Transportation COst
Transportation COst
Transportation COst
Operating Costing
It is a method of costing applied by undertakings which provide service rather than production of commodities. Like unit costing and process costing, operating costing is thus a form of operation costing. The emphasis under operating costing is on the ascertainment of cost of rendering services rather than on the cost of manufacturing a product. It is applied by transport companies, gas and water works, electricity supply companies, canteens, hospitals, theatres, school etc. Within an organisation itself certain departments too are known as service departments which provide ancillary services to the production departments. For example, maintenance department; power house; boiler house; canteen; hospital; internal transport.
Operation Costing
It represent a refinement of process costing. In this each operation instead of each process of stage of production is separately costed. This may offer better scope for control. At the end of each operation, the unit operation cost may be computed by dividing the total operation cost by total output. It is defined as the refinement of process costing. It is concerned with the determination of the cost of each operation rather than the process. In those industries where a process consists of distinct operations, the method of costing applied or used is called operation costing. Operation costing offers better scope for control. It facilitate the computation of unit operation cost at the end of each operation by dividing the total operation cost by total input units. It is the category of the basic costing method, applicable, where standardized goods or services result from a sequence of repetitive and more or less continuous operations, or processes to which costs are charged before being averaged over the units produced during the period. The two costing methods included under this head are process costing and service costing.
1. Cost determination
The costs and expense of a business are recorded, classified, and allocated to various jobs, departments, products, or services.
4. Cost control
One of the more essential purposes of cost accounting is control of expenditures. Such control leads to efficiency in the use of labor, materials machines and plants. Although to a large extent selling prices are determined by competition, the profit-making capacity of a business is guided by the efficiency with which costs are controlled.
infrastructures, origins and destinations, technology, and particularly their respective distances. Jointly, they define transportation costs. Transport costs are a monetary measure of what the transport provider must pay to produce transportation services. They come as fixed (infrastructure) and variable (operating) costs, depending on a variety of conditions related to geography, infrastructure, administrative barriers, energy, and on how passengers and freight are carried. Three major components, related to transactions, shipments and the friction of distance, impact on transport costs. Transport costs have significant impacts on the structure of economic activities as well as on international trade. Empirical evidence underlines that raising transport costs by 10% reduces trade volumes by more than 20%. In a competitive environment where transportation is a service that can be bided on, transport costs are influenced by the respective rates of transport companies, the portion of the transport costs charged to users. Rates are the price of transportation services paid by their users. They are the negotiated monetary cost of moving a passenger or a unit of freight between a specific origin and destination. Rates are often visible to the consumers since transport providers must provide this information to secure transactions. They may not necessarily express the real transport costs. The difference between costs and rates either results in a loss or a profit from the service provider. Considering the components of transport costs previously discussed, rate setting is a complex undertaking subject to constant change. For public transit, rates are often fixed and the result of a political decision where a share of the total costs is subsidized by the society. The goal is to provide an affordable mobility to the largest possible segment of the population even if this implies a recurring deficit (public transit systems rarely make any profit). It is thus common for public transit systems to have rates that are lower than costs. For freight transportation and many forms of passenger transportation (e.g. air transportation) rates are subject to a competitive pressure. This means that the rate will be adjusted according to the demand and the supply. They either reflect costs directly involved with shipping (cost-of-service) or are determined by the value of the commodity (value-of-service). Since many actors involved in freight transportation are private rates tend to vary, often significantly, but profitability is paramount.
intensive transport modes, such as air transport, are particularly susceptible to fluctuations in energy prices. Trade imbalances. Imbalances between imports and exports have impacts on transport costs. This is especially the case for container transportation since trade imbalances imply the repositioning of empty containers that have to be taken into account in the total transport costs. Consequently, if a trade balance is strongly negative (more imports than exports), transport costs for imports tend to be higher than for exports. Significant transport rate imbalances have emerged along major trade routes. The same condition applies at the national and local levels where freight flows are often unidirectional, implying empty movements. Infrastructures. The efficiency and capacity of transport modes and terminals has a direct impact on transport costs. Poor infrastructures imply higher transport costs, delays and negative economic consequences. More developed transport systems tend to have lower transport costs since they are more reliable and can handle more movements. Mode. Different modes are characterized by different transport costs, since each has its own capacity limitations and operational conditions. When two or more modes are directly competing for the same market, the outcome often results in lower transport costs.Containerized transportation permitted a significant reduction in freight transport rates around the world. Competition and regulation. Concerns the complex competitive and regulatory environment in which transportation takes place. Transport services taking place over highly competitive segments tend to be of lower cost than on segments with limited competition (oligopoly or monopoly). International competition has favored concentration in many segments of the transport industry, namely maritime and air modes. Regulations, such as tariffs, cabotage laws, labor, security and safety impose additional transport costs, particularly in developing countries. Surcharges. Refer to an array of fees, often set in an arbitrary fashion, to reflect temporary conditions that may impact on costs assumed by the transporter. The most common are fuel surcharges, security fees, geopolitical risk premiums and additional baggage fees. The passenger transport industry, particularly airlines, has become dependent on a wide array of surcharges as a source of revenue. The transport time component is also an important consideration as it is associated with the service factor of transportation. They include the transport time, the order time, the timing, the punctuality and the frequency. For instance, a maritime shipper may offer a container transport service between a number of North American and Pacific Asian ports. It may take 12 days to service two ports across the Pacific (transport time) and a port call is done every two days (frequency). In order to secure a slot on a ship, a freight forwarder must call at least five days in advance (order time). For a specific port terminal, a ship arrives at 8AM and leaves at 5PM (timing) with the average delay being two hours (punctuality).
3. Types of Transport
CostsMobility tends to be influenced by transport costs. Empirical evidence for passenger vehicle use underlines the relationship between annual vehicle mileage and fuel costs, implying the higher fuel costs are, the lower the mileage. At the international level, doubling of transport costs can reduce trade flows by more than 80%. The more affordable mobility is, the more frequent the movements and the more likely they will take place over longer distances. A wide variety of transport costs can be considered. Terminal costs. Costs that are related to the loading, transshipment and unloading. Two major terminal costs can be considered; loading and unloading at the origin and destination, which are unavoidable, and intermediate (transshipment) costs that can be avoided. Linehaul costs. Costs that are a function of the distance over which a unit of freight or passenger is carried. Weight is also a cost function when freight is involved. They include labor and fuel and commonly exclude transshipment costs. Capital costs. Costs applying to the physical assets of transportation mainly infrastructures, terminals and vehicles. They include the purchase or major enhancement of fixed assets, which can often be a one-time event. Since physical assets tend to depreciate over time, capital investments are required on a regular basis for maintenance. Transport providers make a variety of decisions based on their cost structure, a function of all the above types of transport costs. To simplify transactions and clearly identify the respective responsibilities specific commercial transportation terms have been set. While the transport price plays an important role in modal choice, firms using freight transport services are not always motivated by notions of cost minimization. They often show "satisficing behavior" whereby the transport costs need to be below a certain threshold combined with specific requirements regarding reliability, frequency and other service attributes. Such complexities make it more difficult to clearly assess the role of transport price in the behavior of transport users. The role of transport companies has sensibly increased in the general context of the global commercial geography. However, the nature of this role is changing as a result of a general reduction of transport costs but growing infrastructure costs, mainly due to greater flows and competition for land. Each transport sector must consider variations in the importance of different transport costs. While operating costs are high for air transport, terminal costs are significant for maritime transport. Several indexes, such as the Baltic Dry Index, have been developed to convey a pricing mechanism useful for planning and decision making.Technological changes and their associated decline in transport costs have weakened the links transport modes and their terminals. There is less emphasis on heavy industries and more importance given to manufacturing and transport services (e.g. warehousing and distribution). Indeed, new functions are being grafted to transport activities that are henceforward facilitatinglogistics and manufacturing processes. Relations between terminal operators and carriers have thus become crucial notably in containerized traffic. They are needed to overcome the physical and time constraints of transshipment, notably at ports.The requirements of international trade gave rise to the development of specialized and intermediary firms providing transport services. These are
firms that do not physically transport the goods, but are required to facilitate the grouping, storage and handling of freight as well as the complex paperwork and financial and legal transactions involved in international trade. Examples included freight forwarders, customs brokers, warehousing, insurance agents and banking, etc. Recently, there has been a trend to consolidate these different intermediate functions, and a growing proportion of global trade is now being organized by multi-national corporations that are offering door to door logistics services.
To prescribe the system to be followed for maintenance of records for collection of cost of transportation, its allocation /apportionment to cost centres, locations or products.
For example, transportation cost needs to be apportioned among excisable, exempted, non excisable and other goods for arriving at the average of transportation cost of each class of goods.
This standard should be applied for calculation of cost of transportation required under any statute or regulations or for any other purpose. For example, this standard can be used for: a) Determination of average transportation cost for claiming the deduction for arriving at the assessable value of excisable goods. b) Insurance claim valuation c) Working out claim for freight subsidy under Fertilizer industry coordination committee d) Administered price mechanism of freight cost element. e) Determination of inward freight costs included or to be included in the cost of purchases attributable to the acquisition. f) Computation of freight included in the value of inventory for accounting on inventory or valuation of stock hypothecated with Banks /Financial institution, etc.
3. Market or Non-Market
Market costs involve goods that are traded in a competitive market, such as vehicles, land and fuel. Non-market costs involve goods that are not regularly traded in markets such as clean air, crash injuries, and quiet. A number of techniques can be used to determine the value that consumers place on non-market goods.
4. Perceived or Actual
There is often a difference between perceived and actual automobile costs. Motorists tend to perceive immediate costs such as travel time, stress, parking fees, fuel, and transit fares, while costs that are paid infrequently, such as insurance, depreciation, maintenance, repairs and residential parking, are often underestimated.
5. Price
Price refers to what a consumer pays in exchange for a particular good, or perceivedinternal-variable cost. In general, a market is most efficient if prices reflect marginal costs (Market Principles).
2. Efficiency Benefits
Efficiency benefits result from more efficient travel, such as when travelers shift from driving to transit or ridesharing under urban-peak travel conditions, or when a consumer avoids a trip by telecommuting or teleshopping. These reflect the cost savings to individuals and society when transportation becomes more efficient (fewer total resources are consumed to provide a given benefit).
These different types of benefits require different approaches to evaluate. Mobility benefits are usually measured in terms off increased travel (Evaluating Transportation Choice). Efficiency benefits are often measured in terms of reduced vehicle travel. A transportation evaluation process that only considers one category of benefits may overlook significant benefits or costs, and may result in solutions to one problem that exacerbates others. For example, the benefits of a road capacity expansion program are measured in terms of mobility benefits. The analysis assumes that more vehicle traffic speed and volume is necessarily better. The benefits of a TDM program intended to reduce congestion and pollution are measured in terms of efficiency benefits. The analysis assumes that less vehicle traffic volume is better. A planning process that is only concerned with environmental protection could reduce mobility benefits, while a planning process that is only concerned with increasing mobility benefits could reduce environmental quality. Comprehensive Evaluation considers both types of benefits.
Separate records of cost for mode of transportation other than road like ship, air etc. are to be maintained in appendix 2 which will be included in total cost of transportation.
6. Treatment of cost:
Inward transportation costs shall form the part of the cost of procurement of materials which are to be identified for proper allocation /apportionment to the materials /products. Outward transportation cost shall form the part of the cost of sale and shall be allocated /apportioned to the materials and goods on a suitable basis. Explanation: Outward transportation cost of a product from factory to depot or any location of sale shall be included in the cost of sale of the goods available for sale. The following basis may be used, in order of priority, for apportionment cost depending upon the nature of products, unit of measurement followed and type of transport used: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Weight Volume of goods Tonne-Km Unit /Equivalent unit Value of goods Percentage of usage of space
Once a basis of apportionment is adopted, the same should be followed consistently. For determining the transportation cost per unit, distance shall be factored in to arrive at weighted average cost. Abnormal and non recurring cost shall not be a part of transportation cost. Explanation Penalty, detention charges, demurrage and cost related to abnormal break down will not be included in transportations cost.
Cost sheet
The cost sheets shall be prepared and presented in a form as per Appendices 1, 2 and 3 or as near thereto. Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 show the details of information to be maintained for compilation of transport cost for own fleet and hired transportation charges respectively. Appendix 1 is applicable where the organisation is having its own fleet. The directly allocable cost of own fleet (outward) shall be identified against different categories of products as shown in Appendix 3 and same shall be apportioned to different categories of products as shown in Appendix 3 on a basis which should be specified. The basis of apportionment may be adopted depending on the nature of product as indicated in Para 6.3. Similar approach shall also be applied for hired outward transport charges. More columns may be required to be shown in Appendix 3 specifying different types of transactions. For example: Sale on specific rate basis, sale of waste, scrap, return from customer, goods sent for job work, goods received after job work etc. Unit of measurement (UM) may vary depending upon the nature of the product. For example, Number, MT, Meter, Litre etc. Proper records shall be maintained to show separately the transportation cost relating to sending of jobs to job contractors /convertors and receipts back of processed jobs/ converted materials. An enterprises shall be required to maintain cost records and other books of account in a manner which would facilitate preparation and verification of cost of transportation and other related charges and its apportioning to various products. Transaction value: Transaction value shall have the meaning assigned to it in Section 4 of the Central Excise Act, 1944 or section 14 of the customs Act, 1962 or as defined in any other Act or Regulations as the case may be. The Standard will be operative from the date of issue. Finalized by CASB WTO committee on 20 July 2005 and circulated to the Council at its meeting on 21 July 2005 (1st draft was published in June 2002 journal)
Environmental Costs
Several studies provide monetized estimates of the environmental costs of transportation (Bein, 1997; USEPA, 1999; Delucchi, 2000; Litman, 2001). These include air, noise and water pollution, waste disposal and the environmental impacts associated with transportation facilities, such as loss of wildlife habitat. The TRL Strategic Environmental Assessment Newsletter provides information on efforts to monetize environmental costs for application in transportation planning. Delucchi (2000) estimates that U.S. motor vehicle environmental costs total approximately $100 billion annually.
1. Air Pollution
Air pollution is one of the most obvious environmental costs of motor vehicle use. Per mile emissions for many pollutants have declined over time due to emission control strategies. It is common to hear claims that automobile emissions have declined by 90% or more over the last few decades, but this is an exaggeration. Engine and fuel improvements have significantly reduced tailpipe emission rates under design conditions, but a significant portion of driving occurs under non-design conditions and non-tailpipe emissions are not controlled by these technologies. Small and Kazimi (1995) estimated Southern California motor vehicle air pollution costs of human morbidity and mortality from tailpipe particulate and ozone emissions. Their middle estimate for gasoline cars is 3.3 per mile for automobiles and 53 per mile for heavy diesel trucks. They estimate that emission costs are about 1/3 this value in regions with less serious air pollution problems. These costs are expected to decline 50% by the year 2000 due to improved emission controls. The authors emphasize that this is only a partial analysis. Their study does not account for CO and non-tailpipe particulate emissions, both of which recent research indicate cause significant medical problems. It omits impacts on people without acute medical symptoms although residents of polluted cities suffer reduced lung capacity and are regularly instructed to limit their physical activities. It also omits ecological and aesthetic impacts, including global warming, ozone depletion, crops and wildlife damages, and reduced visibility. They state that road dust may add 4.3 per VMT, and global warming costs may be significant. Total automobile air pollution costs are therefore likely to be much higher than this studys estimates.
2. Noise Pollution
Motor vehicle traffic imposes noise pollution. Traffic noise tends to increase with traffic speed, accelerations, the portion of heavy vehicles and motorcycles, and development density. Noise costs tend to be much higher on local urban roads, where traffic tends to be closer to residences. Information on noise costs is available from FHWA (1997b) and the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse.
4. Waste Disposal
Motor vehicles produce a number of harmful waste products that can impose externalities, including used tires, batteries, junked cars, oil and other semi-hazardous materials resulting from motor vehicle production and maintenance. These wastes impose a variety of environmental, human health, aesthetic, and financial costs, through improper disposal, residual impact even when proper disposal is observed, and because some disposal efforts are subsidized by general taxes. Some new laws and policies are intended to internalize these costs. Crankcase oil recycling is encouraged, vendors are required to recycle used car batteries, and in some states a tire tax is dedicated to tire disposal.
Fuel Externalities
Fuel production and consumption can impose various external costs, including national security risks and macroeconomic impacts on individual economies that import fuel, depletion of nonrenewable resources, various financial subsidies, and environmental damages (including greenhouse gas emissions). Put another way, there may be benefits to society from increased energy efficiency and conservation. The International Energy Agency, the American Petroleum Institute, the Canadian Petroleum Communication Foundation and the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute provide fuel price and consumption data. The Transportation Energy Data Book (ORNL, 2000, available also provides useful information on transportation energy costs and consumption by transportation activities. Greene and Tishchishyna (2000) estimate that oil market upheavals of the last 30 years have cost the U.S. economy $7 trillion (net present value) in reduced output, with a range of $3.5 to $14.6 trillion. These estimates do not include military, strategic or political costs associated with U.S. and world dependence on oil imports. They point out that each of the major price shocks during this time period has preceded a major economic recession, and that higher petroleum import prices reduce national GDP. An extensive review of economic and political issues concludes that, if U.S. motor vehicles did not use petroleum, the U.S. would reduce its defense expenditures in the long run by roughly $1 to 10 billion per year. (Delucchi and Murphy, 1996). A major study by the National Research Council (NRC, 2001) estimates that these externalities average about 30 per gallon of gasoline.
1. Impacts on Non-motorized Travel Changes in the design of roads and parking facilities, vehicle traffic volumes and speeds, and the quality of the pedestrian environment can affect the convenience, safety and comfort of walking and cycling (Evaluating Nonmotorized Transport). The Barrier Effect (also called Severance) refers to the tendency of roads and traffic to create a barrier to nonmotorized travel. It represents a degradation of the pedestrian and bicyclist environment that reduces the viability of these modes, often leading to increased driving. Traffic Calming, Vehicle Restrictions, Pedestrian and Cycling Improvements and various Land Use Factors can all have significant impacts on nonmotorized transportation. 2. Road and Parking Facility Costs Roads and parking are usually provided free or bundled with facility costs (for example, parking is usually included with housing purchases or rents) so most consumers have little idea of what a road or parking space costs to produce. Below are typical cost data. Highway development involves various costs, including planning and design, land acquisition, and construction costs. These costs vary significantly depending on conditions. In rural areas, planning and land costs may be modest, and construction expenses may dominate project costs. In urban areas, planning and land costs tend to be much higher. Adding capacity to existing roads
can be relatively inexpensive if there is adequate right-of-way and few intersections, or very expensive if it requires land acquisition or rebuilding intersections.
i. Roadway Construction and Maintenance Costs Roadway expenditure data can be obtained from government accounts (Highway Statistics, FHWA and Transportation Statistics, BTS, . Also see Highway Taxes and Fees; How They Are Collected and Distributed . Cambridge Systematics (1992) and Price Trends in Federal-Aid Highway Construction (a quarterly report published by the FHWA) provide information on highway construction costs. Roadway expenditures by all levels of U.S. government totaled $117 billion in 1999. Canadian roadway expenditure data is available from Transport Canadas Transportation In Canada Annual Report and Blanchard (1996). Highway development involves various costs, including planning and design, land acquisition, and construction costs. These costs vary significantly depending on conditions. In rural areas, planning and land costs may be modest, and construction expenses may dominate project costs. In urban areas, planning and land costs tend to be much higher. Adding capacity to existing roads can be relatively inexpensive if there is adequate right-of-way and few intersections, or very expensive if it requires land acquisition or rebuilding intersections. Road construction costs (grading and paving, not including planning and land costs) typically range from $250,000 per lane-mile in easy conditions up to $2,500,000 per lane-mile in difficult conditions (Construction and Maintenance Branch, 1998). Intersections also add significant costs. Rural intersections typically cost $2,000,000 to $4,000,000, while a standard urban interchange typically costs $10,000,000 to $15,000,000 for construction, plus planning and land costs. Table 4 summarizes typical costs for roadway projects under various conditions.
In order to evaluate these impacts it is necessary to model the relationships between mileage and various costs. This is measured using elasticity values, which indicate the percentage change in a cost that results from a percentage change in vehicle mileage. For example, an elasticity of 1.5 means that each 1.0% reduction in mileage reduces a particular cost by 1.5%. The elasticities of various costs with respect to mileage are discussed briefly below.
Traffic Services
All else being equal, a change in vehicle mileage probably causes a proportional change in traffic services, so the elasticity is 1.0.
Fuel Externalities
All else being equal, a change in vehicle mileage causes a proportional change in fuel consumption and related externalities, so the elasticity is 1.0. A change in congested mileage may cause a greater change in fuel consumption and externalities, so TDM strategies that target congestion, such as Commute Trip Reduction programs and congestion pricing, tend to have an elasticity of greater than 1.0.
Residential Parking
Changes in per-vehicle mileage do not affect residential parking costs, and so have an elasticity of 0.0. Reductions in vehicle ownership, and management strategies that result in more efficient use of existing parking facilities can reduce this cost. For example, Location Efficient Development, carsharing, transit improvements and parking management can reduce residential parking costs. As a result, the elasticity of residential parking costs with respect to TDM mileage reductions is estimated to average 0.5.
Traffic Congestion
Traffic congestion is a non-linear function, so under some circumstances even a small increase in traffic volumes can cause a large reduction in congestion delay. Modeling reported in USEPA (1998) found that 4% change in total vehicle mileage in California urban areas would reduce traffic congestion by 7.5-10.5%. This suggests that the elasticity of congestion costs to vehicle travel is about 2.0 in urban areas. An elasticity of 1.0 is used for this analysis. Some TDM strategies are particularly effective at reducing congestion, including Commute Trip Reduction programs, road pricing and parking management.
Environmental Damages
In general, a percentage change in vehicle mileage can be expected to cause a proportional change in environmental damages, so the elasticity of environmental costs to mileage is assumed to be 1.0.
Roadway Costs
In general, a percentage change in vehicle mileage can be expected to cause a proportional change in road damages, and a proportional or larger change in roadway capacity expansion requirements. The elasticity of roadway costs to mileage is assumed to be 1.0, but may be larger in growing urban areas.
Vehicle Fuel
A change in mileage provides a proportional change in fuel consumption, so the elasticity is 1.0. TDM strategies that target congestion reductions may provide a somewhat greater reductions in fuel costs for a given reduction in mileage.
Crash Costs
Changes in total vehicle mileage tend to cause an approximately proportional change in crashes, but a significantly larger change in total crash costs, because most serious crashes involve multiple vehicles. One study found the elasticity of vehicle crash costs with respect to vehicle mileage is between 1.4 and 1.8, meaning that a 10% reduction in vehicle mileage reduces crash costs and casualties between 14% and 18%. A value of 1.4 is used in this analysis. Some TDM strategies provide extra traffic safety impacts, such as traffic calming, which reduces vehicle speeds, and Distance-based Vehicle Insurance, which gives the higher risk drivers an extra incentive to reduce their mileage, and therefore crash risk.
Vehicle Ownership
Most vehicle ownership expenses are considered fixed and not affected by a change in annual per-vehicle. However, many of these costs are actually partly variable. For example, increased vehicle mileage tends to increase vehicle maintenance and repair costs, reduce vehicle operating life, reduce resale value, and increase the chances of an insurance claim. These additional (besides fuel and oil) mileage-based charges typically average 10-15 per vehicle mile, or about 40% of total vehicle ownership costs. As a result, the elasticity of vehicle ownership costs with respect to mileage is estimated to be 0.4, meaning that a 10% increase in mileage increases vehicle ownership costs by 4%.
Equity Impacts
Strategies that reduce unjustified underpricing and subsidies for automobile travel, and improvements to transportation and housing choices available to people who are transportation disadvantaged tend to increase equity.
Name of the manufacturer: Address of the Manufacturer: Statement of operating cost of own fleet for the period . Appendix 1 Sl No. A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
4. 5.
A9 B
Quantitative information Number of vehicles Number of trips Goods Transported inward (UM) Goods transported outward (UM) Goods transported inward Km Goods transported outward Km Total goods transported inward basis of apportionment (specify) Total Goods transported outward basis of apportionment (specify) Total (A7 + A8)
6. 7. 8.
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
B9 B10 B11 B12
Salaries & wages of Drivers, Cleaners and others Fuel & Lubricants Consumables Amortized cost of Tyre, tube and Battery Spares Repairs & Maintence Other variable cost (Specify) Total Variable Cost (B1 to B7)
Fixed Cost
Insurance Licence Fee, permit fee and Taxes Depreciation Other Fixed Costs (Specify) B13 Total Fixed Cost (B9 to B12) B14 Total Operating Cost (B8 + B13)
Inward Transport Cost (B14 *A7 /A9) Outward Transport cost (B14 * A8/A9) Transit insurance for inward movement Transit insurance for outward movement Total transportation cost for inward movement (C1 +c3) Total transportation cost for outward movement (C2 + C4)
Note: 1. Cost of Battery, and Tyres and Tubes shall to be amortized over its useful life.
2. cost. 3.
Asset register shall be maintained for determination of depreciation and amortization Separate cost sheet shall be prepared for different types of vehicles.
Appendix 2
Name of the Manufacturer; Address of the Manufacturer:
B1 B2 B3 B4
Cost information
Hired Transport charges Transit insurance Other (Specify) Total Transportation cost (B1 to B3)
CONCLUSION Even though it is noticeable the burden that transportation cost represents for the goods traded internationally; the cost paid for the transportation of the goods is unavoidable. However, this saddle is decreasing constantly. To diminish the influence of the transportation cost over the value of the goods it is mandatory that each country invests in infrastructure strategically. Moreover, each company is required to implement an integrative approach in planning and controlling the flow of materials from suppliers to end-users.