Kinds of Income Tax Payers
Kinds of Income Tax Payers
Kinds of Income Tax Payers
Donalvo (2017-2018)
(1) A citizen of the Philippines who establishes to the satisfaction of the Commissioner
(a) RESIDENT FILIPINO the fact of his physical presence abroad with a definite intention to reside therein.
A citizen of the Philippines
residing therein is taxable on
all income derived from
sources within and without (2) A citizen of the Philippines who leaves the Philippines during the taxable year to
the Philippines. (Sec. 23 a) reside abroad, either as an immigrant or for employment on a permanent basis.
(3) A citizen of the Philippines who works and derives income from abroad and whose
employment thereat requires him to be physically present abroad most of the time during
The following are considered citizens the taxable year.
of the Philippines (Constitution):
1) Those who are citizens of the (4) A citizen who has been previously considered as nonresident citizen and who arrives
Philippines at the time of the in the Philippines at any time during the taxable year to reside permanently in the
adoption of the Constitution Philippines shall likewise be treated as a nonresident citizen for the taxable year in which
2) Those whose fathers or mothers he arrives in the Philippines with respect to his income derived from sources abroad
are citizens of the Philippines until the date of his arrival in the Philippines.
3) Those born before January 17, (b) NONRESIDENT FILIPINO
1973 of Filipino mothers, who elect
Philippine Citizenship upon reaching - A nonresident citizen is (5) The taxpayer shall submit proof to the Commissioner to show his intention of leaving
the age of majority; and taxable only on income the Philippines to reside permanently abroad or to return to and reside in the Philippines
derived from sources as the case may be for purpose of this Section.
4) Those who are naturalized in within the Philippines (Sec.
accordance with law 23 b)
(6) An individual citizen of the Philippines who is working and deriving income from abroad as an
overseas contract worker is taxable only on income derived from sources within the Philippines:
Provided, That a seaman who is a citizen of the Philippines and who receives compensation for
services rendered abroad as a member of the complement of a vessel engaged exclusively in
international trade shall be treated as an overseas contract worker. (Sec. 23 C)
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TAXATION I | Atty. Percy Valsan Jun P. Donalvo (2017-2018)
SEC. 63. Revocable trusts. - Where at any time the power to revest in the grantor title to any part of
the corpus of the trust is vested
(1) in the grantor either alone or in conjunction with any person not having a substantial adverse
(3) ESTATES AND TRUSTS interest in the disposition of such part of the corpus or the income therefrom, or
The tax imposed by this Title upon individuals (2) in any person not having a substantial adverse interest in the disposition of such part of the
shall apply to the income of estates or of any kind corpus or the income therefrom, the income of such part of the trust shall be included in computing
of property held in trust. (Sec. 60) the taxable income of the grantor.
The term 'minimum wage earner' shall refer to a worker in the private sector paid the
statutory minimum wage or to an employee in the public sector with compensation income
of not more than the statutory minimum wage in the non-agricultural sector where he/she is
A domestic corporation is taxable on all income derived from sources within and without the Philippines. (Sec. 23 e)
Except when otherwise provided in this o GR: compensation income. (3) Gains derived from dealings in property; in such forms prescribed by the
Title, gross income means all income o X: monetized value of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) shall
derived from whatever source, unutilized leave credits up to be exempt from the tax imposed
Income from whatever sources refers 10 days. (4) Interests; under this Subsection.
to all income not expressly excluded Fringe Benefits Interest income means the amount PRE-TERMINATION: Provided, finally,
or exempted from the class of taxable o Fringe benefits are money or of compensation paid for the use of That should the holder of the
income, irrespective of the voluntary properties given to the money or forbearance from such use. certificate pre-terminate the deposit
or involuntary action of the taxpayer employees in addition to the GR: Interests received or credited or investment before the fifth (5th)
in producing the income regular salaries. It is a benefit to the account of the depositor or year, a final tax shall be imposed on
given to employees over and investors are included in their the entire income and shall be
including (but not limited to) the following above their basic salary. gross income deducted and withheld by the
items: A) if a rank and file employee will X: unless they are exempt from depository bank from the proceeds of
Enumeration is not exclusive receive a fringe benefit, it will tax or subject to a final tax. the long-term deposit or investment
form part of his gross income, its 20% FINAL TAX: A final tax at the rate certificate based on the remaining
COMPENSATION INCOME part of compensation income. of twenty percent (20%) is hereby maturity thereof:
B) if it is given to a managerial or imposed upon the amount of interest o Four (4) years to less than five
(1) Compensation for services in whatever supervisorial employee, the fringe from any currency bank deposit and (5) years 5%;
form paid, including, but not limited to fees, benefit is subject to fringe benefit yield or nay other monetary benefit o Three (3) years to less than
salaries, wages, commissions, and similar tax (FBE). from deposit substitutes and from four (4) years 12%; and
items; o GR: Tax rate is 32%. trust funds and similar arrangements. o Less than three (3) years
Compensation here means all o X: 25% for nonresident alien 7.5% FINAL TAX: Provided, however, 20%.
remuneration for services performed not engaged in trade and That interest income received by an
by the employee for his employers business. individual taxpayer (except a (5) Rents;
unless exempted by law from tax. nonresident individual) from a It is the amount received for the use
Allowances depository bank under the expanded or lease or enjoyment of a property,
o GR: compensation income. BUSINESS INCOME foreign currency deposit system shall whether its real or personal.
o X: If allowance is excluded be subject to a final income tax at the GR: Part of gross income.
from your gross income if it is (2) Gross income derived from the conduct rate of seven and one-half percent (7
subject to liquidation and of trade or business or the exercise of a %) of such interest income. (6) Royalties;
such expense is an ordinary profession; TAX EXEMPT: Provided, further, That Royalties mean payments of any kind
and necessary expense of the interest income from long-term received as consideration for the use
business. deposit or investment in the form of or right to use of any copyright or
Retirement pay and Separation pay. OTHER INCOME savings, common or individual trust literary or scientific work including
Vacation and sick leaves funds, deposit substitutes, cinematographic films, TV broadcast,
investments evidenced by certificates
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TAXATION I | Atty. Percy Valsan Jun P. Donalvo (2017-2018)
any patent, trademark, etc. in other If the distribution is in money, it is 6) Different classes of stocks (11) Partner's distributive share from the
words, these are the money or called a cash dividend. were issued. net income of the general professional
properties paid to you because of If it is in property, it is called a partnership.
your intellectual property rights. property dividend. If it results from the distribution by a
GR: Part of gross income. o Taxable. As provided in corporation of all its property or
X: Section 251, RR No. 2, assets in complete liquidation or
o If it is exempted; dividends paid in securities dissolution, it is called a liquidating
o Those which are subject to or other property (other dividend.
final tax on two occasions: than its own stock), in which o Liquidating dividends are
When it refers to the earnings of a that amount of money or
books, literary works, corporation have been property distributed by the
invested, are income to the corporation to the
musical compositions
recipients to the amount of
10% final tax; stockholder in the event of
the full market value of
All other type of such property when
dissolution and liquidation of
royalties within the receivable by individual a corporation.
Philippines 20%. stockholders.
Royalties, except on books, as well as If it is in stock, it is called a stock (8) Annuities;
other literary works and musical dividend. An annuity refers to the periodic
compositions, which shall be imposed installment payments of income or
o GR: a stock dividend only
a final tax of ten percent (10%) pension by insurance companies during
represents the transfer of
the life of a person or for a guaranteed
surplus to capital account and, fixed period of time, whichever is longer,
(7) Dividends; as such, is not subject to in consideration of capital paid by him.
The term dividends means any income tax.
distribution made by a corporation to o X: (9) Prizes and winnings;
its shareholders out of its earnings or 1) Change in the stockholders prizes (except prizes amounting to
profits and payable to its equity, right or interest in the Ten thousand pesos (P10,000) or less
shareholders, whether in money or in net assets of the corporation which shall be subject to tax under
other property. 2) Recipient is other than the Subsection (A) of Section 24; and
It is taxable at the time of their shareholder other winnings (except Philippine
declaration by the corporation, and 3) Cancellation or redemption of Charity Sweepstakes and Lotto
not at the time of actual payment of shares of sock winnings), derived from sources
dividends, since dividend income is 4) Distribution of treasury stocks within the Philippines:
taxable whether actually or 5) Dividends declared in the
constructively received. guise of treasury stock (10) Pensions; and
KINDS OF DIVIDENDS: dividend to avoid the effects
of income taxation
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