Introverts Unite

The power and intrigue of the introverted mind!
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What's the Best Career for Your Enneagram?
You spend a large portion of your time at work, shouldn't you at least enjoy what you're doing?! If you're wondering what your dream job is, look no further! Take the enneagram quiz and find out the best remote career for you based on your enneagram type and personality! #type1 #type2 #type3 #type4 #type5 #type6 #type7 #type8 #type9 #ideas
If You're An Enneagram Type 9, Here Is The City You Should Move To - The List
If you're looking for a change of pace, and you're an Enneagram Nine, here are some suggestions for you.
Enneagram Type 9 – The Peacemaker
Enneagram Type Nine - The Peacemaker - Psychology Junkie