Author Biographies

Lara Roosen earned an MSc in Biomedical Sciences from the KU Leuven (2023) and is currently working towards her PhD. She is pursuing her research at the Biomedical MRI Unit, Department of Imaging and Pathology at the KU Leuven . Her work in infectious diseases has resulted in a poster award at the WMIC 2023 conference. Lara's research interests includes magnetic resonance imaging, two-photon intravital microscopy, multimodal imaging, and infectious diseases of the brain.
Dries Maes earned an MSc in Biomedical Sciences from the KU Leuven (2023) during a joint project with the Charité Berlin, Institute of Neuropathology. He is currently working towards his PhD. He is persevering in his research at the Biomedical MRI group, Department of Imaging and Pathology at KU Leuven. His previous work won the WMIC 2023 best abstract and ambassadorship for Belgium award. His research interests include magnetic resonance imaging, immunohistochemistry, and infectious and neurological diseases.
Dr. Uwe Himmelreich is currently a Professor at the Department of Imaging and Pathology, KU Leuven, Belgium. He has been head of the Biomedical MRI group at KU Leuven since 2007. He has obtained his PhD from the University of Leipzig, Germany. After postdoctoral positions at the Institute for Plant Biochemistry Halle, Germany, the University of Sydney, Australia and the James Cook University Townsville, Australia, he was appointed Lecturer at the University of Sydney, Australia in 1999. From 2004 to 2007, he was a Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research Cologne, Germany. Since 2007, Dr. Himmelreich is Professor at the Faculty of Medicine , KU Leuven, Belgium. His research interests are focused on the study of disease and therapy models using in vivo imaging methods with a particular focus on the further development and optimization of magnetic resonance imaging, MR spectroscopy, molecular imaging and multimodal imaging techniques. He is particularly interested in the characterization of preclinical models in neurological, cardiovascular and infectious diseases (fungal infections).