Z Summ Notes New 5 PDF
Z Summ Notes New 5 PDF
Z Summ Notes New 5 PDF
The course consists of 42 lecture hours. The first half is taught by Murto, and focuses on game
theory. The second half is taught by Välimäki, and focuses on information economics.
This book covers much of the material of the lectures. However, there are many more specialized
books that can be helpful as supplementary material.
The first half of the course focuses on game theory. There are at least three well established
graduate level text books on game theory:
The second half of the course focuses on information economics. The following books are useful
for that:
We will post lecture notes on the course web-site as the course proceeds. These will give a good
idea about the contents of the lectures, but they will not be self-contained: proofs, illustrations,
further discussions, etc. will be done in the class. Some further readings are also pointed out in the
lecture notes.
Working on exercises should be an essential part of your studying. There will be 8 exercise
sessions, each with a problem set that will be posted on the course page well in advance.
FDPE microeconomic theory, spring 2014
Lecture notes I: Basic concepts of game theory
Pauli Murto
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
In Part I of the course, the focus was on individual decision making
Collective decisions appeared only in the context of general equilibrium:
1.3 From decision theory to game theory
We maintain the decision theoretic framework familiar from Part I of the
In particular, the decision maker is rational :
– Let the consequence depend not only decision maker’s action but also
a state in some set :
– If the decision maker takes action a; and state ! 2 materializes,
then the decision maker’s payo¤ is u(g(a; !)):
– If the uncertainty is captured by a probability distribution p on ;
the decision maker maximizes his expected payo¤
p(!)u(g(a; !)):
2 Basic concepts
2.1 A strategic form game
A game in strategic (or normal) form consists of:
2. Pure strategy space Si for each i 2 I
3. A von Neumann-Morgenstern utility ui for each i 2 I:
ui : S ! R,
where S := i=1 Si .
That is, ui (s) gives the utility of i for strategy pro…le s := (s1 ; :::; sI ).
A 2; 2 0; 1
B 1; 0 1; 1
Battle of sexes:
Ballet F ootball
Ballet 2; 1 0; 0
F ootball 0; 0 1; 2
Dove Hawk
Dove 3; 3 1; 4
Hawk 4; 1 0; 0
Matching pennies:
Head T ail
Head 1; 1 1; 1
T ail 1; 1 1; 1
2.1.1 Mixed strategies
The players may also randomize their actions, i.e. use mixed strategies
Suppose that strategy sets Si are …nite
The mixed strategy space for i is a simplex over the pure strategies
( n
i := ( i (s1 ) ; :::; i (sn )) 2 Rn : i (sik ) > 0 8k, i (sik ) = 1 ;
Note that here we utilize the von Neumann - Morgenstern utility repre-
Mixed strategies over continuous pure strategy spaces are de…ned analo-
The game I; f i gi2I ; fui gi2I is sometimes called the mixed extension
of the game I; fSi gi2I ; fui gi2I
2.2 Extensive form
Strategic form seems to miss some essential features of strategic situations:
dynamics and information
Consider a simple card game example:
(a) There is a single initial node x0 , i.e. a node with no arrows pointing
towards it.
(b) For each node, there is a uniquely determined path of arrows con-
necting it to the initial node. (This is called the path to the node).
5. Each arrow represents an action available to the player at the decision
node at the origin of the arrow. Actions available at node x is A (x). If
there is a path of arrows from x to x0 , then we say that x0 is a successor
of x, and we write x0 2 s(x).
2. Payo¤s assign a utility number to each terminal payo¤ (and thus also to
each path through the game tree). Each player i has a payo¤ function
ui : Z ! R:
7. A partition H of decision nodes (I.e. H = h1 ; :::; hK such that hk XnZ
for all k and hk \ hl = ? for k 6= l and [k hk = XnZ) into information
sets hk . These are collections of nodes such that:
(a) The same player acts at each node within the information set. (I.e.
(x) = (x0 ) if 9k such that x; x0 2 hk ).
(b) The same actions must be available at all nodes within the informa-
tion set. (I.e. A (x) = A (x0 ) if 9k such that x; x0 2 hk ).
8. If Nature moves, the probability that she takes each available action must
be speci…ed.
2.2.1 Remarks:
Simultaneous actions can be modeled by an extensive form, where one
player moves …rst, but so that all nodes resulting from her actions are in
a single information set for the other player
Asymmetric information can be modeled by moves by nature and ap-
propriately chosen information sets (in particular, Bayesian games, to be
considered later)
2.2.2 Classi…cations:
Games with perfect information
– If all information sets are singletons, then a game has perfect infor-
– Otherwise the game has imperfect information.
– Note that since only one player moves in each node, games of perfect
information do not allow simultaenous actions
3. No information set contained in stage k provides information
about play in that stage
– In these games, all actions taken before stage k can be summarized
in public history hk
There is another more convenient way to de…ne mixed strategies, called
behavior strategies.
With those strategies, mixing takes place independently at each decision
De…nition 4 A behavior strategy for player i speci…es for each hi 2 Hi a prob-
ability distribution on the set of available actions A (hi ). That is,
bi 2 (A (hi )) ;
hi 2Hi
Now I; fSi gi2I ; fui gi2I meets our de…nition of a strategic form game
This is the strategic-form representation of our extensive form game
To see how this works, take any 2x2 game, formulate its extensive form
assuming sequential moves, and then move back to strategic form (and
you get a 2x4 game)
Every extensive form game may be represented in strategic form
However, as will be made clear later, we will need extensive form to re…ne
solution concpets suitable for dynamic situations
3 Basic solution concepts in strategic form games
We now develop the basic solution concepts for the strategic form games
This is the simple game form normally used for analysing static interac-
But any extensive form game may be represented in strategic form, so the
concepts that we develop here apply to those as well
Example: Prisoner’s dilemma
Let I = f1; 2g; Ai = fC; Dg for all i; and let payo¤s be determined as
C 3; 3 0; 4
D 4; 0 1; 1
Note that these strategies would remain dominant even if the players would
not know each other’s valuations
U 4; 3 5; 1 6; 2
M 2; 1 8; 4 3; 6
D 3; 0 9; 6 2; 8
There are no dominant strategies, but M is dominated by R, thus a ra-
tional player 2 should not play M
But if player 2 will not to play M , then player 1 should play U
But if player 1 will play U , player 2 should play L
This process of elimination is called iterated strict dominance
We say that a game is solvable by iterated strict dominance when the
elimination process leaves each player with only a single strategy
Note that a pure strategy may be strictly dominated by a mixed strategy
even if not dominated by a pure strategy. Below, M is not dominated by
U or D, but it is dominated by playing U with prob. 1/2 and D with
prob. 1/2:
U 2; 0 1; 0
M 0; 0 0; 0
D 1; 0 2; 0
De…nition 8 Pure strategy si is strictly dominated for player i if there exists
i 2 i such that
Sin = si 2 Sin 1
@ i 2 n 1
i s.t. ui ( i ; s i ) > ui (si ; s i ) , 8s i 2 Sni 1 :
i =f i 2 i j i (si ) > 0 only if si 2 Sin g .
Si1 = Sin :
1 0
i = i 2 i @ i 2 i s.t. ui ( 0i ; s i ) > ui ( i ; s i ) , 8s i 2 S 1i .
Si1 is the set of player i’s pure strategies that survive iterated deletion of
strictly dominated strategies, and 1 i is the set of mixed strategies that survive
iterated strict dominance.
The game is solvable by iterated (strict) dominance if, for each player i,
Si1 is a singleton.
Strict dominance is attractive since it is directly implied by rationality:
Common knowledge of rationality means that players would only use
strategies in Si1 :
In process de…ned here, one deletes simulatenously all dominated strate-
gies for both players in each round. One can show that the details of
elimination process do not matter.
One can also apply iterative deletion to weakly dominated strategies, but
then the order of deletion matters
Note that dominated mixed strategies are eliminated only at the end of
the process. One would get the same result by eliminating all dominated
mixed strategies at each round of the process.
u1 (s1 ; s2 ) = s1 (1 (s1 + s2 )) ;
u2 (s1 ; s2 ) = s2 (1 (s1 + s2 )) :
By (1), si = 1=2 (1=2)2 strictly dominates any si < 1=2 (1=2)2 ; given
that 0 sj 1=2: Thus
( )
2 1 1 1
Si = ai : ai , i = 1; 2.
2 2 2
Continuing this way for k (odd) steps, we get
8 9
> 1 1 2 3 1 k 1 >
< 2 2 + 12 ::: 2 =
Si = ai : ai :
: 1 1 2 3 k >
2 + 1 2 ::: + 1
2 2
1=2 (1=2)2 1
= :
1 (1=2)2 1 (1=2)2 3
1 1
3 3
is the unique strategy pair that survives the iterated elimination of strictly
dominated strategies.
3.1.3 Rationalizability
Iterated strict dominance eliminates all the strategies that are dominated
Perhaps we could be even more selective: eliminate all the strategies that
are not best responses to a reasonable belief about the opponents strategy
This leads to the concept of rationalizability
But it turns out that this concept is (almost) equivalent to the concept of
iterated strict dominance
We say that a strategy of player i is rationalizable when it is a best response
to a "reasonable" belief of i concerning the other players’actions
By a "belief" of i, we mean a probability distribution over the other play-
ers’pure strategies:
i 2 (S i ) ;
S i = j2I i Sj :
Building on the notion of "common knowledge of rationality", beliefs
should put positive weight only on those other players’strategies, which
in turn can be rationalized
Formally, this leads to a following de…nition (assume …nite strategy sets).
We have:
u ( i; i) := i ui ( i ) :
Ui := fui ( i )g i2 i
U + (si ) := u 2 RN : (u)k (ui (si ))k for all k = 1; :::; N and (u)k > (ui (si ))k for some k = 1; :::; N ;
By (3), each component of i must be positive. We can also normalize i so
that its components sum to one (without violating (2) or (3)), so that
i 2 (S i ) .
u (si ; i) u ( i; i) for all i 2 i,
Given this result, the process of iteratively deleting those strategies that
are not best responses to any belief on the other players’remaining strate-
gies is equivalent to the process of deleting strictly dominated strategies.
Therefore, we have the following result:
Proposition 13 The set of pure strategies that survive the elimination of strictly
dominated strategies is the same as the set of rationalizable strategies.
3.1.4 Discussion
Rationalizability is the ultimate implication of common knowledge of ra-
tionality in games
But it makes generally weak predictions. In many intersting games it does
not imply anything. For example, consider the "Battle of sexes" game:
Ballet F ootball
Ballet 2; 1 0; 0
F ootball 0; 0 1; 2
Rationalizability allows all outcomes. For example, players could choose
(F; B): F is optimal to player 1 who expects 2 to play F , and B is optimal
to player 2 who expects 1 to play B.
A way forward: require expectations to be mutually correct -> Nash equi-
ui (si ; s i ) ui (s0i ; s i )
1 H 1; 1 1; 1
T 1; 1 1; 1
3.2.2 Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies
This non-existence problem is avoided if we allow mixed strategies
3.2.3 Discussion
A Nash equilibrium strategy is a best response, so it is rationalizable
Hence, if there is a unique rationalizable strategy pro…le, then this pro…le
must be a Nash equilibrium
Obviously also: dominance solvability implies Nash
An attractive feature of Nash equilibrium is that if players agree on playing
Nash, then no player has an incentive to deviate from agreement
Hence, Nash equilibrium can be seen as a potential outcome of preplay
Keep in mind that Nash equilibrium can be seriously ine¢ cient (Prisoner’s
Players know the frequences with which actions were taken in the
Theorem 16 Finite games, i.e., games with I players and …nite strategy sets
Si , i = 1; :::; I, have a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium.
Again, see MWG Appendix of Ch. 8 for the proof.
In fact, Nash’s theorem (previous therem) is a special case of this
Many other theorems apply to various situations where continuity and/or
quasiconcavity fail
or, Hawk-Dove
Dove Hawk
Dove 3; 3 1; 4
Hawk 4; 1 0; 0
Both of these games have two pure strategy equilibria and one mixed
strategy equilibrium (can you see this?)
There is no way to choose (especially between the two pure strategy equi-
Sometimes equilibria can be pareto ranked
Consider stag-hunt:
A 2; 2 0; 1
B 1; 0 1; 1
It can be argued that preplay communication helps to settle on pareto
dominant equilibrium (A; A)
But even this might not be obvious. Consider:
A 9; 9 0; 8
B 8; 0 7; 7
Now playing A seems a bit shaky.. (what if the other player still chooses
Morever, with preplay communication, players have an incentive to con-
vince the other player that A will be played, even if they plan to play B.
Is preplay communication credible?
We conclude that generally there is no good answer for selecting among
multiple equilibria
3.5 Correlated equilibrium
Consider once again Battle of Sexes example
There is a unique symmetric equilibrium in mixed strategies: each player
takes her favourite action with a certain probability (compute this)
But suppose that the players have a public randomization device (a coin
for example). Let both players take the following strategy: go to ballet if
heads, and to football if tails.
Excercise: Show that this is an "equilbrium" and gives a better payo¤ to
both players than the symmetric mixed strategy equilibrium.
A generalization of this idea is called correlated equilibrium (see Osborne-
Rubinstein Ch. 3.3, Fudenberg-Tirole Ch. 2.2, or Myerson Ch. 6 for more
Correlated equilibrium may be interpreted as a solution concept that im-
plicitly accounts for communication
4 Zero-sum games
Let us end with a few words about a special class of games: zero-sum
A two-player game is a zero sum game if u1 (s) = u2 (s) for all s 2 S.
This of course implies that u1 ( ) = u2 ( ) for all 2 .
Matching pennies is a zero-sum game
Zero-sum games are the most "competitive" games: maximizing ones pay-
o¤ is equivalent to minimizing "opponent"’s payo¤. There is absolutely
no room for cooperation (should tennis players cooperate in Wimbledon
What is the largest payo¤ that player 1 can guarantee herself? This is
obtained by choosing
max min u1 ( 1; 2) .
12 1 22 2
max min u2 ( 1; 2) .
22 2 12 1
min max u1 ( 1; 2) :
22 2 12 1
Famous minmax theorem by von Neumann (1928) states that
This means that maxmin value must give the payo¤ of a player in any
Nash equilibrium (can you see why?)
See e.g. Myerson Ch. 3.8 for more details.
FDPE microeconomic theory, spring 2014
Lecture notes 2: Sequential rationality in dynamic games
Pauli Murto
1 Outline
We now move to dynamic games
We focus especially on Nash equilibrium re…nements induced by sequential
rationality: sub-game perfect equilibrium and sequential equilibrium
Material: MWG Chapter 9
Other relevant sources: Fudenberg-Tirole Ch. 3-4, 8.3, Osborne-Rubinstein
Ch. 6-7, 12, Myerson Ch. 4
Some motivating examples:
There are two Nash equilibria: (Enter, Accommodate) and (Stay out, Fight
if entry)
Is one of the two equilibria more plausible?
1.2 Example: quality game
A producer can produce an indivisible good, and choose either high or low
Producing high quality costs 1 and bad quality 0
Buyers values high quality at 3 and bad quality at 1
For simplicity, suppose that good must be sold at …xed price 2
Which quality will be produced and will the buyer buy?
Normal form representation of the game:
1 1
(q1 ; q2 ) = ; ;
3 3
1 1 1 1 2 1 1
1 ; = 2 ; = 1 = :
3 3 3 3 3 3 9
Given the observed q1 ; …rm 2 chooses q2 . Optimal choice is
1 q1
BR2 (q1 ) = :
1 q1 (1 q1 )q1
max u1 (q1 ; BR2 (q1 )) = 1 q1 q1 = :
q1 2 2
This leads to
1 1
q1 = ; q2 = BR2 (q1 ) =
2 4
with payo¤s
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 ; = ; 2 ; = :
2 4 8 2 4 16
1.5 Discussion
These examples illustrate that the order of moves is crucial
Moving …rst may help (commitment to an action)
Moving …rst may also hurt (matching pennies)
The normal form representation misses the dynamic nature of events, so
we need to utilize extensive form representation
The key principle is sequential rationality, which means that a player
should always use a continuation strategy that is optimal given the current
For example, once entrant has entered, the incumbent should act optimally
given this fact (accommodate)
This will lead us to re…nements of Nash equilibrium, in particular subgame
perfect equilibrium (SPE) and sequential equilibrium
2 Subgame perfect equilibrium
2.1 Subgame
Consider an extensive form game with perfect recall
A subgame is a subset of the original game-tree that inherits information
sets and payo¤s from the original game, and which meets the following
1. There is a single node such that all the other nodes are successors of
this node (that is, there is a single initial node to the subgame)
2. Whenever a node belongs to the subgame, then all of its successor
nodes must also belong to the subgame.
3. Whenever a node belongs to the subgame, then all nodes in the same
information set must also belong to the subgame.
Continue this process until all actions in the game tree have been deter-
This process is a multi-player generalization of backward induction prin-
ciple of dynamic programming
Incumbent maximizes the sum of payo¤s over all cities, while each entrant
maximizes pro…ts of that period.
An entrant only enters if it knows the CS does not …ght.
Would it pay for CS to build a reputation of toughness if K is very large?
The paradox is that in SPE, the CS can not build a reputation.
In the …nal stage, the optimal action of CS is Accomodate, if the entrant
The entrant know this, and thus enters.
By backward induction, this happens in all stages.
We …nd that the unique SPE is that all entrants enter and CS always
To bring reputation e¤ects to life, we would need to introduce incomplete
information (later in this course)
3.1 One-step deviation principle
Since many players may act simultaneously within a stage, backward in-
duction argument can not be applied as easily as with games of perfect
However, the following principle that extends backward induction idea is
That is: to check if s is a SPE, we only need to check if any player can
improve payo¤s by a one-step deviation
Note that the result of the previous slide requires a …nite horizon, just like
backward induction
Importantly, the result carries over to in…nite horizon games under an
extra condition that essentially requires that distant events are relatively
In particular, if payo¤s are discounted sums of per period payo¤s, and
payo¤s per period are uniformly bounded, then this condition holds
The proof of the one-step deviation principle is essentially the principle of
optimality for dynamic programming.
Suppose that two players play the game repeatedly for T periods, with
total payo¤
1 t
gi at ;
1 t=0
Suppose …rst that the game is played just once (T = 1). Then (De-
fect,Defect) is the unique Nash equilibrium (Defect is a dominant action)
Suppose next that T is …nite. Now, subgame perfection requires both
players to defect in the last period, and backward induction implies that
both players always defect.
Finally, suppose that T is in…nite. Then backward induction cannot be
applied but one-step deviation principle holds (discounting and bounded
payo¤s per period)
"Both defect every period" is still a SPE
However, provided that is high enough, there are now other SPEs too
By utilizing one-step deviation principle, show that the following is a SPE:
"cooperate in the …rst period and continue cooperating as long as no player
has ever defected. Once one of the players defect, defect in every period
for the rest of the game".
4 Sequential equilibrium
Recall that a subgame starts with an information set that consists of a
single node
But in games of imperfect information, there may be few such nodes
For example, in Bayesian games, where nature chooses a type for each
player, the only subgame is the whole game tree
In such situations the re…nement of subgame perfect equilibrium has no
To evaluate sequential rationality in information sets with many nodes,
we must consider the beliefs of the player that chooses her action
We de…ne a belief system as:
Let ax be the path of actions that leads from x0 to x: De…ne
P b (x) = fb(a)ja 2 ax g;
and X
P b (h) = fP b (x)jx 2 hg:
ui (bj h
) ui ((ai ; bi h ); b i j h
) for all ai 2 Ai (h) :
h P b (x)
(x) = ; whenever P b (h) > 0:
P b (h)
We have:
The solution concept, introduced in Kreps and Wilson (1982, Economet-
rica), called sequential equilibrium derives beliefs at o¤-equilibrium infor-
mation sets as limits from strategies that put a positive but small proba-
bility on all actions (so that all information sets are reached with positive
Every …nite extensive form game with perfect recall has a sequential equi-
In practice, PBE is a popular solution concept in applications
Sequential equilibrium is important because:
FDPE microeconomic theory, spring 2014
Lecture notes 3
Pauli Murto
Both models fall into the category of multi-stage games with observed
actions, so that we can use sub-game perfect equilibrium as the solution
2 makes an o¤er x for player 1 and if accepted, she gets 1 x for herself
What is the SPE of this two-round bargaining game?
What if players are impatient and payo¤ in stage 2 is only worth i <1
times the payo¤ in stage 1 for player i.
1.3 Generalization to longer horizons: Alternating o¤ers
The player that rejects an o¤er makes a countero¤er
Players discount every round of delay by factor i, i = 1; 2
If there are T periods, we can solve for a SPE by backward induction.
Suppose we are at the last period, and player 1 makes the o¤er. Then he
should demand the whole pie x = 1 and player 2 should accept.
Suppose we are at period T 1, where player 2 makes the o¤er. He knows
that if his o¤er is not accepted, in the next period player 1 will demand
everything. So he should o¤er the least amount that player 1 would accept,
that is x = 1 .
Similarly, at period T 2 player 1 should o¤er division x = 1 2 (1 1 ),
and so on
Can you show that as T ! 1, then the player i who starts o¤ers
1 j
1 i j
1.4 Proof of Rubinstein’s result:
The part on immediate acceptance is easy and left as an exercise.
Calculate …rst the largest subgame perfect equilibrium payo¤ v for player
1 in the game.
Denote by v2 (2) the continuation payo¤ to player 2 following a rejection
in T = 1. The largest payo¤ for 1 consistent with this continuation payo¤
to 2 is:
1 2 v2 (2)
v=1 2 (1 1 v)
And hence
1 2
v= :
1 1 2
v=1 2 (1 1 v)
1 2
v= :
1 1 2
And thus the result is proved.
If 1 = 2 = ! 1, then the SPE payo¤ converges to 50-50 split
This is a theory that explains bargaining power by patience
Cannot explain why there is often delays in bargaining
Hard to generalize to more than two players
Must have perfectly divisible o¤ers
Sensitive to bargaining protocol
This model is based on Rubinstein (1982), "Perfect equilibrium in a bar-
gaining model", Econometrica 50.
2 Repeated games
An important class of dynamic games
We only give some basic results and intuitions, and restrict here to the
case of perfect monitoring (i.e. both players observe perfectly each others’
previous actions)
An extensive text book treatment: Mailath and Samuelson (2006), "Re-
peated games and reputations: long-run relationships", Oxford University
In these games, the same "stage game" is repeated over and over again
Player’s payo¤ is most typically the discounted sum of the payo¤s across
The underlying idea: players may punish other players’ deviations from
nice behavior by their future play
This may discipline behavior in the current period
As a result, more cooperative behavior is possible
2.2 Strategies and payo¤s
Players observe each other’s actions in previous periods
Therefore, this is a multi-stage game with observed actions
Denote by at := (at1 ; :::; atI ) the action pro…le in stage t
As before, history at stage t, ht := a0 ; :::; at 1
2 H t , summarizes the
actions taken in previous stages
A pure strategy is a sequence of maps sti from histories to actions
A mixed (behavior) strategy i is a sequence of maps from histories to
probability distributions over actions:
i : Ht ! (Ai ) .
A preliminary result:
Proposition 2 If = ( 1 ; :::; I ) 2 (S1 ) ::: (SI ) is a Nash equilibrium
of the stage game, then the strategy pro…le
i ht = i for all i 2 I, ht 2 H t , t = 0; 1; :::
is a sub-game perfect equilibrium of the repeated game. Moreover, if the stage
game has m Nash equilibria ; :::; m , then for any map j (t) from time
periods to f1; :::; mg, there is a subgame perfect equilibrium
ht = j(t)
i.e. every player plays according to the stage-game equilibrium in stage t.
Check that you understand why these strategies are sub-game perfect
equilibria of the repeated game
These equilibria are not very interesting. The point in analyzing repeated
games is, of course, that more interesting equilibria exist too
2.3 Folk theorems
What kind of payo¤s can be supported in equilibrium?
The main insight of the so-called folk theorems (various versions apply un-
der di¤erent conditions) is that virtually any "feasible" and "individually
rational" payo¤ pro…le can be enforced in an equilibrium, provided that
discounting is su¢ ciently mild
What is the lowest payo¤ that player i’s opponents can impose on i?
v i := min max gi ( i ; i) ;
i i
Hence, we call f(v1 ; :::; vI ) : vi v i for all ig the set of individually ratio-
nal payo¤s.
Feasible payo¤s:
We want to identify the set of all payo¤ vectors that result from some
feasible strategy pro…le
With independent strategies, feasible payo¤ set is not necessarily convex
(e.g. in battle of sexes, payo¤ 32 ; 32 can only be attained by correlated
Also, with standard mixed strategies, deviations are not perfectly detected
(only actions observed, not the actual strategies)
But in repeated games, convex combinations can be attained by time-
varying strategies (if discount factor is large)
To sidestep this technical issue, we assume here that players can condition
their actions on the outcome of a public randomization device in each
This allows correlated strategies, where deviations are publicly detected
Then, the set of feasible payo¤s is given by
Having de…ned individually rational and feasible payo¤s, we may state the
simplest Folk theorem:
Theorem 4 For every feasible and strictly individually rational payo¤ vector v
(i.e. an element of fv 2 V : vi > v i for all ig), there exists a < 1 such that
for all 2 ( ; 1) there is a Nash equilibrium of the repeated game with payo¤ s v.
The proof idea is simple and important: construct strategies where all the
players play the stage-game strategies that give payo¤s v as long as no
player has deviated from this strategy. As soon as one player deviates,
other players turn to punishment strategies that "minmax" the deviating
player forever after.
If the players are su¢ ciently pationt, any …nite one-period gain from de-
viating is outweighed by the loss caused by the punishment, therefore
strategies are best-responses (check the details).
The problem with this theorem is that the Nash equilibrium constructed
here is not necessarily sub-game perfect
The reason is that punishment can be very costly, so once a deviation has
occurred, it may not be optimal to carry out the punishment
However, if the minmax payo¤ pro…le itself is a stage-game Nash equilib-
rium, then the equilibrium is sub-game perfect
This is the case in repeated Prisoner’s dilemma
The question arises: using less costly punishements, can we generalize the
conclusion of the theorem to sub-game perfect equilibria?
Naturally, we can use some low-payo¤ stage-game Nash equilibrium pro…le
as a punishment:
The proof is easy and uses the same idea as in above theorem, except
here one uses Nash equilibrium strategy pro…le as the punishment to
a deviation
Because the play continues according to a Nash equilibrium even after
deviation, this is a sub-game perfect equilibrium
Note that the conclusion of Theorem 5 is weaker than in Theorem 4 in
the sense that it only covers payo¤ pro…les where each player gets more
than in some stage-game Nash equilibrium
Is it possible to extend the result to cover all individually rational and
feasible payo¤ pro…les?
Fudenberg and Maskin (1986) show that the answer is positive: in fact,
for any v 2 V such that vi > v i for all i, there is a SPE with payo¤s v
given that is high enough (given an additional dimensionality condition
on the payo¤ set: the dimension of the set V equals the number of players)
See Fudenberg-Tirole book or the original article for the construction
– If there is another deviation from the punishment srategy, again
switch to the equilibrium that punishes deviator.
– By one step deviation principle, this is a sub-game perfect equilibrium
that replicates the original equilibrium path (recall that one-step de-
viation principle works for in…nite horizon games with discounting)
– Note that once all players follow these strategies, there is no deviation
and hence punishment are not used along equilibrium path
For a formalization of this, see Abreu (1988): "On the theory of in…nitely
repeated games with discounting", Econometrica 56 (2).
The stage game has a unique symmetric Nash equilibrium
1 c
qiN = := q N , i = 1; :::; n
with stage payo¤s
1 c
ui q1N ; :::; qnN = .
Note that (q) can be made arbitrarily low with high enough q, allowing
severe punishments
d d
Also, (q) is decreasing in q and (q) = 0 for q high enough
Let v denote the worst payo¤ achievable in strongly symmetric equilib-
rium (can be shown as part of the construction that a strategy pro…le
achieving this minimum payo¤ exists)
Given this, the best payo¤ that can be achieved in SPE is obtained by
every player choosing q given by
subject to
(q) (1 ) (q) + v ; (2)
where the inequality constraint ensures that playinng q (now and forever)
is better than choosing the best deviation and obaining the worst SPE
payo¤ from that point on
How do we …nd v ?
The basic insight is that we can obtain v by using a "carrot-and-stick"
punishment strategy with some "stick" output q s and "carrot" output q c
According to such strategy, choose output q s in the …rst period and there-
after play q c in every period, unless any player deviates from this plan,
which causes this prescription to be repeated from the beginning
Intuitively: q s leads to painfully low pro…ts (stick), but it has to be su¤ered
once in order for the play to resume to q c
To be a SPE, such a strategy must satisfy:
(q c ) (1 ) d (q c ) + [(1 ) (q s ) + (q c )] or
(q c ) (q c ) ( (q c ) (q s )) (3)
(q m ) (q m ) ( (q m ) (q s )) ;
then no player indeed wants to deviate from q m , and this carrot-and-stick
strategy works giving:
v = (1 ) (q s ) + (q m )
However, if
(q m ) (q m ) > ( (q m ) (q s )) ;
then the worst possible punishment is not severe enough, and q m cannot
be implemented
Then we want to …nd the lowest q c > q m for which there is some q s such
that (3) and (4) hold
This task is accomplished by …nding q c and q s that solve those two in-
equalities as "=" (both "incentive constraints" bind)
Note that this algorithm gives us the solution to (1) - (2): q = q c and
v = (1 ) (q s ) + (q )
Is something lost by restricting to strongly symmetric punishment strate-
gies? If v = 0, then clearly there cannot be any better asymmetric pun-
ishments (every player guarantees zero by producing zero in every period).
Then restricting to strongly symmetric strategies is without loss
However, if v > 0, then one could improve by adopting asymmetric pun-
ishment strategies
FDPE microeconomic theory, spring 2014
Lecture notes 4
Pauli Murto
1 Bayesian games
1.1 Modeling incomplete information
So far we have assumed that players know each other’s characteristics, in
particular, their preferences
It is clear that this is often unrealistic
How other players behave, depends on their payo¤s
Therefore, player i’s payo¤s depends on his beliefs of others’payo¤s, and
so i’s actions will depend on his beliefs
But then, other players’ optimal actions depend on what they believe
about i’s beliefs
... and so i’s optimal action depends on his beliefs about other players’
beliefs about his beliefs, and so on
A full model of incomplete information should specify the belief hierarchy
containing beliefs of all orders (belief over payo¤s, beliefs over beliefs,
beliefs over beliefs over beliefs, and so on)
Harsanyi (1967-68) showed how such a model can be speci…ed in a tractable
His insight is to assume that a random variable, "nature’s move", speci…es
the "type" for each player, where the "type" of player i contains the
information about i’s payo¤s as well as i’s beliefs of all orders
The probability distribution of this random variable is assumed to be
common among the players (common prior ) and the players then use
Bayesian rule to reason about probabilities
In applications, resulting belief hierarchies are typically very simple
Mertens and Zamir (1985) showed that in principle one can construct a
rich enough type space to model any situation of incomplete information
in such a manner
It should be mentioned that the assumption of "common prior" underlying
Harsanyi model is critical
Note that Harsanyi model in e¤ect just models incomplete information as
a standard extensive form game with imperfect information (nature takes
the …rst move, and players are asymmetrically informed about this move)
However, it is more practical to treat such models as a separate class of
games that are called Bayesian games
– Players then choose their actions simultaneously (we may also inter-
prete those as representing full action plans in extensive form games)
= : b
i= i
ui si bi ; s i ( i) ; pi i j bi
– If for all i, ui is independent of j , j 6= i, then we have private values.
Otherwise, the model has interdependent values.
– If i , i = 1; :::; I, are distributed independently, we have a model with
indepenent types. Otherwise, types are correlated.
– The simplest case is independently distributed, private values
1.4 Some examples
1.4.1 Interpreting mixed strategies through incomplete information
We have often relied on mixed strategies in our analysis of games
Sometimes mixed strategies raise objections. Why would people random-
Harsanyi suggested that mixed strategies may be interpreted as pure
strategies in an incomplete information game, in the limit where incom-
plete information vanishes
To see how this works, consider the following game
U 0; 0 0; 1
D 1; 0 1; 3
U " 1; " 2 " 1; 1
D 1; " 2 1; 3
where " > 0 is a small number and 1 and 2 are independent random variables
uniformly distributed over [0; 1]
" 1 = (1 2) 1 + 2 ( 1) and
" 2 = (1 2 ) ( 1) + 2 3
Solving these gives equilibrium cuto¤s:
1 = (2 + ") = 8 + "2
2 = (4 ") = 8 + "2
Check that then all other types are choosing strictly optimal action
Ex ante, player 1 chooses U with probability 1 (2 + ") = 8 + "2 and
D with probability (2 + ") = 8 + "2 , whereas player 2 chooses L with
probability 1 (4 ") = 8 + "2 and R with probability (4 ") = 8 + "2
Let " ! 0, and note that these probabilities converge to the unique mixed
strategy equilibrium probabilities of the original game
Game Ga : A M; M 1; L Game Gb : A 0; 0 1; L
B L; 1 0; 0 B L; 1 M; M
In both games, it is mutually bene…cial to choose the same action, but the
best action depends on the game
Note that B is the more risky action: even if the true game is Gb , choosing
B is bad if the other player chooses A
Assume …rst that player 1 knows the true game, but player 2 does not
Then this is a very simple game of incomplete information, where both
player choose A in the unique Bayesian equilibrium (see why?)
On the other hand, if both players know the game, then there is an equi-
librium where (A; A) is played in game Ga and (B; B) is played in game
The interesting case is the following: suppose that only player 1 knows the
true state, and players communicate through a special protocol as follows
If the game is Ga , then there is no communication
If the game is Gb , then player 1’s computer sends an automatic message
to player 2
If player 2’s computer receives a message, then it sends automatically a
con…rmation to player 1
If player 1’s computer receives a con…rmation, then it sends automatically
a further con…rmation to player 2, and so on
The con…rmations are sent automatically, but in each transmission there
is a small probability " that the message does not get through
If a message does not get through, then communication ends
At the end of the communication phase each player sees on her computer
screen exactly how many messages her computer has sent
To model this as a Bayesian game, de…ne a type Q1 of player one to be
the number of messages her computer has sent, and type Q2 of player two
to be the number of messages her computer has sent
Then, if Q1 = 0, the game is Ga , otherwise it is Gb
Note that both players know the true game, except type Q2 = 0 of player
2 (she is quite convinced that game is Ga is " is small)
This is a Bayesian game with payo¤s
M if Q1 = 0
u1 ((Q1 ; Q2 ) ; (A; A)) =
0 if Q1 > 0
:::: and so on
How to compute players’beliefs?
Consider player 1. She knows her own type Q1 , and she knows that player
2’s type is either Q2 = Q1 1 or Q2 = Q2 (depending on whether her own
message, or the next message by player 2, failed to go through). Therefore,
his belief of player 2’s types are Pr (Q2 = Q1 1) = "= (" + (1 ") ") >
1=2 and Pr (Q2 = Q1 ) = ((1 ") ") = (" + (1 ") ") < 1=2 (and Pr (Q2 = q) =
0 for all other q)
Similarly, player 2 knows her own type Q2 and she knows that player 1’s
type is either Q1 = Q2 or Q1 = Q2 + 1
Hence, her beliefs of player 2’s types are Pr (Q1 = Q2 ) = "= (" + (1 ") ") >
1=2 and Pr (Q1 = Q2 + 1) = ((1 ") ") = (" + (1 ") ") < 1=2 (and Pr (Q1 = q) =
0 for all other q)
What are the higher order beliefs?
Claim: there is a unique Bayesian equilibrium, where all types play (A; A)
To prove the result: show …rst that for type Q1 = 0, it is a dominant
action to choose A
Next, show that then it is optimal for Q2 = 0 to choose A, then also for
type Q1 = 1, then Q2 = 1, and so on... (check)
So, even when 256 messages have gone through, players play (A; A) (no
matter how large number M is)
The problem is: even if both players know for sure that game is Gb , it is
not common knowledge
An event is common knowledge among the players if all the players know
the event, all the players know that all the players know the event, all the
players know that all the players know that all the players know the event,
and so on
Can you see that in the electronic mail game event "game is Gb " is not
common knowledge even when Q1 = 256 and Q2 = 256 (think …rst about
e.g. case Q1 = 2 and Q2 = 1)
FDPE microeconomic theory, spring 2014
Lecture notes 5
Pauli Murto
More precicely: the game starts by the nature choosing a type i 2 i for
all players and types are independent:
p ( ) = p1 ( 1 ) ::: pI ( I )
Without loss of generality, we may assume that all the players have a move
in each period (if not, then we may let i choose from a one-element set
Ai (ht ) = fag)
A behavior strategy pro…le now assigns for each ht a distribution over
actions that depends on type: i (ai jht ; i ) is the probability with which
i chooses action ai 2 Ai (ht ) given ht and her type i
At the beginning of t, players know exactly all the actions taken in the
past, so uncertainty concerns just the types of the other players. The
belief system can therefore be summarized as
ht = i i ht i2I
C1: At all ht , players share a common belief on each others’types. That is,
players i and j have identical belief, denoted ( k jht ), on k’s type:
i h t ; at = i ht ; b
at whenever ati = b
ati .
C3: Bayes rule is applied whenever possible. That is, for all i, ht , and
ati 2 Ai (ht ), if there exists i with ( i jht ) > 0 and i (ati jht ; i ) > 0, then
Note that this applies also when history ht is reached with probability 0.
In particular: players update their beliefs about player i using Bayes’rule
until her behavior contradicts her strategy, at which point they form a new
common belief about i’s type. From then on, this new belief will serve as
the basis of future Bayesian updating
Bayes rule also applies to beliefs about player i if some other player j takes
an unexpected action (i.e. if k atj jht ; j = 0 for all j 2 j )
To summarize: conditions C1 - C3 basically say that after each ht , all
players i have a common probability distribution on i’s type, denoted by
( i jht ), and this is derived from i h
t 1
by Bayesian rule whenever
that is applicable.
Moreoever, if ( i jht ) cannot be derived by Bayesian rule from i ht 1
it is independent on actions atj , j 6= i
Sequential rationality is as before: is sequentially rational if for all i and
all ht ,
The worker knows her talent but the employer does not
Employer o¤ers a wage w
Suppose that employer minimizes (w ) , so that given her belief, opti-
mal wage is w = E ( ).
This is just a short-cut way to model a labor market, where competition
drives wage to the expectation of talent
Before seeking a job, the worker chooses the level of education e 0
We assume that education does not a¤ect productivity, but has cost e=
The payo¤ for worker is w e= if she accepts the job with wage w
The game proceeds as follows:
There are many equilibria. We will next look separately at pooling equi-
libria and separating equilibria.
Pooling equilibrium
Separating equilibrium
eH :
Since > , a continuum of feasible values of eH exists
Check that you can complete those to a PBE
This model has a lot of PBE
Note: this is a multi-stage game with observable actions with at most two
types, so sequential equilibria are the same as PBE
There is a large literature that considers re…nements to sequential equi-
librium to narrow down the plausible predictions
In this case, the so called intuitive criterium by Cho and Kreps (1987)
selects the best separating equilibrium (see MWG Chapter 13, Appendix
(and tough entrant enters with probability 1, tough incumbent …ghts with
probability 1, and weak incumbent accommodates with probability 1)
Now consider a game with a …nite number of periods, where incumbent
maximizes the sum of payo¤s over periods
If the incumbent could credibly commit to …ghting every entrant, then it
would be optimal to do so if a 1 q 0 > q 0 , that is
q 0 < a= (a + 1) .
Assume that this inequality holds. We will see that under that condition,
the incumbent gets close to that behavior in PBE
The reason why a weak incumbent might …ght is that this could make it
look more likely to the entrants that the incumbent is tough
To see this, suppose that entrants’belief that incumbent is tough is p, and
suppose that a weak incumbent …ghts with probability
Then, if entry takes place and incumbent …ghts, p jumps to
p0 (p; ) = p
p + (1 p)
by Bayesian rule.
Clearly, p0 (p; ) is decreasing in with p0 (p; 1) = p and p0 (p; 0) = 1
That is, if weak incumbent …ghts with probability 1, then entrants learn
nothing. And if weak incumbent …ghts with probability 0, then entrants
learn perfectly incumbent’s type
Consider the second last period of the game
If a 1 q 0 > 1, then the incumbent …nds it worthwhile to …ght in the
current period if this deters entry (of weak entrant) in the …nal period
For simplicity, suppose that this is the case, that is:
q 0 < (a 1) =a:
The analysis would be qualitatively similar if this does not hold, but we
would need more backward induction steps from the last period to get
repuation e¤ects work
What does a weak entrant do? This depends on the probability with which
incumbent …ghts
Let p denote the current period belief of entrants about incumbent’s type
If p > b= (1 + b), then weak entrant should not enter
This also means that a weak incumbent should …ght (because this deters
entry for the next period)
What if p < b= (1 + b)?
Suppose p < b (1 b), and consider incumbents equilibrium …ghting prob-
ability that leads to …nal period belief p0 (p; )
Could we have such that p0 < b= (1 + b)? No, because then next period
weak entrant enters, so it would be better to accommodate in the current
period than …ght
Could we have such that p0 > b= (1 + b)? No, because then next period
weak entrant does not enter, so it is better to …ght than accommodate
The only candidate for equilibrium is that leads to p0 = b= (1 + b):
= p= ((1 p) b)
This also requires that in the …nal period weak entrant (who will then be
indi¤erent between entry and not entering) enters with a probability that
makes the incumbent indi¤erent
The total probability that entry is fought in second last period is therefore
p 1 + (1 p) p= ((1 p) b) = p (b + 1) =b
and therefore entrant stays out if p > [b= (1 + b)] .
Now, what happens in the third last period?
Continuing with the same backward induction logic, if p > [b= (1 + b)] ,
then weak entrant stays out and weak incumbent …ghts (to deter entry of
next period weak incumbent)
3 2
If [b= (1 + b)] < p < [b= (1 + b)] , then weak entrant stays out and weak
incumbent randomizes
If p < [b= (1 + b)] , then weak entrant enters and weak incumbent ran-
More generally, for the k:th period from the end, weak entrant stays out
k 1
and weak incumbent …ghts if p > [b= (1 + b)]
k 1
Note that [b= (1 + b)] goes geometrically to zero as k increases
Therefore, for a …xed prior probability p0 , there is some k such that the
incumbent …ghts with probability one for the …rst N k periods
Hence, for a …xed p0 , as the total number of periods N increases, the total
payo¤ of the incumbent converges to the payo¤ that it would obtain by
committing to always …ghting
Posterior p stays constant at p0 for the N k …rst periods, so the incumbent
does not make the entrants believe that it is a tough type
Rather, reputational concerns make the incumbent behave as if it was
This is the unique sequential equilibrium of the game (= PBE in this case)