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(A scientific secret revealed,)

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and the periods discovered, showing
1. The course of every life from birth to death.
2. When to prepare for success, and when for failure.
3. When to toil and when to rest for health.
4. How to avoid or overcome misfortune.
5. How every life affects other lives.
6. Whom to seek and whom to avoid in marriage,
friendship and business.
7. Counsel as to parents and children.
8. Warnings to patients and physicians.
9. Influence of moon and planets on tides, we -it her ,

vegetation, earthquakes and life.

10. Warnings that may protect life and property,
11. Plain rules to find your own years, months and
days for success or failure, health or sickness.
12. Destiny of Nations shown in the history of the
United States.
13. Dangers of the next eighteen years.
14. Personal experience as examples.
15. Demonstration in the life of
By Prof. Jos. Rodes^Buchanan, AH
m. D
Author of System of Anthropology, The New Education, Man-
ual of Psychometry, Therapeutic Sarcognorny, Professor of
Physiology and Institutes of Medecine in the colleges of
Cincinnati, New York and Boston and D^an of the Faculty
in the parent school of American Eclecticism at Cincin-
nati 46 years ago.
San Jose, Cal., 1897.
Published by E. S. BUCHANAN.
Copyrighted by Jos. Rodes Buchanan, M. D.

printed by
Garden City Printing House, Schmitt & Currlin, Prop i

160-171 W. San Fernando St., San Josk, cat..


Origin and nature of the discovery now revealed ancient

opinions its test by practical application the num-

ber seven the prevalent number in nature aseptimal
division in all affairs of life and in the solar system

study of Periodicity by physicians septimal doctrine
of mv college colleague.

After my retirement from the Eclectic Medi-

cal College at Cincinnati in 1856, my atten-
tion was attracted by an apparent periodicity
of nature, in the phenomena of disease and in
the different influences of week days, months
and years, and my affairs in the college.
Popular opinion fixed upon the sixth day of
the week, Friday, as unlucky, and some of
my experiments seemed to sustain that idea,
which was expressed in the creative legend of
Genesis, that God was fatigued on the sixth
day and rested on the seventh, which was
therefore ordered to be a day of rest.
Friday, the sixth day, wT as the day of the
crucifixion of Jesus, and has since been re-
garded as hang-man's day, and used for that
purpose. The wide spread opinion that Fri-
day is an inauspicious daj^, would not have
been so long maintained without some foun-
dation in nature, and the same impression as
to the number thirteen must have been based
on some experience.
I need not narrate my methods of investi-
gation and reasoning which led to the con-
clusions that I now offer my readers, which
have been confirmed by many observations
so fully that I am warranted in offering the
doctrine to the public, which I have hereto-
fore concealed for thirty years, waiting to
subject it to decisive tests, to know if it was
practically reliable.
To make decisive tests of the law, I have
been accustomed upon first meeting a stranger
to tell him of the favorable and unfavorable
periods of his life, and to find him astonished
at the revelation of his troubles, the times of
deadly sickness, financial loss, disappoint-
ments, calamities and failures in schemes
\ that looked plausible.
Some lives are more fortunate than others
and the periods of distress or calamity less
marked but I do not think the failure of the

rule (by some interfering cause) occurred in

more than from two to five per cent. That
interference may have been due to astrolog-
ical causes, or to the bearing of one life on an-
other, as one's destiny may be elevated or de-
pressed by the influence of others; besides my
understanding of the law was incomplete un-
til in reviewing it I found an oversight.

The law which I have found in operation,

and which my most intimate friends, in test-
ing, have become convinced by experience that


it is a law of great importance to be under-

stood, is easily stated. It is this that all vi-
tal operations proceed in a varying course,
measured by the number seven. This septimal
division I expect to find in the life of every in-
dividual from youth to age, in the progress of
diseases, in the history of nations, societies,
enterprises, and everything that has progress

and decline in short in all life, for all life has
its periods of birth growth decline and death.
I presume inorganic nature has periodical
laws also, as seen in sun spots which appear
to have eleven year periodicities according to
the latest observations and I know not why

animals should not have their periodic laws

as well as man; (for they have definite periods
of gestation, of life and death) and even the

vegetable kingdom has its regular periods, for

the solar system and stellar worlds have re-
gular periods which control all life by the
seasons, by electricity and magnetism, and
there is nothing that escapes these influences,
which are all periodic.
The regular periodicity of fever has been a
great puzzle to the medical profession. The
great anatomist, Prof. Reil of Germany, re-
ferred it to 'some general law of the Universe'

which was good philosophy and corresponds

with Kepler's ideas. Cullen, Bailly and Roche
made some imperfect attempts to explain it,
but M. Br ache t, a French physiologist tested
it experimentally very successfully by adher-
ing to the number seven.
Sir Thomas Watson, M. D., describes his
experiment as follows:
"Towards the end of the month of October
in the year 1822, M. Brachet took a cold bath
at midnight, tor seven nights in succession, in
the river Saone. On the first occasion he re-
mained quarter of an hour in the river; on
the second half an hour; till at length he was
able to stay in the water a full hour at a time.
Alter each bath he betook himself to a warm
bed and in a short time became affected with
considerable heat followed by copious perspi-
ration, in the midst of which he fell a sleep.
At the end of the seven days, M. Brachet
ceased to repeat this experiment; but what
was his surprise, at finding on the following
nights, between twelve and one o'clock, that
all the phenomena of a true ague fit appeared
in due order and succession As however this

artificial paroxysm was not very severe, and

as he felt quite well during theday, M. Brachet
determined not interfere with it; but to ob-
serve the result, six times it renewed with.

great regularity. On the seventh night after

he had omitted the baths he was summoned
towards midnight to a "woman in labor."
On that visit he overcame the periodic chill
and fever and had no more of it.

This shows the natural law of periodic re-

currence of any strong and repeated impres-
sion at a specified hour and day and the abil-
ity to terminate evil impressions on the seventh
da\ which is more marked on the eighth and

ninth, so that the ninth day is often consid-

ered critical.
Dr. Watson says, "we have much to learn
on this subject" and wonders why in quotid-
ian fevers their usual and natural paroxysms
occur, not in the evening, but in the morning,
when there should be the least tendency to ex-
acerbation of febrile action.
The septimal law of the two periods of life
explains this by showing that the vital force
is feebler in the morning and stronger in the
afternoon. It shows the folly of early cold
bathing. Many years ago several young men
in a town near Cleveland get into a fad of
bathing in the cold river (the Cuyahoga) on
rising in the morning; which they were robust
enough to keep up for some months on their
theory, beginning in the fall without properly
observing its effects. They were all injured in
health and compelled to give it up. Warm
or hot bathing is much more congenial es-
peecially to the old or the very young or
feeble. But strong warm constitutions may
enjoy a moderate use of cold water especially
when it contains salt or something stimulat-
ing and is followed by friction or massage.
The best statement on this subject in my reach

is that of my able colleague, the late Prof. I.

(i. Jones, who says, in his excellent work on
the American Eclectic practice of medicine:
"Youwill find in many instances a tendency
to a return of the disease at set periods. The
laws of periodicity appear to extend beyond
the time governing the return of each parox-
ysm, and to produce a predisposition to a re-
lapse at periods of about seven days. So
that a return may be apprehended on the
same (lav of the week on which the last oc-
curred or to state it categorically, there is a

tendency to a return on the sf venth,four teen th

twentyfirst, etc. day, from the time of the last
chill. Physicians familiar with the disease
have observed this tendency, and many
have adopted the plan of fortifying their pa-
tients against the disease at those particular
times. The days mentioned have long been
considered important days."
In typhoid fever which comes on slowly and
insidiously we have no day to count from but
Prof. Jones says the usual time of the premoni-
tory symptoms is about six days which is what
periodicity would indicate. In favorable cases
the improvement appears in the second or
third week beyond which the indications are
unfavorable. It is the doctrine of medical
writers generall} that fevers have critical

days, a time called a crisis, promising favor-

able or unfavorable results whether from
specific causes or from contagion. The sixth,
thirteenth, twentieth and twenty-seventh be-
ing unfavorable days, the favorable indica-
tions are apt to appear on the second or third
day later. But the unfavorable days must be
guarded against. When Prof. Jones had a
student patient running into typhoid fever
his prompt treatment broke up the disease in
twenty-four hours and he was convalescent
on the fifth day, but not allowed to go out
on the sixth.
While the laws of the human constitution
carrv it into periodicity, diseases dependent
on present causes must obey those causes and
if the cause be bacterial we must study the
action of bacteria.



K fleet of the moon on animal lite and flesh farmer's

observations all scientific laws mysterious facts

better than theories why my secret is pub ished.
Universal influences of celestial bodies.
nant influence of the moon on tides, vegetation and

and life influence of the planets known to the

ancients profound astrologists who are skillful
physicians opinions of Hippocrates and Kepler

a new explanation of planetary influences the moon

governed by seven testimony by ancient scientists

influence on earthquakes testimony of M. Perrey

Arago and Sir John Herscl ell Pearce on earth-

quakes produced by the moon Commander Morri-
son predicts an earthquake in South America in 1853
Kepler explained winds and storms caused by

moon and planets Medical colleges ignorant of

meteorology testimon}' of 25 distinguished physi-
cians as to the influences of the moon on diseases

moon controls cholera new moon and full moon

dangerous effects of moon on insanity, emorrhage

and deaths on the flow of sap and on the weather

and tides earthquakes predicted critical days in
diseases known for 3000 years.

The periods of the moon are in sevens.

Every woman knows how that governs her
constitution. Close observers find the peri-
ods of the moon, influential in diseases and
its eftect on the brain is such as to originate
the word lunatic from Luna, the moon. If
you think the moon a matter of no impor-
tance, try the eiFect of moonlight on a piece
of fresh poultry, veal or mutton. Perhaps a
mutton head will do as well. Let some dull
fellow sleep with his head in the moonshine
and see how he feels next morning. The most
experienced farmers wT ho go by practical ob-
servation instead of theories, pay close atten-
tion to the state of the moon, because they
find it profitable to do so. If they did not
they would soon give up this old idea; but
the longer they live the more positive they
He who will not believe any law of nature,
until he understands its cause, is a very shal-
1owt thinker. All real science is a collection of
facts that we cannot explain. Who can tell
why oxygen attacks iron, and why an alkali
keeps it off, why sulphuric acid seizes soda,
potash, lime, ammonia or common metals.
Nobody knows, but such facts constitute
the grand science of chemistry. I have a the-
ory to explain lunar action, but that does not
make it any more certain the fact is
what w e must act on.

If I had ten more years of life, I would try

to develope the whole law of periodicity,
but my own periods are now in their Nadir
as to earthly life, and I can only tell what
I have observed, as a matter of curiosity,
having held it in reserve until tested by more
than thirty years observation by myself, not
thinking of making a book, and consequently
neglecting to record many interesting facts,
tot was so interested in the profound philos-

ophv and religion, which concern the fate of

all mankind, that I had almost forgotten
periodicity, when a sagacious friend to whom
I gave the secret, who tested it and found it
true, insisted that it must not be lost.
believe that in the economy of the uni-
verse, as all stellar bodies have fixed periods
and everything in the universe exerts its in-
fluence as far as its sphere extends, it must
follow that all the planets of the solar system
are influential upon each other; and notwith-
standing the vast distances of the stars, re-
duces the influence of each star to a mini-
mum, the starry groups of the Milky way,
and other celestial constellations, must exert
a real influence upon the earth by their aggre-
gate power.
The moon is so near that all intelligent per-
sons recognize its influence upon the tides, up-
on vegetation, and upon human life, indeed
close observers engaged in agriculture are
very positive because they have observed it,
that their success in agriculture depends to a
sensible extent upon close observation of the
moon's influence. Indeed it is well known
that the moon exerts an influence often inju-
rious upon animal flesh, and upon the heads
of persons who sleep in the moon-light.
If any stellar body exerts an influence upon

the earth, that influence must increase or de-

cline as itapproaches or recedes from us, and
must vary in the whole course of its orbit
hence it is reasonable to infer that certain
phenomena in nature and in human life will
recur at regular periods in accordance with
the movements of heavenly bodies, just as
day and night, summer and winter follow the
course the sun. The extensive observations
of the most ancient nations have convinced
them that the planets of the solar system have
each a special influence upon man and upon
the course of nature; hence arose the most
ancient and most wonderful of all sciences
called Astrology. I have never had time to
study the science, but I know that it is a
science of great profundity, and great value
to mankind, because I have always found in
conversation with intelligent, scientific and
honorable Astrologers, that they had a won-
derful capacity for revealing the outlines of
my own life and its probable future.

I have also found that very intelligent and

closely observant physicians, who have mas-
tered this science, have found it of very great
value in the diagnosis and prognosis of dis-
ease, though they often conceal their know-
ledge for fear of the colleges. Hippocrates,
called the father of medicine (a very practical
physician insisted that every physician should

understand Astrology. Kepler, the most re-

mark able Astronomer of his age, was a de-
voted student of Astrology and accustomed
to earn his living by preparing horoscopes.
Any Astrologer can tell you of many other
eminent men who havecultivated this science.
Though unable to stud_y the science, I have
speculated upon its philosophy; for the astro-
logical doctrine, that the time of one's birth
determines the course of events throughout
his life, seems a priori so unreasonable or so im-
possible, that I endeavored to ascertain how
planetary bodies may effect human life, and
it appears from my investigations that every

planet hasitspeculiai character, owing partly

to the chemical constitution of the mass and
partly to the psychic constitution of its in-
habitants. A planet on which the conditions
of life are favorable and the character of its
inhabitants has developed in noble and lov-
ing characteristics, must have a beneficent in-
fluence upon the earth as it approaches, simi-
lar to that which a good man has in society,
for it has not only its physical attraction, but
its luminous and electric emanations and the
still more pervading emanations of its psychic


For the pysehic life of a planet must be a

pervading power. The many millions of souls
of those who have inhabited it through in-
calculable centuries must have accumulated
a vast spiritual power, for the power of the
soul is almost unlimited.
I believe ior example, that the inhabitants
of Mars and Venus have a much higher spirit-
ual condition than the inhabitants of this
earth, and consequently are capable of exert-
ing a much more beneficent influence than
what we receive from Saturn.
I hold it therefore not unreasonable to be-
lieve that a study of planetary influences will
reveal occult laws of human destiny-, and I
believe that astrological calculations gener-
ally harmonize with those of periodicity.
Periodicity assures me of a calamitous pe-
riod for this country, to be developed in the
first ten to fifteen years of the next century,
and astrological calculations lead to a simi-
lar conclusion. The student of periodicity
would add greatly to his knowledge of peri-
odical laws by the additional study of Astrol-
ogy whichisa far more extensive and complex
science, as valuable to a physsician as any of
the studies demanded by a college.
The broad and universal science of Periodi-
city, discovered by myself has not been sus-
pected by any author, but a great deal has
been written upon the periodicity controlled
by the moon, and a great deal of practical
knowledge of this is enjoyed by farmers. As
the moon's orbital revolution consists of four
periods of seven, it gives an excellent demon-
siration of the septimal law, which rules
many other things beside the moon, which
authors have not yet studied.
As to the lunar influence, it has been amply
illustrated by many physicians, whose works
I have not been able to obtain, which are
elaborate, statistical and scientific, making
the lunar science one of the most important
parts of meteorology. Hippocrates, the Greek
father of medical science said, "the lunar
month has such special power over our bo-
dies,that not only births, but diseases, death
or recovery have a kind of dependence on
such n vclution."
Ptolemy had the same opinion, saying, "the
moon being of all heavenly bodies the nearest
to the earth, also dispenses much influence
and things, animate and inanimate, sympa-
thize and vary with her."
There has been a continual succession of
such opinions, and modern writers adduce
the confirmator}' facts. M. Perreysays "The
number of earthquakes when the moon is near-
est to the earth, is greater than when she is
farthest away, They are also more frequent
when the action of the sun and moon on the
earth is in the same direction and shocks are

likewise more frequent when the mocn is near

the meridian than when she is near the hori-
zon. Arago, the greatest French scientist,
said, that those who disbeleived the mo.m's

influence,had never presented any good, scien-
tificevidence against it. Sir John Herschell
said, he had satisfied himself by long obser-
vation, that the moon, when very nearly full,
cleared the sky of clouds, producing a calm,
serene night.
Alfred J. Pearce, one of the ablest modern
authors, has presented conclusive evidence,
that earthquakes depend not only on the po-
sition of the moon, but on the co-operation
of the planets with the moon. But this sub-
ject is too extensive to be presented here. The
demonstrations are not only complete in a
great number of earthquakes, but are placed
beyond doubt by predictions of earthquakes
based on planetary action. For example,
Commander Morrison of the British navy,
twelve months before the earthquake occurred,
predicted that there would be "earthquakes
and sudden chasms in the earth" in July 1853,
about the 16th day, along the northern coast

of South America the earthquakes came al-
most exactly on the day he mentioned in that
The grand astronomer Kepler, who preceded
Newton and revealed the laws of planetary
motions, understood the Universe betterthan
any of his successors and wrote a treatise
showing the law of regulation of all meteor-
ology by the action of the moon and planets
a doctrine which has been applied in Dove's
law of the winds.
Yet the medical profession has always been
too narrow in its views, and has always neg-
ed important sciences, which may not be
in the college curriculum, such as Hemospasia
which is the most valuable contribution to
therapeutics of the present century. The
average doctor does not suspect the large
amount of knowledge out of his reach, be-
cause it was not in his college lessons.
As to lunar science, he knows nothing
of the writings of Prot. Laycock of England
and such eminent physicians as Mead, Tesla,
Balfour, Ramazinni, Scott, Pearson, Kennedy,
Orton, Allen, Leuret, Moseley, Proctor, Rob-
ertson, Smith, De la Lande, Toaldo, Howard,
Queielet, Pitcairn and Graves, beside many
observations in writers of former centuries.
My attention was called to this by learning
that calculous and kidney diseases were worse
at the new and full moon, and the nervous
system also in a worse condition.
I shall offer enough of these observations
to show that lunar periodicity ought to be
known to all, and especially to all physicians.
It is a perfect demonstration of the septimal
law, and attracted the observation of the an-
cient Egyptians, Greeks and Jews. Galen,
the Lr reat Roman physician, dicussed the sub-
ject extensively in his writings. The influence

of themoon on ulcers was shown in the Lon-

don Medical Journal of 1785. Cullen and
Balfour endorsed this idea. Mead showed
that the influence of the moon was greatest
in apogee and perigee.
Balfour, Lind, Scott, Farquhar and Pear-
son agree in the doctrine, that fevers in Ben-
gal and India are controlled by the moon,
and that not only in fevers, but in dysentery
and spamodic and affections, aggravations
"occur most frequently during the lunar peri-
ods, i.e. in fifty hours before and after the new
and full moon." They say that this was the
general opinion of the physicians of India.
Dr. his work on cholera in India
Kennedy in
says that attacks on both natives and for-
eigners are under lunar influence. Mr. Orton
says that "one gentleman had a paroxysm of
intermittent fever, every lunar month at the
new moon for two years and eight months.
He had one paroxysm for two years invari-
ably at the new moon.
The healthy and unhealthy periods he illus-
trated by the following drawing, in which the
black lines show the unfavorable periods,
each of which extends three and three-quarter
days before and after the new moon or the
full moon.
The attacks of cholera were most frequent
otic or two clays before or after full moon or
change. Those eight clays brought on 31 at-
tacks, and the other twenty days only fifteen
attacks. In the middle of the quarter (seven
days after the critical time) there were no at-
tacks at all and on the fifth day after the
full or change there were only two attacks.
Hence the new moon and full moon are dan-
gerous and halfway between them is quite safe.
These lunar influences are much more power-
ful in India, hecause that climate developes
great sensitiveness of the nervous system.
But the effects would not be so exact and posi-
tive in more northern climates. Everybody
is powerfully affected by the moon in the trop-

ics, especially where the tides are high high

tides and high fever go together.
Mead speaks of convulsions in a young fe-
male that came on with the rising tide and
departed as it fell, and Brookes says that rem-
day or two
edies for epilepsy should be given a
before full moon, as thatthe time attacks
come on. Dr. Ebers of Breslau reported a
case of somnambulism in a bo}' of eleven
years, which came on regularly every lull
moon. Dr. Rutter reported a case of hyster-
algia, which for many years increased at every
new and full moon.
The influence of the moon on insanity, as
observed by Dr. Michael Allen is the same as
shown in Orton's diagram for cholera, 11
deaths at full moon, 15 at new moon, one at
first quarter, three at last quarter.

11 Deaths

Observations in the Saltpetriere in Paris,
showed the pulse of lunatics to be quickened
just before the new moon.
Sexual excitement is influenced by the full
moon, and in India the sexes of wild animals
are more apt to be found together at that
time, the full or new moon.
At the exact hour of the. new moon Dr. Pit-
cairn of Edinburgh was seized with hemor-
rhage and fainting, and Prof. Cockburn at
the same hour died from a pulmonary hemor-
rhage, and five or six of his patients were
attacked by hemorrhages.
Dr. Moseley made a list of persons dying at
from 113 to 169 years of age, proving that the
very old die at the new or the full moon, and
from the records of illustrious persons con-
cluded that it was a general rule.
Dr. Robertson says that in the West Indies
all sorts of vegetables are fuller of sap at the
new and full moon hence the people gather

the castor oil nuts and cut the sugar-cane at

at that time, but do not cut timber at that

time the nuts are believed to be fuller of oil
Dr. Smith says that farmers in Peru gather
their maize crops in the decrease of the moon,
for if they gather it in the increase it will not
be free of moths three months, even if the
husk is left out.
The observations of M. Toaldo on the
weather of Lombardy for 48 years, showed
that thenew moon and the full moon gener-
ally brought a change in the weather the
new moon six times in seven, the full moon
five times in six, and the perigee, seven times
in eight. The nearer the moon to the earth
the more marked the effect, for when the
new moon coincided with the perigee the
change of weather occnred 31 times in 32.
That the sun and moon have a powerful ef-
fect upon everything is universally known.
Beside the heat, light and magnetism, and
the effects of moonlight, which are like those
of the Roentgen rays, there is the direct effect
of gravitation. The sun at midnight adds
its gravitating power to that of the earth
and thus increases the vital burden a de-
pression which it relieves when it rises to its
zenith. The moon is so much nearer that it
is also powerful
more than twice as strong

as the sun as we see it in tides when a vast
mass of water is raised five, ten or fifteen
feet and in some places a hundred feet. When
it is in conjunction with the sun at the new
moon, when its effects are most injurious, it
adds the depressing effect of its gravitation
to that of the sun, which makes midnight
unwholesome to man. At the full moon it
sends in the influence of the moon rays which
are very unfavorable to animal life. As it is
passing from one stage to another it produces
effects on vegetation with which farmers are
familiar, as physicians are with its effects in
the syzigies when it works with the sun and
brings on attacks of cholera. An attractive
force which raises tides in some places from
fifty to a hundred feet high must certainly af-
fect everything on the earth.
These things are obvious to the dullest un-
derstanding; but all the planets in the solar
system have their special affects, which are of
course periodic like all planetary movements.
They belong to light, electricity, magnetism,
and psychic forces, which are illimitable; and
I hold it demonstrable for I have discov-
ered in my experiments that every planet has
a peculiar psychic force different from every
other planet and effective upon the life of
man. All of this is governed by exact per-
iods, and it seems to be well established that
the influence of the moon and planets affects
not only the tides of the ocean but the whole
mass of the earth, causing its volcanic forces
to become active and bring on earthquakes.
Pliny says that Anaximander a Greek astron-
mer "foretold the earthquakes which over-
threw Lacedoemon."
There is a certain condition of the planets
which is believed to produce earthquakes and
Dr. Goad enumerates twenty earthquakes
which coincided with that position. In 1881
Mr. Pearce predicted earthquakes when that
position appeared. It was verified by ati
earthquake at Chios m 1881 which destroyed

4,000 lives another destroyed 34 villages in
Armenia, and sharp earthquakes occurred in
Switzerland, Lyons and Grenoble. Several
other predictions have been verified.
This subject would require a large volume
to do it justice and we must leave it now and
all its numerous illustrations of the periodi-
city which governs the universe, to present in
concluvsion some practical rules based on lu-
nar periodicity, saying nothing of the plan-
etsrules which are sanctioned by observa-
tions of three thousand years and endorsed
by Pearce.
These rules show that in serious diseases
the crisis arrives on the 6th, 13th and 20th

days first on the 6th to the 8th day, the
moon passing through one-fourth of its or-

bit 2nd on the 13th to the 15th day, as she

passes through half of her orbit and third,
the 20th to 22d day, the moon passing
through the end of its third quarter, having
passed through 270 degress.
This illustrates the periodic law first stated
in this book, discovered over thirty years

ago the fateful six in the number seven and

the fateful 270 the number of days which
brings us to separation from our mother and
exposure to a period of danger.
Nature should rally on the 8th and 9th

davs, it not, we may wait to the 16th or evetl

23d, but the 27th is a very evil day.


Scptimal system represented by the days of the week.

The first fifty years analyzed and described my per-

sonal experience advice how to manage the sixth
period to avoid misfortune and reach wisdom. How
the months of the year are arranged in good and evij
periods. How to find yonr periods by the table
Impor.anee of love and friendship.
Periodicity and fate of our country from 1776 on into
the 20th century our public men, Washington,
Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, Burr, Calhoun, Doug-

lass, Clay. Young men our country's hope rich men

our danger another class our savior.

The septimal division of time corresponds

to the days of the week and is most easily
understood by using their names, Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday. Sunday is the beginning
of the week, Saturday its end. Sunday cor-
responds to the beginning of life and the other
days to its progress.
If life is limited within fifty years, we have
a period of seven sevens for its first cycle. The
first seven years of the beginning of life is of
course a period of weakness and growth un-
der the protecting influence of parental love.
The second or Monday period or seven to
fourteen is a period of more active and vigor-

ous development under the same protecting

care and the third or Tuesday period from
fourteen to twenty-one is a period of still
greater vigor, still assisted by protection
hence the second and third are the best peri-
ods. The fourth or the Wednesday period
from twenty-one to twenty-eight is a period of
struggle without protection, and consequent-
ly of care and trouble, as well as energy and
The fifth period from twenty -eight to thirty-
five,or Thursday period in which care and
responsibility is increased, is a period of in-
tense labor and the sixth or Friday period
from thirty-five to forty-two is the one in
which the exhausting results of struggle and
misfortune become apparent in a laborious

The period from thirty-five to forty-two,

being a period of seven its sixth day or year
is the forty-first, and that is the year in which
calumity, disappointment, ill health and finan-
cial loss, are most likely to appear if the desti-
ny of the individual is not determined by his
stars as fortunate.
It was in my own experience the time when
from my college position,
I retired dissatisfied
with some financial embarnssment, some ene-
mies, the only ones I ever realized, and came
near losing my life in the Ohio River when
frozen, by breaking through the ice. I have
seldom found any whose forty-first year was
at satisfactory and free from misfortune.
The seventh or Saturday period from forty-
two to forty-nine may experience the linger-
ing effects of the sixth, but it is a period of
comparative rest, and afterthe forty-fifth year
men are excused from military duty to which
they are liable from twenty-one to forty-five.
From forty-two to fifty-six is a weak period,
Saturday being rest day and Sunday an in-
fantile period, the beginning of a second cycle,
appropriate for change with the more auspic-
ious influence of the first twenty-one years of
a second cycle if the first has been successful.
In our sixth period we need all possible aid
from friendship and love as we do in our first
6th period which is the time of birth. The
best assurance of that is a happy marriage,
and men generally obtain that try finding a
wife younger than themselves, b it women1

seldom seek the advantage of a younger

It is too late to wait until the evil time and
find friends then. They should be found in
our happier years, and it is desirable that
they should be younger, by from 7 to 17
years, which is a very favorable relation and
it is equally favorable when they are twenty-
five to forty-two our senior, in which case
though they may be very good friends, we
are not so apt to enjoy them.
I would also suggest that they are still
better friends when they have left the sphere
of physical existence, and much more compe-
tent to give us good advice. Many calamities
in human history would have been prevented
if spirit friends or guardian angels had been
regularly consulted, for they have a clearer
and more dispassionate view of all things.
They frequent ly impress women with warn-
ings which their husbands disregard. If Ju-
lius Cesar and Pontius Pilate had listened to
their wives, it would have been fortunate for
them. If Abraham Lincoln had consulted
his angel guardians when he felt the solemn
premonition of his own fate by assassination,
his life might have been saved. There is no
one who may not obtain this protecting in-
fluence if they seek it, for millions are now
acsessible to spiritual impressios, and capable
of giving them to others. Many a man's wife
might be his guardian angel if he would listen
to her impressions. If I were now to give my
best advice to a friend at his outset, in life I
would advise him to get the advice of a scien-
tific and honest master of astrology who
would show him the path of destiny which
he has already trodden and must follow
through life, either blindly stumbling or with
his eyes open to all dangers. The ruler of the
Universe has fixed our pathway and we can
walk in it with eyes open or shut. I regret
that I did not learn the value of the science in
time. It would have saved me from serious
If no such scientist is within reach, your
ascended friends can see farther and clearer
than you, and knowing what I do I would
not be a true friend if I did not advise you
rightly. They will advise you to lead a kind
and honorable life as our elder brother Jesus
Christ advised the world, and if you do you
will get nearer to celestial wisdom. I have
tried toshow you in " Primitive Christian-
ity" what the pure religion of Heaven was
and is and ityou seek that you will be be-
loved in life and honored in death, leaving a
good memory among friends.
The first fifty years of life ought to secure a
home and family, a good reputation and
good friends in a good community.
In accordance with these views twenty-one
years is the natural period of encouraging

progress the fourteen succeeding years, the
period oi labor and laborious progress, and
and the next seven ending at forty-two, the
period of decline and danger; so that we
need be particularly prudent and careful in
our sixth period, taking no risks or. heavy
responsibilities in our forty-first year.
Six being the evil number, needs to be
guarded against. The sixth year of a child,
the thirteenth, twentieth, twenty-seventh,
thirty-fourth and forty-first are all unfavor-
able in regular progression, bad, worse,
worst. But the months are as important to
be regarded as the years.

Months If the year is divided into seven
periods of fifty-two days each the sixth per-
iod will prove to oe the evil one. Taking my
own example, being born Dec. 11th, my per-
iods run as follows

Sunday Dec. 11 to Feb. 1.

Monday Feb. 1 to March 25.
Tuesday March 25 to May 16.
Wednesday May 16 to July 7.
ThursdayJuly 7 to Aug. 28.
Friday Aug. 28 to Oct. 20.
Saturday Oct. 20 to Dec. 11.
This I think has been verified through my
life. October has been my unlucky month,
and at the present time I am realizing as I
write the dangerous effects of an evil period
upon my vitality though no one in meeting
me would suspect it from my appearance. I
am quite sure the result will soon be fatal,
for it is an evil period developed in fortnightly
periodicity which is the most fatal.
Our successful time is the first one hundred
and eighty-two days alter the birth day.
The latter half of our year is less promising,
and the sixth period to be specially guarded
against is from the 216th to the 312th day.
In the 6th period which begins our daylight
life, we depend uponthe love of parents and
friends. So, in our 6th period through life we
need that aid and should seek to have friend-
ship and love to assist us.
That friendly love comes best from parents
who are 25 to 42 years older than ourselves.
Younger parents are less beneficent, under 14
years it is an unfavorable parentage and un-
der 10 calamitous.
BlRTHDATE. Evil Periods.
January 1st, Sept. 18 to Nov. 9.
February 1st, Oct. 19 to Dec. 10.
March 1st, Nov. 16 to Jan. 7.
April 1st, Dec. 17 to Feb. 7.
May 1st, Jan. 16 to March 9.
June 1st, Feb. 16 to April 9
July 1st, March 18 to May 9,
August 1st, April 18 to June 9.
September 1st, May 19 to July 9.
October 1st, June 18 to Aug. 9.
November 1st, July 19 to Sept. 9.
December 1st, Aug. 18 to October 9.
From this table one may easily ascertain
his periods by advancing his figures as his
date advances in the month. Thus my date
being December 11, the addition of 10 days
would change the evil period from Aug. 18th
and October 9th, to August 28, October 19.
The evil months in the evil year, 41, are sure
to be unfortunate, and in the fifty-two days
in the evil month period the worst will be the
forty-fourth, or eight days preceding the end,
which in my case will be October 12th, the
day on which I usually expect some trouble.
Our country born in 1776 was fortunate in
the aid of Washington born 44 years earlier,
and of John Adams born 41 years earlier, and
Thomas Jefferson 33 years. These men were
in a favorable parental relation to the republic,
but Alexander Hamilton, though equal to
any in ability, wT as in a Thursday relation
(January 5th, 1757) and his influence on the
whole was not beneficent. Aaron Burr stood
in an equally unfavorable relation, born Feb.
6th, 1756, and came near defeating our no-
blest patriot, Thomas Jefferson, for the presi-
dency, which would have been unfortunate
for our country, and his subsequent career
led to his trial for treason. His date was not
unfriendly to that of Hamilton one year ear-
lier, but their intense ambition and rivalry
resulted in his killing Hamilton in a duel. He
died in disgrace among his countrymen. It is
probable that if Hamilton had lived, his in-
fluence would have been very injurious.
In the 6th year of our country, 1782, and
in its 6th month, March 18, was born, John
C. Calhoun, whose doctrine of nullification,
led nearly to the destruction of the Union by
the War of Secession, against which the Con-
stitution had not been guarded, as it was
formed at an unfavorable time. The move-
ment towards secession was assisted by the
policy of Stephen A. Douglass, born 1813, m
our country's evil period, 1811 to 1816 My
own period, 1814, is not a favorable one
toward this country. I cannot but antago-
nize its character and career with the sharpest
criticism. I could have no great sympathy
with a population that was ready when a
political difference arose to shed the blood of
many hundred thousands instead of submit-
ting' to peaceful arbitration, and which now
in blindness and selfishness is advancing to-
ward another civil war.
Henry Clay, born in 1777, was by that
date in unity or harmony with his country,
in which he was immensely popular. He
firmly maintained its rights in the war with
England, was active in restorning peace by
a treaty, and in urging internal improvements
and the promotion of our infant manufact-
ures, but I felt in my first interview with him
in 1832, that my spirit of progress and his
mind on the American plane of thought were
not in harmony. He received me with cor-
dial friendliness but as my period was in a
Friday relation to his (37) I was not at-
tracted, and when I met another eloquent
statesman who was really my friend, my Fri-
day relation to his birth (40) made me incap-
able of enjoying his society.
If our countrymen have already found the
patriots that may guard our welfare, it will
be fortunate in our coming troubles. They
should be attended to and cherished now.
It is probable that those born in the dark
days of 1860 to 1867 will not bring a benefi-
cent influence. They will be about 50 years
old at our next cataclysm (1909-15). This
is not a positive dictum, but a suggestion to
stimulate vigilance. Young men born be-
tween 1887 and 1888 will probably be our
country's best friends. Men whose lives have
not been devoted to accumulating wealth are
our best reliance. History has not contradicted
the opinion of Jesus that such men are not
prepared for the kingdom of Heaven.
They are not a beneficent influence, for any
passion long and successfully indulged be-
comes predominant. Even if wealth has been
obtained by means considered honorable and
not by financial strategem it becomes a fi-
nancial magnet to hold man in the sphere of
selfishness. The remark of Ingersoll that no
man could own five millions, for the five mil-
lions would own him is not contradicted by
experience. There are a few who can hold
largesums and maintain their brotherhood
with humanity, but they are very rare and
extraordinary characters and have not the
opportunity. Hence they are not known.
The millionaire may retain some agreeable
qualities especially if his wealth was not ob-
tained by financial energy and sharpness.
Neither the business w orld nor the church has

any conception of the duties of a rich man,

though Jesus Christ has spoken truly. Mil-
lionaire wealth is fatal to a republic and has
already dragged us down. And the people
do not know that they own the land on
which they toil. Women are our country's
best friends, educated women can save us.
The followers of Jesus Christ of Jerusalem
(not of Rome) will make a republic when
they appear.



Our country's history and fate Calamities past Ca-
lamities to come. Periodicity of the United States
war of 1812, earthquake and financial distress Why
the Revolutionary war was successful Why the Fed-
eral Constitution has been a partial failure. Critical
times under Adams, Jefferson and Aaron Burr Pur-
chase of Louisiana, not entirely a blessing The Fri-
day Septimal introduced the war of the secession, for
fate has no more mercy on corrupting nations than
on individual sinners secession resolutions came in
the evil periods desolation and moral corruption
the crime of Bankers and Speculators. Shall it be re-
form or revolution 1910 an alarming time Tne
voice of Jesus above the storm Nations ruined by
avarice of their masters Rome, Egypt, France and
South Carolina warn our demogogues in vain. The
thunder rolls in 1909.

The most striking illustration of the peri-

odic law that I know, is found in the destiny
of nations.
United States began as a nation July 4th,
1776. Its first cycle extended to 1824. Its
Friday period was from 1810 to 1817. Dur-
ing that period came on the unsatisfactory
war with England called the war of 1812, its
last great battle being Jan. 8, 1815. Had
the war been prolonged into 1816 it would
have been a much greater calamity. The end
of a war is the gloomiest period, as derange-
ment and distress have accumulated. From
1815 to 1820 was a period of great financial
distress.The extensive earthquake of New
Madrid in 1811, which was in this period
changed the face of an extensive region.
In the Revolutionary war, the first 7 years
and 2 m#nths brought Independence at the be-
ginning of the Monday period, September
1 783, and before its close in 1890 came the
new Federal constitution, in 1887 and 1888
adopted with great difficulty too late in the
period. An earlier or much later adoption
would have been more fortunate. Certain-
ly its results have not been satisfactory.
From 1790 to 1797, the Tuesday period,
Washington was elected in 1792 the Monday
of the Tuesday period. He gave up the office
and we lost his services in the Friday period
From 1797 to 1804, the Wednesday period,
occurred the contest arising from the Federal-
ism of Adams and his alien and sedition laws
with the whisky insurrection and the dan-
gerous contests of Jefferson and Burr in 1801,
in which we narrowly escaped the triumph
of Burr over Jefferson. The Wednesday pe-
riod on the whole was unpleasant and 1798
was a period of contest with France, and
Washington died in 1799, but on the other
hand Jefferson purchased Louisiana in 1806.
It was a grand purchase for the United
States, but in an unlucky year, and it resulted
in the Civil War of secession, arising from con-

tests over the regulation of this territory
Jefferson was re-elected in 1805, leaving office
in 1809, an unfavorable Friday period. The
The Friday period took away Washington
and Jefferson. Madison succeeded in 1809,
the fifth year of the Thursday period (1804
to 1811) therefore entitled to expect an un-
favorable reign which was more fully verified
from 1811 to 1817 the seven year Friday pe-
riod, in which the Embargo and the war with
England made an unhappy time, and the Brit-
ish army came to Washington.
The Friday period of the second cycle (1825
to 1874) extended from 1860 to 1867, and
after the hostile excitement of 1860 the war
began in 1861. The war of secession began
by the attack on Fort Sumpter, April 12,
1861, in the midst of the Friday months,
wT hich extend from March 21 to May 12.
The union troops were called for April 15,
75,000, and May 3rd 82,000. March 21 to
May 12 is uniformly an unlucky time for the
United States, -most frequently by corrupt
and absurd congressional legislation, of which
a great deal more is certain to follow.
The first week of May is the worst possible
time for the United States. A new President
comes in March 4th, and the carnival of
jobbery, intrigue and boodle, in dispensing
patronage runs riot for two evil months,
ably illustrated by President Cleveland when
he bought the Democratic party, and the game
will soon begin again.
The acts of secession were passed by the
Southern states in the Thursday and Friday
months. In the Friday period, March 21 to
May 12, by Virginia- April 25, Arkansas May
6, North Carolina soon after May 20, Tenn-
essee June 8. In the Thursday period, Janu-
ary 27 to March 21 and nineteen days of
Wednesday, by Mississippi January 8, by
Florida January 10, and Alabama January
11, Georgia January 19, Louisiana January
26 and Texas February 1. The entire seces-
sion was in the unfavorable latter half of the
period excepting South Carolina, December
28, 1860, which South Carolina put into ac-
tion April 12, 1861. Counting from December,
1860, the secession rebellion then begun, last-
ing five years and four to five months, ending
in its fatal sixth period, leaving desolation and
misery where it had ruled. Desolation was
complete when we had reached the Nadir ot
our destiny and we are going to the same

place now blind as bats to our destiny.
At the end of its seven year period 1867,
the process of recovery began painfully in
weakness through the South, while the North
became the hot-bed of the political corruption
of the Friday period (1866) so fearfully por-
trayed by Mr. Lincoln in one of his letters, the
consequences of which will probably develop
into another Friday period in 1910 and unless
the seeds of political disaster, the unjust laws
of monopoly, in land, finance and transporta-
tion, and other monopolies arising from rav-
enous selfishness and profligate accumulation
shall be thoroughly burned out then by the
volcanic fires, another Friday may come in
1958 or possibly the republic may be broken
and new common weaths have new destinies.
The evil period was so closely approaching
in 1859 that I predicted six years of disaster
in the Louisville Journal.
The opening of the war by Lincoln's call
for troops, April 15, 1861- was in the exact
middle of the Friday period, and its close was
almost exactly four years from that time, co-
inciding with Lincoln's assasination, April 14,
1865. April 9th Lee surrendered, April 26th
Johnson, May 4th Taylor, May 10th Jeffer-
son Davis was captured, May 14th was the
last fight in Texas, May 26th Kirby Smith
It may be thought that the Friday period
of the country was not appropriate for the
surrender of the Secession forces, but we
must remember that the maximum evil of a
war accumulates continually to its close.
The conquest of half the territory of the
Union left its population in a most desolate
condition, the people impoverished, farms in
decay, many cities ruined, their entire cur-
rency lost, their autonomy not yet restored,
the ignorant blacks corning into controlling
The entire destruction of their currency,
the greatest of financial calamities was
greatly aggravated by the subsequent con-
traction prompted by the bankers, about five
hundred millions being destroyed, when there
should have been an issue of $500,000,000 to
replace the entire loss of their money. This
was as disastrous as another year of war.
We may therefore rightly say that the worst
Friday year was 1866, the most calamitous
time of the nation, the South ruined, and the
North loaded down with debt with a vast
pension list, and the demoralization pro-
duced by war and the cormorant impulses of
knavish speculators, fostered by four years of
opportunity, a demoralization which is work-
ing out its natural result today, and giving us
the sure promise of another period of natio-
nal disaster equal to that from 1861 to
The sword of justice hangs over oiu heads,
forno nation can escape the calamities that
follow universal selfishness, and as the second
corresponding period of calamity is not far
off all prophetic minds are looking forward
with fear. From 1867 to 1874 was our Sat-
urday period, in which the evil effects result-
ing from the Friday period were continued,
and in the Friday year, 1873, additional fi-
nancial trouble was caused by unprincipled
legislation and corporate greed, which made
Senator Newton Booth ask in 1874 if it were
possible to have any reform or if oppression
must go on until revolution comes.
Our next cycle reaches from 1874 to 1923,
and its Friday period comes from 1909 to
As 1811 brought war within one year, July
19th, and 1860 brought war in a year, April
15th, an inauspicious month for its innaug-
uration we ma\ expect if these precedents

are followed that 1910 will bring civil war,

or at least bring us to the brink of it, and as
spring is the most unfavorable time to the
country, especially the inauguration of a
president, March 4th, it seems that our third
president after McKinley will be in as perilous
position as Lincoln, either unable to rule at
all or only ruling at the head of a faction.
And the second will find himself in a storm.
This is not a war of sections before us but
a war of classes the most terrible that can be
imagined. The wealth that has been accumu-
lated, and by its accumulation has filled the
land with suffering and poverty, and the grind-
ing action of corporations, and other combi-
nations that disturb the whole course of in-
dustry, throwing millions out of employment
must rouse a '
feeling of vengeance in the
minds ot victims if they can discover who are
their oppressors.
The truth must in time dawn on the human
conscience that no man has a right to mon-
opolize anything and no man has a right to
hoard up millions for riotous luxury, and
domineering power while his fellow men are

suffering that no man has a right to ignore
the divine law of brotherhood, and therefore
Jesus was right when he said the rich man
would not enter heaven, for the rich man is a
criminal under divine law as long as he al
lows suffering to go unrelieved and as long as
he enforces a social system of struggling com-
petition fortified by monopoly which compels
suffering, while the people's land, the people's
roads and the people's money are monopo-
His palaces and his lordly banquets in sight
of human suffering, despair and suicide
among his disowned brothers, will rise in tes-
timony against him, and a social order will
be established that will forbid the uprising
and perpetuation of avaricious millionaires
to corrupt society and teach a perpetual les-
son ol swinish selfishness, while corrupting
the government into despotism that should
stand for freedom and universal prosperity.
It is only a repetition of history
the same
drama of wealth corruption and ruin shown

in Rome and Egypt the slavery of the

masses predicting the destruction of the av-
aricious classes as it did in Greece and as it
did in South Carolina, but besotted wealth
heeds no warning. The white man is more
rebellious and revengeful than the black slave.
Our good periods end with the century. The
clouds gather in 1902 and the thunder rolls
in 1909 to introduce the storm. It is a happy
thought to me that I shall not be here to
witness the coming Friday period. The na-
tional demoralization has already gone so
far that the philanthropist will not be lis-
tened to and crime must go on to its punish-
ment. My life is utterly foreign to the pres-
ent system, and it will be a relief to leave it.


ning 'hours feeble Noon hours strong Nature

droops after six Youn and weak must go o bed

early Evil hours a ter 11 p. M
Rest till sunrise
Ruinous effects of work before sunrise But there is
anorher law of li e now discovered !

When the twenty-four hours of the day are

divided into seven equal parts, each will be
three hours and three-sevenths, equal to three
hours twenty-five and five-sevenths minutes,
counting it 3 hours, 26 minutes, and begin-
: ;

ding the day on an average at 6 a. m., the

successive periods will be as follows
Sunday 6 to 9:26.
Monday 9:26 to 12:52.
Tuesday 12:52 to 4:18.
Wednesday 4:18 to 7:44.
Thursday 7:44 to 11:10.
Friday 11:10 to 2:36.
Saturday 2:36 to 6.
The morning or Sunday hour of youthful
freshness and preparation, laying in nourish-
ment, and active freedom of movement, but
not the hour cf vigor or the best achieve-
The Monday hours are the hours of energy,
achievement and success, the best part of the
day. The Tuesday or afternoon hours are
good also, but not as good as Monday
and Wednesday, when fatigue begins is a
great deal less favorable, but may carry on
and consummate the work of the seven best
hours. The Thursday hours of night work
are still less favorable and finally demand a
The Friday hours are the time of rest which
should never be invaded by labor. Nature then
withdraws her resources; malaria concen-
trates near the earth; criminals, burglars and
assasins are tempted to engage in crime, and
the protective power of daylight and society
is gone. The sun beneath the earth has a de-

pressing power to match his elevating power

at noon, and if the moon appears it gives no
life, for it has no vital force to give. The Sat-
urday hours after three, bring on a more rest-
ful condition until daylight; the dews or
frosts of the night are giving some freshness
to the air. The secretions of the body have
purified the blood, and the supply of oxygen
in the blood is increased, and the excreta are
ready for discharge which should be attended
to. The body and brain realize restoration
and preparation for activity.
This corresponds to the ante-natal condi-
tion before birth as sunrise corresponds to
birth. The condition of the infant is nour-
ished and growing. This is the time that we
grow and our rest is like the ante-natal rest.
We rise in the morning a little taller than
when we laid down at night.
The ante-natal rest is sustained by the
mother's life and love and the Saturday rest
before day is sustained by the spirit of the uni-
verse that is the time when in our passive-

ness, all things being tranquil, our spirit

friends are able to come with blessings, or
with visions more vivid as day approaches
and morning dreams or visions are apt to be
true or symbolical of the truth. The Friday
period forbids action, and invites us to rely
on the oversoul of the universe, just as the
forty-first year invites us to caution and re-
pose instead of action and risk. The Sunday
hour of rising after six o'clock is to many
people's constitutions an hour of feebleness,
when neither brain nor body should be in any
way taxed; this I have often realized when
debilitated. Even those who are robust
should not tax themselves heavily then, for
their strength is not fully developed and it
would diminish their energy through the day.
Farmers and laborers who rouse them-
selves for labor long before sunrise shorten
their lives and exhaust the nervous system.
This is peculiarly destructive to children, who,
being in their Sunday period, the first seven
years, should not be taxed in any way, but
should enjoy the morning rest. For one to
go to work before breakfast is like putting
children to labor; to rouse before day for
work is somewhat like taxing the unborn
child through mother.
its It is taxing the
constitution before it is completely renovated.
The amount of lunacy and brain exhaustion
among farmers is due largely to their early
rising, and imposing early rising on their
children. Our writers on hygiene should en-
deavor to make this extensively known.
Humanity forbids child labor in factories.
It should forbid all labor between ten at
night and six in the morning. Indeed seven
is an early hour for the factory bell; half-past
seven or eight would be better; from eight to
twelve and from one to five ought to be the
limit of labor, but night labor before ten is
less injurious than morning labor before
On the fatal day o r crucifixion Jesus ex-
perienced the evil morning hour before Pilate,
and the evil afternoon hour in his crucifixion.
Going to work before day is a disastrous

practice even going to work at sunrise is
wrong. Car horses which start early are
short lived. Both men and horses that tun
milk wr agons, beginning their work at three
or four o'clock break down and have to quit.
A dairyman told me that he had broken him-
self down by getting up for his business at
three o'clock and the men he employed never
adhered to the business a whole year. Five
or six months was enough generally to ex-
haust them and a common horse starting out
every morning before day would break down
in three months, though a very strong one
well cared for might last longer. The ap-
pearance of the horses shows their, exhausted
condition. But after all this is not the whole
story. I have discovered another law. Man
has two sources of life and two dates.



The beginnings of life are critical periods The first year
a battle Strong and weak constitutions explained
The two critical perioHs of life When we have
s rcngth and why Day work and n ght work
Morning weakness and sickness Precautions for old
men A hygien c discovery Farm laborers and dai-
rymenManagement of children Afternoon work
Legislators Table of morning and evening lie
The two da es, importance of, the one unknown
Nero's mother Controlling the crea e process

Hypo ritical su erstition in favor of ignorance

Duty to posterity Birth dates an 1 dates com-
pared When vitalitv fails The Friday periods of
lifedates Dangers at birth The mysterious law
Criti al Friday time at weaning Birthday advice
Period of gestation Critical time in 40th year The
vernal equinox Suppers and breakfasts Birth dates.

The Beginning of Life. Our first en-

trance into this world gives us the most im-
pressive lesson in periodicity, though we are
too young to learn it, and no one has profited
by the lesson.
Our life begins at conception, and this first
year of our life comes to its Friday period af-
ter birth. Dividing our first year into its
seven periods after conception, the sixth or
Friday period begins at the 260th day, when
our mother is preparing to throw us off into
the dangers of the outside world, for the per-
iod of gestation is usually 270 days (or 280)
which brings us into our Friday period and
the longer the birth is postponed, the farther
it advances us into the Friday period, and the
more dangerous it becomes to the mother
and the child for she sympathizes with her
offspring in the Friday period. It is a critical
period and the church is accustomed to pray
for the safety of women in child-bed. In this
critical period we lose the protection and
nourishment of the mother's constitution,
and are cast forth into serious dangers im-
mediate peril of health and life which we usu-
ally manifest by the cry of alarm. The act of
birth has exposed us to many accidents and
and calamities, and the earlier it begins, to
avoid the Friday period, the better for our
safety, but the evil days must be realized. It
is the most tragical period of our whole ex-
istence, for unless the circumstances are fav-
orable, half the children born die in the first
six years. Starting in the unfavorable Fri-
day period of our first year of existence, we
enter upon our life of exposure in its Sunday
period of exterior weakness, and in the Fri-
day month of our complete life. Hence the
first six weeks of the infant are a very critical
period, being all in the Friday month.
This history shows that we have two per-
iods to calculate. The life period, which is 9
months longer, as it begins that much earlier,
and the day period, which commences at
birth. As the consequences of these two per-
iods extend through life, they give us an im-
portant lesson. When the original life force
is strong, it gives us ability at particular
times which differ from the day force, and
when it is feeble we must depend on the day
iorce and fail when that fails.
The first 3% hours of the morning have lit-
tle strength for the day life and less for the
spirit life or vitality. Nothing great is done
at this time, and all great exertion is exhaust-
ing and ultimately destructive. Old men in
in their fortnightly Friday, when day life has
lost its power, should do little in the fore-
noon. After a strong breakfast they should
retire to theircouch and commune with their
spirit friendsand God in a comfortably warm
apartment with pure air, which must be rein-
forced with oxygen and ozone.
The detrimental effect of morning labor
seems to me an important hygienic discovery,
for I have never seen or heard any allusion to
it by hygienists, practical men or miscellane-
ous writers and yet the facts are patent.
Anyone may observe the premature exhaus-
tion and vital dullness of farm laborers in
comparison with people of the city who ob-
serve later hours. The rapid exhaustion of
life in horses of the street cars is a familiar
fact, and more remarkable is the ex-
hausted condition of horses and drivers of
milk wagons that start their labors long be-
fore daylight to serve customers in the morn-
ing. There is a great contrast too between
the farmers' work horses that start early,
and the saddle and carriage horses that ob-
serve later hours.
Calling up children early to study before
breakfast or immediately after is an iniquity.
No school should begin before nine o'clock.
The maximum of this folly is reached in the
unnatural hours of monasteries.
There isa great deal of night service of po-
licemen, servants and railroad employes
which is highly injurious.
Strenuous exertion in the afternoon hours
iswell borne by those of strong vital tempera-

ment, for it is their best time and they are
vigorous till twelve p. m.
The greatest mental peformances of strong
men are in the late afternoon and evening.
Legislative bodies do well to meet at 10 in
the forenoon and continue until 10 or 11 at
night or later.
We may speak of the two sources of life as
morning lifeand evening life. They run to-
gether as follows, beginning:
6 a. m. Sunday, Friday.
9:26 Monday, Saturday.
12:52 Tuesday, Sunday.
life power, date
Constitutions strong in the
from nine months before birth, as their most
important period. Their native strength is
favorable to longevity.
Constitutions with a feeble endowment of
spirit or life must rely chiefly on the sun force
of the day, food, air and sunshine, and date
from birth and sunrise. Their force declines
with the sun and they should retire early, as
the animals do. They are unfit for night
work. Their best energy is from 9:30 to 1 P.
m., which is moderately maintained till six
or seven. They should retire not later than
9 p. m. and must have absolute rest from
11:30 to 3.
The highly vital class date their vigorous
life not from sunrise to one p. m, but from 1

p. m. to 8, with a prolongation in good

vigor to 12 or 1 p. m. They endure night
work with ease.


Studies of human life heretofore have been
based upon our birth. Prom that date we
study our relations to coming years, coming
months and coming days. But looking deeper
into the subject I perceived that there was
another and a very influential date.
We do not begin life in birth. Life began
nine months earlier, by conception, and those
nine months are decisive. They are the most
important portion of our life, when the foun-
dation of our destiny is laid, and astrology
must be an incomplete science until it takes
cognizance of conception as well as birth.
And humanitarian science is a very imperfect
sort of sanctimonious quackery as long as it
neglects the prenatal life which determines
the fate of coming generations by the impres-
sions made. These are our permanent nature
and if they are very evil impressions they
may give us a wretched destiny, which, cen-
turies in the higher world, may not be able
to overcome.
The mother of Nero (Agrippina) was a sister
of the monster emperor Caligula, endowed
with a similar nature, and the evil impress
she made in her offspring was rewarded by
being murdered by her own son who is prob-
ably still in the dark regions provided for
criminals in the spirit w^orld.
To control the creation of humanity is a
philanthropy beyond all others. But they
who lead in such a reform are liable to be as-
sailed by all the combined ignorance and big-
otry which hides itself under a hypocritical
mask of pretended Christianity, and seeks to
persecute all who bring the discussion of such
subjects before the people who are interested
instead of having it confined to the medical
profession, to whom it is a question of pro-
fessional business.
I will show presently how to perform your
duty to posterity and insure children who
may riseup and call you blessed but just

now i must show how the dates of concep-

tion and birth bear upon our destiny and
upon the proper use of our time.
We have nine months with our mother, be-
fore we depend on air, food and sunshine for
our earthly life, and have to count our earthly
destiny from sun dates.
It is more important to be well conceived
than to be well born, for that conception
may carry us to the loftiest destiny and if an
evil conception our doom is sealed.
Both conception and birth give critical
dates, and both should be studied to deter-
mine our life periods and policy in years and
As conception is usually nine months earlier
than birth the reader will perceive that one
who is born on January 1st was probably
conceived April 1st in the preceding year.
The month of conception therefore comes,
though nine months earlier, three months
later in the same year than the month of
birth, and as to monthly periods we must
put its recurrence three months later, but as
to annual periods nine months earlier.
Hence when my evil Friday sun period came,

in September and October, 1855, my evil vital

period came in December and January, 1854.
I had not then thought of the vital periods
but I recollect some affections of the lungs in

winter and that winter has not been to me

a beneficial season in health colds and pleu-
risy being my liability.
Hence in predicting for ourselves or friends
we must recollect that evils in health come
nine months earlier than the external rela-
tions of the evils of business and exposures,
but three months later in each year.
The failure in vital energy may be a predis-
posing cause to ill luck in business relations,
but usually the external depression precedes
and becomes a cause of the internal. Worry in
business brings on worry in health.
We understand this better by going back
to causes. Unborn life begins nine months
before exterior life or birth, under the protec-
tion of love. That protecting power breaks
down at the end of the ninth month, 270 or
280 days, and expels us into the dangers and
hardships of the exterior atmospheric life in
which we have to generate our own warmth.
This is the sixth or Friday period of the in-
terior life whieh may begin at the 260th day

or end of the 5th period and last 52 days.

From the 260th to the 270th day is usually
the beginning of our Friday trouble, as the
maternal constitution is unable to shelter us
any longer. We are thrust out in distress

the sooner the better even if we come a little
sooner before Friday it is a little better.

Parturition should never be delayed for the
longer delayed the worse it is for mother and
child; anything beyond ten days is evil and a
delay from the 260th to the 300th day is dan-
gerous and probably fatal. The 304th day
would, according to the periodic law, be the
most disastrous period.
Hence the external life begins in distress and
weakness, as it begins in the Friday time of
vitality (though it is really the indispensable
influence of a new life by oxygen) a large num-
ber dying in the first month of birth. That
Friday time is a much more serious danger
than a battlefield or most attacks of fever if
rightly treated.
The exterior life is then at its beginning or
Sunday period, a period of great weakness at
first, handicapped by the sudden loss of sup-
port from maternal vitality. Thus great ex-
haustion is precipitated upon great weakness
and nothing but the tenderest care keeps half
the infants alive through the first five years.
Why this should reappear through life at

the same day of the month, science cannot

fully explain at present, but we know that
there is a common law of periodicity in dis-
ease. Hay fever is very punctual in its re-
turns and many other constitutional affec-
tions are liable to recurrence. All we can do
is to recognize the law as a fact
a fact that
governs all worlds.
The internal life gets through its Friday
period and Saturday period in 104 days and
in the third month or Sunday, intelligence be-
gins to dawn where only rest and growth
had been observed.
In nine months or even 260 days, the Fri :
day time comes to the external life, while the
internal life has gained substantial strength
from its best periods, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. This is the time when the sup-
port from the mother's breast must cease and
the infant must learn to rely on other food
a critical change. To continue nursing longer
than nine months is to overtax the mother,
especially if she has any labor, and by sym-
pathy injure the child. Neither gestation nor
nursing can run into the Friday period with
impunity. The nine month law or Friday
law must be obeyed.

We may infer that at first when our mother

drops us and at our second Friday period she
weans us the cause is sufficient, but why
does it come regularly at that time.
Sunday birth anniversaries must be associ-
ated with Friday anniversaries of exhaustion
from the loss of mother. Hence our birth
periods are not auspicious, but require care,
rest and protection, and birthdays should
never be celebrated with any extravagance
but should be pleasant, social occasions, to
receive marks of friendship and affection,
avoiding drunken revelry, or exposure and
catching cold.
Like other unlucky times it should be shel-
tered by all possible prudence and friendship.
It is no time for bold enterprises, for the vital
force is not well sustained, according to per-
iodic law.
The period of gestation or intra-uterine life
is a period of benevolence from the maternal
constitution, in which the foundation of lon-
gevity is laid. The elephant has almost two
years of gestation and two years of suckling
infancy and his constitution is so built up that
he even exceeds man in longevity. Short lived
animals have short periods of gestation and
are very prolific, like the rabbit, which the ele-
phant is not.
It is with human life as with human enter-
prises, which are in their most delicate stage
at their beginnings, and probably may follow
the human laws of periodicity, but that ques-
tion I have not practically tested. Yet in ref-
erence to this republic the human law has
been and will again be verified early in the
20th century.
The practical inference from the study of
vital periodicity is that we should be ex-
tremely careful of our health in the 40th year
of life as well as the forty-first for it is the
conception and in the third
forty-first after
and fourth months after the Friday period
of theyear that is beginning three months
and lasting 52 days the worst day be-
ing about the 134th from the beginning of
Friday time of our external life. Thu< our
Friday vital deficiency reappears at the three
months later than the Friday time of our ex-
ternal relations or sun periods and runs for
52 days.
Having arrived at this conclusion by pe-
riodicity for myself I learned that it was con-

firmed by astrology and thus periodicity
and astrology put me in an unfavorable con-
dition in December and January 1896-7,
which I am now verifying in great debility
but taking great care. Thus as the Sunday
period of day life, which with me commences
Dec. 11, is handicapped by the arrival at the
same time of the Friday period of internal

life it must require especial caution in avoid-
ing exposure or heavy taxation.
The reader will understand that the three
months difference between exterior and inter-
ior periods correspond nearly to two sep-
titrtal periods of the year, which enables the
first day of the
vital Friday to correspond to
the first exterior Sunday and its last to reach
the exterior Monday.
Another valuable inference is that sunrise
and the vernal equinox or sunrise of the year
are critical periods like our birth days. The
lassitude of the vernal equinox is sometimes
jocosely called the spring fever, and suggests
the idea of taking a little medicine to help the
I attach great hygienic importance to the
suggestion of protecting our early morning
hours. As the evening and afternoon periods,
dating from the origin of life have a closer re-
lation to vitality and longevity, they deserve
more attention in that respect. Hence we
may say that early morning work is more ex-
hausting and ultimately more injurious than
night work. I do not believe that indoor oc-
cupations running to midnight or later are so
unfavorable to life as occupations that begin
before sunrise. Night occupations require the
exclusion of outside influences which depend
on the course of the sun and early morning
occupations should be protected from the
early morning fogs and malaria and especially
from early morning hunger. Breakfast should
be an early and invigorating meal of warm
food. Hungry exhaustion before breakfast
may be opposed by the custom in some coun-
tries of six and a supper at nine.
having tea at
A similar objectattained by having a sub-
stantial dinner quite late, from five to nine.
The tendency of the fashion has been to make
the dinner more and more late. An interval
of twelve hours between the evening and
morning nourishment is too long.
In the Friday period of long life, 70 to 84,
(especially 82-83) there is a partial protec-
tion in the fact that the Wednesday vital per-
iod is present.
It also follows as the vital period is nine
months earlier that in reference to health the
evil time may appear nine months earlier than
in the day period, not in the Friday months
of the 41st year but nine months earlier.
Hence t^e beginning of the 41st year may be
as unfavorable in some respects as its Friday
months. The Friday months of day life re-
late more to external relations and the Fri-
day at the beginning of the year to personal



Long lives require a longer rule but do not suppress the

short rule Second cycle a real improvement and
progress, but a d< cline in earthly external affairs

The" long scale to 99 When decline begins The au-

tumnal period The winter after 77 The long crisis
80 to 82 The long scale corresponds to universal

experience Lessons from tables of mortality D ath
our best fi ii nd.

Any failure to realize some adversity in the

41st year, which rarely occurs may have an

explanation aside from interference of others

or astrological reasons referring to distant
periods. It was forced on my attention in
the case of Judge A. and ascribed to the
vStrength of his constitution which gave him
a long life. This led me to consider the des-
tiny of those who occupy two cycles. If we
consider the septimal division of a life attain-
ing two cycles a life of ninety-eight or a hun-
dred years, it leads to an important principle
which at first I had overlooked, supposing
the second cycle would be an improvement on
the first, as Monday is an improvement on
Sunda}', and if the second cycle leads to the
higher world the great improvement is mani-
fest, but if it is merely an extension of earth
life, it requires us to consider the entire life as

a unit, subject to septimal division, and the
result of such a mode oi analysis corresponds
with the well known facts of life, as the last
forty-nine years must be greatly inferior in
energy and success to the first forty-nine.
Supposing two cycles or ninety-eight years
to be about the normal extent of the healthy
life, which is seldom reached or exceeded, but

which may be attained when the world is civ-

ilized, its septimal division gives us the double
seven, the fourteen years or fortnightly pe-
riod, and places a great decline after seventy
years. Thus
Sunday 1 to 14.
Monday 14 to 28.
Tuesday 28 to 42.

Wednesday 42 to 56.
Thursday 56 to 70.
Friday 70 to 84.
Saturday-84 to 98.
In this arrangement the first twenty-one
years are evidently the auspicious beginning,
in which we receive the endowment of all we
have, through Sunda}7 and the best half of
Monday, by birth, nurture and education.
The period of most vigorous struggle extends
irom the middle of Monday to the middle of
Wednesday, from twentj'-one to forty-nine
the middle of life, when the period of a gentle
decline begins, extending from forty-nine to
fifty-six, when the decline becomes marked.

Thursday or fifty-six to seventy being the au-
tumnal period compared to a year, when the
harvest should be gathered, and as nature
has no new achievements or growths we can
but hold on to our harvest and take care of
it. At seventy the cool period or Friday be-
gins, extending to eighty-four nature no
longer builds up new forces the sun of life is
withdrawing from us, passing the autumnal
equinox. The fiery ardor of youth is gone.
The energies exhausted by any labor have no
foundation to draw upon the cold winter
approaching is oppressive to the old but be-
comes more spiritual as earthly vitality de-
clines. Our remnant of vitality must be pro-
tected or it will soon be exhaustedsuch is
my condition now. The decline of vitality
precedes the external decline, and birth dates
are a critical time.
The Friday period, 70 to 84, brings its sixth
crisis from eighty to eighty-two as eighty-two
to eighty-four is the seventh or Saturday end,
for in the long life calculation we go by four-
teens. Hence in my own case, born in 1814,
my Friday period, seventy to eighty-four, ar-
rives in 1884 to 1898 and comes to its crisis
in my present, eighty-second year. As in the
fortnightly calculation of a long life, the sep-
timal periods would be not fifty-two but one

hundred and four hence from 104 to 208
days prior to Dec. 11th, 1896, would be my
WOfst period, which would extend from May
20 to Aug. 29, which I have fully verified. It
was a dark period of financial trouble, incipk
ent paralysis and a little discord, and I realized
how little sympathy a life devoted to scien-
truth receives from the mankind of this
world and how desirable a higher home has
I may pass through this crisis into the Sat-
urday end cf the fourteen year period, but I
have no expectation of completing the Satur-
day period, as the Friday period has nearly
exhausted me, unless my reinforcement from
the higher world should be truly marvelous.
I realize daily that they are sustaining me,
and their responsive sounds when I lie down,
or when write or think anything that spec-
ially pleases them assures me of guardianship.
They tell me that too that writing this little
book was a wise undertaking, as it is not too
far from common life. The Saturday end,
1896 to 1898, has its favorable vital time in
the summer, which may sustain me through
the year.
Certainly this fortnightly view of a double
cycle or fully developed life corresponds with
the usual experience of mankind very few
have much energy after eighty. Neither Bis-
marck or Gladstone are their country's lead-
Life is in its most critical time at birth
but improves so that those who have lived to
ten have a much better prospect than those
just born. The prospect of life has increased
ten years and one month by the Carlisle table
and fourteen years seven months by the
Northampton table.
The mean duration of life at seventy years
from the reports of twenty offices is eight
and a half years, a little over the first half of
the Friday period. At eighty it is four and
three-quarters years, a few months beyond
the end of the Friday period. At ninety it is
two years and a third. Thus at the begin-
ning of our Friday period we may expect to
realize seventeen twenth-eighths of the pe-
riod, but if we years longer may
live ten
reach the end of it. In the decimal periods,
from ten years onward, the viability or pros-
pect of life decreases with some regularity.
Thus at the age of ten there is a probability
of living fifty years longer, at the age of
twenty we should expect only forty-two
years more. The reserve force or possible
longevity, which at twenty is estimated as
good for forty-two years, declines so that
at the beginning of the Friday period, at the
age of seventy, the viabilitv is only eight
years and a half-thus life continually declines
from its first full development. It rises to its
maximum in the first three periods, which are
the most favorable of all, and declines until
it is exhausted. But the table shows that
those who have attained an advanced age had
a much greater original vitality than those
who have not survived.
Such the history of the periods of earth
life. But man has an eternal life, and the sec-
ond cycle, thougit is a decline as to the earth,

is a progress as to his eternal life an increase
in wisdom, in the development of his soul, in
the control of his passions, and if he has lived
rightly, in the maturity of his happiness. He
should then be ready to depart at the end of
his century to the better life unless he has
some grand work for humanity to complete.
The angel of death is his best friend.



Periodicityis evolution, or progress to a higher career
Earthly misfortunes of life help the higher life We
arc snatched away from a mismanaged life A life

ruled from above is not snatched away Great life a
possibility New aspects and sources of life, the

spirit and the sun Sunrise and sunset and the equi-

nox Heaven comes as earth recedes Earth life year

December 8 to January 29 its dark period Life at

the equator The calendar year Showing sun life

Statistics of suicide illustrate periodicity External

periods belong to the animal nature Very interesting

statistics Philosophy of heat and cold in climates

Life from the spirit world differs from sun life Won-

derful relations of the two lives explained Practical

inference Lessons from the two forces Cause of

the jolly night time The proper bedtime Dangers of
the night.
Effect of marriage at different ages of offspring Rela-
tions of parents and offspring.

The periodicity that surveys mortal life in

periods of seven or fourteen years is not the
whole periodicity of man.
The fundamental conception of periodic-
ity is evolution or continual progress with
variation arid subsidence as in wave-like mo-

tion Sundays of commencement continually
receiving for new progress as well as the use
and full of Mondays and Fridays. Monday
and Tuesday the crest of the wave Friday
the valley between waves.

The 98 years in 14 periods represent an

earthly career coming to its end when over-
powered by adverse influences. But when
the career is ended a higher career begins and
the whole progress of life is toward that
higher career in another sphere of progression
and the two careers widely differ.
That which seems the misfortune of the
earthly career, breaking it down, is an intro-
duction to the higher career, and may there-
fore be considered in one sense a blessing.
The sickness in which earth fades from our
sight is the daw^ning of a higher life, an easy
transfer. It may be compared to the decay
and bursting the seed in the cold ground
which enables the plant to reach sunshine

and developes its flower yes and that plant
goes on as it falls in frost to a higher spirit-
ual life.
The second cycle I regarded as an improve-
ment on the first by the law of progress, but
the second cycle leads to death and diminishes
our capacities for earth life. In the earthly
view it mav j
seem unfortunate as a decline
but in a larger view it is a higher develop-
ment or unfoldment of wr isdom and nearer
approach to our highest life.
Thus the decline of the earthly being the
advance of the heavenly, progress is the con-

tinual law from the things of earth in battle
and toil to things of heaven in peace and joy.
The convulsive struggles of earth life re-
lease usmore promptly, and the benevolent
angel of death takes us out of suffering, but
a life blessed by closer relations to the higher
world has a more pleasant and healthful pro-
gress and does not need to be snatched away
from earthly toils until the normal end of
earth life for animal as well as vegetable life
has a normal limit. Yet it would seem
there might come an ampler development of
humanity which might, like the trees of a
thousand years deep rooted in earth, and ex-
panded to the sky live through the centuries.

Man has two lives, temporal and eternal,

or rather two aspects of life.
One is visible, the other invisible. One is il-
luminated by the visible sun the other by
the invisible spirit.
The one flourishes the sunshine and
declines in its absence. two halves are di-
vided by sunrise and sunset in each day by
the vernal and autumnal equinox in each
The life comes in as the visible de-
clines. overhangs the hours of darkness
on earth, and occupies the " night-side of
Nature.' 'It over arches the wintry half of
the year. It comes nearer as the terrestrial
life recedes, and when the terrestrial life is

gone the spiritual life is in its glory, and the
farther it extends away from the terrestual
sphere the more glorious it becomes. Earth
life is like a morning to prepare for the heav-

enly life.

When earth life sinks in calamity we may,

if we will, approach nearer the heavenly life.
It is one of the blessings of sickness and
calamities that as we surrender our physical
forces and passions we may cultivate the
nobler sentiments and acquire patience and
The earth life, beginning its day at sunrise,
which ends at sunset, reaches its Zenith of
the year in the summer solstice, June 22d,
and its Nadir at the winter solstice, Dec.
25th, when nature withholds all supplies of
life, but reaches its evil Friday period near its

end, 104 days before the vernal equinox and

extends from December 8 to January 29 its
Saturday from Jan. 29 to March 22. This is
the most spiritual period as shown by the rec-
ord of suicides in San Francisco. From Dec.
8 to Jan. 29 is a spiritual period, but it is the
the suspension of all vegetable life. Nature
then gives man no assistance.
Thus in the earthly or business like view of
annual periodicity its most evil period is the
period of spiritual life. The heavenly and the
earthly life are widely different and the rich
man has rather a poor prospect in heaven,

But there is a view of life which corres-

ponds nearly with our calendar year, as it be-
gins properly at Dec. 25, the winter solstice.
As the differences of a few days is not very im-
portant, we may count by the calendar year
for convenience, which is six days in advance,
and deduct six
Sunday to Feb. 21.
Monday to April 14.
TuesdayJune 5.
WednesdayJuly 27.
Thursday Sept. 17.
FridayNov. 8.
Saturday Dec. 31.
At the equator there is no division of the
year into terrestrial and spiritual halves. It
is all terrestrial, and the only spiritual relief
from day life is in its nights, which vary little
from the half of 24 hours.
This indicates a fullness of animal life in
tropical regions and probable predominance
of the animal nature, which is certainly re-
alized in Central Africa and in some cannibal
islands, but this may be counteracted by the
superior nervous susceptibility of hot cli-
mates making the nightly visits of spiritual
beings more easy.
The evil effects of tropical climates appear
in the lowlands and not in the mountains.
These principles are further illustrated by
the periodicity of suicide, crime and insanity.
Suicidal periodicity.
The statistics of suicide in San Francisco,
as given by the Health Department reports
of 1896 correspond with the law of periodi-

city. For this calculation which relates to

the spiritual condition of man, the year may
be regarded as beginning at the winter sol-
stice, or return of the higher powers, be-
ginning Dec. 25, which ancient nations cele-
brated as the birth of the year or on the
first of January, which is six days later.

The first six months to the end of June

would correspond to three and a halt periods,
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and the first half
of Wednesday. This is the whole favorable
half of the vital period. The second six
months from June to January, would corres-
pond to the unfavorable half, Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday, with the last half of
The first or favorable vital half had but fif-
ty-eight suicides and the second half had
ninety-four, thus the animal spirits rise as the
sun is approaching and fall as it goes away.
In the last three months of the year as it
ends, the sun has gone far away and the sui-
cides were forty-six, but when the new year
began, the sun coming north, the suicides fell

from from forty-six to eighteen the last three
months being twice as evil as the first three.
t i
Friday and Saturday were two and a half
times as evil as Sunday and Monday.
The beginning is far better than the ending.
So it is in human life. The first twenty-
eight years or fortnightly Sunday and Mon-
day of a long life are far superior to Friday
and Saturday or 70 to 98.
The external periods of material life seem to
belong to the animal nature, as the internal
or vital periods belong to the spiritual na-
ture, and English statistics published by Dr.
Laycock of the York Dispensary, confirm
this, as they show the maximum number of
suicides in summer, minimum in winter. The
deaths from drunkenness at London reached
theirmaximum in summer, minimum in win-
ter.The cases of insanity reached their max-
imum in June and July, their minimum in De-
cember and January, The crimes against
persons reached their maximum in June,
their minimum in January. But the with-
drawal of the sun in winter makes it a Fri-
day period for animal life and shows an in-
creased number of deaths in Belgian sta-
Thus seems that the more the animal na-
ture flourishes under thepatronage of the
sun,the more it overpowers the spiritual na-
tureof interior life. This seems to be verified
also in nations, as the people of the North
Temperate Zone have generally a higher mor-
ality than those nearer the tropics, and have
conquered them in conflict. The Greenlanders
contrast favorably with the people of Daho-
mey, who seem the vilest specimens of human-
ity the world has ever produced, vastly infer-
ior to the Kaffirs of South Africa, and the
Swedes and Norwegians compare favorably
with the Italians the Scotch with the Eng-
lish. The tigers, lions and poisonous ser-
pents of tropical regions which cause so great
a loss of life in India, have no correspondence
in northern climes, and the Thugs of India and
cannibals of Pacific islands have no anal-
ogues in the north.

The sun born luxury and influence of hot

climates seem less favorable to virtue and
health than the wintrj' influence of northern
climates. The greatest mass of corruption
and crime of ancient Europe was in Rome
and around the Mediterranean in Spain and
the Barbary Coast of Africa. Bonaparte,
Caeesar, Scipio, Hannibal, Alexander the Great
and the Roman Emperors belonged to that
region so did the warlike Jews and the mod-
ern Turks.
Heat is essential to animal life, but in excess
is destructive like all other manifestations of
animal force. Its worst effects are produced
in combination with water. Warmth and
moisture promote putrefaction and malaria,
originating malignant fevers. Whatever pro-
motes decomposition is unfriendly to life.
Where warmth and moisture abound evap-
oration produces a negative condition ex-
hausting to life, which is common in summer
and favors suicide. Diseases increase a few
days after rains. Life is more vigorous and
active in a dry atmosphere which retains the
warmth and electricity of the body which
water rapidly conducts away producing lan-
guor and debility. Heat and moisture com-
bined produce sunstroke. A cold climate
protects the constitution by freezing out the
water of the atmosphere thus protecting us
against a debilitating influence and acting as
an antiseptic which protects life like anti-
septic medicines.

Thus we perceive why cool climates, frosty

nights and mountain heights are beneficial to
life and sustain the spiritual nature which is
life. The highest development of humanity
is in the mountains. Switzerland and Norway
lead in Europe and Scotland in Great Britain.
The Alleghanies and Rocky mountain region
are superior to the sea coasts and river

Of our two one is drawn from the


earth the other from heaven. One is sus-
tained by food, air and sunshine as long as
they are necessary. The other comes from
the great fountain of life which invigorates
the human race. It conies to us through our
parents. One is transient, the other eternal.
Prenatal science shows that the interior vital
force which originated from the spirit world
has different periods from the exterior or sun
The life force, which dates from conception,
reaches its minimum or Friday period at
birth or just before it. Birth or entrance
upon exterior life and sunshine corresponds
to sunrise. The approach of birth being like

the approach of day an unfortunate trans-
fer oi life from dependence, on life to depend-
ence on food.
Consequently the life force is to the day

force as Friday to Sunday two periods in
its vear. The beginning of the day is necessa-
rily the low period of the life force, for life has
been inactive in the night, and the 12 hours
past, from six or seven at night to six or
seven a.m. produces a lowering of vital force.
Hence the breakfast should be taken immedi-
ately on rising. It was a custom in Lou-
isiana to ward off fevers by taking a cup of
coffee with a lemon in bed before rising, which
has a restorative effect on the liver.
When the wife rises early to make the fire
and prepare breakfast for the family she is
undulv taxed. Hygienic wisdom would sug-
gest that the fire should be prepared at night,
needing only a match to start it in the morn-
ing. The breakfast too should be prepared
and placed on the table at night, so that a
lamp could in a few minutes warm the coffee,
tea or meat in the morning. Morning tasks
on rising are very injurious to delicate consti-
tutions. The lamp chimney with a cross
( sold in the shops ) or even a pair of scissors

on its top is sometimes effectual for the little

cooking ot a small family. But good food is

very necessary in the morning a substantial
As the vital hours follow the day hours tw^o
periods behind, this fact gives us the new
light on periodicity which I have recently dis-
covered .

The day force is in its Monday maximum

from half past nine to one, but this is only
the Saturday period of the life force. The
Tuesday period from, from one to half past
four is but the Sunday period of the life force,
and its Monday period begins about 4.20
its Monday and Tuesday periods reach-
ing to half past eleven p. m.
These vital periods become more important
in proportion as the day force declines in its
Friday periods or in advanced life and I have
lately realized it. As my day force or earth
life has declined in advanced age I have to

rely on the life force and find myself accord-

ingly extremely weak and unfit for any duty
in the morning hours, when the life force is in
Friday and the Sunday day force in its Fri-
day year, so that I have to lie down after
breakfast. My vitality increases with the
day's progress and from four to nine I am
competent to intellectual labor, owing to the
Monday and Tuesday of the life force and
Wednesday and Thursday of the day force.
best to stop at nine in the first half
I find it
of the Tuesday vitality as the day force is
then in its Thursday decline and longer con-
tinuance would increase the morning weak-
The vitality of the human race carries them
every day beyond the limits natural to the day-
force, producing vigor late in the afternoon
when the sun power is declining, and carrying
them far into protects the night's cold nega-
tive hours.
Instead of using the daylight of early morn-
ing hours at and before sunrise they prolong
the active day far in the night, and from five
to ten p. m. is perhaps the most active and
jolly period in the 24 hours. The Wednesday
period of vitality, extending from half past
eleven to three, is a favorite time among fash-
ionables, although it is a Friday period of
day life and therefore should be avoided. But
such dissipation may be endured by those
who have a great life force, though it would
be destructive to those who have not,
It is the common impression of prudent
people that our habits should be regulated as

the sun indicates that our labors should
slacken and end in the afternoon, the night
given to refreshing society or amusement and
an early retirement, very little beyond eight,
never later later than nine, which is the aver-
age end of the Wednesday period. Eleven
thirty is considered a very late hour, and it
is, for it reaches the Friday limit of the day

force and all after night is in the declining

Thursday period. Early retirement is neces-
sary for those who have not a strong vi-
Nine o'clock is a judicious limit to protect
the day force, but a great many disregard it
for the reasons given that we have an in-
terior life force which may carry us beyond
the sun limits, and those who are largely en-
dowed with it may indulge in nocturnal
hours, but no one should do this in whom
life has been weakened by its Friday periods,
whatever he may have done under twenty-
five. Nor should children ever go beyond the
limits of the day force for they are in the
weakness of the Sunday period and should
go to bed at eight and not rise earlier than
These principles show us the dangers of
the nocturnal revelry of the profligate even if
intemperance and sensuality are excluded, for
the latter half of the night is not fit for ac-
tion and must be given to rest and restora-
tion. The sun born power comes to its Fri-
day time at midnight and the vital or spirit
power at sunrise, consequently the hours af-
ter midnight are the feeblest of all and these
are hours when disease invades and reveals
a morning patient. The majority of the at-
tacks of cholera occur after midnight and
this is the time when malaria takes effect on
those who sleep too near the ground or in
unwholesome apartments and when flimsily
built houses expose the sleeper to a chill be-
fore he rises. The ventilation fad admits the
night air even when malarious, which is never
needed in a spacious apartment.
Prenatal Periodicity.
The relation of parents and offspring runs
through several septimal periods.
Counting backwards before our birth we
find seven years of Saturday in which procre-
ation by a parent is impossible.
Then seven years of Friday period presents
7 to 14 years of age in which procreation
should not be allowed though quite possible
in warm climates. A Friday relation is un-
fortunate and does not give the energy nec-
essary to proper development. The feebleness
of the Hindoo race is probably due to their
very early marriages.
From 14 to 21 in the parent is a Thursday-
relation to us. Such parents are better than
the Friday class but have not the strength
maturity and wisdom for the parental of-
fice. But the offspring of very early marri-
ages are in a very friendly Monday or Tues-
day relation to parents and disposed to be
But older parents produce more energetic
children and are more competent to take care
of them.
The Wednesday period, 21 to 28, is one of
equilibrium in the moral and physical energies
so is the Monday period, 35 to 42. But
these periods give more energy than geniality
in the offspring. They are harder to govern
but receive the affectionate care of mature
and considerate parents. Older men are kind
and considerate to young children and young
wives, but the wives sometimes neglect them
and the children may be self wT illed, hence the
first born or oldest children are the favorites
and the law of primogeniture gives them an
advantage in inheritance.
The common experience of mankind cor-
responds with these principles.



The day hours, the week days and the seven yearly di-
visions compared All hours of the day explained
Importance of morning rest Calculations applied
to the year and my own experience.

If we take the progress of a year cr the

progress of a day, in the external or sun life,
under the septimal division, the results corres-
pond to universal experience.
Thus let the day begin on an average at 6
A. m. and we will find its progress corres-
ponds to our law, as follows, the periods be-
ing 3 hours and 26 minutes.
Sunday 6 to 9:26.
Mondayto 12:52.
Tuesday to 4:18.
Wednesday to 7:44.
Thursday 11:10.
Friday to 2:36.

Saturday to 6.
The first morning hours are not vigorous,
they are for preparation of food and dress with
youthful freshness. Delicate constitutions
are feeble in the morning hours, but acquire
strength after the digestion of breakfast.
Early rising is not beneficial to the delicate.
The atmosphere needs the vitalizing influence
of the sun, and dispersion of fogs and ma-
laria. Prom nine to one is the period of
greatest efficiency, the Monday period, the
sun is then giving its best service. The after-
noon or Tuesday is not quite equal to the
forenoon for business, and the sun is often op-
pressive in warm weather. The Wednesday
period from four, to eight is less fa vorable and
6 p. m. is a pre per time to stop, the sun is
then withdrawing its support. Prom 8 to
11, the Thursday period, fatigue is the rule,
the sun no longer stimulates and the malaria
is settling, we need the protection of a roof,
and the refreshing influence of society and
amusement. This corresponds to the Thurs-
day autumnal period of the year and the
Thursday decline of life, from fifty-six to 70,
when we realize the need of rest from ardu-
ous duties.
At 11 the sun is far gone, shelter is indis-
pensible, the weather colder and malaria

more abundant this begins the Friday per-
iod, when all occupation must be suspended,
and every protection brought around us, and
corresponds to the winter, which is the Fri-
day period of the year and to the cool old
age from 70 to 84, the Friday period of life,
when the utmost care and abundant rest be-
come necessary.
The midnight hours are unfriendly; the prof-
ligate, the thief, the burglar and assassin are
abroad and good people are at home. The
night service of physicians and nurses is
doubly taxing to the constitution and it is
recorded that the officer in Spain who sought
to escape the heat of the day by marching his
men at night increased their mortality.
In our Friday years the spirit may be
strong but the body is not, as I am now real-
So in the Friday hours of night, which must
be devoted to rest, the spirit may be eman-
cipated in visions and our guardian angels
may be near.
But the succeeding period is more hopeful,
the Saturday period of ni^ht, from 3 to 6, is
a more spiritual period. It corresponds to
the ante-natal period when a new life is ma-
turing and the protective love of a mother
is developing it. So in the early hours a new
life is coming in the body for it has grown
and is growing, the blood has become puri-
fied and the stock of oxygen assimilated, the
excreta are ready for removal and the brain
has recovered from fatigue. Now is the time
when we receive the influx from guardian an-
gels and the universal spiritual element of na-
ture, and visions or presentiments revealing
the truth are often granted. If we are of a
spiritual temperament our invisible Iriends
often make their presence sensible by sounds
or perhaps respond to our thoughts; thus the
new life approaches that is born at sunrise.
The ante-natal period before sunrise for
three hours ought to be sacred to the restor-
ation of life, a great deal of nervous exhaus-
tion and great loss of brain power are pro-
duced by rising at dawn or before day break,
as it is practiced by many farmers and their
wives, it is in this way as much as by long
hours and night work that constitutions are
exhausted and premature age brought on,
with feebleness of brain. This lesson is en-
forced by the vital view that sunrise is the
weakest period of the 24 hours in natural vi-
The common wsense and experience of man-
kind have taught all judicious people to give
rest to the Thursday hours of the day and to
theThursda} years of life, and to protect not

only the Friday hours of night but the Fri-

day season of the 3 car, the pitiless winter

when the sun is withdrawn, and the benefi-

cence of nature suspended.
When the renovating power of nature is
suspended in the winter period of human life
we approach the end of the year or the end of

There is then a brief interval, the ending

before a beginning, when in Saturday the
foundation is laid of a new life, a new career.
This may come at the end of the first cycle,
between 42 and 49, and if it comes then as it
does to many, the new life of the second cy-
a vast improvement on the first, for tii6
cle is
second ought to be better than the first as
Monday is better than Sunday, it is the be-
ginning of a higher life free from the toils and
suffering of earth.
But if the normal strength of the human
constitution exists and is well managed, the
new life comes after the Friday period is
ended, between 84 and 98, when we go rich
in experience to our higher home.
These things have been realized in my own
life, but I have not from time to time pres-

erved the memoranda.

It was in the Monday period of my entire life
that I mastered the problems of the brain
and the sciences of psychometry and sarcog-
nomy were completed by 1842, my 28th year.
Inmy Tuesday period, from 1842 to 1856,1
had my medical career and stood at the head of
a flourishing medical college at Cincinnati,
but the discord in the Friday of the first cycle
came in at its close when I retired.
My Wednesday, from 1856 to 1870, was
much less satisfactory, being one of irregular
success in uncongenial surroundings, with
financial success and financial misfortune,
but offering an opportunity for political dis-
tiction, which I did not accept as it was for-
eign to my aims, though I might have reached
a very honorable position. The opportunity
came at the beginning of my second cycle
and might have been a distinguished period
ifI had pursued it with energy.
My Thursday period, fronTl870 to 1884,
had no satisfactory success, financial misfor-
tunes came in, collegiate schemes had to be
abandoned, my publications had but moder-
erate success.
In my Friday period, from 1884 to 1898, my
finances dwindled down toward poverty, my
gifted wife passed away, and my constitution
gave way to vital and atmospheric malaria,
and from spinal exhaustion as the conse-
quence of a fall, in an evil year. I was for
some years not capable of more than half my
proper labor. Yet with the aid of science I
resisted all and kept up my mental vigor to
a surprising extent, writing and speaking
with such vigor that it was called robust vi-
tality. Whether I can resist the periodic ten-
dency to decline, many months is an urgent
question now.



Concords and discords Laws of Mar-
The Genesis Rest on Friday Septimal law ap-
plied to our work days Do we all observe Friday
When our Friday a discovery How to find our
week days and Fridays Table to show every one
his birthday Coinciding years, months and days-
How to mateh in your associates who will har-
monize "with you and who wiJl find fault Our mys-
terious Friday antipathies How they make mis-
chiefHow they are overcome The laws applied to
marriage Relations of junior and senior Relations
of husbands and wives discussed a complex ques-
tion requiring study Old men and young wives
Mature women and young men A sure guide in the
study of character Advices for husbands.
The human brain explained. A brief synopsis OF THE
true science of the brain, showing what to seek
and what to avoid, and a wonderful secret for pos-

According to the septimal law every seven

day period produces a degree of exhaustion
by labor or exertion wich makes rest neces-
The old fable of Genesis,which the church
in the early centuries regarded as an allegory
or fable but becoming m
>re superstitious,
accepted as history, represented God as being
so fatigued on Friday as to rest on Satur-
day, which was therefore made a Sabbath.
But it would be more reasonable to rest Ori
Friday, the day of fatigue on which we are
less qualified to gain success in anything. I
therefore advise all to take rest for soul and
body and avoid all risks and heavy respons-
ibilities or new enterprises or exposures on
their Friday days, Friday months and Friday
years; but from want of energetic fore-
thought, expecting to pass through my
double Friday from seventy to eighty-four,
I have alloud my great responsibilities in
recording my scientific discoveries to accum-
ulate on this period, and now in its most
critical portion which is the eighty-second
year, I am suffering from great prostation
and am unfitted for completing my work but
possibly able, after passing the eighty-second
year to have a slight improvement in the
eighty-third year which begins my Saturday.
In applying the septimal laws to the days
of the week, we would of course advise any
one to be careful on Friday, a principle so of-
ten verified as to seem true, but at length I
have found a very intelligent and observant
lad} who maintained that Friday w as her
r r

best day for action and Tuesday her best day

for rest; this implied that her native week
days did not correspond to the calendar days,
that her Sunday and Friday were not the
Sunday and Friday of the Calendar.
If Friday was her best day, her week may
have begun on Wednesday or Thursday;
these being her first day or Sunday would
make Friday a good day Monday. If born
on Thursday, Friday would be her Monday,
and Tuesday her Friday. If bs-rn on Wed-
nesday, Friday would be her Tuesday and
Tuesday her Saturday. As she said Tuesday
was her day for rest, unfit for any active
business, I was sure she was born on Thurs-
day, which would make Tuesday her Friday,
Thursday being her Sunday. It is well for
allpersons to use the same vigilance as this
intelligent lady, to find their lucky and un-
lucky days, which were forced upon her
attention so often as to compel her to rec-
ognize them. Looking farther into her case
I am convinced that I made a discovery and
that she was actually born on Thursday
though she had been told her birthday was
Saturday. This discovery leads to the neces-
sity in each case of ascertaining the week
day which can be done from the following
table. To enable one to select good and bad
days from the day of his birth, I present the
calculation of the relations of days. He who
is born on Sunday will have his evil day for
rest on Friday.
Monday brings its Friday on Saturday.
Tuesday on Sunday.
Wednesday on Monday.
Thursday on Tuesday.
Friday on Wednesday.
Saturday on Thursday.
Sunday on Friday.
This seems to be my experience, hence I
infer I was born on Sunday and think I was
once told so by a psychie.
The same principle applies in reference to
months and years. We do not place every-
one as born in January, and locate his
Friday months from October 1st to Novem-
ber 19th, but find his actual birth and count
his year from his birth date to the same day
next year; and as to his years we count from
the year of his birth.
If the reader would learn on what day of
the week he w as born, he can escertain by

referring to the table of years and days.

Coincidence and Harmony.

All whoare born in the same year, not too
far apart,have similar years of good and bad
luck, and therefore a certain similarity and
adaptability, but if they unite in business in
their evil years they intensify their mis-
fortunes, as both are unfortunate. If you
select for an associate one whose good Mon-
day or Tuesday period corresponds to your
Friday, his good luck may save you if you
let him take the lead, when you should rest;
but if you should bring some man in his un-
lucky year to manage in your good year, he
^ > v
-, ._, '-H
> rr, n K,
Years 1752 to 1952. '"
- ~ i
f r
? f-
f \

17(51 1 767 1778 1789 1795

1S07 1818 1829 1835 1840 1857 1803 1874 1885 1891

L903 1914 1925 1931 942 4 1

* 7 3 5 2 4 V 2
1702 1773 1779 1790
1802 1813 1819 1830 1841 1847 858 1 1809 1875 1 88(5 1 897
1909 1915 192(5 1937 1 943 5 i 1 4 V 3 b 1 3
1757 1705 1774 1785 1791
1814J1825- 1831il84-2 1853 1859 1870 1881 1 887 1898
1910 1921 1927 1 938 949 1
o V 3 >-' 1 4 6 2 4
1 754 17651771 1782'1793 1799
1811 1822 18331839 1850 1801 18(57 1878 S89 1 1 895
1901 1907 1918 1929 1935 1 940 * o Xj. 1 2 b <

1 75.-, 1 766 1777 1 783 1 794 1800

1806 1817 1823 1834 845 1851 1802

1 1873 1879 1890
6 2 4
1902 1913 1919 1930 1941 1947 3 ' 2 1 3
1 758 1701) 1775 1 780 1797
] 8 01) 1815 1820 1837 84-3 854 1 865
1 1 1871 1882 893 1899

3 3 1 4 b - ''
1905 1911 1922 1933 1939 1950 '

1 75;', 1 759 1770 17S1 1787

1810 mi 1837 838 1 849 1798 180(5
1 1877 1883 894 1900 1
4 4 7 - 3 6 1 4
1855 1900 1917 1923 1934 194 5 '

Leap Years. M I 1 I 1
I 1 I

1704 1792 1804 1832 1S60 1888 1928 7 3 4 7 2 b|t slehUlfi

176S 1796 1S0S 1S30 1804 1892 1904 1932 5 1 2 5 7 3 15 6 2 4 14
1772 1812 1840 1868 1896 1908 1936 3 6 7 3 5 6 2 4 7 2 13
1770 1810 1 844 187 2 1912 1 940 4 1 3 1 4 7 2 5 7
17S0 1S20 1S48 1S7K 1916 1944 2 3 1 4 6 2 5 7 3 5
1756 1784 1824 1852 18S0 1920 1948 4 7 1 4 2 4 7 3 5 13
1760 178S 182S 1850 1 8S4 1924 1952 2 5 2 4' 7\2 5 1 3 6 1
1 1 1

i r 2 3 4 1
5 6

Monday 1 Tuesday 1 Wednesday I Thursday... 1 Friday 1 'Saturday ... VSnnilny 1

Tuesday 2. Wednesday -J Thursday... 2
SatnVdcn i 1 y \l t i 1

Thursday... 4, Friday ....... ^'Saturday'.'.' 4

may spoil your success so you must not let

him lead then and lead you into his bad luck.
There is the harmony of similarity in those
born in the same year, the same month and
the same day.
But when days, months and years differ,
they may produce beneficent harmony or

intolerable discord a problem requiring
much study fcr each individual, in which I
may guide him by showing the law.
Your young friend who is born seven to
fourteen years or even seventeen years later
than yourself is in a beneficent relation to
you and predisposed to be friendly and may
do you good. It is well for you to try him
and see how far the relation is desirable if he
is a proper person.
Of course the periodic law does not change
his character though it effects his relation to
you. He may be poor, ignorant, diseased,
miseducated, or otherwise unfortunate, but
he will be better for you than another of the
same sort born in your Friday years and
enter into relations with a man
When you
or woman in your Friday year, all may
seem right, for others, but not be right for
you. He is not born to be a blessing for you.
He is probably disposed to find fault, to cens-
ure and condemn your action and character,
or he may prove an adverse element by being
engaged in something unpropitious for you,
or in sympathizing with something that is
discordant for you.
I know, for example, that I have found my-
self in a Friday relation with gentlemen of
ability and merit, to whom I felt an intense
repugnance, though they were in many
respects superior men, and entertained for me
a considerable degree of esteem, which I could
not fully reciprocate though I respected them
highly. There was a real antagonism in our
natures, expressed by the old verse
" I do not like thee Dr. Fell,
" The reason why 1 cannot tell,
" But this I know and know full well
" I do not like thee Dr. Fell.-'

I have been acqmnted with three ladies,

they were superior women and had a high
regard for me, as I had for them. One of
them whose nature and purposes were for-
eign and adverse to my own had a monthly
date harmonious to my own, and hence was
personally very congenial, though our life
aims were entirely discordant. The other
two had life aims entirely harmonious with
mine, making the basis of a strong attach-
ment on account of their virtues. But their
month dates were so discordant with mine,
that it required much care on my part to
avoid exciting the little unpleasantness and
annoyance which comes from discordant
months. My
monthly relation to them being
as favorable as their relation was discordant,
I was able with my harmonious relation to
overcome their little irritability.
In such relations if the discordant party is
the stronger, a rupture, dissatisfaction, or
unhappiness will result, overpowering the
friendly relation; but if the friendly relation
is stronger it will overpower the discord.
A strong exalted character, following the
example of Jesus Christ will overpower all
discords, and a hostile Friday nature if very
strong will crush the pleasant sentiments in
those who would naturally be friendly.
Suppose we apply this to marriage. A man
who is thoroughly and entirely good in his
nature will be beneficient to all who approach
him, and a man thoroughly selfish, jealous,
irritable and revengeful will be an unfortu-
nate acquaintance for anybody. Periodicity
does not annihilate characters but modifies
could not advice a lady to marry a man
in a discordant relation unless he were so
thoroughly good that even his discords
would not be formidable though they would
be distinctly perceptible.
The senior party generally has the advan-
tage in matrimony. He is more disposed to
dictate, to find fault or be dissatisfied though
he may be polite enough to conceal it. The
junior is disposed to look on the other favor-
ably, to be pleased at first sight and to be
generally partial.
Men uniformly aim to be the senior party,
and women submit to that arrangement,
which increases their natural amiability to
husbands, to whom they are inclined to look
up, while men are not disposed to look up
to their wives, This is seen in the forged
Epistles of St. Paul manufactured by Cath-
olic priests, in which women are required to
look up to their husbands as children to
parents or even as they would look up to
Christ. St. Paul did write several epistles full
of good vsense and enthusiastic religion, but
nothing derogatory to women.
If your husband is of your own age that is
a good relation. If he is six or even twelve
months older it is not objectionable. But if
he is from twelve to twenty-four months
older that brings a little discord. You will
be partial to him inclined to like his manners
and if he is a good man that will satisfy him,
but his ways and manners differ from yours,
and he will look on you with a critical eye in
the small matters of personal intercourse.
If he is a good man this may not show itself
distinctly but only negatively. If he is not
good it will show itself unpleasantly and it
will require care to please him.
If he is three, four, five, six or seven years
older ttat will not make a discord, but five*
six or seven is better than three or four. But
in all these unfavorable dates just mentioned
your amiability to him increases as his de-
clines, so that if you are both good there is
no trouble.
But if he is between eight and nine years

older look out you will then be the concord
and he the discord and if he is of a cold
selfish or jealous nature his relation will bring
his discord to the surface and as a strong pos-
itive character he will be somewhat unsatis-
factory or oppressive. He must be an uncom-
monly good man if the 8 to 9 year relation
does not spoil his charm.
Beyond the ninth year, the older your hus-
band is the better for you, if you love him.
But from the eighth to the 14th year, he is
not well born for you and you should be
careful not to give him your affection till you
have very thoroughly investigated and tested
him, for he is in a Friday relation. But I do
not deny that an entirely good man will be
good even in a Friday relation, especially if
you love him warmly.
From 14 up to 42 years of seniority is a
good relation for a husband the older the
better but when he is in the forties though he
loves you, you may not love him and you
must be cautious. It is not a good position
for you to be forty years younger than your
husband, but if your fountain of love is foil
and flowing and he is good you maybe happy
with him. Yet if you are easily annoyed or
disgusted or irritated by a nature foreign to
your own do not risk a discord.
You are not apt to fall in love with a man
35 to 42 years older than yourself but he is
likely to love you at first sight and so you
may reciprocate his love.
On the other hand you are in danger of
falling in love with a man who is not really
in accord with you, being in a Friday rela-
tion, eight to nine years older, and so you
may win him, but I would advise you to look
sharp and let him do his share of the courting
and make his love and his good temper con-
spicuous before you trust him. Try his
patience or amiability in advance. But if you
wish to submit to a master and make your
happiness by plea? ing him you may accept
a Friday master.
I knew of a lady who took an interest in a
young man, had him educated and then mar-
ried him happily. Of course he was devoted
to his senior, and I would advise widows and
mature woman to pick up young husbands
when satisfied as to their character. I knew
a lady who chose a husband at least twenty
years younger than herself (perhaps thirty);
her friends were all opposed to it, but I ap-
proved it and it was a good match.
Men who marry step mothers, or mothers-
in-law are generally good husbands, and if
somewhat henpecked do not mind it, for they
know how to respect age and experience. It
is a good discipline for a man to have a wife
he is compelled to respect, and rather a bad
discipline to have a timid harmless wife whom
he can neglect or snub or oppress with im-
punity. It you have not enough self-respect
or firmness and judgment to command the
sincere respect of a man, you should let him
alone, unless you wish to be a slave.
But in all cases make sure of the depth and
strength of a man's love before you surrender.
Observe his deportment to his mother and

sisters if it is not satisfactory avoid him.

Fiually study him psychometrically if the
impression you feel from one of his letters,
not knowing who it is, is not satisfactory,
let him
alone. The psychometric study of
character, and how to train yourself in studj - r

ing one you have not seen, is shown in my

Manual, of Psychometry, which gives every
woman a safeguard against mistakes in mar-
riage, if she will use it.

When advise a gentleman as to marriage

I of course advice him to select one younger
than himself or of his own age. If she is eight
or nine years younger, it is a charming rela-
tion if your natures are congenial. It is
probable she will be so agreeable and yielding
as to spoil you or tempt you to be authorita-
tive. Any where from one to eighteen years
younger than yourself will be agreeable.
But beyond eighteen years her affections
will be less intense there will be less unity,
and if thirty-five to forty years younger I
would not recommend her; you will not be
adapted to her nature.
If you are a modest and reasonable man
with a high regard for women, you may do
well in marrying a woman four to seven
years older. But I would not recommend
one two or three years older, and I would
object decidedly to one nine years older: that
is a discordant relation, unless you are deeply
in love with her. Anywhere between eight
and fifteen years of seniority is quite objec-
tionable. She will be independent and differ-
ent from you in her plans and wishes. It is
even better beyond fifteen. Even thirty years
of seniority will be beneficent if you love. A
mature woman enjoys the life and freshness

of a young man and is disposed to give a
maternal love, and if she is a well preserved
woman you will not be ashamed of the con-

trast of age. She will be very faithful in sick-
ness and watchful over your welfare.
But the question of months is also im-
portant. For that regulates the harmonies
of manner and person. You should avoid a
Friday relation in months, unless you are
good enough to overcome it. A lady born
over nine months later in the year than your-
self isnot rightly adapted to you. Thirty-
seven weeks, 269 days, is the beginning of
the unfavorable period, and 45 weeks or 313
days is its end. The very worst relation is
304 days. You may arrive at it by counting
backward. Shun any birthday that is from

52 to 104 days earlier than your own especi-
ally one 60 days earlier.
You may overcome such a discord by amia-
bility and love, but unless well furnished in
love, I would not advise you to try it. Thor-
oughly good people can harmonize in spite
of discordant relations in manners, owing to
months or even discordant years, but others
should not attempt it. A lady whose head is
sufficiently elevated and symmetrically full on
the upper surface will make any man happy
and elevate his nature by her own elevation.
If he is not a brute, she will greatly im-
prove him.
But if you are a really good mana good
lover you need not depend entirely on periodic
harmonies, for you can overcome them. Of
course you will be happier with a harmony
of periods but virtue triumphs over all such
difficulties. And if you select a healthy com-
panion with the proper head, all will prob-
ably be well. Hence I give you the locations
of the good qualities in a head that contri-

butes to human happiness. The brain is not

indicated by bumps as the ignorant suppose,
but by the form of the head.
The human brain has its heavenly and its
earthly region. One side looks up to God
the other looks down to this world of dead

matter. As we obey one or the other we go

up or down up toward God reaching heaven,
down toward matter and force toward
passion and sensuality selfishness
, and

wickedness, reaching hell the hell of a grovel-
ing beastly criminal nature, ready to destroy
happiness or lives and then turn the pistol
on his own brains and land in the hell of
remorse in the spirit world.

The lower brain is for the body the upper
brain for the soul. They in whom the upper

brain rules absolutely who never yield to
passion or selfishness or animalism, are of a
nature a kin to heaven, and are a blessing all
around them; as the other class are a curse.
Jesus Christ was the heavenly model of the
higher class, and the rich men of today whom
he excluded from heaven are often of the lower
class, and they create by oppression a sim-
ilar but worse lower class the
men whom
injustice oppression and suffering have made
miserable and desperate.
The following synopsis of brain science
has been demonstrated by experiment for
fifty years, and is as positive as anything \n

anatomy or physiology being based on the
anatomy of the brain. Without attempting
to give the whole science I present all those
qualities important in conjugal union.
If the head is divided by a horizontal line
from the middle of the forehead backward,
all above that line gives noble and amiable

qualities all below it gives animal force,
temper and selfishness. If divided by a verti-
cal line from the cavity of the ear upward,
all behind that line gives the strength and

activity which make success. The upper back
head gives moral energy, the lower back head
animal energy.
The frontal half of the head gives the intel-
lectual faculties and sensibilities, with the
amiable and yielding moral qualities.
The face gives at INT. intuitive and quick
perception of everything, including human

character. The upper part of the face gives
expression to all the amiable pleasing quali-
ties. It is marked SOC. social qualities.
The lower part of the face, ANT. indicates
antagonism, self-will and resentment. MEL.
indicates melancholy or disposition to look
on the unfavorable side of things in opposi-
tion to CHE. Cheerfulness, which makes a
gay happy nature. Physical warmth is indi-
cated by prominence of the chin. RESP.
Respiration, indicates activity of the lungs,
the lower part gives deep respiration and a

i Qogl far, Jose..

Ind.olence Ras.hness
Acq.aisitiveness Che.erfulness Rep.ose
Com.bativeness Int.uition
Adh.esiveness Rev.erence
Comb.ination Irr.itability
Ali.mentiveness Riv.alry
Am.ativeness Conscientious- Love
Mel.ancholy Sen.sibility
Ant.agonism ness
Mod.esty Social qualities
App.robativeness Dest.ructiveness S. Con. Self con-
Dig.nity Obs.ervation
Arr.ogance fidence
Business Ene.rgy Ora.tory
B.E.N. Understanding
Fir.mness Pat.ience
Har.mony Love of Vir.ility
Ben.evolence V.ital force
Ideality. Resp.iration
strong voice. AM. signifies Amativeness,
which is reinforced at VIR. Virility. ALL
signifies Alimentiveness or interest in eating
and if it is full, adjacent to the ear, a desire for
stimulants or drink. If flat or withered at
that spot it indicates temperance and inca-
pacity for stimulants.
In the temples, SEN. indicates sensibility
and delicacy. It makes the person sensitive
not only to language and manners, but to
weather, to pain and to everything that
affects comfort. Those in whom this is
detective, the temples being hollow, do not
take care of themselves but are liable to over-
work and exposure. When interested they
forget the body. MOD. is the region of mod-
esty and courteous deference to others. In
excess it makes bashfulness. IDE. Ideality is
the source of literary taste and general refine-
ment and love of beauty.
IMA. is the seat of Imagination and love
of the spiritual and marvelous. If large, with
broad temples it produces mediumship.
HAR. the seat of social harmony and an
obliging, polite disposition opposed to com-
bativeness COM.
Pleasantry gives humorous and pleasing
ideasjust above Und. (accidentally omitted
in the engraving.)
Tranquillity, opposed to Restlessness, is
indicated between Cautiousness and Love.
The intellect is in the forehead, but needs
to be supported by the energies of the upper
backhead, Self Confidence and Firmness.
UND. is the region of general understand-
ing and reasoning. OBS. of general observa-
tion and accuracy. A broad forehead gives
power in planning and scheming above, and

Invention below COMB. Language and
music are just behind the eye and eyebrow.
BEN. Benevolence is opposed to selfish
Acquisitiveness in the back head. The pos-
terior part of it serves a friend heartily, the
anterior part gives away freely. The central
part of the upper surface of the head, LOVE
makes a thoroughly lovely character. Who-
ever has that will be lovely as husband or
wife, and whoever is deficient in that will not
give a great deal of happiness in marriage
but maybe faithful to duties, if Conscientious-
ness (CON.) is large, whoever has large Love
and Conscientiousness will make a happy
home. The whole central space is marked
LOVE. It includes Hope and Religion which

are nearly the same one means Hopeful love
and the other Reverential love.
Serenity and mildness of temper is due to
Patience PAT. which is opposed toIrrita-
bility IRR. The latter is the chief source of
petty quarrels and fretfulness or anger and

alienation of feeling a very dangerous ele-
ment in marriage. Patience and Firmness
should be higher on the outline of the head.
DEST. Destructiveness, running from Irrita-
bility around and below the ear, seldom
does much harm in a woman, though it gives
her a full supply of temper and force, but in
men it runs to anger, violence and lawless
profligacy if not controlled by the Love
COM. Combativeness, makes one face op-
position contend for his rights and become
quarrelsome and stubborn, unless controlled
b}^ Harmony. In women it makes them good
scolds, and firm in maintaining: their rights.
ADH. Adhesiveness (located a trifle too
low) gives a fondness for society and attrac-
tive manners, without which we get tired of
ACQ. Acquisitiveness makes a selfish grasp-
ing nature and when that region is large it
brings in the deceit and jealousy of Secretive-
ness, which is just a little below it, and runs

into Rivalry, RIV. a spirit of competition
to surpass others, with an inclination to
gambling. Jealousy and Acquisitiveness spoil
many men for husbands. They are exacting,
jealous and stingy.
Cautiousness CAUT. is a cool steady qual-
ity necessary to success opposed to the Rash-
ness and Carelessness indicated on the neck
Arrogance ARR, is inclined to be rude and
overbearing, unless checked by Modesty.
Love of Power POW. gives great force and
ambition. Business Energy B.E.N, is intenseh7
practical fit for any business and with self-
reliance will push on to success.
Approbativeness APP. (wr hich should be
located a little higher) gives pleasing winning
manners and promotes social harmon}\ It
is stronger in women than men and so is
Oratory ORA. is active and impressive,
showing off our ideas and illustrating them
DIG. Dignity or self-respect is not the
source of conceit but maintains dignity and
seeks to be honorable.
Firmness FIR. is the most powerful of all
the faculties, carries us through what we
undertake, and is not afraid of danger.
Energy, (ENE.) gives incessant industry
and efficiency, and if not balanced by Indo-
lence (IND.) is liabk to overwork. Cheerful-
ness (CHE.) is important in both sexes to
hold up under misfortune and makes their
company always pleasant. But when Cheer-
fnlness is low, the head sloping down from
Firmness like a steep roof, and Melancholy
MEL. making wide jaws, life is very gloomy,
and such people are oppressive company.
Finally Conscientiousness CON. does every-
thing honestly and industriously, pays debts,
is grateful for favors and leads a godly life.
And now, dear reader, if you have secured a
a wife according to these rules, you have a
treasure and a treasury that you must fill.
Love her with all your might and she will
give you compound interest on your whole
investment. Never say a word that could
possibly hurt her feelings; keep to yourself all
such thoughts. Don't find fault, for that
only injures your investment. There are
ways to overcome all faults without scolding
or grumbling, which only do harm and

when she is bearing children be doubly at-

tentive and w atchful if you would not be dis-

appointed in your children. Court her still

as you did to win her.
I can give you a wonderful secret that will
make good children if j^our are kind to their
mother. Place the top of your head in which
all your good qualities lie against the front
of her womb. It will quiet the fetus, make a
lovely child and a successful deliver}' in child-
birth. This secret is worth millions to pos

terity and I must not conceal it a salvation
to women and children if repeated. Kneel be-
fore your wife as she sits, while giving this
blessing. If you are not willing to do this
you are not fit to have a wife.
After due attention to periodicity aad to
the development of the brain, there is another
113 j&
important matter too often overlooked the
law of heredity. What is in the parents is
sure to appear in the offspring though it may
be difficult to tell which parent will have the
greatest influence. There was a striking il-
lustration in France which is authentic, in
the family ot a farmer named Etampes. The
man hanged himself without apparent cause,

leaving seven sons and five daughters ten of
the eleven hanged themselves, after marrying
and begetting children, and all of these chil-
dren have hanged themselves. But there was
one survivor, a son sixty-eight years old,
when the case was reported by Prof. Brouar-
del. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Paris.
All qualities and character are liable to this
transmission and most likely to reappear at
the same age. But prenatal impressions come
in to produce strange results sometimes.
In reference to a man I would study his
treatment of his mother and his sisters. If
faulty in that he is not a desirable husband.
The girl who has neglected or disregarded a
mother, and whom her companions do not
love has not the best qualifications for a
wife. These things may be beyond the reach
ot the enquirer but they are not beyond the
reach of Psychometry. The students of the
Manual of Ps3 chometry have a sure protec-

There are many other valuable truths which
are still undiscovered in science which
I would to give the world if it were suffi-
ciently civilized to appreciate a true teacher
and receive knowledge which is foreign to its
habits and prejudices. But the more import-
ant a truth may be the more dangerous it is
to give it out prematurely, as was realized by
Socrates, Jesus Christ, Hypatia, Joan of Arc,
Bruno and Servetus. But I may speak to fu-
ture ages. "Primitive Christianity " is as
much as the most enlightened can receive at


Decisive experience of a lady, a gentlcmau and
Napoleon Bonapartk.
(With a final lesson.)

The reader cannot realize the truth of peri-

odicitv as I do after observing hundreds of
verifications which I have left unrecorded.
At present I can only give him a very recent
sample which I recollect.
a lady of superior intel-
It is the case of E.,
ligence, who saw
the great importance of pe-
riodicity as soon as I applied it to her life ex-
She was born of very mature parents one
43, the other 37 years, older than herself, con-
sequently endowed with a very strong vital-
ity, as the periodic law shows. Hence she
has been awoman of heroie energy, triumph-
ing and vsurviving under conditions which
would have been fatal to 999 in a thousand.
In her Monday and Tuesday period, (9 to
15) her school girl days, she led. No boy or
girl could outrun her. In her studies she wr as
at the head of her classes. Her mind was
quick and intuitive; her spirit utterly fear-
less. She has been shot at without a tremor

a stranger to fear has faced hostile In-
dians and defied their attacks, and has al-
ways felt a consciousness of latent powers
which justified a high ambition. She desired
to enter a professional career, in which she
would have been distinguished. But her stars
were not propitious, for the narrow preju-
dices of family and friends terribly held her
back and her unselfish nature yielded to
friends, as thousands of noble women have
under the rules falsely ascribed to St. Paul,
been held down in obscurity. With a less am-
iable nature she would have won distinction.
This might have been overcome in time
when thrown upon her own resources, but
she inherited a disease of the nervous system
which the clumsy system of medicine eould
never eradicate, and made her sensitive to all
causes of disease, so that her life has been a
struggle with physical suffering and calamity
through which her vital force and energy sus-
tain her wonderfully.
In the first seven years of her life her ill
health was continuous, but more marked in
sixth year.
From 7 to 14 (Monday period) she was re-
markably vigorous and active, excelling all
her schoolmates, but had a sick spell in her
13th or Friday year.
An attack of measles occured in her unlucky
13th year (1855) and in hei 20th or Friday
year she had a sharp attack of pneumonia
and bronchitis brought on by her benevolence
in nursing a sister and the exposure of travel.
But she was very vigorous and bright be-
tween 14 and 21, the Tuesday period.
From 21 to 28, the Wednesday period of
strong action, she began favorably in the
Monday year by a marriage which proved a
happy and satisfactory union, blessed with a
good son. But in the sixth or Friday year,
at 27, came the death of her beloved hus-
band with fraud on his estate, and the strug-
gle of self-maintenance in which her energy
soon won success in the 29th, 30th and 31st
years. This was the Thursday period, 28 to \

35, and the last years were bound to be un-

favorable, from 32 to 35. Financial loss

came on severely in the 32d year, 1876, the
effect of which continued on through the
Thursday and the Friday period (1877-1884).
At the same time, in her Thursday period,
1876, (the Friday year) brought on a sever?
attack of pneumonia, in her Friday month,
July. The evils developed in the Thursday
period made the whole Friday period ex-
tremely unfortunate. In 1881-2-3-4 then in
39th, 40th and 41st years, there were contin-
ued misfortunes culminating in the 41st year.
An attack of inflammatory rheumatism
which came on in her Friday month, July
1882, made her helpless for six months, un-
able to move lor four months, and she thinks
she has never completely recovered from its
effects. Her friends had no expectation of

her recovery in her central Friday } ear.

In 1883 and '84 she was a complete wreck

from this attack and domestic trouble, the
severest calamity of her life coming on in her
Friday year and Friday month, the effects
lasting through the first year of the Saturday
period, in a pulmonary affection supposed to
be running into consumption, but ending in
Monday year of the Saturday period chang-
into a local tumor which her constitution
overcame in 1887 to '88.
Her second son was born in November, a
month congenial to her own and was of a
very congenial nature, and her first son, born
in March, which was her vigorous period of
vitality, was a strong, active character, as
well as congenial, according to his date.
In her Saturday period, 42d to 49th year,
she had no serious trouble, but gradual itru

provement. In the and winter of 1889

and months she made two
'90, in favorable
public addresses which gained her her reputa-
tion as a speaker, but on the other hand in
her unfavorable 34th year she made a very
impressive public address July 4th, 1876,
which she would not have done if she had
known anything of periodicity, and in conse-
quence fell into typhoid pneumonia in ten days
afterward, from which she did not recover

until the ensuing fall though not a com-
plete recovery then.
She remembered generally that all her ser-
ious attacks came on in the Friday time
June or July, and her recovering in the fall
and winter, which are her favorable months.
She was generally well in the winter. Being
born in October, she does not suffer from au-
tumnal malarial fevers, to which my birth
date makes me liable. I have suffered much
from autumnal malaria in late years and in
my first experience of malaria in intermittent
fever in my sixth year I became delirious.
Autumnal malaria comes in an unfavorable
time for those born in midwinter, and the
spring snows and thaws are unfavorable to
those born at the end of winter. If born in
March it will be well for you to seek a cli-
mate where the snows will not disturb you.
From 1884 to 1891, having passed through
her Friday period, she had no serious trouble,
but gradual improvement, and increase of
reputation, but in 1890, the sixth year of the
Saturday period, she suffered much from a
tumor which seemed to require a very expen-
sive and dangerous surgical operation, but.
with her own intuitive skill and spiritual co-
operation she recovered without the sur-
geon's knife.
In 1891 she entered her second cycle, a time
for change and progress in a new direction-
its Sunday period lasting to Oct., '96 and
with prudence might have fully recovered,
but misled by her heroic benevolence at a
time which required great care to recover, she
did not protect herself. She rested in her
50th year, beginning the second cycle prop-
erly; but in her 51st year she devoted about
six months to nursing with a zeal and devo-
tion which was far beyond her strength and
was quite exhausted vitally, requiring the
whole of the remaining Sunday period to re-
cover from her rashness.
But in the July month she married and im-
mediately realized nervous depression and
suffering which gradually diminished, but she
has had no happy time in July. Learning
something of the periodic law, she retired to
a summer resort camp, meeting some congen-
ial friends and experiencing some pleasure.
But her experience of law shows her that she
still has trouble before her, but that she may
expect success at the end of the century,
1898-99, and 1900 when the advanced condi-
tion of the second cycle will be realized.
Her personal experience has made the peri-
odic law very impressive to her. In '96 she
was induced against her own judgment to
engage in an enterprise in the summer, which
wr as developed in July as very unfortunate.
She is very fond of children and has ob-
served that the sixth month as a general rule
brings on teething, feverishness, nervousness,
cough, often followed by bowel troubles. The
thirteenth month, beginning the second year
is often unfavorable with such diseases as be-
long to the season, though the strength of
the constitution generally resists. In girls
she has noticed a sick spell about the thir-
teenth vear, and that her first son had a
sick spell of fever near the end of his thir-
teenth year and again near the end of his
twentieth year with a financial loss of $800.
Again in his 27 year near its close he was dis-
appointed in securing a good business and
competence. Thus he realized the unfavor-
able influencee of his 13th, 20th and 27th
years, which he might have guarded against
if he had known the periodic law.
I once had an opportunity to warn a friend
against a periodic danger. After telling him
of his periodic fate up to ;iat time the gentle-

man, (Prof. L.), a highly intellectual gentle-

man, was so impressed with the truth of the
law, that he asked my adviee in reference to
a coarse of travel he was about to begin. I
showed him that it would result in an un-
fortunate failure, as it was then a very evil
period, and he gave it up.
Aside from the law of periodicity I was sure
from rny knowledge of his plan that it would
prove disastrous, though he did not perceive
it. Men are liable in their evil periods to lail
in their judgment and engage in ill advised or
impractible schemes. I can see in my own
life serious mistakes in my unfavorable
years which 1 have not detailed arising
from practical errors. The evil year brings
impaired judgment.
The knowledge of periodic law would have
saved E. from many a severe calamity, and
she keenly realizes it now.
I can add to her's an equally impressive
case of a truly good man, Mr. A., whose
whole life has been a series of mistakes in his
Friday years.
With talent, energv and virtue, he would
have been an admired and beloved millionaire
if he had been warned by periodicity or as-
trology against his Friday years, and now he
knows it and wishes me to record his expe-
rience for the benefit of humanity.
Born March 4, 1815, his evil years came on
in 1821, 1828, 1835, 1842, 1849,1856,1863,
1870, 1877, 1884, 1891 and 1898, and they
allproved unfavorable.
He recollects nothing of his sixth year, but
suffering from a severe boil nor has he much

recollection of his 13th year, 1828. But in

his 20th year, 1835, he made the mistake of
his life, as he now, sees it. He was pre-emi-
nently qualified by nature for a physician,
and even now is full of medical ideas, but
though his friends tried to make him a doctor
he ran off and went to a trade, in which his
talents made him successful in a few years.
But instead of adhering to his place, he made
a change in his 27th year and in his 34th, a
very evil year, he made perhaps his worst
mistake in giving up a good and profitable
marriage, droping his business, and coming
to California, from New York, where he had
wealthy friends, which he thinks now a great
mistake. A good wife would have made him
happy and saved him wealth.
The California location was of course dis-
astrous in his 41st year. He failed in busi-
ness and lost everything, though his services
would command three or four thousand dol-
lars a year. His 48th year brought him loss
in partnerships, which he knows were all mis-
takes, and in bank deposits, and he suffered
from partnerships in his 55th year, 1870.
But now in his second cycle, the severe cal-
amities have ceased, yet in his G2d year, 1877,
he was
salivated. After his 58th year he had
no serious trouble, and his health improved,
but the time for fortune had passed, and he is
now nearing his end humbly, though con-
tented in mind, and is ready to see a better
world. He recollects no serious troubles ex-
cept in his Friday years, and sees how the
warnings of periodicity would have saved
him. seems that judgment becomes less
reliable in our Friday years. May such ex-
perience prove profitable to others.

Many an illustration of periodicity might
be found in biography and history, but while
finishing this little booklet, uncertain how
soon the pen may drop from my hand, I am
unable to make the research.
But I must select one famous example, in
the life of that imperial scoundrel, Napoleon
Bonapirte, whose crimes have debauched the
world's conscience so completely that he still
receives a tribute of admiration.
He passed through his evil periods utterly
unconscious of the law he was fulfilling, and
all nations have done the same without warn-
ing heretofore.
In evil periods men seem to rush on to their
fate by the mental obscuration that belongs
to darker periods, and it seems to have been
so with myself.
Shall it always be so ? I trust not, for the
divine light of Christianity, which is the light
of Heaven, will penetrate the dark twilight
of the obscurities of life, and the law of peri-
odicity will mark the dangers in our path.
Napoleon was born August 15, 1769, and
there is a singular harmony in consequence
between his periodicity and that of the Amer-
ican Republic, seven years younger, one in
July, the other in August. Both were des-
tined to disturb and break the Holy Alliances
of consolidated despotisms, and both came to
grief in similar periods (he seven years earlier.)
1811-18 for the United States in an unsatis-
factory war with England, which we wisely
dropped, while we were protected by the gi-
ant power of Napoleon in conflct with Eng-
land, and 1804-11, for Napoleon, when he
started his fatal policy which we assisted by ;

fighting England.
1816 was a disastrous year for the United
States and I have already said that accord-
ing the law, our war would have been far
more disastrous if prolonged into 1816, with-
out thinking how periodicity would have
been fulfilled but looking to Napoleon we see

that he too was on his downward career and

held England in check, beginning in 1812 his
insane war with Russia, fighting England in
Spain and the allies in France, going down
in 1814 and '15, when England might have
turned upon the United States, but in 1815
the sinking giant rose again and occupied
England's hosts until summer, protecting the
United States. But in December, 1814, the
United States, guided by Henry Clay, had
concluded a not very glorious treaty, (saying
nothing about imprisonment of American
sailors), and Jackson's victory at New Or-
leans two weeks later, gave us some consola-
tion but if the war had continued to 1816

with the unembarrassed power of England it

would have been terribly disastrous to the
United States, from which we may learn that
when we are running down in our Friday
periods and contests, it is well to have a wise
friend like Clay to lead us into the path of
peace and safety.
Returning to Napoleon, we find his good
periods of development and education run-
ning as follows:
Sunday to August 15, 1776.
Monday to August 15, 1783.
Tuesday to August 15, 1790.
Wednesday to August 15, 1797.
His evil periods were:
Thursday to August 15, 1804.
Friday to August 15, 1811.
Saturday to August 15, 1818.
Sunday three years to 1821.
As the Wednesday passes away the life
struggle begins that exhausts and ends in
death. I have not time to study Napoleon's
first three periods of growth which made him
a great man. The decadent periods of crime
and desperation were Thursday 1797 to 1804,
Friday 1804 to 1811, Saturday 1811 to 1818.
did they develope as in Napoleon, and
so in similar characters.
The turn of the tide comes in Wednesday
1790 to '97 when he entered his blood}- ca-
reer. In December '93 he captured Toulon.
In 1895 thinking of enlisting with the Sultan
of Turkey, he slaughtered the National Guard .v-

in Paris by cannonade, and was made com-

mander of the army and in March '96 (evil

year 27th) marched to Italy, and in the same

month married Josephine a marriage that
came to misfortune.
May and June were his evil months, March
and April not propitious. Josephine was six
years and fifty-three days his senior, which
established discord between them placing her
in his unfavorable month June and insuring
much dissatisfaction on her part in personal
intercourse, and insuring that he would be
fascinated at first sight, being almost in a
Sunday relation to her. I do not need to read
any memoirs to realize the many petty irrita-
tions that must have arisen which his impe-
rious temper would not tolerate, though he
must have admired and loved her. She eould
not be entirely happy in such a relation, not-
withstanding it promised much love and
he must have realized a lack of harmony.
He was too selfish to be faithful which she
would feel, aud she must have found persons
more agreeable in manners than her husband.
Look into her history, and I am sure this will
be verified. As to her months, Murat was
better suited to her than Napoleon and so
were all oi Napoleon's brothers, except Louis
(Sept. 2, 1778) who was exactly fitted to be
devoted to Napoleon wr hich he was but had
moral principle enough to try to do his duty.
Joseph, Lucien and Louis all had principle
enough to object to the criminal career of
Napoleon, who was the black sheep of a good
family. Joseph and Lucien had dates discord-
ant with Napoleon's and Lucien quarrelled
with his policy and broke off, starting for
America 1810.
The marriage to Josephine was dissolved in
its unlucky 13th year.
His campaign of lawless brigandage went on
grandly and dishonorably in Italy, in his evil
year 1796, and in his better year 1797 and in
his good mouth, October, Austria yielded to
his prowess.
In June 1798, the evil month ol his first
Thursday year, he went to Egypt, which
might be called a piece of land piracy, and
made himself master, but left an infamous
history. Disaster followed. Nelson destroyed
his fleet, convulsions and massacres followed
in Cairo, and he marched across the Syrian
desert to attack Jaffa and Acre, where he was
defeated and had to return in Cairo in his
evil month June 14.

In his better month August he returned to

Paris and became first Consul, actually em-
peror. In 1800 ( Tuesday year of Thursday
period) he displayed administrative vigor
and success, made a successful campaign and
peace with Austria, Feb. 9, 1806, and in the
same year with Pope Pius, and a treaty of
peace with England, March 1802.
He established a system of government for
France, entirely despotic, aiming chiefly at
military success.
His Italian polic}- irritated the English
government and in the Friday year of his
Thursday period 1803, and his evil month
May 18, England declared war. It was not
necessary that this evil period should involve
him in war, but his own defiance of fate and
of all moral law made his evil periods ter-

Losing sound judgment at this evil time, he

thought of invading England, and expected
to be received as a liberator. The evil pas-
sions almost blind the judgement. At this

time Cadoudal and others were conspiring

against his life which alarmed him so as to
result in the murder of Duke d'Enghein, and
in May r (unlucky month) he crowned himself
Emperor of France and King of Italy.
The assumption as King of Italy and Em-
peror in this unfortunate year (Friday of
Thursday next to worst being the 34th
paving the way to his 41st year) alarmed all
Europe and in 1805 (the second year of his
Friday period, a coalition was formed against
him by England, Russia, Austria and Sweden
and a sensible monarch would have sued for
peace, but war began in September 1805.
This was the beginning of his destruction and
would have been w orse if begun in June. But

at Austerlitz he won a complete victory for

1805 and 1806 were the best years of his
Friday period, and in Feb. 1806 Naples was
conquered and in June Louis his brother made
King of Holland and in October his good
month 1806 he defeated Prussia and Austria
and entered Berlin, and in November started
his mad campaign against British commerce
by the famous Berlin and Milan decrees, com-
manding Europe to obey him, which were
ultimate failures and did more than any-
thing else to bring on his destruction. In
July 1807 he got Russia to submit to his
crazy commercial war against England, then
made further encroachments on the rights of
the people and began war with Portugal to
enforce his commercial war against Fngland.
in 1808 he seized the royal family of Spain
and made his brother Joseph KingofSpuin,
his brother Jerome becoming King of West-
phalia, and swept through Spain successfully
with 100,000 soldiers, and in 1809 he again
subdued Austria, in his lucky month October.
To a superficial observer he was in the flood-
tide of fortune though he was really treading
on the quicksands ot ruin. Friday bedevil-
ment must be paid for terribly. Many a
knave has been considered successful when he
has put $100,000 in bank, but has only
damned his own soul.
In gigantic and desperate movements
all his
since 1803 he was only rushing spasmodic-
ally and insanely to ruin, for love is life and
hate is death. He was driven out of Spain
across the Pyrennees, and soon defeated
General Jackson and Abraham Lincoln were
wiser than Napoleon. They were not scour-
ges but patriots. In their 40th and 41st
years, instead of stirring storms and shedding
blood they were avoiding rashness, living
comparatively quiet and modest lives.
Neither had any success or prominence in
their Friday period. Jackson farmed and
traded, lost money ana was wounded in a
duel which did him no credit.
In Napoleon's eight years ot criminal folly
came forth his crazy decrees, all in his evil
years; beginning Nov. 1806, repeated Nov.
1807, Dec. 1807 and January 1808, and Aug.,

Sept., Oct. 1810, all unexampled in folly the
last commanding the burning of all English
goods in every country he could control.
This was a fatal period (1810 the fatal year)
and roused the hatred of Europe, ruining
commerce by blockading decrees. Providence
passed sentence then by universal law, and
1811 to 1818 w as the time of its execution.

In Dec. 1809 he divorced Josephine and his

desperate struggles to enforce his commercial
war on all Europe brought their natural con-
summation in 1812 in his insane war on

Russia ( toenfoice his decrees of 1806 10)
a war declared in his unlucky month, May,
Terribly and horribly defeated there, he
assailed Germany in 1813. Defeated by the
allies, he tried to drive them out of France,
but was conquered and sent to Elba 1814
in his fatal month of May, the third year of

Saturday the fourth year ending his career
as a prisoner instead of being hung like
minor criminals.
But his war with England in those years
was o r great assistance to the United States
which it was his periodic destiny to help and
the destiny of the United States to help him.
Blind to his real condition he rose again
in March 1815, widely detested and met his
fate at Waterloo, abdicating in his fatal
month June, surrendering to England in July
and imprisond at St. Helena, dying in his
evil month May 5, 1821, going to a world
not entirely congenial to his nature.
His surrender was in the 4th year ol his
Saturday period and his death in the third
year of his second cycle in the Sunday period,
the death was a good event for him giving
him centuries to reform.
He was crushed and put finally to rest in
the fourth year of his Saturday period, but it
was predetermined by the insanities of his
Friday period which came to their maximum
in 1810 the Friday of Friday. What followed
after that was beneficial to him and to the
world. His Friday insanity was too intense
to be conquered by one defeat, and his seventy-
five years in the higher world have not yet
restored his moral equilibrium.

If we rebel against Providence we learn
nothing and continue ignorant. But when
evils come it is our duty to seek ttn cause in
ourselves in our good and bad qualities.
Reform yourself before you try to reform the
It is evident that if you had been good, wise
and great, you would have conquered evils
and gained success. Ii you have not done
this study your iailures and mistakes, and
see wherein you are below the highest stand-
ard and resolve to do better.


To this advice I would add my best gift as
a friend to every reader.
Love is the secret of life true life happy
life successful life. carry you high
It will
above misfortune and land you in heaven.
Find what you can love, and love it with all
your might. The more love you have, the
more happiness, the more health and the
more success you will have. Life will be joy-
ful and friends near you.
Young man love your wife, body and soul,
with overflowing love and fidelity. Young

woman love your husband but choose him

We must begin by loving mother and
father, and if your soul is large enough to
love God from whom all blessings come and
if you can love Jesus Christ, who is the
world's example oi a perfect life and tr\ to

imitate him, your prosperity is assured, and

your evil periods may be conquered if you do
your best, and in the land of the blessed you
will remember with gratitude the counsel of
voiir friend The Author.

Periodicity compared to Astrology.

Prof. Cameron, who is one of the best
astrologers in the United States, has made
the following statement
Having studied theindications of periodi-
city throughout myaccording to the

doctrines of Prof. Buchanan it seems to me'

that as far as I can recollect they have been
entirely true. had known this science
If I
in my youth would have saved me from
great mistakes and financial losses. For the
last thirteen years I have been a student of
Astrology, which also shows where I had
made mistakes and seems to confirm the new
Science of Periodicity from the beginning to
the end. A. E. Cameron.




covered and named by Dr. Buchanan in 1842, has been
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When a sufficient number of subscribers shall be ob-
tained it will be republished by E. S. BUCHANAN, SAN
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pared if the life of the author can be prolonged.

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