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International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 4, Issue, 04, pp.064-073, April, 2012

ISSN: 0975-833X
1Dibyendu Talukdar* and 2Tulika Talukdar
1Department of Botany, R.P.M. College, University of Calcutta, Uttarpara, Hooghly 712258, West Bengal, India
2Department of Botany, Krishnagar Govt. College, University of Kalyani, Krishnagar, Nadia, West Bengal, India


Article History: An inventory was carried out in parts of Sikkim Himalayas (500-4200m, amsl) to document
Received 27th January, 2012 traditional wisdom on legumes regarding mode of food preparation and resource utilization. The
Received in revised form study revealed rich biodiversity and conservation of traditional knowledge on use of legumes in food,
17th February, 2012
fodder, medicine, organic farming and socio-religious festivals. As many as 42 ethno-taxa have been
Accepted 29th March, 2012
Published online 30th April, 2012 identified, of which 24 plants had use in different ailments including diabetes, high blood cholesterol,
fever, digestive disorder and other general health problems. As edible food, 24 plants had extensive
Key words: use either as vegetables or pulse-meal and 10 recipes have been identified. Cooking and boiling was
the most preferred recipes among the tribes. Phaseolus and Vigna emerged as dominant taxa with
Ethno-biology, maximum number of useful plants (8 each), followed by Cassia and Lathyrus (4 each) and then other
Resources, taxa. Nepalese was the predominant tribes, utilizing highest number of plants, and it was closely
Medicinal, followed by Lepchas and Bhutias and then other tribes. The informant consensus factor, used for the
Consensus factor, first time in Sikkim Himalayas, for preparation and usage of plant per category was high enough (>
Sikkim Himalayas. 0.90), indicating high degree of consensus in disclosing the traditional knowledge within the
community in the study areas.
Copy Right, IJCR, 2012, Academic Journals. All rights reserved.

INTRODUCTION for traditional and cultural rituals since time immemorial. As

Sikkim is a small multi-ethnic State, located on the Eastern legumes are the only and cheap sources of high protein,
Himalaya covering a geographical area (GA) of 7096, antioxidants and dietary fibers for peoples living in rugged
representing a meager portion of (0.22%) India’s geographical terrain, documentation of ethnic recipes and their use are
urgently needed. Many of these Himalayan traditional legume
area. The diverse topography of this biodiversity rich state is
crops have high ecological and economic potential and thrive
accompanied with colourful cultural practices and traditional
well in adverse environmental conditions with low external
uses of floras in different purposes (Badola and Aitken,
2003). The major ethnic groups are 'Bhutias', 'Lepchas', inputs (Maikhuri et al., 1997). Often described as ‘poor man’s
'Nepalese', 'Limbos', of which ‘Lepchas represent aboriginal diet, the grass pea or Lathyrus sativus L. for example, has
tribes with richest knowledge on traditional uses of plants recently been re-introduced in several parts of Europe, China,
(Pradhan and Badola, 2008; Idrisi et al., 2010; Bhasin, 2011; Australia and South America due to its remarkable capacity to
Pal and Palit, 2011). All the tribes of Sikkim nurture withstand extreme cold conditions and diverse types of biotic
traditional bio-resource utilization strategy for which several and abiotic stresses for sustainable farming to prevent cereal-
literatures are available (Bennet, 1983; Srivastava et al., based overexploitation of land (Granati et al., 2003; Kumari
1987; Pandey, 1991; Subba, 2009; Joshi et al., 2011). and Prasad, 2005; Vaz Patto et al., 2006; Talukdar, 2009a,
Legumes constitute an important part in hill-based agro- 2011a-d). Detail documentation was done on ethno-medicinal
biodiversity and traditional uses of legume products in floras of Sikkim Himalayas from time to time (Gurung, 2002;
Jha et al., 2004; Pradhan and Badola, 2008; Idrisi et al., 2010),
different parts of the Himalayas (Subba, 2009). This group of
but despite immense importance of Himalayan pulse crop and
plant is grown wildly and is also cultivated by local people as
its preparation in daily life of different ethnic communities,
food, fodder and sources of fuel from sub-tropical (500-1500
report on use of legumes in Sikkim Himalaya is extremely
msl) to mid hill temperate region (1500-2700msl) of Sikkim.
The ethnic communities are predominantly vegetarians and limited (Jana and Chauhan, 2000) and no detail studies have
rice-legume soup-curry-pickle is the basic diet of the been carried out in this direction. The objectives of the present
Sikkimese meal (Yadav et al., 2009). Along with other crops, study were, therefore, to document the traditional knowledge
indigenous communities have been conserving landraces of regarding the preparation (non-fermented) and uses of
domesticated, wild relatives and underutilized legume crops prominent pulse crops used in Sikkim Himalayas.

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

065 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 04, pp.064-073, April, 2012

MATERIALS AND METHODS period, about 9 field trips were conducted in the study areas
for verification of collected data. Surveys were conducted by a
Study areas and ethno-graphy stratified random selection of informants, based on methods
suggested by earlier workers (Schultes, 1962; Jain, 1991;
Field trips comprising of local knowledge persons, traditional Bernard, 1994). Successive free listing was used to interview
healers and farmers mainly from ethnic Nepalese, Lepchas, informants providing data for the consensus analysis. A total
Bhutias, Lamas (Bhutia priest), Limbos, Sherpas, and Dokpas of 210 informants were selected and interviewed based on the
were conducted in and around Ranipool (East Sikkim, 27°17′ questionnaire followed earlier for legumes (Bhagya and
N/88°35′E, 600m, amsl), Phodong (North Sikkim, 1400m, Sridhar, 2009), giving limited time and without discriminating
amsl), Labrang (North Sikkim, 1400m, amsl), Phensang gender. During these interviews, all possible information
(North Sikkim, 27° 26′ N/88°36′E, 1572m, amsl), Chungthang regarding uses of legumes, parts used, dosage and mode of
(North Sikkim, 27°37′ N/88°37′E, 1800m, amsl), Mangan administration, methods of preparation was documented and
(27.52°N/ 88.53° E, 1000m, amsl), Lachen mosastery area, then verified by cross-checking. Informants were also
Lachen Chu valley (North Sikkim, 2800m, amsl), Yumthang requested to show the seeds of last harvest and to show the
(North alpine Sikkim, 3610m, amsl), Thangu (2600-4200m, plant species on site. Members of different local community-
amsl) and Lachung valley (1545-3152m) between August and based village-governance system such as ‘Dzumsa’ (dzoms-
February of 2009-2011. Indigenous people inhabiting the sa), a traditional institution of the Bhutias in the remote high
target areas mostly belong to three major communities, i.e. altitude village of Lachen, were involved in this exploration
Nepali, Lepcha and Bhutia. The Nepali community has study. Documentation of knowledge on medicinal uses of
established a wider base in their local traditional medicine legumes was carried out with the help of local folk healers
system, which is commonly prevailed in various tropical and known as Baidya, Dhami and Jhankri in Nepali Community,
sub-tropical villages in Sikkim (Tambe et al., 2003). Being Amji and Pow in Bhutia Community, and Bongthing in
one of the oldest tribes in Sikkim, Lepchas have successfully Lepcha Community in study areas including local markets.
managed to carry their ancient wisdom of ethnomedicinal
practices. In recent times, Lepchas used to grow pulses and Calculation of a consensus factor (Fic)
vegetables along with other crops, and emerged as specialized
plant gatherers practicing ‘Lepcha Shamanism’ and Homogeneity of informant's knowledge was tested following
ethnomedicine with having richest traditional knowledge on methods of Trotter and Logan (1986) with little modifications
biological resources (Pradhan and Badola, 2008; Idrisi et al., for the present study. A consensus factor of Fic is given by: Fic
2010). Migrated to Sikkim, perhaps after the fifteenth century = Nur − Nt /(Nur − 1). The factor provides a range of 0 to 1,
through Bhutan, Bhutias, the third major tribe of Sikkim in the where a high value acts as a good indicator for a high rate of
study area, is believed to be of Tibetan origin. Lachen and informant consensus. Nur is the number of use-reports of
Lachung are the traditional Lepcha Villages with a unique informants for particular illness/ usage, where a use-report is a
form of local democracy in which the pipon (headman) is single record for use of a plant mentioned by an individual. Nt
elected every year. Nowadays, however, at north Sikkim, refers to the number of species used for a particular
Bhutias inhabit in majority and known as Lachenpas and illness/usage category for all informants. The majority of
Lachungpas for their historical links with Lachen and illness/usage types are grouped into predefined
Lachung, respectively (Idrisi et al., 2010). The Bhutias along ethno/economic botany categories. Documentation of
with Lepchas and Sherpas constitute significant farming knowledge per category of usage/preparation was at first
community, engaged in subsistence farming by cultivating a performed community wise, and mean value of Fic was
variety of legume crops such as peas and beans and fruits such finalized, thereafter (Table 2 and 3).
as barley, wheat, potato, cabbage, apple, maize, peach, and
medicinal plants between 3000-4300m (Chhetri, 2011). Botanical documentation and preservation
Dzumsa (dzoms-sa), a traditional institution of the Bhutias in
the remote high altitude villages of Lachen, frames the All plants utilized in the interviews were collected as vouchers
guidelines of crop harvesting and utilization. for confirmation of identity. The identities were authenticated
in herbaria, and by referring to recent taxonomic monographs
Ethnobotanical survey and consensus analysis and revisions. The authentication of collected specimens was
performed using both on-line and off-line data bases of
The survey protocols were followed standard methods for International Plant Names Index (www.,
interviews, data confirmation and field observation as International legume data base ( ‘Flora of
suggested earlier (Etkin, 1993; Bernard, 1994; Alexiades, Sikkim Himalayas (Hajra and Verma, 1996) and persons from
1996). Community domains and differences in traditional different institution and arboretums (;
knowledge (TK) among the informants were elucidated by Voucher specimens have been deposited in
cross checking the new informants and frequency of a the departmental herbarium of R.P.M. College, Uttarpara,
particular response was determined within the survey. The Hooghly, West Bengal.
local 'elders' helped us to gather information on the local
customs, habits and beliefs, information on the surrounding RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
area and individuals who are knowledgeable of the local flora.
The consensus analysis utilized the informant's TK as defined Diversity of ethnotaxa
by the surveys. Local informants having practical knowledge The ethnic communities in the study areas revealed a diversity
of plant medicinal utility of the study areas were interviewed of legume plants that have medicinal and nutritional utility in
during study periods of August-February 2009-11. During this their culture. During the study period of over three
066 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 04, pp.064-073, April, 2012

Table 1. Legume crop plants used in Ethnobiology in Sikkim Himalayas

Botanical name Common name Habit Growth Ethnic mode of Uses

period preparation/usable plant parts
*Abrus precatorius L. Lalgedi Tree Perennial Seeds powdered and mixed with
Used in backbone
(Ranipool, Phodong) water to prepare liquid paste
pain (N)
*Acacia Arabica L. Babul Tree Perennial Bark and gum-directly used
Used in cut and
(Ranipool, Phodong) or as paste
Wounds (N)=
*Bauhinia purpurea L. Tanki Small Perennial Flowers collected, stamens Used as pickles
(up to 1200m, amsl) Tree removed along with calyx, (N, L, B, O)
to prepare paste and dysentery (N)

*Cajanas cajan (L.) Rahar Erect Sep-Dec Cooked with vegetables Taken during jaundice Millsp.
Dried stem as fuel (N)
Cassia alata L. Dandmari Erect shrub June-Dec Dry plant parts collected Fuel (N)
*Cassia javanica L. Sungen Kung (L) Erect Perennial Pods and seeds. Seed extract Medicinal value of
(Ranipool to Pakyong) tree prepared in saline water seeds as purgative,
hemolytic (extract)
agent (L)
*Cassia occidentalis L. Tapray (N), Erect under- June-Dec Leaves and roots powdered, Medicinal in worm
(Up to 2400m, amsl) Sung en durn (L) shrub mixed with water to form paste infection, scorpion
sting, stomachic, used
in fever, cough and
cold (N, L)
*Cassia tora L. Toppariya Sub-erect March- Leaves were cut into pieces, Leaf juices used as
(up to 1200-1400m) Nov grinded with little water in anthelmintic, taken at
wooden morter to extract juices empty stomach (N),
used also in skin
diseases (N, L)
Cicer arietinum L. Chana dal Sub-erect Oct-Feb Cooked as ‘dal’, dry seeds Taken with cooked(u
(up to 3000m) powdered to make ‘besan’ rice, fried product
form fried product. Whole Sprouted seeds for
plant & sprouted seeds general health (N, B)
Fodder and recycling
(N, B, O)
*Clitoria ternatea L. Sveta koyala/ Climber Feb-Nov Flower (white) mixed with water Paste used in eye
(Ranipool to Phensang) aparajitha to form paste, entire plant infection, whole plant
bite (N), religious
(N, B)
*Glycine max (L.) Merrill. Kalo or Pahelo Sub-erect June-Nov Seeds processed or roasted, used as legume meat
(Ranipool to Chungthang) Bhatmash grains, whole plant, seed with cooked rice, seed
paste and plant as fodder (N
, L), paste in skin rash
Cold bite (S, B, L)
Indigofera atropurpurea Chiringi jhar Shrub Sep-Oct Leaves cut into pieces, mixed
Used as vegetables
Horn em. (1530m, amsl) (flowering) with amaranth, palak and
(N, L, B, O) cooked
Lathyrus sativus L. Soshta Batura/ Vine Oct-Feb Cooked as ‘dal’ or mixed with Highly nutritious but
(1200-4200m, amsl) Seto Batura vegetables or with chana dal
always taken as
(white-seeded) Tender leaves, whole plant, mixed legume diet
leaves and pods, seed flour (L, S, O).Tender pods
Kalo Batura (black seed) Sub-erect Sep-Feb Tender pods and seeds, mixed Raw leafy vegetables,
/Pahelo batura with millet or buck-wheat, rough ‘chapatti’ (S,O)
(brown mottled) whole plant as fodder,
manure (S, O)
*Lens esculenta Moench. Masuri dal Bushy Oct-Feb Grains cooked as ‘dal’ Light meal taken
(Ranipool to Phensang) or as mixed meal with during severe
Lettuce leaf, palak, jaundice, indigestion
amaranth (‘dhuti ghans’) and loss of appetite
and spice (N), in measles (L)
*Lespedeza speciosa Schindl. Chikley Shrub June-Oct Leaf cut into pieces, paste Used in skin rash (L)
(2000-4000m, amsl)
*Lespedeza elliptica Michx. Chikley Vine July-Oct Leaf pieces made into paste Used in skin rash (L)
(1500-4200m, amsl)
*Macrotyloma uniflorum Gahat Sub-erect June-Sep Cooked as ‘dal’ or processed Taken to withstand
(Lam.) Verdc., 100-2500m, amsl of water-soaked seeds or grains extreme cold, kidney
Phaseolus lunatus L. *Ghew simi Pole type July-Oct Tender pods cooked, mixed
Vegetables (N),
(White seed) with leaves of palak, cabbage,
anti-diabetic (N,
(Ranipool to and radish (white), no potato monks),in digestive
067 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 04, pp.064-073, April, 2012

Chungthang) disorder, constipation (N, L),

high cholesterol (N, B, S)
*Ghew simi (suno Pole type July-Oct Powdered seeds (small-suno)
Break-fast or
and talo) sun-dried, mixed with maize
evening meal (N,
flour to form bread or besan
B, L), in pregnancy Large and bold seeds (Tulo) served as pulse meal
cooked, stored at lunch (N), high

cholesterol (N, B, S)
Phaseolus lunatus L. *Lachen Tibi Pole type Aug-Oct Sprouted seeds as such or At break-fast (only
(Phodong to Lachen mixed with potato, ginger,
germinated seeds)
/Lachung valley) millet (flour)
and cardamom for medicinal (anti-
or simply cooked as ‘dal’
cholesterol, low

blood pressure),

mixed meal during

fever (S, B, D)
Singtamey simi Pole type Aug-Oct Tender pods cooked, raw
Vegetables (N, B), plants, mixed with
othe fodder (N, S),
pulses during festivals
Mulching (N, B, L)
Ghew bori Pole type July-Oct Seed flour mixed with water
Food supplement in to form ‘bori’
vegetables for high

nutrition (N, L)
Phaseolus vulgaris L. Kalo Mantulall simi Pole type July-Oct Seeds soaked in water, sprouted Delicious meal in
(Ranipool to beyond seeds mixed with ginger, onion, cultural and religio-
Chungthang) garlic, palak, and other herbs -us
festivals (N, L,
or boiled five min, kept 4-5 h, B, others).
Pulse as
water discarded and cooked meal with

buckwheat or millet

bread (B, L)
Alpatre simi Pole type July-Nov Young pods boiled and
Vegetables (N, S)

Harey simi Pole type July-Nov Cooked sprouted legumes; curry

Vegetables (N, L) , mixed with other
pulses served
as mixed mealat socio-cultural
festivals ( B, L, S)
Pisum sativum L. *Matar/Kerau Vine Oct-Feb Cooked as ‘dal’ or as mixed Nutritious daily meal,
(Ranipool to Chungthang) with masuri, arhar, chana or
Tender pods, seeds
pods and leaves L, O), as salad (N),
*Pithecellobium dulce Jilebi Tree Perennial Juices of leaves and fruits Used in fever (N,
benth. extracted in water by wooden L)
(Ranipool) mortar
Tamarindus indica Tittiri Tree Perennial Mealy fruit pulp separated from
Used as pickle, in
Linn. (900m, amsl) (Flowering Nov-Jan) seeds, mixed with water to form fever, appetizer
paste, mixed with tomato, salt, (N, L, B)
slight sugar, turmeric and chilli
Trifolium repense Setclove Creeping Perennial Whole plant, often mixed with Fodder to increase
(Chungthang valley) Grasses and T. pratens milk production (B,L)
foenum-graecum L. Methi Oct-Feb Herb Seeds or sprouted seeds mixed As spice, and seed-
(up to 1700m) with vegetable preparation, soaked water taken in
empty stomach at

morning in diabetes
(N, L, B, O)
Vicia faba L. Bakulla Oct-Jan Erect Young pods and whole plant. Pods cooked as ((u(
(Phensang to upper Dried bean fried, roasted or vegetables, mixed
Chungthang 1000-2400m) mixed with pea, gram, mung, diet for socio-cultural
068 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 04, pp.064-073, April, 2012

germinated to form soup, eaten festivals (N), green

with rice during ‘rakhi’ festival manuring (N, L, O)
*Vigna mungo ssp viridis Panheli dal (green Semi- Aug-Oct Seeds boiled with turmeric Medicinal (for low
(L.) Hepper Seed) spreading powder in pressure cooker for blood pressure and
Dal diet (N), often with
and boiled for 2-4 min minimum (N)
*Vigna mungo ssp niger Kalo dal (black seed) Semi- Aug-Oct Cooked as pulse meal or ‘dal’ Medicinal (at constip-
(L.) Hepper spreading or mixed with radish, cabbage, -ation, weakness) and
(2400-2800m, amsl) salt and lettuce leaves as mixed meal (N, L)
Vigna umbellata Rato Maysum dal Twining July-Oct Raw plants or tender pods cook Vegetables or cattle
(Thunb.) Ohwi (red-seeded) -ed. Seed flour mixed with feed (N)
and Ohashi Paddy straw and water to form
(900-3000m, amsl) feed meal
Phodong, Chungthang
Lower part of Lachung Kalo Maysum dal Vine July-Oct Mixed with other pulses, maize Energetic cattle
Chu/Lachen Chu (black-seeded) millet, and salt. Whole plant feed, green manure
Lachen Monastery (N, L)
*Seto Maysum dal Twining July-Oct Dry seed or cooked, mixed and Used as ‘dal’ and
(white-seeded) boiled with pea and urd. Tender vegetables (N), in
Pods with young seed high cholesterol (N,
*Tulo Maysum dal Vine Aug-Nov Mixed with pea and chana, A delicious plate
palak, carrot, cooked as mixed eaten
during extreme
flavored pulse meal cold, fever (N, L, O)
Vigna unguiculata *Tuney bori Sub-erect July-Oct Grains are cooked, or mixed Cooked dal without
(L.) Walpers with local herbs or processed salt taken to prevent
(Phodong-Lachung) into stuffed ‘pakodi’. Whole child pox, whole plant
plant mulched or uprooted as Fodder (N, L, O)
Vigna sinensis Thangre Seed flour mixed with paddy Fodder, green manure
(4000m,amsl, Yumthang) straw (B)
N-Nepalese, B-Bhutias, L-Lepchas, S-Sherpas, O-others (Dokpas, Limbos, Tibetans etc.), * plant used in medicinal purposes

Table 2. Ethnobotanical consensus index for traditional legume plant usage categories based on response of a
total 210 selected informants during 2009-2011in different parts of Sikkim Himalayas

Categories of usage Number of use- Number of Informants’ consensus

Reports (Nur) taxa (Nt) Index factor (Fic ) a
Vegetables (pod/leaf) 120 10 0.92
Pulse-meal (‘dal’) 164 14 0.92
Pickle 43 02 0.97
Diabetes 27 02 0.96
Digestive disorder/dysentery
and constipation 30 05 0.86
Fever 78 06 0.93
Pregnancy 69 01 1.00
Jaundice 138 02 0.99
High blood Cholesterol 117 03 0.98
General health (as
Nutritious diet) 88 10 0.89
Anthelmintic/worm 65 02 0.98
Backbone pain 49 01 1.00
Menstrual disorder 87 01 1.00
Other medicinal purposes b 102 11 0.90
Fodder 183 09 0.95
Green manuring 200 07 0.96
Socio-religious purposes 95 09 0.91
Fic = Nur-Nt/(Nur-1), providing a value between 0 and 1, where high value indicates a high rate of consensus among informants
other medicinal uses include-child pox, skin rash/disease, purgative and hemolytic, cut and wounds, cold bite, snake bite, loss of
appetite, measles, and kidney problem

Table 3. Ethnobotanical consensus index for traditional legume recipes based on response of a total 210 selected
informants during 2009-2011in different parts of Sikkim Himalayas

Categories of preparations Number of use-Number of Informants’ consensus

Reports (Nur) taxa (Nt) index factor (Fic ) a

Cooked and boiled 189 20 0.89

Sprouted seeds 147 04 0.97
Cereal-mixed dish 89 04 0.97
Spice-mixed flavored dish 111 06 0.95
Seed flour 165 06 0.94
Seed paste 48 05 0.91
Processed or roasted 39 03 0.94
Salads 93 01 1.00
Juices (leaves/fruits) 56 03 0.96
Bark paste 77 02 0.98
Fic = Nur-Nt/(Nur-1), providing a value between 0 and 1, where high value indicates a high rate of consensus among informants
069 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 04, pp.064-073, April, 2012

utilization of leguminous resources at different altitudes.

Among the tribes, ethnic Nepalese and Lepchas dominated
other communities, closely followed by Bhutias in use of
plants. Sherpa, nomadic Dokpas and Limbos preferred species
of Phaseolus, Glycine, Lathyrus at higher altitude for diverse
purposes. The 42 plants and plant parts documented here have
been used for food, fodder, medicinal, organic farming, fuel
and socio-religious purposes (Table 1), and most of the plants
have multiple uses (Table 2). Largest numbers of taxa (14)
were used as pulse-meal while 20 plants were used as
vegetables and to make nutritious dishes (Table 2). Cooking
through boiling dominated the mode of preparation of food
items using 20 taxa, and it was followed by spice (ginger,
garlic, cardamom)-mixed flavored dish and seed flour from 6
plants, each. Cereal (millet, maize, rice, wheat, buck-wheat)-
mixed dish and sprouted seeds were prepared with four taxa
each, while pods/seeds of three taxa were roasted or processed
to prepare food items. Raw seeds were served as salads only
for Pisum sativum L, while fruit pulp of Tamarindus and
flower of Bauhinia were used to make pickle. Interestingly,
pulse-meal mixed with different legumes and cereals, and
flavored with spices was identified as more popular lunch
items among the tribes than the sole use of any particular
pulse. This habit has immense significance in nutritional
perspectives as most of the legumes particularly Phaseolus,
Vigna, Lathyrus, Cajanas, Cicer, Lens, and Pisum,
Figure 1. Study areas in Sikkim marked (█); KNP denotes documented here, are known to contain high level of
‘Khangchendzonga National Park’ and ‘NH’ represents National antioxidant polyphenolic compounds in dry, processed and
Highway 31A. raw plant parts and seeds (Lo´pez-Amoro´s et al., 2006;
Siddhuraju and Becker, 2007; Pastor-Cavada et al., 2009;
consecutive years, 42 ethnotaxa that have considerable utility Chikanea et al., 2011). It is also worth mentioning that pulse-
in food, fodder, medicinal, general health care, and socio- meal prepared with Lathyrus was always taken by ethic people
religious purposes have been documented (Table 1). Among as mixed diet, incorporating seeds of Cicer arietinum (‘chana
the cultivated legumes, species of Vigna and Phaseolus dal’) in it at high altitude. This traditional habit has great
occupied major share in traditionally managed homestead, scientific value as seeds of Lathyrus contain a fatal
representing 8 taxa under each genus. Among rest of the 26 neurotoxin, β-ODAP, which is reportedly increased in extreme
plants, 16 genotypes were represented by solitary species of stress (cold, drought etc) conditions and can cause
Acacia, Abrus, Pisum, Cicer, Lens, Cajanas, Glycine, neurological disorder if it is consumed as sole source of food
Macrotyloma, Tamarindus, Vicia, Trigonella, Trifolium, for prolonged period of time (Cocks et al., 2000) The
Indigofera, Pithecellobium, Clitorea and Bauhinia, while two ‘Sherpas’, ‘Dokpas’, and Lepchas at Chungthang (1800m)
species of Lespedeza, and four genotypes each of Lathyrus three predominant consumers of this legume, however,
and Cassia were documented in the study areas. Although pledged ignorance about this fact, although they disclosed that
most of these genera are mainly adapted in tropical to sub- they usually take only white-seeded (‘seto-batura’) type for
tropical (500-3500m, amsl) climate, Lathyrus sativus L. and preparation of their daily meal. This genotype was bold-
Lespedeza are grown in much wider altitudinal range with seeded and contain low seed neurotoxin (<0.09%, Talukdar D,
tropics to alpine (500-4200 m, amsl) climate, suggesting better unpublished observation). The invention of bold-seeded grass
hardiness of these two legumes in the study area. Several pea type at high altitude is unique in Sikkim Himalayas, as it
genotypes of Lathyrus have been identified in mid-hill has immense significance in genetic improvement of this type
conditions of Himachal Pradesh and sub-alpine region of for subsistence legume farming (Talukdar, 2011e, f). Among
Western Himalayas (Arora and Chandel, 1972; Kumari and the ethnic food preparations, Nepalese preparations were the
Prasad, 2005). However, identification and documentation of most diverse in variations of items and use of legumes well as
four genotypes of Lathyrus was carried out for the first time in non-leguminous food ingredients/supplements. The Lepchas,
the present study area. Bhutias and nomadic tribes like Sherpas and Dokpas were,
however, more traditional and conserved in this regard. While
Resource utilization by ethnic tribes Nepalese are increasingly using steel made utensils, Lepchas
still is highly fond of different wooden types made up of
Diversity of utilization of legumes for food by the ethnic bamboo shoot to prepare their foods, as reported earlier (Pal
communities is noteworthy in the study areas. Tamang et al. and Palit, 2011).
(2007, 2009) reported 29 types of fermented foods, 9 types of
alcoholic beverages, and 85 types of traditional non-fermented Ethno-medicinal uses of identified taxa included utility of
foods of different ethnic communities of Sikkim Himalayas. plants in diabetes, digestive disorder and constipation, fever,
The present study, however, is mainly concentrated on non- jaundice, backbone pain, skin disease, high blood cholesterol,
fermented legume products, and revealed ethnic diversity in child pox, measles, kidney problem, and other minor purposes
070 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 04, pp.064-073, April, 2012

(cold bites, cut and wounds etc.). Jana and Chauhan (2000) and its relation with nutritional component of seed has been
reported 16 ethnic formulations of legume medicine at Sikkim established (Talukdar and Biswas, 2005; Talukdar, 2009b).
Himalayas in a rather limited search, but the detail Although new methods are being introduced to improve hill-
investigation and consensus of reporting is not known in wider based organic farming, almost all local ethnic tribes (except
climatic conditions. In the present investigation, covering Dokpas) practiced mulching of whole plant as one of the
tropics to alpine range (500-4200m, amsl), out of 42 taxa effective ways to preserve soil fertility. Recycling and green
documented, 24 plants (57%) have been found used as herbal manuring are two other methods followed by hill people to
medicines predominantly by Lepchas and Nepalese (Table 1). maintain soil nitrogen status. Although all legumes under
Interestingly, one plant Phaseolus lunatus L. (‘ghew simi’- study have this potential, 7 plants were documented for their
small and bold seeded) was found used as pulse-meal during extensive use as green manuring, represented by species of
pregnancy by Nepalese people. Different varieties of this plant Phaseolus, Cicer, Vigna and Lathyrus. Although Nepalese
were also disclosed as effective to lower blood sugar and high were identified as dominant ethnic tribes using legumes as
blood cholesterol levels. Seeds of methi were also used as green manuring, Bhutias and Lepchas are knowledgeable
anti-diabetic by almost all tribes in the present study areas, enough utilizing legumes as green manure in their traditional
although use of this medicinal herb in diabetes was earlier homestay garden, ‘khet’ and terrace farming.
attributed to only Nepalese tribes (Chhetri et al., 2005).
Exclusive use of Lespedeza for skin rash during extreme cold, Role of legume crops as source of fuel and in socio-religious
Lens esculenta during measles, Macrotyloma uniflorum to festivals was also documented in the present inventory, as
prevent kidney disorder and Cassia javanica as purgative by studied in sub-Himalayan plain also (Talukdar and Talukdar,
Lepchas and of Clitoria ternatea for snake bite, Vigna mungo 2012b). Dry parts of two plants, Cajanas cajan and Cassia
ssp viridis (‘pahenlo dal’) in low blood pressure and physical alata, were the sources of fuel for the hill tribes, particularly
weaknesses by Nepalese community are also noteworthy to Nepalese. While Cajanas was used in this purpose from low
mention. Roles of two prominent legumes, Lens esculenta and tropics to mid-temperate (500-2000m, amsl), Cassia alata
Cajanus cajan, as hepato-protective pulses during jaundice mixed with Lantana camara, a dangerous invasive shrub of
and the latter in menstrual disorder also were disclosed by family Verbenaceae, and Leucaena leucocephala, an invasive
Nepalese tribes. Similarly, at lower altitude (500-1000m, legumes, was burned as fuel at low altitude tropical climate.
amsl), bark paste of ‘gum arabic’ (Acacia arabica) and seed The Nepalese ‘Gorkhas’ were found using Cassia, while
paste of Abrus precatorius were exclusively used by this ‘Limbos’, and ‘Sherpas’ preferred Cajanas to meet immediate
community to treat cut and wounds and backbone pain, fuel demand for low-intensive daily use. The cultural as well
respectively. At least 6 plants have been used to counter fever; as socio-religious festivals are an integrated part of hill life,
of which juices extracted from leaves and fruits of and legumes provide beautiful cuisine in traditional cultural
Pithecellobium dulce, cooked pulse-meal of Macrotyloma rituals and festivals. In the present study, 9 plants were
uniflorum and Vigna umbellata and liquid paste of Cassia documented as used either directly (Clitoria ternatea) or to
occidentalis leaf had high acceptance among the ethnic prepare delicious dishes (Phaseolus vulgaris, Vigna mungo,
community. Pharmacological preparations include seed/bark Vicia faba etc.) during different socio-cultural festivals. For
paste, water-soaked seeds, pulse-meal, leaf paste, juice and instance, the ‘Newar’ festivals include the Kokkti-Purney or
cooked vegetables (Table 1). Kwanti Purnima and the Rakhi Purnima. On the day of Rakhi-
Purnima, ‘Newar’ community was found to prepare a
Besides cultivated for food and medicinal purposes, number of traditional recipes of special mixed soup comprising of newly
legume plants has been utilized for fodder, green manuring, germinated pulses (known as Kwathi or Kokti) of beans (Ghew
fuel and religious purposes in the study areas (Table1, 2). simi, Singtamey simi, Mantulall simi, Rajmah), Mung
Altogether, 9 plants have been identified which used (Kalodal, Panhelidal), Field Peas (Matar/Kerau), Horse gram
extensively as fodder or animal feed, of which Trifolium (Gahat), Ricebean (Masyam), Soybean (Bhatmash), Cowpea
repense or white clover was preferred mostly by Bhutias. (Tuneybori), Gram (Chana dal) and lentil (Musuridal). The
Local ‘Lamas’, however, informed gastric problem or bloating mixed pulses were initially soaked in water and allowed until
of cattle in taking this plant which was in agreement with an the sprouts come out. Thus mixed beans sprouts are used to
earlier report in Bhutan Himalayas (Roder et al., 2007). prepare traditional delicacies with local spices (ginger,
Among the other legumes, species of Vigna have been widely cardamon) and salts. Besides this particular occasion,
used by ethnic tribes at different altitudes, and one taxa Vigna delicious pulse-dishes were also prepared with Phaseolus,
sinensis had exclusive use by Bhutias, as revealed during Vigna, Pisum, Vicia, and Cicer, mixing Spinacea (palak),
interaction and cross-checking at Lachen valley and Lachung Lettuce, Cabbage, carrot and local medicinal herbs and spices
regions. Likewise, all four genotypes (differentiated on the in different combinations to celebrate special occasions
basis of seed colour) of Lathyrus sativus or grass pea were (wedding, child-birth, crop harvesting, new-year etc) in the
used as forage crops, but the black and brown-mottled-seeded form of pitri puja, kul puja, Toksok-fingma, Nambun (Lepcha
type had more use than white-seeded one. ‘Sherpas’, ‘Dokpas’ New Year), Himtongsing / Sitongsing (traditional rituals of
and ‘Limbos’ emerged as dominant tribes in utilizing Lathyrus ethnic Limboos) and the like by the different local
as fodder crop at high altitude (Chungthang, Lachung, communities as per their culture or religion from time to time,
Lachen), while Nepalese and Bhutias use it at comparatively as experienced during three years of study. The communities
lower altitude (Phodong, Phensang, Mangan). Presumably, thus protect the agro-biodiversity of pulses and crops grown in
tall, bushy and highly branched habit of black and brown-seed the Himalayas through cultural agro-biodiversity (Tamang et
types (Kalo or Pahelo batura) have the greater potential to use al., 2009; Bhasin, 2011).
as forage than short and thin white-seeded type (seto-batura).
Seed coat colour varies greatly in Indian grass pea genotypes,
071 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 04, pp.064-073, April, 2012

Consensus of the traditional knowledge on use and recipes this group of plant has immense importance in cytogenetics,
of legume plants/parts genomics and proteomic research to develop as a model crop
in holistic legume research (Talukdar 2010a, b, 2011g). The
The result indicates an interesting twist in consensus of study revealed conservation of traditional knowledge, rituals
traditional knowledge on use of legumes within the study and wisdom among the ethnic community, as evidenced by
areas. Results in Table 2 suggested a high level of consensus high consensus among informants per category, and all the
of TK for edible as well as medicinal plants within the ethnic major and minor ethnic tribes are equally important in
community. The relative frequency of TK for each individual preservation of Himalayan legume through their rich cultural
ethnotaxa from the interviews was high (mean RF = 0.90 ± traditions.
0.03). The pattern of usage was broadly divided into 16
categories in which the informant consensus resulted in Fic ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
ranging from 0.86 to 1.00 (Table 2) with a mean value of 0.94
± 0.01. This indicated high range of consensus among the Authors are highly grateful to Mr. Ganesh Kumar Chettri
informants compared to similar studies in other countries (Hee-Bermoik, Martan village, West Sikkim), and local
(Heinrich, 2000; Amiguet et al., 2005). In the present study, people in every walk of life during the entire course of the
fairly high number of people (120-164) exhibited consensus in present study.
disclosing 24 plants used to prepare vegetables and pulse-meal
(‘dal’), leading to Fic >0.90. For medicinal uses of plants, 69 REFERENCES
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