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Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 02:25:45 +0200
From: Solar Designer <>
Subject: [openwall-announce] "Password cracking: past, present, future" OffensiveCon 2024 keynote talk slides


Last week, I gave the keynote talk at OffensiveCon in Berlin, Germany.

While many talks at OffensiveCon focus on reverse engineering, memory
corruption exploits, and hardware attacks, I felt that it would be more
valuable if I present on a different offensive security topic.  So I
chose the evolution of password cracking, which I have a perspective on.
I had previously presented on password security from the side of
defense, so this is the offensive security counterpart to those talks I
gave before.

Here are the slides:

Passwords (or phrases) remain a distinct and ubiquitous authentication
factor.  They are also widely used to derive encryption keys for data or
other keys.  Password cracking is used in security audits, penetration
testing, to recover or gain access to data, keys, or funds, and for a
variety of other purposes.  Focus of this talk is evolution and
optimization of offline password cracking.  At a high level, we break
down the optimization problem into that of speed (how many candidate
passwords we test per second) and focus (which candidate passwords we
test against which targets and in what order).  Also included is plenty
of historical context starting with 1960s and until the present day,
with a look into the future.

Password cracking may be simple on the surface, but it is also serious
computer science and engineering and is still an evolving and highly
competitive field welcoming new contributors.  Like with other offensive
security fields, new techniques and results inform design and parameters
of new defenses.

I'd like to thank the organizers, sponsors, other speakers, and everyone
else at OffensiveCon for such a great event, which went so smoothly.


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