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Firefox is no longer supported on Windows 8.1 and below.

Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

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Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

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Firefox for Android
Release Notes

Release Notes tell you what’s new in Firefox. As always, we welcome your feedback. You can also file a bug in Bugzilla or see the system requirements of this release.

128.0 Firefox for Android Release

July 9, 2024

Version 128.0, first offered to Release channel users on July 9, 2024


  • Users on Android 14+ can now create and use Passkeys in third-party Passkey management applications.


  • When suggesting a password, the "confirm password" field is now filled in as well.

  • When Android prompts for geolocation permission, selecting "approximate location" now works as intended.

  • When entering full-screen mode with an audio element playing, Firefox no longer forces the display into landscape mode.

  • When sharing a link from an app to Firefox, Firefox will no longer force the page to open back in the app if "ask before opening" is set.

  • Various security fixes.

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