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Found 15 result(s)
citaREA is the institutional repository of the Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón (CITA), a public research organization under the Ministry of Industry and Innovation of the Government of Aragon.
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available. The Environmental Dataset Gateway (EDG) has provided access to EPA's Open Data resources. Metadata records contributed by EPA Regions, Program Offices, and Research Laboratories that link to geospatial and non-geospatial resources (e.g., data, Web services, or applications) are now discoverable through >>>!!!>>>
This interface provides access to several types of data related to the Chesapeake Bay. Bay Program databases can be queried based upon user-defined inputs such as geographic region and date range. Each query results in a downloadable, tab- or comma-delimited text file that can be imported to any program (e.g., SAS, Excel, Access) for further analysis. Comments regarding the interface are encouraged. Questions in reference to the data should be addressed to the contact provided on subsequent pages.
EOS-EarthData provides free, customized Earth Science data. All data are freely available. EOS-WEBSTER has been replaced by EOS-Earthdata. EOS-Earthdata offers much simpler access to data, and does not require you to register or login.
The CZO Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS (M-TROPICS) consists in the merging, in 2016, of two previously-existing CZOs: BVET (India and Cameroon) and MSEC (Laos and Vietnam). The CZO Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS (M-TROPICS) provides the international scientific community with unique decennial time series of meteorological, hydrological, geochemical, and ecological variables in tropical environments. The CZO M-TROPICS involves academic and governmental partners in tropical countries (Cameroun, India, Lao PDR, and Vietnam) and is included in the Research Infrastructure OZCAR, the French contribution to the international CZO initiative.
Real time and archival databases containing Canadian water information. These data include, archived hydrometric data, water level and streamflow statistics, daily and monthly mean flow, water level and sediment concentration for monitoring station across Canada. The Water Survey of Canada (WSC) is the national authority responsible for the collection, interpretation and dissemination of standardized water resource data and information in Canada. In partnership with the provinces, territories and other agencies, WSC operates over 2800 active hydrometric gauges across the country.
The USGS Alaska Region has the largest geographic extent of the seven regional units within the USGS and represents a dynamic landscape of great natural wonder. It is a transforming landscape shaped by volcanoes, earthquakes, major rivers, and glaciers and a strategic landscape of yet untapped mineral and energy resources. The Region conducts research to help inform management of the extensive national parks and wildlife refuges of the far north and the international birds, fish, and marine mammals that migrate to these lands and waters; informs national Arctic energy policy through research on the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf; and provides science to understand, help respond to and mitigate impacts from natural hazards. This work is accomplished in part by the Region's two Science Centers headquartered in Anchorage, the Alaska Science Center and the Volcano Science Center.
<<<!!!<<< All user content from this site has been deleted. Visit SeedMeLab ( project as a new option for data hosting. >>>!!!>>> SeedMe is a result of a decade of onerous experience in preparing and sharing visualization results from supercomputing simulations with many researchers at different geographic locations using different operating systems. It’s been a labor–intensive process, unsupported by useful tools and procedures for sharing information. SeedMe provides a secure and easy-to-use functionality for efficiently and conveniently sharing results that aims to create transformative impact across many scientific domains.
The project brings together national key players providing environmentally related biological data and services to develop the ‘German Federation for Biological Data' (GFBio). The overall goal is to provide a sustainable, service oriented, national data infrastructure facilitating data sharing and stimulating data intensive science in the fields of biological and environmental research.
Institutional Repository of the University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland). It includes the scientific achievements of the university's staff and students, including raw research data, as well as full texts of journals published by the University of Agriculture in Krakow.
In its 10-year tenure, NCED has made major contributions to the growth of Earth-Surface Dynamics (ESD) through direct research in three Integrated Programs (IP) of Streams, Watersheds and Deltas. These contributions include: Establishment of experimental geomorphology and stratigraphy as a major source of insight in ESD, Integration of quantitative methods from engineering, physics, and applied math into ESD, Advances in the coupling of life, especially vegetation, and landscape dynamics, Integration of a variety of novel methods from stochastic hydrology, including nonlocal transport and multifractal spatial signatures, into ESD, Advances in providing the scientific basis for restoring streams, and Integration of subsurface structure and stratigraphic records into understanding present-day delta dynamics. All data created or compiled by NCED-funded scientists is archived here.
Australian Waterbird Surveys (AWS) is an information source of waterbird communities around Australia, based on surveys of their diversity and numbers. It relies on rigorous data collection protocols and includes more than 50 waterbird species and up to 30 years of survey data. This open source also includes the extent of flooding of thousands of wetlands observed during our surveys. As a group, waterbirds can be sentinels of the ecological health of our wetlands and rivers. We hope this free information system will help track long-term changes in the environment, provide an assessment tool for individual species, report on our national and international responsibilities and help improve the way we manage our rivers and wetlands. It has been developed with the support of research and government partners.