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Reserve Bank of India (Note Refund) Rules, 2009

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Reserve Bank of India (Note Refund) Rules, 2009

Part I
The Reserve Bank has been extending facilities to the public for exchanging
cut and mutilated notes at all its Issue Offices and currency chest branches of
commercial banks. In order to make the Note Refund Rules easy to
understand and to apply these have been comprehensively revised and
simplified. It has also been decided that any officer of the designated branch
can ad!udicate mutilated notes presented thereat. It is hoped that
simplification and liberalisation of the Rules "ould help both the prescribed
officers as "ell as the tenderers of mutilated notes to easily comprehend the
revised Rules and enable the former to apply the Note Refund Rules "ithout
leaving any scope for sub!ectivity.
#hile the facility for exchange of soiled notes is to be provided by all banks at
all of their branches the facility of exchange of mutilated notes "ould be
available at designated bank branch$es %including cooperative banks and
RRBs& to all tenderers "hether they are account holders or not. This is a duty
that the banking system as a "hole o"es to the public. It needs no emphasis
that the ob!ect of simplification of RBI Note Refund Rules and its extension is
to help members of the public exchange the cut$mutilated notes in their
possession "ithout difficulty. The designated bank branches should play an
active role and ensure that the facility is operated for the benefit of the
members of public at large and is not pre'empted by a group of persons.
This booklet contains Rules and Procedures to be follo"ed under the
(cheme. The procedure re)uired to be follo"ed by the branches for
acceptance ad!udication and maintenance of records of mutilated notes is
also laid do"n in this booklet. *ll further instructions to be issued on the
sub!ect "ill be "ith reference to this booklet and branches of the banks shall
update the booklet by making necessary amendments to it. If any clarification
is needed on the scheme a reference should be made either to the Issue
+epartment of the Reserve Bank of India at its offices or the ,hief -eneral
.anager Reserve Bank of India ,entral Office +epartment of ,urrency
.anagement .umbai / 011 112 %,lick here to send e'mail&.
Part II3
Reserve Bank of India (Note Refund) Rules 2009 with explanations:
! "rovisions in the Reserve Bank of India ct, #9$%:
&ection 2': Not"ithstanding anything contained in any enactment or rule of
la" to the contrary no person shall of right be entitled to recover from the
,entral -overnment or the Bank the value of any lost stolen mutilated or
imperfect currency note provided that the Bank may "ith the previous
sanction of the ,entral -overnment prescribe the circumstances in and the
conditions and limitations sub!ect to "hich the value of such currency notes or
bank notes may be refunded as of grace and the rules made under this
proviso shall be laid on the table of Parliament.
&ection ('(#): The ,entral Board may "ith the previous sanction of the
,entral -overnment by notification in the Official -a4ette make regulations
consistent "ith this *ct to provide for all matters for "hich provision is
necessary or convenient for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of
this *ct.
&ection (' (2): In particular and "ithout pre!udice to the generality of the
foregoing provisions such regulations may provide for all or any of the
follo"ing matters vi4.'
%a& 555.
%b& 555.
%c& 555.
%)& the circumstances in "hich and the conditions and limitations
sub!ect to "hich the value of any lost stolen mutilated or imperfect
currency note of the -overnment of India or bank note may be

P6B7I(89+ IN T89 -*:9TT9 O; IN+I*
R9(9R=9 B*N> O; IN+I*

.umbai the 0th of *ugust ?11@
)! No. .'In exercise of the po"ers conferred by the proviso to section ?A read
"ith clause %)& of the sub'section %2& and %?& of section BA of the Reserve
Bank of India *ct 2@C0 %? of 2@C0& and in supersession of the Reserve Bank
of India %Notes Refund& Rules 2@DB except as respect things done or omitted
to be done before such supersession the ,entral Board "ith the previous
sanction of the ,entral -overnment hereby makes the follo"ing rules for
specifying the circumstances in and the conditions and limitations sub!ect to
"hich the value of lost stolen mutilated or imperfect note may be refunded
as a matter of grace namely3'.
#! &hort title, application and co**ence*ent 3' %2& These rules may be
called the Reserve Bank of India %Note Refund& Rules ?11@.
%?& They shall apply to a note "hich is a legal tender on the date of its
presentation before the Bank
%C&They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official

2! +efinitions3'
In these rules unless the context other"ise re)uires3'
%a& E*ctF means the Reserve Bank of India *ct 2@C0 %? of 2@C0&<
%b& GBankH means the Reserve Bank of India constituted by section ? of the
%c& EBank noteE means any note issued by the Bank but does not include a
-overnment note other than one rupees note "hich has been deemed to be
bank note as per the Notification no. -.(.R 0?I dated the ?Ath .arch 2@A1
issued by the -overnment of India .inistry of ;inance +epartment of
9conomic *ffairs<
%d& Eessential featuresE means the features including security features "hich
are necessary for the identification of a note namely'
%i& the name of the issuing authority in 8indi and$or 9nglish that is<
Bank or -overnment of India as the case may be<
%ii& the guarantee clause in 8indi and$or in 9nglish<
%iii& the promise clause in 8indi and$or in 9nglish<
%iv& the signature in 8indi and$or in 9nglish<
%v& the *shoka Pillar emblem or .ahatma -andhi portrait as the
case may be< and
%vi& the "ater'mark of the *shoka Pillar emblem or .ahatma -andhi
portrait as the case may be.
Explanation: ;or the purposes of this clause
%*& the security features of a note for deciding the genuineness or
other"ise include
%i& paper )uality<
%ii& si4e and shape of numbers<
%iii& security Thread<
%iv& intaglio printing<
%v& latent Image in vertical band<
%vi& electrotype "atermark %in "atermark "indo"&<
%vii& micro lettering<
%viii& fluorescence %number panels and central band&<
%ix& optically =ariable Ink %in rupee five hundred and rupee one
thousand denominations&<
%x& see'through Register and
%xi& any other security feature that may be introduced by the Bank.
%B& the essential features of a note have been enumerated "ith a vie" to help
the prescribed officer to establish the genuineness or other"ise of a mutilated
%e& E-overnment noteE means any note issued by the ,entral -overnment or
supplied by the ,entral -overnment to the Bank and issued by the Bank
provided the liability for the payment of the value in respect of such note has
devolved on and been taken over by the Bank<
%f& Eimperfect noteE means any note "hich is "holly or partially obliterated
shrunk "ashed altered or indecipherable but does not include a mutilated
%g& Emutilated noteE means a note of "hich a portion is missing or "hich is
composed of more than t"o pieces<
%h& Emismatched noteE means a mutilated note "hich has been formed by
!oining a half note of any one note to a half note of another note3
Explanation: ;or the removal of doubts it is hereby declared that a
mismatched note can be identified on the basis of number signature etc.
and $or after examining other security features<
%i& JnoteE means a Bank note or a -overnment note<
%!& GPrescribed OfficerH means any officer of the Issue +epartment of the Bank
or any officer of an agent of the Bank$ designated by the Bank by
arrangement through agreement in this behalf as authorised to receive
mutilated notes for ad!udication under these rules<
%k& Esoiled note3E means a note "hich has become dirty due to usage and
also includes a t"o piece note pasted together "herein both the pieces
presented belong to the same note and form the entire note.
%?& #ords and expression used herein not defined but defined in the *ct have
the same meaning as assigned to them in the *ct.
$! +ecision on d,udication of *utilated note' If any dispute arises in
relation to ad!udication of mutilated note the same shall be referred to the
Bank for its decision and its decision shall be binding on the claimant his
nominees and legal heirs or representatives as the case may be .
%! "resentation and disposal of clai*' * claim in respect of any note may
be presented before the Prescribed Officer for ad!udication and payment of
value under these rules.
5. Ri-ht to call for infor*ation or to hold en.uiries'The prescribed officer
may if it is considered necessary so to do call for any information or hold any
in)uiry relating to any claim presented before him under these rules and
"here the genuineness of the note is doubtful he shall send such doubtful
note for expert opinion to the -eneral .anager ,urrency Note Press Nashik
Road or to any other authority as designated under any la" in force for this
/! 0eneral provisions in relation to all clai*s' %2& No claim in respect of a
note "hich is alleged to have been stolen lost or "holly destroyed shall be
%?& If the Prescribed Officer is satisfied that a mutilated note presented
before him is one "hich appears to have been cancelled at any office of
the Bank or the claim is one "hich appears to have already been paid
under these rules he may after making en)uiries under rule B above
re!ect the claim on such note.
%C& * claim in respect of a note "hich '
%i& cannot be identified "ith certainty as a genuine note for "hich the
Bank is liable under the *ct<
%ii& has been made imperfect or mutilated thereby causing the note to
appear to be of a higher denomination or has been deliberately cut
torn defaced altered or dealt "ith in any other manner not
necessarily by the claimants enabling the use of the same for
making of a false claim under these rules or other"ise to defraud
the Bank or the public
%iii& carries any extrinsic "ords or visible representations intended to
convey or capable of conveying any message of a political or
religious character or furthering the interest of any person or entity<
%iv& has been imported into India by the claimant from any place outside
India in contravention of the provision of any la"<
%v& any information called for by the Prescribed Officer or the Bank as
the case may be is not furnished by a claimant "ithin a period of
three months from the date of receipt of the notice or letter asking
for the information or
%vi& in the opinion of the Prescribed Officer a deliberate fraudulent
intention appears in respect of such a claim
shall be re!ected and shall not be eligible for consideration under any other
7a" for the time being in force.
1! I*perfect note ' The value of an imperfect note may be paid for full
value$half value as specified in the tables given in rule A if'
%a& the matter "hich is printed on the note has not become totally illegible
%b& the Prescribed Officer is satisfied having regard to the printed matter
"hich is legible on the note that it is a genuine note.
'! 2utilated notes' %2& The ad!udication of claims in respect of notes of one
rupee t"o rupee five rupee ten rupee and t"enty rupees denomination shall
be made in the follo"ing manner namely
%i& if the area of the single largest undivided piece of the note presented is
more than B1 percent of the area of the respective denomination rounded off
to the next complete s)uare centimetre full value on mutilated notes of the
above denominations shall be payable<
%ii& If the area of the largest undivided piece of the note presented is less than
or e)ual to B1 percent of the area of the note the claim shall be re!ected.
Explanation: ;or the purposes of this sub'rule it is hereby clarified that the
value of a mutilated note of one rupee t"o rupee five rupee ten rupee and
t"enty rupees denomination may be refunded in full if the undivided area of
the single largest piece of the note as specified in the Table'2 belo"
presented is e)ual to or more than C2 C0 CA 00 and 0D s)uare centimetres
%cms& respectively.

*rea %in
.inimum area
%in centimetre
re)uired for
2 @.D I.C I2 C2
? 21.D I.C ID C0
B 22.D I.C D0 CA
21 2C.D I.C AI 00
?1 20.D I.C @C 0D
KIndicated as the next complete higher s)uare centimeter after half of the area
of the notes in a particular denomination.
%?& The payment of claim in respect of note of rupees fifty and above
denominations shall be made in the follo"ing manner namely'
%i& ;ull value of the mutilated notes of the above denominations shall be
payable if the area of the single largest undivided piece of the note presented
is more than IB percent of the area of the respective denomination rounded
off to the next complete s)uare centimeter<
%ii& if the undivided area of the single largest undivided piece of the note
presented is e)ual to or more than 01 percent and less than or e)ual to IB
percent of the area of the respective denomination rounded off to the next
complete s)uare centimeter half the value of the note is payable.
%iii& If the area of the single largest undivided piece of the note is less than 01
percent no value shall be payable and the claim shall be re!ected.
%iv& if the claim of mutilated notes of rupees fifty to rupees one thousand
denomination notes consists of a note composed of t"o pieces of the same
note and the t"o pieces individually have an area e)ual to or more than 01
percent of the total area of the note in that denomination then the claim may
be refunded for full value and need not be treated as consisting of t"o tenders
for half value.
Explanation: ;or the purposes of this sub'rule it is hereby clarified that as
specified in Table'? belo"'
%a& if the area of the single largest undivided piece of the mutilated note of
rupees fifty rupees one hundred rupees five hundred and rupees one
thousand note presented is at least D1 DB A1 and A0 s)uare centimeters
respectively the same may be paid for full value<
%b& if the area of the largest undivided piece is less than as specified above
the claim may be considered for payment of half value as provided for at
clause ?%ii& of sub'rule A above<
%c& the value of a mutilated bank note of rupees fifty rupees one hundred
rupees five hundred and rupees one thousand may be paid for half value if
the area of the single largest undivided piece of the note presented is at least
or more than 0C 0I 0@ and B? s)uare centimetres respectively.
%d& if the area of the single largest undivided piece is less than the above
specification the claim shall be re!ected.
#idth %cm& *rea %in
area %in
payment of
full valueL
area %in
re)uired for
payment of
half valueKK
B1 20.D D.C 21D D1 0C
211 2B.D D.C 22B DB 0I
B11 2I.D D.C 2?? A1 0@
2111 2D.D D.C 2?@ A0 B?
L Rounded off to the next complete higher s)uare centimeter of IB M of the
area of the note in a particular denomination.
KK Rounded off to the next complete higher s)uare centimeter of 01 Mof the
area of the notes or 01M area of the note in a particular denomination.
9! "a3*ent of clai* in respect of *is*atched note' The payment of
claim in respect of a mismatched note may be dealt "ith as follo"s namely'
%a& in case of notes upto rupees t"enty denomination notes the area of
the larger of the t"o pieces presented may be measured and ad!udicated
as per the provisions of sub'rule %2& of Rule A ignoring the smaller half.
%b& if none of the t"o pieces presented meets the minimum area stipulated as
per the provisions of clause %i& of sub'rule 2 of rule A above the claim
shall be re!ected.
%c& in case of rupees fifty and above denominations the t"o pieces may be
treated as t"o separate claims and dealt "ith accordingly.
10. 4lai*ants to 5e 5ound 53 rules' %2& *ny payment "hich is provided
under these rules shall be made only as matter of grace and the Bank may as
it deems fit from time to time issue such supplementary or detailed
instructions for carrying out the provisions of these rules for the guidance of
the Prescribed Officer.
%?& *ny person "ho makes any claim on account of an imperfect note or
mutilated note shall be deemed to have made the said claim under the
proviso to section ?A of the *ct and sub!ect to the provisions of these rules
"hich shall be deemed to be binding on all claimants and their heirs or
##! Retention and destruction of note' Not"ithstanding the denomination of
a note or the decision of the Prescribed Officer on the claim a note presented
before the Prescribed Officer for the purpose of making a claim shall be
retained and destroyed or other"ise disposed of by the Bank in the follo"ing
manner namely'
%a& in the case of a note in respect of "hich full payment is made at any
time after the payment< and
%b& in the case of a note in respect of "hich no payment is made or on
"hich half value payment has been made on the expiry of a period of
three months from the date of the decision re!ecting the claim or to pay
half'value as the case may be unless "ithin this period an order from
a competent ,ourt is submitted to any office of the Bank or branch of
the designated bank restraining the Bank from destroying or other"ise
disposing of the said note.
#2! "a3*ent to 6e-al heirs or no*inees' %2& If a claimant "ho has
submitted a claim under these rules is dead his legal representatives shall
be eligible to receive the payment due to the claimant sub!ect to the
determination of the claim by the Prescribed Officer.
%?& The legal representatives shall be entitled to receive the payment due to
the claimant if any upon furnishing to the Prescribed Officer an indemnity
bond executed by the legal representative in favour of the branch or office of
the Bank or any other institution or entity as designated by the Bank for this
Provided payment upto an amount of rupees five hundred may be made to
the legal heir of the claimant on a declaration for this purpose.
%C& In case of mutilated note presented at the Bank through Triple 7ock
Receptacle %T7R & cover the tenderer shall indicate his name and address
along"ith other details such as bank account number etc. as specified on
the cover and the individual tenderers may at their option in addition also
indicate on the cover the name and address of the nominee "ho may receive
the amount that is determined to be due on the claim "ithout production of
indemnity sub!ect to proper identification.
#$! "rinted )or*s' #here any indemnity bond as referred to in rule 2? is to
be executed in favour of the Bank a printed copy of the bond shall be supplied
free of cost to the claimant or the person eligible to receive the payment under
these rules.
#%! &ta*p +ut37 The value of the stamp duty on the indemnity bond shall be
paid by the person executing the bond.
#(! "rocedure when pa3ee is untraced' %2& In case of the note having been
ad!udicated at the office of the Bank the value or part of the value of a note is
payable to the claimant and if such claimant is not found or is dead his legal
representatives or the nominee specified by him cannot be found or fails
"ithin a period of three months from the date of communication to him the
decision to take steps to receive payment the amount payable shall be paid
to the Banking +epartment of the Bank
%?& In case of the mutilated note having been ad!udicated at the branch of
designated bank or other entities such payment may be credited "ith the
Issue Office of the Bank after a period of three months from the date of
communication to the tenderer of the decision to take steps to receive the
exchange value.
%6sha Thorat &
+eputy -overnor
Reserve Bank of India
,entral Office
,entral Office Building
;ort .umbai


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