Lesson 3 Glycogen-HZ
Lesson 3 Glycogen-HZ
Lesson 3 Glycogen-HZ
glucose is the only fuel used by the brain (except during prolonged starvation).
glucose from glycogen is readily mobilized and is therefore a good source of energy
for sudden activity.
Unlike fatty acids, the released glucose can provide energy in the absence of oxygen and
can thus supply energy for anaerobic activity.
The two major sites of glycogen storage are the liver and
skeletal muscle.
The concentration of glycogen is higher in the liver than in
muscle (10% versus 2% by weight), but more glycogen is stored in skeletal muscle
overall because of its much greater mass.
Glycogen synthesis
The activated glucosyl unit of UDPglucose is transferred to the hydroxyl group at a C-4 terminus
of glycogen to form an a-1,4-glycosidic linkage. In elongation, UDP is displaced by the terminal
hydroxyl group of the growing glycogen molecule. This reaction is catalyzed by glycogen
synthase, the key regulatory enzyme in glycogen synthesis.
One ATP is hydrolyed incorporating glucose 6-phosphate into glycogen. The energy yield from the
breakdown of glycogen is highly efficient. About 90% of the residues are phosphorolytically cleaved to
glucose 1-phosphate, which is converted at no cost into glucose 6-phosphate. The other 10% are branch
residues, which are hydrolytically cleaved. One molecule of ATP is then used to phosphorylate each of
these glucose molecules to glucose 6-phosphate. The complete oxidation of glucose 6-phosphate yields
about 31 molecules of ATP, and storage consumes slightly more than one molecule of ATP per molecule of
glucose 6-phosphate; so the overall efficiency of storage is nearly 97%.
A branch is created by the breaking of an a-1,4 link and the formation of an a-1,6 link:
this reaction is different from debranching. A block of residues, typically 7 in number, is
transferred to a more interior site. The block of 7 or so residues must
(a) include the nonreducing terminus
(b) come from a chain at least 11 residues long.
(c) the new branch point must be at least 4 residues away from a preexisting one.
Glycogen degradation
Glycogen degradation
Phosphorylase catalyzes the sequential removal of glycosyl residues from the nonreducing ends
of the glycogen molecule (the ends with a free 4-OH groups). Orthophosphate splits the
glycosidic linkage between C-1 of the terminal residue and C-4 of the adjacent one.
The phosphoryl group is transferred from the serine residue to the C-6 hydroxyl group
of glucose 1-phosphate to form glucose 1,6-bisphosphate. The C-1 phosphoryl group of
this intermediate is then shuttled to the same serine residue, resulting in the formation
of glucose 6-phosphate and the regeneration of the phosphoenzyme.
NOTE- same mechanism like (2,3-BPG) in the interconversion of 2-phosphoglycerate and 3-
phosphoglycerate in glycolysis. A phosphoenzyme intermediate participates in both reactions.
glucose 6-phosphatase is located on the lumenal side of the smooth ER membrane (the
same enzyme that releases free glucose at the conclusion of gluconeogenesis).
Meaning that glucose 6-phosphate is transported into the ER; glucose and orthophosphate
formed by hydrolysis are then shuttled back into the cytosol
The absence of glucose 6-phosphatase in muscle ensures that G6P derived from
glycogen remains within the cell for energy transformation.
Glycogen Phosphorylase
Regulation - allosteric
- phosphorylation
Distribution - muscle
- liver
The transition from the T state (phosphorylase b) to the R state (phosphorylase a) entails a 10-degree
rotation around the twofold axis of the dimer. This transition is associated with structural changes in a
helices that move a loop out of the active site of each subunit. Thus, the T state is less active because the
catalytic site is partly blocked.
The equilibrium for phosphorylase a favors the R state whereas the equilibrium for phosphorylase b favors the T state.
Phosphorylase a is phosphorylated on serine 14 of each subunit. This modification favors the structure of the more active R state. One
subunit is shown in white, with helices and loops important for regulation shown in blue and red. The other subunit is shown in yellow,
with the regulatory structures shown in orange and green. Phosphorylase b is not phosphorylated and exists predominantly in the T
Muscle phosphorylase b is active only in the presence of high concentrations of AMP, which
binds to a nucleotide binding site and stabilizes the conformation of phosphorylase b in the R state.
ATP acts as a negative allosteric effector by competing with AMP and so favors the T state. Thus,
the transition of phosphorylase b between the T and the R state is controlled by the energy charge of
the muscle cell. Glucose 6-phosphate also favors the T state of phosphorylase b, an example of
feedback inhibition.
Phosphorylase kinase is activated by hormones that lead to the phosphorylation of the b subunit and by
Ca2+ binding of the d subunit. Both types of stimulation are required for maximal enzyme activity.
Hormonal control
epinephrine and glucagon bind to specific 7TM receptors in the plasma membranes of muscle (b-adrenergic receptor) and liver
cells (glucagon receptor).
After phosphorylation
Inactive b form
Glycogen-Storage Diseases
Edgar von Gierke described the first glycogen-storage disease in 1929. A patient with
this disease has a huge abdomen caused by a massive enlargement of the liver. There is
a pronounced hypoglycemia between meals. Furthermore, the blood-glucose level does
not rise on administration of epinephrine and glucagon. An infant with this
glycogen-storage disease may have convulsions because of the low blood-glucose
level. The enzymatic defect in von Gierke disease was elucidated in 1952 by Carl and
Gerty Cori. They found that glucose 6- phosphatase is missing from the liver of a
patient with this disease. This was the first demonstration of an inherited
deficiency of a liver enzyme. The liver glycogen is normal in structure but present in
abnormally large amounts. The absence of glucose 6-phosphatase in the liver causes
hypoglycemia because glucose cannot be formed from glucose 6-
phosphate. This phosphorylated sugar does not leave the liver, because it cannot cross
the plasma membrane. The presence of excess glucose 6-phosphate triggers an increase
in glycolysis in the liver, leading to a high level of lactate
and pyruvate in the blood. Patients who have von Gierke disease also have an
increased dependence on fat metabolism. This disease can also be produced by a
mutation in the gene that encodes the glucose 6-phosphate transporter. Recall
that glucose 6-phosphate must be transported into the lumen of the endoplasmic
reticulum to be hydrolyzed by phosphatase. Mutations in the other three essential
proteins of this system can likewise lead to von Gierke disease.
Seven other glycogen-storage diseases have been characterized