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Instrumentos musicales con materiales reciclados
Más instrumentos musicales con materiales reciclados en nuestro blog Construcción y Manualidades #Música #Instrumentos #Reciclar
How to make a bottle cap musical instrument. Craft Blog Bottle Cap Co
How to make a bottle cap musical instrument. Craft Blog Bottle Cap Co
Shamanic Spirit Rattle - Exmoor Sea Shells on Alder Wood Handle | eBay
Shamanic Spirit Rattle - Exmoor Sea Shells on Alder Wood Handle | eBay
Antique mennonite hand mangle set
Wonderful antique set of hand mangle. Imagine washing your clothes with these!! Came to me in the 80s in my store in Inglewood Calgary I bought them from a family member of the original owner but the name is completely lost to me now. I stripped the original finish off years ago as it was super glossy and opaque. And I wanted to see the wood under. Beautiful birch grain, you can see the adez Mark's on the back of the paddle There is a slight chip in the bottom rung of the paddle as well. Beaut
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