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Faculty of Business and Law

MPM701 Business Process Management

Deakin University Unit Guide
Trimester 1, 2015

WELCOME ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
CONTACT DETAILS .........................................................................................................................................
Unit chair ..................................................................................................................................................
Unit chair details ......................................................................................................................................
Other staff .................................................................................................................................................
Administrative queries ..............................................................................................................................
YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES AS A STUDENT IN THIS UNIT ..............................................


IMPROVEMENTS IN RESPONSE TO STUDENT FEEDBACK .................................................................... 3

PART 1: UNIT OVERVIEW ..............................................................................................................................
Unit code ...................................................................................................................................................
Unit title ....................................................................................................................................................
Contact hours ...........................................................................................................................................
Study commitment ....................................................................................................................................
Unit prerequisite(s) ..................................................................................................................................
Unit corequisite(s) ....................................................................................................................................
Unit incompatible(s) .................................................................................................................................
DESCRIPTION OF UNIT .................................................................................................................................


ACADEMIC CALENDAR .................................................................................................................................. 4

UNIT TIMELINES ............................................................................................................................................ 4
UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES ....................................................................................................................... 5
UNIT LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................................ 6
UNIT ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Hurdle requirements ................................................................................................................................ 6
Summative assessment ............................................................................................................................. 7
- Summative assessment task 1 ................................................................................................................ 7
- Summative assessment task 2 ................................................................................................................ 7
- Summative assessment task 3 ................................................................................................................ 8
Note .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Assignment submission ............................................................................................................................. 9
UNIT LEARNING RESOURCES ...................................................................................................................... 9
Essential learning resources ..................................................................................................................... 9
Recommended learning resources ......................................................................................................... 10
PART 2: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LEARNING AT DEAKIN ............................................... 10
ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................................. 10
STUDY SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................................... 11
RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................................... 12
OTHER INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................ 12

29 January 2015

Deakin University, Faculty of Business and Law

MPM701 Business Process Management - Trimester 1, 2015
Welcome to the unit MPM701 Business Process Management. I hope that you will find this unit both
intellectually stimulating and relevant to your studies in your current course and your future directions as a
Deakin graduate.
You may need to contact me at some stage during this trimester. Most communication will be via the
discussion boards on CloudDeakin. But for personal matters or in an emergency, you may need to contact me
directly; my contact details are below. If I am not in my office when you call, email me and I will respond as
soon as possible.

Unit chair
J Chamberlain (Trimester 1), D Fan (Trimester 3)

Unit chair details

Unit Chair Name Dr Jeff Chamberlain
School Deakin Business School
Faculty Business and Law
Campus Melbourne Burwood Campus
Email jeff.chamberlain@deakin.edu.au
Phone +61 (03) 9244 5026

Other staff
Teaching staff will introduce themselves in their respective seminars.

Administrative queries
Queries relating to administrative matters should be addressed to a Faculty Student Adviser, staff at the
Faculty Campus Office, Student Administration Group Manager or the Faculty General Manager. Enquiries
can be made via email to:
Undergraduate Students:

enqblm@deakin.edu.au (Burwood)
enqblg@deakin.edu.au (Geelong)
enqblw@deakin.edu.au (Warrnambool)

Postgraduate Students:

postgrad-students@deakin.edu.au (for all postgraduate students)


As a student of Deakin University, you have rights in relation to your study in this unit for example the right

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MPM701 Business Process Management - Trimester 1, 2015
to be respected, stimulated, challenged and valued as an individual, to be taught by competent, motivating and
accessible teachers who provide timely and thoughtful feedback to you on your work, and to have access to
review and appeal processes in relation to your studies.
Importantly, you also have responsibilities as a member of the University community for example, to accept
and act on advice and feedback on your academic performance, to participate constructively in learning in
class and online, and to treat staff and other students with respect and courtesy.
For more information about your rights and your obligations to other students and staff while studying this
unit, go to http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/enrolment-fees-money/rights-and-responsibilities.


Towards the end of the teaching period you will be emailed a link to the eVALUate survey for this unit. I
encourage you to complete this as the results are used to help assess curriculum, teaching and assessment
directions in this unit.
We take your feedback and evaluation very seriously and at the end of this unit you are strongly encouraged to
complete the Student Evaluation form. Information about this is located at www.deakin.edu.au/unit_eval

Towards the end of the teaching period you may be emailed a link to the unit evaluation survey (
http://www.deakin.edu.au/evaluate/). I encourage you to participate, as constructive feedback from students
will assist us to make improvements to this unit where necessary.


Unit code

Unit title
Business Process Management

Contact hours
Campus: 1 x 2 hour seminar per week
Cloud(online): Learning resources are via CloudDeakin

Study commitment
Students will on average spend 150 hours over the trimester undertaking the teaching, learning and
assessment activities for the unit. This will include a minimum of 22 hours of intensive Class room activity.

Unit prerequisite(s)

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MPM701 Business Process Management - Trimester 1, 2015
Unit corequisite(s)

Unit incompatible(s)

This unit provides foundation knowledge about the operational level of business activities and emphasises the
importance of their links to organisational strategies. It considers the role of information and communication
technologies in supporting business processes and it introduces enterprise systems and the ways in which
these can automate procurement, fulfilment and production and the integration of these processes in
organisations. The unit introduces business process architecture, problem scoping, modelling, methodologies
and measurement. The unit prepares students to develop professional careers in industry, government, and
the not-for-profit sector.

Trimester 1 teaching period begins
Intra-trimester break
Teaching period ends
Study period
Examinations begin
Examinations end
Inter-trimester break
Results released

Monday 9 March 2015

Friday 3 April to Sunday 12 April 2015
Friday 29 May 2015
Monday 1 to Friday 5 June 2015
Monday 8 June 2015
Friday 19 June 2015
Monday 22 June to Friday 10 July 2015
Thursday 9 July 2015

number commencing

Special learning Assessment

due date

9 March

1. Business Process Management (BPM)

and Systems

16 March

2. Strategy, Value Chains and Competitive


23 March

3. Enterprise Systems

30 March

4. Process Architecture and Organisational


13 April

5. Understanding and Scoping Process



20 April

6. Introduction to Process Modeling


27 April

7. Procurement Processes
8. Fulfilment Processes


Written Assignment
1 May

4 May

9. Production and Integrated Processes



11 May

10. Process Methodologies



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18 May

11. Process Measurement



25 May




This unit explores the BPM domain and emphasises the importance of its alignment with business strategy,
people and the organisation. It provides valuable and practical insights into business process architecture;
scoping business process problems; and modeling business processes. It develops a realistic appreciation, by
way of computer simulation, of typical organisational processes including procurement, fulfilment, production
and the integration of these via modern enterprise systems. It introduces methodologies for BPM and offers a
systematic starting point for new BPM practitioners. It raises awareness of various aspects pertaining to BPM
measurement. This unit addresses a growing and important perspective on management that provides
students with essential skills and knowledge relevant to many areas of business. Topics include:

Business Process Management (BPM) and Systems.

Value Chains and Competitive Advantage.
Enterprise Systems.
Process Architecture and Organisational Alignment.
Understanding and Scoping Process Problems.
Introduction to Process Modeling.
Procurement Processes.
Fulfilment Processes.
Production and Integrated Processes.
Process Methodologies.
Process Measurement.


The Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) listed below describe what you are expected to have achieved on
completion of this unit. Each ULO relates to one or more of the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs)
which describe the knowledge and capabilities you should acquire and be able to apply and demonstrate at the
completion of your course (see below). Not all of the GLOs are developed and assessed in every unit.

ULO: At the successful completion of this unit students


The ULO relates to the following



Relate the principles and frameworks of BPM to the

achievement of organisational strategies and goals

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and



Generate solutions to organisational problems using the

tools and methodologies of BPM

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and

GLO5: Problem solving


Critically evaluate the appropriateness of enterprise

systems to enable BPM and change

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and

GLO4: Critical thinking

Design and deliver informed recommendations about

process change to a variety of organisational audiences

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and

GLO2: Communication
GLO3: Digital literacy
GLO5: Problem solving


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MPM701 Business Process Management - Trimester 1, 2015
GLO1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities:
appropriate to the level of study related to a
discipline or profession
GLO2 Communication: using oral, written and
interpersonal communication to inform,
motivate and effect change
GLO3 Digital literacy: using technologies to find,
use and disseminate information
GLO4 Critical thinking: evaluating information using
critical and analytical thinking and judgment

GLO5 Problem solving: creating solutions to authentic

(real world and ill-defined) problems
GLO6 Self-management: working and learning
independently, and taking responsibility for
personal actions
GLO7 Teamwork: working and learning with others
from different disciplines and backgrounds
GLO8 Global citizenship: engaging ethically and
productively in the professional context and with
diverse communities and cultures in a global


If you are an off campus student you are provided with a CD Rom study guide for the unit. This contains the
unit's study guide (which is also available on CloudDeakin. A second disc in the CD Rom pack contains a 3D
gaming program (details about which are available in the study guide). This is available to on campus MPM701
students when they log into campus computers.
Campus students are provided with a two hour seminar each week. Cloud (online) students can attend a
two-hour seminar conducted online each week via CloudDeakin. The off campus coordinator will advise of time
frames for these online seminars during the week before trimester commencement. This advice will appear in
our CloudDeakin site.
All students can obtain assistance pertaining to unit assignments and content via CloudDeakin.

Presentation 10%, Written Assignment 2000 words 40%, Examination 2 hours 50%
Hurdle requirement: achieve at least 50% of the marks available on the examination.

Hurdle requirements
This unit has a hurdle requirement.
In addition to achieving at least 50% in the unit overall, to obtain a passing grade in the unit you must:
Brief summary of assessment tasks and
hurdle requirement
Achieve at least 50% of the marks available on
the examination

To demonstrate substantial and immediate
understanding of the varied concepts pertaining to the
discipline of Business Process Management.

If you satisfy the hurdle requirement/s, your final mark out of 100 will be determined using the weightings in
the assessment tables below.
Students who fail a hurdle requirement of a unit will receive a mark of no more than 44% for that unit.
Your grade is determined from your final mark out of 100 according to the Deakin University scale:
0 to 49: N (fail grade)

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MPM701 Business Process Management - Trimester 1, 2015
50 to 59: P
60 to 69: C
70 to 79: D
80 or greater: HD

Summative assessment
This information must be consistent with the Handbook entry.

- Summative assessment task 1

Brief description of
assessment task

Prepare and present a 10-15 minute presentation based on your major assignment.
You present this in your groups but you are individually assessed against a set of
criteria. Cloud (online) students prepare and submit a pre-recorded powerpoint
presentation in the CloudDeakin environment. Campus students present in their
located learning spaces.

Detail of student

10-15 minute presentation

(% total mark for unit)

ULO 1 & 4

Unit Learning
Outcome(s) assessed

This assessment component will test your ability to draw upon your understanding
of the principles and frameworks of BPM, to develop a succinct set of
recommendations for the achievement of organisational strategies and goals via
process change. Your recommendations will be built into an informed and concise
presentation that you will design and deliver to an audience, just as would be
expected in professional practice.
DGLO 1, 2 & 3

Deakin Graduate
Learning Outcome(s)

This assessment component will expose you to an important and key

communicative aspect of BPM - presenting summaries to stakeholders. Using oral
communication, formally as a presenter, you will inform others, and practice the
art of motivating and influencing others with a view to positively invoking
organisational change. You will use newly learned discipline specific knowledge
and capabilities to deliver your presentation. You will also use technologies to
craft and develop and then present and support your presentation.

What early feedback

will student get, how
and when?

Feedback will be provided immediately upon completion of the presentation.

Due date and form of


Oral presentations are conducted during weeks 8, 9 and 10 of the trimester.

- Summative assessment task 2

Written Assignment
Brief description of
assessment task

29 January 2015

A written preliminary business report of 2000 words based on a hypothetical case

and requiring analysis of current issues, scoping and resolution of problems
identified and recommendations for change.

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MPM701 Business Process Management - Trimester 1, 2015
Detail of student

2000 words

(% total mark for unit)

ULO 1, 2, 3 & 4

This written assignment will expose you to the BPM discipline's practice of
developing a preliminary business report with recommendations for processual and
strategically connected change. You will use principles, frameworks and tool sets of
Unit Learning
the BPM discipline to generate solutions to organisational problems. Solution
Outcome(s) assessed generation will include critical evaluations of the suitability of enterprise systems to
enable BPM and change. Your report will be professionally crafted and the need to
prepare a cogent argument within the word limits will help you to develop the ability
to express yourself clearly and succinctly. Additionally. working within a team
replicates the normal approach for BPM analysis in industry and will develop your
team participation skills.
DGLO 1, 2, 4 & 5
This assessment will equip you with an opportunity to demonstrate your
Deakin Graduate
understanding of the BPM discipline in group settings. You will produce a written
Learning Outcome(s) report using various technologies to develop business diagrams and include these in
the report. This assessment item calls for analytical and critical thinking and
creatively solving real world and ill-defined problems and recommending solutions
among alternatives. This is underpinned by ethical, cultural and environmental
considerations from local and global perspectives and contexts.
What early feedback
Results including feedback will be received approximately three weeks after
will student get, how
submission of this piece of assessment.
and when?
Due date and form
of submission

This assessment is due on Friday of week seven of the trimester. Submissions only
via CloudDeakin. Further instructions are available in the assignment brief.

- Summative assessment task 3

Brief description of
assessment task

The examination is closed book and has a duration of 2 hours.

Detail of student output

2 hours

(% total mark for unit)

ULO 1, 2 & 3

Unit Learning Outcome(s)


29 January 2015

This assessment component will challenge your understanding of the

principles and frameworks of BPM and its connection to the achievement of
organisational strategies and goals. It will test your understanding of the
toolsets of BPM and the ways in which these are applied to methodologies to
develop solutions to solve organisational problems. It will also test your
understanding about enterprise systems and the ways in which these can be
invoked to enable BPM and change in organisations.

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MPM701 Business Process Management - Trimester 1, 2015
DGLO1 & 4
Deakin Graduate Learning
Outcome(s) assessed

This assessment component will test your knowledge and understanding of

the BPM discipline in an examination setting and thus your ability to quickly
determine aspects and issues relevant to BPM using analytical thinking and
careful judgement.

What early feedback will

Students can contact the Unit Chair for feedback after result release.
student get, how and when?
Due date and form of

Examination period. It is your responsibility to find out the date, time and
location for the examination via Student Connect.

Details of assessment tasks will be published in CloudDeakin by the week before the beginning of trimester.

Assignment submission
You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked assignment has
been returned to you.
In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit your backup
Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting
collusion and/or plagiarism.
When you are required to submit an assignment through CloudDeakin, you will receive an email to
your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see
your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment folder after upload, and check for, and
keep, the email receipt for the submission


Essential learning resources
Prescribed textbook(s) and other resources which you must acquire or to which you must have

Harmon, P 2014, Business Process Change, A Business Process Management Guide for Managers and
Process Profesionals, Third Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, MA, USA.
Magal, SR and Word, J 2009, Essentials of Business Processes and Information Systems, John Wiley &
Sons, NJ.

Textbooks, reference books, general books and software may be ordered from the DUSA Bookshop:

ph 1800 686 681 (freecall)

email to dusa-bookshop@deakin.edu.au or
order online from the DUSA Bookshop web site at http://www.dusabookshop.com.au

Learning resources provided by the University:

The learning resources listed in the table below are provided to you online via CloudDeakin.

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MPM701 Business Process Management - Trimester 1, 2015

Study Guide

This provides a topic by topic guide to the unit. It also includes a tailored, searchable
Glossary of Terms and several BPM language games.


One journal article is assigned as a reading in Topic 2. Online access link available in
the study guide.


Online version of the book titled 'Business Process Change, A Business Process
Management Guide for Managers and Process Professionals, 3rd Edition, 2014, by Paul
Harmon. Online access link is available in the study guide.

PowerPoint Slides Provided as an overview of each topic. Include links to many online BPM centric videos.

Online simulations to reinforce understanding of enterprise systems in manufacturing


3D BPM Game

IBM Innov8 BPM Simulator to reinforce understanding of business process management

in service industries.

Further resources:
You will require online access. University specifications for online communication and computer standards are
listed in the University Handbooks.
You need access to MS PowerPoint or other presentation software for the presentation assignment.
PowerPoint is available in the campus laboratories.

Recommended learning resources

The Deakin Software Library provides students with access to software that you may need or find useful for
your study at Deakin.


Various writing and referencing styles are used within the Faculty of Business and Law. All assignments
MUST be properly referenced as outlined in the Guide to Assignment Writing and Referencing. This is
distributed free to all beginning students, may be purchased from the Deakin bookshop, or can be downloaded
from deakin.edu.au/referencing
Avoiding plagiarism and collusion
Plagiarism is the use of other people's words, ideas, research findings or information without
acknowledgement, that is, without indicating the source. These sources may include other students, internet
sites, textbooks or journals. Plagiarism is a very serious offence and Deakin University has procedures and
penalties to deal with instances of plagiarism and with collusion (acting with another person with the intention
to deceive, for example submitting someone elses work). This link provides further information on how to
avoid plagiarism and collusion: http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support/referencing/plagiarism
Penalties for plagiarism are detailed in Schedule A to the Student Academic Misconduct procedure. Further
information can be found in Regulation 04.1(2) - Academic Misconduct.
Submission of assignments
Extensions to the dates for submission of assignments and other assessment tasks conducted during the
trimester will be considered only if a written request is submitted and negotiated with the designated Unit

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MPM701 Business Process Management - Trimester 1, 2015
Penalties for late submission
Assignments or other assessment tasks conducted during the trimester submitted late without an extension
being granted will not be marked. These will be held until final grading and may be taken into consideration
in a pass/fail situation
Results common questions
If you have any questions or concerns about your assessment, or about the mark you are awarded for an
individual assessment task, it is best to speak to your Unit Chair or Unit Coordinator in the first instance.
There is also a formal process to apply for a review of your overall unit result, including assessment in any part
of the unit, through the relevant Faculty Committee. Applications must be submitted within five working days
of the release of results.
For Faculty Committee contacts and the answers to some common questions about results, go to:
Special consideration
Where circumstances outside your control prevent you from undertaking or completing an assessment task or
end-of-unit examination at the scheduled time, you may apply for special consideration. If granted, special
consideration will provide the opportunity for you to take additional time to complete the assessment task, or
to complete the task at another time. Applications may only be made on one or more of the following grounds:
an acute medical condition; compassionate reasons; or hardship/trauma. See
Academic progress
Academic progress is a student's progress towards successful completion of the academic requirements of the
Course in which they are enrolled. Information on academic progress processes can be found here:
Other information about exams and assessment (including submission of assignments, exams, release of
results) www.deakin.edu.au/students/assessments

Deakin University provides a range of support services to help you be successful in your studies.
Workshops and seminars
During the trimester, Language and Learning Advisers offer a comprehensive range of workshops and
seminars which provide you with an opportunity to enhance your academic skills.
Getting help with managing your studies
Student Mentor Program
Student Mentor Programs support new students with their social and academic transition during their first
trimester. It provides a supportive environment where a mentor can share their experiences with new students.
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)
PASS is a program which helps students become better learners through participation in peer-led study
sessions. deakin.edu.au/current-students/study-support/study-skills/pass.php
Studying at university - online resources
Health, safety and wellbeinga

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MPM701 Business Process Management - Trimester 1, 2015
Deakin offers a range of services to help you stay healthy and safe physically, mentally and spiritually.
Disability Resource Centre
The Disability Resource Centre provides access to services and supports that assist students with disabilities
or health conditions short- or long-term to make the most of their study.

Deakin University Library
Library Resource Guides (subject-based guides to academic journals, databases, e-reading and websites)
Library help services
University Bookshop (to buy prescribed texts)
Phone: 1800 686 681 (freecall)
Email: DUSA-Bookshop@deakin.edu.au; or
Order online: dusabookshop.com.au
IT support and information
Software library (including Endnote bibliographic software)
Course materials hotline (email)

2015 Handbook
The Handbook provides general information about studying at Deakin, key dates and a search facility for
courses and units
Your personal gateway to your student record, including information about enrolment, fees, timetables, results
Student Life
Student Life brings together services and facilities that contribute to the academic success and the personal
growth and wellbeing of Deakin student.
Orientation site for Cloud (online) students
Policies and procedures

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MPM701 Business Process Management - Trimester 1, 2015
Customer service (email address)
Student complaints
Review of Result
Students may apply for an administrative and/or academic review of a result for a unit. Applications must
include the grounds for such a review and be made within five working days after the official publication of
results (unless the student can show that exceptional circumstances beyond their control have prevented them
from lodging the application in time). deakin.edu.au/buslaw/students/review-result.php
Faculty of Business and Law Student Information
Information about enrolments (eg: course planning and transfers, majors), study and assessment (eg:
extensions, review of result, study materials), student support (eg: contacting student advisors, mentor
program, student societies), study abroad and scholarships.

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