Hathor Goddess
Hathor Goddess
Hathor Goddess
Goddess of Love and Music
LightWorker Series
Channelled and compiled by
Elizabeth Starlightowl Hibel
Layout by Jens Tehuti Seborg
Hathor - Goddess of Love and Music
This manual may be passed on to students providing it is kept in its entirety and not
altered in any way without the written permission of the founder.
Copyright November, 2008.
LightWorker Egyptian Gods and Goddesses (Elizabeth Starlightowl Hibel)
Anubis Guide to the Other Side (Elizabeth Starlightowl Hibel) (LightWorker Series)
Bast - Goddess of Cats and Perfume (Elizabeth Starlightowl Hibel) (LightWorker Series)
Hathor - Goddess of Love and Music (Elizabeth Starlightowl Hibel) (LightWorker Series)
Horus Ruler of Egypt (Elizabeth Starlightowl Hibel) (LightWorker Series)
Isis Loving Wife and Mother (Elizabeth Starlightowl Hibel) (LightWorker Series)
Ma'at Goddess of Balance and Justice (Elizabeth Starlightowl Hibel) (LightWorker Series)
Nephthys Goddess of the Household (Elizabeth Starlightowl Hibel) (LightWorker Series)
Ptah The Creating Craftsman (Elizabeth Starlightowl Hibel) (LightWorker Series)
Ra The lifegiving Sun (Elizabeth Starlightowl Hibel) (LightWorker Series)
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Introduction to the Series
According to the Emerald Tables of Thoth he was the founder of the
culture in Kemet (the Black Land) which the Greek later called Egypt.
Along with Thoth came other Netjeru guardians or watchers
who we in our culture normally call Gods. What we must understand is,
that they originally worked among the citizens of Kemet and that the
first Pharaohs were descendants of those Gods.
Kemet was divided into two main parts:
Lower Egypt (6 66 6 - Ta Mehu) - mainly the Delta - from Memphis [Mennefer] to
the Mediterranean Sea with 20 provinces (nomes). Among the symbols of Ta Mehu
was the bee (bit - ), the red crown (desret - ) and the Snake-deva (Wadjet - ).
Upper Egypt Nildalen (6 66 6 > >> > - Ta Shemau) mainly the Nile Valley but also the
desert areas around it with 22 provences. Among the symbols of Ta Shemau were the
rush (su - ), the white crown (hedjet - ) and the vulture-deva (Nekhbet - d dd d).
The ancient Egyptians believed in many different gods and goddesses. Each one of them
with their own role to play - maintaining prosperity, peace and harmony across the land.
But each of those 42 provinces had their own favourites and it was not quite the same belief
system all over the two countries ruled under the double crown.
Some gods and goddesses took part in creation, some brought
the flood every year, some offered protection, and some took
care of people after they died. Others were either local gods
who represented towns, or minor gods who represented
plants or animals. The ancient Egyptians believed that it was
important to recognise and worship these gods and goddesses
so that life continued smoothly.
The worshipping of the gods and goddesses varied over
the four most important historical periods:
1. The Old Kingdom (3rd6th Dynasties) came after the Protodynastic Period (Apprx.
3100 - 3000 BCE) and the Early Dynastic Period (1st2nd Dynasties). The Old
Kingdom is best known for the large number of pyramids, which were constructed
the first one being the Step Pyramid in Memphis' necropolis, Saqqara.
2. The Middle Kingdom (12th13th Dynasties) came after the First Intermediate
Period (7th11th Dynasties) and was again a good period for Kemet, but again decay
started and the Hyskos took advantage of that.
3. The New Kingdom (18th20th Dynasties) came after the Second Intermediate
Period (14th17th Dynasties) and could be called the Golden Ages of Egypt. Here
we find the most famous Pharaohs - Hatshepsut, Akhenaton, Tutankhamon,
Amenhotep III, Seti I, Ramesses II ("the Great") and Ramesses III.
4. The Ptolemaic dynasty (year 332 to 30 BCE) after the Third Intermediate Period
(21st25th Dynasties) and the Late Period (26th31st Dynasties). Now the Pharaohs
among them the famous Kleopatra (51-30 BCE) - were of Greek origin, but we can
thank them for leaving us many temples that we can visit today. After that the Roman
Empire prevailed, and soon Christianity took over and later Islam.
Short story of the creation of the earth in Old Egypt
At first, there was only Nun. Nun was the dark waters of chaos. One day, a hill rose up
out of the waters. This hill was called Ben-Ben.
On this hill stood Atum, the first god (creator of the universe).
Atum coughed and spat out Shu, the god of the
air, and Tefnut, the goddess of Shu and Tefnut
had two children.
First, there was Geb, the god of the earth. Then,
there was Nut, the goddess of the sky.
Shu lifted Nut up so that she became a canopy
over Geb. Nut and Geb had four children named
Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys.
Osiris was the king of the earth and Isis was the queen. Osiris was a
good king, and he ruled over the earth for many years. However,
everything was not well. Seth was jealous of Osiris because he wanted
to be the ruler of the earth. He grew angrier and angrier until one day
he killed Osiris. Osiris went down into the underworld and Seth
remained on earth and became king.
Osiris and Isis had one son called Horus. Horus battled against Seth
and regained the throne. After that, Horus was the king of the earth
and Osiris was the king of the underworld.
Hathor - Goddess of Love and Music
When you are attuned to the energies of the Goddess Hathor, you will have access to
her attributes, as set out below.
Hathor was a goddess of many things, among them she was a:
Celestial goddess: The Mistress of Heaven
Goddess of love, music and beauty: the Goddess of
Love, Cheerfulness, Music, and Dance,
Goddess of women, fertility, children and childbirth. The
Mother of Mothers, the Celestial Nurse,
Goddess of destruction and drunkenness: The Vengeful
Eye of Ra, the Lady of Drunkenness,
Goddess of the dead: Lady of the West
The reason that she has so many names, one would assume, is because she is an
ancient goddess - she seems to have been mentioned as early as the 2nd Dynasty.
She may even been associated with the Narmer palette - although the two human
faced bovines may also have been a representation of the king.
Hathor was also known as the "Great Menat". The menat, a necklace with a special
counterweight, is not actually jewelry - it is a musical instrument also sacred to
Hathor! The counter piece is similar to the fertility dolls found in ancient tombs, while
the beaded necklace was believed to represent the womb. It was held in the hand and
rattled to convey the blessing of the goddess.
She was the patron of dancers and was associated with percussive music. Many of her
priests were artisans, musicians, and dancers who added to the quality of life of the
Egyptians and worshipped her by expressing their artistic natures. Hathor was the
incarnation of dance and sexuality and was given the epithet "Hand of God"
(refering to the act of masturbation) and "Lady of the Vulva". One myth tells that Ra
had become so despondent that he refused to speak to anyone. Hathor (who never
suffered depression or doubt) danced before him exposing her private parts, which
caused him to laugh out loud and return to good spirits.
Hathor was also the "Lady of Greenstone and
Malachite" and "Lady of Lapis-Lazuli, and Tur-
quoise, presiding over these materials as well as
being a goddess of the fringes where they were mined.
Malachite is a banded light and dark green semi-
precious stone that was ground up and mixed with eye
make-up in Kemet.
Lapis-lazuli adorned many pieces of ancient Egyptian jewelry.
As "the Mistress of Turquoise" and the
"lady of Malachite" she was the patron of
miners and the goddess of the Sinai
Peninsula (the location of the famous
mines). The Egyptians used eye makeup
made from ground malachite which had
a protective function (in fighting eye
infections) which was attributed to
This fits in well with Hathor's role of a goddess of beauty.)
This is perhaps why she was also known as the "Lady
to the Limit" - the Egyptians believed her to be a
goddess who ruled over the known universe!
As the "Lady of the West" and the "Lady of the
Southern Sycamore" she protected and assisted the
dead on their final journey. Trees were not common-
place in ancient Egypt, and their shade was
welcomed by the living and the dead alike. She was
sometimes depicted as handing out water to the
deceased from a sycamore tree
The Milky Way was seen as a waterway in the heavens,
sailed upon by both the sun deity and the king, leading the
ancient Egyptians to describe it as The Nile in the Sky.
Due to this, and the name mehturt, she was identified as
responsible for the yearly inundation of the Nile.
Another consequence of this name is that she was seen as
a herald of imminent birth, as when the amniotic
sac breaks and floods its waters, it is a medical indicator
that the child is due to be born extremely soon.
Another interpretation of the Milky Way was that it was the primal snake, Wadjet, the
protector of Egypt who was closely associated with Hathor and other early deities
among the various aspects of the great mother goddess, including Mut and Naunet.
Hathor was also favored as a protector in desert regions.
She was a sky goddess, known as "Lady of Stars" and "Sovereign of Stars" and
linked to Sirius (and so the goddesses Sopdet and Isis). Her birthday was celebrated
on the day that Sirius first rose in the sky (heralding the coming innundation). By
the Ptolemaic period, she was known as the goddess of Hethara, the third month of
the Egyptiancalendar.
As the goddess of beauty and patron of the cosmetic arts, her traditional votive
offering was two mirrors and she was often depicted on mirrors and cosmetic palettes.
Yet she was not considered to be vain or shallow, rather she was assured of her own
beauty and goodness and loved beautiful and good things.
She was known as "the Mistress of Life" and was seen as the embodiment of
joy, love, romance, perfume, dance, music and alcohol. Hathor was
especially connected with the fragrance of myrrh incense, which was
considered to be very precious and to embody all of the finer qualities of
the female sex.
Generally, Hathor was pictured as a woman with cow's horns
with a solar disc between them (giving her the title of 'Golden
One'), or as a beautiful woman with cow's ears, or a cow wearing
the sun disk between her horns, or even as a lioness or a lion-
headed woman showing her destructive side. It was only in later
Egyptian history that she was shown as a woman with the head
of a cow.
Perhaps one of the main cult objects associated with Hathor was
the sistrum, a musical rattle. Its name is derived from the Greek,
seiein, meaning "to shake". She often is seen carrying this ancient
musical instrument played by the priestesses. The sistrum usually
had the face of Hathor where the handle adjoins the rest of the
instrument. This particular instrument was thought to
have sexual overtones, relating to fertility.
The sound of the sistrum is metallic, produced by a number of metal disks or
squares, strung onto a set of transverse bars, set horizontally into a frame of
varying design. Its sound was thought to echo that of a stem of papyrus
being shaken. However, the acoustic effects were frequently extremely
limited. The sistrum was suitable for beating a rhythmical accompaniment in
open-air processions.
Family relations
Hathor was the consort of Horus, and their son was Ihy. The 3 of them makes out the
Dendara and Edfu Triad Father Horus, Mother Hathor and the son Ihy.
Cult centre
Hathor was worshipper all over Egypt, but the main cult centre was in Dendara,
where we can still find the beautiful Hathor temple. Festival of Het Heret
[Hathor].: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day.
Sacred Animals:
Sacred Bird:
Falcon (Horus)
Sacred Plants:
sycamore trees.
Sacred candle color: light blue
Herbs (and Foods) Associated with Hathor
ale, beer
grapes, wine
Holy days
Wednesday: Hathor is associated with Wednesday.
September - November: Hathor is associated with September, October and
Attunement Procedure
This is by no means the only way to do it, it is just the way I do it
Prepare the room by dimming the lights, playing soft unintrusive music,
light a candle (pale blue for Hathor )or incense etc - Relax !!!!!!
Call in your helpers, guides, God, Goddesses or Gods, Great Spirit or
whoever you relate to (especially Goddess Hathor) and ask them to help
you to be a clear pure channel to send the Hathor attunement
.and to keep you safe from all negative energies or unwanted entities
State your intention, that is to attune .to the energies of
the Goddess Hathor - Then just relax and let the energies flow.
When you feel that the energies have diminished, then you are done
If you are doing a hands-on attunement ground yourself and your client
and give your client a glass of water - remember to thank your helpers
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