Aid an Investigation or Report Something Suspicious in any National Park Service Site

NPS infographic for the NPS-wide tip reporting portals
You can help protect our treasured National Park Service sites. Aid an investigation or report something suspicious for any NPS site, anytime. Remember  – dial 9-1-1 for any emergency.

NPS infographic

You can help protect our treasured National Park Service (NPS) sites!

If you see something suspicious in any NPS location, or if you have information that could aid an investigation, stay safe and tell us about it. We understand that it may take time to reach park personnel and/or areas with cell or internet service. Talk to any NPS employee for help in reporting suspicious activity, or submit a tip for any park, anytime. You don't have to tell us who you are, but please tell us what you know:

CALL the NPS-wide Tip Line 888-653-0009
ONLINE form >
Submit a Tip (attachments OK up to 7MB)
EMAIL [email protected] (attachments OK)
EMERGENCY dial 9-1-1

We thank the visitors and members of the public who have submitted thousands of tips over the past year concerning incidents across the National Park System, as well as some for public lands administered by partner agencies.

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Last updated: February 12, 2024