ASR9000 Upgrade Procedure 431

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Cisco ASR 9000 Series
Aggregation Services Router,
Release 4.3.1
Upgrade and Downgrade Procedure
February, 2010
Upgrade and Downgrade Procedure

2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public. Page 2 of 12
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Purpose, Audience and Scope ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Important Notes .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Summary of Upgrade Steps ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. Verifications Before Upgrading .............................................................................................................................. 4
3. Mandatory SMUs (Upgrade and Downgrade) ........................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Guidelines for Repartitioning Tool SMU .......................................................................................................... 6
4. Selection of Packages for Upgrade ....................................................................................................................... 6
5. Upgrade to IOS XR Release 4.3.1 ......................................................................................................................... 7
6. Turboboot Option for Upgrades ............................................................................................................................... 8
7. Verify Post-Upgrade or Downgrade .......................................................................................................................... 8
8. Release 4.3.1 FPD Upgrade .................................................................................................................................. 9
9. Downgrade from IOS XR Release 4.3.1 .............................................................................................................. 10
10. ISSU Upgrade to IOS XR Release 4.3.1 ............................................................................................................ 10
11. ISSU SMU Upgrade in IOS XR Release 4.3.1 ................................................................................................... 11
12. Caveats .............................................................................................................................................................. 11

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1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose, Audience and Scope
The purpose of this document is to describe the upgrade and downgrade procedure for the Cisco ASR 9000 Series
Aggregation Services Router, Release 4.31.
Audience: This guide is for Cisco Systems Field Engineers and Network Operators.

1.2 Important Notes
1. From R4.3.0, a single combo image is introduced to support x86 (-px- image) and ppc (-p- image) hardware
architectures. The combo image will still be called asr9k-mini-px.vm. The optional pies - mpls, mcast, mgbl,
FPD, etc. and SMUs will have the -px- suffix.
2. Turboboot with format is needed to downgrade from 4.3.1-px to any pre-4.3.0 images (Refer to Section 9).
3. FPD pie is not included in the combo image, it must be installed separately to complete manual firmware
upgrade. Users upgrading from p- to R4.3.1 px- image must add fpd pie explicitly to complete the manual
firmware upgrade.
4. BNG pie is needed to activate any BNG functionality. In R4.3.1 BNG pie is not supported on RSP2.
5. In R4.3.1, ASR-903 satellite is not supported on RSP2. Hence, asr9k-asr903-nV-px.pie should not be installed
on a RSP2 system.
1.3 Summary of Upgrade Steps
1. Download the correct image tarball from to a tftpserver. The image tarball on cannot be used as-is. The CCO image tarball for Release 4.3.1 must be
downloaded to a tftpserver and only relevant packages or SMUs must be taken and tarred into
another tarball for use on the router.
2. Install add/activate all the mandatory SMUs required to be active in the current release before upgrading
to Release 4.3.1. Refer to the Section "Mandatory SMUs (Upgrade and Downgrade)" for a list of SMUs to
be used. The mandatory SMUs are available in the downloaded tar file.
3. Verify if firmware upgrade is needed before upgrading to Release 4.3.1 and upgrade as necessary. If
firmware was upgraded, do not reload the router in this step. The reload occurs as part of the package
activation step. However, if you are upgrading from any release starting R4.2.3 and above to R4.3.1,
enable auto fpd in admin mode to automatically upgrade the firmware. Refer to Section "Release 4.3.1
FPD Upgrade" for more information.
4. Select appropriate packages from CCO image tar file and create a separate R4.3.1 tar file specific to your
environment. Install add the R4.3.1 tar file.
5. Review the Section "Caveats" before performing the actual upgrade for any known limitation and
workaround. Note: special instructions needed to add/upgrade bng and video pies.
6. After the admin install add has completed successfully, run the admin install activate on R4.3.1
packages. After the router has reloaded and contains the R4.3.1 packages, perform the admin install

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7. Verify if firmware upgrade is needed after upgrading to R4.3.1 and upgrade as necessary. If firmware
was upgraded manually, then reload the router for firmware changes to take effect. Refer to Section
"Release 4.3.1 FPD Upgrade" for more information.
8. Turboboot is the option to perform downgrades from R4.3.1 to pre-4.3.0 images. Refer the Section
Downgrade from IOS XR Release 4.3.1 for more information.

2. Verifications Before Upgrading
The following table outlines the commands that must be run before beginning the Upgrade procedure.
Table 1. Verifying Before Upgrading
No. Commands Verification to be performed
Admin show platform
Verify the following that all the nodes are in "IOS XR RUN" state,
SPAs in "OK" state, Fan Tray and Power Modules are in
READY state.
Admin show redundancy
For Dual RSP/RP systems, verify that the Active and Standby
RSPs are available and in ACTIVE role and in is ready state.
Show interface summary
Verify that all the relevant interfaces are running.
Admin show install active
/ inactive / committed
Verify that the correct set of packages is active / inactive /

Show filesystem
Check the actual disk0: size to ensure that sufficient disk space
is available for the upgrade. A minimum of 845 MB free disk
space is needed for upgrade to R4.3.1, except for a RSP2
system, which only requires 610 MB of free disk space because
asr9k-asr903-nV-px.pie is not supported on a RSP2 system from
If the available disk space is not enough, refer to Section
Guidelines for Repartitioning SMUs.
Dir bootflash: location
Bootflash device should not be used to save user specific files or
configurations. Extraneous files such as configs files should be
removed from bootflash.
copy running-config
Copy the running-configuration to a temporary storage location,
for example: tftp, compactflash:, harddisk:
Admin copy running-config
Copy the admin running-configuration to a temporary storage
location, for example: tftp, compactflash, harddisk.
ping <tftp_server_address>
If you are unable to reach the Mgmt LAN or TFTP_SERVER,
please check the Mgmt Port states and route configuration for
Mgmt LAN
no mirror location
0/RSP0/CPU0 disk0:disk1:
Disable disk mirroring, if it is enabled on the router, before
proceeding to the next step. Disk mirroring can increase the
upgrade time.
Admin install remove
Remove old versions of the inactive packages and SMU files
from the router. Use the admin-command. The install remove
inactive test sync commands can be used first to show
packages that will be removed from the disk.
Harddisk space check:
Applies to upgrade from R
4.2.3 onwards.
Auto fpd feature is officially supported for upgrades from R4.2.3
onwards. Please ensure that the harddisk has a minimum of 400
MB space while doing the upgrade from any release starting
4.2.3 and above to R4.3.1 with auto fpd enabled.
13 Disable auto fpd for upgrades from
pre 4.2.3 images to 4.3.1

(admin-config)#no fpd
If user is upgrading from any pre-R4.2.3 image, it is
recommended to disable auto-fpd in admin config mode. Auto-
fpd is fully supported from R4.2.3 onwards

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14 Set the logging buffer size to
307200 or greater.

(config)#logging buffered
Prior to upgrading to R4.3.1, set the logging buffer size to a value
of 307200 or greater (logging buffered 307200).

3. Mandatory SMUs (Upgrade and Downgrade)
The following table outlines the SMUs that must be installed for upgrade and downgrade procedure. For example,
to upgrade from R4.0.0, CSCtk65746 SMU must be installed prior to the upgrade.
Table 2. Needed Mandatory SMUs
Mandatory SMUs (p) Mandatory SMUs (px)
Upgrade SMUs Downgrade SMUs Upgrade SMUs Downgrade SMUs
R4.0.0 CSCtk65746

No* N/A No*
R4.0.1 CSCtj90504,
No* N/A No*
R4.0.3 No No* N/A No*
R4.1.0 No No* N/A No*
R4.1.1 No No* N/A No*
R4.1.2 CSCty67156 No* N/A No*
R4.2.0 CSCub41271**
No* CSCtx89601
R4.2.1 CSCub41271** No* No No*
R4.2.3 CSCud98419***

R4.3.0 Not Applicable Not Applicable No No
* Turboboot with format option (CSCud37497) is needed to downgrade from 4.3.1-px to any pre-4.3.0 images.
This is because from R4.3.0, images are combo images unlike pre-430 images, which has p and px versions.
** The Repartition Tool SMU (CSCub41271) should be used if disk space required for the upgrade to succeed is
inadequate. Refer to Section "Guidelines for Repartitioning Tool SMU" to determine when to use the repartitioning
tool. Follow the operating instructions mentioned in the RSP2 Disk Repartition Guide. This guide is a part of the
README file provided along with the SMU. Once the repartition is completed, remove the repartition SMU
CSCub41271. After disk repartitioning, install the rest of the SMUs and perform the upgrade to R4.3.1.
*** The SMU for CSCud98419 should be used if fpd auto-upgrade option is being used during the upgrade.
Please refer to Section "Release 4.3.0 FPD Upgrade" for more information. CSCud37351 and CSCud54093 are
the pre-requisite SMUs for CSCud98419.

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3.1 Guidelines for Repartitioning Tool SMU
The following section describes guidelines on when to use the repartitioning SMU.
Step 1. Check for disk0 usage on the router.
Step 2. Disk space required for base R4.3.1 software + optional pies is approximately 610 MB (excluding any
recommended SMUs), because asr9k-asr903-nV-px.pie is not supported on a RSP2 system from R4.3.1.
Step 3. Determine the space required for any mandatory SMUs for R4.3.1 (for example Combo-SMU pack).
Step 4. Verify the total disk space on the disk0: from the router. This should be approximately 1.6 GB
If Total [(Step1 + Step2 + Step3) < (Step 4)] then repartition SMU is not needed.
If Total {[(Step1 + Step2 + Step3) - (Step 4)] >=0MB and <=300MB} then repartition SMU is warranted for
upgrade to succeed.
Note: If the disk space is still not adequate after repartitioning. Step 3 can be skipped in the event upgrade is
possible with removal of any inactive or mandatory SMUs. Mandatory SMU can be added once R4.3.1 is active on
the box. In that case, the router should be reloaded additionally.

4. Selection of Packages for Upgrade
1. Download the tar file from and untar it onto a tftpserver.
2. The downloaded tar file can be untarred using the command:
tar xvf ASR9K-iosxr-px-k9-4.3.1.tar
The difference in the ASR9K-iosxr-px-k9-4.3.1.tar and ASR9K-iosxr-px-4.3.1.tar should be the addition of
the crypto pie in the former. All the other packages should be same.
3. Select the R4.3.1 base package and individually select optional packages that are needed for your
environment. For example, if the current active packages contains optional pies such as mpls, doc, mgbl,
k9sec, optic pies, and etc., then the same packages must be added during R4.3.1 upgrade.
There are 2 ways in which these packages can be added to the router.
a. Add the packages individually.
admin install add source <source path>asr9k-mpls-px.pie-4.3.1 asr9k-doc-
px.pie-4.3.1 asr9k-mgbl-px.pie-4.3.1 asr9k-k9sec-px.pie-4.3.1 asr9k-optics-
px.pie-4.3.1 synchronous
b. Create a tar file and add it using the install tar option. Create a separate directory on the tftp server and
copy the optional and R4.3.1 base packages. Creating a tar file can be done using the command from that
tar cvf ASR9K-px-4.3.1.tar *
c. Once the file is tarred, the tar file is ready to be added to the router using the following command

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admin install add tar <tar file source location/ASR9K-px-4.3.1.tar>
5. Upgrade to IOS XR Release 4.3.1
Perform upgrade pre-checks prior executing the below upgrade steps, refer to Section Verifications
before Upgrading.
Review the Section "Caveats" before performing the actual upgrade for any known limitation and
workaround. Note: special instructions needed to add/upgrade bng and video pies. If MPLS Package is
installed on the router, please read Caveat #9 before proceeding further.
All install operations should be performed in the admin mode.
1. Add the required packages to the disk using one of the options (source, tar option, individual packages
(specifying source-path for each package)):
1. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#install add <source>/<source-path>/ <pie-
1><pie-2><pie-3>... <pie-n> sync

2. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router (admin)# install add tar <source-path>/<tar-file>

3. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# install add <source-path>/asr9k-mini-px.pie-
4.3.1 <source-path>/asr9k-mcast-px.pie-4.3.1 <source-path>/asr9k-mgbl-
px.pie-4.3.1 <source-path>/asr9k-mpls-px.pie-4.3.1 <source-path>/asr9k-
k9sec-px.pie-4.3.1 <source-path>/asr9k-video-px-4.3.1 sync
If there are any other optional packages installed from prior releases, the new package list should match
or supersede the old release package list and must be added using the above-mentioned command.
Otherwise, all the conflicting optional packages have to be deactivated before the upgrade/downgrade
[followed by install commit operation]. The effect of this is loss of the configuration supported by the pie.
Example of Active/Inactive/Committed packages summary after R4.3.1 installation add is completed:

Inactive Packages Active Packages Committed Packages

2. Perform Test Activation of the inactive packages using the following command:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#install activate <source>:<pie1> <source>:<pie-2>...
<source>:<pie-n> test sync
Note: Testing the activation gives a preview of the activation. No actual changes will be made when test option is
used. Any config that is incompatible with the new version being activated will be identified via show configuration
removed command and the same can be reapplied via load config removed <config>.cfg command.
3. Activate inactive packages added in Step 1 using one of the following commands:

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RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#install activate <source>:<pie-1> <source>:<pie-2>
... <source>:<pie-n> sync
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router (admin)#install activate disk0:*4.3.1* sync
Note: The Router will reload at the end of activation to start using the new packages. This operation will impact
traffic. Typically this operation may take at least 20 minutes to complete.
Note: Packages can be specified multiple times using a wild card option.

6. Turboboot Option for Upgrades
If a TURBOBOOT to R4.3.1 image on the RSP440 system is planned from a pre-4.3.0 image, rommon version
0.61 and above is required to load R4.3.1 combo image. Verify the rommon version of the RSP440 by using the
admin command show hw-module fpd location all.

R4.2.3 image contains rommon version 0.62 hence there is no FPD SMU required to update the rommon. R4.2.0
and R4.2.1 images contain rommon version 0.46 and 0.51 respectively. FPD SMU CSCud79917 (R4.2.0) and
CSCud79890.(R4.2.1) will be provided upon request for rommon version 0.62. These FPD SMU must be activated
and rommon upgraded prior TURBOBOOT R4.3.1 image. Refer to Cisco Install and Upgrade Guide user guide
for the complete TURBOBOOT procedure.

7. Verify Post-Upgrade or Downgrade
Table 3. Post-Upgrade/Downgrade Steps
No Commands Verification to be performed
Admin show platform
Verify that all the nodes are in "IOS XR RUN" state,
SPAs in "OK" state, Fan Tray and Power Modules are
in READY state
Admin show redundancy
Verify that Active and Standby RSP are available and
in ACTIVE role and is ready states
Admin install commit
After Upgrade is successful, perform the admin install
commit from admin mode.
Admin show install
Verify that proper set of packages are in active,
inactive and committed state admin show install
active/inactive/committed summary.
Show configuration failed
Verify if there were any failed startup configs.
Clear config inconsistency
In an event there is a config loss, perform Clear
configuration inconsistencies.
Show install verify packages /
install verify package /
install verify package repair
Upon successful upgrade checks for package and
image integrity. Any anomalies found must be repaired
using the command. install verify package repair.
Cfs check
Verify/ fix configuration file system.
mirror location 0/RSP0/CPU0
Enable disk mirroring after the upgrade has completed.
Show interface summary
Verify that all the concerned interfaces are up.

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Show hw-module fpd location all
Verify if firmware must be updated after a successful
upgrade. If Firmware upgrade is needed, upgrade it
and reload the Line card or router for firmware
changes to take effect.
Disk Cleanup (optional)
Once software upgrade or downgrade has been
completed, disk space can be recovered by removing
any inactive packages that are no longer needed (if the
packages are required at a later time, they can be re-
Note: If system issues are detected or if the upgrade needs to be backed out for any reason, please refer to
Section Downgrade from IOS-XR Release 4.3.1 to roll back the software to the starting point.

8. Release 4.3.1 FPD Upgrade
Auto-fpd feature is fully supported for upgrade from R4.2.3 onwards.
The feature could be enabled from the admin-config mode as follows:
(RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router1(admin-config)#fpd auto-upgrade).

Auto-fpd feature is not supported for upgrade from pre-R4.2.3.
Please disable the feature form admin config mode if upgrading from a pre-4.2.3 release:
(RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router1(admin-config)#no fpd auto-upgrade).

Manual fpd upgrade can be performed after R4.3.1 upgrade is install committed. Run the show hw-module fpd
location all command to check which firmware files need to be upgraded, by inspecting the Upg/Dng column. If
there is any Yes marked, manual upgrade is required.
Procedure to Upgrade FPD firmware (R4.3.1)
1. Run the show hw-module fpd location all command to check which firmware files need to be upgraded:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# show hw-module fpd location all

===================================== ==========================================
Existing Field Programmable Devices
HW Current SW Upg/
Location Card Type Version Type Subtype Inst Version Dng?
============ ======================== ======= ==== ======= ==== =========== ====
0/RSP0/CPU0 A9K-RSP440-TR 1.0 lc cbc 0 16.115 No
lc fpga3 0 4.09 No
lc fpga1 0 0.09 No
lc fpga2 0 1.06 No
lc rommon 0 0.62 Yes
0/RSP0/CPU0 ASR-9006-FAN 1.0 lc cbc 2 5.02 No
0/RSP0/CPU0 ASR-9006-FAN 1.0 lc cbc 3 5.02 No
0/RSP0/CPU0 A9K-BPID2-6-SLOT 1.0 lc cbc 6 7.103 No
0/RSP1/CPU0 A9K-RSP440-TR 1.0 lc cbc 0 16.115 No
lc fpga2 0 1.06 No
lc fpga1 0 0.09 No

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lc fpga3 0 4.09 No
lc rommon 0 0.62 Yes
1/1/1 A9K-MPA-4X10GE 1.0 spa fpga6 1 1.06 No
Note: In the output above, the column Upg/Dng? points to the down-rev firmware software versions, which need
to be upgraded.
2. Issue the following command to upgrade fpd:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#upgrade hw-module fpd all location all
Note: Except CBC update, router reload is required after running the upgrade hw-module fpd all location all
command, to make the changes in effect.
Note: No reload is required after running the upgrade hw-module fpd cbc location all command. The new
CBC firmware will be active. The software automatically resets the local CAN Bus.

9. Downgrade from IOS XR Release 4.3.1
Turboboot is the only option to downgrade R4.3.1 to pre-430 images. Due to CSCud37497, downgrade from
R4.3.1 requires the turboboot with the format option (e.g., ROMMON Variable set as
TURBOBOOT=on,disk0,format). This is because R4.3.1 image is a combo image unlike pre-430 images, which
has p and px versions.
If Release 4.3.1 package is not admin install committed on the router, reload location all command will revert back
to the prior committed release package.
10. ISSU Upgrade to IOS XR Release 4.3.1
Support for ISSU upgrade is available from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 release. This ISSU upgrade from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 is
supported on specific profiles and configurations. The profiles and configurations supported are mentioned in the
link below.

1. Perform upgrade pre-checks prior to executing the ISSU upgrade steps shown below, refer to Section
Verifications before Upgrading above in section 2 for more information.
2. Review the Section "Caveats" before performing the actual upgrade for any known limitation and
workarounds. Note: special instructions needed to add/upgrade bng and video pies.
3. All install operations should be performed in the admin mode.
4. Install add/activate all the mandatory SMUs on 4.3.0 (SMU Pack-2(CSCug71496) required to be active in
the current release (4.3.0) before performing ISSU upgrade to Release 4.3.1.) Refer to SMU
recommendations link provided below for more information on SMU Pack-2:
5. Please add all the base and optional packages for 4.3.1. For instructions on how to add 4.3.1 packages
along with base and optional packages, please refer to section 4 above in this document.

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6. For successful completion of ISSU, it is required that the following 4.3.1 SMUs be added and activated.
Download the 4 SMUs from CCO and add it on to the router. DO NOT activate them yet. They will be
activated along with the 4.3.1 packages. The 4 SMUs are: CSCug49753, CSCug66737, CSCue65236,
CSCug60551 (at the time of publishing this document the production SMUs are still being worked on and
will be shortly posted on CCO).
7. Now perform ISSU upgrade from current release (4.3.0) to 4.3.1 via one of the following methods:
a. Router # admin install activate disk0:*4.3.1* issu synchronous prompt none
b. You can choose to go via prompted mode.
Router # admin install activate disk0:*4.3.1* issu
When prompted proceed to the load phase, run phase and after completion of ISSU, perform
install commit. More information on how to proceed through the ISSU steps is provided in the
link below.
8. Perform post ISSU upgrade verification checks as shown in section 7 of this document.

11. ISSU SMU Upgrade in IOS XR Release 4.3.1
ISSU SMU Upgrade is similar to ISSU upgrade (section 10). The upgrade string contains the ISSU SMU to be
activated instead of the image + optional package details. Ensure that the release version of package being
activated and the image present on the router are same.
1. Repeat steps 1, 2, 3 from section 10 above.
2. For successful completion of ISSU, it is required that the following 4.3.1 SMUs be added and activated.
Download the 4 SMUs from CCO and add it on to the router. DO NOT activate them yet. They will be
activated along with the 4.3.1 packages. The 4 SMUs are: CSCug49753, CSCug66737, CSCue65236,
CSCug60551 (at the time of publishing this document the production SMUs are still being worked on and
will be shortly posted on CCO).
3. Install add the ISSU SMU on to the router. This will be activated in next step below.
a. Router # admin install add <tftp or harddisk:/><ISSU SMU/pie> synchronous
4. Now perform ISSU SMU upgrade via one of the following methods:
a. Router # admin install activate disk0:<ISSU SMU/pie that was added> issu synchronous prompt
b. You can choose to go via prompted mode.
Router # admin install activate disk0:*4.3.1* issu
When prompted proceed to the load phase, run phase and after completion of ISSU, perform
install commit. More information on how to proceed through the ISSU steps is provided in the
link below.
5. Perform post ISSU upgrade verification checks as shown in section 7 of this document.

12. Caveats
1. CSCue93654: SVD will be disabled by default in R4.3.1. A new CLI can be used to enable/disable
SVD capability. To disable Selective VRF Download use "no svd platform enable" in admin
configuration mode. To enable Selective VRF Download, use svd platform enable in admin

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configuration mode. Any changes made to SVD mode would require a chassis reload for the change
to take effect.
2. CSCud57200: When performing a software downgrade from R4.3.1 (or later) to R4.3.0 (or earlier), all
xconnect PW configuration is lost. Remove the ipv4 keyword from the xconnect PW configuration and
re-apply the configuration. Also, before performing a software upgrade, save the configuration so that
the configuration can be re-applied if the upgrade has to be stopped.
3. Due to the CLI change from "label-allocation-mode" to "label mode" introduced in CSCtx28180 in
R4.3.1, when performing a software downgrade from R4.3.1 (or later) to R4.3.0 (or earlier), "label
mode" configuration will be lost if any. Remove the "label mode" configuration and re-apply the
configuration as "label-allocation-mode" after the downgrade.
4. If you are using BFD over Bundle VLAN (BVLAN) configuration, you must add the bfd multipath
include location <> configuration command while upgrading to Cisco IOS XR Release 4.3.1 from an
earlier version of the Cisco IOS XR software. Note that the BFD session will not be established
unless you add the bfd multipath include location <> configuration command. Please refer to
5. When upgrading from a p- image to a px- image on a RSP2 system with the video pie by issuing
install add and activate in the same CLI, the activation fails. User has to perform install add and
install activate operations separately for the upgrade to be successful.
6. After upgrading to R4.3.1, OSPF area format error would be seen if the user has area
configured in pre-4.3.1 releases. Change the OSPF area format from area to area 0 before
upgrading to R4.3.1
7. In release 4.3.1, PIM mofrr command format has changed from mofrr ACL to mofrr flow ACL. After
upgrading to R4.3.1, user has to update the PIM mofrr configuration from mofrr ACL to mofrr flow
8. In release 4.3.1, PIM mofrr non-revertive format has changed to mofrr non-revertive <word>. After
upgrading to R4.3.1, user has to update the mofrr non-revertive configuration in the PIM address-
family configuration mode to mofrr non-revertive <non-revertive MoFRR word>
9. If MPLS package is installed on the router. Regardless of mpls being enabled on the router, the
following two SMUs will need to be installed: AA07394/ CSCug87873, AA07393/ CSCuf26300 else
SMU installation incompatibility will be seen during activation.

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