. Court – Interpretation of laws and their
application. University – Teaching, research and providing services to the community. In 1960s the
mission of NASA, National Aeronautics Space Administration was to get a person to the moon
2. Objectives or Goals: They are the ends towards which an activity is aimed. It represents the end
points of organizing, staffing, leading and controlling
3. Strategies : It is the determination of the basic long term objectives of an enterprise and the adoption
of courses of action and allocation of resources necessary to achieve these goal
4. Policies: They are the general statements or understandings that guide in decision making. Policies
define an area within which a decision is to be made and ensure that the decision will be consistent
with and contribute to an objective. Policies help decide issues before they become problems; make it
unnecessary to analyse the same situation every time it comes up, unify other plans thus permitting
managers to delegate authority and still maintain control over what their subordinates do.
E.g. Hiring only university trained Engineers, Encouraging employee suggestions for improved
cooperation, conforming strictly to a high standard of business ethics, setting competitive prices.
5. Procedures: They are plans that establish a required method of handling future activities. It is a
chronological sequence of required actions. Procedures are guides to actions, rather than to thinking.
E.g. Appraisal process of Western University
Step 1. Setting performance objectives
Step 2. Performing mid-year review of the objectives
Step 3. Conducting performance discussion at the end of the period.
E.g. Company policy – Grant employees vacations
Prof. Baiju B.S., H.O.D., Dept. of Applied Sciences, MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram
6. Rules: They spell out specific required actions or non-actions, allowing no discretion. Policies are
meant to guide decision making by marking off areas in which managers can use their discretion.
Whereas rules allow no discretion in their application.
7. Programs: Programs are a complex of goals, policies, procedures, rules, task assignments, steps to be
taken, resources to be employed, and other elements necessary to carry out a given course of action.
They are supported by budgets. E.g. Program formulated to improve the morale of workers in a
8. Budgets: A budget is a statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms. It is a quantified
plan. Financial operating budget is called profit plan. A budget may be expressed in terms of labour-
hours, units of product, or machine hours ...etc. Making a budget is clearly planning, it is the
fundamental planning instrument in a company. It is a numerical compilation of expected cash flow,
expenses, revenues....etc.
Steps in Planning
KTU - Competition
- What Customers want
- Our strengths
- Our Weakness
SWOT Analysis
2. Establishing Objectives
Establish objectives for the entire enterprise and then for each subordinate work unit. This is to be
done for long term and short term. Objectives specify the expected result and end points of what is to
be done, where the primary emphasis is to be placed and what is to be accomplished by the network of
strategies, policies, procedures, rules, budgets and programs. Objectives form a hierarchy.
3. Developing Premises
They are assumptions about the environment in which the plan is to be carried out. This is to
establish, circulate and obtain agreement to utilize critical planning premises such as forecasts,
applicable basic policies and existing company plans. Forecasting is important in premising: what
kind of markets will there be? What products? What technical developments? What costs, wage
rates, tax rates and policies, new plants, policies with respect to dividends, political and social
environment, expansion and finance.
Prof. Baiju B.S., H.O.D., Dept. of Applied Sciences, MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram
Prof. Baiju B.S., H.O.D., Dept. of Applied Sciences, MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram
A strategic plan is a high-level overview of the entire business, its vision, objectives, and
value. This plan is the foundational basis of the organization and will dictate decisions in the long-
term. The scope of the plan can be two, three, five, or even ten years.
Managers at every level will turn to the strategic plan to guide their decisions. It will also
influence the culture within an organization and how it interacts with customers and the media.
Thus, the strategic plan must be forward looking, robust but flexible, with a keen focus on
accommodating future growth.
1. Vision
Where does the organization want to be five years from now? How does it want to influence the
These are some of the questions you must ask when you delineate your organization’s vision. It’s
okay if this vision is grandiose and idealistic. If there is any room to wax poetic within a plan, it is
here. Holding ambitions to “make a dent in the Universe” (Apple/Steve Jobs) is acceptable, as is a
more realistic vision to create the most “customer-centric company on Earth” (Amazon).
Get a bird’s eye view of management with this introduction to management course!
2. Mission
The mission statement is a more realistic overview of the company’s aim and ambitions. Why does
the company exist? What does it aim to achieve through its existence? A clothing company might
Prof. Baiju B.S., H.O.D., Dept. of Applied Sciences, MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram
3. Values
“Inspire. Go above & beyond. Innovate. Exude passion. Stay humble. Make it fun”
These aren’t fragments from a motivational speech, but Fab.com’s values. Like Fab, each
organization has its own values. These values will guide managers and influence the kind of
employees you hire. There is no template to follow when jotting down the values. You can write a
1,000 page essay, or something as simple as Google’s “Don’t be Evil” – it’s all up to you.
As you can see, there are really no rules to writing the perfect strategic plan. This is an open-ended,
living document that grows with the organization. You can write whatever you want in it, as long
as it dictates the future of your organization.
For inspiration, just search for the value/mission/vision statement of your favorite companies on
Google. Or, consider taking this course on business planning for average people.
The tactical plan describes the tactics the organization plans to use to achieve the ambitions outlined
in the strategic plan. It is a short range (i.e. with a scope of less than one year), low-level document
that breaks down the broader mission statements into smaller, actionable chunks. If the strategic
plan is a response to “What?”, the tactical plan responds to “How?”.
The tactical plan is a very flexible document; it can hold anything and everything required to achieve
the organization’s goals. That said, there are some components shared by most tactical plans:
Suppose your organization’s aim is to become the largest shoe retailer in the city. The tactical plan
will break down this broad ambition into smaller, actionable goals. The goal(s) should be highly
specific and have fixed deadlines to spur action – expand to two stores within three months, grow at
25% per quarter, or increase revenues to $1mn within six months, and so on.
2. Budgets
The tactical plan should list budgetary requirements to achieve the aims specified in the strategic
plan. This should include the budget for hiring personnel, marketing, sourcing, manufacturing, and
running the day-to-day operations of the company. Listing the revenue outflow/inflow is also a
recommended practice.
Prof. Baiju B.S., H.O.D., Dept. of Applied Sciences, MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram
The tactical plan should list all the resources you can muster to achieve the organization’s aims. This
should include human resources, IP, cash resources, etc. Again, being highly specific is encouraged.
Finally, the tactical plan should list the organization’s immediate marketing, sourcing, funding,
manufacturing, retailing, and PR strategy. Their scope should be aligned with the goals outlined
If you’re struggling to create a strong tactical plan, this course on drafting great business plans will
point you in the right direction.
The operational plan describes the day to day running of the company. The operational plan charts
out a roadmap to achieve the tactical goals within a realistic timeframe. This plan is highly specific
with an emphasis on short-term objectives. “Increase sales to 150 units/day”, or “hire 50 new
employees” are both examples of operational plan objectives.
Creating the operational plan is the responsibility of low-level managers and supervisors.
Operational plans can be either single use, or on-going, as described below:
These plans are created for events/activities with a single occurrence. This can be a one-time sales
program, a marketing campaign, a recruitment drive, etc. Single use plans tend to be highly specific.
2. On-going Plans
These plans can be used in multiple settings on an on-going basis. On-going plans can be of different
types, such as:
Policy: A policy is a general document that dictates how managers should approach a problem. It
influences decision making at the micro level. Specific plans on hiring employees, terminating
contractors, etc. are examples of policies.
Rule: Rules are specific regulations according to which an organization functions. The rules are
meant to be hard coded and should be enforced stringently. “No smoking within premises”, or
“Employees must report by 9 a.m.”, are two examples of rules.
Prof. Baiju B.S., H.O.D., Dept. of Applied Sciences, MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram
1. MBO is a process whereby the superior and subordinate managers of an enterprise jointly
Identify its common goals
2. Define each individuals major areas of responsibility in terms of result expected of him
3. Use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of its
At the end of the predefined period, the subordinate’s performance is reviewed in relation to the
present goals. Both superior and subordinate participate in the review. If after evaluation it is found
that there is some discrepancy between the work planned and the work accomplished, steps are
suggested to overcome the problems or to make necessary adjustments in the original plan.
KTU manager.
Objectives: - It is intended goal which prescribes definite scope and suggest direction to efforts of a
Need for Objectives: - Management is the art of getting things done through people. In a competitive
economy things will not get done well unless everyone concerned in an enterprise knows what the
objectives and targets are and accepts them as being worth attaining.
Requirements: - For achieving company goals all, i.e individuals as well as departments should work
in the same direction, It should be clearly defined and communicated to all, It should be reviewed
after definite time period for adjustments if necessary.
Nature of Objectives
1. Short Term : E.g. Expediting the works lagging behind the schedule
2. Long Term : E.g. Planning for diversification
3. Specific : Decision of pricing policies
4. General : Objective of increasing productivity
Types of Objectives
Broad Objectives : It is a statement of the standing the company wishes to achieve E.g. To
manufacture high quality products and to strive to make them better at lower costs.
Prof. Baiju B.S., H.O.D., Dept. of Applied Sciences, MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram
Prof. Baiju B.S., H.O.D., Dept. of Applied Sciences, MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram