In Europe: A Chicagoan

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Chicago LP Zoo restores


Grid pond

A Chicagoan
in Europe

into Cash

Topless America: hot

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Take, edit photos & vidoes
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Maximum: 400 words Assist with layout
May be edited for style, length or libel, but never for message.

Professional journalism experience
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On the Cover
Lincoln Park Zoo restores
134-year-old pond................ 4
Chicago Grid
Mission Statement
The Grid is a monthly Chicago
newsmagazine, which sifts through
local politics, news, art & entertain-
ment from the millennial perspective
A Chicagoan in Europe......... 8 in order to mobilize a conscious,
DIY citizenry.
The Grid redefines our priorities
Mayor Daley’s YouTube ..... 10 by investigating and spotlighting hu-
man rights issues, threats to liberty,
Click Into Cash ....................13 digital memes and local culture.

Documentary shows Topless Editorial Policy

America not so hot ..............5 The Chicago Grid reserves the
right to publish any editorial con-
tent and advertisements provided
Table of Contents they don’t discriminate on the basis
of sex, race, creed, religion, color,
Public Affairs physical or mental disabilities, or
Lincoln Park Zoo opens pavilion, sexual orientation.
renovates 134-year-old pond by Views expressed on the Editorial
John Campos ............................. 4 page reflect the opinions of The
Grid editorial board.
Clean Power Ordinance news ... 4 The Grid encourages and prints
Letters to the Editor.
Letters should be sent by e-mail
Arts & Culture to [email protected] and
Local documentarians show top- should not exceed 400 words.
less mountain peaks not so hot Source: Jim Watkins, Creative Commons
Letters may be edited for grammar,
by Lynda Lopez ......................... 5 Lincoln Park Zoo opened its turtle-shell inspired style, length and libel, but not for
Peoples Gas Education Pavilion and its restored opinion.
Create Events­—A&C calendar....6 South Pond habitat in June. See page 4 for more. Authors may request their names
be withheld from being published,
Raye Six rocks hard photos by Zach Kremian ......................................................................7 but must sign their full names when
submitting letters.
A Chicagoan in Europe photo story by Dylan Heath ............................................................8 All content and images
© 2010 The Chicago Grid, used with
Features permission or used under the Fair
10 Things Every Chicagoan Should Know: flood damage aid, Mayor Daley’s YouTube, Use Act.
free legal advice videos, stop the shooting, donate books, cycling tips & more ............ 10

Commentary Staff
Editor & Publisher Kristina Zaremba
The Forgiving Spellchecker, The Unforgiving Culturesphere [email protected]
From the Coliseum by Terence Byrsa................................................................................... 11 Public Affairs Editor John Campos
[email protected]
Citizen’s Utility Board oil spill survey ............................................................................. 11
Contributor Lynda Lopez
e-dentity Contributor Terence Byrsa
Links to resolve your e-dentity crisis................................................................................ 12
Photographer Dylan Heath
#FollowJulyAugust People The Grid recommends following on Twitter .............................12 Photographer Zach Kremian

Layout & Design Kristina Zaremba

DIY Back page Design Adam Kois
Click Into Cash: register for paid focus groups & surveys online .......................................13

Need to Know directory Instructions for your indie life...................................................... 14

For instant Gridification, visit July/August 2010 •3

Public Affairs

Photos courtesy Lincoln Park Zoo

Yoga is held on the new Nature Boardwalk at Lincoln Park Zoo.

LP Zoo renovates
134-year-old pond
g Creates boardwalk, tours, but no waste
By John Campos
Public Affairs Editor

In an effort to
establish a natural
sustainable ecosystem
in the heart of the
Source: Parson Brown
city, Lincoln Park
Zoo’s South Pond
underwent a renova- Clean Power Ordinance
tion that produced no
waste, a most impres-
gains support, needs more
sive feat considering
the renovation was 134 years passed due. The Clean Power Coalition, representatives from Green-
“It was important to not only naturalize this area, but also to peace & Sierra Club, Alds. Toni Preckwinke (4th Ward,
create a self-sustaining ecosystem with this rehabilitation,” said zoo far left) & Joe Moore (49th Ward, second from left), and
Senior Vice President for Conversation Programs Steve Thompson, others gathered at Fisk Coal Power Plant in Pilsen on July
PhD. At the end of June, the zoo opened its restored South Pond and 15 to rally support for the city’s Clean Power Ordinance.
new Nature Boardwalk.
Original designs for the zoo’s pair of ponds were drafted in 1868 original flawed layout into account, Chicago-based firms Stu-
and were completed in 1876 to provide a home for a pair of swans dio Gang Architects, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Shaw
given to Lincoln Park Zoo as a gift from New York Central Park. Group, WRD Environmental and Pepper Construction worked
In the initial design, stone and cement blocks were laid out like together to design sloped shorelines so animals could easily access
a large staircase that made its way to the shorelines of South Pond the environment.
making it extremely difficult for small waterfowl, amphibian and To achieve Thompson’s goal of a self-sustaining ecosystem,
other wetland wildlife to migrate in and out of the pond. Taking that See “Pond,” p. 7

4• July/August 2010

Arts & Culture
Film shows topless peaks not so hot
By Lynda Lopez

Local documentarian Parson Brown sat

down with The Grid to talk about his work
on Topless America, an organization that
uses film and lobbying to raise awareness
about the social and environmental hazards
of coal power and the mountaintop removal
mining method.
Topless America is a member of the
city’s Clean Power Coalition to improve
air quality on the West side. By reducing
demand for coal in the Midwest, Topless
America hopes to slow the use of unsafe
mining practices in Appalachia.
LL: Can you explain mountaintop removal?
Photo source: Creative Commons
PB: Mountaintop removal is a method of
coal mining where they literally blow off the them to reduce their emissions to a standard
tops of mountains in Appalachia using ex- or convert to natural gas, which the power
plosives to access coal. [Mining companies] plants are equipped to do. We are giving
are literally blasting off hundreds of feet of them an opportunity to join a growing
mountaintops, including all of the soil and, movement across the globe for a greener
in some cases, the timber. They destroy the future. Mayor Daley has expressed his sen-
vegetation and dump most of the waste into timents regarding his dreams of Chicago
the valley fills, which is covering and pollut- becoming the “Greenest City in America.”
ing the headwater streams of Appalachia. That is achievable if we work together to-
ward a common goal.
LL: Topless America is part of the Clean
Power Coalition, which aims to reduce the LL: If people want to get further involved
Photo by Kat Wallace
damage of coal power in Little Village. in the issue of reducing coal power and
How are the Clean Power Coalition and eliminating the mountain top removal? Director Parson Brown stands on mined
Clean Power Ordinance here related to PB: There are a couple of our videos on Kayford Mountain in West Virginia.
mountaintop removal in Appalachia? YouTube and on our website ToplessA-
LL: How did Topless America begin?
PB: In Little Village and Pilsen, our friends This project has been ongoing
have been fighting for cleaner air because for five years and so we are ultimately put- PB: It started when I and the other orga-
they have one of the highest asthma rates ting together a documentation of the move- nizers were students at Columbia College
in Chicago, which is partly due to the coal ment against mountaintop removal. We are in the South Loop. We were from all over
power plants in the community. We are always happy to find new people willing to the country and I grew up in Virginia, near
hoping to draw connections between differ- help with the cause. some mountains. I had no idea what moun-
ent communities across the nation so it will taintop removal was until one of my friends
LL: Why showcase the problems that come pulled up a YouTube video on the subject
be easier to fight for these inherent rights. from the mountaintop removal method and while we were lounging around in my living
LL: Some may say that it is not practical to coal power through film? What made this room. After watching it, we were all pretty
reduce coal power. What do you think of method of storytelling most effective? upset about what was happening so we
this statement? Are there better alternatives PB: Most of us went to Columbia College decided to take further action. We thought
to coal power? and were film majors. There was a handful we were only going to be making one docu-
PB: The Chicago Clean Power Ordinance of us that were film majors and journalism mentary on mountaintop removal in Appa-
does not specifically call for the closing of majors. It seemed like the most logical thing lachia but it turned into so much more. We
the coal power plants. It simply calls for for us to do. opened up a can of worms, so to speak. July/August 2010 •5
Create events Arts & Culture calendar
Tues., July 27 Sat., Aug. 7 All events free unless noted
ECN: “Jefferson Park” by Brian Nadig NSF: Retro on Roscoe Events Key
12:15-12:45 p.m. 2000 W. Roscoe
Noon-10 p.m., $5 donation ECN—Explore Chicago’s Neighborhoods,
Weds., July 28 lectures by prominent Chicagoans at the
NSF: Northhalsted Market Days Cultural Center (78 E. Washington)
GPMFO: “The Fairy’s Kiss” North Halsted between Belmont & Addison GPMFO—Grant Park Music Festival
6:30 p.m. 11 a.m.-10 p.m., $5 donation Orchestra, classical music at Pritzker*
Thurs., July 29 Sun., Aug. 8 CSD—Chicago Summer Dance, lessons &
live music at the Spirit of Music Garden in
CSD: Klezmer, Tum NSF: Retro on Roscoe Grant Park (601 S. Michigan)
Balalaika Klezmer band 2000 W. Roscoe MIC—Made in Chicago, jazz at Pritzker*
6-9:30 p.m. Noon-10 p.m., $5 donation
NSF—Neighborhood Street Festival, more
MIC: Tortoise 2.0 NSF: Northhalsted at &
6:30 p.m. Tum Balalaika Market Days EAP—Edible Audible Picnic, DJs & live
North Halsted bands at Pritzker*
Fri., July 30 between Belmont &
Addison DV—Dusk Variations, alternative & re-
CSD: Jitterbug, The Boilermaker Jazz band 11 a.m.-10 p.m., mixed chamber music at Pritzker*
Joan Jett & the Blackhearts play
6-9:30 p.m. $5 donation * Pritzker Pavilion, Millennium Park (201 E. Randolph)
Marketdays at 8:30 p.m.
GPMFO: “The Fairy’s Kiss” CSD: Salsa, Samuel Del Real Y Su Orquesta
6:30 p.m. Mon., Aug. 9 6-9:30 p.m.

Sat., July 31 EAP: Javelin GPMFO: Dvorak’s “Re-

Noon quiem”
NSF: Summer on Southport 6:30 p.m.
3700 N. Southport DV: Victoire
11 a.m.-10 p.m., $5 6:30 p.m. Rare triple conjunction
Female quintet Victoire
donation of Venus, Mars & Saturn
Tues., Aug. 10 with the Moon
CSD: Western swing, Look West after sunset. Antonin Dvorak
The Western Elstons ECN: ”West Ridge” by Amie Zander
6-9:30 p.m. 12:15-12:45 p.m. Sat., Aug. 14
The Western Elstons
GPMFO: Mexican classical music Weds., Aug. 11 Chicago Air & Water Show
7:30 p.m. North Avenue Beach,
all day
Sun., Aug. 1 GPMFO: guest Toumani
Diabate (West African NSF: 55th Annual
NSF: Summer on Southport kora music) Ginza Holiday Festival
3700 N. Southport 6:30 p.m. 435 W. Menomonee
11 a.m.-9 p.m., $5 donation 11:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Air & Water Show

CSD: Cha-cha, Nancy Hays & the Robert NSF: St. Agnes of Bohemia Parish
Thurs., Aug. 12
Benson Orchestra 2651 S. Central Park
4-7 p.m. 1-11 p.m.
CSD: Samba, Chicago
Mon., Aug. 2 Samba CSD: Mambo, Charanga Tropical
6-9:30 p.m. 6-9:30 p.m.
EAP: VHS or BETA Diabate explains the
Dee Jays MIC: Toumani Diabate & West African kora. GPMFO: Dvorak’s “Requiem”
Noon the Chicago Transilience Ensemble 7:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
DV: Portland Cello Sun., Aug. 15
Project Perseids Meteor Shower
6:30 p.m. VHS or BETA Midnight to dawn Chicago Air & Water Show
North Avenue Beach, all day
Tues., Aug. 3 Fri., Aug. 13
NSF: St. Agnes of Bohemia Parish
ECN: “Gold Coast” by Carol Truesdell NSF: St. Agnes of Bohemia Parish 2651 S. Central Park
12:15-12:45 p.m. 2651 S. Central Park 10 a.m.-10 p.m.
5-10 p.m.
Thurs., Aug. 5 NSF: 55th Annual Ginza Holiday Festival
NSF: 55th Annual 435 W. Menomonee
CSD: Polka, Eddie Korosa, Jr. & His Boys from Ginza Holiday Festival 11:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Illinois 435 W. Menomonee
6-9:30 p.m. 5:30-9 p.m. CSD: Jive, Lonny Lynn Orchestra
4-7 p.m.
6• July/August 2010
Mon., Aug. 16
EAP: Juan Maclean
(DJ set)

DV: Lost in the Trees

6:30 p.m.
ECN: “Hermosa” by Brian Lost in the Trees

Tues., Aug. 17

12:15-12:45 p.m.

Weds., Aug. 18

GPMFO: Brahms and Bizet

6:30 p.m.

Thurs., Aug. 19 Photos by: Zach Kremian

CSD: Horo, Kabile

6-9:30 p.m.
Raye Six rocks hard
Raye Six (top right, middle) invited
MIC: Django, feat.
Alfonso Ponticelli
the SCENE Chicago Nightlife and
& Swing Gitan Grid (lower right) to attend her pre-
6:30 p.m. Lollapalooza party on Aug. 4 at
Fri., Aug. 20 the Hard Rock Hotel. Fanta Celah
painted live throughout (above).
CSD: East Coast
Swing, Alfonso “Pond” from p. 4 nights and Saturday mornings.
Ponticelli & Swing Each day along the boardwalk, pond
Gitan engineers and landscapers planted thou-
6-9:30 p.m. sands of seeds of sedges, bulrushes, lilies naturalists will be on-hand to engage visi-
and lotuses to bloom rather than hybrid or tors with a number of new free walk-up
GPMFO: Mahler’s non-native plants to provide natural shore- programs, including Feathered Friends (9
Symphony No. 2 Swing Gitan lines and welcoming depths, and in doing a.m. daily) and Exploring the EcoSystem
6:30 p.m. (10 a.m.-1 p.m. daily). No registration
so the zoo has laid the foundation for a new
urban ecosystem. Though it will take a few required.
Sat., Aug. 21
years for the foliage to fill in, the concept For a fee, parents and kids can spend the
CSD: Bachata, Orquesta La Inspiracion of natural sustainability is an ideal of LPZ’s night on the south lawn and “Sleep Under
6-9:30 p.m. message of sustainability. the Skyscrapers” on Aug. 6-7 (sold out).
In addition to the landscape, more than Campers will wake to bird songs at 5 a.m.
GPMFO: Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 a half-mile of boardwalk has been added. Visit for more informa-
7:30 p.m. tion on programs.
The boardwalk, comprised of recycled plas-
Sun., Aug. 22 tic materials, outlines the perimeter of the
pond and makes the pond now fully wheel-
chair accessible, as people with disabilities
Staged Reading:
CSD: East Coast
Swing, Chicago
Grandstand Big
have also had difficulty accessing the South Tosca’s Kiss
Pond for more than 134 years.
Band A play by “From the Coliseum”
Throughout the process, engineers
4-7 p.m. columnist Terence Bersa
designed the new South Pond to reuse
the material waste that was generated FREE
Qixi: a Chinese love in redesigning the pond. The landscape 7-9:30 p.m.
story (street theater) was bolstered by concrete and stone that Tues., Aug. 17
2:30 p.m. were removed and used as filler whenever
Near the Bean at Grace Episcopal Church
possible. This move also cut down on the
Millennium Park Qixi environmental footprint associated with 637 S. Dearborn
transporting the tons of waste. What do you get when you cross
Mon., Aug. 23 Trees that had to be cut down were de- a famous sculptor, a passionate
branched and placed in the pond to become assistant, and a powerful patron?
EAP: All City Affairs homes for small fish and other pond life. You’d think something along the
Noon In addition to the ecosystem, the new lines of Michelangelo and a pope.
Peoples Gas Education Pavilion sits on the Well, not quite...but not totally off
DV: Lost in the Trees
6:30 p.m. northeast side of the South Pond. This turtle either. ”Tosca’s Kiss” is modern in
shell-inspired pavilion is quite a sight at
E-mail event listings to John Campos setting, yet age-old in theme.
night and hosts adult yoga classes Thursday
by the 20th of each month.
[email protected] July/August 2010 •7
As we walked down a mountain path of another Spanish
island, my father, brother and I heard the slow, steady
ding-a-ling of iron bells from this lone goat before finding
hundreds more grazing on acres of olive groves.
Chicago cultivates . . . I don’t know­—smog?

O Esconderijo is a small restaurant on a mountain in Faial, an Azorean

island. This “hideout” seems to share the ideology of the best Chicago
restaurants—food is to be enjoyed with friends and without pretension.

A Chicagoan
in Europe
Photos & Story by Dylan Heath

was still digesting all my experiences from my two-
month voyage across the Atlantic when I got back,
but I had to stop and look at Chicago with new eyes.
Like so many times before, my first view of the city
was while driving north on I-57. The skyline popped
up in front of me through the clouds and as I passed
the Red Line 95th/Dan Ryan stop I got goose bumps.
I’d traveled more than 5,000 miles to Spain and
back by sailboat, but that bit of homecoming was the
most emotional moment of the trip.

Left: I walked the streets of cacked, colorful stucco

houses in Azores for hours—my way to learn about a
town, and I still lose myself in my own neighborhood.
In the Azores, a small group of islands about 1,000 miles off the coast of
Portugal, the skyline consists of mountains instead of Chicago skyscrapers.
Being a product of the Midwest, I never got used to such elevation.

Left: We stopped in
Spain just in time to
watch its soccer team
beat Germany in the
World Cup semi-finals.
I missed the Blackhawk’s
championship hockey win,
but I felt better watching
this small island town
explode with confetti and
red shirts.

Right: My trip ended with

a twelve-hour layover in
Dublin. Bleary eyed and
punch-drunk with lack of
sleep I stumbled around
town from about mid-
night to noon.
If Chicago is like one huge
town, Dublin is like one
huge village. If Chicago
is a bit ashamed of its
artistic couture, Dublin
wears its weirdness on
its sleeve.
10 Things Every Chicagoan Should Know
10. and 6. Active Transportation Alliance
Maven works with media and fashion entrepreneurs, Active Trans works to safely integrate cycling and walking
while Mentor Mastermind assists business owners of any with other forms of transportation in the city by providing
industry. Both provide business counseling and workshops. tips for biking to work, crash support, safe routes for kids
to bike/walk to school, cyclist and pedestrian rights, local
9. Donate books to bike clubs, trails and more.
Open Books accepts tax-
deductible donations of books, Visit for tips on biking with traffic, parking
CDs or DVDs in good condition. your bike and biking legislation news.
Donate fiction, nonfiction, 5. Report damage from storms of July 24, 2010
cookbooks, and children’s Property owners who
books (after 1986 due to lead experienced flood damage
content) among others. Books from storms on July 24,
are resold to students and literacy programs from $2-20. 2010 should file a damage
No damaged books, pre-college textbooks, magazines, assessment to ensure the city
newspapers, yearbooks, promotional materials, receives the proper amount
directories, manuals, study guides, encyclopedias or other of federal aid. If funds are
reference sets. approved, individuals must
Drop off donations at Open Books from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. apply for personal aid later.
daily, or mail them to 213 W. Institute Pl., Chicago, IL File at webapps.cityofchicago.
60610. Residents with four or more boxes of books may org/ChicagoAlertWeb/forms/
schedule a pickup. flooddamageasset.jsp or call 311.

8. Legal advice video series 4. Mayor Daley’s YouTube channel

Watch free videos by experienced attorneys on avoiding Visit to
foreclosure, starting a small business, social security and view any video featuring Mayor
disability benefits, criminal and family law, worker’s rights, Richard M. Daley including the
taxes, traffic court and more. City of Chicago Address, press
conferences, speaking events,
Visit and click on Video Library to interviews and more.
browse titles.
3. Chicago Revealed
7. CeaseFire Chicago “Chicago Revealed” features lesser-known people and
CeaseFire provides places in the city. The show airs daily at 9 a.m. on cable
peaceful conflict channel 23 and 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. on cable channel 49.
resolution between
street gangs and Visit to view archived
reaches out to segments that cover everything from Windy City Pro
individuals at-risk of Wrestling, Chi-slam Table Tennis Club, Chicago Area
being involved in a Origami Society, Robot City Workshop, dog yoga and
shooting. behind the scenes at the Shedd Aquarium.

CeaseFire combines 2. Office of Health Care Access CAREline

the skills of trained CAREline counselors help callers obtain affordable health
outreach workers and care, get accurate information about health care plans,
violence interrupters understand their rights and appeal denied claims.
with the authority of Call toll-free 312-745-CARE (2273) from 8:30 a.m. to
community leaders, 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Voice mail available after hours.
educators, parents and
police to promote alternatives to violence. 1. City catches America’s first fingered murderer in 1910
CeaseFire launched in 2000 as part of the Chicago The first case in which an American murder suspect was
Project for Violence Prevention. In its first year, shootings convicted by his fingerprints took place in 1910 following
in Garfield Park dropped 67 percent. CeaseFire is now in a deadly burglary to a home in what is now Beverly.
a dozen neighborhoods and in five other cities in Illinois. Thomas Jennings was found guilty after his fingerprints
Call CeaseFire Chicago at 1-866-TO-CEASE (866-862- matched those left on a freshly painted railing outside the
3273) for 24-hour assistance. Visit site of a burglary gone wrong, the Chicago Tribune says.
for volunteer and donation information.
<CLICK> the links in this story for instant Gridification.
10 • July/August 2010
The forgiving spellchecker,
the unforgiving culturesphere
From the Coliseum
By Terence Byrsa

You know the drill: type a word and

if it’s misspelled, the red line appears
under it; change it and the nasty blem-
ish disappears.
Like Puritans in Nathaniel Haw-
thorne’s The Scarlet Letter, assured pro-
tection comes in a mark, a sign to tell honored practice of avoidance: “I’m not
us what/whom to avoid. Twenty-first as bad as that!”
Century America, like 16th Century While I may not be a thug, embez-
New England, is a similar tragedy. zler, murderer, lush, adulterer, warmon-
Anyone plucked from the crowd of ger, or hater . . . I certainly “ain’t no
obscurity and hoisted onto the stage of Mother Teresa, neither.” A Peterson,
notoriety (by choice or circumstance) is Blagojevich, Lohan, Woods, Obama/
marked with a target for scrutiny by the Bush II/Clinton/Bush I/Reagan . . .
powerful forces of media. have their issues for sure.
Whether the scarlet letter is pinned Regardless of the infraction, the
on by the press, a district attorney, firing squads take aim. This is not to
environmentalists, a spouse, or public excuse anyone’s actions, arrogance or
opinion, our unforgiving selves revel in tirades. Mel Gibson may have offended
the plight of the accused. nearly every group east, west, north and
Photo by Kristina Zaremba south, but he is still a human being like
Guilt or innocence aside, the details
are devoured by the mob in unending A Ray Noland stencil of former Gov. Rod Blagojev- me, just with a different set of demons.
byte-sized portions and the people’s ich in an Elvis Presley “Jailhouse Rock” pose on the Besides, who knows, someone
judgment is handed down in polls and side of Men’s Akira on Diversey in Lincoln Park. somewhere may still see him as that
tweets. braveheart, defending the rights of a
Judgment is swift and merciless and, like Scarlet’s Hester group . . . say, like the Plutonians in the cause for reinstatement of
Prynne, today’s sinners are forced to face the citizenry so that we the Icy-Sphere-Formerly-Known-As-The-Ninth-Planet back into
can feel better about ourselves. We belly up to the e-trough for our solar orbit.
the latest newsfeed of celeb scandal and devour the excrement of And even if it doesn’t happen with Pluto, wouldn’t it be a solidly
Someone-Other-Than-Ourselves’ issues. And it’s all for the time- human thing to take back one of our own outcasts?

City Council Meeting

Poll on Gulf oil spill 10 a.m., Weds., Sept. 8
Write a
Letter to the Editor
The Citizens Utility Board wants to know your 121 N. LaSalle, 2nd floor [email protected]
opinions on the Gulf oil spill catastrophe and
energy policies. Visit Stream this & archived Maximum: 400 words
to participate. meetings at chicityclerk. May be edited for style,
com/City_Council_ length or libel, but
View the June/July issue’s “From the Coliseum” Video_Archive.php never for message.
for The Grid’s opinion on the spill. July/August 2010 • 11


g Links to help resolve your e-dentity crisis
Local Area Connection: Chicago links True stories of middle-class working stiffs who lost their jobs
Chicago Blues— and then lost it all.
Watch the concert film on Chicago Blues musicians Billy Boy
Arnold, John Primer, Billy Branch, Lurrie Bell and more. Social Responsibility links and
Search for spots serving specific spirits. Stories of Queer Africa
Audio interviews with QLGBT people in Africa where many
states outlaw homosexuality and homophobic violence persists.
Job Hunt links
Chicago Job Boards Downtime links;; JobsInChicago.
Openly-gay, androgynous internet, radio and TV personal-
State of Illinois Job Boards ity B. Scott produces commentary on fashion, music, tech-; nology and beauty, gives advice and interviews celebrities
like Mariah Carey.
Other Job Boards;;;
Videos by this bubbly blond include coverage of tech events like comicon and vidcon, celebrity events, a tour of the Mat-
People from different industries and walks of life network, tel factory and Justine’s life. Not for the easily annoyed.
post jobs, collaborate on projects and share knowledge.
Submit links to [email protected]

#FollowJulyAugust Contribute to The Grid feeds The Chicago Grid recommends following.
• Write articles
@MusicForParents Alternative to “Yo Gabba Gabba” • Take pictures
@Kinknot Local hip-hop duo Kinky Notti
• Redesign the Website
@BuzzinChicago Neighborhood news
• Sell ads
@ChicagoCivicJob Nonprofit & government jobs
@SustainableChi Green living magazine • Plan and run events
@LostInConcert Local concert photos Contact [email protected]

@Chicago_Music Local shows, bands & music news

@Do312 What to do in Chicago
@REmixChicago Deals & contests
@KremlinRussia_E Russia’s president

12 • July/August 2010

Simplify life. Become independent. Empower yourself. Learn new skills. Get organized. Save time. Save money. Make money. Go green. Grow your brand. Realize your dreams. Ch
lives. Make a difference. Champion social justice. Think Gridically. Make no little plans. Do it yourself. Simplify life. Become independent. Empower yourself. Learn new skills. Get o
nized. Save time. Save money. Make money. Go green. Grow your brand. Realize your dreams. Change lives. Make a difference. Champion social justice. Think Gridically. Make no
plans. Do it yourself. Simplify life. Become independent. Empower yourself. Learn new skills. Get organized. Save time. Save money. Make money. Go green. Grow your brand. Rea
your dreams. Change lives. Make a difference. Champion social justice. Think Gridically. Make no little plans. Do it yourself. Simplify life. Become independent. Empower yourself. L
new skills. Get organized. Save time. Save money. Make money. Go green. Grow your brand. Realize your dreams. Change lives. Make a difference. Champion social justice. Thi
Gridically. Make no little plans. Do it yourself. Simplify life. Become independent. Empower yourself. Learn new skills. Get organized. Save time. Save money. Make money. Go gre
Grow your brand. Realize your dreams. Change lives. Make a difference. Champion social justice. Think Gridically. Make no little plans. Do it yourself. Simplify life. Become independ
Empower yourself. Learn new skills. Get organized. Save time. Save money. Make money. Go green. Grow your brand. Realize your dreams. Change lives. Make a difference. Cham
social justice. Think Gridically. Make no little plans. Do it yourself. Simplify life. Become independent. Empower yourself. Learn new skills. Get organized. Save time. Save money. M
money. Go green. Grow your brand. Realize your dreams. Change lives. Make a difference. Champion social justice. Think Gridically. Make no little plans. Do it yourself. Simplify l
Become independent. Empower yourself. Learn new skills. Get organized. Save time. Save money. Make money. Go green. Grow your brand. Realize your dreams. Change lives. M
a difference. Champion social justice. Think Gridically. Make no little plans. Do it yourself. Simplify life. Become independent. Empower yourself. Learn new skills. Get organized. S
time. Save money. Make money. Go green. Grow your brand. Realize your dreams. Change lives. Make a difference. Champion social justice. Think Gridically. Make no little plans.
ourself. Simplify life. Become independent. Empower yourself. Learn new skills. Get organized. Save time. Save money. Make money. Go green. Grow your brand. Realize your dre
Change lives. Make a difference. Champion social justice. Think Gridically. Make no little plans. Do it yourself. Simplify life. Become independent. Empower yourself. Learn new skills
organized. Save time. Save money. Make money. Go green. Grow your brand. Realize your dreams. Change lives. Make a difference. Champion social justice. Think Gridically. Mak
ttle plans. Do it yourself. Simplify life. Become independent. Empower yourself. Learn new skills. Get organized. Save time. Save money. Make money. Go green. Grow your brand.

Click into Casha

Sign up for quick extra money with
these market research companies.
Focus group participants get anywhere
from $25 to $125 for short, onsite
individual or group taste tests and
interviews on product trials or general
shopping habits.
Be ready to fork over contact info in-
cluding your full name, address, email,
phone number and other information
Photos: Creative Commons
such as marital status, race, personal
income, sexual orientation and religion
for statistical analysis. Adler-Weiner Research Co. has lo- sional interviews.
Several agencies run trials and inter- cations in Lincolnwood and downtown
veiws in the city and Chicagoland area. and offers up to $70-125 for taste tests
and other consumer opinions. Precision Research pays between $25-400 for face-to-face interviews
Earn $50-150 for participating in and trials at facilities downtown and in
focus groups on products, shopping, A high-ranking Yelper says their the suburbs.
education, parenting, health care, pub- “pay is industry standard or better” and
lic affairs, food and television. downtown facility is nice. Email info@ for participant details. Test sportswear, technology, food and beverage, homewares, automotive,
Choose from focus groups, taste and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals
tests, product testing, media evaluation, Focus Pointe has a downtown and in the Buffalo Grove area.
or in-home studies based in Chicago, O’Hare location that pay around $80 ­—Kristina Zaremba
Oak Brook and Oak Park. for consumer and healthcare profes-

Reach Millennials
Advertise with The Chicago Grid
Print, Web and Video
spots from $20. Design services available.
View 2010 Rate Card online here.
Email [email protected] for more. July/August 2010 • 13
Need to Know: for more.
Instructions for
Your Indie Life
price tickets to more than 200 Chicago
Make Money State Business Loans
theatres, or visit their walk-up locations at
72 E. Randolph St. and 163 E. Pearson
Earn up to $150 a day as a movie extra The Treasurer’s Office invests millions St. (in Water Works Visitor’s Center).
Area film shoots need background extras annually in low-interest loans to large
for upcoming dates. Call 1-800-498- and small-business owners and child-care Shop with Friends and Save
1797 for more information. providers. Visit for more. Save big on groceries, clothes and
household goods when you start a Costco
Experienced Business Mentors Employment agencies (2746 N. Clybourn) club to shop bulk
• The Dept. of Business Affairs and Con- Visit with friends. Buy one membership for
sumer Protection offers assistance with for a directory of more than 40 employ- $50 and shop as a group. Member must
business start-up and licensing informa- ment agencies. be present and pay for order in full, so
tion, permits, citations and more. Call arrange to break down receipt and split
(312) 744-5506 for an appointment. Save Money up shared purchases. Vehicle strongly
• The Service Corps of Retired Executives
(500 W. Madison St.) connects would-
be and current business owners with
Cut Your Wireless Bill
Citizen Utility Board’s Cell Phone Saver **New**
more than 11,500 volunteer business (
counselors. Call (312) 353-7724, or visit for more.
analyzes digital copies of any major
provider’s cell bill to determine and
FRee fun
recommend the most economic plan for Full Moon Jam
Women’s Business Development Center you according to average voice, text and
Assists in development and marketing of The Full Moon Fire & Drum jam happens
data usage. every full moon during the summer half
emerging and existing woman-owned
businesses. Services (in Spanish or Eng- Free Directory Assistance a mile south of Foster Ave. Beach on the
lish) include loan assistance, workshops, Instead of paying up to $2 to call 411, lakefront. All jams are a leave-no-trace,
and one-on-one counseling. Call (312) try 1-800-FREE411 for residential and family event, and end at 10:15 p.m.
853-3477 or visit for more. business listings, or 1-800-goog411 and Schedule—7 p.m. on Tues., Aug. 24;
1-800-555TELL for business numbers. 6:15 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 23; and 5:30
Veterans Business Outreach p.m. on Sun., Oct. 24.
The VBO Program provides business plan Books Cheaper
preparations, comprehensive feasibility Before you shell out more paper for text- Movies in the Park
analysis, entrepreneurial training and books and bestsellers browse the 30,000 The Chicago Park District projects block-
counseling, mentorship, and referrals to free e-books (many in Kindle format) from buster movies rated G to PG-13 in parks
eligible veterans who own or want to start Project Gutenberg ( or the throughout the city nearly every night
a small business. Call (810) 767-8387 or more than 25,000 free ones at Many- through Sept. 10.
visit for more. Upcoming titles include new releases “The
Small Business Alliance Loans Then search I-Share (alliance of 76 Illinois Blind Side,” “Where the Wild Things
SBA makes loans up $15,000 for start- libraries), visit a local book exchange Are,” “Transformers 2,” “Cloudy with a
ups, $25,000 for existing businesses. (, rent Chance of Meatballs,” “Twilight: New
Visit for more. books from, buy and sell Moon,” “How to Train Your Dragon,”
used media through Amazon Market- “Up,” and “Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All
$1,000 Business Grant place, or download a paperless version by Myself”; comedies “Clue,” “Hancock”
Get a $1,000-grant & shared workspace to digital readers like Kindle ($249, and “Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure”; and
to jumpstart your business idea. This is a family-friendly flicks “The Wiz,” “The
grant, not a loan—no repayment. Visit Neverending Story,” “School of Rock,” to submit your idea. Discounted Theater Tix & Gift Certificates “The Goonies,” “Matilda,” “Antz,” makes one incredible daily “Shrek,” “Kung Fu Panda” and “Astro
Grow Your Business deal for 30 to 70 percent off tickets and Boy.” <CLICK> to download the schedule.
The Dept. of Commerce & Economic gift certificates to local restaurants and
Opportunity offers businesses expansion merchants; and Chicago- Neighborhood Scavenger Hunts
incentives, technological support, access offer 50 percent off or more Discover hidden gems and interesting
to capital, global marketing expertise and (check out their Featured and Clearance facts while competing with friends on a
job training for workers. Visit pages, respectively). has half- free neighborhood scavenger hunt.

<CLICK> the links in this directory for instant Gridification.

14 • July/August 2010
Hunt through Andersonville, Albany Park, Ever Wish You Had a Car? Nutrition for Women, Infants & Children
Chinatown, Lincoln Square, West Loop, Zipcars are shared vehicles parked WIC helps pregnant women and mothers
West Ridge/Devon Avenue, Wicker Park throughout the city. Members can reserve with children under the age of five eat
& Hyde Park. cars (from $7/hr or $68/weekday, gas well by providing coupons to buy nutri-
Visit the Visitor’s Center in the Cultural and insurance included) at tious foods like milk, juice, eggs, cheese,
Center (77 E. Randolph St.) for a guide. and drive for a free 180 miles or more cereal, dry beans, pees and peanut but-
Downloadable guides available soon; visit per day. Must be 21. Text cta2009 to ter. Also educates families about nutrition, for more. 30364 to earn $75 toward driving. fitness, breastfeeding and health care.
For greener chauffeured trips, check out Visit the state’s Dept. of Human Services’
International Film Festival screenings Going Green Limos’ (goinggreenlimou- site ( and click on
All films screened 6:30 p.m. on Wednes- hybrid transport options. “Pregnancy & Parenting” to apply.
days at the Cultural Center (77 E. Ran-
dolph St.), most with an encore showing 2 Little Village Toxic Tours Common Pantry
p.m. on Saturday. The Little Village Environmental Justice Provides emergency food monthly to
Visit for titles. Organization gives guided tours of pol- individuals and families within the bound-
luted sites on the West Side. Hear about aries of Diversey (south), Kedzie (west),
Downloadable Tours first-hand struggles for health and human Ravenswood (east), and Lawrence (north),
Download local experts talking about the rights. Call (773) 762-6991 or visit lvejo. who are below the poverty line.
city in English, Spanish, German, Chinese org/campaigns/toxitours.htm for more. Distribution: 1-4 p.m., 6-8 p.m. Wednes-
Mandarin and Japanese. View pictures days at 3744 N. Damen. Visit common-
while listening on your computer, or take Be Rewarded for Saving Water
Single-family and two-flat homeowners or call (773) 327-0553.
self-guided walking tours with your video
MP3 player. Visit downloadabletours. can lower their water bills by voluntarily —UTILITIES
com to choose from History of Chicago installing a water meter. The city’s Meter
Save program charges participants only Apply for Free Emergency Cell Phone
Blues (narrator Buddy Guy), Millennium Low-income residents may qualify for a
Park (narrators architect Frank Gehry and for actual water used and guarantees
that metered home will pay no more than free cell phone with 60 pre-paid monthly
others), or Chicago for Kids—an at-home minutes. Apply at
tour of history, culture and games. yearly assessed rates for seven years.
Visit or call 311 for more. —HEALTH
Mobile Neighborhood ToursExplore Rape Crisis Hotline
Download walking tours of the Albany Dispose of Hazardous Waste
The Household Chemicals & Computer Survivors of sexual assault and their sig-
Park, Auburn Gresham, Bronzeville, nificant others can call 1-888-293-2080,
Pilsen and South Chicago neighborhoods Recycling Facility (1150 N. North Branch
on Goose Island) accepts household 24 hours a day, seven days a week to
for your iPhone, Blackberry, Android, receive free confidential assistance from
Palm or Windows Phone. Visit tours.lisc- chemical waste on Tuesdays 7 a.m.-noon,
Thursdays 2-7 p.m., and the first Saturday volunteers staff trained in sexual assault to download. crisis intervention.
of each month 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Twelve Museums for Free Visit Chicago Abortion Fund
Get free admission for up to four people for a list of accepted items. Need-based service assists low-income
at twelve of the city’s best museums at women in obtaining safe and discounted
any Chicago Public Library location by Conserve Power, Enter CUB Raffles second-trimester abortions. Not a clinic.
checking out free Kraft Foods Great Kids Individuals are eligible to win a month Generally open a week.
Museum Passports. of free electricity or up to 10,000 CFL
bulbs. Visit Call (312) 663-0338 and listen to the
message for details. First-come, first-serve
Green living to register.
regardless of circumstances of pregnancy.

Recycle CDs & other discs

Human Know Something Others
Should Too?
Recycle all types of CD, DVD, Blu Ray
and HD-DVD discs and disassembled
Services Submit Need to Know information
jewel/shell cases. Separate and label CDs to [email protected]
versus DVDs. No floppy discs, zip discs, —FOOD
video tapes or cassettes.

Nutrition Assistance (Link Card)
Send sorted materials, packaged however
is convenient (envelope or box) to 68H
Stiles Road, Salem, NH 03079. Individu-
als pay their own shipping fees.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program, formerly Food Stamps, helps
low-income people and families buy
healthy food. Visit the state’s Dept. of Hu-
man Services’ site (
No one can make you feel
inferior without your consent.
—Eleanor Roosevelt,
first lady 1933-1945

Visit to make dona-
tions ($2 suggested) and learn more. and click “Food” to apply. July/August 2010 • 15

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