CCorwersion and Reactor Sizing Chap. 2
‘Tanie 22 Processen Data
SES ee
ao 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 O85
bp Sad
‘0.0053 0.0052 0.0050 0.0045 0.0040 0.0033 G.0G25 0.0018 0.00125 0.001
1 192 mo 22 «250 «303 4005568001000
0 02 04 06 06 10
conversion, X
Figure 2-1 Processed Date
1 a KOT50 Conversion and Reactor Sizing Chap. 2
Example 2-5 Comparing Volumes for CSTRs in Series
For the two CSTRs in series, 40% conversion is achieved in the first reactor. What
is the total volume of the two reactors necessary for 80% overall conversion of the
species A entering reactor 17 (If Fya is the molar flow rate of A exiting from the last
reactor in the sequence, Fy; = O.2F,q.)
Fay = 0.867 mol/s
estr 2
Conversion, x
Figure E2-5.1 Levenspiel plot for wo CSTRs in series
For reactor 1 we observe from cither Table 2-2 or Figure E2-5.1 that when X = 0.4,
= 250 dns
y= fol ha} r= oar Jeo = @36n250;04)
Y= 86.7 dm? (liters)
For reactor 2, when X> = 0.8, then (I/—rq) = 800 dim®-s/mol, and
Y= he (4) x0
= 2774 din Clters)
}es-00‘To achieve the
‘ame, overall
comersion, te
sal volume for
tivo CSTR in
sees is fess than
that roguied for
‘one CSTR
sse0.24 Reactors in Series st
series the rate —rqy is evaluated at 2 conversion
Note again that for CSTRs in
4 conversion of 0.8. The total volume is
of and rate ~7qz is evaluated at
v= V, + Vy = 364 di diters)
“The volume necessary 10 achieve 80% conversion in one CSTR is
ne = (0.2679 800)(0.8) = 555 ds liters)
Notice in Example 2-5 that the sum of the two CSTR reactor volumes
(264 1) in eres is less than the volume of one CSTR (S55 1) fo achieve the
(ion conversion, This case does not hold true for two plug-low seacton
a mais as shown in Figure 2-4. We can se from Figare 2-5 and rom
the equation
e a
o 7h
My Prat
0 ry IX TR
that it is immaterial whether you place two plug-flow reactors in series or have
‘one continuous plug-flow reactor, the total reactor volume required to achieve
the same conversion is identical.
ignre 2-4 Two PFRs in series.
igure 25 -Levenspiel plot for two PFRS in series.
eS naiesi
penne sin NR‘The overall,
conversion of two
DPRFS in series isthe
samme as one PRE
wih the sime tial
52 Conversion and Reactor Sizing Chap. 2
Example 2-6 Sizing Plug-Flow Reactors in Series
Using either the data in Table 2-2 or Figure 2-5, calculate the reactor volumes V;,
and ¥, for the plug-flow sequence shown in Figure 2-4 when the intermediate con.
version is 40% and the final conversion is 80%. The entering molar flow rate is the
same as in the previous examples, 0.867 mol/s.
In addition to graphical integration we could bave used numerical methods to size
the plug-flow reactors. In this example, we shall use Simpson's rule (ee Appendix
AS) to evaluate the integrals.
ta ‘Ax
fy, 100.0 = SX yo) +4704) + F041 aay
For the fitst reactor, Xe = 0, X; = 0.2, X, = 0.4, and AX = 0.2,
] aan
TSAO ** 305 * 0:
Selecting the appropriate values from Table 2-2, we have
(0867 mass (22) 0% +250 Lestat
2 nsL=n6é0
For the second reactor,
axf_t 1 1
Fas [seen as =a] (262)
‘The total volume is then
25 L = 225 dm?
‘The final sequence we shall consider is ¢ CSTR and plug-flow reactor in
series. There are two ways in which this sequence can be arranged (Figureod
266). Ifthe size of each reactor is fixed, a different final conversion, Xo, will be
‘achieved, depending on whether the CSTR, or the plug-flow reactor is placed
first. ¥ the intermediate and exit conversions are specified, the reactor volumes
ae well as their sums can be different for different sequencing. Figure 27
shows an actual system of two CSTRs and a PFR in series.
‘Scheme A
x ,=08
Scheme B
Figure 27 Dimarsol G (an organometalic catalyst) unit (wo CSTRs end one
fbulas reactor in series) to dimerize propylene into isohexanes Institut Frangais du
‘Pete process. [Photo courtesy of Editions Techn Cnstitut Prngis do Petsle).|
——54 ‘Conversion and Reactor Sizing Chap. 2
t Example 2-7 Comparing the Order of Sequencing Reactors
CCaloatate the individual reactor volume as well as the total reactor volume for each,
Scheme in Figure 2-6 forthe reaction data given in Table 2-2 when the intermedia
‘conversion is 50% and Fyy = 0.867 mol/s.
‘We again use Figure 2-1 to arrive at Figure B2-7.1 and evaluate the design integrals.
Integrating between X = O and X = 0.5 yields
wool ru SE so rere 200]
axf_t 4 tg
=r)” =H4(O25) " — 14005)
~ Fw S|
= rg SB usp econ. +501
= (oReT\II1)
= 97 da Citers)
— 21 = 0,860.8 ~ 0.5)(800) = 208 dm?
f+ Vy = 305 dm?
02 08 e100 02 04 08 OF
Conversion, X ‘Conversion, X
igure E2-7.1‘Sec.2.4 Reactors in Series 55
Scheme B
= 0.867(0.5)(303) = 131.4 dm
Who'son fe? a
Wo PER: Vy= Fug &
as =e
Vout ™ 262 dm (Liters)
867(151) = 130.9 dm?
Scheme B will give the smaller total reactor volume for an intermediate conversion
of 50%. This result is shown in Figure E2-7.1. However, as is see
the relate sizes of the reactors depend on the intemnediate conversion. Compare
your results in Example 2.6 with those in Problem P2-3.
“The previous examples show that if we know the molar flow rate to the
reactor and the reaction rate as a function of conversion, then we can cateulate
Fae {02s not depend on conversion alone, however. It is also aifected by the
inital concentrations of the reactants, the temperature, and the pressure. Com,
scauently, the experimental data obtained in the laboratory and presented in
Fine 2 a —ra for given values of X are useful only in the design of
full-scale reactors that are to be operated at the samie conditions as the Leber,
‘ory experiments (temperature, pressure, initial reactant concentrations), ‘This
sonaitional relationship is generally true i.e. to use labotatory data directly
for sizing reactors, the laboratory and full-scale operating conditions must by
identical. Usually, such circumstances are seldom encountered and we must
revert to the methods described in Chapter 3 to obtain ~rs as a function of X.
We need only However it is important for the reader to realize that ifthe rate of rec.
Fp t'szeeaaens “Oi available solely as a function of conversion, ~~ f{X) oF if ivoee be
WOME generated by some intermediate calculation one can design a variety of reac-
ors or combination of reactors.
Finally, let's consider approximating a PFR with a number of smal,
‘qual-volume CSTRs of V, in series (Figure 2-8). We want to compare the total
Figure 2-8 Modeling a PFR with CSTRS in series.