Layered Book

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Layered Book

By Steven Thompson

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Chapter 1: A Cultural Approach to Human

Personal Reflection
Reflection 1 /February 1st, 2015
I have two brothers and as brothers
go we sometimes gave each other a
hard time. If it became too negative
my Dad would say, You put in the
bucket, you dont take out of the
bucket. In other words no more
putting each other down. It is time
to be positive toward one another. In
Lifes Greatest Lessons, the author
writes that he believes most of us
sell ourselves short. We have good
qualities were unaware of, have
inner resources we havent
discovered, and have opportunities
we never dreamed of. (Hal Urban,
2003). Steve born second and
being the middle child should
always remember this.[The
connection- the Sorcerer of Trois
Freres (three brothers) in Ariege,
France]. (historical focus,pg. 14).

1. Humans in Upper Paleolithic
period began to bury the dead.
2. Cultural differences developed.
Humans lived in groups and their
customs and ways of living were
3. Trade started between some of
these human groups.

Hal Urban-Cause and effect: good

attitude gets good results; people
who succeed regularly expect to
succeed; they develop a habit of
expecting good things to happen
and the primary vehicle that will
take them where they want to go is
the mind.
I imagine in the Upper Paleolithic
period Shaman would have dreams
of successful hunting and they
would give their tribe positive
mental images of the hunt that
would take place.

4. There was development of tools

and weapons. These were
accelerated times in making these
tools (bow and arrow, spear
5. Boats were invented in this

--a reflection by Steve T.

Chapter 2: Genetics and Prenatal

for a


Hal Urban refers to the book, The 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey
and states that the subtitle of this book was
called, Restoring the Character Ethic. Mr.
Urban goes on to too say that people learned
methods by which to obtain things but didnt
develop the principles and habits that result in
feelings of self-worth and fulfillment. In other
words we became a generation of not very
happy people. Self-worth is something we need
to talk to our students about so they
understand they are valuable. We develop
character when we understand we all have gifts
are allinborn
life respect
our as
That webut
other as
we develop these

The heart starts beating at 4 weeks and at

eight weeks the embryo, as tiny as it is,
responds to touch. The DNA code is here in this
little human embryo. Will we perpetuate all this
to develop a human with all of his/her gifts?


Chapter 3: Birth and the Newborn Child

Personal Reflection:



Lifes Greatest
Two Major Scales Often used to
Assess Neonatal Health.
Mr. Urban states
that we too often
1.Apgar Scale- a) appearance, b)
sell ourselves
pulse-heart rate, c)grimace-reflex
short and in his
irritability, d) activity-muscle tone,
classes he would
e) respiration-breathing
put people in the
hot seat to talk
2.Brazelton Scale-a)assessing
about their
reflexes, b)physical states,
c)responses to social stimulation, d)
central nervous system instability
Positive attributes
of Steve.(tremors). Rating is done a day after
I think the best
birth and then a week later.
of people.
I try to be
I am forgiving.
I try to be
honest at all

Chapter 4: Infancy
I am going to
be a Grandpa
in late August
or early
Those baby
days are
pretty special.
It is a baby
girl. I think
they should
name her
Lucienne or

Piagets Theory of Cognitive
Development-The Sensorimotor
Stage. Infants are learning to
coordinate the activities of the
senses with motor activities.
Sub-stage 1: Simple reflexes.
Cognitive activity and the
scheme of these reflexes is to
process and organize
Sub-stage 2: First habits and
primary circular reactions. A
period when the infant is
demonstrating more purposeful
Sub-stage 3: Secondary circular
Alyssa and Noah
reactions. The activity now
having a baby girl.
involves the external world.
Lucienne kicking the mobile and
Sub-stage 4: Coordination of
secondary schemes. Intentional,

Chapter 5: Toddlerhood
Reflection-Week 6-Telegraphic Speech:
In Chapter 5 the most interesting area to
me is language development. The section
telegraphic speech which is defined as
word combinations that toddlers use to
express themselves is interesting because
it tells us that the brain is acquiring
certain words to use before other words. As the author
of the

text points out there are no connecting

words with this kind of speech. It gets
right to the point with nouns, verbs, and
modifiers. Big car, My ball, and More
cookie, is enough for us to understand as
adults. It then becomes evident that there
is more comprehension going on in the
brain and verbal production is just part of
puzzle. The developing brain of a child is
phenomenal and language has a DNA
code that could only be a gift from God.
Where is the Language Acquisition Device
when I am trying to learn German?


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24 to 36 months: Becoming Adept

at Language:
Third year toddlers are still
expanding speaking vocabulary at
a rapid pace. They learn to use
Telegraphic speech is up to 3 and 4
word statements. During the third
year these toddlers also acquire
short, complete sentences.
At the end of the 3rd year they have
learned the rules of their language.
Over-regularization- applying
grammatical rules even to words
that are an exception to the rule.

Chapter 6: Early Childhood


Brain Development
Growth of the brain outpaces the
body in growth. At age 3 brain is 70%
of adult weight.
At age 6 brain is 90% of adult weight.
Reticular formation-myelination is
completed by age 5. There is an
increase in attention span at this
Age 4 or 5 children sit through 10-15
minute period in preschool-story read
aloud. Young toddlers not able to do
Hippocampus part of the brainmyelination is completed by age 5.
Autobiographical memory becomes
more sophisticated. Memory of
personal events and experiences is
now present. Before this childhood
amnesia is present. The first 2 to 3

video link.
I personally know a
young man that had a
bad seizure as a very
young toddler and was
in the hospital for
awhile with this. There
was a world renowned
neurologists in Denver
at the time and he
stopped in to see this
toddler. He thought
Noah would come out
of it and be fine. The
damage that this
seizure caused delayed
him from coming out of
childhood amnesia by
four years. He was

Chapter 7: Middle

Learning The Cognitive Skills of
School: Reading and Mathematics
Children have to learn a whole new
way of processing languagereading.

Heavy Weight Fight?

At age 6 or 7 is when most

children learn to read.
Phonics approach and the whole
language approach to teaching
reading are used in most schools.
The development of math skills
and the development of language
and reading follow a parallel path.

Chapter 8: Adolescence

Cognitive Development in Adolescence:
Metacognition develops in adolescence and
it is the capacity we have as young adults to
think about thinking.
Adolescents may have difficulties
differentiating between their own thoughts
and those thoughts that they are thinking
about others. This cognitive behavior is a
distinctive kind of adolescent egocentrism.
The imaginary audience occurs due to the
fact that adolescents havent distinguished
between their own perspective and the
perspective of others.
Personal fable- An adolescent or adult who
believes their personal experiences and
their personal destiny is unique only to

Thoughts as you
get older:
I cant ski like
this anymore.
I need to start
getting in
better shape
now so when I
get to Lake
McConaughy I
wont be so
tired after
Reading a good
book while on
the beach isnt
a bad idea

Chapter 9: Emerging Adulthood



Thoughts as you
get older:

The Peak of Physical Functioning:

A. The body is at its zenith of
Where is that
health, strength, and vigor.
extra oxygen
1. In emerging adulthood
when you
physical stamina is high. The
need it? Final
maximum oxygen uptake, VO2 exam week;
max, that occurs in the early
20s is especially evident in
Some days I
athletes between ages of 18feel like
Michael Phelps
2. Cardiac output is also at its
other days not
peak at age 25. This is the
quantity of blood flow from the so much. The
other days
3. Bones also continue to grow in not so much
is probably
density. Peak bone mass is
more accurate
reached in the twenties.
most the time.
4. The immune system is also
Young people need rest also.
hurt she was at band at 7:00
in the morning and by the time
she finished volleyball, etc. it was 7:00 in

Chapter 10: Young Adulthood


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Creativitycreating something new

or coming up with answers no one
thought of before.
Young adulthood is an
exceptionally creative life stage,
especially after a person gets
about 10 years of expertise.
Openness to new ideas, tolerance
for ambiguity, and willingness to
take risks help young adults with
Artists, musicians,
mathematicians, and inventors are
most creative in their twenties and
thirties. Novelists are often times
more creative in their forties,
fifties, and sixties. [Alright, I still
have a chance to write a book!]
Young people could imagine how
different life could be without the

The quality of
civilization can
be measured
through its
music, dance,
visual art, and
literature. We
must give our
knowledge and
of civilizations
most profound
works. (Ernest
L. Boyer)

Chapter 11: Middle Adulthood


Midlife health predicts well-being and
health through rest of life span.
The Vaillant Study on Later Health
classified health outcomes of
participants. The classifications were
happy-well and sad-sick.
Characteristics of fifty-year-olds that
predicted later health most strongly were
smoking habits, alcohol abuse, and being
overweight. People using these were
either dead or sad-sick.
Those people doing well later in life had
more education and marriage stability.
Other good midlife predictors of later
happy-well status were being thankful
and forgiving, empathizing with others,
sociability, and being future oriented.
People with high levels of educational
attainment were less likely than others to
die in middle adulthood or to experience
chronic health problems in middle and
late adulthood. Education predicted

Blue Zone
Sense of
Down Shift.
80% Rule.
(stop eating
when your at
Plant Slant
Wine at 5:00.
Belong. (usu.
faith based).
Loved Ones
Right Tribe

Chapter 12: Late Adulthood


A Mountain of TreasuresJapans Aging Society.
By 2050 about 35% of
Japanese people will be 65
years old and over.
The emphasis is on staying
engaged in meaningful
activities in late adulthood,
and the watchword is ikigai ,
which means life worth
living.(Ramos, 2010). This
also means some Japanese
that were in retirement are
going back to work part time.

My Grandma always had kind words for someone. In Hal

Urbans- 20 Things That Matter, he states that the ability
affirm others is a powerful skill. Grandma was a kind soul
who knew how to find good in others. My Dad was another
person who saw potential in a lot of people and always
gave encouragement to his sons and young people he met.
Reinforcing what others do well(Urban, p. 87) is another

Emotional well-being and
self-development in late
adulthood are experienced
by many.
Ericksons theory would
suggest that many of
those in late adulthood
would conclude overall it
was a life well lived.ego
integrity vs. despair.
Neugarten termed the
words integrated
personality. This is a
person who accepts
getting older and in
becoming older looks at
the past, present, and
future with contentment.
selectivity theory
according to Carstensen
states that older adults
maximize emotional well-

Strength Quest: Learner,

Connectedness, Maximizer, Ideation,
and Responsibility.

Were the result of our genetic makeup and our experiences. No person has the right life. The
more we learn to appreciate the differences and uniqueness in others,developing our own
for life (Urban,
p.72).under Gods mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast
Humble yourselves,
all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5: 6-7
The ideas I have will help me create lesson plans and instruction for students that are relatable to
their prior learning. It will also help me pull different subjects together and show the student how
they are connected. I think I will have excellent lessons for the students using my strengths in

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