Lesbian Pamphlet
Lesbian Pamphlet
Lesbian Pamphlet
2000 M Street NW
Suite 750
Washington, D.C. 20036 USA
How Do
Do II Know
ifif Im
Im Lesbian?
What Does
Does ItIt Mean
to Be
Be Lesbian?
esbians are women who love women. Lesbians are sexually attracted to
other women and their sexual feelings toward other women are normal and
natural for them. Lesbians say they feel emotionally and spiritually closer to
women and prefer intimate relationships with women. Experts estimate than
about one out of 10 people may be lesbian or gay, and many historically famous
women were lesbians. Lesbians include teachers, doctors, lawyers, factory
workers, police officers, politicians, ministers, movie stars, artists, mothers, nuns,
truck drivers, models, and novelists. Lesbians are white, black, Asian, Hispanic,
and Native American. They may be Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, or Buddhist.
Lesbians may be rich, poor, working class, or middle class, young or old. Some
lesbians are in heterosexual marriages. Some lesbians are disabled.
You may also feel confused or unsure about whether or not you're a lesbian.
You may feel confused because you're attracted to both men and women, and
that's okay. Some women have relationships with both men and women
throughout their lives. Some women eventually decide to be exclusively lesbian
or exclusively heterosexual. Sexuality usually develops over time, so don't
worry if you aren't sure.
What Is It Like to be
Young and Lesbian?
Am II Normal?
People tend to focus on the sex
part of homosexuality ... that s
what they picture. They don t
understand that there is love
involved, too. Whoever you fall in
love with, that is normal sexuality.
Normal is in the eye of the
es, you are normal. Many people are lesbian. Many experts agree that a
person's sexual orientation is determined at a young age, even as early as
birth. It's normal and healthy to be yourself, whether you're gay or
straight. What's really important is learning to like yourself.
What about
about HIV/AIDS?
My principle is, if
you re not ready to
talk about safer sex
with your partner,
then you re probably
not ready to have sex.
It s imperative to
know the risks you
may be encountering.
Annie, Minnesota, age 17
veryone should know about HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, how it's
transmitted, and how to prevent infection. You and your partner should
discuss your risk factors and hers for HIV infection and decide what safer
sex methods to use. Lesbians who are at risk are those who:
Share needles if using injection drugs
Have vaginal intercourse with men without using condoms (Remember that
it's fairly common for young lesbians to have sexual contact with men at
least occasionally.)
Have oral sex with an infected woman without using barrier protection.
Heres how to reduce your risk of HIV infection and other STDs.
1. Do not shoot up drugs. Sharing needles is the most dangerous behavior for
putting you at risk of HIV infection.
2. Communicate with your partner. You do not have to have sex.
3. Choose activities other than sex to show affection: hugging, kissing, talking,
4. Use a dental dam or other latex barrier for oral intercourse. A dental dam is
a square piece of latex about five inches on each side, designed for use in
dental surgery, and available at dental and medical supply stores. A latex
condom, cut down the middle, or plastic wrap can also be effective.
5. Use a latex barrier like surgical gloves when stimulating a partner with your
fingers, especially if you have even the smallest cut or rash on your hands.
6. Always use a condom if you have sexual intercourse with a man.
How Do
Do II Learn
To Like
Like Myself?
veryone needs to feel good about him/herself. All people are valuable.
Developing self-esteem is very important for young people, and it can be
difficult for gay and lesbian youth to feel good about themselves when
many people around them believe that lesbians and gays are sick or perverted
or destined to live unhappy lives. Feeling like you have to hide who you really
are could make you feel like hurting yourself, taking senseless risks, using
alcohol or other drugs, or attempting suicide. You may feel isolated, fearful, and
depressed, especially if youve had no one to talk to about being lesbian. But,
more and more young lesbians are learning to like themselves.
You can find help by reading good books by and about lesbians - books with
accurate information about lesbians who are leading fulfilling lives. Meeting
other lesbians helps, too, because then you discover that lesbians are as
diverse as any other group of people and that society is full of misinformation
about lesbians. You can say to yourself every day, "I'm a lesbian and I'm okay."
Find someone to talk to who also believes that lesbians are okay. Check out
Advocates for Youths web sites, www.youthresource.com and
www.ambientejoven.org. These web sites are developed by and for young
lesbian and gay people. Over 15,000 young gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
transgender youth visit the sites each month; many visit repeatedly. You will
find a community of support. Remember that it's normal and natural to be
lesbian, just like it's normal and natural to be heterosexual.
Whom Should
Should II Tell?
How Can
Can II Find
Other Women
Women Like
Like Me?
Coming out is the process of accepting yourself as a lesbian and figuring out
how open you want to be about your sexual orientation. A lot of people dont
understand about lesbians, and it may be hard to know who will listen and be
supportive. Some friends will accept you. Others may turn away from you or
tell other people without your permission. Telling family can sometimes be
difficult. Some families are highly supportive, and some are not. Start slow.
Chose a friend your own age, a sibling, parent, or other adult, such as a
guidance counselor, social worker in your school or in a local counseling or
youth-serving agency. It's important to talk with someone you can trust because
it's not normal or healthy for young people to have to keep secret such an
important part of their lives.