famous last words

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the text is written in blue and black on a piece of paper that says i mean, i am trying to make my way through something
maybe we will wake up singing
a woman's quote with the words, i was a girl gupping a woman's gref
Where stories live
a poem written in black and white with the words'i spent my childhood learning how to fear, and now i spend my author learning how not to '
Humour, Web Weaving, You Are My Moon, Mothers And Daughters
the words are written in black and white on a piece of paper that says, it's harder to leave your burning home after you've spent so much time cleaning its floors
a quote from the famous movie ghostbuster, even if it's full of love, all a ghost can do is haunt
a piece of paper with an image of a man holding a woman's back
the Cold Of Anxiety Is Very Real
a piece of paper with writing on it that says, why did they do that?