Cranberry Township, PA

01/30/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/30/2025 21:24

Brush Creek Facility Work Moves Forward

The Board of Supervisors will consider approving two authorizations to bid for improvements and services at the Brush Creek Water Pollution Control Facility.

The first bid pertains to the Plant's solids handling project, which will upgrade the nutrient removal treatment process and improve efficiency. It's the next step in a series of upgrades to the facility over the last seven years. The bid seeks general construction, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical contractors.

The project will cost an estimated $35 million, with $5 million coming from a federal EPA grant and another $1.75 million from the Pa. H20 Program. Marshall Township, which the facility services, will also contribute a significant portion via an intermunicipal agreement, with the remaining covered by a low-interest loan.

The Board will also consider authorizing the search for bids for disposal of bio-solids, grit, and screening at the facility.

Both items will be considered at the Feb. 6 meeting.