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A Grizzly and Her Cubs A female grizzly bear and her two cubs are on alert after sensing the presence of a male grizzly bear in Hallo Bay, Alaska. © Stephen Oachs

Use this page to find answers to common questions about Nature United.

How may we help you? You can use this page to quickly find answers to common questions about Nature United. If you are not able to find the answer, please contact our headquarters in Toronto, ON. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to address your questions and concerns!

About Us


  • Nature United's main address is:
    366 Adelaide Street East, Suite 331
    Toronto, ON M5A 3X9
    (416) 238-9597

    Membership-related questions can be directed to: (800) 628-6860

    Questions regarding donations, including bequests, stock gifts, and other ways of giving can be directed to our Philanthropy department at: [email protected] or 416-238-9581

    Our global affiliate is The Nature Conservancy, located at:

    4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100
    Arlington, VA 22203-1606
    Phone: +1 (703) 841-53004245 

  • Through our global affiliate, The Nature Conservancy, Nature United employs a multi-faceted and talented group of dedicated, hard-working employees who collaborate to achieve our common conservation goals. If you are interested in joining our team, please visit our careers web pages for more information.

Our Work:

  • Founded as an independent charity in 2014, Nature United is headquartered in Toronto with field offices located across the country. We are working to advance a vision of Canada where healthy communities and responsible economic development drive locally and globally significant conservation outcomes. 

    Our priorities are: Innovating for Climate Change, Conserving at Scale, and Investing in People. We achieve these goals by focusing on global impact and reconciliation. 

  • We build diverse partnerships by unearthing shared environmental, social or economic values, and we transform our collective strength into solutions to Canada’s greatest conservation challenges.

  • We have been invited by others to contribute to all of our current projects across Canada. We work closely with other environmental groups, including Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, MakeWay, Pew Charities and Earth Rangers. We also partner directly with Indigenous Nations including the Heiltsuk, Kitasoo/Xai’Xais, Nuxalk and Ahousaht. Learn more about the Indigenous communities we work with.

  • Our conservation work is grounded in the knowledge that the increased authority of Indigenous peoples to steward their lands and waters results in durable and lasting solutions for people and nature over time.

    Indigenous-led conservation is articulated, defined and implemented by Indigenous peoples, who may choose to partner with organizations like Nature United in order to advance their goals and priorities. Working together, our shared outcomes depend on strong relationships and significant investments of time, energy, and resources from all involved.

    Learn more about our approach to working with Indigenous peoples.

Financial Information:

  • Nature United's financial information can be found here. This includes past and present annual reports, our charitable solicitation disclosure and other documentation.

  • Our funding model is underpinned by our commitment to advancing reconciliation.

    For more information on how Nature United is funded and uses its resources, please view our most recent annual report.

Global Affiliate:

  • Nature United is the Canadian affiliate of The Nature Conservancy, the world’s largest conservation organization, with more than 3,000 staff worldwide, 600 scientists and 1-million supporters. Founded in 1951, the Conservancy has offices in all 50 U.S. states and is impacting conservation in 76 countries—protecting habitats from grasslands to coral reefs, from Australia to Zambia. The mission of the Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.

  • The Nature Conservancy's main address is:
    Worldwide Office
    The Nature Conservancy
    4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100
    Arlington, VA 22203-1606

    Main fax: 703-841-1283

    You can also contact our state and country offices.



  • Nature United, formerly TNC Canada, Charitable ID Number: 836727644 RR0001.

  • We see our generous and visionary donors as partners in achieving conservation impact. If you would like to support our mission as we grow in Canada, please contact Heidi Burgess ([email protected] or 416-238-9581). TNC Canada is a Canadian Registered Charity # 836727644 RR0001. Tax deductible charitable receipts for donations will be issued to the full extent allowed by law and TNC Canada policy.

  • If you are a US-based donor, you make you can make a secure, online donation to Nature United’s U.S. affiliate The Nature Conservancy at nature.org/canada.


  • You can join The Nature Conservancy by making a donation by mail, by phone, or online.

    366 Adelaide Street East, Suite 331
    Toronto, ON M5A 3X9
    (416) 238-9597

  • When you join Nature United, your membership will include:

    • the award-winning magazine of our global affiliate The Nature Conservancy;
    • our free, e-newsletter Field Notes;
    • regular updates about our work across Canada.
  • Yes, you can arrange a recurring donation through our third-party donation website, canadahelps.com.



  • While Nature United values relationships with all of its constituents, The Nature Conservancy does not link to web sites other than those of our formal partners.

Privacy, Legal Disclosure and Terms of use:

  • Nature United's privacy statement is linked to every page on our website.

  • This web site, natureunited.ca, is owned and operated by our global affiliate, The Nature Conservancy. Our intention is to provide an informative tool for those interested in conservation and as a means of allowing our members and the public to become more involved in our mission. We recognize that visitors to our web site may be concerned about the information that they provide to us and how we treat that information. The Nature Conservancy is committed to honoring our constituents' privacy preferences.

    To this end, Nature United supports the following principles:

    Consumer Choice
    We believe that a visitor to our web site is the one to best determine:

    • When—and under what conditions—to provide "personally identifiable information" (e.g., data that may be used to identify, contact, or locate a person)
    • When such information may be shared with other organizations
    • When to remain anonymous

    Informed Consent
    When personally identifiable information is collected, we believe that a visitor to our web site has the right to:

    • Know when we are collecting personal information
    • Know what personal information is collected, and the purpose of any such collection
    • Expect the opportunity to choose whether or not personal information will be provided to any third parties
    • Expect reasonable steps to be taken to protect personal information from unauthorized use
    • Review the accuracy of personal information and update it
  • All sensitive information (such as your credit card information), is transmitted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. SSL is a proven coding system that lets your browser automatically encrypt, or scramble, data before you send it to us. We also protect account information by placing it on a secure portion of our web site that is only accessible by certain qualified employees of our global affiliate The Nature Conservancy.

    Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can ever be 100% secure. While we strive to protect your information to the fullest extent, we cannot ensure or completely guarantee the security of such information.

    The VeriSign Secured Seal
    The globally recognized VeriSign Secured Seal (at right) allows you to learn more about the web sites that you visit before you submit any confidential information. The Nature Conservancy’s and Convio’s investment in this advanced technology ensures that the web page you are visiting is authentic, secure, and that any data or information you submit will be protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.

    Whenever you see the VeriSign Secured Seal on our web sites, you can personally verify that the web page in question is both secure and administered directly by The Nature Conservancy or Convio. You may submit personally identifiable information and/or sensitive data (such as credit card numbers) to the web site with the assurance that:

    • The web site has a VeriSign Secure Server ID
    • VeriSign has verified the organizational name and that The Nature Conservancy and/or Convio have the proof of right to use it
    • The web site legitimately runs under the auspices of The Nature Conservancy and/or Convio
    • All information sent to the web site, if in an SSL session, is encrypted, protecting against disclosure to third parties

    Learn more about the VeriSign Secured Seal Program.

  • Cookies are small files sent from a web server to your computer through your browser program. There are two types of cookies: non-persistent and persistent cookies.

    A non-persistent cookie enables a web site to temporarily keep information on your computer as you travel from one page to another on our web site. This cookie is automatically deleted from your machine when you close your browser. Because these cookies are necessary to provide some functions, failure to allow such cookies may make some of the functions on our web site unavailable to you.

    A persistent cookie is kept even when you close your browser. You can manually delete these cookies using commands specific to your browser and computer system. These cookies store information that would generally not change from session to session. They also contain information that would need to be reentered by you each time you visit the web site. For example, a common use of persistent cookies is to allow a registered web site visitor to enter the web site without having to specify their username and password.

    Our Use of Cookies
    We use cookies for various reasons. Nature United only reads information from the specific cookies that are written by our web sites. We do not use cookies to obtain information about other web sites that you may have visited. Cookies may be used to store some history about the parts of our web sites that you have visited to help you navigate our web sites more easily or to alert you to related pages on our web site that may interest you.


  • The legal disclosure and terms of use for Nature United's website, natureunited.ca can be found here.