c. Market orientation
i. Research & respond to current & future customer needs, competitors & collaborators
ii. Implementation
1. Establish an information system to discover customers real needs
2. Use info to create satisfying new products that meet cust needs
3. Establish way to coordinate all activities true cust focus
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iii. Manage cust relationships
1. Relationship marketing long term, mutual satisfaction
2. Customer relationship management (CRM) use info abt cust for marketing strategies that
develop & sustain desirable customer relationships
3. Customer value customers subjectivity of benefit relative to cost, determine worth of product
iv. Consider cultural values that guide marketing concept implementation
b. Digital marketing
i. Internet, mobile channels etc to develop communication & exchange with customers
ii. Interactivity allowing customers to express needs & wants directly to firm marketing comm
iii. Ethical & legal issues incl privacy concerns, online fraud, intellectual property
f. How to monitor:
i. Environmental scanning collect info about forces in marketing envi through secondary resources
ii. Environmental analysis asses & intrepet info gatherned through envi scanning
b. Socio-cultural
i. Influence in society & culture that change peoples attitudes, beliefs, norms, customs, lifestyle
1. Change in demographic (race, age, gender, ethnicity, education)
ii. Strongly affect how people think & consume
d. Technological
i. Affect new technologies, new product & market opportunity
ii. Most dramatic forces
iii. Tech advancement can be +/- impact to society
e. Economic
i. Buying power
1. Resources that can be traded in an exchange.
2. Disposable (net income after income taxes) v discretionary income (net income-necessities)
ii. Willingness to spend inclination to buy bc expected satisfaction
1. Influenced by ability to buy & psychological & social forces
iii. General economic conditions
1. Business cycle: prosperity, recession, depression, recovery
c. Major decisions:
i. Look at global marketing environment see all marketing environment
ii. Decide whether to go international not all need to globalize to survive (small businesses)
1. Companies operating in global industries no choice
2. Risk & ability to operate globally
3. Understand underlying motivations to go global
iii. Which market to enter
1. International marketing objectives aligned with orgs overall objectives
a. Volume of foreign sales, how many countries, types of countries etc
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2. High-level strategic decisions
a. Incremental/simultaneous entry? Concentrated/diversified?
iv. How to enter
3. Survey method
4. Observation method
a. Direct contact with subject avoided to reduce possible awareness of obs process
b. Physical conditions, subject actions & demographics are noted
c. Observations may be combined with same-subject interviews
d. Data gathered may be influenced by observer bias
5. Describe different tools available to facilitate marketing information systems & research
6. Discuss ethical considerations in marketing research
a. Data collected in ethical manner while maintaining the info quality
b. Must have professional standards where research can be judged
c. Ethical & legal issues can develop as rs carried out (privacy, misuse of info)
d. Some orgs have developed codes of conduct & guidelines for ethical rs for organizations
e. Impulse buying
i. Purchase solely on impulse & not on basis of any of 3 problem solving processes described earlier
ii. Unplanned buying behavior from powerful urge to buy something immediately
a. Psychological influences
i. Perception
1. Selecting, organizing, interpreting info inputs to produce meanings
2. Information inputs sensation received through sense organs (sight, taste, hear, smell, touch)
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ii. Motives
1. Internal energizing force directs person to satisfy needs/achieve goals
2. Thirst/hungry, cold/hot, fear, success
iii. Learning
1. Changes in individuals though processes behavior caused by info & experience
2. Sources of learning
a. Behavioral consequence
b. Info processing
c. Experience
iv. Attitude
1. Individual enduring evaluation of feelings about behavioral tendencies toward an object or idea
2. +ve or ve
3. Major components
a. Cognitive knowledge & info
b. Affective feelings & emotions
c. Behavioral actions regarding the object/idea
v. Self-concept
1. View of ones self, +ve/-ve
vi. Lifestyles
1. Individuals pattern of living expressed through activities, interests, opinions
b. Roles
i. Actions/activities that a person in particular position is supposed to perform based on expectations
of the individual & surrounding persons
ii. Family role, work role, role in organization
c. Family influences
i. Consumer socialization acquires knowledge & skill to function as a consumer
d. Reference group
i. Any group +ve/-ve affects a persons values, attitudes, behavior
ii. Types:
Membership individual actually belongs
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Aspirational aspires to belong
Dissociative doesnt want to belong
e. Opinion leaders
i. Reference group member provides info about specific sphere that interest ref group participants
f. Digital networks (blogs, wikis, social networks)
g. Culture
1. Accumulation of values, knowledge, beliefs, customs, objects, concepts that a society uses to
cope with its environment & passes on to future generations
2. Influences buying behavior bc it permeates our daily lives
3. Cultural changes affect product development, promotion, distribution, pricing
ii. Sub-cultures
1. Group whose characteristic values & behavior patterns are similar, diff from surrounding culture
2. Youth subculture, based on sense of belonging & common purpose
3. Consumption based on common interests (ex. Harley-Davidson owners group)
e. Participants
i. Buying center
1. People within organization 9incl users, influencers, buyers, deciders & gatekeeper making
business purchase decisions
ii. Number & structure of a firms buying centers are affected by its size & market position, product &
volume & managerial philosophy of who should be involved in purchase decisions
7. Discuss how business buyer decision process differs from consumer buyer decision process
i. Geographic
1. Considers national boundaries, regional districts/suburban postcode
2. Market density number of potential customers within a unit of land area
3. Geo-demographic segmentation clusters people in postcode areas & smaller neighborhood
based on lifestyle & demographic info
4. Micromarketing focus precise marketing efforts on very small geodemographic market
ii. Psychographic
1. Can be used independently to segment a market but more commonly combined
iii. Behavioral
1. Benefit segmentation dividing according to benefits customers seek from product
d. Product repositioning
i. Regular evaluation of current position of existing
product is important
ii. May be required to strengthen market share &
iii. How:
1. Changing the product physically
2. Revise its pricing &/ dist strategy
3. Change product image
4. Targeting a diff market
5. Understand components of strategic marketing
a. Traditional marketing mix (4Ps)
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c. Marketing environment
i. Experience economy services economy
1. quality experience of buying & consuming, evoke emotional response with 5 senses
2. Expect service + experience
3. Personal & unique experience that are memorable & emotional
ii. Expanded mix the people
iii. Expanded mix the physical evidence
1. Tangible & intangible clues cust may observe
2. Important validation of quality of services/experiences
3. Buildings, grounds, other physical assets servicescape
4. Atmospherics compelling & engaging atmosphere can
communicate a companys image
iv. Expanded mix the processes
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v. Expanded mix the partnerships
1. Alliances b/w independent orgs with goals of improving service & bus performance
2. B/w complementary skills/assets
3. When lack resources/expertise/desire to develop new products as well
f. Classifying products
i. Consumer products products purchased to satisfy personal & family needs
a. Introduction
i. First appears in the marketplace
ii. Sales stsrt at 0 & profit is ve
iii. Risk failure is high
2. Explain new product development process
3. Explain adoption process of new products
4. Understand important decisions in product management
a. Product line decisions
b. Product mix decisions
c. Individual product decisions
d. Product differentiation