The Magic Powers of Ancient Egypt
The Magic Powers of Ancient Egypt
The Magic Powers of Ancient Egypt
However, despite these evident relations, a
question arises as to what
exactly Bretons attitude toward Egypt was. When
Henein presented the
Dada/Surrealism No.19 (2013)
first reports of surrealism in a 1937 radio lecture,
he pointed out a basic
relation between Egypt and surrealism as lying in
the interest in the
occult, saying that les surralistes ne ddaignent
pas non plus ltude
des superstitions orientales, de loccultisme et
affectionnent la plupart des
troubles mentaux (OEuvres 372) (the surrealists
have no objection to the
study of Oriental superstitions or of the Occult and
they find most mental
disorders quite appealing). According to Patrick
Lepetit, surrealism
played magic against religion, and consequently
occultism against religion:
Contre le religieux, en consquence, les
surralistes ont privilgi une autre
forme de pense magique, source de ce que
Sarane Alexandrian nomme,
aprs Cornlius Agrippa, la philosophie occulte
(17). (Consequently, the
surrealists privileged against religion another form
of retrieving certain
lost traditional powers, through intrigues and
characters. The question is
inscribed in the title: Who is the best person you
can rely on? or How to
knock on the right door? In other words Who
should be trusted in, and
considered as a guide? Who is a wizard and who is
not a real magus?
The texts we will analyse here have been read as a
kind of parable
of encounters with surrealism. In some of Heneins
works, in which a
master takes responsibility for a novice, an
invisible world seems to draw
closer to the reader and to the character, but the
experience often proves
disappointing. And the imposture of (false) magic
appears in an obvious way.
Having unwittingly come into contact with a group
known as Hypothses
(Hypotheses), the narrator of Les Bonnes
Adresses meets Herminia. She
gives him the initiation kiss, but he appreciates
that kiss more for its erotic
than for its esoteric value. Herminia entrusts him to
an instructor, a chemist
by profession. The instructor disappears, with the
excuse of his departure to
the Grande Fort (Great Forest). In other words,
he transgresses la limite
de tout enseignement (OEuvres 220) (the limits
of any form of teaching).
The magic seems to be powerless. The instructor
pretends to prepare some
poudre de brouillard (fog powder), and the
alchemical quest is presented
here as a joke. But at the same time, fog is a trick
in order to escape from
finite things, linked to the excess of precision
required by modern life. The
instructor is unable to help the narrator find a way
to alter his destiny. The
best he can hope for is to find consolation in an
ordinary love--affair. Profane
love becomes a substitute for a quest for the
Absolute. In other words, for
the uniniated, an insincere performance of magic
rituals underlines their
Dada/Surrealism No.19 (2013)
inoperative or doubtful nature. In this tale, the
reference to Gurdjieff is
significant. When Les Bonnes Adresses was first
published in 1956,
however, Georges Henein was already far removed
from surrealism, notably
because the group, founded by medical students
like Breton and Aragon and
keen on hypotheses and experiments, was
de la Pliade.
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Gharieb Samir. Surrealism in Egypt and Plastic Arts.
Cairo: Ministry of Culture,
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Henein, Georges, ed. Encore lInconnu. Cairo: n.p.,
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. LEsprit frappeur: Carnets 1940/1970. Paris:
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Kober, Marc. Le Dmon de la perversit: A propos
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