Just The Way You Are - Activities
Just The Way You Are - Activities
Just The Way You Are - Activities
ACTIVITY 01 How about learning some interesting expressions before reading a text? Match the expressions on the left to the equivalences on the right. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ela bonita sem tentar Voc no v o que eu vejo. Eu pareo bem? O mundo inteiro para. Eles arregalaram os olhos pra voc. Se ela me permitisse. Eu digo todo dia. O que voc est buscando. No se d ao trabalho. Voc sabe que eu vou dizer. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) You know Ill say ) I tell this everyday ) If she'd let me. ) Do I look okay? ) The whole world stops. ) Don't even bother. ) She's beautiful without trying, ) They stare at you. ) What you're searching for ) You don't see what I see
ACTIVITIE 02 - Some cool information Learn something new from the sentences below. Just stay the same The word Just have several meanings. In this sentence, the word is used for express what we can translate as S ou Apenas. Example: I was just looking Eu estava s olhando. Just a moment S um momento. Just a little - S um pouco. Just to be safe S por segurana.
Id never ask you to change Is another good expression that we can use in many situations. Means Eu nunca te pediria para ______. Take a look: Id never ask you to leave Eu nunca te pediria para ir embora. Id never ask you to drive drunk Eu nunca te pediria para dirigir embriagado. Now, write 2 sentences with your own ideas using Just and Id never ask you to: 1. _____________________________________ 3. _____________________________________ 2._________________________________________ 4._________________________________________
ACTIVITIE 03 - Take a look at the text below. It was posted in a personal blog. It was written by a boy was totally charmed by a girl. Read the letter and find the sentences you learned above.
I wa s go in g t o t a ke t he bu s o t her d ay, exa ct l y when I s a w t his girl wa lking d o wn t he st re e t . I st a re at her, a nd s in ce t ha t t ime Im kind of in lo ve . M a ny t hi n gs ha ppen e d af t er t ha t d a y, like, I s ea rched f o r her a nd I f o und . No w, we ve be e n ta lk in g f o r weeks , a nd I t hink s he is perf ect . You kno w Ill s a y ho w s he loo k s lik e, s o here go es : She ha s a lo ng bla ck ha ir,
a nd blu e ey e s , a nd he r s mile is s o lo vely. S erio u s ly , s he is bea ut if u l wit ho ut t rying . There is ju s t o ne pro ble m t hat I wa nt he lp her t o s o lve - If s he' d let me - is t ha t s he d o es n t be lie ve when I s a y s he is beau t if u l. She d oes n 't s ee wha t I s ee , an d s he is a lway s as k ing me Do I lo o k o ka y? O bviou s ly, I t ell her eve ry d ay : Yo u a re ama zing jus t t he way yo u a re.
ACTIVITIE 04 -There is a wonderful song that expressed exactly what the boy was feeling. So, listen to the song! Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars Oh, her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they're not shining Her hair, her hair, Falls perfectly without her trying She's so beautiful, And I tell her everyday Yea, I know, I know, When I compliment her she won't believe me And it's so, it's so Sad to think that she don't see what I see But every time she asks me, do I look okay, I say Chorus: When I see your face, There is not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing, Just the way you are And when you smile, The whole world stops and stares for a while Cause girl you're amazing, Just the way you are Her lips, her lips I could kiss them all day if she'd let me Her laugh, her laugh She hates but I think it's so sexy She's so beautiful, and I tell her everyday Oh, you know, you know, You know Id never ask you to change If perfect's what you're searching for Then just stay the same So don't even bother asking if you look okay, You know Ill say ( Chorus )