
Imagery from Macbeth following the idea of fear
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(119) The picture above represents the never ending cycle of fear that is passed on from character to character. For example, fear drove Macbeth to kill Banquo. The murder of Banquo caused Malcolm to flee to England, in fear that the blame of the murder would be on him. Macduff plans to revenge Macbeth, in fear that Macbeth is not fit to rule. The never-ending cycle of fear is passed on from person to person.
"Exit Ghost of Banquo". (page 87). Shakespeare makes Macbeth refer to a ghost of Banquo, to portray Macbeth as mentally ill and hallucinogenic. This is so the audience can sympathies with Macbeth and understand him better. It is easier to understand and forgive a disabled mans crimes than a healthy mans crimes, as the disorder could take partial responsibility for their actions. The picture above shows the ghosts of the men Macbeth has killed, and how they haunt him in his present life.
"Our fears in Banquo Stick deep, and in his royalty of nature Reigns that which would be feared." -Macbeth (page 69) Here, Macbeth is afraid that since Banquo is his best friend and knows him better than any other man, he will discover what he has done, and sentence him to death or imprisonment. Although they are best friends and friends should have trust, Macbeth decides he will kill Banquo. This is represent in the picture has he is backstabbing Banquo and betraying their trust and friendship.
"Fears and scruples shake us"- Banquo (page 57). Here Banquo and other lords discuss the murder of Duncan. The quote explains how fear can drive us to make decisions and take actions we might not if we were not in that situation. It gives me the imagry that people can commit crimes or heroic actions in the name of fear. This relates to the image as it reminds me that most actions come from an emotion that triggers it. This is why people are able to have sympathy for murderers and psychopaths.
"To Ireland, I. Our separate fortune Shall keep us the safer". -Donaldbain (page 57). Doanaldbian and Malcolm are running away from Scotland because they are scared that they will be changed with Duncans murder. This gives me the imagery of somebody running away from the situation, to escape the problems they may face, which is viewed as cowardly by many people including some characters from the play Macbeth.
"If we should fail". -Macbeth "We fail" -Lady Macbeth (page 35) In this quote Macbeth fears failure. He contemplates the consequences of attempting to kill Duncan, and what will happen if it goes wrong. Lady Macbeth shuts him out, and tells him to stop fearing failure because the reward of success is worth more than the punishment of failure. The picture is of a man jumping. There is a chance he will fall, but he looks to success and takes his chances as the Macbeths will also do.
"Wake Duncan with thy knocking: I would thou couldst." -Macbeth (page 47) The picture describe how Macbeth has chosen his path and there is no way back to change the past. He can only move forward and accept the consequences for what he has committed (Duncans Murder)
“Go get some water And wash this filthy witness from your hand” -Lady Macbeth (page 45) In Christianity, a baptism in a ceremony where water washes away the sins you have carried. The same idea is shared when Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to get rid of his guilt and sins by washing the evidence of Duncans murder from his hands. She fears what will happen when the truth is revealed. It is likely Shakespeare included this quote in his play based on the Catholic ideas around him at that time.
"I am afraid to think what I have done; Look on't again, i dare not." -Macbeth (page 45) Macbeth is scared of himself and that he is capable of killing Duncan. The image above represents how Macbeth can barley recognise himself. It also shows how he looks like a normal nice man on the outside, but on the inside, he carries secretes which makes him an ugly monster.
"Or art though but a dagger of the mind, a false creation"- Macbeth (page 41) Here Macbeth is the opposite of fear. The picture describes this scene, and it shows that Macbeth has two personalities. One, very scared and unsure, and one powerful and fearless. Macbeth doesn't know if the dagger is real or fake. The picture can also show how he is hallucinating, and speaks not from his right mind.
“Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse the curtained sleep.” -Macbeth (pg 41). Macbeth describes how he's scared that his kind human nature died when he killed Duncan. This means that he will have sleepless nights, or even an afterlife in hell. "Sleep no more: Macbeth does nuder sleep" -Macbeth. Here Macbeth is frightened that he will never sleep peacefully again. It is believed that this is because if a person does wrong, they will be punished by their own guilt which can lead to insanity.
“And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man.” -Lady Macbeth (page 33) This picture describes Lady Macbeth persuading Macbeth to kill Duncan in order to be "more of a man". Lady Macbeth represents the devil convincing Macbeth to do evil. The angel represents kind human nature, which makes Macbeth doubt weather or not to commit evil. The picture symbolises fear, as Macbeth will decide to commit evil based to the fear that if he doesn't, he will be "less of a man".
"Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, To cry 'Hold, hold'". -Lady Macbeth (page 25) Lady Macbeth remarks that not even a consequence of an afterlife in hell will stop her from killing Duncan. This causes a fearful tension in the audience, as hell is often viewed as the ultimate punishment.
"Unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe full Of direst cruelty." -Lady Macbeth (page 25) Lady Macbeth expresses how human kindness makes her week, and how evil in necessary to drive out fear, in order to gain strength. The picture above represents Lady Macbeth's weak and fearful side, and the other her strong and powerful side. This represents fear as Lady Macbeth's expresses her belief that if she became evil, she would no longer be week and fearful.