Gunahe Kabira, Sins As Per Quran
Gunahe Kabira, Sins As Per Quran
Gunahe Kabira, Sins As Per Quran
1. Associating partners with Allah (Shirk) 2. Making forge statements, concerning Allah or forging Hadith (al-Zumar: 60) 3. Not performing the Prayers (Maryam: 59) 4. Not paying Zakat (Charity) (3: 180) 5. To run away from the pious battle (al-Anfal: 16) 6. Taking or paying interest (2: 275) 7. Committing injustice (al-Shura: 42) 8. Harming others by manipulation one's bequests (4: 12) 9. Being dishonest or deceiving (Fatir: 43) 10. Not measuring the weights properly (al-Mutafafifeen: 1-3) 11. drinking intoxicating, wine beverages (5: 90) 12. Eating carrion, blood or pork meat (al-Anam: 145) 13. Being a permanent liar (3: 61) 14. Disobeying one's parents (al-Isra: 23) 15. Cutting off the ties of relationships (Muhammad: 22) 16. A wife being disobedient to her husband (4: 34) 17. Committing murder: (Furqan; 68) 18. Committing suicide (4: 29) 19. Devouring the wealth of orphans (4:10) 20. Consuming forbidden wealth or taking it by any means (2: 188) 21. Breaching trusts (al-Anfal: 27) 22. Engaging in bribery (2: 188) 23. Committing oppression (al-Shuara: 277) 24. Giving false statement (al-Furqan: 72) 25. Spreading harmful tales (al-Qamar: 10) 26. Committing adultery or Zina (al-Isra: 30) 27. Performing Sorcery ( Black Magic) (2: 102) 28. Stealing (5:38) 29. Gambling (5: 90) 30. becoming arrogant, boastful, and hopeless (al-Nahl: 23) 31. Thinking that one is safe from Allah's planning (al-Araf: 99) 32. Committing adultery or Zina (al-Isra: 30)