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ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.

0 (2002-06)
Technical Specification

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);

Customised Applications for Mobile network
Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) Phase 2;
Stage 2
(3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997)


3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 1 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)




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3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 2 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

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3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 3 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................2
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................10
2 References ..............................................................................................................................................11
3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations .................................................................................................12
3.1 Definitions........................................................................................................................................................12
3.2 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................................13
4 Architecture............................................................................................................................................14
4.1 Functional Entities used for CAMEL...............................................................................................................14
4.2 Interfaces defined for CAMEL.........................................................................................................................15
4.2.1 HLR - VLR interface ..................................................................................................................................15
4.2.2 GMSC - HLR interface...............................................................................................................................15
4.2.3 GMSC - gsmSSF interface .........................................................................................................................15
4.2.4 gsmSSF - gsmSCF interface .......................................................................................................................15
4.2.5 MSC - gsmSSF interface ............................................................................................................................15
4.2.6 gsmSCF - HLR interface ............................................................................................................................15
4.2.7 gsmSCF - gsmSRF interface.......................................................................................................................15
4.2.8 MSC - gsmSCF interface ............................................................................................................................15
5 Detection Points (DPs) ...........................................................................................................................16
5.1 Definition and description ................................................................................................................................16
5.1.1 Arming/disarming mechanism....................................................................................................................16
5.1.2 Criteria ........................................................................................................................................................17 Criteria for a terminating call ................................................................................................................17 Criteria for an originating call or a forwarded call................................................................................17
5.1.3 Relationship ................................................................................................................................................18
5.2 DP processing rules ..........................................................................................................................................18
6 Description of CAMEL Subscriber Data ...............................................................................................19
6.1 Originating/Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information (O/T-CSI) .........................................................19
6.1.1 gsmSCF address..........................................................................................................................................19
6.1.2 Service Key.................................................................................................................................................19
6.1.3 Default Call Handling.................................................................................................................................19
6.1.4 TDP List .....................................................................................................................................................19
6.1.5 DP criteria...................................................................................................................................................19
6.1.6 CAMEL Capability Handling .....................................................................................................................19
6.2 Other CAMEL data ..........................................................................................................................................20
6.2.1 USSD CAMEL Subscription Information (U-CSI) ....................................................................................20 Service Code .........................................................................................................................................20 gsmSCF address ....................................................................................................................................20
6.2.2 Supplementary Service Invocation Notification CAMEL Subscription Information (SS-CSI)..................20 Content of the SS-CSI ...........................................................................................................................20 Notification criteria .........................................................................................................................20 gsmSCF address ..............................................................................................................................20
6.2.3 Location information/Subscriber state Interrogation ..................................................................................20
6.2.4 Translation Information Flag (TIF-CSI) .....................................................................................................20
7 Description of CAMEL BCSMs ............................................................................................................21
7.1 General Handling .............................................................................................................................................21
7.2 Originating Basic Call State Model (O-BCSM) ...............................................................................................21
7.2.1 Description of O-BCSM .............................................................................................................................21 Description of the call model (PICs).....................................................................................................22 O_Null & Authorise_Origination_Attempt_Collect_Info ...............................................................22

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 4 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06) Analyse, Routing & Alerting...........................................................................................................23 O_Active .........................................................................................................................................23 O_Exception ....................................................................................................................................24
7.3 Terminating Basic Call State Model (T-BCSM) ..............................................................................................24
7.3.1 Description of T-BCSM..............................................................................................................................24 Description of the call model (PICs).....................................................................................................25 T_Null .............................................................................................................................................26 Terminating Call Handling..............................................................................................................26 T_Active..........................................................................................................................................27 T_Exception ....................................................................................................................................27
7.4 Rules for Implicit Disarming of Detection Points ............................................................................................28
7.5 BCSM Modelling of Call Scenarios.................................................................................................................28
7.5.1 Mobile Originated Call ...............................................................................................................................29
7.5.2 Mobile Terminated Call..............................................................................................................................29
7.5.3 Call Forwarding at the GMSC ....................................................................................................................30
7.5.4 Call Forwarding at the MSC .......................................................................................................................31
8 Procedures for CAMEL..........................................................................................................................32
8.1 Overall SDL architecture..................................................................................................................................32
8.2 Handling of mobile originated calls .................................................................................................................35
8.2.1 Handling of mobile originated calls in the originating MSC ......................................................................35 Actions of the MSC on receipt of Int_Error..........................................................................................35 Actions of the MSC on receipt of Int_Continue....................................................................................35 Actions of the MSC on receipt of Int_Connect .....................................................................................35 Actions of the MSC on receipt of Int_Release_Call .............................................................................36 Action of the MSC in procedure CAMEL_OCH_ETC ........................................................................36
8.2.2 Handling of mobile originating calls in the originating VLR .....................................................................61
8.3 Retrieval of routeing information .....................................................................................................................63
8.3.1 Retrieval of routeing information in the GMSC .........................................................................................63 Action of the GMSC on receipt of Int_Release_Call ............................................................................63 Action of the GMSC on receipt of Int_Error ........................................................................................63 Action of the GMSC on receipt of Int_Continue ..................................................................................63 Action of the GMSC on receipt of Int_Connect....................................................................................64 Action of the GMSC on receipt of Send_Routeing_Info Negative Response (at state
Wait_For_Routeing_Info_2).................................................................................................................64 Action of the GMSC on receipt of Send_Routeing_Info ack with MSRN (at state
Wait_For_Routeing_Info_2).................................................................................................................64 Action of the GMSC on receipt of Send_Routeing_Info ack with FTN (at state
Wait_For_Routeing_Info_2).................................................................................................................64 Action of the GMSC on receipt of Send_Routeing_Info ack with O-CSI and FTN (at state
Wait_For_Routeing_Info_2).................................................................................................................64 Action of the GMSC in procedure CAMEL_MT_ETC ........................................................................65 Action of the GMSC in procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_Notify_CF .................................................65
8.3.2 Retrieval of routeing information in the HLR.............................................................................................94
8.3.3 Handling of provide roaming number request in the VLR .........................................................................99
8.4 Handling of mobile terminating calls .............................................................................................................101
8.4.1 Handling of mobile terminating calls in the terminating VMSC ..............................................................101
8.4.2 Handling of mobile terminating calls in the VLR.....................................................................................101
8.5 Handling of forwarded calls ...........................................................................................................................101
8.5.1 Procedure CAMEL_CF_MSC_INIT: handling of Int_Connect ...............................................................101
8.5.2 Action of the GMSC in procedure CAMEL_CF_ETC.............................................................................102
8.6 Handling of mobile calls in the gsmSSF ........................................................................................................115
8.6.1 Information flow for call duration control ................................................................................................115
8.6.2 Behaviour of the gsmSSF in the process gsmSSF ....................................................................................116 Actions of the gsmSSF on receipt of CAP_Request_Report_BCSM_Event (at the state
Waiting_For_Instructions) ..................................................................................................................116 Actions of the gsmSSF on receipt of CAP_Continue (at the state Waiting_For_Instructions)...........116 Actions of the gsmSSF on receipt of CAP_Release_Call (at the state Monitoring) ...........................116 Actions of the gsmSSF on receipt of Int_DP_T_Busy or Int_DP_T_No_Answer including the
parameter CF (at the state Monitoring) ...............................................................................................116
8.6.3 Procedure Handle_SCI .............................................................................................................................116
8.7 Assisting case .................................................................................................................................................150

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 5 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.8 Procedure CAMEL_Provide_Subscriber_Info ...............................................................................................160

8.8.1 MS reachable ............................................................................................................................................160
8.8.2 MS not reachable ......................................................................................................................................160 Location Information requested ..........................................................................................................160 Subscriber State requested ..................................................................................................................160
8.8.3 Actions at state Wait_For_Information.....................................................................................................160 Provide_Subscriber_Info ack ..............................................................................................................160 Provide_Subscriber_Info Negative Response .....................................................................................160
8.9 Any Time Interrogation..................................................................................................................................162
8.10 Handling of USSD to/from gsmSCF ..............................................................................................................163
8.10.1 MS Initiated USSD ...................................................................................................................................163
8.10.2 gsmSCF Initiated USSD ...........................................................................................................................163
8.10.3 Content of the USSD General CAMEL Service Information (UG-CSI) ..................................................164 Service Code .......................................................................................................................................164 gsmSCF address ..................................................................................................................................164
8.11 Handling of Supplementary Service Invocation Notification.........................................................................164
8.12 CAMEL specific handling of location updating and data restoration ............................................................164
8.13 Processing of Non-Call Related Events..........................................................................................................164
8.14 Cross phase compatibility ..............................................................................................................................165
8.15 Handling of North American Carrier Information..........................................................................................165
9 Description of information flows .........................................................................................................166
9.1 gsmSSF to gsmSCF information flows ..........................................................................................................166
9.1.1 Activity Test ack.......................................................................................................................................166 Description ..........................................................................................................................................166 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................166
9.1.2 Apply Charging Report.............................................................................................................................166 Description ..........................................................................................................................................166 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................166
9.1.3 Call Information Report............................................................................................................................167 Description ..........................................................................................................................................167 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................167
9.1.4 Event Report BCSM .................................................................................................................................168 Description ..........................................................................................................................................168 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................168
9.1.5 Initial DP...................................................................................................................................................168 Description ..........................................................................................................................................168 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................168
9.2 gsmSCF to gsmSSF information flows ..........................................................................................................171
9.2.1 Activity Test .............................................................................................................................................171 Description ..........................................................................................................................................171 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................171
9.2.2 Apply Charging ........................................................................................................................................171 Description ..........................................................................................................................................171 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................171
9.2.3 Call Information Request..........................................................................................................................172 Description ..........................................................................................................................................172 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................172
9.2.4 Cancel .......................................................................................................................................................173 Description ..........................................................................................................................................173 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................173
9.2.5 Connect .....................................................................................................................................................173 Description ..........................................................................................................................................173 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................173
9.2.6 Connect To Resource................................................................................................................................174 Description ..........................................................................................................................................174 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................174
9.2.7 Continue....................................................................................................................................................174 Description ..........................................................................................................................................174 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................174
9.2.8 Disconnect Forward Connection...............................................................................................................174 Description ..........................................................................................................................................174

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 6 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06) Information Elements..........................................................................................................................175

9.2.9 Establish Temporary Connection..............................................................................................................175 Description ..........................................................................................................................................175 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................175
9.2.10 Furnish Charging Information ..................................................................................................................175 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................175
9.2.11 Release Call ..............................................................................................................................................176 Description ..........................................................................................................................................176 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................176
9.2.12 Request Report BCSM Event ...................................................................................................................176 Description ..........................................................................................................................................176 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................176
9.2.13 Reset Timer...............................................................................................................................................177 Description ..........................................................................................................................................177 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................177
9.2.14 Send Charging Information ......................................................................................................................177 Description ..........................................................................................................................................177 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................177
9.3 Optional (Service logic dependent) gsmSCF to gsmSRF information flows .................................................178
9.3.1 Cancel .......................................................................................................................................................178 Description ..........................................................................................................................................178 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................178
9.3.2 Play Announcement..................................................................................................................................178 Description ..........................................................................................................................................178 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................179
9.3.3 Prompt And Collect User Information (received information) .................................................................180 Description ..........................................................................................................................................180 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................180
9.3.4 Activity Test .............................................................................................................................................181 Description ..........................................................................................................................................181 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................181
9.4 gsmSRF to gsmSCF information flows..........................................................................................................181
9.4.1 Assist Request Instructions .......................................................................................................................181 Description ..........................................................................................................................................181 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................181
9.4.2 Prompt And Collect User Information ack (received information) ..........................................................181 Description ..........................................................................................................................................181 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................181
9.4.3 Specialized Resource Report ....................................................................................................................181 Description ..........................................................................................................................................181 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................181
9.4.4 Activity Test ack.......................................................................................................................................182 Description ..........................................................................................................................................182 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................182
9.5 gsmSCF to Assisting SSF information flows .................................................................................................182
9.5.1 Cancel .......................................................................................................................................................182 Description ..........................................................................................................................................182
9.5.2 Connect To Resource................................................................................................................................182 Description ..........................................................................................................................................182
9.5.3 Play Announcement..................................................................................................................................182 Description ..........................................................................................................................................182
9.5.4 Prompt And Collect User Information......................................................................................................182 Description ..........................................................................................................................................182
9.5.5 Reset Timer...............................................................................................................................................182 Description ..........................................................................................................................................182
9.5.6 Activity Test .............................................................................................................................................182 Description ..........................................................................................................................................182 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................182
9.6 Assisting SSF to gsmSCF information flows .................................................................................................183
9.6.1 Assist Request Instructions .......................................................................................................................183 Description ..........................................................................................................................................183
9.6.2 Prompt And Collect User Information ack (received information) ..........................................................183

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 7 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06) Description ..........................................................................................................................................183

9.6.3 Specialized Resource Report ....................................................................................................................183 Description ..........................................................................................................................................183
9.6.4 Activity Test ack.......................................................................................................................................183 Description ..........................................................................................................................................183 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................183
9.7 gsmSCF to HLR information flows................................................................................................................183
9.7.1 Any Time Interrogation Request ..............................................................................................................183 Description ..........................................................................................................................................183 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................183
9.7.2 Unstructured SS Request ..........................................................................................................................184 Description ..........................................................................................................................................184 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................184
9.7.3 Unstructured SS Notify.............................................................................................................................184 Description ..........................................................................................................................................184 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................184
9.7.4 Process Unstructured SS Data ack ............................................................................................................184 Description ..........................................................................................................................................184 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................184
9.7.5 Process Unstructured SS Request ack.......................................................................................................185 Description ..........................................................................................................................................185 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................185
9.8 HLR to gsmSCF information flows................................................................................................................185
9.8.1 Any Time Interrogation ack......................................................................................................................185 Description ..........................................................................................................................................185 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................185
9.8.2 Unstructured SS Request ack....................................................................................................................185 Description ..........................................................................................................................................185 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................186
9.8.3 Unstructured SS Notify ack ......................................................................................................................186 Description ..........................................................................................................................................186
9.8.4 Process Unstructured SS Data ..................................................................................................................186 Description ..........................................................................................................................................186 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................186
9.8.5 Process Unstructured SS Request .............................................................................................................186 Description ..........................................................................................................................................186 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................186
9.8.6 Begin Subscriber Activity.........................................................................................................................187 Description ..........................................................................................................................................187 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................187
9.9 HLR to VLR information flows .....................................................................................................................187
9.9.1 Delete Subscriber Data .............................................................................................................................187 Description ..........................................................................................................................................187 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................187
9.9.2 Insert Subscriber Data...............................................................................................................................187 Description ..........................................................................................................................................187 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................187
9.9.3 Provide Subscriber Info ............................................................................................................................188 Description ..........................................................................................................................................188 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................188
9.9.4 Provide Roaming Number ........................................................................................................................188 Description ..........................................................................................................................................188 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................188
9.10 VLR to HLR information flows .....................................................................................................................189
9.10.1 Insert Subscriber Data ack ........................................................................................................................189 Description ..........................................................................................................................................189 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................189
9.10.2 Provide Subscriber Info ack......................................................................................................................189 Description ..........................................................................................................................................189 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................189
9.10.3 Update Location........................................................................................................................................189 Description ..........................................................................................................................................189

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 8 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06) Information Elements..........................................................................................................................189

9.10.4 Restore Data..............................................................................................................................................190 Description ..........................................................................................................................................190 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................190
9.11 HLR to GMSC information flows ..................................................................................................................190
9.11.1 Send Routeing Info ack.............................................................................................................................190 Description ..........................................................................................................................................190 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................190
9.12 GMSC to HLR information flows ..................................................................................................................191
9.12.1 Send Routeing Info ...................................................................................................................................191 Description ..........................................................................................................................................191 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................191
9.13 MSC to gsmSCF information flows ...............................................................................................................192
9.13.1 SS Invocation Notification........................................................................................................................192 Description ..........................................................................................................................................192 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................192
9.14 VMSC to GMSC information flows...............................................................................................................192
9.14.1 Resume Call Handling ..............................................................................................................................192 Description ..........................................................................................................................................192 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................192
9.15 MSC to VLR information flows.....................................................................................................................193
9.15.1 Send Info For Outgoing Call.....................................................................................................................193 Description ..........................................................................................................................................193 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................193
9.15.2 Send Info For Reconnected Call ...............................................................................................................193 Description ..........................................................................................................................................193 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................193
9.16 VLR to MSC information flows.....................................................................................................................193
9.16.1 Complete Call ...........................................................................................................................................193 Description ..........................................................................................................................................193 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................194
9.16.2 Process Call Waiting.................................................................................................................................194 Description ..........................................................................................................................................194 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................194
9.16.3 Send Info For Incoming Call ack..............................................................................................................194 Description ..........................................................................................................................................194 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................194
9.16.4 Send Info For Incoming Call negative response .......................................................................................195 Description ..........................................................................................................................................195 Information Elements..........................................................................................................................195
10 Interaction with supplementary services ..............................................................................................196
10.1 Line identification ..........................................................................................................................................196
10.2 Call forwarding services.................................................................................................................................196
10.2.1 Registration of Call Forwarding ...............................................................................................................196
10.2.2 Invocation of Call Forwarding..................................................................................................................196
10.3 Call Barring services ......................................................................................................................................196

Annex A (informative): Change history .....................................................................................................198

History ............................................................................................................................................................200

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 9 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:

Version x.y.z


x the first digit:

1 presented to TSG for information;

2 presented to TSG for approval;

3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.

y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.

z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 10 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

1 Scope
The present document specifies the stage 2 description for the second phase (see 3GPP TS 02.78 [2]) of the Customized
Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) feature which provides the mechanisms to support
services of operators which are not covered by standardized GSM services even when roaming outside the HPLMN.

The CAMEL feature is a network feature and not a supplementary service. It is a tool to help the network operator to
provide the subscribers with the operator specific services even when roaming outside the HPLMN.

In this specification, the GSM Service Control Function (gsmSCF) is treated as being part of the HPLMN. The
regulatory environment in some countries may require the possibility that the gsmSCF and the HPLMN are controlled
by different operators, and the gsmSCF and the HPLMN are therefore distinct entities.

In the second phase the CAMEL feature supports:

- mobile originated and forwarded calls;

- mobile terminating calls;

- any time interrogation;

- suppression of announcements;

- announcements, in band user interaction;

- charging features;

- supplementary service invocation notifications;

- USSD interaction with the gsmSCF.

- North American carrier selection.

Note that CAMEL is not applicable to Emergency Setup (TS 12), i.e., in case an Emergency call has been requested the
gsmSSF shall not be invoked.

The mechanism described in the present document addresses especially the need for information exchange between the
VPLMN or IPLMN and the HPLMN for support of operator specific services. Any user procedures for the control of
operator specific services are outside the scope of the present document. Subscribers who have subscribed to operator
specific services and therefore need the functional support of the CAMEL feature shall be marked in the HPLMN and
VPLMN. In case a subscriber is marked to need CAMEL support, the appropriate procedures which provide the
necessary information to the VPLMN or the HPLMN are invoked. It is possible for the HPLMN to instruct the VPLMN
or IPLMN to interact with a gsmSCF which is controlled by the HPLMN.

The specification of operator specific services is outside the scope of the present document.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 11 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present

• References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or

• For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.

• For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies.

[1] 3GPP TS 01.04: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Abbreviations and

[2] 3GPP TS 02.78: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Customized
Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) - Phase 2. Service description.
Stage 1

[3] 3GPP TS 03.18: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Basic call handling ;
Technical realisation".

[4] 3GPP TS 09.02: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile Application Part
(MAP) specification".

[5] 3GPP TS 09.78: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); CAMEL Application
Part (CAP) specification - Phase 2".

[6] ITU-T Q.1214, May 1995: "Distributed Functional Plane for Intelligent Network CS-1"

[7] EN 301 070-1 v1.1.1. "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) ; Signalling System No.7 ;
ISDN User Part (ISUP) version 3 interactions with the Intelligent Network Application Part
(INAP) ; Part 1 : Protocol specification [ITU-T Recommendation Q.1600 (1997), modified]".

[8] 3GPP TS 03.90 : "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Unstructured
Supplementary Service Data (USSD) - Stage 2".

[9] (void)

[10] (void)

[11] 3GPP TS 03.84: "Digital cellular telecommunications system; Multi Party (MPTY) supplementary
services - Stage 2".

[12] 3GPP TS 03.91: "Digital cellular telecommunications system; Explicit Call Transfer (ECT)
supplementary service – Stage 2".

[13] 3GPP TS 03.82: "Call Forwarding (CF) Supplementary Services; Stage 2".

[14] 3GPP TS 02.24: "Description of Charge Advice Information (CAI)".

[15] 3GPP TS 03.79: "Support of Optimal Routing phase 1; Stage 2".

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 12 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations

3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply:

Basic Call State Model (BCSM): The BCSM provides a high-level model of GMSC- or MSC/VLR-activities required
to establish and maintain communication paths for users. As such, it identifies a set of basic call activities in a GMSC or
MSC/VLR and shows how these activities are joined together to process a basic call.

Call Control Function (CCF): The CCF is the Call Control Function in the network that that provides call/service
processing and control (see ITU-T Q.1214 [6]).

Detection Points (DP): The points in processing at which notifications (to the service logic) can occur and transfer of
control (to the gsmSCF) is possible are called Detection Points (DPs).

GSM Service Control Function (gsmSCF): A functional entity that contains the CAMEL service logic to implement
OSS. It interfaces with the gsmSSF, the gsmSRF and the HLR.

GSM Service Switching Function (gsmSSF): A functional entity that interfaces the MSC/GMSC to the gsmSCF. The
concept of the gsmSSF is derived from the IN SSF, but uses different triggering mechanisms because of the nature of
the mobile network.

GSM Specialised Resource Function (gsmSRF): A functional entity which provides various specialized resources. It
interfaces with the gsmSCF and with the MSC. This entity is defined in ITU-T Q.1214 ([6]) with variations defined in
the specification.

NA (North American): A prefix attached to certain information items used by North American PLMNs in connection
with routing a call to a preferred or dialled long distance carrier.

Location Information: Indicates the location of the served subscriber. The provision of location information is
independent of the MS status. As part of the location information, an indication of the age of this information may be

Originating Basic Call State Model (O-BCSM): The originating half of the BCSM. The O-BCSM corresponds to that
portion of the BCSM associated with the originating party.

Originating CAMEL Subscription Information (O-CSI): The O-CSI identifies the subscriber as having originating
CAMEL services.

Point In Call (PIC): PICs identify MSC/VLR (GMSC) activities associated with one or more basic call/connection
states of interest to OSS service logic instances.

Service Key: The Service Key can identify to the gsmSCF the service logic that it should apply. The Service Key is
administered by the HPLMN, and is passed transparently by the VPLMN/IPLMN to the gsmSCF. The Service Key is a
part of the T/O-CSI.

Subscriber State: See 3GPP TS 02.78 [2].

Supplementary Service Notification CAMEL Subscription Information (SS-CSI): The SS-CSI identifies the
subscriber as having supplementary service invocation notification CAMEL services.

Terminating Basic Call State Model (T-BCSM): The terminating half of the BCSM. The T-BCSM corresponds to
that portion of the BCSM associated with the terminating party.

Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information (T-CSI): The T-CSI identifies the subscriber as having terminating
CAMEL services.

Translation Information Flag (TIF-CSI) : The TIF-CSI is a flag in the CAMEL subscriber data which indicates that
when the subscriber registers a forwarded-to number, that the HLR shall not attempt to perform any translation, number
format checks, prohibited FTN checks, call barring checks.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 13 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

USSD CAMEL Subscription Information (U-CSI) : The U-CSI identifies a set of subscriber specific mappings from
a USSD service code to a gsmSCF address.

USSD General CAMEL Service Information (UG-CSI) : The UG-CSI globally identifies a set of mappings from a
USSD service code to a gsmSCF address. The global mapping applies to all HPLMN subscribers. If, for a particular
service code, both U-CSI and UG-CSI are applicable then the U-CSI shall take precedence.

3.2 Abbreviations
Abbreviations used in the present document are listed in 3GPP TS 01.04 [1].

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:

BCSM Basic Call State Model

CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic
DP Detection Point
EDP Event Detection Point
GMSC Gateway MSC
gsmSCF GSM Service Control Function
gsmSRF GSM Specialised Resource Function
gsmSSF GSM Service Switching Function
HLR Home Location Register
IE Information Element
IF Information Flow
IP Intelligent Peripheral
IPLMN Interrogating PLMN
MSC Mobile service Switching Centre
NA North American
O-BCSM Originating Basic Call State Model
O-CSI Originating CAMEL Subscription Information
ODB Operator Determined Barring
OSS Operator Specific Service
PIC Point In Call
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
SLPI Service Logic Program Instance
SMF Service Management Function
SS-CSI Supplementary Service Notification CAMEL Subscription Information
T-BCSM Terminating Basic Call State Model
T-CSI Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information
TDP Trigger Detection Point
TIF-CSI Translation Information Flag
U-CSI USSD CAMEL Subscription Information
UG-CSI USSD General CAMEL Service Information
VLR Visitor Location Register

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 14 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

4 Architecture

4.1 Functional Entities used for CAMEL

This subclause describes the functional architecture needed to support CAMEL. Also the additions needed to the basic
GSM functionality are described. Figure 1 shows the functional entities involved in calls requiring CAMEL support.
The architecture is applicable to the second phase of CAMEL.

Home Network



Incoming line GMSC Roaming leg MSC MS

Forwarded leg MO call - Outgoing leg

(or Forwarding leg)
Interrogating Network Visiting Network

Home/Interrogating/Visiting Network

Figure 1: Functional architecture for support of CAMEL

HLR: The HLR stores for subscribers requiring CAMEL support the information relevant to the current subscription
regarding O-CSI, T-CSI, TIF-CSI, U-CSI and SS-CSI. The UG-CSI is stored as global data applicable to all CAMEL
subscribers. The O-CSI is sent to the VLR in case of Location Update or if the O-CSI is updated. The SS-CSI is sent to
the VLR in case of Location Update or if the SS-CSI is updated. The O/T-CSI is sent to the GMSC when the HLR
responds to a request for routeing information. The TIF-CSI, U-CSI and the UG-CSI are stored in the HLR only. The
HLR may provide an interface towards the gsmSCF for the Any Time Interrogation procedure.

GMSC: When processing the calls for subscribers requiring CAMEL support, the GMSC receives a O/T-CSI from the
HLR, indicating the GMSC to request instructions from the gsmSSF. The GMSC monitors on request the call states
(events) and informs the gsmSSF of these states during processing, enabling the gsmSSF to control the execution of the
call in the GMSC.

MSC: When processing the calls for subscribers requiring CAMEL support, the MSC receives a O-CSI from the VLR
indicating the MSC to request instructions from the gsmSSF. The MSC monitors on request the call states (events) and
informs the gsmSSF of these states during processing, enabling the gsmSSF to control the execution of the call in the
MSC. When processing an invocation of any of the supplementary services ECT, CD and MPTY, the MSC receives a
SS-CSI from the VLR, indicating that a notification of the invocation of the supplementary service shall be sent to the

VLR: The VLR stores the O-CSI and SS-CSI as a part of the subscriber data for subscribers roaming in the VLR area.

gsmSSF: see subclause 3.1.

gsmSCF: see subclause 3.1.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 15 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

gsmSRF: see subclause 3.1.

4.2 Interfaces defined for CAMEL

This subclause describes the different interfaces applicable to CAMEL. It specifies on a high level the functions specific

4.2.1 HLR - VLR interface

This interface is used to send the CAMEL related subscriber data to the visited PLMN and for provision of MSRN. The
interface is also used to retrieve subscriber status and location information of the mobile subscriber or to indicate
suppression of announcement for a CAMEL service.

4.2.2 GMSC - HLR interface

This interface is used at terminating calls to exchange routeing information, subscriber status, location information,
subscription information and suppression of announcements. The O/T-CSI that is passed to the IPLMN is sent over this

4.2.3 GMSC - gsmSSF interface

This is an internal interface. The interface is described in the specification to make it easier to understand the handling
of DPs (arming/disarming of DPs, DP processing etc.).

4.2.4 gsmSSF - gsmSCF interface

This interface is used by the gsmSCF to control a call in a certain gsmSSF and to request the gsmSSF to establish a
connection with a gsmSRF. Relationships on this interface are opened as a result of the gsmSSF sending a request for
instructions to the gsmSCF.

4.2.5 MSC - gsmSSF interface

This is an internal interface. The interface is described in the specification to make it easier to understand the handling
of DPs (arming/disarming of DPs, DP processing etc.).

4.2.6 gsmSCF - HLR interface

This interface is used by the gsmSCF to request information from the HLR. As a network operator option the HLR may
refuse to provide the information requested by the gsmSCF.

This interface is also used for USSD operations, both for gsmSCF-initiated dialogues and MS-initiated dialogues
(relayed via HLR). It is a network operator option whether to support or not USSD operations on this interface.

4.2.7 gsmSCF - gsmSRF interface

This interface is used by the gsmSCF to instruct the gsmSRF to play tones/announcements to the users.

4.2.8 MSC - gsmSCF interface

This interface is used by the MSC to send supplementary service invocation notifications to the gsmSCF.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 16 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

5 Detection Points (DPs)

5.1 Definition and description

Certain basic call events may be visible to the GSM Service Control Function (gsmSCF). The DPs are the points in call
at which these events are detected. The DPs for Mobile Originated Calls and Mobile Terminated Calls are described in
subclauses 7.2 and 7.3.

A DP can be armed in order to notify the gsmSCF that the DP was encountered, and potentially to allow the gsmSCF to
influence subsequent handling of the call. If the DP is not armed, the processing entity continues the processing without
gsmSCF involvement.

Three different types of DPs are identified:

- Trigger Detection Point - Request (TDP-R)

This detection point is statically armed and initiates a CAMEL control relationship when encountered.
Processing is suspended when the DP is encountered.

- Event Detection Point - Request (EDP-R)

This detection point is dynamically armed within the context of a CAMEL control relationship. Processing is
suspended when encountering the DP and the gsmSSF waits for instructions from the gsmSCF.

- Event Detection Point - Notification (EDP-N)

This detection point is dynamically armed within the context of a CAMEL control relationship. Processing is not
suspended when encountering the DP.

The DPs are characterized in the following subclauses.

5.1.1 Arming/disarming mechanism

The mechanism by which the DP is armed. A DP may be statically armed or dynamically armed.

The following arming rules apply:

- DP for mobile terminating call handling is statically armed in GMSC as result of T-CSI delivery from HLR. DP
for forwarding leg handling is statically armed in GMSC as result of O-CSI delivery from HLR. DP for mobile
originating call or forwarded leg handling is statically armed in VMSC as result of O-CSI delivery from VLR.

- A DP is dynamically armed by the gsmSCF within the context of a CAMEL control relationship (between the
gsmSSF and the gsmSCF).

- A Request Report BCSM Event information flow for a detection point for a leg overwrites any previous Request
Report BCSM Event information flow for that detection point for that leg.

The following disarming rules apply:

- A statically armed DP is disarmed when a O/T-CSI is withdrawn in the HLR. Only TDP-Rs can be disarmed
using this mechanism.

- If an armed EDP is met, then it is disarmed.

- If an EDP is met that causes the release of the related leg, then all EDPs related to that leg are disarmed.

- If a call is released, then all EDPs related to that call are disarmed.

- If an EDP is met, then other EDPS are disarmed, in accordance with the implicit disarming rule table (see section

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 17 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

- If an EDP is armed, it can be explicitly disarmed by the gsmSCF by means of the RequestReportBCSMEvent
information flow.

5.1.2 Criteria
Criteria are the conditions that must be met in order for the gsmSSF to request instructions from the gsmSCF. Criteria for a terminating call

The criteria for a terminating call are checked in the HLR. The HLR may store a list of up to 5 basic service codes, each
of which may represent an individual basic service or a basic service group. This list is a triggering list. The basic
service criterion is met if the basic service for the call matches a stored individual basic service code or is a member of
the group defined by a stored basic service group code. For the purpose of this paragraph a general bearer service is a
member of the corresponding bearer service group.

The HLR shall include the CAMEL subscription information in the subscriber data sent to the GMSC only if the
triggering criteria are met. Criteria for an originating call or a forwarded call

The criteria for an originating or forwarded call are checked in the originating or forwarding MSC.

NOTE: In the case of a forwarded call, the HLR may decide not to include the CAMEL subscription information
in the subscriber data sent to the GMSC if the triggering criteria are not met.

The following criteria are applicable for DP2 :

- Destination number triggering criterion: The HLR may store a list of up to 10 destination numbers and/or up to 3
number lengths. The nature of address shall be one of the following:

- unknown, or

- international.

There is no restriction on numbering plan indicator. This criterion may be defined to be either "enabling" or

- Basic service triggering criterion: The HLR may store a list of up to 5 basic service codes, each of which may
represent an individual basic service or a basic service group. This list is a triggering list.

- Forwarding triggering criterion: The HLR may store an indicator that triggering shall occur only for a call which
has been subject to GSM or CAMEL call forwarding. This criterion may be defined to be either "enabling" or

For MO calls, triggering at DP2 shall be strictly based on the number received over the access network.
No service selection information, such as ∗ and # digits, or carrier selection information, dialled by the subscriber, shall
be removed from the number before conditional triggering check takes place.

For MF calls at the VMSC, triggering at DP2 shall be strictly based on the number received over the access network
(the Deflected-to-Number in case of Call Deflection) or the Forwarded-to-Number retained in the VLR.
No service selection information or carrier selection information shall be removed from the number before conditional
triggering check takes place.

For MF calls at the GMSC, triggering at DP2 shall be strictly based on the Forwarded-to-Number received from HLR
or on the Destination Routing Address received in the Connect operation from SCF during a Terminating CAMEL

No service selection information or carrier selection information shall be removed from the number before conditional
triggering check takes place.

One or more DP criteria may be applicable. All applicable triggering criteria must be satisfied before the dialogue is
established with the gsmSCF.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 18 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

If the destination number triggering criterion is enabling, then the gsmSSF may establish a dialogue with the gsmSCF

- the destination number matches one of the destination number strings defined in the list, or

- the length of the destination number matches one of the destination number lengths defined in the list.

In this test the destination number matches one of the destination number strings in the list if:

- the nature of address of destination number is the same as the nature of address of the destination number

- the destination number is at least as long as the destination number string in the list, and

- all the digits in the destination number string in the list match the leading digits of the destination number.

If the destination number triggering criterion is inhibiting, then the gsmSSF may establish a dialogue with the gsmSCF

- the destination number does not match any of the destination number strings defined in the list, and

- the length of the destination number does not match any of the destination number lengths defined in the list.

In this test the destination number matches one of the destination number strings in the list if:

- the nature of address of destination number is the same as the nature of address of the destination number

- the destination number is at least as long as the destination number string in the list, and

- all the digits in the destination number string in the list match the leading digits of the destination number.

The basic service triggering criterion is met if the basic service for the call matches a stored individual basic service
code or is a member of the group defined by a stored basic service group code. For the purpose of this paragraph a
general bearer service is a member of the corresponding bearer service group.

If the forwarding triggering criterion is enabling, then the gsmSSF may establish a dialogue with the gsmSCF only if
the call has been subject to CAMEL or GSM call forwarding. If the forwarding triggering criterion is inhibiting, then
the gsmSSF may establish a dialogue with the gsmSCF only if the call has not been subject to CAMEL or GSM call

5.1.3 Relationship
Given that an armed DP was encountered, the gsmSSF provides an information flow via a relationship.

A relationship between the gsmSSF and the gsmSCF for the purpose of operator specific service processing is
considered to be a CAMEL relationship. There are two types of CAMEL relationships:

- A CAMEL control relationship if the gsmSCF is able to influence the call processing via the relationship.

- A CAMEL monitor relationship if the gsmSCF is not able to influence the call processing via the relationship.

5.2 DP processing rules

The gsmSSF shall apply the following set of rules during DP processing to ensure a single point of control:
- EDPs are disarmed by the gsmSSF as they are encountered and reported to the gsmSCF, when the occurrence of
another EDP causes the implicit disarming of the EDP or when the leg clears.

- A control relationship persists as long as there is 1 or more EDP-R armed for this portion of the call or if the
gsmSSF is in any state except Monitoring or Idle.

- A control relationship changes to a monitor relationship if the control relationship does not persist and :

- 1 or more EDP-N armed, or

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 19 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

- 1 or more Call information Report outstanding, or

- an Apply Charging Report outstanding.

- A control relationship terminates if it does not persist and does not change to a monitor relationship. A monitor
relationship terminates if there are neither EDP-Ns armed nor reports outstanding or if the call clears.

6 Description of CAMEL Subscriber Data

6.1 Originating/Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information

This subclause defines the contents of the Originating/Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information.

6.1.1 gsmSCF address

Address to be used to access the gsmSCF for a particular subscriber. The address shall be an E.164 number to be used
for routeing.

6.1.2 Service Key

The Service Key identifies to the gsmSCF the service logic that should apply.

6.1.3 Default Call Handling

The Default Call Handling indicates whether the call shall be released or continued as requested in case of error in the
gsmSSF to gsmSCF dialogue.

6.1.4 TDP List

The TDP List indicates on which detection point triggering shall take place. For O-CSI only DP2 is used. For T-CSI
only DP12 is used.

6.1.5 DP criteria
The DP criteria indicate whether the gsmSSF shall request the gsmSCF for instructions.

6.1.6 CAMEL Capability Handling

CAMEL Capability Handling indicates the phase of CAMEL which is asked by the gsmSCF for the service. The HLR
shall not include in a CSI which it sends to a VLR or GMSC any data for a CAMEL phase later than that which the
CAMEL capability handling indicates. E.g. if the CAMEL Capability Handling indicates CAMEL phase 1 then the
HLR shall not send triggering criteria to the VLR. Different CSIs may contain different values of CAMEL Capability

NOTE: If CAMEL is not supported or if a lower phase of CAMEL is supported in the VLR, the HLR can decide
on a subscriber basis to apply ODB, perform normal call handling or perform operator specific handling
(eventually support of a lower version of CSI).

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 20 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

6.2 Other CAMEL data

6.2.1 USSD CAMEL Subscription Information (U-CSI)
The subscription information specified in this subclause is for information only.

This subclause defines the contents of the USSD CAMEL Subscription Information (U-CSI). The U-CSI consists of a
list of pairs of the following two parameters. Service Code

Service code for a specific application in a gsmSCF which interacts with the user by USSD. gsmSCF address

Address to be used to access the gsmSCF for a particular subscriber and a particular service code. The address shall be
an E.164 number to be used for routeing.

6.2.2 Supplementary Service Invocation Notification CAMEL Subscription

Information (SS-CSI) Content of the SS-CSI

This subclause defines the contents of the Supplementary Service Invocation Notification CAMEL Subscription
Information (SS-CSI). Notification criteria

This data indicates for which supplementary services notifications shall be sent. The supplementary services which may
be indicated are ECT, CD and MPTY. gsmSCF address

Address to be used to access the gsmSCF for a particular subscriber. The address shall be an E.164 number to be used
for routeing.

6.2.3 Location information/Subscriber state Interrogation

This data indicates whether additional subscriber information shall be sent to the GMSC as part of the terminating call

- an indication that the HLR shall send the location information of the called subscriber.

- an indication that the HLR shall send the subscriber state of the called subscriber.

6.2.4 Translation Information Flag (TIF-CSI)

A flag (TIF-CSI) in the CAMEL Subscriber data in the HLR indicates, when the subscriber registers a forwarded-to
number, that the HLR shall not attempt to perform any translation, number format checks, prohibited FTN checks, call
barring checks (cf. 10.2).

If the flag is absent, this indicates that a translation is needed in the HLR and the usual procedure applies as defined in
the current version of TS 3GPP TS 03.82 [13]. In particular, the interaction with barring services shall be performed by
the HLR at the registration of the FTN.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 21 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

7 Description of CAMEL BCSMs

7.1 General Handling

The BCSM is used to describe the actions in an MSC/GMSC during originating, forwarded or terminating calls.

The BCSM identifies the points in basic call processing when Operator Specific Service (OSS) logic instances
(accessed through the gsmSCF) are permitted to interact with basic call control capabilities.

Figure 2 shows the components that have been identified to describe a BCSM.



Point In Call (PIC)

Figure 2: BCSM Components

7.2 Originating Basic Call State Model (O-BCSM)

7.2.1 Description of O-BCSM
The O-BCSM is used to describe the actions in an MSC during originating (MSC) or forwarded (MSC or GMSC) calls.

When encountering a DP the O-BCSM processing is suspended at the DP and the MSC/GMSC indicates this to the
gsmSSF which determines what action, if any, shall be taken in case the DP is armed.

O_Null & Authorise_Origination_

DP10 Attempt_Collect_Info


Collected_Info DP2

Route_Select_ DP4

Analyse, Routing O_Busy

& Alerting DP6


O_Answer DP7

DP9 O_Active


Basic Call transition

Transition beyond Basic Call

Figure 3: Originating BCSM for CAMEL

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 22 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

The following table defines the different DPs which apply to mobile originating and forwarded calls.

Table 1: Description of O-BCSM DPs in the MSC

CAMEL Detection Point: DP Type Description:

DP2 Collected_Info TDP-R Indication that the O-CSI is analysed.
DP 4 Route_Select_Failure EDP-N, EDP-R Indication that the call establishment failed
DP 5 O_Busy EDP-N, EDP-R Indication that:
- a busy indication is received from the terminating party,
- a not reachable event is determined upon a cause IE in
the ISUP release message.
DP6 O_No_Answer EDP-N, EDP-R Indication that an application timer associated with the
O_No_Answer DP expires
DP7 O_Answer EDP-N, EDP-R Indication that the call is accepted and answered by the
terminating party.
DP9 O_Disconnect EDP-N, EDP-R A disconnect indication is received from the originating
party or from the terminating party.
DP 10 O_Abandon EDP-N Indication that a disconnect indication is received from
the originating party during the call establishment

NOTE: the DPs 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 are defined in ITU-T Q.1214 ([6]). Description of the call model (PICs)

This subclause describes the call model for originating and forwarded calls. For each PIC a description can be found of
the entry events, functions and exit events.

It should be noted that although the names used for PICs match those used in ITU-T Q.1214 [6] the specific
descriptions differ. O_Null & Authorise_Origination_Attempt_Collect_Info

Entry events:

- Disconnection and clearing of a previous call (DP9 - O_Disconnect) or default handling of exceptions by
gsmSSF/(G)MSC completed.

- Abandon event is reported from Analyse, Routing and Alerting PIC.

- Exception event is reported.


- Interface is idled.

- Originating call: SETUP message containing the dialled number is received from MS.

- Originating call: The supplementary service "barring of all outgoing calls" is checked and invoked if necessary.

- Originating call: The ODB category "barring of all outgoing calls" is checked and ODB is invoked if necessary.

NOTE: the ODB category "barring of all outgoing calls when roaming" causes the HLR to send the category
"barring of all outgoing call" if the VLR is not in the HPLMN.

- Originating call: CUG checks done in the originating MSC/VLR are performed.

- Information being analysed e.g., O-CSI is analysed.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 23 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Exit events:

- Originating CSI is analysed.

- An exception condition is encountered. For this PIC, if the call encounters one of these exceptions during the
PIC processing, the exception event is not visible because there is no corresponding DP. Example exception
condition : Calling party abandons call. Analyse, Routing & Alerting

Entry events:

- Originating CSI is analysed. (DP2 - Collected Info).

- Busy event, Route Select Failure event event or No Answer event is reported from Analyse Routing and Alerting

- Disconnect event is reported from O_Active PIC.


- Information being analysed and/or translated according to dialling plan to determine routeing address.

- Routeing address being interpreted.

- Originating call: Outgoing barring services and ODB categories not already applied are checked and invoked if

- Call is being processed by the terminating half BCSM. Continued processing of call setup (e.g., ringing) is
taking place. Waiting for indication from terminating half BCSM that the call has been answered by terminating

Exit events:

- Indication from the terminating half BCSM that the call is accepted and answered by terminating party. (DP7 -

- An exception condition is encountered - this leads to the O_Exception PIC.

- Calling party abandons the call- this leads to the O_Abandon DP.

- A busy indication is received from the terminating party - this leads to the O_Busy DP.

- A not reachable indication is received from the terminating party - this leads to the O_Busy DP.

- Attempt to select the route for the call fails - this leads to the Route_Select_Failure DP.

- If the no reply timer expires and DP O_No_Answer is armed - this leads to the O_No_Answer DP. O_Active
Entry events:

- Indication from the terminating half BCSM that the call is accepted and answered by the terminating party.
(DP7 - O_Answer)


- Connection established between originating party and terminating party. Call supervision is provided.

- Call release is awaited.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 24 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Exit events:

- A disconnection indication is received from the originating party, or received from the terminating party via the
terminating half BCSM. (DP9 - O_Disconnect)

- An exception condition is encountered. O_Exception
Entry events:

- An exception condition is encountered. In addition to specific examples listed above, exception events include
any type of failure, which means that the normal exit events for a PIC can not be met.


- Default handling of the exception condition is being provided. This includes general actions necessary to ensure
that no resources remain inappropriately allocated such as:

- If any relationship exists between the gsmSSF and the gsmSCF send an error information flow closing the
relationships and indicating that any outstanding call handling instructions will not run to completion

- The (G)MSC/gsmSSF should make use of vendor-specific procedures to ensure release of resources within
the (G)MSC/gsmSSF, so that line, trunk and other resources are made available for new calls.

Exit events:

- Default handling of the exception condition by gsmSSF/(G)MSC completed.

7.3 Terminating Basic Call State Model (T-BCSM)

7.3.1 Description of T-BCSM
The T-BCSM is used to describe the actions in a GMSC during terminating calls.

When encountering a DP the T-BCSM processing is suspended at the DP and the GMSC indicates this to the gsmSSF
which determines what action, if any, shall be taken in case the DP is armed.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 25 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

T_Null T_Exception


Terminating_Attempt_Authorised DP12

Terminating Call Handling


DP17 T_Active

Basic Call transition

Transition beyond Basic Call

Figure 4: T-BCSM in the GMSC

In the following table the different DPs (in the T-BCSM) are described.

Table 2: Description of T-BCSM DPs in the GMSC

CAMEL Detection Point: DP Type Description:

DP12 TDP-R Indication that the T-CSI is analysed.
DP 13 T_Busy EDP-N, EDP-R Indication that:
- a busy indication is received from the
destination exchange,
- Not reachable or call establishment failure event
is determined from the HLR response or upon a
cause IE in the ISUP release message.
DP 14 T_No_Answer EDP-N, EDP-R Indication that an application timer associated
with the T_No_Answer DP expires
DP15 T_Answer EDP-N, EDP-R Call is accepted and answered by terminating
DP17 T_Disconnect EDP-N, EDP-R A disconnect indication is received from the
terminating party or from the originating party.
DP 18 T_Abandon EDP-N A disconnect indication is received from the
originating party during the call establishment

NOTE: The DPs 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18 are defined in ITU-T Q.1214 ([6]). Description of the call model (PICs)

This subclause describes the call model for terminating calls in the GMSC. For each PIC a description can be found of
the entry events, functions, information available and exit events.

It should be noted that although the names used for PICs match those used in ITU-T Q.1214 [6] the specific
descriptions differ.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 26 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06) T_Null
Entry events:

- Disconnection and clearing of a previous call (DP 17) or default handling of exceptions by gsmSSF/GMSC

- Abandon event is reported from Terminating Call Handling PIC ;

- Exception event is reported.


- Interface is idled.

- ISUP_IAM is received, the appropriate information is analysed.

- Send_Routeing_Info information flow is sent to HLR.

- The supplementary services "barring of all incoming calls" and "barring of incoming calls when roaming" are
checked and invoked if necessary.

- The ODB categories "barring of all incoming calls" and "barring of incoming calls when roaming" are checked
and ODB is invoked if necessary.

- The supplementary service "CUG" is checked and invoked if necessary.

- T-CSI is received and analysed.

Exit events:

- Response is received from HLR and terminating CSI (if available) is analysed.

- An exception condition is encountered. For this PIC, if the call encounters one of these exceptions during the
PIC processing, the exception event is not visible because there is no corresponding DP.

Example exception condition is:

- Calling party abandons call. Terminating Call Handling

Entry events:

- Response is received from HLR and terminating CSI (if available) is analysed. (DP 12

- Busy event or No Answer event is reported from Terminating Call Handling PIC,

- Disconnect event is reported from T_Active PIC.

- The terminating party is not reachable.

NOTE: The HLR may use MAP signalling to indicate to the GMSC before the call is extended to the destination
VMSC that the terminating party is not reachable, or the destination VMSC may use telephony signalling
to indicate to the GMSC after the call has been extended to the destination VMSC that the terminating
party is not reachable.


- The response from HLR is analysed.

- Routeing address and call type being interpreted. The next route is being selected.

- The terminating party is being alerted. Waiting for the call to be answered by terminating party.

- The GSM supplementary service call forwarding is invoked if necessary.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 27 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Exit events:

- Call is accepted and answered by terminating party.

- An exception condition is encountered - this leads to the T_Exception PIC. Example exception conditions: the
call setup to the MSC/GMSC was not successful.

- Calling party abandons the call - this leads to the T_Abandon DP.

- A busy indication is received from the destination exchange - this leads to the T_Busy DP.

- Not reachable event detected or failure of attempt to select the route for the terminating leg - this leads to the
T_Busy DP.

- If no reply timer expires and DP T_No_Answer is armed - this leads to the T_No_Answer DP. T_Active
Entry events:

- Indication that the call is accepted and answered by the terminating party. (DP15 - T_Answer)


- Connection established between originating party and terminating party. Call supervision is being provided.

- Call release is awaited.

Exit events:

- A disconnection indication is received from the terminating party, or received from the originating party via the
originating half BCSM. (DP17 - T_Disconnect)

- An exception condition is encountered. In addition to specific examples listed above, exception events include
any type of failure that means that the normal exit events for a PIC can not be met. T_Exception
Entry events:

- An exception condition is encountered. In addition to specific examples listed above, exception events include
any type of failure, which means that the normal exit events for PIC cannot be met.


- Default handling of the exception condition is being provided. This includes general actions necessary to ensure
that no resources remain inappropriately allocated such as:

- If any relationship exists between the gsmSSF and the gsmSCF send an error information flow closing the
relationships and indicating that any outstanding call handling instructions will not run to completion

- The GMSC/gsmSSF should make use of vendor-specific procedures to ensure release of resources within the
GMSC/gsmSSF, so that line, trunk and other resources are made available for new calls.

Exit events:

- Default handling of the exception condition by gsmSSF/GMSC completed.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 28 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

7.4 Rules for Implicit Disarming of Detection Points

The following tables give the rules for implicit disarming of event detection points.

The table entry 'X' means that if one DP occurs (independently of arming and reporting to the gsmSCF) the marked one
is implicitly disarmed.

It shall be possible to rearm explicitly an implicitly disarmed DP, e.g. for follow on call.

Table 3: Implicit disarmed DPs in the O-BCSM

Encountered DP Implicit disarmed DPs

DP4 DP 5 DP 6 DP 7 DP 9 DP 9 DP 10
leg 1 leg 2
DP4 Route_Select_Failure X X X X X
DP5 O_Busy X X X X X
DP6 O_No_Answer X X X X X
DP7 O_Answer X X X X X
DP9 O_Disconnect leg 1 X X
DP9 O_Disconnect leg 2 X X X X X
DP10 O_Abandon X X

Table 4: Implicit disarmed DPs in the T-BCSM

Encountered DP Implicit disarmed DPs

DP 13 DP 14 DP 15 DP 17 DP 17 DP 18
leg 1 leg 2
DP13 T_Busy X X X X
DP14 T_No_Answer X X X X
DP 15 T_Answer X X X X
DP 17 T_Disconnect leg 1 X X
DP 17 T_Disconnect leg 2 X X X X
DP18 T_Abandon X X

7.5 BCSM Modelling of Call Scenarios

This subclause describes how the BCSMs defined above are used to model GSM call scenarios. For each scenario the
used and unused BCSMs involved in the call are shown.

In some cases these models may have an allocation to physical nodes different from that shown. However, the physical
separation of the logic functions shown shall not impact the modelling. This subclause describes the call scenarios
without optimal routeing. If optimal routeing is invoked the physical configurations may be different from those shown,
but the modelling is not changed.

CAMEL may be applied simultaneously and independently for each GSM subscriber involved in a call. This is not
shown in these scenarios.

Subscribers other than those being served by CAMEL may be either PSTN subscribers, other GSM subscribers or any
other addressable subscriber.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 29 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

7.5.1 Mobile Originated Call

The O-BCSM for the call from A to B (labelled "O(A-B)") is invoked if the A-party has an active O-CSI. A control
relationship with gsmSCF (1) will be created.

gsmSCF (1)

CAMEL relationship


O(A-B) T(A-B)

A-Party B-Party

Figure 5: BCSM Scenario for Mobile Originated Call

7.5.2 Mobile Terminated Call

The T-BCSM for the call from A to B (labelled "T(A-B)") is invoked if the B-party has an active T-CSI. A control
relationship with gsmSCF (1) will be created.

gsmSCF (1)

CAMEL relationship


O(A-B) T(A-B)

A-Party B-Party

Figure 6: BCSM Scenario for Mobile Terminated Calls

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 30 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

7.5.3 Call Forwarding at the GMSC

The T-BCSM for the call from A to B (labelled "T(A-B)") is invoked if the B-party has an active T-CSI. A control
relationship with gsmSCF (1) will be created.

A new call leg to a "C" party is created if:

- a GSM call forwarding supplementary service forwards the call to C. In this case O-BCSM O(B-C) is always
invoked for the forwarding party if an O-CSI has been received by the GMSC from the HLR; or

- a CAMEL service in a control relationship with T(A-B) performs a CAMEL-based call forwarding by using a
Connect information flow containing the forwarding information. In this case O-BCSM O(B-C) is only invoked
for the forwarding party if an O-CSI has been received by the GMSC from the HLR and " O-CSI Applicable"
flag is contained in the Connect information flow.

A control relationship with gsmSCF (2) will be created.

The relationships with gsmSCF (1) and gsmSCF(2) may exist simultaneously. The two relationships are treated
independently at the GMSC. The BCSM T(A-B) and BCSM O(B-C) are linked by an internal interface which is
assumed to behave in a similar way to an ISUP interface.

The nodes gsmSCF (1) and gsmSCF (2) may be the same or different physical entities.

gsmSCF (1) gsmSCF (2)

CAMEL relationship (1) CAMEL relationship (2)

GMSC Internal "ISUP-

gsmSSF/CCF like" interface

O(A-B) T(A-B)
T(B-C) O(B-C) "surrogate"

Figure 7: BCSM Scenario for Call Forwarding at the GMSC

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 31 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

7.5.4 Call Forwarding at the MSC

The T-BCSM for the call from A to B (labelled "T(A-B)") is invoked if the B-party has an active T-CSI. A control
relationship with gsmSCF (1) will be created. Following processing at the GMSC the call will be extended to the MSC
serving the B-party. This MSC may be physically integrated with the GMSC, but it is shown as being separate in the
diagram below.

If a GSM call forwarding supplementary service acting at the MSC forwards the call to C, a new call leg to C is
established. If the B-party has an active O-CSI, the BCSM O(B-C) is invoked. A control relationship with gsmSCF (2)
will be created.

The relationships with gsmSCF (1) and gsmSCF(2) may exist simultaneously.

The nodes gsmSCF (1) and gsmSCF (2) may be the same or different physical entities.

gsmSCF (1) gsmSCF (2)

CAMEL relationship (1) CAMEL relationship (2)


O(A-B) T(A-B)

T(B-C) O(B-C)


Figure 8: BCSM Scenario for Call Forwarding at the MSC

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 32 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8 Procedures for CAMEL

The SDLs in this specification illustrate how CAMEL modifies the normal call handling. They do not attempt to show
all the details of call handling in nodes that support CAMEL. Relevant parts of 3GPP TS03.18 [3] apply in addition to
these SDLs. For example, some inputs leading to unsuccessful call attempts are not shown on these diagrams -
corresponding clauses in 3GPP TS03.18 [3] apply.

Note that in some SDL processes and procedures the Release message may be sent on both an access interface and an
inter-switch interface. If the message is sent on a UNI, its effect is the same as a Release transaction message.

The text in this clause is a supplement to the definition in the SDL diagrams ; it does not duplicate the information in
the SDL diagrams.

In the following SDLs, the term SRF is used for gsmSRF.

8.1 Overall SDL architecture

The following diagram shows the overall architecture for the SDL diagrams.


CAP interface

CAP relay gsmSSF

Internal interface
Internal interface

Mobile A interface ISUP interface Destination
Station exchange

Figure 9a: Outgoing case (gsmSSF relay)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 33 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)


CAP interface CAP interface

gsmSRF or
Assisting SSP

Internal interface
Internal interface

Mobile A interface ISUP interface Destination
Station exchange

Figure 9b: Outgoing case (direct path gsmSCF to gsmSRF or assist with relay)

gsmSCF gsmSCF

CAP interface CAP interface

CAP relay CAP relay

interface interface
gsmSRF gsmSRF
gsmSSF gsmSSF

Internal interface Internal interface Internal interface Internal interface

Originating MT_GMSC MT_CF_MSC Destination

exchange ISUP Internal ISUP ISUP exchange
interface interface interface

Figure 9c: Terminating case (gsmSSF relay)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 34 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

gsmSCF gsmSCF

CAP interface CAP interface CAP interface CAP interface

gsmSRF or gsmSRF or
assisting gsmSSF gsmSSF assisting

Internal interface Internal interface Internal interface Internal interface

Originating MT_GMSC MT_CF_MSC Destination

exchange ISUP Internal ISUP ISUP exchange
interface interface interface

Figure 9d: Terminating case (direct path gsmSCF to gsmSRF or assist with relay)


CAP interface

CAP relay Assisting_gsmSSF

Internal interface
Internal interface

Initiating Assisting_MSC
MSC ISUP interface

Figure 9e: Assisting case

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 35 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.2 Handling of mobile originated calls

8.2.1 Handling of mobile originated calls in the originating MSC
The functional behaviour of the originating VMSC is specified in 3GPP TS03.18 [3]. The procedures specific to
CAMEL are specified in this subclause:



- Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC1,

- Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC2,

- Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_DISC1,

- Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_DISC2,

- Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_DISC4,

- Procedure CAMEL_OCH_ETC,

- Procedure CAMEL_OCH_CTR,

- Procedure CAMEL_Start_TNRy,

- Procedure CAMEL_Stop_TNRy.

The procedure Send_Access_Connect_If_Required is specified in 3GPP TS03.18 [3].

The following paragraphs gives details on the behaviour of the MSC in the procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_INIT. Actions of the MSC on receipt of Int_Error

The MSC checks the default Call Handling parameter in O-CSI.

If the default call handling is release call, a Release is sent to the MS and an Abort to the VLR. The MSC then releases
all call resources and the procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_INIT ends.

If the default call handling is continue call, the MSC continues processing without CAMEL support. It sends
Send_Info_For_Ougoing_Call to the VLR and waits in state Wait_For_MO_Call_Result. Actions of the MSC on receipt of Int_Continue

The MSC continues processing without any modification of call parameters. It sends Send_Info_For_Ougoing_Call to
the VLR and waits in state Wait_For_MO_Call_Result. Actions of the MSC on receipt of Int_Connect

The MSC continues processing with modified call parameters. The MSC shall transparently modify the call parameters
with the received information. The MSC then sends a PROGRESS message to the MS. Call parameters which are not
included in the Int_Connect message are unchanged.

Signalling limitations or regulatory requirements may require the Calling Partys Category, Generic Number, Original
Called Party Number and Redirecting Party ID to be ignored or modified.

The network signalling system shall indicate that this is an internal network number.

The MSC sets the O-CSI suppression parameter, sends a Send Info For Outgoing Call to the VLR and waits in state

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 36 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06) Actions of the MSC on receipt of Int_Release_Call

A Release is sent to the MS, an abort to the VLR and a Release is sent to the destination exchange. The release cause
received in the Int_Release_Call is used. The MSC then releases all call resources and the procedure
CAMEL_OCH_MSC_INIT ends. Action of the MSC in procedure CAMEL_OCH_ETC

In procedure CAMEL_OCH_ETC (sheet 2) the MSC will remain in the Wait_For_Assisting_Answer state until it
receives an ISUP Answer Message (ANM) or timeout occurs. This is to ensure that a call record is always generated for
every successful establishment of a temporary connection to a gsmSRF, especially in the case where the connection is
between PLMNs.

NOTE: This means that it may not be possible to access an SRF which does not generate an ISUP Answer
Message (ANM).

If a Progress message is sent towards the MS the progress indicator shall indicate "In Band Information".

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 37 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro c ed ur e CA ME L _ O CH _M S C_IN IT 1( 4 )

Pr o ce du r e i n the M SC to per fo r m
S ignals to/fr om the r ight ar e
C AM EL ha nd li ng for an out going
to/fr om the gs m SSF .
c al l r e qu es t

O -C S I
inv oca tio n?

R es ult:=
c all r efer enc e
pas s
num ber

S tor e o r igi na l
c al l par a me te rs

In t_I nv ok e_ gs mS SF
( O - C SI)

W ait_for _
gs mS SF _
Invok ed

In t_g s m SSF _
Int _er r or R e lea se
Inv oked

R es ult:= A ns w er_ R ecei v ed :=

In t_ O _Ex ce pt ion
fail F alse

In t_D P_
R es ult:=
C ollected_

D P_
C o llected_
I nfo

Figure 10a: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_INIT (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 38 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure C A ME L_OC H_ MS C_INIT 2(4)

Proc edure in the M SC t o perform Signals to/fro m the left are
C AM EL handling for an outgo ing to/from the BSS; signals to /from
c all reques t the right are to/from the gsm SSF if
not other wise s tated.

Collec ted_

Int_R elea se_Call Int _Error Int_C onti nue Int_C onnec t

Def ault call

hand ling = co ntinue Progres s
No call ?

M odify c all
param eters w ith
rec eived inform ation

Set O-C SI
sup pres s ion

Send Info F or
Outgo ing C all

Wait_F or
M O _Call_
R es ult

S end Info
C om plete
F or Outgoing F rom VLR Fro m VLR
C all
C all Negative
R espons e

R es ult:=
Int_O _Exc eption
pas s

Abort To VLR

Releas e

Res ult:=

Figure 10b: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_INIT (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 39 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure C A ME L_OC H_ MS C_INIT 3(4)

Proc edure in the M SC t o perform
Signals to/fr om the right are to/from
C AM EL handling for an outgo ing
the gs mSSF if not ot herwis e s tated.
c all reques t

DP_Collec ted_

Int_C onne ct_To_
T emp orary_
R es ource
C onnec tion


Res ult=

No Yes

R es ult:=
f ail

DP_Collec ted_

Figure 10c: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_INIT (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 40 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure C A ME L_OC H_ MS C_INIT 4(4)

Proc edure in the M SC t o perform Signals to/fro m the left are
C AM EL handling for an outgo ing to/from the BSS; signals to /from
c all reques t the right are to/from the gsm SSF.

D P_C ollected_info
W ait_F or_M O_ Call_Res ult

R elease


Result :=

Figure 10d: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_INIT (sheet 4)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 41 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edure CA MEL_OCH_MSC_A NSW ER 1(1)

Pro ce du re in the M SC to
handle a n outgoing call

Si gn als t o/f rom th e l eft a re

to/from the BSS; signals to/from
t he rig ht are to /fro m the g sm SSF i f
n ot ot he rwi se s tat ed .

gsmS SF
in vo ke d?

R esult:= Yes
In t_ DP _O _Ans w er

An sw er_ R ec ei ve d :=
Tr ue

DP _O_ Ans w er

From destination
Int_C ontinue Int _R elea se R el ease R e lease

Result := C AM EL_OC H _ C AM EL_OC H_

R elease
pa ss M SC _D ISC 1 M SC _D IS C2

R esult=
R elease


R esult : R esult:
C AM EL_H andling C AM EL_ H an dl ing
Yes Yes

No No Answ er_R eceived :=

F alse
R elease R e lease

R esult:=
R esult:=

Figure 11a: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_ANSWER (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 42 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CAMEL_O CH_MSC1 1(3 )

P r oce du re in the M SC in the Sig nals to/f ro m

c ase of C AM EL ha nd lin g t o th e righ t a re t o/f ro m th e g smS SF if
c onn ec t a call a t D P B usy, no t oth erw ise st ate d.
N o t re ach ab le ,
R o ute se lect f ailure.

gsm SSF No
in voke d?


R ele ase ca use

B usy Othe r ca use
S ub scrib er A bsen t

In t_D P_ R ou te _
R e su lt:=
In t_D P_ O_ Busy _ Sele ct_
co n tin ue
_ Failure

DP _R o ute _
D P_ O_B usy _S ele ct _
_Fa ilu re

In t_C o nn ect I nt _C on tinu e In t_ Erro r In t_R e le as e_ Ca ll

M od ify ca ll p ara me ters

w it h re ceive d in for m at io n

De stin atio n num b er

mo dif ie d?

Y es
To p roce ss
Se nd Inf o Fo r
CA ME L_ Re con ne cte d_
Re con ne cte d c all
Ca ll_ VL R

W ait_ For
re con ne cted ca ll
R e sult_ 1

Se nd In fo For From pr ocess S end In fo Fo r Fr o m p roce ss

R econ n ect ed call CA M EL_ R econ n ecte d_ R e conn e cted ca ll C AM EL _R e co n ne ct ed _
N eg at ive R esp o nse Ca ll_ VL R A ck C all_V LR

In t_O _Exce p tio n

R esu lt :=
Re sult: = reco nn ect R e sult: =
con tinu e c on tinu e

Figure 12a: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC1 (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 43 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro c edur e CA MEL_O CH_ MS C1 2(3)

Pr ocedur e in the M S C in the Si gn als t o/f r om th e l eft a re

c as e of C AMEL h an dl ing to to/fr om the BSS; signals to/fr om
c on ne ct a ca ll at D P Bu sy , t he r ig ht ar e to /fr o m the g sm SSF i f
R o ut e s elec t f ail ur e. n ot ot he r wi se s tat ed .

D P_O_Busy
D P_Ro ute_Selec t_F ai lure

R elease

Int_D P_O_Abandon

R esult:=
c on tinue

Figure 12b: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC1 (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 44 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CAMEL_O CH_MSC1 3(3 )

P r oce du re in the M SC in the

c ase of C AM EL ha nd lin g t o Sig na ls to/ from th e rig ht are t o/ fro m
c onn ec t a call a t D P B usy, th e g sm SSF if no t o th erwise sta ted .
R o ute se lect f ailure.

D P_ R ou te_ Se lect_ _Fa ilu re

D P _O_ Bu sy

I nt _Es tab lish _

In t_ Co n ne ct _To _
Te m po ra ry_
R eso urce
C onn ec tio n


R esu lt =
fa il?

No Yes

Re sult: =
con tinu e

Figure 12c: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC1 (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 45 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CAMEL_O CH_MSC2 1(3 )

Sig nals to/f ro m

P ro ced ur e in the M SC to th e righ t a re t o/f ro m th e g smS SF if
c onn ec t a call a t D P no t oth erw ise st ate d.
N o _A nsw er
gs mS SF
inv oked ?


R esu lt:=
I nt_ D P_O _N o_ An sw er
co n tin ue

D P_ O_N o _A nsw e r

In t_C o nn ect In t_ Co n tin ue In t_E rro r Int _R e le ase _C a ll

Mo dif y call
R e sult: =
pa ram e ters w ith
re lea se
receive d in fo rm a tion

D estin atio n
mo dif ie d?

Y es
To p roce ss
Se nd In fo For
CA ME L_ R econ n ecte d_ In t_O _E xc ep tion
R eco nn ect ed C all
Ca ll_ VL R

Wa it_Fo r Re sult :=
R econ n ecte d_ re lea se
C all_2

Se nd In fo For From pro cess

R eco nn ect ed C all CA ME L_ R econ n ecte d_
N eg ative R esp on se Ca ll_ VL R

S end I nfo Fo r F ro m p roce ss

In t_O _Exe cpt io n R e con ne cte d C a ll C AM EL _R e co n ne ct ed _
A ck C all_V LR

R esu lt:=
R e sult: = reco n nect
re lea se

Figure 13a: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC2 (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 46 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CA MEL_O CH_MS C2 2(3)

Si gn als t o/f r om th e l eft a re

P ro de cure in th e M SC to to/from the BSS; signals to/from
c onnect a call at DP t he r ig ht are to /fr o m the g sm SSF i f
No_Answ er n ot ot he rwi se s tat ed .

D P_O_N o_Answ er

R elease

Int_D P_O_Abandon

R esult:=

Figure 13b: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC2 (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 47 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC2 3(3)

Prodecure in the MSC to
Signals to/from the right are to/from
connect a call at DP
the gsmSSF if not otherwise stated.





No Yes



Figure 13c: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC2 (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 48 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure C A ME L_OC H_ MS C_D IS C 1 1(1)

Sig nals to/f rom
Pr oc edure in the M SC perform
the right are to/ from the gsm SSF if
hand ling for a c all re leas e
not other wise st ated.

gsm SSF
inv oked?

I nt_D P_
O _D isc onnect
/ * legId = 1 */

O _D is connec t_1

F rom desti nation

Int _Error Int_C onti nue I nt_R elease_C all Releas e
exc hange

Int_D P_
O _D isc onnec t
/* legId = 2 * /

T o dest ination
Release DP_O _D isc onnec t
e xc ha nge

I nt_E rror In t_Co ntinue Int _Rele aseCall

result:= result :=
norm al_ CAM EL_
handling hand ling

Figure 14a: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_DISC1 (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 49 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edure CA MEL_OCH_MSC_DISC2 1(2)

Si gn als t o/f rom th e l eft a re
t o/f r om th e BSS or t he pro ce ss
M T_GM S C; s ignals to/ from
Pr o ce du r e i n the M SC perfo rm t he r ig ht ar e to /fro m the g sm SSF i f
h andling f or a c al l relea se n ot ot he r wi se s tat ed .

gsmS SF
in vo ke d?

In t_D P_
_ O_ D isco nn ec t
/* leg Id = 2 */

D P_
O _D isco nn ect_2

R elease Int_C ontinue In t_ R ele ase_C al l Int_er ror Int_C onnect

Int_D P_ M od ify c all

O_ D isconn ec t param eters w ith
/* le gId = 1 */ r e ce iv ed in fo rm at ion

D P_ D estination
O_D isconnect m od ified?

R elea se

S en d Inf o F or
Int_Er ror Int_C ontinue In t_R elease_C al l
R econnected C all

result:= r esult:=
norm al_ C AM EL_
handling r esult:= handling To pr ocess
C AM EL_ C AM EL_R econnected_
h an dl ing C all_VLR

W ait_For
R econnected_
C all_2

F rom pr o ce ss Send Info F or

C AMEL _Re co nnecte d_ R ec on ne cted C al l
C all_V LR N eg ative R e sp on se Fr om pr ocess S en d Inf o F or
C AM EL_ Recon nected_ R econnected C all
C al l_V LR Ack

In t_ O_Ex ce pt ion

Answ er R ecei ve d :=
F alse
R elea se

R esult:=
r econnect

r esult:=
C AM EL handling

Figure 15a: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_DISC2 (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 50 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro ce dure C A M E L_ OC H_ M S C_D IS C 2 2 (2 )

P r oc edure in t he M S C perform
hand ling for a c all re leas e
S ignals to/ fr om t he rig ht are t o/f rom
the gsm S S F if not ot herwise s tat ed.

DP _O _D isco nnec t _2

Int _E st ablish_
I nt_C onnect _To_
Temp orary_
R esourc e
Connec tion


Res ult=
f ail?

No Y es

R esult :=
re leas e

DP _O _D isco nnec t _2

Figure 15b: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_DISC2 (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 51 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure CAMEL_OC H_ MSC_D ISC4 1(1)

Procedure in the MSC perform Signals to the right are to

CAMEL handling for a call release the gs mSSF



Figure 16a: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_MSC_DISC4 (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 52 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edure CA MEL_OCH_ETC 1(3)

Signals to/from the left are to/from
the BSS;
Pro ce du re in th e M SC signals to/from the right are
to handle a tem porary to/from the gsm SSF;
c on ne ct ion i f n ot ot he rwi se stat ed .

Ini tial T o process C AM EL_Assisting_M SC

Address or SR F

Send_Alerting_ Procedure defined

I f_R e qu ired in GSM 03.18

W a it_ Fo r_
A ssist ing_AC M

From destination
R elease R e lea se

I nt_ ETC _ F ai led

R esult:=

An sw e r
R eceived
T rue False

Int_D P_O_D isconnect

In t_D P_O_Aband on
/*legID */

To process
W ait_For_D isconnect_
R elease C AM EL_ Assis tin g_
Forw ard_C onnection
M SC or SR F

Int_D isconnect_ R esult:=

Forw ard_C onnection fail

T o process
R elease C AM EL_Assisting_
M SC or SR F

Result :=

Figure 17a: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_ETC (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 53 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P rocedure C A ME L_OC H_ E TC 2(3)

Proc edure in the M SC Signals to/f rom the left are t o/from
W ait_F or_
to ha ndle a tem porary the BSS;
As sis ting_ACM
c onnection sign als to/from the r ight ar e
to/f rom the C AM EL_Ass ist ing_MSC or SRF .

C onnec t
Com plete

Wait_F or_
Ass isting_
Answ er

Answ er

Bothw ay Bothway
through co nnec tion t hrough c onnection
required? No No required?

Yes Yes
Send_Ac ces s_ Send_Acc ess _
Procedure defi ned Procedure defi ned
C onnec t_ P rogres s Progres s Connect_
in G SM 03.18 in G SM 03. 18
If_Required If_Requ ir ed

Int_T em porar y
C onnection
Es tablis hed

Te mporary _
Con nec ti on_

Figure 17b: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_ETC (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 54 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CA MEL_OCH_ET C 3( 3)

Pro ce du r e in th e M SC Signals to/fr om the left ar e to/fr om

to handle a tem porar y the BSS;
c on ne ct ion signals to/fr om the r ight are
to/fr om the gsm SSF ;
i f n ot ot he rwi se stat ed .

T em por ary _Co nn ec ti on_Es tablish ed

W ait_F or _Assisting_Answ er

Int_D is connec t_
F rom d es tinat ion
R elease R elease F or war d_
exc hange
C onnec tion

Answ er In t_T C_ Int_T C _

R ec eiv ed R ele as ed R eleas ed

T rue

R es ult:= T o destination
R e leas e
pas s exc hange
Int_D P_O_
Int _D P_ O_
D isconnect
Aba nd on
/*legID */

R esult:=
pas s

W ait_F or _D is connect_
F orw ar d_C onnection
T o pr o ce ss
R elease C AM EL_Ass isting_
M SC or SR F

R esult:=

Figure 17c: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_ETC (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 55 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure C A ME L_OC H_ CTR 1(4)

Pr oc edure in the originati ng M SC Signals to/fro m the left are
to handl e a C onnec t T o Res ource to/fro m the BSS;
op eration signals to/from the right are to/from
the gs mSSF if not ot herwis e s tated.

Int_Inv oke_
T o SR F

Await_SR F_
_Init ialisation

Int_SRF _
Int_SR F_
Con nec ti on_ from SRF from SR F
C onnected

C onnect SR F to
the c all

Send_Alerti ng_ Proc edure d efined

If_R equired in GSM 03.18

Thro ugh-
co nnec tion
required? Yes


Send_Acc ess _
Proc edure defined
Int_CT R_Fa iled Connec t_If_
in GSM 03.18

Res ult:=
Int_SRF_ Connected


Figure 18a: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_CTR (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 56 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CA MEL_OCH_CTR 2(4)

Si gn als t o/f rom th e l eft a re
to/from the BS S;
Procedure in the originating M SC s igna ls to/ from the right are to /fro m
to h an dle a Connec t To R esource t he gsm SSF i f n ot ot he rwi se stat ed .
o pe rat ion


Int_D is connect_
Forw ard_ R e lease
C onnection

Int_D is connect_ Answer

SR F R eceived

Aw ait_SRF_ Int_D P_O_ Int_D P_O_
D is connection_ D is co nn ec t Abandon
C ontinue /* legID */ /* legID */

Int_SR F_ W ait_For_Disc on nect_ W ait_For_Disconnect_

R elease From SRF
R ele as ed Fo rwa rd_ Con ne ct ion Fo rward_C onnect ion

Answ er In t_D isc on ne ct_ Int_D isconnect_

Int_SR F_Released
R ec eived Fo rwa rd_ C on ne ct ion For ward_C onnection

Int_D P_O_ Int _D P_O_
R esult:= In t_D isc on ne ct_ Int_D isconnect_
Disconnect Abandon To SR F To SR F
pass SR F SR F
/* legID */ /* legID */

Aw ait_SR F_ Await_SR F_
Result := Result:=
D isconnection_ D isconnection_
pa ss fail
Active Fail

In t_SR F_
R eleased

R esult :=

Figure 18b: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_CTR (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 57 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro ce dure C A M E L_ OC H_ CT R 3 (4 )
P r oc edure in t he originati ng M SC S ignals to/ fr om t he r ig ht are t o/f rom
t o handl e a C onnec t T o Res ource the gsm S S F.
op eration S ignals to/ fr om the left are to/ f rom
the ext ernal S R F.


CA P _P lay_ C A P _P rompt _ C A P_S pec ialized_ CA P _P rom pt_

Ann ounc em ent A nd_C ollec t _ R ess ource_R eport A nd _Collect _
U ser_I nf ormat ion Us er_Inf orm at ion

CA P _P lay_ C A P _P rompt _ C A P_S pec ialized_ CA P _P rom pt_

Ann ounc em ent A nd_C ollec t _ R ess ource_R eport A nd_Collect _
U ser_I nf or mat ion Us er_Inf orm ation


Figure 18c: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_CTR (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 58 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CA MEL_OCH _C TR 4(4)

Pr ocedure in the originating M SC Si gn als t o/f r om th e l eft a re

to h an dle a C onnec t T o R esour ce to/fr om the BS S;
o pe r at ion s igna ls to/ fr om the r ight ar e to /fr o m
t he gsm SSF i f n ot ot her wi se stat ed .

Aw ait_SR F_Initialisation

R elease

Answ er
R eceived
T rue F alse

Int_D P_O_D isconnect

Int_ D P_O_ Aba nd on
/*legID */

Int _D isco nn ect_SR F T o SR F Int_D isconnect_SR F To SR F

Aw ai t_SR F _ Aw ait_SR F _
D is co nn ec tion_ D isconnection_
Ac tive F ail

Int_SR F_ Int_SR F _
Fr om SR F F rom SR F
R eleased R eleased

R esult:= R esult:=
pass fail

Figure 18d: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_CTR (sheet 4)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 59 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro ce dure C A M E L_ S ta rt_T NR y 1 (1 )

P r odedure in M S C to st art
t he tim er T NR y

gsm S S F
No inv oked?

Y es

DP 6 or
No DP 14 arm ed?

Y es

T NR y re ceiv ed?

Y es
S tart TNR y
TNR y def ault
wit h received
No value available?
t ime value

Y es

S tart T NR y wit h
default va lue

Figure 19a: Procedure CAMEL_Start_TNRy (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 60 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P roce dure C A M E L_ S to p_ T N Ry 1 (1 )

P ro ce dur e in the M S C
to sto p th e t im e r TN Ry

g sm S S F No
invo ked ?

Y es
TN Ry No
run nin g?

Y es

S to p TN Ry

Figure 20a: Procedure CAMEL_Stop_TNRy (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 61 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.2.2 Handling of mobile originating calls in the originating VLR

The functional behaviour of the originating VLR is specified in 3GPP TS03.18 [3]. The procedure specific to CAMEL
are specified in this subclause :

- Procedure CAMEL_OCH_VLR;

- Process CAMEL_Reconnected_Call_VLR.

Procedure CAMEL_OCH_VLR 1(1)

Procedure in the VLR Signals to/from the left are

to handle an outgoing call stup to/from the MSC

Complete Call


Send Info
Abort For Outgoing

Result:= Result:=
fail pass

Figure 21a: Procedure CAMEL_OCH_VLR (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 62 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess CA ME L_Rec onnected_Call_V LR 1(1 )

P ro ce ss in th e VL R
t o ha nd le Se nd _ In fo _ Sign als t o/fro m th e le ft a re
Fo r_R ec on nect ed _C a ll to/ from th e MS C.


S end In fo For
R eco nn ect ed
C all

C he ck_O G_ C he ck O DB an d SS barring .
Ba rrin g Sp ecifie d in GSM 03. 18

R esu lt =
C all ba rre d?
No Yes

S end I nfo Fo r
Se t erro r:=
R e co n ne ct ed
Ca ll ba rre d
C all Ack

Se nd In fo For
Id le R eco n nect ed C all
N eg at ive R es po nse


Figure 22a: Process CAMEL_Reconnected_Call_VLR (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 63 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.3 Retrieval of routeing information

8.3.1 Retrieval of routeing information in the GMSC
The functional behaviour of the GMSC is specified in 3GPP TS03.18 [3]. The procedures specific to CAMEL are
specified in this subclause:

- Procedure CAMEL_Set_ORA_Parameters;



- Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC1;

- Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC2;

- Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC4;

- Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC5;

- Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC6;

- Procedure CAMEL_MT_CTR;

- Procedure CAMEL_MT_ETC;

- Procedure CAMEL_Start_TNRy;

- Procedure CAMEL_Stop_TNRy;

- Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_Notify_CF.

The procedure Send_ACM_If_Required is specified in 3GPP TS03.18 [3].

The following paragraphs gives details on the behaviour of the GMSC in the procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT. Action of the GMSC on receipt of Int_Release_Call

An ISUP_Release is sent to the originating exchange and resources are released. Action of the GMSC on receipt of Int_Error

The GMSC checks in T-CSI the default Call Handling parameter.

If the default call handling is release call, an ISUP_Release is sent to the originating exchange. The MSC then releases
all call resources and the procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT returns result=fail.

If the default call handling is continue call, the MSC continue call handling without CAMEL support. Action of the GMSC on receipt of Int_Continue

If a FTN has been stored the information received from HLR is used to overwrite corresponding call parameters. Note
that the MSISDN is replaced by the FTN as the Called party number. The redirection counter is incremented.

If no FTN has been stored, a Send Routeing Info message including a T-CSI suppression parameter is sent to the HLR.
The Send Routing Info includes an indication which phase of CAMEL is supported by the GMSC/gsmSSF.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 64 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06) Action of the GMSC on receipt of Int_Connect

If the Destination Number received from the gsmSCF (via the gsmSSF) is the same as the ISUP Called party number,
i.e. the MSISDN, the following parameters, if received, are used to overwrite the corresponding ISUP parameters (for
mapping see 3GPP TS09.78 [5]): Calling Partys Category and Generic Number. If received, the Announcement
Suppression Indicator is stored. The further processing is described in subclause with the addition that the
Announcement Suppression indicator, if stored, is sent to the HLR in the Send_Routeing_Info message.


- the Destination Number received from the gsmSCF (via the gsmSSF) is not the same as the stored ISUP Called
party number, i.e. the MSISDN; and

- a CUG active indication was received from the HLR ; and

- CUG information was received in the ISUP_IAM for the incoming call,

then an exception event is reported to the process gsmSSF, an ISUP_Release is sent to the originating exchange and all
resources are released.

Otherwise the following parameters, if received, are used to overwrite the corresponding ISUP parameters (for mapping
see 3GPP TS09.78 [5]): Destination Number, Calling Partys Category, Generic Number, Original Called Party ID,
Redirecting Party ID and Redirection Information. Call parameters that are not included in the Int_Connect message are

As a network operator option loop prevention mechanisms may cause the redirection information to be ignored or
modified (e.g., if the Redirection counter has been decreased).

Signalling limitations or regulatory requirements may require the Calling Partys Category, Generic Number, Original
Called Party Number and Redirecting Party ID to be ignored or modified.

The network signalling system shall indicate that this is an internal network number. Action of the GMSC on receipt of Send_Routeing_Info Negative Response

(at state Wait_For_Routeing_Info_2)
An exception event is reported to the process gsmSSF. If the Announcement Suppression indicator has been received
from the gsmSCF (via the gsmSSF) any announcements or tones shall be suppressed. Action of the GMSC on receipt of Send_Routeing_Info ack with MSRN (at
state Wait_For_Routeing_Info_2)
An ISUP_IAM with the MSRN as Called party number is constructed. Action of the GMSC on receipt of Send_Routeing_Info ack with FTN (at state
The information received from HLR is used to overwrite corresponding call parameters (for details see 3GPP
TS03.18 [3]). The redirection counter is incremented. Action of the GMSC on receipt of Send_Routeing_Info ack with O-CSI and
FTN (at state Wait_For_Routeing_Info_2)
The information received from the HLR is used to overwrite corresponding call parameters. The redirection counter is
incremented. The Called Party Number is set to FTN.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 65 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06) Action of the GMSC in procedure CAMEL_MT_ETC

In procedure CAMEL_MT_ETC (sheet 2) the GMSC will remain in the Wait_For_Assiting_Answer state until it
receives an ISUP Answer Message (ANM) or timeout occurs. This is to ensure that a call record is always generated for
every successful establishment of a temporary connection to a gsmSRF, especially in the case where the connection is
between PLMNs.

NOTE: This means that it may not be possible to access an SRF which does not generate an ISUP Answer
Message (ANM).

If a Progress message is sent towards the MS the progress indicator shall indicate "In Band Information". Action of the GMSC in procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_Notify_CF

The Forwarding reason is taken from the Send Routeing Info ack (for early call forwarding) or the Resume Call
Handling (for Optimal Routeing of Late Call Forwarding).

The Int_DP_T_No_Answer and Int_DP_T_Busy messages include a parameter to indicate that the call has encountered
conditional call forwarding. The gsmSSF will transfer this parameter to the CAP_Event_Report_BCSM message which
it sends to the gsmSCF.

Note: The GMSC may receive a CF Conditional in the first Send Routeing Information ack. This CF may lead
to a notification to the gsmSCF, depending on the presence of T-CSI in this first Send Routeing
Information ack and on the dynamic arming of the T-Busy EDP by the gsmSCF.
Some GMSCs may not send the notification to the gsmSCF in above described scenario. In this case, the
procedure continues the call processing.
As the rationale of the Notification of Call Forwarding principle is to inform the gsmSCF of notification
after the second Send Routeing Information ack, the behaviour of these GMSC is not erroneous.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 66 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P ro cedure CA ME L_S et_ ORA _P a ra me ters 1(1)

Proce d ur e in th e G MSC
to s et C AMEL p ar am e ter s for
th e pr oce du r e Ob ta in_ Ro ute in g_ Ad dr es s

C a ll re fe re nce
N u m be r
al lo ca ted ?
Al lo ca te C all
re feren ce nu m b er

Ye s

Figure 23a: Procedure CAMEL_Set_ORA_Parameters (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 67 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT 1(8)

Process in the GMSC Signals to/from the right are to/from
to perform CAMEL handling the gsmSSF
for a terminating call request

No 2

CAMEL information
Received in SRIack?
Result:= Result:= Result:=

Content of
SRI ack


set Set Set Set Set


Store set redirection

Store O-CSI Store FTN
O-CSI & FTN information




Figure 24a: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 68 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CA MEL_MT_GMSC_INIT 2(8)

Process in the GM SC Signals to/from the left ar e to/fr om

t o p erf or m C AMEL h an dl ing the orginating exchange;
for a te rmin at ing c al l re qu es t s igna ls to/ fr om the right are to /fro m
t he gsmS SF

w ait_for_
gsm SSF_Invoked

Int_g sm SSF_
R elea se
Inv ok ed

Answ er R eceived:=
In t_T _Except ion
F alse

Int_D P_Ter m ination_ R esult:=

attem pt_Autorized abor ted

D P_Term ination_
att em pt_
Aut oriz ed

Figure 24b: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 69 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT 3(8)

Process in the GMSC DP_Termination_ Signals to/from the left are to/from
to perform CAMEL handling _Attempt_ the orginating exchange;
for a terminating call request _Authorised signals to/from the right are to/from
the gsmSSF;
if not otherwise stated.
Int_Continue 1 Int_Connect 2

Send_ACM_ Procedure defined

If_Required in GSM 03.18

Yes called MSISDN
Modify call Original
parameters Called Party Subscribed
with received To CUG? Yes
CUG info
received in
FTN No incoming call?
stored ?
Yes Yes
Modify call
No parameters
Set T-CSI Set redirection with received
suppression information information
present? No
stored ?
Routeing To HLR Yes
Info Int_Exception
Destination Routing
Destination Routing
Address Address

Wair_For_ Result:= Result:= Result:= Result:=

_Routeing_ GSM_FTN CAMEL_FTN CMN fail

Figure 24c: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 70 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure C A ME L_MT_G MS C_INIT 4(8)

Proc ess in the GM SC DP_T erminat ion_ Signals to/from the left are to/ from
to perform C AMEL handling Attempt_ the orginati ng ex change;
for a ter minat ing c all reques t Auth oris ed signals to/from the right are to/from
the gsm SSF;
if not other wise stated.

R elease Int_R eleas eC all Int_Error

Default Call
Handling = C onti nue
No Call?


_T _Abandon

Result: = R esult:=
aborted fail

Figure 24d: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT (sheet 4)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 71 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure C A ME L_MT_G MS C_INIT 5(8)

Proc ess in the GM SC
Signals to/fr om the rig ht are t o/from
to perform C AMEL handling
the gsm SSF.
for a ter minat ing c all reques t

DP _T erm ination_Attem pt_Auth orised

DP _T _Busy

Int_C onne ct_To_
T emp orary_
R es ource
C onnec tion


Res ult=

No Yes

R es ult:=
f ail

Figure 24e: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT (sheet 5)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 72 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure C A ME L_MT_G MS C_INIT 6(8)

Proc ess in the GM SC Signals to/fr om the rig ht are t o/from
to perform C AMEL handling the gsm SSF;
for a ter minat ing c all reques t if not other wise stated.

Wait_F or_
Rout eing_

Sen d Ro ut eing
Inf o F rom HLR Int_R elea se_C all
Negativ e Res pons e

C ause=
Abs ent
Subs criber? No


I nt _DP_
Int _DP_T _Busy
T _Abandon

R esult:= R esult:=
D P_T_Bus y
fail F ail

Figure 24f: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT (sheet 6)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 73 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT 7(8)

Process in the GMSC Signals to/from the left are to/from
to perform CAMEL handling the orginating exchange;
for a terminating call request signals to/from the right are to/from
the gsmSSF;
if not otherwise stated.

Send Routeing Send Routeing Send Routeing

Info Ack From HLR Info Ack From HLR Info Ack From HLR
/* FTN */ /* FTN, O-CSI */ /* MSRN */

Store O-CSI

Set redirection

Result:= Result:= Result:=


Figure 24g: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT (sheet 7)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 74 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CA MEL_MT_GMSC_INIT 8(8)

Signals to/from the left are to/from
the orginating exchange;
Process in the GM SC s igna ls to/ from the right are to /fro m
t o p erf or m CAMEL h an dl ing the gsm SS F;
for a te rmin at ing c al l re qu es t i f n ot ot he rwi se stat ed .
D P_T_busy

R elease Int _R elea se In t_Error I nt_ Con tin ue Int_C onnect

R esult:= Destination
In t_T _Ex ce pt ion
fail address m odified?
Int_D P_T_Abandon


R esult:=
2 Int_T_Exception

Result :=

Figure 24h: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_INIT (sheet 8)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 75 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_A NSWER 1(1)

Process in the GMSC Signals to/from the left are to/from

to handl e a t he ori ginating exchange;
ter minat ing cal l request s ignals to/ from the right are to/from
t he terminating exc hange if not
otherwise stated.


Result :=
Int _D P_T_Ans wer to gsmS SF

Answer Received :=


Int_Release from gsmS SF Release Release


Release from gsmS SF Int _c ontinue



Result= Result=
CAMEL_handling? CAMEL_handling?

No No Answer Recei ved :=

Release Release

Result := Result:= Result:= Result:=

fai l pass fail reconnect

Figure 25a: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_ANSWER (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 76 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pr ocedure C AM EL_M T_GM SC _D ISC 1 1(1 )

P ro cess in th e G M SC Sig nals to/f ro m

t o ha nd le a th e r igh t a re t o/f ro m the g smS SF if
te r min at in g c all r eq ues t no t o th er w ise st ate d.

gs mS SF
inv oked ?

I nt_ D P_
T _ Disco nn ect
/ * le gI d = 1 */

D P_
T_D iscon n ect_ 1

F ro m d estin at io n
In t_E rr o r I nt _C on tinu e I nt_ R elea se _C all R ele ase exch an g e o r pr oce ss
M T _C F _M SC

In t_ DP _
T _ Disco nn ect
/* le gI d = 2 */

T o d estin at io n
DP _
Re lea se e xch ang e
T _D iscon ne ct
o r M T _C F _M S C

I nt_ Er r or In t_ Co n tin ue In t_ Re le as eC all

R esult := Re sult: =
no r ma l_h an dling C AM EL_ H an dling

Figure 26a: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC1 (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 77 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edure CA MEL_MT_GMSC_DISC2 1(2)

Pr ocess in the GM SC S ign al s to/ fr om

to h an dl e a the left ar e to/from the
ter minat ing cal l r e qu est origina ting ex ch ange;
s ignals to/ fr om
t he r ig ht are to /fr o m the g sm SSF i f
n ot ot he rwi se s tat ed .

gsmS SF
invoke d?

In t_D P_
T _D isconnect
/* leg Id = 2 */

D P_
T _D isco nnect_2

Int _C onnect Int_Err or Int_C ontinue In t_ R ele ase_C al l R e lease

Int_D P_
D es tinat ion
R elease T _D is co nn ec t
addr ess m od ified?
/* legId = 1 */


D P_
T _D isconnect
Answ er R eceived :=
Int_T _Exce pt ion

In t_ Err or I nt_ C on tin ue Int_R eleaseC all

M odify call
param eter s w ith R elease
received inform ation

R esult:= R esult:= R esult:= R esult:=

nor m al_handling r eco nn ec t C AM EL handling C AM EL_handling

Figure 27a: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC2 (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 78 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CAMEL_M T_GMSC_DISC2 2(2 )

P ro cess in th e G M SC
t o ha nd le a
te rmin at in g c all req ues t Sig nals to/f ro m
th e righ t a re t o/f ro m t
gsm SS F.

D P_ T_D isco nn ect_ 2

Int _E stab lish _ In t_ Co n ne ct _

Tem po rary_C on n ect io n To _R es source


R esu lt =
fa il?
No Yes

Re sult :=
fa il
DP _T_ Disco nn ect _2

Figure 27b: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC2 (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 79 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P rocedure C AM E L_M T_GMS C _DIS C4 1(3)

Pr oc edure in the G M SC Signals to/f rom the left are t o/from
to ha ndle a the orginati ng ex change;
termi nat ing c all reques t signals to/from the right are to/from
the gs mSSF.

gsm SSF
inv oked?

Res ult:= Yes


Int_D P_T_Bus y

DP_T _Busy

Int_C onnec t Int_C onti nue Int_Error Int_Releas e_Call

Modify c all
parameters w ith
rece ived inform ation

Modified? No


Res ult:= R es ult:=

reconnec t f ail

Figure 28a: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC4 (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 80 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P rocedure C AM E L_M T_GMS C _DIS C4 2(3)

Pr oc edure in the G M SC
Signals to/fr om the right are to/from
to ha ndle a
the gs mSSF if not ot herwis e s tated.
termi nat ing c all reques t

D P_T_Busy

Int _Establish_
Int_C onnect _To_
Tem porary_
R esourc e
Connec tion


R esult =

No Yes

R esult:=

Figure 28b: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC4 (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 81 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CA MEL_MT_GMSC_DISC4 3(3)

P ro ce dure in the GM SC Signals to/from the left are to/from

to h an dl e a the orginating exchange;
ter minat ing cal l re qu est s igna ls to/ from the r ight are to/from
the gsmSS F.



Int_DP_ T_ Aba nd on

R esult:=

Figure 28c: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC4 (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 82 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CAMEL_M T_GMSC_DISC5 1(3 )

P ro cess in th e G M SC Sig na ls to /from th e rig ht are t o/ from

t o ha nd le a th e gsm SSF;
te rmin at in g c all req ues t if no t oth erw ise s tate d.

gsm SSF
in voke d?


Re sult: = I nt _D P_ T_
con tinu e _ N o_ An sw er

To p roce ss OR A re sult =
R ele ase
M T_ C F_M SC Fo rw ard


To pro cess
R e le a se

DP _T_ No _A nsw e r

In t_ Co nn ect I nt _C on tinu e I nt_ Error In t_ Re le a se_ C all

De stina tion
I nt _T_ Excep tion
add r ess mo dified ?

Y es
Mo dif y call
pa ram e ters w ith In t_T_ Exce ptio n
receiv ed in fo rm a tion

Re sult: = R e su lt:= R esu lt:= R esu lt :=

recon n ect re le a se rele ase rele ase

Figure 29a: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC5 (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 83 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC5 2(3)

Process in the GMSC
Signals to/from the right are to/from
to handle a
the gsmSSF if not otherwise stated.
terminating call request





No Yes



Figure 29b: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC5 (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 84 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CA MEL_MT_GMSC_DISC5 3(3)

Process in the GM SC Signals to/from the left are to/from

to h an dl e a DP_T_No_Answer the orginating exchange;
ter minat ing cal l re qu est s igna ls to/ from the right are to /fro m
the gs mSS F;
i f n ot ot he rwi se stat ed .


Int_D P_ T_Aba nd on


Figure 29c: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC5 (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 85 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P rocedure C AM E L_M T_GMS C _DIS C6 1(1)

Process in the GM SC Sig na ls to/fro m th e right are to /from
t o h andle a the gsmSSF;
t erm inating call req ue st if no t o th erw ise sta ted.

in voke d?

I nt_ D P_T _Aba ndon
con tinu e

R esult: =
fa il

Figure 30a: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_DISC6 (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 86 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro c ed ur e CA ME L_MT_ET C 1( 3)

P ro ce dur e in th e GM SC Signal s to/fr om the left ar e to/fr om

to handle a tem porar y t he ori gin atin g e xch an ge ;
c on ne ct ion si gnals to/fr om the r ight are
to/fr om the gsm SSF ;
i f n ot ot he rwi se stat ed .

T o pro ce ss C AM EL_
Ini tial
As sis ting_M SC or SR F .

Send _AC M _ Pr oc edur e defined

I f_R e qu ir ed in G SM 03.18

W a it_ Fo r_
A s sist ing_AC M

F r om des tination
R elease R e lea se

I nt_ ET C _ F ai led

R esult:=

Answ er
R eceiv ed
T r ue F als e

Int_D P_T _D is connect

In t_D P_ T_ Aba nd on
/*l egID */

T o pr ocess
W ait_F or _D isc onnect_
R elease C AM EL_ Assis tin g_
F or w ar d_C onnec tion
M SC or SR F

Int_D is connec t_ R esult:=

F orw ar d_C onnection fai l

T o process
R eleas e C AM EL_As sisting_
M SC or SR F

Result :=

Figure 31a: Procedure CAMEL_MT_ETC (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 87 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P ro cedure CA M E L_MT_ E TC 2(3)

Pr oc edure in the G MS C Signals to/f rom the lef t are to/ f rom
Wa it_F or_
to handle a tem porary the orig inationg ex c hange;
As s is ting_AC M
c onnec ti on s ignal s to/from the ri ght are
to/f rom t he C AMEL_As s is ting_MSC or SR F .

Addres s
C onnec t
C om pl et e

W ait_F or_
As s is ting_
Ans wer

Ans wer

Bothway B othway
through c onnec t ion through c onnec ti on
required? No No requi re d?

Y es Y es
S end_N etw ork _
Proc edure def ined Send_Ans wer_ Se nd_ACM _ Pro c edure d efin ed Proc edure def ined
Progres s C o nnec t_If _
in G SM 03. 18 If _R equired If _R equired in G SM 03.18 i n GSM 0 3.18
R equired

I nt_Tem porary
C onnecti on
Es ta blis h ed

Te mporary _
C onnec tion_
Es tablis hed

Figure 31b: Procedure CAMEL_MT_ETC (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 88 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CA MEL_MT_ETC 3(3)

P ro ce dure in th e GM SC Signals to/from the left ar e to/from

to handle a tem porary the orina tin g ex ch an ge ;
c on ne ct ion signals to/from the right are
to/from the gsm SSF ;
i f n ot ot he r wi se stat ed .

T em porary_Co nn ecti on_Es ta bl ish ed

W ait_For_Assisting_Answ er

Int_D isconnect_
From d es tinat ion
R elease R elease For war d_

Answ er In t_T C_ Int_TC _

R ec eived R ele as ed Released

T rue

Result:= To destination
Re lease
pass exchange
Int_DP_T _
Aba nd on
/*legID */


W ait_For_D isconnect_
F or ward_C onnection
To pr o ce ss
R elease C AM EL_Assisting_
M SC or SR F


Figure 31c: Procedure CAMEL_MT_ETC (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 89 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure CAM EL_MT_ CTR 1(4)

Sig nals to/f rom the lef t are
Pr oc edure in the GMS C to hand le
to /f rom the ori ginatin g ex cha nge;
a C onnec t T o Res o urc e operati on
s ignals to/f rom the right are to/f rom
the g s m SSF if not otherwis e s tated.

Int_Inv ok e_

Aw ai t_SR F _
_Initia lis at ion

Int_SR F _
Int_SR F _
C onnec tion_ f rom SR F F rom SR F
C onnec ted
F ailure

C o nnec t SR F to
the c all

Se nd_ACM _ Pro c edure d efin ed

If _R equired in G SM 03.18

Th ro ugh-
c onnec ti on
required? Y es

Send_N etwork _
P ro cedure d efin ed
Int_C TR _F ailed Co nnec t_If _
i n GSM 03.18
Requi red

R es ult:=
Int_SR F _C onnec ted
c ontinue


Figure 32a: Procedure CAMEL_MT_CTR (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 90 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CA MEL_MT_CTR 2(4)

Si gn als t o/f r om th e l eft a re
to/from the originating exchange;
s igna ls to/ fr om the right are to /fr o m
Pro ce dure in th e GM SC to han dle t he gsm SSF i f n ot ot he rwi se stat ed .
a C on nect To R es our ce o pe rat ion

R elay

Int_D is connect_
Forw ard_ R e lease
C onnection

Int_D is connect_ Answ er

SR F R eceived

Aw ait_SR F _ In t_ D P_T_ Int_ D P_T_
D is connection_ D is co nn ec t Abandon
C ontinue /* legID */ /* legID */

Int_SR F_ W ait_For_D isc on nect_ W ait_For_D isconnect_

R elease Fr om SR F
R ele as ed Fo rwa rd_ C on ne ct ion F o rward_C onnect ion

An sw e r In t_D isc on ne ct_ Int_D isconnect_

Int_SR F_R eleased
R ec eived Fo r wa rd_ C on ne ct ion For ward_C onnection

Int_D P_T_ Int_D P_T _
R esult:= In t_D isc on ne ct_ Int_D isconnect_
D isconnect Abandon To SR F T o SR F
pass SR F SR F
/* legID */ /* legID */

Aw ait_SR F_ Aw ait_SR F_
Result := R esult:=
D isconnection_ D isconnection_
pa ss fail
Active F ail

In t_SR F_
R eleased

R esult :=

Figure 32b: Procedure CAMEL_MT_CTR (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 91 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P ro ce dur e CA M E L_M T_ CTR 3(4)

S ign als t o/ f rom t he right are t o/ f rom
P r oc edure in t he G MS C t o hand le
t he gs m SS F .
a C onnec t T o Res o urc e operat i on
S ignals t o/ f rom t he lef t are t o/ f rom
t he ex te rnal S R F .

R elay

C A P _P lay _ C A P _P rom pt _ C A P_ Sp ec ialize d_ C A P _P rom pt _

A nnounc em ent A nd_C ollec t _ Res s ourc e_R eport A nd_C oll ec t _
U ser_ In f orm at i on U s er_I nf orm at ion
a ck

C A P _P lay _ CA P _P rom pt _ C A P _S pec ialized_ C A P _P rom pt _

An nounc em ent A nd_C ollec t _ Res s ourc e_R eport A nd_C oll ect _
Us er_ In f orm at i on U s er_I nf orm at ion
a ck

R elay

Figure 32c: Procedure CAMEL_MT_CTR (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 92 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CA MEL_MT_CTR 4(4)

Pro ce dure in th e GM SC to han dle

a C on nect To R es ource o pe r at ion Si gn als t o/f r om th e l eft a re
to/fr om the originating ex change;
s igna ls to/ fr om the right ar e to /fr o m
t he gsm SSF i f n ot ot herwi se stat ed .

Aw ait_SR F_Initialisation

R elease

Answ er
R eceived
True F alse

Int_D P_T_D isconnect

Int_D P_T_Abandon
/*legID */

W ait_For _D isconnect_ W ait_For_D isconnect_

Forw ar d_C onnection Fo r wa rd_ C on ne ct ion

Int_D isconnect_ Int_D isc onnect_

For w ard_C onnection Fo rward_C onnect ion

Int_D isconnect_SR F To SR F Int_D isconnect_SR F To SR F

Aw ai t_SR F_ Aw ait_SR F_
D is co nn ec tio n_ D isconnection_
Act ive Fail

Int_SR F _ Int_SR F_
Fr om SR F F rom SR F
R eleased R eleased

Result := R esult:=
pass fail

Figure 32d: Procedure CAMEL_MT_CTR (sheet 4)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 93 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_Notify_CF 1(1)

Procedure in the GMSC Signals to/from the left are
to notify the gsmSSF that to/from the originating MSC;
a call has encountered signals to/from the right are
conditional call forwarding to/from the gsmSSF
unless marked otherwise
True Forwarding reason=
No subscriber reply

True Forwarding reason=

Mobile subscriber
not reachable

True Forwarding reason=


Int_DP_ Int_DP_ Result:=

T_No_Answer T_Busy(CF) Continue
See for rationale


Int_ Int_ Int_Release_

Continue Connect Call


Yes Destination number

To proces CF called MSISDN? CF To proces
MT_CF_MSC cancelled cancelled MT_CF_MSC

Modify call
Release call parameters with Release call
resources received information resources

Result:= Result:= Result:= Result:=

Fail Continue Reconnect Fail

Figure 33a: Procedure CAMEL_MT_GMSC_Notify_CF (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 94 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.3.2 Retrieval of routeing information in the HLR

The functional behaviour of the HLR is specified in 3GPP TS03.18 [3]. The procedures specific to CAMEL are
specified in this subclause :





The procedure CAMEL_Provide_Subscriber_Info is specified in subclause 8.8.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 95 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edure CAMEL_HLR_INIT 1(1 )

T his pr o ced ure is calle d in

S RI _H LR (in GS M 0 3. 18 )

sub scrib e r


Trigg erin g crite ria

sto re d?


Trigg erin g crite ria

fu lf ille d?

Y es
su pp orts C AM E L
p ha se 2

su pp orts C AM E L
p ha se 1


C AME L p h ase 1
s uff icien t?
Y es


Re sult: =
pa ss

D e fa ult
h an dling ?

C on tinu e
O DB Ne tw ork
spe cific
Se t ne ga tive N orm al ca ll The n et wo rk spe cific ha nd lin g
N et w ork sp ecific
resp on se: h an dling acc ording sha ll in clud e the resu lt of th e proce du re
h an dling
Ca ll Ba rred to GS M 03. 18 C AM EL _H LR _ IN IT (fa il, pa ss)

R e su lt:= R esu lt:=

f ail p ass

Figure 34a: Procedure CAMEL_HLR_INIT (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 96 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P ro cedure CA ME L_C S I_C hec k_HLR 1(1)

This p ro ced u re in the H L R
to p er for m th e h an dli ng for a
fo rw arde d C AM EL ca ll



Re su lt=
active? No

R e su lt:= R es ult:=
CS I a ctive C SI no t a ctive

Figure 35a: Procedure CAMEL_CSI_Check_HLR (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 97 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure C A ME L_O_C SI_C HE C K_H LR 1(1)

Proc edure in the HLR to c heck
the O -CSI and set the O-CSI
param eter for SRI ack ac cordingly .

provis ioned?


S et O - CSI
param eter


Figure 36a: Procedure CAMEL_O_CSI_CHECK_HLR (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 98 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro ce dur e C A M E L_ T _ CS I_C H E CK _HLR 1 (1 )

P ro ced ure in the H LR to
ch eck the T-C S I a nd se t th e SR I ack
p a ra m e ter a ccord ing ly

T -C S I
p rovisio n ed ?
Y es
S u p pre ss
T -C S I?
S u b scribe r
inf o
re qu ire d ?
Y es
C A M EL _ P ro vide _
S u bscribe r_
In fo _ HL R
S et T-C SI
p ara m ete r

R esu lt: = Re sult:=

SR I con tinu e

Figure 37a: Procedure CAMEL_T_CSI_CHECK_HLR (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 99 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.3.3 Handling of provide roaming number request in the VLR

The functional behaviour of the VLR is specified in 3GPP TS03.18 [3]. The procedure specific to CAMEL is specified
in this subclause :


3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 100 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro ce dur e C A M E L_ SE T _ S O A 1 (1 )
P r oc edure in t he V LR to s et the
s uppres sion of an nounc ement
indic ator as required f or t his c all

S uppres sion of
ann ounc ement
No requi red?

Y es

S uppress ion of S uppres sion of

announcem ent ann ounc ement
required:= fals e req uired: =t rue

Figure 38a: Procedure CAMEL_SET_SOA (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 101 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.4 Handling of mobile terminating calls

8.4.1 Handling of mobile terminating calls in the terminating VMSC
The functional behaviour of the terminating VMSC is specified in 3GPP TS03.18 [3]. The only behaviour specific to

- the inclusion of the O-CSI parameter in the Perform Call Forwarding message sent to the process MT_CF_MSC
if it was received in the Send Info For Incoming Call ack;

- the requirement to suppress the connection of announcements or tones if the VLR includes the suppression of
announcements parameter in the Send Info For Incoming Call negative response.

8.4.2 Handling of mobile terminating calls in the VLR

The functional behaviour of the terminating VLR is specified in 3GPP TS03.18 [3]. The only behaviour specific to

- the inclusion of the O-CSI parameter in the Send Info For Incoming Call ack if the call is to be forwarded and O-
CSI is included in the subscriber data for that subscriber in the VLR;

- the inclusion of the suppression of announcements parameter in the Send Info For Incoming Call negative
response if it was received in the Provide Roaming Number.

8.5 Handling of forwarded calls

The handling of forwarded calls in the GMSC or the terminating VMSC is specified in 3GPP TS03.18 [3]. The
procedures specific to CAMEL are specified in this subclause.

- Procedure CAMEL_CF_MSC_INIT,


- Procedure CAMEL_CF_ETC,

- Procedure CAMEL_CF_CTR,

- Procedure CAMEL_Check_ORLCF_VMSC.

A mobile terminated call can be forwarded either in the GMSC (indicated by provision of Forwarded-To-Number from
HLR or gsmSCF) or in the MSC (indicated by provisioning of Forwarded-To-Number from VLR).

8.5.1 Procedure CAMEL_CF_MSC_INIT: handling of Int_Connect

The received parameters are used to overwrite the corresponding ISUP parameters (for mapping see 3GPP TS 09.78 [5].
Call parameters which are not included in the Int_Connect message are unchanged.

An a network operator option, loop prevention mechanisms may cause the redirection information to be ignored or
modified (e.g., if the Redirection counter has been decreased).

Signalling limitations or regulatory requirements may require the Calling Partys Category, Generic Number, Original
Called Party Number and Redirecting Party ID to be ignored or modified.

The network signalling system shall indicate that this is an internal network number.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 102 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.5.2 Action of the GMSC in procedure CAMEL_CF_ETC

In procedure CAMEL_CF_ETC (sheet 2) the GMSC or terminating VMSC will remain in the
Wait_For_Assiting_Answer state until it receives an ISUP Answer Message (ANM) or timeout occurs. This is to ensure
that a call record is always generated for every successful establishment of a temporary connection to a gsmSRF,
especially in the case where the connection is between PLMNs.

NOTE: This means that it may not be possible to access an SRF which does not generate an ISUP Answer
Message (ANM).

Proc edur e CA MEL_CF _MSC_INIT 1(4)

Signals to/fr om the left are to/fr om

Pro ce du re in the M SC to t he pr o ces s M T _GM SC ;
handle a forw ar ded call s igna ls to/ from the r ight are to /fr o m
the pr ocess gsm SSF if not
other w ise stated.

s to red ,


Result := Int_Invoke gsm SSF

pa ss ( O-C SI)

W a it_F o r_
_gs mSSF_
_ Invoked

Int_gsm SSF
Int_Err or C F C a ncel led
Inv ok ed

Answ er R eceived :=
R elease Int_ O_Ex cept ion

Int_D P_
Result := R esult:=
_C ollecte d_
fail cancelled
_I nfo

D P_
_C ollected_

Figure 39a: Procedure CAMEL_CF_MSC_INIT (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 103 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure C A ME L_CF_MS C _IN IT 2(4)

Pr oc edure in the M SC t o Signals to/from the left are to/from

hand le a forwa rded c all the proces s MT _G M SC ;
signals to/from the right are to/from
D P_ the proces s gs mSSF if not
C ollected_ other wise stated.
_I nfo

Int _Releas e_Call Int_Error In t_Co ntinue Int_Connec t

D efault C all
H andling = Co nt inue
No C all?


Res ult:=

Modif y ca ll parameters
with rec eived inform ation

Result :=
pas s

Figure 39b: Procedure CAMEL_CF_MSC_INIT (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 104 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P ro cedure C AME L_C F_ MSC _INIT 3(4)

Pr oc e dure in the M SC to Sign als to/f rom the right are to/f rom
han dle a f or warded c al l the g s m SSF if not otherwis e s tated.

DP _C ollec te d_
Inf o

In t_Es tablis h_
I nt_C onnec t_T o_
Tem porary _
R es o urc e
C onnec tion


R es ult=
f ail?

No Y es

Res ult: =
fai l

D P_C ollec te d_
Inf o

Figure 39c: Procedure CAMEL_CF_MSC_INIT (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 105 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure C A ME L_CF_MS C _IN IT 4(4)

Procedu re in the M SC to
h an dle a forwa rde d call

DP_ Colle cted_

Info Sig na ls to/fro m th e left a re to/fro m
the pro cess M T_ GM SC;
signals to /fro m the righ t are t o/f rom
the gsmSSF;
if no t o th erw ise sta ted.
R ele ase

I nt_ D P_O_Aban do n

R esult: =
fa il

Figure 39d: Procedure CAMEL_CF_MSC_INIT (sheet 4)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 106 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CA MEL_CF _MSC _A NSW ER 1(1)

S ign al s to/ from th e lef t

Pr o ce du r e in the M SC to h an dle ar e to/fr om the pr ocess
a fow arded call M T_GM S C;
signals to/from the right
ar e to/fr om the ter m inating
e xch an ge .

gsm SSF


result = pa ss Int_O_ Answ er t o t he gsm S SF

An sw er R ecei ved :=
Tr ue

DP _O_ Ans w er

from the from the

Int_R elease Int _c on tin ue R elea se R e lease
gsm SSF gsmS SF

R elease
D ISC _1 D ISC _2

R esult=
R elease R esult:= pass
r econnect?


R esult= R esult=
R esult= :fail
C AM EL_handling? C AM EL_handling?

No No

R elea se R e lease

Answ er R ecei ve d :=
F alse

R esult:=
R esult:= fai l
r econnect

Figure 40a: Procedure CAMEL_CF_MSC_ANSWER (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 107 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edure CA MEL_CF_ETC 1(3)

Pr o ce du re in th e M SC Signals to/fr om the left ar e to/from

to handle a tem porar y t he pro ce ss M T _GM SC ;
c on ne ct ion signals to/from the right ar e
to/from the gsm SSF ;
i f n ot ot he r wi se stat ed .

Ini tial T o pr o ce ss C AM EL_

Addr ess Assisting_M SC or SR F

Send _AC M _ Procedur e defined

I f_R e qu ired in GSM 03.18

W a it_ Fo r_
A ssist ing_AC M

F rom destination
R elease R e lea se

I nt_ ETC _F ai led

R esult:=

An sw e r
R eceived
Tr ue F alse

Int_D P_O_D isconnect

In t_D P_O_Aband on
/*legID */

T o pro cess
W ait_F or_D isconnect_
R elease C AM EL_ Assis tin g_
F orw ar d_C onnection
M SC or SR F

Int_D isconnect_ R esult:=

F orw ar d_C onnection fail

To pr ocess
R elease C AM EL_Assisting_
M SC or SR F

Result :=
pa ss

Figure 41a: Process CAMEL_CF_ETC (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 108 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P ro cedure CA M E L_C F_ E TC 2(3)

Pr oc e dure in the M SC Signals to/f rom the lef t are t o/ f rom
Wa it_F or_
to handle a tem porary the p ro c es s M T_GM SC;
As s is ting_AC M
c onnec t i on s ignal s to/from the ri ght are
to/f rom t he C AMEL_As s is ting_MSC or SR F .

Addres s
C onnec t
C om pl ete

W ait _F or_
As s is ting_
Ans wer

Ans wer

Bot hway B ot hway

through c onnec t ion through c onnec t i on
required? No No requi re d?

Y es Y es
S end_N etw ork _
Proc edure def ined Send_Ans wer_ Se nd_ACM _ Pro c edure d efin ed Proc edure def ined
Progres s C o nnec t_If _
in GSM 03.18 If _R equired If _R equired in G SM 03.18 i n GSM 0 3.18
R equired

I nt _Tem porary
C onnect ion
Es ta blis h ed

Te mporary _
C onnec tion_
Es tablis hed

Figure 41b: Procedure CAMEL_CF_ETC (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 109 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edure CA MEL_CF_ETC 3(3)

Procedure in th e M SC Signals to/from the left are to/from

to handle a temporary t he pro ce ss M T_GM SC;
c onnect ion signals to/from the right are
to/from the gsmSSF;
i f not ot herwi se stat ed .

Temporary_Conn ecti on_Es tabl ished

W ait_For_Assisting_Answer

From d es tinat ion
Release Release For ward_

Answ er Int_T C_ Int_TC_

Rec eived Releas ed Released


Result:= To destination
Re lease
pass exchange
Int _D P_O_


W ait_For_D isconnect_
To pro ce ss
Release CAM EL_Assisting_


Figure 41c: Procedure CAMEL_CF_ETC (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 110 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cedure CAM EL_C F_ CTR 1(4)

Pr oc e dure in the M SC
to han dle a C onnec t T o Res o urc e
Sig nals to/f rom the lef t are
operati on
to/f rom t he proc es s MT_GMSC ;
s ignals to/f rom the right are to/f rom
the g s m SSF if not otherwis e s tated.

Int _I nv ok e_

Aw ai t_SR F _
_Initia lis at ion

Int_SR F _
Int _SR F _
C onnect ion_ f rom SR F f rom SR F
C onnec ted
F ailure

C o nnec t SR F t o
t he c all

Se nd_ACM _ Pro cedure d efin ed

If _R equired in GSM 03.18

Th ro ugh-
c onnect i on
required? Y es


Send_N etwork _
P ro cedure d efin ed
Int_C TR _F ailed Co nnect _If _
i n GSM 0 3.18
requi red

R es ult:=
Int _SR F _C onnec ted


Figure 42a: Process CAMEL_CF_CTR (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 111 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CA MEL_CF _CT R 2(4)

Si gn als t o/f r om th e l eft a re
to/fr om the process M T_ GM SC ;
Pro ce du re in th e M SC s igna ls to/ fr om the right ar e to /fr o m
to h an dle a C onnec t To R esource t he gsm SSF i f n ot ot herwi se stat ed .
o pe r at ion

R e lay

Int_D is connect_
Forwa rd_ R e lease
C onne ct ion

Int_D is connect_ Answ er

SR F R eceived
Tr ue

Aw ait_SR F_ Int_D P_O_ Int_D P_O_
D isconnection_ D is co nn ec t Abandon
C ontinue /* legID */ /* legID */

Int_SR F_ Wait_For _D isc onnect_ W ait_For_D isconnect_

R elease Fr om SR F
R ele as ed Fo r wa rd_ C on ne ct ion Fo rward_C onnect ion

An sw e r In t_D isc on nect_ Int_D isconnect_

Int_SR F_R eleased
R eceived Fo rward_C on nect ion Forw ard_C onnection

Int_D P_O_ Int _D P_O_
R esult:= In t_D isc on nect_ Int_D isconnect_
D isconnect Aba nd on To SR F To SR F
pass SR F SR F
/* legID */ /* le gI D */

Aw ait_SR F_ Aw ait_SR F_
Result := R esult:=
D isconnection_ D isconnection_
pa ss fail
Active Fail

In t_SR F _
R eleased

R esult :=

Figure 42b: Procedure CAMEL_CF_CTR (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 112 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P ro cedur e CA M E L_ C F_ CTR 3(4)

P r oc e dure in t he M S C
t o han dle a C onnec t T o Res o urc e
S ign als t o/ f rom t he right are t o/ f rom
operat i on
t he gs m SS F .
S ignals t o/ f rom t he lef t are t o/ f rom
t he ex te rnal S R F .

R elay

C A P _P lay _ C A P _P rom pt _ C A P_ Sp ec ialize d_ C A P _P rom pt _

A nnounc em ent A nd_C ollec t _ Res s ourc e_R eport A nd_C oll ec t _
U ser_ In f orm at i on U s er_I nf orm at ion
a ck

C A P _P lay _ CA P _P rom pt _ C A P _S pec ialized_ C A P _P rom pt _

An nounc em ent A nd_C ollec t _ Res s ourc e_R eport A nd_C oll ect _
Us er_ In f orm at i on U s er_I nf orm at ion
a ck

R elay

Figure 42c: Procedure CAMEL_CF_CTR (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 113 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CAMEL_CF_CTR 4(4)

Pro ce du re in th e M SC Si gnals to/f rom th e l eft a re

to h an dle a Connec t To Resource to/from the process M T_ GMSC;
o pe rat ion s igna ls to/ from the right are to /from
Await_SRF_Initialisation t he gsm SSF i f n ot ot herwi se stated .


Answe r
True False

In t_ DP_O_ Aba ndon

Int_Disconnect_SRF To SRF Int_Disconnect_SRF To SRF

Aw ai t_SRF_ Await_SRF_
Dis co nn ec tio n_ Disconnection_
Act ive Fail

Int_SRF_ In t_SRF_
From SRF From SRF
Released R eleased

Result:= Result:=
pass fail

Figure 42d: Procedure CAMEL_CF_CTR (sheet 4)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 114 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e CAMEL_Ch eck_ORLCF_ VMSC 1(1)

If C AM EL Capa bility Handling i s not
p resen ted in O-CSI, it is assum ed to be
“p hase 1”. If GMSC s upp orted CA MEL
p hase s are not prese nt in PRN , it is ass um ed
to be “phase 1”.


c rite ria in

Trigg eri ng
crit eria
satisfie d?

CAM EL capa bi lity
han dl ing p res ent
i n O-C SI?

C AM E L Ca pa bi lity
H an dl ing :=
phase 1

GM SC supported
CA M EL phase
is present?

GM SC supported
CAMEL phase :=
phase 1

O-CSI CAM EL capability

handling included in
GM SC supported phase?


Re su lt := Result:= Result:=

Figure 43a: Procedure CAMEL_Check_ORLCF_VMSC (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 115 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.6 Handling of mobile calls in the gsmSSF

Handling of mobile calls in the gsmSSF may involve the following process and procedures :

- gsmSSF,

- Check_Criteria.

- Handle_AC,

- Handle_ACR,

- Handle_CIR,

- Handle_CIR_leg,

- Complete_FCI_record,

- Complete_all_FCI_records,- Handle_SCI.

The detailed error handling for the process gsmSSF and the associated procedures is specified in 3GPP TS 09.78 ([5]).

8.6.1 Information flow for call duration control

The following diagram shows the handling of the different timers that are used in the process gsmSSF and in the
procedures Handle_AC, Handle_ACR, Handle_CIR. Timers Tssf, Tcp, Tsw, Tw and DELTA are defined in the process






AC(Tcp2) Delta








Figure 44: Information flow for call control duration

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 116 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.6.2 Behaviour of the gsmSSF in the process gsmSSF

The following paragraphs give details on the behaviour of the gsmSSF in the process gsmSSF. Actions of the gsmSSF on receipt of CAP_Request_Report_BCSM_Event (at

the state Waiting_For_Instructions)
The gsmSSF arms the requested EDP, if the arming rules are fulfilled and returns to state Waiting_For_Instructions.

The gsmSCF may request the monitoring for any one or more Answer, Busy, No Answer, Abandon, Route Select
Failure and Disconnect Event of a party in the call. Actions of the gsmSSF on receipt of CAP_Continue (at the state

An Int_Continue is sent to request the GMSC/MSC to continue call set-up as originally requested. Actions of the gsmSSF on receipt of CAP_Release_Call (at the state

When a control relationship exists between the gsmSCF and gsmSSF (at least one EDP-R is armed), the gsmSCF may
spontaneously instruct the gsmSSF to release the call at any time using the Release Call IF. The Release Call IF shall
not be sent from the gsmSCF if only monitor relationship exists between the gsmSSF and the gsmSCF. Actions of the gsmSSF on receipt of Int_DP_T_Busy or

Int_DP_T_No_Answer including the parameter CF (at the state Monitoring)
If the handling of Int_DP_T_Busy or Int_DP_T_No_Answer including the parameter CF leads to the gsmSSF sending a
CAP_Event_Report_BCSM to the gsmSCF, the gsmSSF shall include the parameter Call Forwarded as the Event
Specific Information BCSM.

8.6.3 Procedure Handle_SCI

1) Precondition: before an answer event is detected and no Tsw running:

if 1 set of e-parameters received --> send to the MSC

if 2 sets e-parameters received --> error

if 1 set of e-parameters and Tariff Switch received --> error

if 2 sets of e-parameters and Tariff Switch received --> send 1st/start Tsw/store 2nd

2) Precondition: before an answer event is detected and Tsw running and no e-parameters

if 1 set of e-parameters received --> error, no e-parameters stored

if 2 sets e-parameters received --> send 1st/store 2nd

if 1 set of e-parameters and Tariff Switch received --> error

if 2 sets of e-parameters and Tariff Switch received --> error

3) Precondition: before an answer event is detected and Tsw running and e-parameters stored:

if 1 set of e-parameters received --> error

if 2 sets e-parameters received --> error

if 1 set of e-parameters and Tariff Switch received --> error

if 2 sets of e-parameters and Tariff Switch received --> error

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 117 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

4) Precondition: after an answer event is detected and no Tsw running:

if 1 set of e-parameters received --> send to the MSC

if 2 sets e-parameters received --> error

if 1 set of e-parameters and Tariff Switch received --> start Tsw/store set

if 2 sets of e-parameters and Tariff Switch received --> error

5) Precondition: after an answer event is detected and Tsw running and no e-parameters

if 1 set of e-parameters received --> store e-parameters

if 2 sets e-parameters received --> error

if 1 set of e-parameters and Tariff Switch received --> error

if 2 sets of e-parameters and Tariff Switch received --> error

6) Precondition: after an answer event is detected and Tsw running and e-parameters stored:

if 1 set of e-parameters received --> error

if 2 sets e-parameters received --> error

if 1 set of e-parameters and Tariff Switch received --> error

if 2 sets of e-parameters and Tariff Switch received --> error

NOTE: The MSC shall store the received e-parameters to be sent subsequently to the MS. The MSC shall send
these e parameters to the MS in a Connect message or in a Facility message.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 118 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 1( 25)

Si gn als to/f rom th e l eft are to/f rom th e M SC ;

Inv oc ati on o f g sm SSF i n M O,
signals to/from the right are
M T or CF call case.
to/from the gsm SCF.

Tim ers used in the gsm SSF process:

Tssf: Application tim er in the ssf.

Tcp: Tim er for call period. This tim er m easures the duration of a call period.
Tsw: Tim er for tariff switch. At the expiration of this tim er, a new tariff switch
shall be started.
Tw: W arning tim er. At the expiration of this tim er, a warning tone shall be played
to the calling party.
DELTA: tim e, m easured in the gsm SSF, elapsed between the tim e an
ApplyChargingReport operation is send to the gsm SCF and an
ApplyCharging operation is received from the gsm SCF.

I dle

Int_Invoke Int_Invoke Int_DP_O_Answer,

In t_O_ Exce pti on , I nt_ DP_T_An swe r,
gsm SSF gsm SSF
In t_T _Ex ce pt ion Int_DP_O_Abandon,
I nt _DP_T_A bandon ,
I nt_ DP_Ro ut e_ Sel ec t_ Fail ure ,
The receive d CSI s tates Int_DP_T_No_Answer,
Ar m DP whether DP Collected_Info I nt_ Con tin ue I nt _DP_O_ Bu sy ,
or DP Term inating_Attem pt_ Int_ DP_T_Bu sy ,
Authorised shall be arm ed Int_ DP_O_ Di sc onnect ,
as TDP. Int_ DP _T_Dis co nn ect

Int_gsm SSF

W ait_For_

Figure 45a: Process gsmSSF (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 119 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 2( 25)

Si gn als to/f rom th e l eft are to/f rom th e M SC ;

Inv oc ati on o f g sm SSF i n M O,
signals to/from the right are
MT or CF call case.
to/from the gsm SCF.

W ait_For_

Int_DP_ Int_D P_ I nt_T_Exception,

_Term inating_ _C ollecte d_ In t_O_ Ex ce pti on ,
_Attempt_ _I nfo I nt_DP_T_Abandon,
_Authoriz ed In t_ DP_O _Aba nd on


p as s?

Se t Tssf to d efaul t
n on use r intera ct ion Int_Continue
Tssf tim er interval
a nd restart T ssf

O pen Con trol

I dle
R elationship


ACR sent:=false
AC pe ndin g: = false
Outs tanding re qu es ts = 1
Oustanding Call Inform ation Report = 0

W aiting_for_

Figure 45b: Process gsmSSF (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 120 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 3( 25)

Si gnals to/from the l eft are to/from the M SC ;
signals to/from the right are
to/from the gsmSCF.
Inv oc ati on of gsm SSF i n M O, Wai ting_for_
MT or CF call case. _Instruc tions

CAP_Continue CAP_Connect

Stop Tssf Stop Tssf

DP_O_No_Answer of leg 2
DP_T_No_Answer of leg 2
DP_O_Busy of leg 2
DP_T_Busy of leg 2 Int_Continue Int_Connect
DP_Route_Select_Failure of leg 2
DP_O_Disconnect of leg 2 D P_O_N o_Answ er of leg 2
DP_T_Disconnect of leg 2 D P_T _No_Answer of leg 2
D P_O_Busy of leg 2
D P_T_Bus y of leg 2
Message was received Message was received
DP_Route_Select_Failure of leg 2
due to DP of due to DP of
legID? legID? DP_O_Disconnect of leg 2
DP_O_Disconnect of leg1 D P_T_Dis connect of leg 2
DP_T_Disconnec t of leg1
Else Else
Complete_FCI_ Complete_FC I_ C om plete_FCI_
record record r ecord
(leg2) (leg1) ( leg2)

DP w as due DP was due

to c al l to call
leg ( leg2)
forwarding? forwarding?

No No
Handle_CIR_ D es ti nation number
leg (leg1) m odified?

Current DP is
H andl e_CIR_
O_Disconnect or
leg (leg1)

Set Outst anding_
_Requests = Set Outstanding_
Outstanding_ _Requests =0
_Requests - 1

Outstanding_ No
_Requests > 0 ?
Any remaining
armed EDP or
report pending?
Yes Any remaining Yes
arm ed EDP-R s?

Set Tssf to last Terminate Control

Change ty pe of
used time interval Relationship and open
and restart Tssf Monitor Relationship

Monitoring Idle

Figure 45c: Process gsmSSF (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 121 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 4( 25)

Si gn als to/f rom th e l eft are to/f rom th e M SC ;

Inv oc ati on of g sm SSF i n M O,
signals to/from the right are
MT or CF call case.
to/from the gsmSCF.

W ai ting_ for_
_I nstruc tions

CAP_Re se t_Timer
Ti mer expi ry
In te rna l
T ss f

Set Tssf to
Handle_AC CAP_R eset_Timer
time interval and
restart Tssf Abort


Com pl ete_all_
FCI_ records

W aiting_For_

Figure 45c: Process gsmSSF (sheet 4)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 122 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 5( 25)

Si gnals to/f rom th e l eft are to/f rom th e M SC ;

Inv oc ati on o f gsm SSF i n M O,
signals to/from the right are
M T or CF call case.
to/from the gsm SCF.

W ai ting_for_
_I nstruc tio ns

C AP_ I nt_T_Ex ce pti on ,
_ Rele ase_Cal l Int_O_Exception

Set Tssf to last

used time interval AC p ending? AC pending?
and restart Tssf

True True

Arming rules Cal l acti ve = C AP_A pp ly_ Cal l active= CAP_Apply_

fulfilled? False C harging _Repo rt False Charg ing_Report

Yes False False

Error Arm ED P Depending on the Monitoring
Unexpected and/or pa ram eter rece ived for the Handle_CIR Hand le_CIR
Data Value d isar m EDP indicated det ection point.
For DP O/T Disconnect a DP
is only disarmed for the leg
for whic h the event was
W aiting_Fo r_ Com pl ete _all_ Com plete_all_
_I nstructions FC I_ records FCI_records

Term inate
Stop Tssf Control

Term inate
Control Abort

I nt_Rel ease Cal l


Figure 45d: Process gsmSSF (sheet 5)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 123 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 6( 25)

Si gn als to/f rom th e l eft are to/f rom th e M SC ;

Inv oc ati on of gsm SSF i n M O, W aiting_For_
signals to/from the right are
MT or CF call case. _Instructions
to/from the gsmSCF.

CA P_E sta bl ish

Temporary CAP_ Can ce l_(A ll)

D is arm al l
Stop Tssf

Int_E sta bl ish

Cancel all

Awai t_T em porary_

Co nn ec tio n_

Int_T empora ry_

Connection_ Int_ ETC_Failed

AC pending? Error ETC failed


Set Tssf to last
S tart Tcp us ed t ime interva l
and restart Tssf

W aiting_For_
No Instructions


Start Tw

Store d E


Send E

S et Tss f t o u ser
inte rac tion tim er
v alue and res tart
T ssf

W aiting_Fo r_
_ End _Of_
T emporary_
Connect ion

Figure 45e: Process gsmSSF (sheet 6)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 124 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 7( 25)

Si gn als to/f rom th e l eft are to/f rom th e M SC ;

Inv oc ati on of gsm SSF i n M O,
signals to/from the right are
MT or CF call case.
to/from the gsmSCF.

W ai tin g_ for_
_I nstruc tio ns

CA P_Co nn ec t
To_R es ou rce

Stop Tssf

In t_Connect_
To_R es our ce

Awai t_Resourc e_
Conne ct ion

Figure 45f: Process gsmSSF (sheet 7)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 125 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 8( 25)

Inv oc ati on of gsm SSF i n M O,

MT or CF call case.
Si gnals to/from the l eft are to/from the M SC ;
signals to/from the right are
to/from the gsmSCF.

Awai t_Resourc e_


Set Tssf to last

AC pending? used time interval
and restart Tssf


Start Tcp
R eturn appropri ate
error to the
gsm SCF


Yes Waiting_For_
Start Tw

Stored E


Send E

Set Tss f to user

interaction tim er
value and res tart
T ss f

Waiting_F or
Us er_Interaction

Figure 45g: Process gsmSSF (sheet 8)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 126 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 9( 25)

Si gnals to/f rom th e l eft are to/f rom th e M SC ;

Inv oc ati on o f gsm SSF i n M O,
signals to/from the right are
M T or CF call case.
to/from the gsm SCF.

W aiting_for_Instructions,
W a iti ng _for _End _Of_ Temp ora ry_Co nne cti on ,
W aiting_for_End_Of_User_Interaction,
Await_Tem porary_Connection_Establishment

Int_DP_T_ Int _DP_ O_

_Disconnect _Disconnect
/* le gI D */ /* legID */

DP arm ed f or
leg I D?


DP arm ed
as EDP-R?


Pe rform im pl ici t Perform implicit Perform implicit

disarm ing of DPs disarming of DPs disarming of DPs

CAP_E ve nt_
_Re port_B CS M
(Noti fy & C on tinue)

Reload and
rest art Tssf

Call active= Call acti ve= C al l a cti ve =

H andle_AC R Ha ndle _ACR Handle_ACR
False False False

Handl e_ CIR_
Handle_CIR Handle_CIR
leg (legID)

(I nte rrupte d)

Set Tssf to default

non user interaction
timer value and
restart Tssf

Set Outstanding_
_Requests =
_Requests + 1

W ai ting_ for_

Figure 45h: Process gsmSSF (sheet 9)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 127 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 10(25)

Inv oc ati on o f gsm SSF i n M O, Sign als to/from the right a re

M T or CF call case. to/from the gsm SCF.

M onitor ing

Repor t_ BCSM_

In state 'Monitoring', only

Arming rules
re quests to disarm DPs o r to
fllf ille d?
s en d no tifi ca tions are all ow ed

Arm DP
Error: Unexpected
and / or
Da ta Value
disarm DP

M onitor ing

Figure 45i: Process gsmSSF (sheet 10)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 128 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 11(25)

Si gnals to/from the l eft are to/from the M SC ;

Inv oc ati on of gsm SSF i n M O,
signals to/from the right are
MT or CF call case.
to/from the gsmSCF.

M onitoring

Int_DP_O_ Int_DP_T_ Int_D P_T_

_Disconnect _Disconnect Abandon
/* legID */ /* legID */

DP armed for
leg ID?


DP arm ed
as EDP-R?


Perform im pl ici t Per form impl icit Perform implicit

disarming of DPs disarming of DPs disarming of DPs

_R eport_BCSM
(Noti fy & Continue)

Call active= Call acti ve=

H andle_ACR Handle_ACR
False False

Handl e_CIR_
leg (ledID)


Set Tssf to default

Terminate non user interaction
r elationship timer value and
restart Tssf

Set Outstanding_
Int_Continue _Requests =
_Requests + 1

Wai ting_for_

Figure 45j: Process gsmSSF (sheet 11)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 129 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Process gsmSSF 12(25)

Invocation of gsmSSF in MO, Signals to/from the left are to/from the MSC;
MT or CF call case. signals to/from the right are
to/from the gsmSCF.

Waiting_for_Instr uctions,
Waiting_for_End_Of_Temporar y_Connection,

Int_DP_O_ Int_DP_T_
_Abandon _Abandon

Per form implicit

disarming of DPs

DP armed as


(Notify & C ontinue)

Call active:=False Handle_ACR


Stop Tssf




Figure 45k: Process gsmSSF (sheet 12)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 130 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 13(25)

Si gnals to/f rom th e l eft are to/f rom th e M SC ;

Inv oc ati on o f gsm SSF i n M O,
signals to/from the right are
M T or CF call case.
to/from the gsm SCF.

W aiting_ for_En d_
_Of_Tem porary_
Connect ion

Forward_ CAP_A pp ly_
Int _TC_ Rele ased C AP_Reset_Tim er T ss f e xp ir ed Internal
_Connection Charging
/* legID */

Set Tssf to
Call active= last used tim e
Handle_ACR Handle_AC Abort
False interval and
restart Tssf

Call active= Int_Disconnect_
Forward_ Ha ndle _ACR
False Forward_Connection

Set Tssf to last

used time interval
and restart Tssf


W ai tin g_Fo r_
_I ns tr uctions

Wa itin g_for_End_
_Of_T em pora ry_ Int_Error
_Connect ion

Com pl ete_all_


Figure 45l: Process gsmSSF (sheet 13)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 131 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 14(25)

Si gnals to/from the l eft are to/from the M SC ;

Inv oc ati on of gsm SSF i n M O,
signals to/from the right are
MT or CF call case.
to/from the gsmSCF.

Wai ting_for_End_Of_Us er_Interaction

Tw expired Internal Tsw expired Internal Tcp expired Internal

This provoques the MSC

Int_Apply_ Stored
to play a tone to the party Release?
Warning_Tone e parameters?
for whom the BCSM is operating

Yes No
Thi s pr ov oques the MSC CAP_
Send_e_ Cal l acti ve= Cal l active=
to send e par ameters to Handle_ACR Apply_Charging_
Parameters True False
the calling party Repor t

Set Tssf to l ast
Store curent Int_Disconnect_
used time interval
value of Tcp Forward_Connection
and r estart Tssf



- Int_Release


Figure 45m: Process gsmSSF (sheet 14)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 132 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Process gsm S SF 15(25)

Invocation of gsm SSF in MO,
MT or CF call case.
Signals to/from the left are to/f rom the MSC ;
signals to/from the right are
to/ from the gsm SCF.


Tw expired Internal T sw expired Internal Tcp expired Internal

Int_Apply_ This provoques the MSC Stored No R elea se?

W ar ning_T oneto play a tone to the partye parameters?
for w hom the BC SM is operating Yes
This provoque Send_e_ No Call active= CAP_
to send e para Parameters Fals e Apply_C harging_

Store curent Any EDP

or report H andle_C IR
v alue of Tcp
outstanding? No

C all active=
H an dle_AC R
C omplete_all_
FCI_recor ds

C all active= CAP_

T rue Apply_Charging

Monitoring Int_Release
C om plete_all_
FC I_r ecords


Figure 45n: Process gsmSSF (sheet 15)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 133 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 16(25)

Si gnals to/f rom th e l eft are to/f rom th e M SC ;

Inv oc ati on o f gsm SSF i n M O,
signals to/from the right are
M T or CF call case.
to/from the gsm SCF.

W aiting_for_End_
_Of_Us er_

CAP_P rompt_ &

CAP_Play_ CA P_Ca nc el_
_Collect_User_ C AP_Reset_Tim er
_Announcement _(Inv ok e_ ID)

Rela y the o pe ration

to the SRF

Set Tssf to last Set T ssf to

used tim e interval CAP_Re set_ Tim er
and restart Tssf time interval and
res ta rt Ts sf

W aiting_for_End_
_Of_Us er_

Figure 45o: Process gsmSSF (sheet 16)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 134 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 17(25)

Si gn als to/f rom th e l eft are to/f rom the M SC;

Inv oc ati on o f gsm SSF i n M O,
signals to/from the right are
M T or CF call case.
to/from the gsm SCF.

W aitin g_ fo r_En d_
_Of_Use r_

CA P_Disc on nect_
CAP_Apply_ Fo rward_ I nt_SRF_ Rele ased
Charging _Connection
/* legID */

C al l acti ve= Call active=

Handle_AC Handle _ACR Handle_ACR
Fa lse False

In t_Disc onne ct_

Fo rwa rd_
Con ne ct ion

Set Tssf to default Set Tssf to default

non user interaction non user interaction
t im e i nterval and tim e interval and
restart Tssf restart Tssf

IW aiting_For_End_ W aiting_For_
Of_User_Interaction _Instructions

Figure 45o: Process gsmSSF (sheet 17)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 135 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 18(25)

Signals to/from the left are to/from

Inv oc ati on o f gsm SSF i n M O, the process Generi c_ SR F;
M T or CF call case. signals to/from the right are
to/from the gsm SCF unless
W aiting_ for_En d_ otherwise stated.
_O f_ Use r_

CAP_P rompt_ & CAP_

CAP_Cancelled_ CA P_Cancel_ _Collect_User_ Specialised_
From SRF From SRF
_error _Failed_error _Info rma tion_ Resource_
_Result Repo rt

Relay the operation/

Timer expiry
res ul t/error to t he Interna l
T ss f

W aiting_ for_En d_
_O f_ Use r_ Abort


SRF_R elease_

I nt_SRF_ Released


Com plete_all_


Figure 45p: Process gsmSSF (sheet 18)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 136 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess gs mSSF 19(25)

Si gnals to/f rom th e l eft are to/f rom th e M SC ;
M on itoring signals to/from the right are
to/from the gsm SCF.
Inv oc ati on o f gsm SSF i n M O,
M T or CF call case.

In t_DP_O_An swer,
Int _DP_T_ Ans wer

AC pending

Disarm all

S tart Tcp

Cancel all
rep orts



Start Tw


e paramete rs?

Thi s provo ques the MSC
to sen d e p ara meters to
e parameters
the calling party

DP armed?

Per fo rm impl ici t
disarming of DPs
No D P a rmed
a s EDP-R?
C AP_E ve nt_
_Repo rt_B CS M
( Noti fy & Continue)
F or D P O/ T Dis conn ec t t he DP (I nterrupted)
i s o nl y dis arm ed for th e leg Perform implicit
for which the ev ent was disarming of DPs
No re ceiv ed.
F or DP O/ T Dis conn ect t he DP
Term in ate Perform im plicit i s only disarmed for the leg
Relationship disarm ing of DPs for which the event was
Any re ma ini ng a rm ed
EDPs or receiv ed.
outstanding report?

Control or
Complete_all_ Yes Set Outstanding_
Mon itor
FCI_records _Requests = 1

Set Tssf to defaul t

Int_Continue n on u ser in tera ction
Ts sf ti mer va lue a nd
M on itoring resta rt Tssf

W aiting_For_

Figure 45q: Process gsmSSF (sheet 19)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 137 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Process gsmSSF 20(25)

Invocation of gsmSSF in MO, /* Signals to/from the left are to/from the MSC,
MT or CF call case. signals to/from the right are to/from the gsmSCF */

Int_DP_T_No_Answer Monitoring

Not armed
for legID EDP-R
EDP type ?


CallActive := CAP_Event_
Handle_ACR Report_BCSM Handle_ACR

CallActive :=
Stop Delta Stop Delta

Perform implicit For DP O/T Disconnect Handle_CIR_

disarming of DPs the DP is only disarmed leg (leg2)
for the leg for which the
event was received.
Call forwarding CAP_Event_
pending? Report_BCSM
No Yes (Interrupted)

Handle_CIR_ Disarm this DP.

Handle_CIR Perform implicit
leg (leg2)
disarming of DPs

Complete_all_ No Any remaining Set outstanding_

FCI_Records armed EDPs or requests = 1
outstanding report?
Terminate Control or Complete_ Set Tssf to default
Relationship Monitor FCI_Record non user interaction
Relationship (leg 2) Tssf timer value and
restart Tssf
Int_Continue Int_Continue

Idle Monitoring

Figure 45r: Process gsmSSF (sheet 20)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 138 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc es s gs mSSF 21(25)

Si gn als to/f rom th e l eft are to/f rom th e M SC ;

Inv oc ati on o f g sm SSF i n M O,
signals to/from the r ight are
M T or C F call case.
to/from the gsm SC F.

M on ito ring

H andling of C AP_R elease_C all

C AP_ is only specified in a control In t_O_ Exce pti on , C AP_
_R eleaseC all relationship. In t_T _Ex ce pt ion Apply_C harging
The gsm SC F shall not send a
C AP_R elease_C all in a
m onitor relationship

AC pending AC pending H and le_ AC

True True
C all active= C al l a cti ve =
Apply_C harging_ Appl y_C harging_
False Fa lse
R eport R eport

False Fa lse

H andle_C IR H andle_C IR

C om plete_all_ C om plete_a ll_

M onitoring
FC I_records FC I_re co r ds

Term in ate C ontr ol or

Term inate
C on trol M on it or
R e la tio ns hip
R elationship R elationship

Int_R elease_C all Abor t

Idle I dle

Figure 45s: Process gsmSSF (sheet 21)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 139 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc es s gs mSSF 22(25)

Inv oc ati on o f g sm SSF i n M O, Sign als to/fr om the r ight a re

M T or C F call case. to/fr om the gsm SC F .

W ai tin g_ F or_ In st r uctio ns ,

W aiting_F or _End_Of_T em por ar y_C onnection,
W ai tin g_ F or _En d_ Of_U s er _ Inter a ct ion

Fur n ish_C har gin g_
Infor m ation

Set Tssf to last

used tim e inter val
and r estar t T ssf

N on com pleted
C AM EL logical call r ecor d
exists for this legID ?

Over w r ite C AM EL
C re ate CA M EL lo gi cal
logical call record
call r ec or d
w ith FC I data

W r ite F C I data
in CA MEL lo gi ca l
call r ec or d

Figure 45t: Process gsmSSF (sheet 22)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 140 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc es s gs mSSF 23(25)

Inv oc ati on o f g sm SSF i n M O,

M T or C F call case.
Sign als to/fr om the r ight a re
to/fr om the gsm SC F .

M on itor ing

Fur n is h_ C har gin g_
Inform at ion

N on com pleted
C AM EL logical call r ecor d
exists for this legID ?

Over w r ite C AM EL
C re ate CA M EL lo gi ca l
logical call r ecor d
call r ec ord
w ith FC I data

W r ite F C I data
in CA MEL lo gi ca l
call r ec ord

M onitor ing

Figure 45t: Process gsmSSF (sheet 23)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 141 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc es s gs mSSF 24(25)

Sign als to/fr om the r ight a re
to/fr om the gsm SC F .
Inv oc ati on o f g sm SSF i n M O,
M T or C F call case.

Mo ni tor i ng ,
W ait_F or_ Instr uctions,
W ait in g_ F or _ En d_ Of _U s er _ Int er c ati on ,
W aiting_F ot_End_Of_Tem por ar y_C onnection

C AP_Send_
Ch arg in g_ Inform at ion

H andl e_SC I See s ec ti on 8. 6.3

Figure 45t: Process gsmSSF (sheet 24)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 142 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc es s gs mSSF 25(25)

Inv oc ati on o f g sm SSF i n M O, Sign als to/fr om the r ight a re

M T or C F call case. to/fr om the gsm SC F .

W aiting_F or _Instr uctions

C all_Infor m ation_R equest

Set T ssf to last

used tim e inter val
and r estar t T ssf

stor e r equest

O us ta nd ing C a ll Inf or m ati on R ep or t :=

Oustandi ng C al l Infor ma tion R epor t + 1

W aiting_F or _Instr uctions

Figure 45t: Process gsmSSF (sheet 25)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 143 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edure Check _Criteria 1(1 )

P roce du re to ch eck
t he crit eria in th e gsm SSF

De stina tio n num b er

trigg erin g crit erio n
Y es


ena bling criterion

me t?
Ye s


in h ib it in g crit erio n
me t?

Y es
B asic se rvice
criter io n e xists?


ba sic ser vice

crite rio n me t?
Yes No

Forw ard in g trig ge rin g

crite r io n exists?


en ab lin g crit erio n

m et ?


inh ib iting criterion

me t?
No Y es

R e su lt:= Re sult: =
p ass fail

Figure 46a: Procedure Check_Criteria (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 144 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edure H an dle_AC 1(1 )

T h is pr o cedu r e sho ws the h an dling in

t he g sm S SF fo r th e o p er atio n C AP
A pply Ch a rg in g

S et T ssf t o las t
u sed tim e in te rva l
a nd r est ar t T ssf

A C pe nd in g?
T r ue

F alse

T ar iff sw itch
p ro vide d?


An swe r
re ceived ?


St ar t T sw Star t T cp

A nsw er re ceived ? T w >0

No No

Yes Yes

S to p d elta
St ar t T w
m e asu r em en t

AC p en din g:=
T cp := T cp -d elta
tr u e

R e lea se in dicat or
p r esen t?


T o ne to b e
p laye d?


T w: =
T w: =0
T cp - War n ing tim e

Figure 47a: Procedure Handle_AC (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 145 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc edur e Ha ndle_A C R 1(1)

T his pr o cedur e is on ly called at the

end of conne cti on to a n outgoin g leg,
a te mp or a r y co nn ec tio n or a c on ne ct ion
to a SR F w h en the ca ll ca n be cont inued

T sw r unning?


Stop Tsw

e- valu es
stor ed? No


di scar d
e- valu es

AC pending=
tr ue?


If r unning Stop Tcp

If r unning Stop T w

Star t D elta

C AP_ Va lue o f C a ll Act ive in

Apply_C har ging_ AC R is define d i n t he c all ing
R epor t pr ocess gsm SS F .

AC pendin g:=

Figure 48a: Procedure Handle_ACR (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 146 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P ro cedure Handle _CIR 1(1)

P r oc ed ure in t he gs m SS F t o S ignals t o/ f rom t he right are

hand le C a ll I nf or mat ion R eport . t o/ f ro m th e gs m S C F .

H andl e_C I R _
leg (leg2)

H andl e_C I R _
leg (leg1)

Figure 49a: Procedure Handle_CIR (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 147 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P ro cedure Handle _C IR_ leg 1(1)

P r oc ed ure in t he gs m SS F t o
S ignals t o/ f rom t he right are
handle C all I nf or mat ion R eport
t o/ f ro m th e gs m S C F .
f o r t he s pec if ied leg.
Leg ID is rec e iv ed in proc edure c al l

O ut s anding C all
I nf orm at ion R eport >0?

Y es
Call I nf orm a ti on
Repo rt pe nding f or No
th is leg I D ?

Y es

Ou t s andin g C al l I nf o rm at ion R eport : =

O ut s andi ng C al l I nf orm at ion R eport -1

C A P _C all_
I nf orm at ion_
R eport

Figure 50a: Procedure Handle_CIR_leg (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 148 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P ro cedure C om plete _FC I_r eco rd 1(1)

P r oc ed ure in t he gs m SS F t o
writ e F urnis h C harging I nf orm at ion
d at a f o r t he s pec if ied l eg.
Leg I D is rec e iv ed in pro c edure c a ll.

N on c om plet ed Logic al
C A ME L c all rec ord ex is t s
f or t his legI D

Y es

Co m plet e C A ME L
logic al c all rec ord


Figure 51a: Procedure Complete_FCI_record (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 149 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P ro cedure Com plete _all_ FC I_r eco rd s 1(1)

P r oc ed ure in t he gs m SS F t o
writ e F urnis h C harging I nf orm at ion
dat a t o C D R f or bot h LegI D s .

C om plet e _F C I _
rec ord (leg1)

C om plet e _F C I _
rec ord (leg2)

Figure 52a: Procedure Complete_all_FCI_records (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 150 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.7 Assisting case

Assisting case involves the following processes :

- CAMEL_Assisting_MSC,

- Assisting_gsmSSF.

The detailed error handling for these 2 processes is specified in 3GPP TS 09.78 ([5]).

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 151 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess CAME L_Ass is ting_MSC 1(3 )

P ro ce ss in th e M SC Sig nals to/f ro m th e le ft ar e to/ fr om th e

t o ha nd le a n a ssist pro ce ss C AM EL _O C H_ ETC , C AM EL _
re qu est TC_ ETC or C AM EL _C F_E CT;
sign als to /f ro m t he righ t ar e to /fro m
the a ssist ing _g smS SF;

Id le

I nitia l Ad dress

I nt _Assist_
_ R eq uired

Wa it_f or_a ssis tin g_

_gsm _ SSF_ in vo ke d

I nt _ass ist in g_
R ele ase
_ gsm S SF_inv oked

Wait_ For_
In t_R e le a se _
_As sist in g_
As sistin g_ gsm SS F
_Eve nt


Figure 53a: Process CAMEL_Assisting_MSC (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 152 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Process CAMEL_Assisting_MSC 2(3)

Process in the MSC Signals to/from the left are to/from the
to handle an assist process CAMEL_OCH_ETC, CAMEL_
request TC_ETC or CAMEL_CF_ECT;
signals to/from the right are to/from
the assisting_gsmSSF;
if not otherwise stated.

_gsmSSF_ Release

Int_Invoke_ Int_release_
to SRF Release
_SRF _assisting_gsmSSF

Await_SRF_ Releasing_assisting_
_Initialisation _gsmSSF



Figure 53b: Process CAMEL_Assisting_MSC (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 153 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Process CAMEL_Assisting_MSC 3(3)

Process in the MSC Signals to/from the left are to/from the
Await_SRF_ process CAMEL_OCH_ETC, CAMEL_
to handle an assist
_Initialisation TC_ETC or CAMEL_CF_ECT;
signals to/from the right are to/from
the assisting_gsmSSF;
if not otherwise stated.

Int_SRF_ Int_assisting_
from SRF _Connection_ from SRF Release _gsmSSF_
_Failure _released

Connect SRF to the

To SRF Int_Disconnect_SRF Release

Send_ACM_ Procedure specified Await_gsmSRF_

If_Required in GSM 03.18 _disconnection

Send_Answer_ Procedure specified Int_SRF_

From SRF
If_Required in GSM 03.18 Released

Int_SRF_Connected Int_CTR_Failed




Figure 53c: Process CAMEL_Assisting_MSC (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 154 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cess assisting_gsmS S F 1(6)

Inv ocation of gs mSSF in MO, Signals to/f rom the left are t o/from
M T or CF c all cas e. the process CAM EL_Ass is ting_MSC;
sign als to/from the r ight ar e
to/fr om the gsm SCF ,
unless otherwis e indicated.


Int_As sis t_
_R equ ired

Int_as sis ting_

_gs mSSF _

Set T ss f to default
n on us er interaction
T s sf timer interv a
and restart Ts s fl

Open Control
Rela tionship

C AP_As s is t_
_R eques t_
_Inst ructions

_I ns tructions

Figure 54a: Process Assisting_gsmSSF (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 155 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cess assisting_gsmS S F 2(6)

Signals to/from the left are to/from
Inv ocation of gs mSSF in MO,
th e proc ess CA MEL_As sisting_M SC ;
M T or CF c all cas e.
s ign als to/from the right are
to/from the gsm SC F,
Wai ting_for_ unless otherwis e indic ated.

C AP_C onnec tTo

Ts sf expires Int ernal C AP_Res et_T imer
R esourc e

Set T s sf to
Int_C onnect_
Abort CAP_Res et _T imer
T o_Res ource
tim e inte rval and
res art T ss f

Int_ass isting_
Await_Res ource_
_gsm SSF_
Co nnec tion

From proc es s Int_SR F From proc ess

Int_C TR _Failed
C AMEL_Ass isting_MSCConnec ted CAM EL _As sis ting_M SC

Set T ss f to user
R eturn appropriate
interaction tim er
error to SC F
value and re start Tssf

Set T ss f to norm al
non user interac tion
tim er value and
resart Ts sf

Waiting_F or
W aiting_For_
Idle _E nd_O f_

Figure 54b: Process Assisting_gsmSSF (sheet 2)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 156 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess assisting_gs mSS F 3(6 )

Sign als t o/f ro m the le ft ar e to /f ro m

I nvo cat io n o f gsm SSF in M O, th e pr oce ss C AM EL _As sist in g_ M SC ;
M T o r C F ca ll ca se. sign als to /f ro m th e righ t a re
to /from the gs mS CF,
un less oth erw ise in dicat ed .

W aitin g_ for_E nd _
_ Of_ Us er_
_ In te ra ction

C AP_ Disco nn ect _ C AP _Pr o mp t_&

Forw ard_ C AP_ Pla y_ CA P_ Ca nce l_
Fro m SR F I nt _SR F_ Re lea sed C AP _R es et_ Tim e r _C o lle ct _U se r_
_C onn ect io n _ Ann ou nce me n t _(In vo ke _I D)
_I nf or m ation
/* le gID */

Se t Tssf to de fa ult
us er inte ract io n R ela y the o pe ration
Tssf time r inte rva to th e SR F
an d re srt Tssfl

Se t Tssf to last
In t_ Disco nn ect_
to SR F use d tim e in terval
an d re sta rt Tssf

S et Tssf to
C AP _R es et_ Tim e r
tim e in te rva l an d
re sta rt Tss f

W aitin g_ for_E nd _ Wa iting _fo r_En d_

W aiting _ For_
_ Of_ Us er_ _O f_U se r_
_ In st ructio ns
_ In te ra ction _I nt eract io n

Figure 54c: Process Assisting_gsmSSF (sheet 3)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 157 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cess assisting_gsmS S F 4(6)

Inv ocation of gs mSSF in MO, Signals to/f rom the left are t o/from
M T or CF c all cas e. the SR F;
sign als to/from the r ight ar e
W aiting_for_End_ to/f rom th e gsm SCF .
_Of_Us er_
_I nterac tion

C AP_Prom pt_&
CAP_Cancell ed_ C AP_Canc el_ CA P_Spec ialised_
_ Collect_Us er_
_error _F ailed_error _Res ource _Report
_Inform ation_R esult

R elay the operation/

r esult/error to the
gs m SCF

_O f_U ser_

Figure 54d: Process Assisting_gsmSSF (sheet 4)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 158 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Pro cess assisting_gsmS S F 5(6)

Signals to/f rom the left are t o/from
Inv ocation of gs mSSF in MO,
the process CAM EL_Ass is ting_MSC;
M T or CF c all cas e.
sign als to/from the r ight ar e
to/fro m the SRF ,
W aiting_for_End_
unless otherwis e indicated.
_Of_Us er_
_I nterac tion

T ss f expires Internal

Abort To gsm SC F

Int_dis connec t_

W ait_F or_
gs m_SR F_Re lease

Int_SR F_
R eleased

Int_as sis ting_

_gs mSSF _
_releas ed


Figure 54e: Process Assisting_gsmSSF (sheet 5)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 159 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Proc ess assisting_gs mSS F 6(6 )

Sig nals t o/f ro m th e righ t a re

I nvo cat io n o f gsm SSF in M O,
to /from the pro cess
M T o r C F ca ll ca se.
C AM EL _Assisting _ MS C.

W ait in g_ For _I nstru ction s

W aitin g_ For _E nd_ Of _U ser _ Int er ac tio n

In t_ re lea se_
_ ass ist in g_
_ gsm S SF

Te rm ina te
C on trol
R ela tion ship

I nt _ass ist in g_
_ g sm S SF_
_ rele ase d

Id le

Figure 54f: Process Assisting_gsmSSF (sheet 6)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 160 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.8 Procedure CAMEL_Provide_Subscriber_Info

8.8.1 MS reachable
A Provide_Subscriber_Info Request is sent to VLR and the HLR waits in state Wait_For_Information.

If the VLR returns a Provide_Subscriber_Info ack, the HLR uses the returned information to set the Subscriber Info to
be returned to the gsmSCF. As a network option, the HLR may use the returned Cell Id or Location Area to derive the
location number and/or Geographical Info. The mapping from cell ID and location area to location number is network-
specific and outside the scope of the GSM standard.

NOTE: The handling in the VLR of Provide_Subscriber_Info Request is defined in 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].

8.8.2 MS not reachable Location Information requested

If VLR number is available in the HLR, then the Location Information is set to this parameter only.

If location information is not available in the HLR, no location information is set. Subscriber State requested

The Subscriber State is set to "Network determined not reachable".

8.8.3 Actions at state Wait_For_Information

The following actions are possible in state Wait_For_Information depending on the result of the
Provide_Subscriber_Info Request sent to VLR. Provide_Subscriber_Info ack

The Location Information or/and the Subscriber State are set to the received information. Provide_Subscriber_Info Negative Response

If location information was requested the VLR number is provided as location information. If the subscriber state was
requested the subscriber state is set to "not provided from VLR".

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 161 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

P ro c e d u re C A M E L _ P r o vi d e_ S u b scr i b e r_ In fo 1 (1 )

P ro c e d u re i n th e H LR
S ig n al s t o /f ro m the le ft ar e to /f ro m
f o r R et r ie v a l o f L oc a ti o n i n f or m a t io n
th e V LR .
a n d S u bs c r ib e r S ta tus

M S r e a c h ab le ?
Y es

P r ov id e _S u bs c r i b e r_ No
_In fo

W a i t_f o r _
_I n f or m a ti o n

P r ov id e _S u bs c r i b e r_ P r ov i d e _ S ub s c r ib e r_
_In fo a ck In fo r m a t io n
ne g a ti ve r es p o ns e

Lo c . in fo.
r eq u e s te d?
Y es

No L o c . In fo .
a v a i la b le ?

Y es

L o c _ In fo =la te s t
L o c_ In fo =
s to re d lo c . in fo.
" u na v a il a bl e"
S ta tus = " u nr e l ia b le "

S u b s c r . s t atu s
re qu e s te d ?
Y es
S ub s c ri b er
No s ta tu s =
" N etw or k de te rm i ne d
n o t r e a ch a b l e"

Figure 55a: Procedure CAMEL_Provide_Subscriber_Info (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 162 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.9 Any Time Interrogation

Handling of Any Time Interrogation involves the following process :


If an OSS needs the Subscriber State and/or the Location Information, the gsmSCF initiates a transaction to the HLR by
sending a Any_Time_Interrogation Request. Support for this procedure is a network operator option.

Proc ess CAME L_A TI _HLR 1(1 )

P ro cess in th e H LR
re ceiving an A ny Tim e Sign als t o/f ro m the le ft ar e to /f ro m
I nt er ro ga tion req ue st f ro m th e g sm SC F.
g sm SC F.

Id le

A ny_ Tim e _
I nt erro g ation

acce pte d?


kno w n?

Pro vid e_
Su bscribe r_In fo S et U E = Se t U E =
/*in pu t d at a= U n kn ow n Su bs cr ibe r "ATI No t A llo w ed"
req ue ste d inf o*/

A ny_ Tim e _ An y Tim e

I nt erro g ation In te rro ga tio n
r e sult Error


Id le

Figure 56a: Process CAMEL_ATI_HLR (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 163 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.10 Handling of USSD to/from gsmSCF

The functional model of USSD in an HLR that supports CAMEL is shown in figure 57. The phase 2 USSD handler is
defined in 3GPP TS 03.90 [8]. Phase 1 USSD messages may be relayed from the HLR to the gsmSCF. CAMEL
introduces a "CAMEL USSD application" which is invoked by the USSD handler. The CAMEL USSD application
behaviour is specified in this section.

Home Network



USSD Handler


Visiting Network

Figure 57: Handling of USSD to and from a CAMEL subscriber

8.10.1 MS Initiated USSD

For the behaviour of the USSD handler in HLR when receiving a MS initiated USSD see 3GPP TS 03.90 [8].

When the USSD handler has determined that the service code present in the received USSD does not indicate that an
USSD application in the HLR shall be invoked it shall route the USSD to the USSD application specific for CAMEL,
i.e. the CAMEL USSD application.

The procedure at the CAMEL USSD application at the HLR is implementation dependent. The following text describes
a recommended procedure.

The CAMEL USSD application shall check the U-CSI data assigned to the specific subscriber. If the service code is
present in the U-CSI the USSD is routed to the gsmSCF given by the gsmSCF address stored against the service code in
the U-CSI.

If the service code is not present in the U-CSI (or the subscriber does not have U-CSI defined) then the CAMEL USSD
application shall check the UG-CSI data assigned to the HLR. If the service code is present in the UG-CSI then the
USSD is routed to the gsmSCF given by the gsmSCF address stored against the service code in the UG-CSI.

If the service code is not present in U-CSI or UG-CSI an error (unknown application) is returned to the USSD handler.

8.10.2 gsmSCF Initiated USSD

The HLR may at any time receive a USSD operation from the gsmSCF. If the subscriber can be contacted, the HLR
shall set up a transaction to the VLR and forward the operation unchanged. Any further information exchange between
the gsmSCF and MSC shall be transparent to the VLR and the HLR. When one transaction is released, the HLR shall
release the other. If an error is received from the MSC, the VLR shall release the transaction to the HLR and the HLR
shall release the transaction to the gsmSCF.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 164 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.10.3 Content of the USSD General CAMEL Service Information (UG-CSI)

The service information specified in this subclause is for information only.

This subclause defines the contents of the USSD General CAMEL Service Information (UG-CSI). The allocation of the
UG-CSI is independent from a particular subscriber.

The UG-CSI consists of a list of pairs of the following two parameters. Service Code

Service code for a specific application in a gsmSCF which interacts with the user by USSD. gsmSCF address

Address to be used to access the gsmSCF for a particular a particular service code. The address shall be an E.164
number to be used for routeing.

8.11 Handling of Supplementary Service Invocation Notification

At the invocation of either of the services ECT and MPTY the VLR checks whether the criteria for sending a
notification are fulfilled, i.e. whether the subscriber is provisioned with the SS-CSI and the particular invoked
supplementary service is marked in the SS-CSI. If this is the case a notification is sent to the gsmSCF given by the
gsmSCF address contained in the SS-CSI. The processing of the particular SS invocation is not suspended. If the
notification criteria are not fulfilled the processing of the particular supplementary service continues unchanged and no
notification is sent.

The sending of the notification is independent of call related CAMEL processing, i.e. processing indicated by O/T-CSI.

On invocation of ECT, the VLR shall include the SS-CSI in the Invoke ECT response message (see Process MAF027 in
3GPP TS 03.91 [12].) to the MSC if applicable for ECT.

On invocation of MPTY, the VLR shall include the SS-CSI in the Process MPTY message (see Process
MPTY_MAF026 in 3GPP TS 03.84 [11]) to the MSC if applicable for MPTY.

8.12 CAMEL specific handling of location updating and data

When requesting location updating or data restoration the VLR shall indicate to the HLR which CAMEL phases it

The CAMEL phase 2 HLR shall then send to the VLR CAMEL subscription data for one of the CAMEL phases
supported by the VLR or, if some different handling is required, data for substitute handling.

8.13 Processing of Non-Call Related Events

CAMEL does not modify any of the standardized procedures for non-call related events including:

- call independent supplementary service procedures;

- transfer of SMS messages;

- mobility management procedures.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 165 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

8.14 Cross phase compatibility

To avoid a case by case fallback between the gsmSSF and the gsmSCF, the gsmSSF shall use the CAP phase
corresponding to the CAMEL phase negotiated on the HLR-VLR interface when it opens a dialogue with the gsmSCF.
The HLR-VLR negotiation of CAMEL phase is per subscriber.

8.15 Handling of North American Carrier Information

The following procedures apply normally only when the HPLMN of the CAMEL subscriber and either the VPLMN (for
a mobile originated or forwarded call) or the IPLMN (for a mobile terminated or forwarded call) are both North
American. As an option, the procedures may also be applied for a mobile originated or forwarded call at a North
American VPLMN when the HPLMN of the CAMEL subscriber is not North American. A gsmSCF may then provide
the gsmSSF with any of the following North American (NA) carrier related information items.

- NA Carrier Information,

- NA Originating Line Information,

- NA Charge NumberA gsmSSF shall use the received information items both to select any long distance carrier
needed for the call and to provide certain information needed by this carrier. Any required information items not
received shall be defaulted to those that would normally apply to the call in the absence of an interaction with a

If any NA information item received from the gsmSCF is found to be invalid, the gsmSSF may either, as an operator
option, release the call or behave as if the invalid information item had not been sent.

If the carrier specified in the NA Carrier Information parameter is not supported in the VPLMN or IPLMN, the gsmSSF
may either, as an operator option, release the call or substitute for the unsupported carrier a preferred carrier of the

Support of the NA Originating Line Information and NA Charge Number parameters is an operator option in a VPLMN
based on roaming agreements with the operators of other PLMNs, A gsmSSF may ignore these items when received
from certain or all gsmSCFs located in other PLMNs and replace them with the corresponding default items for an MO,
MF or MT call.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 166 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9 Description of information flows

This clause contains the detailed description of the information flows used by CAMEL.

Each Information Element, IE is marked as Mandatory, Conditional, Optional or Not applicable for each different
traffic case, Mobile Originating call (MO), Mobile Forwarded call (MF) and Mobile Terminating call (MT). This
categorisation is a functional classification, i.e., stage 2 information and not a stage 3 classification to be used for the
ASN.1 syntax of the protocol.

The following principles apply for the handling of the IEs by the receiving entity :

- The gsmSSF shall functionally support all IEs which can be sent to it.

- The gsmSCF may silently discard any IE which it does not functionally support

- The gsmSRF shall return an error if it does not functionally support a IE which it receives.

- The HLR may silently discard any IE which it does not functionally support.

Details of errors and exceptions to these rules are specified in are specified in 3GPP TS 09.78 [5].

9.1 gsmSSF to gsmSCF information flows

9.1.1 Activity Test ack Description
This IF is the response to the Activity Test. Information Elements

This IF contains no information elements.

9.1.2 Apply Charging Report Description
This IF is used by the gsmSSF to report to the gsmSCF the information requested in the Apply Charging IF. Information Elements

Information element name MO MF MT Description
Call Result M M M This IE contains the charging information to be provided by the

M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

Call Result contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Time Duration Charging M M M This IE is a list defined in the next table.

M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 167 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Time Duration Charging Result contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Time Information M M M This IE is a choice between Time if No Tariff Switch and Time if
Tariff Switch.
Party To Charge M M M This IE is received in the related ApplyCharging operation to
correlate the result to the request. This IE shall be a copy of the
corresponding IE received in the Apply Charging operation.
Call Active M M M This IE indicates whether the call is active or not.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if available)

Time Information contains one of the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Time If No Tariff Switch C C C This IE will be present if no tariff switch has occurred since the
detection of Answer for the connection to the Called Party, the
Temporary Connection, or the SRF connection, otherwise it will
be absent.
Time If Tariff Switch C C C This IE will be present if a tariff switch has occurred since the
detection of Answer for the connection to the Called Party, the
Temporary Connection, or the SRF connection, otherwise it will
be absent.
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if available)

9.1.3 Call Information Report Description
This IF is used to send specific call information for a single call to the gsmSCF as requested from the gsmSCF in a
previous Call Information Request. Information Elements

Information element name MO MF MT Description
Requested Information List M M M This IE specifies a list of Requested information Values which
are requested.
Leg ID M M M This IE indicates the party in the call for which information shall
be collected. When absent, it indicates the 'outgoing' leg created
with Connect or Continue.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 168 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.1.4 Event Report BCSM Description
This IF is used to notify the gsmSCF of a call-related event (i.e., BCSM events as answer and disconnect) previously
requested by the gsmSCF in a Request Report BCSM Event IF. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Event type BCSM M M M This IE specifies the type of event that is reported.
Event Specific Information BCSM C C C This IE indicates the call related information specific to the
Leg ID M M M This IE indicates the party in the call for which the event is
Misc Call Info M M M This IE indicates the DP type.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if available)

9.1.5 Initial DP Description
This IF is generated by the gsmSSF when a trigger is detected at a DP in the BCSM, to request instructions from the
gsmSCF. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Additional Calling Party - C C The calling party number provided by the access signalling system
Number of the calling user.
Bearer Capability M C C This IE indicates the type of the bearer capability connection to the
Called Party Number - M M This IE contains the number used to identify the called party in the
forward direction.
Called Party BCD Number M - - This IE contains the number used to identify the called party in the
forward direction. The number contained in this IE shall be identical
to the number received over the access network. It may e.g.
include service selection information, such as ∗ and # digits, or
carrier selection information dialled by the subscriber.
Calling Party Number M C C This IE carries the calling party number to identify the calling party
or the origin of the call.
Calling Partys Category M C C Indicates the type of calling party (e.g., operator, pay phone,
ordinary subscriber).

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 169 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)


Information element name MO MF MT Description

Call Reference Number M M M This IE may be used by the gsmSCF for inclusion in a network
optional gsmSCF call record. It has to be coupled with the identity
of the MSC which allocated it in order to define unambiguously the
identity of the call.
For MO calls, the call reference number is set by the serving VMSC
and included in the MO call record.
For MT calls, the call reference number is set by the GMSC and
included in the RCF call record in the GMSC and in the MT call
record in the terminating MSC.
For CF calls, the call reference number is set by the GMSC and
included in the CF record in the forwarding MSC.
Event Type BCSM M M M This IE indicates the armed BCSM DP event (i.e., Collected_Info
and Terminating_Attempt_Authorised), resulting in the Initial DP IF.
Ext-Basic Service Code C C C This IE indicates the type of basic service i.e., teleservice or bearer
High Layer Compatibility C C C This IE indicates the type of the high layer compatibility, which will
be used to determine the ISDN-teleservice of a connected ISDN
IMSI M M M This IE identifies the mobile subscriber.
IP SSP Capabilities C C C This IE indicates which SRF resources are supported within the
gsmSSF and are available. If this IE is absent, this indicates that no
gsmSRF is attached and available.
Location Information M - C This IE is described in the next table.
Location Number M C C For mobile originated calls this IE represents the location of the
calling party. For all other call scenarios this IE contains the
location number received in incoming ISUP signalling.
MSC Address M M M For MO calls, the MSC Address carries the international E.164
address of the serving VMSC.
For MT calls, the MSC Address Address carries the international
E.164 address of the GMSC.
For CF calls, the MSC Address carries the international E.164
address of the forwarding MSC.
GMSC Address - M - For CF calls, the GMSC Address carries the international E.164
address of the GMSC.


3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 170 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)


Information element name MO MF MT Description

NA Carrier Information C C C The content of this IE is described in the next table.
The IE may normally be sent when the VPLMN and the HPLMN of
the subscriber are both North American.
For MO calls, this IE shall contain any carrier that was dialed by the
calling subscriber. If no carrier was dialed, the IE shall contain the
calling subscriber's subscribed carrier.
For MT calls, the IE shall contain the carrier subscribed to by the
called subscriber.For MF calls, the IE shall contain the carrier
subscribed to by the forwarding subscriber.
Original Called Party ID - C C This IE carries the dialled digits if the call has met call forwarding
on the route to the gsmSSF.
Redirecting Party ID - M C This IE indicates the directory number the call was redirected from.
The service designer shall note that this parameter may not be
available if the MF case is initiated with the Connect operation to a
T-BCSM without Redirecting Party ID.
Redirection Information - M C It contains forwarding related information, such as redirection
The service designer shall note that this parameter may not be
available if the MF case is initiated with the Connect operation to a
T-BCSM without Redirection Information.
Service Key M M M This IE identifies for the gsmSCF the requested set of one or more
CAMEL services. It is used to address the correct application/SLP
within the gsmSCF.
Subscriber State - - C This IE indicates the status of the MS. The states are:
- CAMELBusy: The MS is engaged on a transaction for a mobile
originating or terminated circuit-switched call.
- NetworkDeterminedNotReachable: The network can determine
from its internal data that the MS is not reachable.
- AssumedIdle: The state of the MS is neither "CAMELBusy" nor
- Not provided from VLR.
Time And Timezone M M M This IE contains the time that the gsmSSF was triggered, and the
time zone the gsmSSF resides in.
GSM Forwarding Pending - - C This parameter indicates that a forwarded-to-number was received
and the call will be forwarded due to GSM supplementary service
call forwarding in the GMSC.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if available)

- Not applicable

Location Information contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Location Number - - C See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
CellIdOrLAI M - C See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
Geographical Information C - C See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
Age Of Location Information M - C See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
VLR number M - C See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if available)

- Not applicable

NA Carrier Information contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

NA Carrier Identification Code M M M This IE uniquely identifies a North American long distance carrier.
NA Carrier Selection M M M This IE indicates the way the carrier was selected e.g.:
Information – dialled
– subscribed
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 171 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.2 gsmSCF to gsmSSF information flows

9.2.1 Activity Test Description
This IF is used to check for the continued existence of a relationship between the gsmSCF and gsmSSF. If the
relationship is still in existence, then the gsmSSF will respond. If no reply is received, then the gsmSCF will assume
that the gsmSSF has failed in some way and will take the appropriate action. Information Elements

This IF contains no information elements.

9.2.2 Apply Charging Description
This IF is used for interacting from the gsmSCF with the gsmSSF charging mechanisms to control the call duration. Information Elements

Information element name MO MF MT Description
ACh Billing Charging M M M This IE specifies the charging related information to be provided
Characteristics by the gsmSSF and the conditions on which this information has
to be provided back to the gsmSCF.

Party To Charge M M M This IE shall be reflected in the corresponding IE of the Apply

Charging Report operation. This IE has no effect on the charging
procedures in the MSC.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

ACh Billing Charging Characteristics contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Time Duration Charging M M M This IE is described in the next table.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

Time Duration Charging contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Max Call Period Duration M M M This IE indicates the maximum call period duration timer.
Tariff Switch Interval O O O This IE indicates the tariff switch time until the next tariff
switch applies.
Release If Duration Exceeded O O O This IE indicates that the call shall be released when the
Max call Period Duration expires, with a warning tone if
the Play Tone IE is present. The cause used in the
release message shall be "normal unspecified".
Default is to continue the call.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

O Optional (Service logic dependent)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 172 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Release If Duration Exceeded contains the following IE :

Information element name MO MF MT Description
Play Tone O - O This IE is set if a tone has to be played to the
party for whom the BCSM is operating. If
present, this IE indicates that 30 seconds
before the Max Call Period Duration timer

a triple tone of 900 Hz (200 milliseconds tone,

200 milliseconds pause) shall be played.

This IE shall be absent if the call is not to be

O Optional (Service logic dependant)

- Not applicable

9.2.3 Call Information Request Description
This IF is used to request the gsmSSF to record specific information about a single call and report it to the gsmSCF
(with a CallInformationReport) Information Elements

Information element name MO MF MT Description
Requested Information Type M M M This IE specifies a list of specific items of information which are
List requested.
Leg ID M M M This IE indicates the party in the call for which information shall be
collected. When absent, it indicates the 'outgoing' leg created with
Connect or Continue.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

Requested Information Type List contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Call Attempt Elapsed Time O O O This IE indicates that the Call Attempt Elapsed Time is requested
in the Call Information Report.
Call Attempt Elapsed Time is the duration between the end of the
CAMEL processing initiating call setup (Connect or Continue IF)
and the received answer indication from the called party side. For
the Calling Party, the value of Call Attempt Elapsed Time in the
Call Information Report shall be set to 0.
Call Stop Time O O O This parameter indicates that the Call Stop Time is requested in
the Call Information Report.
Call Connected Elapsed Time is the time stamp when the
connection is released.
Call Connected Elapsed Time O O O This parameter indicates that the Call Connected Elapsed Time is
requested in the Call Information Report.
Call Connected Elapsed Time is the duration between the
received answer indication from the called party side and the
release of the connection.
For a Calling Party, it indicates the duration between the sending
of InitialDP and the release of that party.
Release Cause O O O This parameter indicates the Release Cause is requested in the
Call Information Report.
Release Cause is the release cause for the call.
O Optional (Service logic dependent)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 173 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.2.4 Cancel Description
This IF is used by the gsmSCF to request the gsmSSF to cancel all EDPs and reports. Information Elements

The following information elements are used:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

All Requests M M M This IE indicates that all active requests for EventReportBCSM,
ApplyChargingReport and CallInformationReport shall be
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

9.2.5 Connect Description
This IF is used to request the gsmSSF to perform the call processing actions to route a call to a specific destination. To
do so, the gsmSSF may use destination information from the calling party and existing call set-up information
depending on the information provided by the gsmSCF. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Alerting Pattern - - O This parameter indicates the kind of Alerting Pattern to be
Calling Partys Category O O O This IE indicates the type of calling party (e.g., operator, pay
phone, ordinary subscriber).
Destination Routing Address M M M This IE contains the called party number towards which the
call is to be routed.
Generic Number O O O This IE contains the generic number. Its used to convey the
additional calling party number, which e.g. could be used to
modify the calling line ID presented to the called user.
NA Carrier Information O O O This IE is described in the next table.
NA Originating Line Information O O O This IE identifies the type of number in the NA Charge
Number (e.g. subscriber versus PLMN operator number).
NA Charge Number O O O This IE identifies the chargeable number for the usage of a
North American carrier.
O-CSI Applicable - - O This IE indicates that the O-CSI, if present shall be applied on
the outgoing leg.
Original Called Party ID O O O This IE carries the dialled digits if the call has met call
forwarding on route to the gsmSSF or is forwarded by the
Redirecting Party ID O O O This IE indicates the directory number the call was redirected
Redirection Information O O O This IE contains forwarding related information, such as
redirecting counter.
Suppression Of Announcements - - O This IE indicates that announcements or tones generated as a
result of unsuccessful call setup shall be suppressed.
O Optional (Service logic dependent)

- Not applicable

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 174 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

NA Carrier Information contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

NA Carrier Identification Code M M M This IE uniquely identifies a North American long distance carrier.
NA Carrier Selection M M M This IE indicates the way the carrier was selected e.g.:
Information – dialled
– subscribed
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

9.2.6 Connect To Resource Description
This IF is used to connect a call from the gsmSSF to a gsmSRF. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Service Interaction Indicators O O O This parameter indicates whether or not a bothway through
Two connection is required between the Calling party and the gsmSRF.
The handling when this IE is not present is defined in EN 301 070-
1 ([7]).
Resource Address O O O This IE indicates the physical location of the gsmSRF.
O Optional (Service logic dependent)

Resource Address contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

IP Routing Address O O O This IE indicates the routeing address to set up a connection
towards the gsmSRF.
None O O O This parameter indicates that the call party is to be connected to a
predefined gsmSRF.
O Optional (Service logic dependent)

9.2.7 Continue Description
This information flow requests the gsmSSF to proceed with call processing at the DP at which it previously suspended
call processing to await gsmSCF instructions. The gsmSSF completes DP processing, and continues basic call
processing (i.e., proceeds to the next point in call in the BCSM) without substituting new data from the gsmSCF. Information Elements

This IF contains no information elements.

9.2.8 Disconnect Forward Connection Description
This IF is used :

- to disconnect a connection with a gsmSRF previously established with a Connect To Resource IF;

- to disconnect an initiating gsmSSF from an assisting gsmSSF and its associated gsmSRF. The IF is send to the
initiating gsmSSF.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 175 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06) Information Elements

This IF contains no information elements.

9.2.9 Establish Temporary Connection Description
This IF is used to create a connection between an initiating gsmSSF and an assisting gsmSSF as a part of the assist
procedure. It can also be used to create a connection between a gsmSSF and a gsmSRF. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Assisting SSP IP Routing M M M This parameter indicates the destination address of the gsmSRF
Address or assisting gsmSSF for the assist procedure. As a network
operator option, the Assisting SSP IP Routing Address may
contain embedded within it, a "Correlation ID" and " Scf ID", but
only if "Correlation ID" and "Scf ID" are not specified separately.
Correlation ID O O O This parameter is used for :
- the correlation of dialogues from the initiating gsmSSF->
gsmSCF with dialogues from gsmSRF -> gsmSCF
- the correlation of dialogues from the initiating gsmSSF->
gsmSCF with dialogues from assisting gsmSSF -> gsmSCF.
NA Carrier Information O O O This IE is described in the next table.
NA Originating Line O O O This IE identifies the type of number in the NA Charge Number
Information (e.g. subscriber versus PLMN operator number).
NA Charge Number O O O This IE identifies the chargeable number for the usage of a North
American carrier.
Scf ID O O O This parameter indicates the gsmSCF identifier
Service Interaction Indicators O O O This parameter indicates whether or not a bothway through
Two connection is required between the Calling party and the
gsmSRF. The handling when this IE is not present is defined in
EN 301 070-1 ([7]).
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

O Optional (Service logic dependent)

NA Carrier Information contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

NA Carrier Identification Code M M M This IE uniquely identifies a North American long distance carrier.
NA Carrier Selection M M M This IE indicates the way the carrier was selected e.g.:
Information – dialled
– subscribed
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

9.2.10 Furnish Charging Information

This IF is used to request the gsmSSF to include call related information in the CAMEL specific logical call record. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

FCI Billing Charging M M M This IE is described in the next table.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 176 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

FCI Billing Charging Characteristics contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

FCIBCCCAMEL Sequence 1 M M M This IE is described in the next table.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

FCIBCCCAMEL Sequence 1 contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Free Format Data M M M This IE is a free format data to be inserted in the CAMEL logical
call record.
Party To Charge M M M This IE indicates the party for whom a CAMEL logical call record
will be created.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

9.2.11 Release Call Description
This IF is used to tear down by the gsmSCF an existing call at any phase of the call for all parties involved in the call. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Cause M M M A number giving an indication to the gsmSSF about the reason of
releasing this specific call. This may be used by MSC/GMSC for
generating specific tones to the different parties in the call or to fill
in the "cause" in the release message.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

9.2.12 Request Report BCSM Event Description
This IF is used to request the gsmSSF to monitor for a call-related event, then send a notification back to the gsmSCF
when the event is detected (see Event Report BCSM). Information Elements

The following information elements are used:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

BCSM Event M M M This IE specifies the event or events of which a report is
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

BCSM Event contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Event type M M M This IE specifies the type of event of which a report is requested.
Leg ID C C C This IE indicates the party in the call for which the event shall be
Monitor Mode M M M This IE indicates how the event shall be reported.
DP Specific Criteria O O O This IE is described in the next table.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

C Conditional

O Optional (Service logic dependent)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 177 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

DP Specific Criteria is defined as:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Application Timer O O O This IE carries additional timer duration information (timer values
for No Answer event) required for arming No_Answer EDPs in the
gsmSSF. The TNRy timer (value defined between 10s and 40s)
shall be shorter than the network no answer timer.
O Optional (Service logic dependent)

NOTE: If a Request Report BCSM Event information flow overwrites previous Request Report BCSM Event
information flow which contained Application Timer IE for No_Answer DP, the behaviour of the
gsmSSF is unpredictable.

9.2.13 Reset Timer Description
This IF is used to refresh a timer. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Timer Value M M M This IE specifies the value to which the timer Tssf shall be set.
Timer ID O O O This IE has a default value indicating the Tssf value.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

O Optional (Service logic dependent)

9.2.14 Send Charging Information Description
This IF is used to send e-parameters from the gsmSCF to the gsmSSF. If charge advice information is received from the
gsmSCF, it shall replace the charge advice information which would be generated by the MSC and inhibit any further
generation of CAI by the MSC. Further processing of the charge advice information by the MSC shall be in accordance
with the GSM Advice of Charge Supplementary Service.

NOTE 1: If charge advice information is received from the gsmSCF after charge information has been generated by
the MSC and sent to the MS, the behaviour of the service may be unpredictable or incorrect ; the service
designer should therefore ensure that the first set of charge advice information is sent to the gsmSSF
before charge information is sent to the to the MS.

NOTE 2: There are various interpretations of how the gsmSSF should behave if the subscriber is not provisioned
with the GSM Advice of Charge supplementary service or if the VPLMN does not support this service. Information Elements

The following information elements are only used for the MO case :

Information element name MO Description

SCI Billing Charging M This IE defines the Advice Of Charge related information to be
Characteristics provided to the Mobile Station
Leg ID M This IE indicates where the charging information shall be sent.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 178 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

SCI Billing Charging Characteristics is defined as:

Information element name MO Description

AOC After Answer C This IE is sent after an Answer from event has been detected from
the called party, the current connected SRF or the temporary
AOC Before Answer C This IE is sent before an Answer event has been detected from
the called party, the current connected SRF or the temporary
C Conditional (only one of these IEs may be sent)

AOC Before Answer is defined as:

Information element name MO Description

AOC Initial M This IE contains CAI elements as defined in 3GPP TS 02.24 [14].
AOC Subsequent O See definition in the next table.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

O Optional (Service logic dependent)

AOCSubsequent is defined as:

Information element name MO Description

CAI Elements M This IE contains CAI elements as defined in 3GPP TS 02.24 [14].
Tariff Switch Interval O This IE indicates the tariff switch time until the next tariff switch
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

O Optional (Service logic dependent)

AOCAfterAnswer is defined as:

Information element name MO Description

CAI Elements M This IE contains CAI elements as defined in 3GPP TS 02.24 [14].
Tariff Switch Interval O This IE indicates the tariff switch time until the next tariff switch
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

9.3 Optional (Service logic dependent) gsmSCF to gsmSRF

information flows
9.3.1 Cancel Description
This IF is used by the gsmSCF to request the gsmSRF to cancel a correlated previous operation. Information Elements

The following information elements are used:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Invoke ID M M M This IE specifies the operation to be cancelled.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

9.3.2 Play Announcement Description
This IF is used for inband interaction.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 179 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06) Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Information To Send M M M This IE indicates an announcement or a tone to be sent to the
end user by the gsmSRF.
Disconnect From IP Forbidden M M M This IE indicates whether or not the gsmSRF may be
disconnected from the user when all information has been
Request Announcement M M M This IE indicates whether or not a SpecializedResourceReport
Complete shall be sent to the gsmSCF when all information has been
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

O Optional (Service logic dependent)

Information To Send contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Inband Info O O O This IE indicates the inband information to be sent.
Tone O O O This IE indicates the tone to be sent. The mapping from the code
points of this IE to tones is a matter for agreement between the
gsmSCF operator and the gsmSRF operator.
O Optional (Service logic dependent)

Inband Info contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Message ID M M M This IE is described in the next table.
Number Of Repetitions M M M This IE indicates the maximum number of times the message
shall be sent to the end-user.
Duration O O O This IE indicates the maximum duration time in seconds that the
message shall be played/repeated. Zero indicates endless
Interval O O O This IE indicates the time interval in seconds between two
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

O Optional (Service logic dependent)

Message ID contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Elementary Message ID O O O This IE indicates a single announcement
Text O O O This IE indicates a text to be sent. The text shall be transformed
to inband information (speech) by the gsmSRF.
Elementary Message IDs O O O This IE indicates a sequence of announcements
Variable Message O O O This IE indicates an announcement with one or more variable
O Optional (Service logic dependent)

Tone contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Tone ID M M M This IE indicates the tone to be sent.
Duration O O O This IE indicates the maximum duration time in seconds that the
message shall be played/repeated. Zero indicates endless

M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

O Optional (Service logic dependent)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 180 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.3.3 Prompt And Collect User Information (received information) Description
This IF is used to interact with a call party in order to collect information. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Collected Info M M M This IE is described in the next table.
Information To Send O O O This IE indicates an announcement or a tone to be sent to the
end user by the gsmSRF.
Disconnect From IP Forbidden O O O This IE indicates whether the gsmSRF should be
disconnected from the user when all information has been
O Optional (Service logic dependent)

Collected Info contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Collected Digits M M M This IE is described in the next table.
O Optional (Service logic dependent)

Collected Digits contains the following information:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Minimum Number Of Digits M M M This IE indicates the minimum number of valid digits to be
Maximum Number Of Digits O O O This IE specifies the maximum number of valid digits to be
End Of Reply Digit O O O This IE indicates the digit(s) used to signal the end of input.
Cancel Digit O O O If this IE is present, the cancel digit can be entered by the user to
request a possible retry
Start Digit O O O If this IE is present, the start digit(s) indicates the start of the valid
digits to be collected.
First Digit Time Out O O O If this IE is present, the first digit shall be received before the
expiration of the first digit timer expiration
Inter Digit Time Out O O O If this IE is present, any subsequent valid or invalid digit shall be
received by the gsmSRF before the inter digit timer expires.
Error Treatment O O O This IE indicates what specific action shall be taken by the
gsmSRF in the event of error conditions occurring.
Interruptable Ann Ind O O O If this IE is set to TRUE (default value) the announcement is
interrupted after the first valid or invalid digit received by the
gsmSRF. If this IE is present and explicitly set to FALSE, the
announcement will not be interrupted after the first digit is
received by the gsmSRF
Voice Information O O O This IE is optional, where the default value is specified being
FALSE. If the VoiceInformation IE is set to FALSE, all valid or
invalid digits are entered by DTMF If this IE is present and
explicitly set to TRUE, calling user is required to provide all valid
or invalid information by speech
Voice Back O O O This IE is optional, where the default value is specified being
FALSE. If the VoiceBack IE is set to FALSE, no voice back
information is given by the gsmSRF If this IE is present and
explicitly set to TRUE, the valid input digits received by the
gsmSRF will be announced back to the calling user immediately
after the end of input is received
O Optional (Service logic dependent)

InformationToSend is defined in subclause 9.3.3.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 181 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.3.4 Activity Test Description
This IF is used to check for the continued existence of a relationship between the gsmSCF and gsmSRF. If the
relationship is still in existence, then the gsmSRF will respond. If no reply is received, then the gsmSCF will assume
that the gsmSRF has failed in some way and will take the appropriate action. Information Elements

This IF contains no information elements.

9.4 gsmSRF to gsmSCF information flows

9.4.1 Assist Request Instructions Description
This IF is sent to the gsmSCF by a gsmSSF which is acting as the assisting gsmSSF or by a gsmSRF Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

CorrelationID M M M This IE is used to associate the AssistRequestInstructions IF
from an assisting gsmSSF or by a gsmSRF with the InitialDP
from the initiating gsmSSF.
IP SSP Capabilities M M M This IE indicates which SRF resources are attached, available
and supported within the MSC where the gsmSSF resides or
the IP in which the gsmSRF resides.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

9.4.2 Prompt And Collect User Information ack (received information) Description
This IF is used by the gsmSRF to indicate the result a Prompt And Collect User Information IF. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name MO MF MT Description

Digits Response C C C This IE indicates the digit sequence received from the end user
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if available)

9.4.3 Specialized Resource Report Description
This IF is used to response to a PlayAnnouncement IF when the announcement complete indication is set. Information Elements

This IF contains no information elements.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 182 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.4.4 Activity Test ack Description
This IF is the response to the Activity Test. Information Elements

This IF contains no information elements.

9.5 gsmSCF to Assisting SSF information flows

9.5.1 Cancel Description
This IF is described in section 9.3.

9.5.2 Connect To Resource Description
This IF is described in section 9.2.

9.5.3 Play Announcement Description
This IF is described in section 9.3..

9.5.4 Prompt And Collect User Information Description
This IF is described in section 9.3.

9.5.5 Reset Timer Description
This IF is described in section 9.2.

9.5.6 Activity Test Description
This IF is used to check for the continued existence of a relationship between the gsmSCF and assistSSF. If the
relationship is still in existence, then the assistSSF will respond. If no reply is received, then the gsmSCF will assume
that the assistSSF has failed in some way and will take the appropriate action. Information Elements

This IF contains no information elements.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 183 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.6 Assisting SSF to gsmSCF information flows

9.6.1 Assist Request Instructions Description
This IF is defined in subclause 9.4.

9.6.2 Prompt And Collect User Information ack (received information) Description
This IF is described in section 9.4.

9.6.3 Specialized Resource Report Description
This IF is described in section 9.4.

9.6.4 Activity Test ack Description
This IF is the response to the Activity Test. Information Elements

This IF contains no information elements.

9.7 gsmSCF to HLR information flows

9.7.1 Any Time Interrogation Request Description
This IF is used to request information (subscriber state and location) from the HLR at any time. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name Required Description

gsmSCF Address M This IE indicates the address of the interrogating gsmSCF.
Requested Info M This IE indicates the type of subscriber information being requested:
- subscriber location
- subscriber state
Subscriber Identity M This IE identifies the subscriber for which the information is requested.
The identity can be one of:
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 184 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.7.2 Unstructured SS Request Description
This interface is used for the gsmSCF to request data from the MS via the HLR. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name Required Description

USSD String M This IE contains the string that will be sent to the MS.
Data Coding Scheme M This IE indicates the characteristics of the USSD string
IMSI C This IE identifies the subscriber for which the information is requested
Alerting Pattern O This IE indicates an alerting pattern to be sent to the MS.

M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

C Conditional (This IE shall be sent if this IF is the first IF in a USSD dialogue)

O Optional (Service Logic dependent)

9.7.3 Unstructured SS Notify Description
This interface is used for the gsmSCF to send data to the MS via the HLR. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name Required Description

USSD String M This IE contains the string that will be sent to the MS.
Data Coding Scheme M This IE indicates the characteristics of the USSD string
IMSI C This IE identifies the subscriber for which the information is requested.
Alerting Pattern O This IE indicates an alerting pattern to be sent to the MS.

M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

C Conditional (This IE shall be sent if this IF is the first IF in a USSD dialogue)

O Optional (Service Logic dependent)

9.7.4 Process Unstructured SS Data ack Description
This interface is used for the gsmSCF to send the response to the MS via the HLR for the MS initiated operation. Information Elements

The following information element is required:

Information element name Required Description

SS User Data C This IE contains the string that will be sent to the MS.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 185 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if requested and available)

9.7.5 Process Unstructured SS Request ack Description
This interface is used for the gsmSCF to send the response to the MS via the HLR for the MS initiated operation. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name Required Description

USSD String C This IE contains the string that will be sent to the MS.
Data Coding Scheme C This IE indicates the characteristics of the USSD string
C Conditional (the presence of the IE depends on the application. Both IEs shall be sent.)

9.8 HLR to gsmSCF information flows

9.8.1 Any Time Interrogation ack Description
This IF is used by the HLR to provide the requested information to the gsmSCF. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name Required Description

Location Information C This IE indicates the location of the served subscriber.
Subscriber State C This IE indicates the status of the MS. The possible values of the IE
- CAMELBusy: The VLR has indicated that the MS is engaged on a
transaction for a mobile originating or terminated circuit-switched call.
- NetworkDeterminedNotReachable: The VLR has indicated that the
network can determine from its internal data that the MS is not
- AssumedIdle: The VLR has indicated that the state of the MS is
neither "CAMELBusy" nor "NetworkDeterminedNotReachable".
- NotProvidedFromVLR: The VLR did not provide any information on
subscriber state even though it was requested.
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if requested and available)

Location Information contains the following information:

Information element name Required Description

Location Number C See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
CellIdOrLAI C See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
Geographical Information C See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
Age Of Location Information C See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
VLR number C See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if available)

9.8.2 Unstructured SS Request ack Description
This interface is used for the MS to via the HLR send the response to the gsmSCF for the gsmSCF initiated operation.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 186 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06) Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name Required Description

USSD String C This IE contains the string that will be sent to the gsmSCF.
Data Coding Scheme C This IE indicates the characteristics of the USSD string
C Conditional (The presence of the IE depends on the application. Both IEs shall be sent.)

9.8.3 Unstructured SS Notify ack

This IE contains no information element. Description
This interface is used for the MS to via the HLR acknowledge to the gsmSCF that the notification was received.

9.8.4 Process Unstructured SS Data Description
This interface is used for the gsmSCF to request data from the MS via the HLR. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name Required Description

SS User Data M This IE contains the string that will be sent to the MS.

M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

9.8.5 Process Unstructured SS Request Description
This interface is used for the MS to request data from the gsmSCF via the HLR. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name Required Description

USSD String M This IE contains the string that will be sent to the gsmSCF, including the
Service Code.
Data Coding Scheme M This IE indicates the characteristics of the USSD string
IMSI M This IE identifies the subscriber.
MSISDN O This IE contains the basic MSISDN of the subscriber who has requested
the USSD operation. This IE is used as an operator option.
Originating Entity Number M This IE identifies the functional entity initiating the information flow.
In this case, this shall be the address of the HLR.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

O Optional (Operator option)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 187 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.8.6 Begin Subscriber Activity Description
This Information Flow is used by the HLR to start subscriber activity towards the gsmSCF for USSD purposes. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name Required Description

IMSI M This IE identifies the subscriber.
Originating Entity Number M This IE identifies the functional entity initiating the subscriber activity.
In this case, this shall be the address of the HLR.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

9.9 HLR to VLR information flows

9.9.1 Delete Subscriber Data Description
This IF is specified in 3GPP TS 09.02 [4] and is used by the HLR to delete subscriber data in the VLR. Information Elements

The Delete Subscriber Data contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

CAMEL Subscription Info C This IE identifies that all CSIs shall be deleted from the subscriber data
Withdraw in VLR.
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent when deletion is requested)

9.9.2 Insert Subscriber Data Description
This IF is specified in 3GPP TS 09.02 [4] and used by the HLR to insert subscriber data in the VLR. Information Elements

Insert Subscriber Data contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

O-CSI C This IE identifies the subscriber as having originating CAMEL services.
SS-CSI C This IE identifies the subscriber as having supplementary service
invocation notification services. It contains the Notification Criteria and
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if required)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 188 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

O-CSI contains the following information:

Information element name Required Description

gsmSCF Address M This IE is described in section 6.1
Service Key M This IE is described in section 6.1.
Default Call Handling M This IE is described in section 6.1.
TDP List M This IE is described in section 6.1.
DP Criteria O This IE is described in section 6.1.
CAMEL Capability Handling C This IE is described in section 6.1. If this IE is absent, this indicates
that CAMEL phase 1 is asked.
M Mandatory

C Conditional

O Optional (service logic dependant)

9.9.3 Provide Subscriber Info Description
This IF is used by the HLR to request information (subscriber state and location) from the VLR at any time. Information Elements

Provide Subscriber Info contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

Requested Info M This IE indicates the type of subscriber information to the gsmSCF.
- subscriber location
- subscriber state
Subscriber Identity M This IE identifies the subscriber for which the information is
requested. The identity can be:
- IMSI: The IMSI shall be accompanied by a LMSI if one was
provided by the VLR.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

9.9.4 Provide Roaming Number Description
This IF is specified in 3GPP TS 03.18 [3] and used by the HLR to request a roaming number from the VLR. Information Elements

Provide Roaming Number contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

Suppression Of Announcements C This IE indicates that announcements or tones generated as
a result of unsuccessful call setup shall be suppressed.
Call Reference Number M This IE carries the Call Reference Number provided by the
GMSC in the Send Routeing Info IF.
GMSC Address M This IE is the E.164 address of the GMSC
Alerting Pattern C This IE indicates the kind of Alerting Pattern to be applied.
GMSC CAMEL Phases C This IE indicates the CAMEL Phases supported in the
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if received from the GMSC in the Send Routeing Info)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 189 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.10 VLR to HLR information flows

9.10.1 Insert Subscriber Data ack Description
This IF is specified in 3GPP TS 09.02 [4] and used by the VLR to indicate to the HLR the result of the Insert Subscriber
Data IF. Information Elements

Insert Subscriber Data ack contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

Supported CAMEL Phases C This IE identifies which CAMEL phases are supported by the
C Conditional (The IE shall always be sent when a CSI has been included in the ISD)

9.10.2 Provide Subscriber Info ack Description
This IF is used by the VLR to provide the requested information to the HLR. Information Elements

Provide Subscriber Info ack contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

Location Information C This IE indicates the location of the served subscriber. The elements
contained in this IE are specified in 3GPP TS 03.18 ([3]).
Subscriber State C This IE indicates the status of the MS. The states are:
- CAMELBusy: The MS is engaged on a transaction for a mobile
originating or terminated circuit-switched call.
- NetworkDeterminedNotReachable: The network can determine
from its internal data that the MS is not reachable.
- AssumedIdle: The state of the MS is neither "CAMELBusy" nor
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if requested and available)

9.10.3 Update Location Description
This IF is used by the VLR to provide the information about supported CAMEL phases to the HLR. Information Elements

Update Location contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

Supported CAMEL phases C This IE indicates which phases of CAMEL are supported. It shall be
present if a CAMEL phase different from phase 1 is supported.
Otherwise may be absent.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 190 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.10.4 Restore Data Description
This IF is used by the VLR to provide the information about supported CAMEL phases to the HLR. Information Elements

Restore Data contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

Supported CAMEL phases C This IE indicates which phases of CAMEL are supported. It shall be
present if a CAMEL phase different from phase 1 is supported.
Otherwise may be absent.

9.11 HLR to GMSC information flows

9.11.1 Send Routeing Info ack Description
This IF is specified in 3GPP TS 03.18 [3] and is used by the HLR to transfer the requested routeing information to the
GMSC. Information Elements

Send Routeing Info ack contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

Location Information C This IE indicates the location of the served subscriber.
O-CSI C This IE identifies the subscriber as having originating CAMEL services.
Shall be sent if O-CSI is active, and CFU or CFNRc has been invoked,
or if both O-CSI and T-CSI are active.
Subscriber State C This IE indicates the status of the MS. The possible values of the IE
- CAMELBusy: The VLR has indicated that the MS is engaged on a
transaction for a mobile originating or terminated circuit-switched call.
- NetworkDeterminedNotReachable: The VLR has indicated that the
network can determine from its internal data that the MS is not
- AssumedIdle: The VLR has indicated that the state of the MS is
neither "CAMELBusy" nor "NetworkDeterminedNotReachable".
- NotProvidedFromVLR: The VLR did not provide any information on
subscriber state even though it was requested.
T-CSI C This IE identifies the subscriber as having terminating CAMEL
Shall be sent if T-CSI is active and no Suppress T-CSI indicator is
present in the SRI.
Basic Service Code C This IE indicates the type of basic service i.e., teleservice or bearer
CUG Subscription Flag C This IE indicates if the called party has a CUG subscription. It shall
only be sent if the T-CSI is active and included in the Send Routing
Information ack.
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if available)

C' Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if available and indicated by Subscriber Information in Send Routeing
Information ack indicator.)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 191 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Location Information contains the following information:

Information element name Required Description

Location Number C' See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
CellIdOrLAI C' See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
Geographical Information C' See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
Age Of Location Information C' See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
VLR number C See 3GPP TS 03.18 [3].
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if available)

C' Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if available and indicated by Subscriber Information in Send Routeing
Information ack indicator.)

O-CSI is defined in section 0.

T-CSI contains the following information:

Information element name Required Description

gsmSCF Address M This IE is described in section 6.1.
Service Key M This IE is described in section 6.1.
Default Call Handling M This IE is described in section 6.1.
TDP List M This IE is described in section 6.1.
CAMEL Capability Handling C This IE is described in section 6.1. If this IE is absent, this indicates
that CAMEL phase 1 is asked.
M Mandatory

C Conditional

9.12 GMSC to HLR information flows

9.12.1 Send Routeing Info Description
This IF is described in 3GPP TS 03.18 [3] and is used to request information from the HLR to route an MT call. Information Elements

Send Routeing Info contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

Alerting Pattern C This IE indicates the kind of Alerting Pattern to be applied.
Suppression Of Announcement C This IE indicates that announcements or tones generated as a
result of unsuccessful call setup shall be suppressed.
Shall be sent in the interrogation if available, i.e., when it has
been received from the gsmSCF.
Suppress T-CSI C This IE indicates that T-CSI shall be suppressed.
Shall always be sent in the second interrogation
Supported CAMEL Phases M This IE lists the supported CAMEL phases.
Call Reference Number M This IE carries the Call Reference Number allocated for the call
by the GMSC.
Shall be allocated once per call and sent in both first and second
GMSC Address M This IE is the E.164 address of the GMSC
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent, if received from the gsmSCF or set by the gsmSSF)

M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent when the GMSC supports CAMEL)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 192 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.13 MSC to gsmSCF information flows

9.13.1 SS Invocation Notification Description
This IF is generated by the MSC when it shall notify the gsmSCF of a supplementary service invocation. Information Elements

The following information elements are required:

Information element name Required Description

Notification Event M This IE indicates the supplementary service invocation,
resulting in the SS Invocation Notification IF.
Only the following Supplementary Services are allowed :
Explicit Call Transfer, Call Deflection, Multi Party.
Notification Event Specific C In the case of ECT, the sending entity shall include the
Information called party for each call originated by the subscriber and
relevant to the ECT invocation. Note : the subscriber may
have originated zero, one or two calls relevant to the ECT
In the case of CD, the deflected to number shall be
included in this information element.
In the case of MPTY, this IE shall be omitted.
IMSI M This IE identifies the mobile subscriber who has invoked
the supplementary service to be notified.
MSISDN M This IE identifies the mobile subscriber who has invoked
the supplementary service to be notified.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

C Conditional (The IE shall be sent if applicable)

9.14 VMSC to GMSC information flows

9.14.1 Resume Call Handling Description
This IF is described in 3GPP TS 03.79 [15] and is used to request the GMSC to take over handling the call so that it can
be forwarded from the GMSC. Information Elements

Resume Call Handling contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

O-CSI C This IE contains O-CSI without triggering criteria. It indicates that
CAMEL handling applies for a forwarded call.
Shall be present if CAMEL handling applies; otherwise shall be

C Conditional (The IE shall be sent if applicable)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 193 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.15 MSC to VLR information flows

9.15.1 Send Info For Outgoing Call Description
This IF is described in 3GPP TS 03.18 [3] and is used to request the VLR to provide information to handle an outgoing
call. Information Elements

Send Info For Outgoing Call contains the following CAMEL specific IE

Information element name Required Description

Suppress O-CSI C This IE indicates that O-CSI shall be suppressed.
Shall always be sent in the second interrogation.
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent if applicable)

9.15.2 Send Info For Reconnected Call Description
This IF is used to request the VLR to provide information to handle a reconnected call. Information Elements

Send Info For Reconnected Call contains the following IE

Information element name Required Description

Called number M E.164 number of the call destination.
Bearer service C Bearer service required for the MO call, derived from the GSM
bearer capability information received in the setup request from the
MS. One of bearer service or teleservice shall be present.
Teleservice C Teleservice required for the MO call, derived from the GSM bearer
capability information received in the setup request from the MS or
from the emergency setup request from the MS. One of bearer
service or teleservice shall be present.
CUG index C For the definition of this IE, see ETS 300 546 [9]. Shall be present if
it was received in the setup request from the MS.
Suppress preferential CUG C For the definition of this IE, see ETS 300 546 [9]. Shall be present if
it was received in the setup request from the MS.
Suppress CUG outgoing access C For the definition of this IE, see ETS 300 546 [9]. Shall be present if
it was received in the setup request from the MS.
Suppress O-CSI C This IE indicates that O-CSI shall be suppressed.
Shall always be sent in the second interrogation.

M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

C Conditional (The IE shall be sent if applicable)

9.16 VLR to MSC information flows

9.16.1 Complete Call Description
This IF is described in 3GPP TS 03.18 [3] and is used to instruct the MSC to continue the connection of a call.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 194 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06) Information Elements

Complete Call contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

O-CSI C This IE indicates that CAMEL handling applies for an MO call.
Shall be present in the response to the first interrogation for an
MO call if CAMEL handling applies; otherwise shall be absent.
Shall be absent in the response to the second interrogation for an
MO call and in the response to the interrogation for an MT call.
Call Reference Number M This IE carries the Call Reference Number provided by the HLR
in the Provide Roaming Number IF.
GMSC Address M This IE is the E.164 address of the GMSC.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

C Conditional (The IE shall be sent if applicable)

9.16.2 Process Call Waiting Description
This IF is described in 3GPP TS 03.18 [3] and is used to instruct the MSC to continue the connection of a waiting call. Information Elements

Process Call Waiting contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

Call Reference Number M This IE carries the Call Reference Number provided by the HLR
in the Provide Roaming Number IF.
GMSC Address M This IE is the E.164 address of the GMSC.
M Mandatory (The IE shall always be sent)

9.16.3 Send Info For Incoming Call ack Description
This IF is described in 3GPP TS 03.18 [3] and is used to indicate that the incoming call for which the MSC requested
subscription information shall be forwarded. Information Elements

Send Info For Incoming Call ack contains the following CAMEL specific IE:

Information element name Required Description

O-CSI C This IE indicates that CAMEL handling applies for a forwarded
Shall be present if CAMEL handling applies; otherwise shall be
Suppression Of Announcement C This IE indicates that announcements or tones generated when
the call is forwarded shall be suppressed.
Shall be sent if it was received in the Provide Roaming Number
for this call.
Call Reference Number M This IE carries the Call Reference Number provided by the HLR
in the Provide Roaming Number IF.
GMSC Address M This IE is the E.164 address of the GMSC.
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent if applicable)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 195 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

9.16.4 Send Info For Incoming Call negative response Description
This IF is described in 3GPP TS 03.18 [3] and is used to indicate that the incoming call for which the MSC requested
subscription information shall not be connected. Information Elements

Send Info For Incoming Call negative response contains the following CAMEL specific IE which may be attached as a
IE to any of the negative response values defined in 3GPP TS 03.18 [3]:

Information element name Required Description

Suppression Of Announcement C This IE indicates that announcements or tones generated as a
result of unsuccessful call setup shall be suppressed.
Shall be sent if it was received in the Provide Roaming Number
for this call.
C Conditional (The IE shall be sent if applicable)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 196 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

10 Interaction with supplementary services

10.1 Line identification

For further study.

10.2 Call forwarding services

10.2.1 Registration of Call Forwarding
The functional behaviour for the registration of the Call Forwarding supplementary service is defined in 3GPP TS 03.82
[13]. The procedure specific to CAMEL is defined in this subclause:

- CAMEL_Check_CF_Interaction

10.2.2 Invocation of Call Forwarding

The functional behaviour for the invocation of the Call Forwarding supplementary service is defined in 3GPP TS 03.18
[3].The following additional requirements apply.

When call forwarding is invoked for a CAMEL subscriber with O-CSI, the gsmSSF shall send the FTN to the gsmSCF
in the format in which it was received from the HLR.

An HLR shall not send an FTN which is not in international E.164 format to a VLR or GMSC which does not support
CAMEL phase 2, i.e.:if the HLR is handling a request from a GMSC for routeing information and the forwarded-to
number is registered a format other than international E.164, the service logic in the HLR shall behave as if the call
forwarding is provisioned but not registered.

10.3 Call Barring services

When a CAMEL subscriber with O-CSI and TIF-CSI attempts to activate a conditional call barring service
(BOIC,BOIC-exHC), the HLR shall not check the interactions with call forwarding.

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 197 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Procedure CAMEL_Check_CF_Interaction 1(1)

Pr ocedu re in the H LR to check the

prov ision of TIF-CSI.

prov ided?


Res ult:= Res ult :=

pass fai l

Figure 58a: Procedure CAMEL_Check_CF_Interaction (sheet 1)

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 198 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Annex A (informative):
Change history
ev ERS
s25 98-0084 A008 E R97 5.3.1 6.0.0 CAMEL phase 2
s26 98-0411 A028 R97 6.0.0 6.1.0 GSM Forwarding Pending Indication in IDP Operation
s26 98-0410 A019 2 R97 6.0.0 6.1.0 Combination clean up CR on CAMEL Phase 2
s26 98-0404 A021 1 R97 6.0.0 6.1.0 Error handling in 3GPP TS 03.78 paragraph 8.5
s26 98-0404 A024 1 R97 6.0.0 6.1.0 Progress is to be sent on CONNECT reception
s26 98-0404 A027 R97 6.0.0 6.1.0 Release by A party for forwarded calls and CAMEL
s26 98-0411 A026 1 R97 6.0.0 6.1.0 Supported CAMEL Phase indication
6.1.0 6.1.1 Version update for publication
s27 98-0724 A029 1 R97 6.1.1 6.2.0 Corrections on 3GPP TS 03.78
s27 98-0724 A034 2 R97 6.1.1 6.2.0 Interworking CAMEL with the General Bearer Service
s27 98-0724 A025 2 R97 6.1.1 6.2.0 CAMEL Phase 2 Stage 2
s27 98-0724 A037 1 R97 6.1.1 6.3.0 Suppression of Not_Reachable DPs
s28 A032 6 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Correction to handling of Call Information Report
s28 P-99-192 A039 1 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Progress Indicator
s28 P-99-192 A040 1 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 SCI handling in 03.78
s28 P-99-192 A041 3 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Implicit Disarming of Detection Points.
s28 P-99-192 A042 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Tariff Switch Handling Correction
s28 P-99-192 A046 1 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Correction of 03.78 SDLs
s28 P-99-192 A048 2 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Clarification of handling of call forwarding
s28 P-99-192 A049 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Correction of the 03.78 SDLs for Reconnect in case for MTC
s28 P-99-192 A050 2 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Corrections on CAMEL phase 2 stage 2
s28 P-99-192 A052 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 USSD
s28 P-99-192 A055 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 P&C (Prompt & Collect) correction
s28 P-99-192 A056 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Use of Facility message to transport the E parameters
s28 P-99-192 A057 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Criteria for inhibiting triggering
s28 P-99-192 A058 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Clarifying description of Implicit Disarming rules
s28 P-99-192 A059 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Removal of 'Send Calculation To SCP Indication' Information
s28 P-99-192 A060 1 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Insertion of the handling of the call duration and of E
parameters at the reception of answer in case of temporary
s28 P-99-192 A061 3 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Timer TNRy
s28 P-99-245 A063 1 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Addition of North American Carrier related Information
CAMEL Phase 2
s28 P-99-192 A067 1 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 CAMEL 2 clarifications to charging issues
s28 P-99-192 A069 R97 6.2.0 6.3.0 Interactions of CAMEL with call forwarding & call barring
s29 P-99-454 A070 1 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Inclusion of Subscriber Activity Information Flow
s29 P-99-454 A074 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Inclusion of Alerting Pattern in Provide Roaming Number
(PRN) Information Flow
s29 P-99-454 A075 1 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Dialled Number String Format
s29 P-99-454 A076 2 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Handling of AC/ACR in DP Busy, DP No Answer and DP
Route Select
s29 P-99-454 A083 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Inclusion of Activity Test IF between gsmSCF & gsmSRF and
gsmSCF and assistSSF
s29 P-99-454 A084 1 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Correction of USSD Information flows
s29 P-99-454 A085 2 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Various corrections
s29 P-99-454 A092 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Correction of CAMEL Phase interworking with Call
s29 P-99-454 A093 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Renaming of Call Active Variable
s29 P-99-454 A099 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Reporting of O/T_Abandon DP when caller clears during
O/T_Busy, O/T_No_Answer or Route_Select_Failure EDP-R.
s29 P-99-454 A100 1 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Clarification on the scope of CAMEL Capability Handling
s29 P-99-454 A102 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Refining trigger criteria at DP2, due to the introduction of
North American Equal Access
S29 P-99-454 A103 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Introduction of MSISDN Parameters in Process Unstructured

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 199 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)


ev ERS
s29 P-99-454 A104 3 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 MSC address in Initial DP
s29 P-99-454 A105 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Correction of gsmSDL; return to idle after ACR
s29 P-99-454 A106 2 R97 6.3.0 6.4.0 Notification of call forwarding to the gsmSCF
v6.4.1 created as CR omitted from v6.4.0
s30 NP-99298 A130 2 R97 6.4.0 6.5.0 Alignment of CAMEL2 FCI & handling of CIR
s30 NP-99298 A127 1 R97 6.4.0 6.5.0 Clarification on Call Reference Number and GMSC address
s30 NP-99298 A108 2 R97 6.4.0 6.5.0 Inclusion of the SS invocation notification procedure
s30 NP-99298 A134 R97 6.4.0 6.5.0 Removal of TDP criteria from resume call handling
s30 NP-99298 A132 2 R97 6.4.0 6.5.0 Call Reference Number
s30 NP-99298 A136 1 R97 6.4.0 6.5.0 GMSC CAMEL phases in Provide Roaming Number
s30 NP-99298 A141 1 R97 6.4.0 6.5.0 Correction of process gsmSSF SDL
s30 NP-99298 A138 1 R97 6.4.0 6.5.0 Value of the Active Call parameter in ACR operation
CN#07 NP-000033 A151 1 R97 6.5.0 6.6.0 Correction of CF notification
CN#07 NP-000033 A153 1 R97 6.5.0 6.6.0 Correction on gsmSSF SDL; return to idle after ACR
CN#08 NP-000241 A155 2 R97 6.6.0 6.7.0 gsmSSF DP handling in CF
CN#08 NP-000240 A157 2 R97 6.6.0 6.7.0 Usage of Announcement Suppression Indicator
6.7.0 6.8.0 Conversion to 3GPP layout and number, December 2000
CN#10 NP-000614 A159 5 R97 6.7.0 6.8.0 Correction on CF notification
CN#12 NP-010309 A161 1 R97 6.8.0 6.9.0 Mapping of Call Forwarding parameters from CAP-Connect
to ISUP-IAM and CAP-Initial DP
6.9.0 6.9.1 Minor editorial change to cover page
CN#14 NP-010581 A166 R97 6.9.1 6.10.0 Correction to implementation of CR 03.78 – A141r1
CN#14 NP-010581 A167 1 R97 6.9.1 6.10.0 Guidance to the SCI operation if the subscriber or the
VPLMN do not support AoC service
CN#16 NP-020202 A170 2 R97 6.10.0 6.11.0 Clarification in the case multiple RRBs are sent for a DP

3GPP TS 03.78 version 6.11.0 Release 1997 200 ETSI TS 101 441 V6.11.0 (2002-06)

Document history
V6.1.1 August 1998 Publication

V6.2.0 November 1998 Publication

V6.3.0 May 1999 Publication

V6.4.0 August 1999 Publication

V6.5.0 November 1999 Publication

V6.7.0 July 2000 Publication

V6.8.0 December 2000 Publication

V6.9.1 June 2001 Publication

V6.10.0 December 2001 Publication

V6.11.0 June 2002 Publication


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