Seven Segment Led Display: Bachelor of Technology IN Elctronics and Communication Engineering
Seven Segment Led Display: Bachelor of Technology IN Elctronics and Communication Engineering
Seven Segment Led Display: Bachelor of Technology IN Elctronics and Communication Engineering
A Mini Project Report Submitted in the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Award of the Degree of
MD.KHAJA PASHA (09AG1A0474) S.V.V KARTHIK (09AG1A0498) M.ARCHANA (09AG1A0472) M.RAMESH (09AG1A0469)
This is to certify that mini project entitled SEVEN SEGMENT LED DISPLAY has been carried out by MD.KHAJAPASHA(09AG1A0474), S.V.V.KARTHIK(09AG1A0498),
M.ARCHANA(09AG1A0472),M.RAMESH (09AG1A0469) has taken active participation in completing this project successfully under my supervision & guidance and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of B.TECH IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING by the Jawaharlal Nehru technological university Hyderabad during the academic year 2012-13
we express our sincere thankful and profound gratitude to T.GNANESHWAR GOUD sir in department of ECE for his valuable guidance, bestowed on us for bringing out this project SEVEN SEGMENT LED DISPLAY. We wish to record our deep sense of gratitude for her enthusiastic guidance and valuable assistance our special thanks to BUCHAIAH principal of our college and
SURYANARAYANA, head of ECE department for their unflinching support and his encouragement for completion of this project.
We are obliged to all teaching and non-teaching staff those who helped directly or indirectly in completion of our project successfully
Last but not the least; we would like to thank our parents and well-wishers who encouraged for bringing out this project most successfully