Join the participants in Artist Residency "Repression – Expression // Violence – Creative Resistance as they give short presentations of their practices before opening up for questions and discussion".
Taking place from 15 August until 9 September, PRAKSIS's twenty second residency, Repression – Expression // Violence – Creative Resistance, seeks to create a space for exploration and community between artists whose creative practices respond to lived experiences of conflict and oppression.
The residency has been developed by Motaz Habbash, PRAKSIS Oslo and PRIO, and brings together residents: Ayman Alazraq, Diala Brisly, Yamile Calderon, Tania Cañas, Khalid Elkhateem, Jad El Khoury, Iman Jabrah, Nastassja Nefjodov, Daria Pugachova and Yanina Zaichanka.