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10 Surprising Things You Should Write Down to Be More Organized

Grocery lists and birthdays? Pfft—everyone knows to write those things down. Here are the more unconventional things I jot down that make me super organized.

By Jill Duffy
September 11, 2023
An illustrated collage of objects that look like a to-do list, calendar, notebook, pencil, and dollar sign (Credit: René Ramos)

I'm a prolific note-taker and list-maker. Why? When something is written down, you don't have to remember it. As you get into the habit of writing down the things you don't want to forget, you begin to trust that those ideas and details are safely recorded, and thus your mind is freed up for other things.

Becoming a person who takes good notes and writes down important details is hard, though. If you didn't come from a family of people who do it, you might not even know what would be valuable to write down. So I trolled through my note-taking app (Joplin), to-do list app (Todoist), calendar (Google Calendar), and even my Google Maps account to share with you some of the more unusual things I write down to be more organized. Maybe they will inspire you to make a note, too.

1. Annual Tips

Do you tip your building receptionist or superintendent at the end of the year? How about the staff at your local coffee shop? Your babysitter? Dog walker? I hope you tip all these people generously, and I hope you write down the amount because next year it should be equal or more. If you don't use a note-taking app to record this kind of stuff, write it in your calendar. Make a calendar entry for the coming year as a reminder, and in the description, list the people you tipped last year and the amount.

2. Gift Ideas for Others

When I give a bad gift, it becomes a regrettable and embarrassing moment that replays in my mind when I'm trying to sleep. I care so much about giving good gifts that I keep a running list of them in my to-do app's list of ideas. If I think of a good gift or if a family member mentions something they want, need, or simply enjoy, I add it to my list. The more unusual and personal the idea, the better. Fabric shaver, anyone?

3. Gift Ideas for Yourself

I keep another list in my to-do app of things I want but don't need right now. Writing down what I want makes me feel assured that I won't forget it and, therefore, I can delay the purchase, and that helps with budgeting. Sometimes, I even lose interest in an item after a few weeks, or I forget that I wanted it in the first place, which helps me cut down on unnecessary spending. I also like that Todoist lets me see items I've checked off in the past, so I can remember all the stuff I've already bought for myself and hopefully feel grateful for it.

4. Recommendations

I'm kind of a nut about following up on anything someone recommends to me, whether it's a restaurant, museum, author, or movie. I have a messy note where I write down TV shows, movies, books, and authors. For physical places, I mark them in Google Maps. Typically, if I've been to a place before and liked it, I mark it with a star. If I haven't been yet, I save it as a green pin.

A Google Map showing a section of Washington, D.C., where a few saved pins are shown as green markers or yellow stars, and one selected shows a preview of a restaurant
(Credit: Google/PCMag)

What I'm not good at is noting who made the recommendation and why. Sometimes, I find myself saying, "We should check out this coffee shop," but I have forgotten who told me about it or what to order there. Regardless, I am never at a loss for new places to go, books to read, or movies to watch.

5. Travel Notes

Before I travel, I make a list of places I'd like to see, things I'd like to do, as well as any warnings people have given me. I put those ideas into a digital note alongside my booking itinerary. When the trip is done, I file the note into a notebook labeled Travel-Done. Those old notes come in handy when a friend travels to the same places I've been. I can copy and paste all my recommendations for, say, Copenhagen (which I did recently) and share what I enjoyed, what I would skip, how the train from the airport is super smooth, and why you need 20DKK in cash if you visit some sites because you have to lock your bag in a coin-operated locker before you can enter. And if I ever go back to Denmark, I have all these same details at my fingertips.

6. Discount Codes

You know when you land on a website for a product or store that's new to you, and a 10% or 15% off coupon pops up? Or when you get an email with a discount code? It's rare that I use them on the spot, so I save them to a note there called Discount Codes. Sometimes, the code has expired by the time I'm ready to use it, but not always. When they do work, it's a nice surprise to get a better discount than what I might find on a coupon-sharing site.

7. The Dates Your Subscriptions Renew

When you sign up for a long-term payment plan, such as car insurance that you pay quarterly or an annual payment for a newspaper subscription, write it down. Either make a calendar entry about a week before it renews or create a task in your to-do list with a due date a week in advance of the renewal. Label it Insurance Renewal Date Is January 1. That way, you'll see it with enough advance notice to change or cancel the subscription if you need to.

Todoist with a task noting when the user's driver license will expire and below it a few tasks that list online purchases and their delivery methods with a link to the tracking number; a note in Joplin with coupon codes
(Credit: Todoist/Joplin/PCMag)

8. The Dates Your Driver's License, Passport, and IDs Expire

Like in the note above, make a calendar entry or task with a due date a few months before your driver's license, passport, Global Entry card, and other IDs expire. That way, you have a reminder to renew them. And if you have upcoming international travel plans, make sure to check how much longer your passport must be valid for before you try to enter the country. Some countries require that your passport be valid for a certain number of months from your date of entry.

9. Store Credit and Gift Certificates

The last time I traded in a laptop and got a new one, Apple was offering $250 in credit if you made the purchase within a certain time frame. It just happened to work out for me, but I have yet to spend any of it. I could very easily forget that it's there, except I've made a reminder to myself in my to-do list. I see this reminder when I open my Personal To-Do list and scroll through it, which I do a few times a week.

When you get a gift certificate or store credit, you also often get an email confirmation, and you might say to yourself, "I'll just leave the email in my inbox as a reminder," but if it gets buried by other emails, there's a good chance you'll lose track of it. That's why it's helpful to write it down somewhere else.

10. Everything I Buy Online…Until It Reaches Me

When I buy something online, I add it to a section in my to-do list called Delivery Tracking. I leave it on that list until it arrives. If I get a tracking link for it, I usually add it to the description field.

The reason I do this is because if a package goes missing, I know about it quickly and can act on it. For example, I ordered some prescription dog medication not long ago, and after a week, it hadn't shown up. I gave it a few more days and then reached out to the company to see what happened. It turned out they just hadn't filled the order yet. It got to my mailbox by the end of that week. If I had let it slide too long, I might have run out of pills for my old girl.

I so often hear people say things like, "Whatever happened to that thing I bought—wait, did I buy it?" followed by, "I'll have to search my email," which they never do. If you write down what you buy and check it off when it's delivered, you never have to worry about keeping track of your expected packages. Keeping this kind of list can also shed light on just how much stuff you buy online in the first place!

For more organizing tips, see Clean Up Your Messy Cables and Purge Clutter in 5 Simple Steps.

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About Jill Duffy


I've been contributing to PCMag since 2011 in a variety of ways. My column, Get Organized, has been running on PCMag since 2012. It gives advice on how to manage all the devices, apps, digital photos, email, and other technology that can make you feel like you're going to have a panic attack.

My latest book is The Everything Guide to Remote Work, which goes into great detail about a subject that I've been covering as a writer and participating in personally since well before the COVID-19 pandemic.

I write about work culture, personal productivity, and software, including project management software, collaboration apps, productivity apps, and language-learning software.

Previously, I worked for the Association for Computing Machinery, The San Francisco Examiner newspaper, Game Developer magazine, and (I kid you not) The Journal of Chemical Physics. I was once profiled in an article in Vogue India alongside Marie Kondo. I'm currently pursuing a few unannounced long-form projects.

Follow me on Mastodon.

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