Mary Thibodeau
October 20, 2015
English 1010
Professor Celestino
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Alexander, Michelle, "Obama's Drug War." Nation 291.26 (2010): 25-27. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
In this article it discusses the hope that the 2010 recession will force the funding for the
war on drugs to cease. The author feels strongly that the war on drugs is mostly effecting
the poor and colored and how much higher the arrest rates are for black men. I plan on
using this article to help with my pathos in my essay.
Baker, Beth. "Drug Treatment On Demand." Common Cause Magazine 19.4 (1993):
5. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
This article reports on the reason why substance abuse treatment keeps disappearing from
political screens of drug addicts and alcoholics. Compares the costs and statistics on
substance abuse. I will use this article for factual information on the cost of the war on
drugs and also use it to build my ethos.
Burns, Robert E. "The Drug War Is Only A Hallucination." U.S. Catholic 65.3 (2000):
50. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
This article says that the drug war of the United States (US) is not intended to solve the
problem of illegal drug use. It also contains information on the beginning of drug war and
the importance of money in the treatment programs for the addicted. I will use this article
to provide logos to my argument on treatment for drug addicts rather than incarceration.
Fish, Jefferson M. "Rethinking Drug Policy Assumptions." Humanist 73.2 (2013): 1215. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
The author presents his thoughts on U.S. drug control policies and the possibilities of
legalizing some drugs. He states that drug prohibition, or the war on drugs, leads to an
illegal market for the substances that ultimately results in higher rates of crime,
corruption, and disease. In response, he suggests that rather than
decriminalizing drugs the U.S. government should institute a policy of legalization for
adults that differentiates between drug abusers and non-problem users. I will use this
article to build on my ethos in my argument on decriminalizing drugs.
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Jarecki, Eugene. "Voting Out The Drug War." Nation 295.23 (2012): 5-6. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
The author argues that the U.S. War on Drugs is a failure and he decries the U.S.'s
sentencing guidelines for drug crime. He notes that in developing his film "The House I
Live In," about drug crime in the U.S., he spoke to dozens of people in more than 25 U.S.
states including prison wardens, judges, police officers, and politicians who agree that the
U.S. drug war is out of control. He praises California's 2012 amendment of its legislation
around prison sentences for nonviolent criminals. I will use this article to develop logos
in my argument as well as pathos.
Kalb, Claudia, Tina Peng, and Karen Springen. "And Now, Back In The Real World... (Cover
Story)." Newsweek 151.9 (2008): 41.Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
This article talks about drug use in the United States and new programs to move
nonviolent drug offenders out of prisons and into treatment programs. Since
the war on drugs began in 1971, drug addicts have often been treated as criminals and
subsequently incarcerated rather than treated. The article discusses the use of drug courts
as a way that crime rates have been improved, but also notes that the treatment programs
associated with them need to be improved, possibly through new drug research. I will be
using this article to build on my ethos in my advocacy on treatment and also provide
pathos to my essay.
Moore, Lisa D., and Amy Elkavich. "Who's Using And Who's Doing Time: Incarceration, The
War On Drugs, And Public Health."American Journal Of Public Health 98.5 (2008):
782-786. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
This article discusses the ethical perspective and negative effect of placing non-violent
drug offenders in prisons for long periods of time and the family left behind and talks
about the struggle to find work after long term sentences and the broken emotional ties
with family and loved ones. The article also touches on the racial profiling and the
difference of police interference in suburban areas compared to urban areas. I will use
this article for pathos in my argument.
Youhana, Michael. "A New Front In The 'War On Drugs'." Nation 295.14 (2012): 5. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
This article discusses the international war on drugs as of October 2012, highlighting on
the U.S. militarys partnership with Guatemala and the deployment of the 200 U.S.
Marines to the western coast of Guatemala to provide surveillance. I was planning on
using this article in my development of ethos and the logos in my argument but it doesnt
contain very much information and it is not focusing on the parts of my topic that I have
chosen to discuss so I will not be using it.
Youngers, Coletta A. "U.S. Elections And The War On Drugs." NACLA Report On The
Americas 45.4 (2012): 71-75. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
This article examines the effect of the 2012 election and the war on drugs. The change of
terminology so that it is not identified as a war any longer is mentioned. The article also
discusses the legalization of marijuana in Washington and Colorado and the changes and
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talk of review to drug policies that has sparked in the United States as well as Latin
America. I plan to use this article to build on my logos in the argument and the outdated
drug policy desperately needing a reform.
Zabludovsky, Karla. "WHO's FIGHTING YOUR DRUG WARS? (Cover Story)." Newsweek
Global 162.9 (2014): 7-22. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
This article discusses the illegal drug trade shifting from Mexico to Central America and
the conditions the drug traffickers in Honduras live in. There is a lot of detailed
information about the violent ways of police, drug cartels and military in these counties. I
was hoping to use this article to get pathos for my argument, however I am focusing more
on the drug war in American and this is more about other counties and therefore, I wont
be using it.