Sobre la empresa

¿SCImago hace parte de Elsevier?

SCImago es una empresa española, independiente de Elsevier o de cualquiera de los proveedores de datos con los que trabajamos para generar nuestros productos. Para más información

¿SCImago trabaja solo en España?

Nuestro servicio de consultoría se expande por toda Iberoamérica y los demás servicios responden a las necesidades de cualquier institución sin importar el país de procedencia. Para más información

¿Qué es lo que diferencia a SCImago de otras firmas de consultoría?

SCImago está conformado por un equipo interdisciplinario de investigadores y profesionales de alto nivel, con una dilatada experiencia internacional en instituciones académicas y organismos nacionales de ciencia y tecnología, que permiten ofrecer un enfoque integrado a la gestión de la investigación. Las principales fortalezas de SCImago son:

•Disponemos de una base de datos actualizada, que ofrece datos fidedignos sobre la investigación científica en todo el mundo. Nuestros datos cubren grandes series temporales, múltiples dimensiones de la investigación, con un alto nivel desagregación, y la capacidad de generar indicadores de impacto, excelencia, liderazgo y colaboración, entre muchos otros. Todo lo cual permite comprender las prácticas de un dominio (país, institución, área temática) en distintos niveles de agregación.
• Tenemos una amplia experiencia en cienciometría, evaluación de la investigación y de las políticas científicas, lo que se traduce en estrategias que permiten aumentar la cantidad y calidad de los resultados de la actividad investigadora.
• Somos expertos en usabilidad, visualización de la información, y optimización de motores de búsqueda, lo que nos permite ofrecer análisis que se adaptan a las necesidades individuales de cada institución.
• Sabemos crear ecosistemas propicios para la investigación, desde el diseño y evaluación de consorcios nacionales de acceso a información científica hasta asegurar que las instituciones accedan a la corriente principal de la ciencia.
• Somos especialistas en edición científica, sabemos de buenas prácticas editoriales, tenemos una dilatada experiencia en la evaluación de revistas científicas, hemos capacitado a cientos de editores.
• Conocemos los ambientes universitarios de investigación, los procesos que fomentan o frenan la investigación, los mecanismos para adquirir calidad y la forma de cambiar las culturas organizacionales universitarias. La experiencia docente, y como autoridades universitarias, permite diseñar programas eficaces, actuales y pertinentes.

¿Cómo me pongo en contacto con el equipo de SCImago?

Puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros a través del correo [email protected]

¿Necesita conocer su desempeño científico?

Nosotros podemos ayudarle. Conozca nuestros Informes Cienciométricos de Autor y empiece a mejorar su visibilidad científica

Sobre nuestros productos

¿Debo pagar por usar los rankings de SCImago?

Toda la información contenida en los rankings de SCImago es de acceso abierto. Si su uso es para una publicación académica o científica es necesario citar la fuente:
How to cite SJR: SCImago, (n.d.). SJR — SCImago Journal and Country Rank [Portal]. Retrieved Date you Retrieve, from https://www.scimagojr.com

How to cite SIR: SCImago, (n.d.). SIR — SCImago Institutions Ranking [Portal]. Retrieved Date you Retrieve, from https://www.scimagoir.com

Además, recomendamos que se incluyan nuestros widgets para dar a conocer a su audiencia web mayor información bibliométrica:
SJR: Solo debe ingresar a la página de la revista en el SJR y copiar la información EMBED al final de la página.
SIR: Solo debe ingresar a la página de la institución en el ranking y hacer clic en el botón EMBED.

SJR (SCImago Journal and Country Rank)

What is SCImago Journal and Country Rank?

The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.). These indicators can be used to assess and analyse scientific domains. Journals can be compared or analysed separately. Country rankings may also be compared or analysed separately. Journals can be grouped by subject area (27 major thematic areas), subject category (313 specific subject categories) or by country. Citation data is drawn from over 34,100 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers and country performance metrics from 239 countries worldwide.

How can I include my journal in your ranking?

Our data source is Scopus/Elsevier and SCImago doesn’t participate in the journals selection. For more information related to this matter, please contact Scopus by using these links so they can help you: https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/scopus/content/content-policy-and-selection

Is this journal indexed in Scopus?

All the journals included in SJR are indexed in Scopus. Scopus/Elsevier is our data provider; therefore, we cannot add any journal that is not included in Scopus database.

Is this journal currently covered by Scopus?

The entire journal’s data have been provided by Scopus, including the coverage. We always suggest our users consult the Scopus database to see the current index status of a journal as SCImago is a static image (the update is made only one time per year) of Scopus, which is changing every day.

What does it mean that a journal is cancelled?

Our data comes from Scopus/Elsevier, which offers an annual copy of their database. We understand that, since the date indicated by Scopus/Elsevier, the journal is no longer indexed in its database. While the citation window is still active, we can show indicators of the journal. That means that, as long as SCImago continues to receive data from Scopus related to the citation window, scientometric indicators are still being calculated.

Can I request a more detailed journal’s report to SCImago?

We do make individualized reports by request. We need to know what kind of report and details are required and then we will send you a budget. You can request the service in SCImago Services (link).

Why can’t I find the journal I am looking for in SCImago Journal and Country Rank?

If you didn´t localize the journal in the search engine, it means that Scopus / Elsevier has not provided us with the corresponding data or that the journal you are looking for is not indexed in Scopus database.

My article was indexed in Scopus this year but the SJR hasn’t been released for this year yet, why does it occur?

As we said, SCImago is a static image of Scopus, a dynamic database. Therefore, the documents published during the current year haven’t been collected yet as Scopus sends us an update in April/May every year. The SJR indicators published have been calculated based on the data sent by Scopus in the latest available year.
The indicators for following years will be published in June of every year, based on the data sent by Scopus.

How can I submit a manuscript?

For all the questions related to the journals’ information, you should check their own websites. To submit an article, you should look for the author’s instructions or submission guidelines. You can find the link in the SJR website by clicking on “How to publish in this journal”.

How to access the journal’s website?

You can check all the journals’ websites in the SJR website by clicking on “Homepage”. If the sentence “Information not localized” appears in that section, it means that we couldn’t find the journal’s website or that this information couldn’t be verified with reliability.

Is this journal Open Access?

You can find a padlock icon in the right side of the journal’s title. If this padlock is open, it means that this journal is Open Access.

Does SCImago use the same parameters as WoS?

As SCImago Journal and Country Rank uses Scopus data, our impact indicator is the SJR. Check our website to locate a journal. We suggest you consult the Journal Citation Report for other indicators (like Impact Factor) with a Web of Science data source.

Why has the journal’s quartile changed from last year?

Every single year, SJRC is updated in June. Scopus provides us an update of its database each year, and according to that new information, indicators are calculated. The annual data update can modify the journal’s quartiles from one year to another.

Why are the SCImago journal’s quartiles sometimes different from those shown in Scopus?

Even if the calculation of the indicators is performed with the copy of the Scopus database, the methodology used concerning the distribution by quartiles used by Scopus is different from the one used by SCImago. In the case of SCImago, the distribution by quartiles isn’t considered over the journals total amount within a category but with the formula highest SJR minus lowest SJR divided into four.

Why are some other data sometimes different than those shown in Scopus?

As SCImago is only updated once a year and Scopus is a dynamic database, it can result in inconsistencies between the metadata shown in Scopus and those available in SCImago. However, as all the metadata (i.e., country, publisher, coverage, etc.) have been provided by Scopus /Elsevier, SCImago doesn´t have the authority over these data which are property of Scopus. In this case, you need to contact the Scopus Support team to enable the changes required.

How to know if a journal is a predatory one?

If you want to learn more about predatory journals, please check the following websites:

Can SCImago send me bibliographic information related to a concrete topic?

If you need bibliographical information or full text, we suggest you do research in Scopus database or contact your librarian.

Can SCImago provide me information about a journal related to a specific topic?

If you are looking for a journal related to a specific topic, you can use the Journal Rankings search tool shown on our website, as the journals can be filtered by Subject Area/ Category: https://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php

Can I use the information shown in SCImago Journal and Country Rank?

All the information shown on our website can be used as long as the SJCR’s website is cited.
How to cite: SCImago, (n.d.). SJR — SCImago Journal and Country Rank [Portal]. Retrieved Date you Retrieve, from https://www.scimagojr.com

In addition, we recommend that the journal include our widget on its official website, to make known to its web audience the bibliometric indicators and the quartile in the area of knowledge. You just have to enter the journal’s ranking page and click on the EMBED button at the end of the page.

How can I contact SCImago team?

You can contact our team here: [email protected]

How can I contact Scopus team?

You can contact Scopus Support team here:

SIR (SCImago Institutions Rankings)

What is SCImago Institutions Rankings?

The SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) is a classification of academic and research-related institutions ranked by a composite indicator that combines three different sets of indicators based on research performance, innovation outputs and societal impact measured by their web visibility. It provides a friendly interface that allows the visualization of any customized ranking from the combination of these three sets of indicators. Additionally, it is possible to compare the trends for individual indicators of up to six institutions. For each large sector it is also possible to obtain distribution charts of the different indicators. You can learn more about the methodology used by clicking here: https://www.scimagoir.com/methodology.php

How can I include my institution in your ranking?

Our data come from Scopus/Elsevier, they annually send us an update of their metadata. Therefore, SCImago has no authority over the presence or absence of an institution in SCImago Institutions Ranking. For an institution, it is necessary to obtain 100 documents in Scopus indexed journals in the last year of period:
“The inclusion criterion is that the institutions had published at least 100 documents included in the SCOPUS database during the last year of the selected time period.

Can I request a more detailed Institution’s report to SCImago?

We do make individualized reports by request. We need to know what kind of report and details are required and then we will send you a budget. You can request the service in SCImago Services (link)

Can I use the information shown in SCImago Institutions Rankings?

All the information shown on our website can be used as long as the SJCR’s website is cited.
How to cite: SCImago, (n.d.). SIR — SCImago Institutions Ranking [Portal]. Retrieved Date you Retrieve, from https://www.scimagoir.com
In addition, we recommend that the institution include our widget on its institutional website, to make known to its web audience the institutional strengths, its position in the country and the quartile. You just have to enter the institution’s ranking page and click on the EMBED button.

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