Samir Limbu

Samir Limbu Poems

A breeze once stirred the quiet air,
Gentle whispers, soft and bare,
Beside a flame, it dared to stray,
But drifted far, then lost its way.

I have been lost since the day I met you,
My Heart forgets the rhythm at first when I saw you,
Like a Fairy tale, time stopped for the moment,
An Angel from the Heavens, gracing the Earth with your presence...

Samir Limbu Biography

A collage student who see poetry as a passion.)

The Best Poem Of Samir Limbu

Whispers Of The Breeze And Flame

A breeze once stirred the quiet air,
Gentle whispers, soft and bare,
Beside a flame, it dared to stray,
But drifted far, then lost its way.

A lamp, her light, so faint, yet bright,
Guided hearts through darkest night,
But winds can bend and winds can break,
A careless breath, a grave mistake.

In secret skies, the stars align,
But some remain a distant sign,
For love, like breezes, cannot stay,
It dances close, then fades away.

The flame, it flickers, not yet cold,
But with another, it takes hold,
And though the wind longs for the spark,
It wanders, lost within the dark.

Yet still it blows, though silent, still,
It cannot say what it must feel,
For though the breeze has touched her face,
It never spoke, nor took its place.

Samir Limbu Comments

Samir Limbu Quotes

'Some stories tend to end incompletely.'

'Every wound heals, just the matter of time and distance. '

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