hair care

58 Pins
also my pin is lowk flopping 😔
@sofiathetorturedpoet @whotfis_juliet im in ur walls abt to snach ur hair.
my hairdresser is my number one op atm
I have the babiest afro ever 😭😭
do u guys recommend any type 4 hair products? EDIT: I watch euginia kelcy and she has very good hair recipes and ppl said it rlly works well | mineee | 29.7.24
Coils and Glory - Natural Hairstyles Ideas For Women, Men and Kids
Accepting natural hair shrinkage is one of the greatest challenges when you are embarking on a natural hair journey. For African-American women who have decided to take the plunge and wear their hair natural, hair shrinkage can be considered a surprise that can be embraced or a hassle that needs to be conquered. *tag source ( # @shotcolla ) Let's grow your hair FOLLOW @coilsandglory #shrinkageisdope #shrinkageisdope #naturalbeautyblogger #4chairchick #type4hair #4chairstyles #type4hairstyles